OAiLi HEiSOllD .70 Hickory Daily Record Publish by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sundaj. TELEPHONE 167 r, tt w.,oKo,. Editor I C Miller ----- Manager ii m mlr ' Adv. Mgr. II, ill. Subscribers desiring the address of their paP" changed, will in their communication both OLU nnc NEW add rest os. V. :.., ;Tipnnt delivery, com plaints h'.o. Id L made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City s ibTcribe:: JhouU cnll 16? regarding cojiplaints. iTiirTi7T'7n()N KATES $t.oo "' ta', no Six months i Ux,w nr-ith: i,,JU iltltV ... ... rm Mor.th 4" One week, 10 ' I'lJllUCATION OFFICII: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUft The Statesvilie Landmark announc es that Representative Grier'-of Ire- lell is not a candidate for speaker, but that he will support the eanui- Walter Muruhy of Rowan. v And in this decision, Mr. Gner is act ing just as we would act if we were in his place. Help us out, fellows. Those famous British -'tanks," pho tographs of which American news papers have purported to publish, hear n; rc nblanee to the real ar ticles. Llovd-Georae toM the house of commons. A self waving flag which Waves re- j J ' gardless of wind or weather has oeen. invented by engineers of the General Electric Illuminating Laboratories. We would like Webb nost or s'j'ViCtliing to for a judgeship endorse Mr or diplomatic '-.icthinir or other. We .Vould like to see him have another oU. Francis-Joseph's head is easier now ''.an V. i'li.s bve'i in 10 .odd years. Tiferpommunicatine telephones, el ectric lights, call bells tnd a complete fire alarm system are mstanea in modern farm buildings on the estate ofa wealthy Long Islander. Tpnts lie-hted bv electricity provid ed living quarters for 500 students of the State College of Texas. Entered as second class matU r So?1 tember 11, 1915, at the postotl.;.- a Hickory, N. C, under the act of J. i-v. 3, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1!H6 FITZGERALD'S FOLLY Representative Fitzgerald of New York is the sort of person who would do indirectly what he would not dare do directly, plunge this country into war with the entente allies, in order to cripple them in their war with Germany. Mr. Fitzgerald would place an embargo on foodstuffs in order to strike back at Great Uritain for the blacklist. An embargo can be justified under some conditions. If the Amen can people are suffering because of the high price of foodstuffs, then an embargo might be placed on ex ports in order to spare suffering. Un til that is the case, an embargo as u domestic policy would be disastrous to the great farming interests of the country and would bring want to mil lions of citizens who are due good prices for their products and whose irood fortune should not bo taken from them. We have no idea, however, that Fitz gerald and his crowd will be able to pass such legislation through con gress. President Wilson will oppose it with all his might and the Ameri can people, who believe in fair play, will not acquiesce- in seeing friendly powers struck in the back. There are not enough of the kind of people Fitz gerald represents to pass an embargo bill through congress. We may be sure of that, but at the same time American citizens might do well to let congress know how they feel on the question. Assuming that the United States government should pass distinctly hostile legislation aimed at a group of belligerent powers, such an act would call for counter-reprisals, and even turally war might result. In that case the necessity Fitzgerald talks about' would be nothing in comparison with the misery of the millions of workers in the factories and the loss of mil lions of dollars by the farmers. Peo ple with money would have no trouble buying bread. There would be plen ty of it. Fitzgerald and the fellows who fol low his reasoning complain bitterly at the Uritish censorship of mails, but applaud when a German submarine sends a passenger steamer with crew and mail to the bottom of the ocean; complain about the interruption of ojr commerce, but offer no protests at tho murder of our citizens. They would strike an underhanded lick at a friendly government, and they would risk bringing down on tho people of the United States an unj'is tiftble war in the eyes of all fair minded men. Wo have no idea that any consid erable membership of either the house or senate will stand by Fitzgerald in his mad folly, but those people who in tho past have been so anxious to keep the United States out of war soon will have a chance to forward petitions to Washington. . FRANCIS-JOSEI'II Just why ordinary human beings want to bo kings, czars and emper ors is difficult to comprehend, especial ly emperor of Austria-Hungary. Francis-Joseph, who has just died if tcr reigning G8 years, has had a cup overflowing with bitterness as his portion of life. His end came in th midst of the most destructive war or all time, caused by the assassination of the heir to his throne and his haste in avenging the murder. Very few people envy the lot of an emperor. This is little reason to believe that the death of this monarch will change the attitude of Austria-Hungary "to the war. The death of Francis Joseph before the war began was ex pected to cause the Hungarians and Magyars to seek independence and a disruption of tho empire was freely predicted. Auatrians and Hunga rians are bound together in a life and death struggle now, however, and any dismemberment that will come most likely will follow the close of the war. CHIEFS MEET JX ROCKY MOUNT (Cy Associated Press) , .v,cky Mount, N. C, Nov. 23. Chiefs of fire departments of thirty ,'oi I h Cuiolina dues and towns were hero today for an important business mcotin?. The session was executive and closed to tho public but one of the matters under discussion was said to be a proposed change in the per sonnel of the ollicers of the State Firemen's Association. Needed legisla tion also was said to be one of the subjects under consideration. Several entertainment features were arranged for the visitors. They were the guests oi honor at a bar becue at noon and tonight a Dutch supper at the Elks Club was to con cluda the meeting. The formal open ing of Rocky Mount's new $15,000 iiremen's club and department head quarters and the testing of a new piece of motor apparatus a triple unit pumper, chemical engine and hose wagon just received, were other fea tures of the meeting. LISTEN! Every particular person is taking sanitation. Doctors have waged war on Filth, Elies, Musquot erms. Unsanitary ways have been the cause. We have for years prevented the cause by bottling and all The Mansions of the Rich New York Sun. The old woman who lived in a shoe boasted. "It is the most, expensive sort of dwelling," she said. SPECIAL TRAIN TO RICHMONp VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Annual Football game Between Uni versity of North Carolina and Univer sity of Virginia, Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November JJOth, 1916. The Southern Railway will operate special train consisting of first class day coaches and Standard Pullman sleeping cars, leaving Charlotte at 8:45 P. m. Wednesday, November 29 loir, arrivine Hull Street Station, Richmond, Thanksgiving morning at 7:35. Returning, special train will Richmond. Hull street station at K:30 p; m., November 30th. .following round t."p fares will ap ply from stations named: Charlotte $5'. Gastonia -- -- $5.:'o Concord 4-r0 Taylorsville 5.25 Greensboro 3.00 Marion i 5-50 Morganton 5-50 TlTfTTORY 5.50 Salisbury 4-00 , Statesvilie 4-50 Fares from all intermediate sections in s?imfi low basis. Passengers from branch line points will use regular trains to and from main line junction points con ntoimr with the special train. This is the last opportunity of the season to visit Richmond and its many attractions at low cost, in addition ir. tt.n(limr the annual foot ball game which is the biggest one played .lnrino- the season. Pullman reservations must be made in advance. For further information and Pull man reservations 'ask any agent of the Southern Railway, or write R. H. DeBUTTS, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. IN SANITARY BOTTLES 1st. Cheniicrfly cleaned. 2nd. Boiled. 3rd. Rinsed. 4th. Washed with brush. 5th Rinsed. 6th Inspected. 7th Filled with Coca-Cola. 8th. Final inspection. Be safe. COCA-COLA, first-last and always. Phone Us Your Order. Angel Food Cake, Devil Cake, Layer Cake, Pound Cake, Raisin Cake, Scotch Cooki es, Lemon Snaps, Cup Cakes, and Bread, Cakes and Pies. City Steam Bakery. WE DELIVER. PHONE 235. 3 kit f The American people are destined to have plenty of excitement dur ing the coming session of congress, what with the Mexican question, the submarine issue and the efforts of cer tain influences to plunge the country into war with the allies. r THE REMEDY WITHOUT A RE GRET. fOR RHEUMATISM AND BLOOD DISORDERS There la an L-Rheumo dealer in your town he will give your money back If you are not benefited. Look for the Big L N. B. "Wo would prefer that you buy L-Rhumo from our regular Dealers, but If for any reason, you would rather purchase by mall, we will send L-Rheumo to you Parcels Post Prepaid, on receipt of $1.00 per bottle. 'MONEY.BACK. GUARANTEE enclosed In each Carton. CHAPMAN-AIiEXANDER LABORATORIES, Inc. 805 Commercial Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. r ' l X Valuable Documents Are often lost through fire. Deeds, Insurance papers and wills are often misplaced and cause endless trouble and expense. A Safe Deposit Box is the best security against trouble of this k'nl. The Vault "of the First National Bank is equipped with Safe Deposit Boxes to rent at prices that are trifling when compared to the trouble and risk that. is avoided. Ordinary si?e $2.00 per year, larger sizes a little higher. We will be glad to show you these boxes at any tirr.c. You have your own key. No one has access to the box but you, . and your affairs are absolutely private, locked in a lire and burglar proof vault. ATIONAL BANK FIRST N Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Mouey to Loan at All Times, Hickory, N. C. Accounts, Com- Green bananas are ripened by el ectric heaters in fruit warehouses. Small portable electric generating plants are used tO( supply electric lighst to the German troops in the trenches. CHICi IAHONB liRAM. PILLS I.ti!ivft I AU your Erui?flst for , iti-t'iit-H-tiT s J'lnmonu IS rand I'llU in lied and lit! ! metailicN hnxes, sealct vita 1 ::e jiUon. i.ti c r- ;'n lr i-V Of .III' Wi:t:-i.i. As, fr-r 2 W-O HATER'S mAM4ift !?;iNi PILLrV.br 25 years kiuwu as Best, balest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DSUGGiSTS EVERYWHERE r. Fraternal Directory BAD COLDS FROM LITTLE SNEEZES GROW Many colds that hang on all win ter start with a sneeze, a sniffle, a sore throat, a tight chest. You..know the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King's New Discovery, with its soothing antiseptic balsams, has been breaking up -colds and heal ing coughs of young and old for 47 years. Dr. King's New Discovery loosens Hie phlegm, clears the head, soothes the irritated membrane and gj makes breathing easier. ax your g druggist, 50c. . gj sa m B m a m m m m m Exact mange 1 si a a B H B H B B B B annoyance to '!ni:m'!lllll!!ll!:ii:i!:;!ll!!:!l!;!l!!:ll!!!l!l:!llll!!i:il!lll!!!i:'! Jliiiiimiiuuitiii Hickory Lodge, No. 208, 1. 0. 0. F. Brother Odd Fellows invited. Meets every Tuesday night, at 7:30 Degree work every meeting. W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. S ii:!!!:!iS!!!!l!l!!!ii:i!!lii::i!:a Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Sysr The Old Standard general strengthening ' c ci , GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives w Malaria.enriches the blood.and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U. A. M. Professional Cards ei is m m The lack of ''exact change" is ofton a source the individual without a Checking Account. The ever handy check-book is always convenient and makes it unnecessary to keep money in large sums on hand for current expenses. Our officers will be glad- to explain how the check-book ad vances personal efficiency. Yours to serve at all times. lickory Banking & Trust Co. B B B B B B B B U a Meets everv Morday evening at 7:30 P. M.. All vising brothers cordially invited ! J. W. BALLEW, Councilor M. G. CROUCH, Rec. Sec'y. i XX - Dr. W. B. Ramsay fjj Dentist 8; Offk-p over Shuford's Drug Store. ? j m - 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. Subsc jo- co Lie Hickory Daih Rec rd 1 Hickory Camp No. 80 I 1 w. o. w. I Meets every Friday night at t I 8:00. All memberu request 1 ed to attend. Visiting Soverigns Invited. B. A. MILLER. Clerk Drs. Hicks & FORD! DENTISTS ; I'M, faidice 'vl. j NEW Effective Aug., 1, 1916. Chassis - - - -Roadster -Touring Car F. O. B. Detroit PRICES. $325 345 - 360 ' T '5 iDrXtes. L Kunsucker M D. II Offiw? "t?t Rhufnrd' J?r?i; Store HICKORY. N. C. rtickory parage Co. " txtu Hickory Lodge No. 343 lvc..idu.:cv 825 lhth Ave. Office 2( Phone 92 Hours 3:30-C p. ex., 7-- p. t... Calls ansswpi-ed st All F.rsyrg A. F. & A. M. til R.-2rular communicatioT? Ioi- H day evening Nov. 20, at 7:30 Tl K fORY HARNlW CO T A.1 ...111 i . ijretni-en coraiaiiy invitea to be j ; present. j o. y . cxi j r vv . m. j ELLIOTT BUILDING ip'liina PKONE 22f Want Ads in the Record bring Results D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. 8: L-Rheunio is now on sale under an absolute Money back Guarantee of Satisfaction, by .our Distributor for Hickory, LUTZ DRUG STORE Call for it by name: L-Rheumo. Take no substitute. .L-Rheumo is $1.00 per bottle, no more, no less. If it is offered for any other price, it is not L-Rheumo. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH WEST BOUND 21 11 16 86 am pm am am 4:86 11:08 12:80 6:62 .1:20 .8 :S0 9 :20 -8:28 -6:06 10 :46 .4 :36 10 :06 2:30 9:10 6:80 9:80 2:66 9:86 6:66: 9:6S 8:00 9:40 9:67 8:10 9:60 s. 10:07 8:26 10:06 7:24 10:26 8:88 10:20 3:48 10:81 10:48 8:68ll0:46 10:58 4:08111:00 8:06 11:10 4:12 11:03 8:08 11:13 4:20 4:82 11:20 8:26 11:82 4:40 11:28 8:81 11:39 4:60 11:40 8:46 11:60 4:69 11:47 8:60 11:66 6:06 11:61 8:67 12:00 6:17 12:06 9:10 12:10 6:28 9:16 6:30 12:16 9:22 12:20 6 :40 12 :25 9 :85 12 :80 6:60 12:86 9:46 12:40 6:6H12:41 9:60 6:05 12 :4S 10:00 12:62 6:16 10:15 1:02 6:80 1:15 10:30 1:16 6:60 10:48 7 :06 1 :50 11 :07 1 :50 7 :20 2 :00 11 :20 1 :58 7:80 2:10 11:80 2:08 7:40 2:20 11:40 2:18 7:60 2:30 11:60 2:80 8:00 2:4011:69 2:40 NEW YORK W. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. BALTIMORE. Md. WASHINGTON (ET) SALISBURY BARBER Cleveland Elmwood STATES V ILLE Eufola Catawba ClremoTt NEWTON Conovjr Oyarna HICKORY Hildebran Connelly Spring Valdeae Drexel MorKanton Calvin Glen Alpine Bridftewater Nebo C. C. A O. Crossing MARION GrenJee Old Kort Graphlteville RidgecreBt Black Mountain Swannanoa Aialea BILTMORE ASHEVILLE (ET) EAST But 'Ml I 86 12 16 SI am pm pm n .6 :00 .1 :40 .4 :45 -8:40 11:12.2:16 -1 :14 .9 :06 12 .00 11 :30 7 :45 10 :40 11 :26 7 :40 11 :60 2 :16 11 :00 7 :16 11 :21 1 :45- 10:85 7:10 1:40 1 :00 1 :80 10:85 :4f 10-50 1:16 6 :25 1 :00 10:0& S:15 1! ;63 6 :07 Vt :40 9:4C 6:55 10:01 12 :2h 5 :62 9 :69 12 :2i 12:15 9:80 .6:34 9:44 12:00 6:28 9:38 11:43 9:10 6:20 9:30 11:40 5:10 9:20111:30 8:67 5:05 9:15111:22 8:47 4:55 9.16:11:12 ' 8:68ll.:04 8:35 4:45 8:66jll:00 4:36 8:45110:50 4:26 8:35110:40 4:18 8:28110:85 8:05 4:10 8:20 10:30 4:00 8:10 10:15 7:45 8:50 8:00 10:06 7:28 8:27 7:38 9:47 7:15 8:16 7:25 9:86 7:10 8:06 7:20 9:30 2:64 7:10 9:20 6:48 2:45 7:00 9:10 6:38 2:36 6:62 9:00 6:80 2:25 6:46 8:60 g - Catawba Chapter j R. A. M. NO. 60 j Regular meeting Monday night H I Nov. 13. " 1 iTT... ;. Manufacturers of alJ kir.tls of HARNESS, BRIDLES. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Rv; airing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. Dr. Glenn UENTIS'f (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER KUSY' BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO Do Not Forget To take home a nice box of Jacob's Candies. Your wife will appreciate it. There's None Better. GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 "ON Opposite Post Office THE CORNER" Am a T. 4 v. v J. Gaither Bonniweli ARCHITECT ELLIOTT BALDING. -HICKORY N. C. The Woniaa's SALE AT aLL OnUSGJST I lis 1 1 ' . S v See Us for Good Printing - J 1 llsXE3QE3 TRADE MARK ECZEMA REMEDY Sold on i. guarantee for . Eczema, letter, Salt Rheum, and similar af fections of the skin and scalp. So'd omy by us, 50c-and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG CO. Hickory, N. C. The Qulnina That Coas Hot Affect The Head Because ot lfrj tonic unci lr,x;Mve "ff'-ct IA'A TiVR BROMO OUlNlNEisbettertl-norfnary Uuinine and does cot cr.use nf"Tcv.Eiss nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the sisjratute cf F. v riOvi 25c OR. ALFRED h MUi TO SEE BETTER 'WmsP 1 7 Year s Exneri.or- The Best Equipment Obtranaale. Glasses Fit led Exxlusiveh MARTIM BLOCK, UKCn, K f . If you trot it from 1TTA. It's '' Yi-v v . 'cn ijAn,u l-ua dt es. ti m m wm m m I Marcus L Hiill, D. I. tmiturjKAUWJ Palmer School Graduate OFFICE HOURS 3:30 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 P. M. it Consultation and Analysis Free ;S 1029 Thirteenth Street i :: i i j ; n ; 1 1 ; t :: ? :;::; 1 1 1 r r t R. W.Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. Hickory Manufacturing Company, s Hickory, North Carolina. a Manufacturer of 2 SA3H, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Send us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prices mttninn:tKtntntffln:tn;n::mmnnm::t:i:i:;88sss;s; THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Clas3 Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to Fir?t Buildin & Loan office. 3 The Hickory Daily Record a Year in Advance QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow ers any tm WlilTNER t MARTIN - J. D. Elliott. President and Treasurei J. Worth Elliott, V.-Prw. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully. e or gamzation ano best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY. N.O F

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