CORD VOK. II. NO. 78 HICKORY, N. C. WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 29, 1916 Price Two Cents ickory Daily ANOmfcR INJUNCTION IN TENTH DISTRICT AFFAIR Britt's Attorney Secures Restraining Order From Judge Carter at Salisbury and Proceeds to Raleigh, Where He Will Appear Before Judge Bond Friday. SOME EGGS HIT FINAL FOOTBALL BY BOYCOTT GAMES EN IN EAST SOOTH i I'.y Associated Press.) SMidwry, Nov. -JD. Thomas Settle' f Afthcvillo. attorney for Con- Ulltll lUSH'tCl euvwon l-imiwi vuav, .ippcarcd before- Judge Frank Carter Uiiwan county superior court to ,! iy ami secured a temporary injunc tion and restraining order againat t ic state board of canvassers, the . Tktary of state and the coventor prevent action being taken !1 t!u election returns from Bun- ombe county until the courts pass vn them. ThN is returnable before Judge W. M. Bond at Raleigh on Friday De irmher 1. when a permanent injunc tion will be sought. Immediately afccr securing the temporary for Ualcigh. WATERWORKS TO BE IMPROVED SHORTLY i FUEL 'City council Tuesday night practi cally decided to overhaul the water works with the expectation of in creasing the supply and reducing the cost of production, and engineers injunction Mr. Settle left lve ben employed to work out the j plans. This matter has been under contemplation for a long time, was j considered by the last board, but action was deferred pending the set tlement of other questions of impor tance. Council received a letter from Mr. J. J. Willard in behalf of himself and other Ken worth citizens requesting lights and it was decided to give that pretty suburb all the lights it need ed. The other business before the board was of routine nature. (By Associated Press) (By Associated tress) (New York, Nov. 29. The price of Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 29. ihe soutn- cold storage eggs wholesale was one em football season cioses wn.ur.uw morning wnen me egg ooycoii oegan. haye been features almost from the Eggs sold 34 to 38 cents a dozen, ac- time tne game, has been played. cording to grade. The price of Two games will have a direct bear- fresh eggs showed no change from ing on thci southern championship yesterday. Some of the wholesale and prospects appeared good for both dealers asserted that the boycott will " jr" .1 play into the hands of foreign buy- ordg, ,other annuai battles include ers. They said exporters were on- Virginia vs. North Carolina at Rich ly waiting for the price to drop, jmond; Vanderbilt vs. Sewanee at The Housewives League today con- Nashville: Georgia vs. Alabama at tinued active missionary work to Birmingham; Mississippi vs. Missis discourage the use of eggs. One sipi at Jackson and Washington and method was an endless chain of tele- Lee vs. North Carolina A. and M. at phone calls. One woman called 25 Raleieh. nn r: i - i a j i . call 25 of her friends soliciting them I iu tm kaii. THANM m 11111311 luUl I s i lJ: i;i HICKORY TO BE QUIET ' RUMANIA'S SITUATION SEEMS MORE CRITICAL A canvass of the bier mablic market showed that almost every item of the Thanksgiving dinner will cost more than last year. SELECTING MPROVEMENT EASTERN CAAOLNA (By Associated Press.) !: i ky Mount. .Nov. there has en a" decidedly more hopeful t'irn the fuel situation throuhgout this , ;;on with'n the last two week.-, ac- r liriy ti manufacturers here. A ii;a! solution by the railroads if . ear shortage problem coupled with ehaitee of policy on the part of eeil companies in supplv.rg do . .tie needs first and curtailing for !! shipments is held responsible r the improvement in conditions. lfacturing concerns report that t );.".' now are receiving shipments ot, (. , . 1 1 for their immediate needs and! thev are promised early deliveries' t i i i to replenish depicted siocks AUSTRIAN BOAT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS AJ TO TRY Y EPSTFIN OR. DEW IN HICKORY !: M; HOLD UNION SERVC E .Dr. and Mrs. D. II. here today on No. 11. Dew arrived They have (B)y Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 29. Latest dis patches to the state department say the submarine which sunk the Amer ican steamer Chemung on November 26 flew the Austrian flag and that the vessel was both shelled and torpedoed. They repeat there was no loss of life and that the crew was given a chance to escape. (By Associated Press,) Goldsboro, Nov. 29. 250 venire men were summoned from which to select a jury in the trial of Hyman Epstein in "Wayne superioir court to day. Spstein is charged with the murder of Leonard Edwards last spring. t The first trial of Epstein about three months ago resulted in a.mis- ' trial because of the failure of the iury to agree on a verdict. Only 66 men of a special venire of 200 was examined before the jury was drawn before the first trial, but because has been so much interest in the case it is believed the . special ver.ire will be exhausted. - Thanksgiving in Hickory judg ing from the weather today, will be more or less disagreeable if the elements have anything to Co with the wav in which one observes the dav. iServices arc announced for the various churches, the banks wdi be closed, the postoflice will observe holiday hours, and the store.; .in Merchants' Association will' be do for the day. Quite a number of persons had planned to go hunting tomorrow, but the hard rain of Tuesday night, un less, it should be followed by fair, warm weather, will cause the ground to be so soggy that walking will be bad and very few sportsmen will ven ture forth. Only a few will go from here to attend the football games, though the interest in the Carolina-Virgin; a. contest at Richmond is as "keen as in former years and the usual num ber will follow the game as reports simmer in through the Wiestern Union in the afternoon. BAPTIST SC Germans Sweeping Ahead in Fnveloping Move ment Russians Make Gains in Carpathians and Serbians, French and Italians Progress in Balkans. !3 5 it it 3 lis IS i 1 I U & OF g tun IMS I A GERMAN PRINCE ' in ! HICKORY (By Associated Press.) The Hague, Netherlands, Nov. 29. Only two lives, those of the reign ing queen and of her severt-year-old daughter, Princess Juliana, bar the way in the natural order of things to the accession of the throne of the Netherlands of a German prince. It is true that, so far as health and age are concerned, those lives may be described as "first class," but the potential slenderness . of the thread i was illustrated, not long, ago m tne Hague woods, where the royal au- tomobile carrying Queen Wtflnelmina and the little Princess was the vic tim of a collision that might under i less fortunate circumstances have cost the lives of both. This question of the succession gave Dutchmen some concern before the ' war, and much more now. Several Fu. l ;ir ilers who three weeks ago ' just closP(I a t meeting in HiKn .i.-. i there was not enough coal n . .... ., . ... . ... last a month if a severs' rint- Uhile in this city, they will I of fold weather set in now state "top with Mr. and Mrs. J. Worth El- 'v.t thev have normal supplies. The liott. Dr. Pew will preach his first ser mon tonight. Tomorrow at 11 a. m. he will preach to the Methodist anu tiaptisi congregations, me ser mon to be in the Plnptist church. Everybody is cordially invited to these sermons and others to follow. PROVING CHARACTER it.."' of to'il here has increased as in "tlur sections of the country. An t iM. ite is quoted at $10 per ton and Kfutnmo'js coal at Of THOS. E. WATSON CHIHUAHUA CITY IS UNKNOWN AS YET $8. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE (fly Associated. Press) (By Associated Press.) Augusta, Ga.. Nov. 29. Thomas Juarez, imov. za. ikying nuui",- E. Watson's character as a writer ed stories that General Conzales last and his general character as a man night officially announced ill El Paso were allowed to be put before iheLi. n pwotmo Vil- jury in rederal district court which , a is trvinc him on chrirM nf havi ia, arraia uu-caia sent obscene matter through the zales was in Daguna last night and mails.' would not return until late today. As a writer the Thompson man's They addod that nothing definite had character is exceptionally good and , , , . t r-v.: aa o ! ,-o ,jf been learned as to the fate of Chi- Barnes, former postmaster of huahua ity. ThomDSOn. As the character wit A : ITickorv will have an ODDortunitvlnessea hpcan tn toatif .:rin. !"r,,re,s at the same, explain- Thanksgiving night of seeing a spicy their evidence could' be : given today , ihe "lcTkory. "fl""00! f T" ir:u' tii- i.icti'.rw on the screen. At the1 basketball game when the Hickory and Judge Lambin. it was said would Pla the Lenoir College girls baskc PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, LOCAL HIGHS READY FOR SPENCER TEAM Ucv. J. (. Carth will give a lecture' t .ti : t rli t nt prayer meeting entitled, "Thf I'i' imer's Dream," illustrated' with piif ires by the stereopticon,' t -l I i s-jt the story of Dunyon's Pil-! if the lecture an illustrated high school quint will meet the strong! hold court tnmnrrnw - i i u. "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, will spencer high school quint in , the ar tie t.irown on the screen. An orter-,mory at :15 o clock. iny will )n taken to defray the ex-i The ITickorv bovs have been play- k n-e ( r the pictures. ; ing good oasket ball this year, hav Thf Thanksgiving service and an-; ing played four games and coming ri'ial otTerintr for the Darium Springs' off victorious in three. The admis- "rphanage will be held at 11 a. m., in- sion price, to defray expenses of the r"wi (,r in a. m.. as announced las Sa!lmth. viairinv n hivora unll hn 1 ( A. 1 ...'r. ,'.1..., "in iv iui ail school children and 15c fro adults. TRABUE ACQUITTED OF STOKES' MURDER ball team tomorrow night at the ar mory. The boys will play the Spen cer team, thus making a double header for the evening. well 6 known public men have drawn The committees of three Baptist public attention to the matter in the associations,- Caldwell, Catawba River ast f ew days, and what looks like a and South Fork, met here Tuesday strong agitation, enjoying widespread to discuss, the advisability cf con- svmpathy, has been started for a re- solidating and building up a first- vision of the Constitution declarinel class .denominational school some- null and void all potential rights of mav have been the result, of t.hp rp- (By Associated Press.) The situation of the Rumanian ar mies defending Bucharest appears to be more critical. Only to the northwest of the cap ital do the Rumanian armies appear to be holding firmly, but even here the capture of Curtea de Arges on the Argechu river, abnough " that point is 80 miles distant from Buch arest, seems la indicate a weakening of the resistance. On the south west the peril is imminent, with the enveloping forces within forty miles of the capital. jNews dispatches report the Ru manian government officials leaving Bucharest for Jassy, 200 miles north east of the capital, toward.? the Rus sian border. That the retreat of the Rumanians is a precipitate one is indicated by the German official statement today which announces a retirement of the Rumanian forces all along the Wallachian frontier. Possibly as a diversion in ai l of the Rumanians, the Russians have taken the offensive in the Carpath ians. Petrograd reports the attacks there netted them several ridges. Ber lin declares that Russian attacks de livered at many places along the Carpathian and western Moldavian fronts resulted only in local success es. With the exception of the Ruma nian front none is more. active than the Macedonian front. Whatever where within the bounds of 'these succession of foreign princes, leaving! Associations. the choice of a new sovereign, in The general consensus of opinion such an unhoped-for and unexpected was that such a school was needed, circumstance as the failure of all di- and could be made a grand success, rect heirs to the throne, entirely to the state and town high schools, not- the' States General or Parliament of witstanding. With this view, a the ". country. For every Dutchman, sub-committee of three fronueach -as- practically without exception, what- sociation was appointed to receive ever be his sympathies in the present! bids from different localities and. re- wav, would regard the accession ofj port the same to the general com- a German prince as a calamity, threat-! mittee in a meeting called for the pur- ening the so dearly-cherished ,.inde- nnco T,1t ciih.pnynmiffc'iio ic a a -f r.1 Tta'nilf of thf nation. I lows: ....... - ; . ! In the House of Orange, Holland tne Dena OI tfte stream west ot Mon- ,For South' Fork j Osborfie Kce'n, .js blessed, "with a dynasty boundto I astir. Meanwhile the Italians have W. C. Barrett and T. J. Ramseur. j Ho' and ancn?;olland alone by-rOKii 1 For Caldwell I. W. Thomas. Vic- stron-v-ties. that no one at home or cent fighting there, about which con flicting statements have been made, the allied ''armies do not appear to have lessened their activity. Paris today announces an impor tant advance by the Serbians in which two heights were captured, one east of the Cerna river, where an effort evidently is being made to bring the line up to a level of tor Efeach and Js W. Swanson., ab For Catawba River-r-R; B. Moore,1 th H. S. Hsnfield and C. S. Berry. ,Cr All the associations were well rep resented here vesterdav. These as- he sociations have a membership of at least 15 000, and are financially able to maintain " a school . second; to .: no local high school in the. state, and any community will be fortunate in securing it. r ibevcrni localities nave indicated a bid fc it, r North Catawbt and Lenoir. From what wo conld gather, some definite yr-" pri'v folic S? nd would . dream of suggesting the council chambers of the "i "ra accessible to other than " Pitch interests. But if that - wfe left without living issue, t- t claimants to the throne A fo'.-nd among the collateral 'e--- l o ises of Saxe-Weiman-Reuss i or accompanied by those of " Mainingeri Hohenzjollern, an- made progress in their campaign and Paris announces an advance for the French. ctrer branch of Reuss-Kostritz, Sch-le-: wigl ELolptein. Norway, Schcum- ' v " v v 11 " , T rt 1 1 TIT ' 1 ng-ing from Gastonia to W'-rv-L-iPPe, ftweaen ana waea one ana fii equany loreijn io me j.Nein erlands. Provnr.or- J. A. Van Hamel, a dis- CVV 11 WI4 i' iaM'"J IU U Will ( 'T b.1 . Cil 111 i f if i 1 11 the nexf lev months. The Record tmuned authority on aw declares nee. ,tc in ne Ar sieruainei : iiiis rauie oi IIXXX3 Three Governars to Speak to State Teachers, Assembly Which is on in Raleigh . i 1 ' A . .I 1 i , (i;y Associated i ress.j iniun me grauuates wno nave ar- Haleigh, N. C. Nov. 2U. witn two ranged for these are those of the governors, one elect and several not- Greensboro College for Women; Uni- addresses,1 versity of North Carolina: Oxford: .i, ,, ..n,,oi or more teach- Trinity; Elon, Meredith, State Nor ths fifteen hundred or more teacn mal and Industpial. Wake pre8t and ers nere tor me opemnn - worth Carolina Agricuj) ural and, night of the thirty-third annual mce-.- Mechanical Colleges; St. Mary's MARKETS wishes them much success in this very praise-worthy undertaking. TEXAS QUARANTINES T CHICAGO HAS PLENTY E HIGH R ED S :::: :mi iMuuuuuuiixm COTTON FUTURES (By Associated Press) nw Vork. Nov. 29. The cotton irg of the North Carolina Teacners Assembly anticipated one of the most successful meetings in the his tory of the organization. Governor .Martin G. Brumbaugh of Pennsylva nia, Governor Locke Craig and Gov-irnor-elect Thomas W. Bickett of North Carolina, are to speak Friday night. An address by Dr. W. C. Il.igley of the University of Illinois was on tonight's program and ,Dr T. IT. I'.riggs of Columbia University and Dr. I). Y. Dykema of the Uni versity of Wisconsin, are expected to speak Thursday evening. The con cluding session will bo held Friday night. A reception tonight at the gover nor's masion, under the auspices of Ihe Woman's Club and the Chamber of Commerce, is expected to feature ' he many events arranged for the entertainment of the visitors. Many also will attend the football game hetwecn Washington and Lire Univr Mty ami the North Carolina Agricul tural and Mechanical College to morrow, and because of thi3 there will h no afternoon session of the assembly Thursday. , 'Ihe alumnae and alumni asioc'a 'i"M banquets Friday night te twoon six and eight o'clock were be- School; Peace Institute; "East Caro lina Teacher's Training School and Peabody Teacher's College. At the opening session tonight the. visitors will be welcomed by Profess or W. C (By Associated Press.) iNashville, Tenn., Nov. .29. Charles Trabue, who has been on trial here since October 31 charged with the murder of Harry Stokes, was acriuit county criminal court todav. The marki 'had a somewhat irregular court room was crowded when thel first Drices being verdict was rendered, but there mn.roKnn tnree pouiL - r er after yesterday's steady nquiaa- tion and prices soon advanced. Janu ary and May advanced to 23 to 24 points above last night's closing ng- ures. The market closed steady. Open December 20.20 January 20.35 March -- Mav - 20.75 July 20.76 GREEK COUNCIL WILL SUPPORT THE KING (By Associated Press) London, Nov. 29. The Greek crown council has voted to support Riddick, president of the I the government in opposing the al Close 20.23 20.39 20.60 20.82 20.80 HICKORY MARIvETS North Carolina Agricultual and Me- liea' HmnnH fnr fno aurrnnHor nf chanical College. The response byl , ... ,j- . lXiif.h Reuter from Athen un- ley, of the University of Illinois. The aer yesterdays date. reception at the Governors Mansion Will take place later in the evening A Thanksgiving service with a ser mon by Dr. A. A. McGeachy, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, of Charlotte, will be held at noon to morrow. The evening program in dudes the annual address of the pres ident of the Assembly, Robert H Wright of Greenville, president of the East Carolina Teacher's Training School, land addresses Iby Dr. IJriggs of Columbia University and 20C Wheat 1-'u CHICAGO WHEAT BRITISH REPULSED IN FIGHT NEAR LENS IN DISEASE game interests v.ith German royal relations nn vnvo'cn i Virnnps mut. tpnrh lis t.nst smrdl powe -s should beware if they dc not desire to see, in their high est government circles, foreign aims that might be pernicious to them put in nlacc of their national interests. Is the fact sufficiently reckoned, with that, according to the present con stitutional regulation of the succes- sion to the throne, the successive i princes called to the throne after j Princess Juliana are of German fam ilies, mostly officers in the German army, naturally all attached heart and soul and bound to the German policv, Monarchical coupling of this country to another, bv a prince who cold hardly be anything but an im pprial nrince-envoy, and who might be admonished from abroad to bear ihimself ''like a good German' of whom moreover, nothing is known here save that he has not the slightest relations .with this country, would be a verv ; serious matter for the coming times." j As regards the exact form that the proposed constitutional revision should take. Prof. D. P. D. Fabius, ' yet another writer on the subject, ar .gues in favor of simply putting all : possible claimants besides Princess Juliana out of court, of binding tne (Bj- Associated Press) . country in no way to any house or Berlin, via London, Nov. 29. The person outside the off-spring of Wil German foreign office has asked the helmina, and thus in case of the ne , . . , , cessity occurring leaving the States American embassy for further details Gener'al- an unquestionably free as to the place and sinking of the choice in "the matter. On the other fRv Associated Prees.) Fort Worth, Nov. 29. Texas was closed todr.y to all live stock imports from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Illinois. This embargo went into effect this morning upon order of the livestock association and will remain in force until the foot and mouth dis ease is eradicateds (By Associated Press.) Chicago. Nov. 29. State, city and federal officers together with num bers of sivic, women's and other or ganizations cooperating, continued their investigation today into ihe high cost of living. With the campaign centering on eggs it was announced that municip al inspectors had discovered in stor age about 800,000 eggs of question able quality, which were tagged and marked for examination by the city chemists, while more than 2.000,000 eggs were found in six cold storage houses awaiting an increase in price. In addition the government found 36, 000,000 eggs in another warehouse, the owner of which was not learned. MAL YOUR PACKAGES BERLIN ASKS OR SOME INFORMATION British steamer Marina. (By Associated Press) Oiipae-o. Nov. 29. Wheat prices toHav showed decided power to rally . . . . . , j. rinomncr nnpfis. whicn raneea iroi.l I . - , ton rents decline to 1 -a cents aa vance with December at 1.7t and Mav nt. 1.76 1-4. were fllowed by a reaction and then an upturn to well. above yesterday s finish. miMMinntnimiMMiinnitttmrmmmtm ARTILLERY ACTIVE ONSfiMM FRONT on (By Associated Press.) merlin, via Sawille. Nov. 29.- Dr. Dykema, of the University of British troops attacking near Gavin- tation of the Shirley Cup. given for chy, southwest of Lens, last the best musical composition by a .were repulsed, the North Carolinian from year to year, nounced.- will be a feature. ' j , , The annual business meeting and el- Myron Whitener of ccuon.pi outers wiii mwuiiKe fin . f. i WlvWv. night office an- Lenoir variable winds. day afternoon and addresses by Gov- spent .4. t:i- w;ti fAQfi,rA For the promotion of Christian u : tr .,;.v.. urnrk anion? school children, the tried- "."Vr1"1"" rs nt Councfl has presented a bible Maximum teachers will hold sessions during the to evPrv school distnct Catawba I Mimm THE WEATHER mmmtiiuiuimgttKKttamma For North Carolina: Local rains this afternoon and tonight. Thusday partly cloudy and colder; moderate, COMPARATIVE WEATHER (Nov. 28 1916 53 133 T4 1915 65 43 hand, rofessor H. Louis Israels, a well known publicist, wants to take a cue from the American constitu tion, which itself borrowed so much from Dutch political law, in its pre scription that only a born American can be elected head of the state. He would have the rule laid down that only those who were born and had remained Hollanders would be right of inheritance succeed to the throne of the .Netherlands. (By Associated Press) 1 No sign has yet been made by the (Pans Nov. 29.-Increased activity j t tak5 the matter at 1 the Somme front south of nv- . tnTe; Probablv a xood deal er is reported by the war otiice. Dur- depends upon the view entertained at ing the night there were spirited ar- the royal palace. tillery engagements. . . j ' " ; JJr. Marcus E. Hull and family left MRS. BjDURBONNAI'S BROTHER today for Lincolnton, where they DIES IN OSCODO, MICHIGAN will reside in future. Dr. Hull re- gretted to leave Hickory, he said, but 'Mrs. A. . Rourbonnais Tuesday re- niost of hig practjCe was nearer Lin ceived a telegram from Oscado, Mich., colnton than Hickory and he leaves apprising her of the death of her here after a residence of 15 months, brother, Mr. James Barlow, whose 7 , 1, i 1atio- iiir Mrs Mrs. F. A. Yoder and Mrs. Carlvle death followed a long illness. Mrs . mroning for differ- Bourbonnap re.urnea Jn Virginia, where, they, Oscodo. wiici she naa assibieu in j ,i, . f nv I ... Will SUellU SCVCiai na.a i.o.v...0. . . X. nn. hrnrrol EARLY; MARK THEM (By Associa'- d Press.) Washington, Nov. 29. Expecting heavier Christmas mail than ever be fore because of general prosperity throughout the country, Postmaster General Eurleson announced today he had begun through local postmasters a nation wide campaign to mail ear ly. Postmasters have been instruct ed to advertise to the public early and marked not to be opened until Christmas. Early mailing is especially neces sary. Postmaster General Burleson says because the day before Christ mas falls on Sunday. Early mail ing will enable postal employes to be freed for at least a part of Christ mas day. ROBBERS BLOW BANK AND EUR E 12.000 (By Associated Press.) Hazleton, Kans., Nov. 29. Four robbers early today entered the Ha zleton State Plank, blew the safe and escaped with an amount estimated at $12,000. The robbers, after secur ing the money, went to the telephone office, and took two male night oper ators out of town with them to pre vent an alarm being given. Mr. B. C. Ely and brother, John, of Baltimore, are business visitors in the city. J 1