1 mCKOUY DA1L.1 ItECOKli Hickory Daily Record PuMi.hed by the Clay Prltitiijir Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 S. II. Farabce Ei'j J. C. Miller -A?a,MPfr II. M. Miller Adv. Mjr. Chanjre in SurnatT.e:-. New York Tribune. Surnames rrov mellow with ape. Mt nnlv do thev themselves usually nnrloriro subtile changes in spelling tenanee. He shook his head siowiy i j- anu said: "Ye no se Ingles," and gave his la zy donkey the word to move on. But the Ninth mtantry sergeant o..Kiv.irj tlpoirine the address of their paper changed, will please state in their communication both ana MEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plo'nts should bo made to the Sub cription Department promptly, yuy subscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. ' : f . . . I i i i i u l and form which cansres their aistinc-1 grahptm mm uj tnc uma "u J"" tion but' the common speech from led him to the group, which they are sprung changed "Now tell us where Santa Maria, gradually, in its turn, until ofter a avenue is" he said. -name's iriginal descriptiveness is ob- "Santa Maria'two blocks, and he i otVior pases lonsr us- pointed the direction, "west, he gulp- iL'c s blur its origin. Even, when we ed when he could get his breath. come to such names as urinKwaier, xnai-o -n-,. , 2-r Doolittle and Toothache we are in-, can get any miun iauu, u UlCil IU1U L-liVJ UUlViOUHlH CJ hwv.jr SUBSCRIPTION RATES 2r I.,-; IS OIX I""""'-1, Three months n WHO IUu' , n n .......1, - .10 WHO writ them. Time has dignified these entitle ments. To realize all this one has only to contrast them with those surnames in the making by which the Indians are known. In a rec-ent sale of In- 1 --m.la in iha fiuniiirnT TJnrk rps- mtm i.wn.o w. w.v. ... rr : ervation of North Dakota there figur-;the shade oi me spnmx. lunng ed such names as Kate, Good, Cow some point of detail to his Baedeker looked at him sad-head. he said, in a voice rum.TCATTOX OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE. nu a.-.vnd-rlass matter Pep tomber 11. 1915. t the potoffice at Hickory. N. C under the act of March 3. 1879. . ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS WEDNESDAY. NOV. 15. 1916 FORWARD-LOOKING PEOPLE The Greensboro News makes th point that the Republican party cai never hope to be a factor in North Carolina politics as long a3 it takes the niggardly position that the state must not spend money for progress Like the Record, the News has fe? that the Democratic party was not nroirressive enough, and our Greens boro contemporary is convinced tha the overwhelming majority was not so much an aproval of the party' course as it was a declaration tha the people want to go forward. The Record believes that the Dero ocratic party can afford to push th state for everything both are worth North Carolinians are conservativ in some things, but show them that results are being obtained, and they are quick to push. We have seen that demonstrated. The Record hopes that the Demo crats will consider the needs of the state and address itself to them. If it costs money, nobody will complain. linn,) in foro-pt. the reference to an ntrnl nnmliaritics contained m ect on. leaving the water carrier grumbling with his donkey in very bad Spanish, just the same. Murray Knew Best Literary Digest. Grant Allen was sitting one day in Hons Have Decided in Favor of PURE-FRESH-DELICIOUS and SANITARY- MOST and Carney Two Bears her nearest ; u.uicie bookj a shejk neighbor. There the habitat of Maryi. , , ' ' , . Yellow Fat adjoined that of Melda L0 J? i 1 Tr ' 1 1 J - 11..' . ill Ul L V KWVi, Uowftost. ana ;urs. Vrazy vvaiKu g, warnl nV -Baedeker no good." shared the same secuon wun mk, 'avoA fn nnvplist. "whv Ghost Agatha Big Shield Mary Gt to Etaedetof' ' Lean Dog, Jennie Dog Man and Mary j- d his hands anJ Shave Head are all listed in the trans- , V"" y,5m wit ti, nitvir action, and so are Mrs. Did Not . Me took" Butcher, Mrs. Poster Red 1 ish andiJ t " ,1 t-imv vow lit" ICMCrtlvVIt Timj; J 1 Helen Difficult. As compared with these Thunder shield seems rather a mild and con ventional cognomen, and Morris Thundershield, heir-apparent to Long Step Tlrjndersmeld, might sign his name on an eastern hotel register without exciting undue attention. But his name is simply an exampie of the process of adjustment to fami ly use which all will undergo to some :legree in time. Mrs. Stanton GrinaT stene will serve as another instance In these two cases the primary re form has been, annarentlv. the wield- :, ,. int., tvti. with the e.ec n.iniw,, Mr TW,nttlp nH M.- ithe gain in the vote cast for Pres Whache to sign tmselvs DrinK ! Hent Wilson in Iredell oyer that Wj.toT' nd T")o T.ittle and Tooth Ach?r tour years 1 - - w . rm . oUh1jI wri f Vi rwi f nvovlnno orr-nciin' Ail.. klUULllU XlbllVUk 1V'IVIU) U.VMMU4 ood. Murray, say, 'Give the shei.-: half a crown.' Baedeker say, 'Give the j sheik a shilling.' ' ' Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, ! GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria, enriches the blood, and buiWs up the sys ten. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. HARNETT TO GET BANNER Stotesville Landmark. Mr. A. D. Watts, who is handy the election figures, finds that In a Bottle Thru a Straw. the of ago is 31 y-iu per cent. gain in the vote tor governor vote for Bickett over Craig four On ve i .... i..!i 4 j,.,vi ... nv; years ago is 24 2-10 per cent this vote Mr. Watts hoped that Ire dell would win the Democratic ban ner offered by State Chairman War-ret- for the largest gain in the Dem ocratic vote in any county over that SOLDIERS OF VERDUN "You have seen my children," rc marked a French general to a wtr correspondent at Verdun. "I say to you that the Old Guard of Napoleon Bonaparte was not so great as my army of Verdun." As great as wexe Napoleon's veterans, they could not match the courage of the French sol diers at Verdun, who saw themselves being forced back by yards, feet and inches, and then from a defending army became an attacking army and recaptured in a single night what they ;iad yielded in four months. These are the men whom the Germans de clared were "bled to death.' Yet they struck with such force that tha whole world was surprised. The soldiers of Verdun, both French and German, are brave men, but the world will crown the French as the greater heroes. Won't Speak English Kansas City Star. The Mexican, even though he be t 1 . 1 A 1 1 ' -1? nypiicnaieu wun me .vrner can cnngs f f s but it geems that ti hii tv.it 1 vu rtici'ii I h hpttor .. . ... . it , - . "V. , tithe banner win go to narnett coun .iass ox .ue.Mcans unun v w , ty where the estimated gain is 42 luilguages, jei iuv iii've nu.e muc rtcr ct,nt for any one who does not speak Span-;' The R;pubiieans aso made consid ish. 1 he poorer classes along the ,.rtb!e ilu:iease in their vote in Ire border ot ten pick up a smattering of:dell as the election returns show. Lnghsh, bat they are even more re-, 0, the De,ri0cratic vote in the state ticent nbo :t speaking it than their . Meckienburg Kave the biggest Dem oetter educated countrymen. ocratic majority but not the biggest A sergeant in the Ihird regiment. ic ,,ocratic vote. v;ke county cast whne at Laredo, was walkmg along a irore votos for Bickctt than did anv itreet with a sergeant of the Ninth ther coantv its total being 4,71. .nfantry, wh.cn has been stationed , Gu5iford Was next with 4,588 and there for -r.ore than two years. As,Mecklenb third with 4 403. they approachca a corner they were uncertain whicn way to turn. A ragged, sleepy looking water carrier; was filling hi.-i barrel from a plug at( the side of the walk. The Third reg- j giment sergeant stepped to the side; of his car and asked: ; "Which way are we from Santa ; Maria avenue?" Th-3 Mexican turned a blank coun- I Valuable Documents Are often lost through fire. Deeds, Insurance papers r;rii wills are often misplaced and cause endless trouble and expanse A Safe Deposit Box is the best security against troulle of this kind. The Vault .of the First National Bank is equipped with Safe Deposit Boxes to re.it at prices that are trifling when compared to the trouble and risk that is avoided. Ordinei-y Si;-e $2.00 per year, larger sizes a little higher. We will bt glad to show you these boxes at any time. You have your own key. No one has access to the box but you, and your affairs are absolutely private, locked in a tire and burglar proof vault. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus 5300,000.00. Four Pel Cent. Interest On Savings poundad Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. Hickory, N. C. Accounts, Com- iianoer 01 merce eat ielp You m Eiipioyneii si. The Chamber of Commerce has some inquiries for additional help at our factories. . All persons desiring employment can call at Chamber of Commerce, and we will put them in touch with the shops needing help. A. K. JOY, Secretary 1 H raiemai Directory i li ii tt BAD COLDS FROM LITTLE SNEEZES GROW CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 a:: ii.m.' tii?AM. I.n.flrl Afcii y.iir SirnjrlMt for i.viKA-t?r M itiikiiuiiMl lirnntl .iVrt it u ami (.010 metallic' r,;l 1i"cs. with liiue Ril.lion. i'l ' 11 to r;o oilier. liiir of rJ ycus k .ot. as Bet. Sate. Always RcliabK r 5'JID er DRIGG!STS FVFRVWHf 8? A WANT THEIR DEMANDS Why should the railway brothei ho ds not feel that because congress gave them the eight-hour day, no higher authority should be allowed to pass on the question. Their point of view is different from that of the public's. They were ready to strike when congress came to their rescue and now if tho courts should consid er the question on its merits, as con gress was charged with not doing, tho brotherhoods are. still ready 10 light for their demands. To them the principal ia ' the same, and they will draw no distinctions. They want an increase in wages and intend to gel it. That Beems to be the situation. And there will be lively times ahead if anything is done to block their demands. UNCOVER RASCALITY If there are any indications of the misuse of money in the presidential campaign and the administration leaders must believe there "We then a searching investigation is in order. The public, regardless 'of political anuiations, wants to see fair and square elections and an exposure, as In Ohio and Indiana a few years ago, win ao a great deal towards keep ing rascais away from the polls. We recall that members of both parties were offenders in Indiana the Demo cratic machine was, blamed most, and its leaders drew down condemnation and prison sentences. If Democrats or Republicans misused money in the presidential election, let the world know about it. TIIE REMEDY WITHOUT A RE GRET. fOR RHEUMATISM AND BLOOD DISORDERS There Is an L-Rheumo dealer in your town he will lve your money back If you are not benefited. Look for the Big L- N. B. We would prefer that you buy L-Rhumo from our regular Dealers, but if for any reason, you would rather purchase by mail, we will send L-Rheumo to you Parcels Post Prepaid, on receipt of Sl.u0 per bottle. MONBT.BACK GUARANTEE enclosed in each Carton. CHAPMAN-AIiEXAJTDER LABORATORIES, Inc. 805 Commercial Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Hickory Lodge, I No. 208, 1. 0. 0. F. 1 Brother Odd Fellows invited. Meets every Tuesday night, at 7:30 Degree work every meeting. W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Many colds that hang ter start with a sneeze, sore throat, a tight chest. You know the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King's New Discovery, with its soothing antiseptic balsams, has been breaking up colds and heal ing coughs of young and old for 47 years. Dr. King's New " Discovery loosens the phlegm, clears the head, soothes the irritated membrane and makes breathing easier. At your druggist, 50c. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Sysr The Old Standard general strengthening GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives ctr. Malaria.enriches tha blood.and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. on ail win-:agngg3gg!!g!SSll a sn.me, a gg fa m 4 F trw IS II! -1 B z;, 1 niCKory. d a a a JiiB 15 li3!Si!Eil!!!liWIi Piedmont Council I Mo. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M. Meets everv Monday evening at 7:00 P. M.- All visiting brothers cordially invited. J. W. BALLEW, Councilor M. G. CROUCH. Sec. Sec'y- Professional Cards mi! 11 11 k 13 m m m m m m m m 11 11 is 13 il II IS II il i3 The lack of ''exact change" h often a source of annoyance to the individual without a Che ;king Account. The ever handy check-boo'i is abvays convenient and makes ii unnecessary to keep money in large sums on hand for current expenses. Our officers will be glad-to explain how the check-book ad vances personal efficiency. Yours to serve at all times. ankiiff & Trust Co. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. Subsc to trie Hickory Daily Rec rd 'aiBisaiisiaiiiiiiiiM 1 Hickory Camp No. 80 1 w.o.w.' 1 g Meets every Friday night at l 3 8:00. Ail members request- g 3 ed to attend. g t Visiting Soverigns Invited. g 4 B. A. MILLER, Clerk I Hickory Lodge No. 343 I H A. F. & A. M. H tl Rrrular communicatioT? Man- il ii day evening Nov. 20, at 7:30 Brethren cordially invited to be present. J. W. SHUFORD, vV. M. . D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. If iiMHiifMiMniiiiisnufiiiiiiiniifsMiuii;;;:! ;!!!ni!Lt!i;!n;M!!::!!ij;i;!!;siiiii!!!n:!:iii::intisi:iiNt:!if L-Iiheumo is now on sale under an absolute Money back Guarantee Satisfaction, by our Distributor for Hickory, LUTZ DRUG STO of According to Colonel Watts, Har .nett county probably will receive the banner for making the biggest per centage of Democratis gains. Harnect overturned a Republican majority this time and returned to its old love. How would you like to be president with the railroad .strike, the Mexican situation and the submarine staring you in the face? issue There was little work done last week, but we can keep busy from now on until Christmas. Call for it by name: L-Rheumo. $1.00 per bottle, no more, no less. not L-Rheumo. Take no substitute. L-Rheumo is Kit is offered for any other price, it is SOUTHERN RAILWAY rREMISR CARRIER 01' THE SOUTH WEST BOUND K AST B.st 21 15 I 11 I ! lm I m em I 1 I .4:35111:08112:80, 6:62 .1:201.3 :S0 .9:201-3:231.6:05 10:45 -4:35il0:05 9:10 9:35 9:40 9:50 10:05 10:20 10 :31 10:45 11:00 11:03 The next station is thanksgiving. " ' ' T'.,c Cs'-l v,"ivo rc.'3c:l to sttstA. 2:30 2:65 8:00 8:10 3:25 8 :8 3:48 3:68 4:08 4:12 4:20 4:32111 :?0 4:40 U:2S 1:50(11 :40 4:59111:4; 5:06111:54 5:17112:05 5:231 6:30112:18 6:40112:25 5:50112:35 B :rS 6:03 6:li? 6:30 8:60 7:05 7:20 7:80 7:40 7:50 8:00 12:41 12:4S "U15 6:30' 9:30 6:55: 9:52 1 9:B7 10:07 7 ;2'i10:2fi 8:05 8 :0S 8 :2G 8:31 8:45 10:48 10:58 11:10 11:13 j 11:321 11:391 11:50, 8:5011:66 8:57 9:J0 9:15 9:2 9:35 9:45 9:50 10:00 10:16 10:30 10:48 1 :60j 11:07 2:00ll:2t) 2:li1ll:5i0 2 :20jll ;-S0 2:30 11:60 2:40 ll:6i 12:00 12:10 12:20, 12:30 12:40 12 :52 1 :02 1:15 "1750 1 :f,8: 2 :05 2:18 2:30 2:40 NKW YORK W. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. BALTIMORE. Md. WASHINGTON (ET) SALISBURV BARBER Cleveland Kim wood STATES VILLS. Eufola CatawL Claremont NEWTON Conovr Oyama HICKORY ' Hildebran Connelly Spring. Valdcae Drpxel Morjrantou Calvin G!on Alpine llridfiewater Nebo C. C. & O. Crossing MARION Grenloe Oid Fort Grnphltcville Hidecreat Black Mountain Swannanoa Azalea PTLTMORE ASHEVILLE (ST) j 86 I 12 16 ; Si i am pm pm iMn .6 :00 .1 :40 .4 :45. .3:40 11:12 .2:15 -1:14 9:Co 12:00 11:30 .7:45 10:40 11:26 7:40 11:50 2:15 11:00 7:15 11:20 1:45 10:56 7:10 1:40 7:00 1:30 10:36 6:45 10-50 1:13 6:25 1:00 10:06 6:16 12:50 6 :07 lis :40 9 :46 5 :55 10 :04 12 :2b 5 :52 9 :59 12 :2l 12 :16 9:30 5:34 9:44 12:00 6:28 9:38 11:48 9:10 6:20 9:30 11:40 5:10 9:20 11:30 8:57 6:06 9:15 11:22 8:47 4:55 I1:1S I 8:5SU.:04 8:35 4:45 8:6oll:00 4:85 8:45il0:50 4:25 8:S5!10:40 4:18 8:23;10:35 8:05 4":10 8:20 10:30 4:00 8:10 10:15 7 :45 S :C0 8 :00 10 :06 7:28 3:271 7:38 9:47 7 :15 8:15 7 :2K 9:35 7:10 3:05 7:20 9:30 2:54 7:10 0:20 6:48 2:45 7 :C0 9:10 6:38 2:35 6:52 9:00 6:30 2:26 6:46 8:60 Catawba Chapter R. A. M. NO. GO Regular meeting Monday night Nov. 13. Dr. W. B. Ramsav Dsntist Office over Shuford'a Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS OSfiee Phone 194, Residence 313-L. Cgicc- ia Masonic Building. Dr.Chas. L; Huosucker M D. ' Office over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Residence 825 15th Ave. Phr-e $2 Office 26 Hours 3 :3C-5 p. m., 7-8 p. ta. Calls answered st All Ka&ra THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of &U kinds of HA RNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. si Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO NEW ORD! Effective Aug., 1, 1916. PRICES. Chassis ----- $325 Roadster 345 Touring Car - - - - 360 F. O. B. Detroit Hickory Garage Co. jSLLIOTT building PHONE 225 Want Ads ia the Record bring Results a t J3 fa T'." ft & yn ?3i e P. ;.; cS 5 H t. '- ?J J. Gaither Bonniwel! ARCHITECT ELLIOTT BALDING HICKORY N. C. 1 X;i ffift Sale As ,LL i TRADE MARK . ECZEMA REMEDY Sold on i. euaranteG for Eczema. Tetter, Salt Rheum, and similar af fections of the skin and scalp. So only by us, 50c and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG Hickory, N. C. CO. The Quinine That Does E3ot Affect Tha Head Because of its tonic and laxative efi'tct, LAXA--T1VIS EROMO QUliJlXE isbetterthfic ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the sigretuie ot E. W. GROVE. 5c. OR. ALFRED W." GULA L. 1 si. SSPfctlJAJHST. feTO SEE BETTER &&mS 'ftflSBSv 1 I ears L. penance The Best Equipment Obtaiha'ole. Glasses Fined Exclusively If you pot !t from iXTLA. v Tcn Marcus E. Huil, D. C VCHIROPRACTOR Palmer School Graduate OFFICE HOURS 3 :30 to 5 :S0 and 7 to 8 P. M. f Consultation and Analysis Free n 1029 Thirteenth Street . - g mamwww!M'snt;it? R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. For Take with ihdi Cold and Cough San-Tox Laxative Cold Tablets, and Pine Balsam, Menthol and Eucalypus. Guaranteed to check your cold and cough. Get it at IliES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office "ON THE CORNES" -?. J J See Us for Good Printing j 4 1 - Hickory Manufacturing Company, Hickory, North Carolina. Manufacturer of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Cend us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prices 4 THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSONPrnprietor First-Class Work liuaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to First Buildin & Loan office. S QUICK SERVICE; 0 NOTICE SHORT We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindiy Cotnpazur. fhit Flow ers any tmt WHITWEtt MARTIN IT he Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance J. P. Elliott. President and Treasurci J. Worth Elliott, V.-Pn.-. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully Fine or ganization anc best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY. N.O :::::i::;.;iutmmuu4iiniiiiiiil

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