tf ,t DrrAPn I And this is Friday, instead of Mon- ed and storage remains a capitalist's Hickory Daily Record (lay if anybody ese should forget fsz ft'tffs: posite effect. it makes eggs almost Published by the Clay Printing Co Every Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 S. H. Farabee - Editor J. C. Miller TManMlr II. M. Miller Adv. Mgr. "Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please state in their communication both OLU ana NFAV addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should bo made to the bub serintion Department promptly. City HXcribpw should call 107 retfirdins complaints. iReaders doubtless observed that good eggs can stand a boycott. The Storage-Egg Problem Louisville Courier-Journal. 'The commissioner of health in Chicago says that Mr. Wertz a cold storage magnate, who has 72,000,000 eggs, must throw them on the mar ket January 21. "My arlvica," says Dr. Robertson, "is to stop eating eggs until he be gins to market them." TVi.if urrmlil fu nr-rfVftlv satisfae- ilorv to Mr. Hertz, but vol s-itistac- torv to the consumer If the 72,000,000 eyr: brohibitively high in November, De cember and early January and feeds very bad eggs to the hapless con sumer in late January and in Feb ruary and March. It forces the farm ers to take storage buyers' prices for fresh eggs in the spring. Consumers in cities are at that time buying as "fresh" storage eggs almost a year old. In the distribution of storage plants lies in the consumers' hope. M US T MAK E ALLOWANCES sunscKirnoN rates One year Six months Three months One Month One week F'UIUICATION OFFICE: 1102 ELEVENTH AVENUE Entered as second class matter Sep tember 11, 1915, at the postoihee at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 1916 HELPING BELGIANS We have heard a great deal about serving humanity in the last few years, but little has been done in that direction. It now appears that the American state department is pre paring a solemn protest against the deportation of I'.elgian citizens to Germany to work in munition facto ries and to do other forms of labor. That is nothing less than slavery, and slavery of the worst type. Ger many has no more right to seize Bel gians, separate them from their fam ilies, and subject them to actual slav ery than any man in Hickory has the right to seize his neighbor's children and put them to manufacturing pois on to destroy life. If the conscience of the world is not stirred to its depth by this latest net, then the world has become so used to wickedness that it is willing to suffer anything. We are glad the state department will take a hand. were stored last spring, as alleged they will be rather bad eggs by January. They may stand the candle tost, but hard ly will they stand the test of the dis criminating palate. If a boycott always of remotely nrobable effectiveness be-.'juse onlv The result of the Carolina-Virginia game was not a surprise to us. We knew the Tar Heels would come back sooner or later, and we are here to say that while the university will not win all the time it will be in position to make every team realize it ha3 played to win. During the Democratic celebration in Ashboro automobiles picked up a few thousand tacks, which did dam age amounting to about $1,000, and somebody turned in a fire alarm in order to stampede the parade. All of which was a poor piece of business. After a while it will be more diffi cult to convict a white man in North Carolina than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. It is a pretty safe proposition to kill a man in this state, but it still is con sidered bad form to murder a woman. The Columbia State has raised over $500 on the $300,000 debt piled up by the national Democratic com mittee, which shows that South Car olinians have on their Democracy straight. The refusal of the British govern ment to grant a safe conduct to the ambassador-designate of the Austro Hungarian empire to the United States of course is annoying, perhaps rather worse than annoying. iBut it is nothiag over which a big nation should grow angry. jit is just an other of those petty incidents, all of ;.t.: i.i., or,i: it: v.! in violation lo a trreater or maintain boycotts could be elective' c::Unt of tne laws and custom at arv timeas a discourager of the,' nations, whicn hav.j 3llv.v.jil :n the pr.icti'co of selling ess to;, months train or a war that has upset every old r s 'fresh'' ones, it would have to: inwviceived notion, bc-in in January, when the cold I In the end l it :is .altogether likely stor:v.-e eggs begin to flood the mar-! that the . British foreign office will l.f,, ' ' j -. or.sent to the safe passage of Count T!v'ii will be no boycott, of course' von TV mow ond that the incident will i' it- thvp inl wU'''it 'h- inKice ha closed with the presentation of his of the heaith' commissioner of Chi-' credentials in Washington. But the mativ person:- will cut d.wiwfftvt of it. as the British snould see, thou- consumption of o-vs durinir distinctly deleterious to their cause. NovoMl.-r and Dc-cmber cverv year. : I.:t for the grosser nature of er If cold storage wcr" iv 1 to save -man tiedpasses, those of the British perishable foods for" distribution ; v.-ould long ago have alienated the during periods of natural sea-city ti e rrroatcr part of American sympathy. t'liY-vh"1 of tora"C e would Le-,:', choosing uetween two nations, gin 'in October and the sv.piy of jo-no of which has murdered citizens, .stored cgs would bt sold off between i while tne -other has merely mcon that time and the beginning of the j yeniencc-d them, Americans whose ln-nnerv production in February. The sympathies might have been evenly lo'isumiT then would get storage eggs' held between the belligerents have in the autumn and oarlv winter, and very genera ly given their moral fre-h oiu's in the late winter and support to tne cause of the entente, eu-iv spring. The only way. seem- How much this has been weakened inuSv to bring about that state of af- the course of the alios toward fi.irs is to establish small country commerce and mails can not be ac town storage plants where farm- curately measured, but the reduction er? n.itt'ht store eggs in spring and must have been Considerable, early summer, when they sell for jit- But, America's particular interest tie, and market them when they are , , . . 1ilii!ii!!!:iillillll!!i!!HI!ll!l!!l!l!!!lllll!llim Smad cold storage rooms in cr.i- r.eclior, with ice plants, which are g ve!I distributed, would ;ive farmers' g wives an opportunitj to hoard eggs when they are plentiful and get j twice as mveh for them in the fall g as they could in the spr'ng. There g would be no possibility of the stor- g a'.'e of all of the fresh eggs in the H spring. Only very provident poultry B owners would store. The effect would fj bo to make eggs somewhat higher than gj they are in the spring and summer g and somewhat fresher in winter and m early spring. g iPoultrymen produce eggs in large g quantities in December and January, g and a fair amount of them in Novem- g ber, but there are not enough poultry g farms to meet the winter demand. 3 Cold t-torage ought to serve to level j the price of eggs throughout . the rf year and give to the consumer in the m fall the nearest approach to the j fresh egg that artificial preserva- tion makes possible. But as Jong a a3 storage facilities are cen,traliz-' a Has stood the test of time and the most searching investigations of sci entists. Is pure and healthful. Free from all deleterious substances. Is a delicious, wholesome beverage, with an individuality all its own. Real satisfaction in every Bottle. able oociimenis ana S. a v,i nriPn lost through fire. Deeds, insurance papers wills are often misplaced and cause endless trouble and expense. A Safe Deposit Box is the best security against trouble of this kind. The Vault of the First National Bank is equipped with Safe Deposit Boxes to rent at prices that are trifling when compared to the trouble and risk that is avoided. Ordinary size $2.00 per year, larger sizes a little higher. We will be glad to show you these boxes at any time. You have youit.own key. No one has access to the box but you, and your affairs are absolutely private, locked in a tire and burglar proof vault. 2 ji i m U Accounts, (,o;'n- Capital and Surplus $300,000.0'. Four i-ei Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. ide, the incident is Taut another k- considering tins war, U1tt 1L ia stration of the deterioration in in- mere question of tilting with blunted t national manners wnich this great lances; this is "a outrance' a fight to siairlo tlio infinonf ic i.if nmithnr r fnnsir prin this War, that it IS 110 lustr: tei conflict has brought on. It is easy the death or at least tne warring enough for two prize fighters to ! people think so. It is small wonder, shake hands at the beginning of thsir then, that the ordinary niceties of in- tight; it is not so hard for a defeated tenia licnai parley have been lost to ; candidate for ofhee to congratulate sight in the smoky dust of a world in j gj his victorious opponent. The ele- battle. It is regrettable that this ment of personal rancor i absent, i should be true, but it is none the less g But, when it comes to a question of ' natural and to be expected. I gf list and skull, the resenting of deadly : When -these transgressions do not ; insult, or when it comes to a matter vitally aftect tne rights or interest j g f a pistol shot in the dark t- ainsT . oi neutrals, Americans win near wren i a a burglar entering one's home, the ; the belligerents o both sides, re- j m feeline of bitterness and the neets- ' cognizing that there is an abnormal- j M fll-ioa nf tho nnao olimiimlo i- (s ltv OT COnSCiOUSneSS WhlCA HlUSl be noints of courtesv. taiven into consideration m forming It must, niwnvs Ha rpwurnhnw.,- i ! ludcments. When those transgress- : ions, however, do touch deeply the IS important rights of this country, then America must stand ready to en The above cut represents the g improved Toric Lens. The word toric means all that is best in glasses." I furnish these lenses in all my prescription or- m ders. Make your date with me H if you want the best service. E. E. IIIGHT Expert Watchmaker and Regis- m tered Optometrist A large proportion of the American people never had anything but re spect and admiration for Germany before the European war, and it ia not the fault of the American people that their feelings have changed. Assuming that the majority of peo ple in North Carolina could not af ford to exchange gold pound for pound for turkeys, that old hash saw should not bo rehashed this time. The experienced gentleman who re marked casually that life is one mod ified thing after another will not win a peace prize because he was too busy with hin own troubles. - Inasmuch as the American govern ment professed such a liking foi Villa a couple of years ago, it should not be hard for us to get on friendly terms with him again. Those people who have been won dering what American newspapers will print after the European war ends must have overlooked Mexico entirely. The American troops on the border had turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner, and it looks as if the boys might have sent a box home. .Now, if the Hon. Champ Clark will tell us where to get those laying hens the public will forgive all his foolishness. 'In our humble opinion, it will re quire many prayers to cleanse the soul of the man who plunged Europe into death. r i Vvt' J fell ft1 ill Mf Pi THE REIEDT WTniOTTT A RE GRKT. FOR RHEUMATISM AND BLOOD DISORDERS Thre m an L-Rheumo dealer In yoUr town h will giv your money back if you are not benefited. Look for the Big L N. B. W would prefer that you buy L-Rhumo from our regular Dealers, but If for any reason, you would rather purchase by mail, we will send L-Rheumo to you Faroe'? Poat Prepaid, on receipt of $1.00 per bottle. MONEY BACK OCaRAXTKE enclosed In eacfi Carton. CHAPMAN-ALKXAXnER IiABORATORIES, Tne. 805 Commercial Rank CHARLOTTE, N. C. mm T.i. . y-uir r:i'Nt for , TO. tcs. eaic.l witii Bias Rihhnn. rirsisf. Asu f-.rCIii.'Hf.;s.TFR'H lUAjJUl llliAM PILLS, "or 2; years k.iown as Best, Safest. Always Reliablf SCLD BY BKUGCiSTS EVERYWHERf ji'ce its rights, as it did and still (toes m the case ot the German sub marine campaign. The lack of ''exact change" is often a source of annoyance to the individual without a Checking Account. The ever handy check-book is always convenient and makes ii unnecessary to keep money in large sums on hand for earre;:: expenses. Our officers will be glad- to explain how the check-book c vances personal efficiency. Yours to serve at all times. rroresswnal I Fraternal ii i as 3 Hickory Lodge, i . V. i . Brother Odd Fellows, invittd- Meets every Tuesday night, &t II I 7 :30 Degree work every meeting. O j W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. U Hi!B!IiiIll!!10lilB!!li!ni!ll!!i;ii ! ms Dr. W. B. Ramsay : " Dcatist i' : Olfice oer Shuford's Drug Store, Hickory. N. C. rs. Piedmont Council I No. 43, Jr, o. U.A. M. I Meets every Monday evening ? at 7:30 P. M. All visiting W brothers cordially invitfd ,w J. W. BALLEW, Councilor fl M. G. CROUCH, Rec. Scc'y- i i!iini!;i!Il:fflllili!l!IIIIIiii!liniIiilO!i!!!!!l!h!iil!!li!l ii..iiiii..iiiui..iiiiitiiiiiiiiu.ituiiiiiuiiimiii.ui!iiij;iiiii(:,ii.uli;iUiiiiU!tui1i'IllU'. Hickory Camp Ko. 80 1 w. o. w. I Meets every Friday night "; at 8:00. All members request- r ed to attend. ft Visiting Soveriens Invited. S B. A. MILLER, Clerk . ieks & Hicks DENTISTS L-Rheumo is now on sale under an absolute Monty back Guarantee of Satisfaction, by our Distributor for Hickory, LUTZ DRUG STORE Call for it by name: L-Rheumo. T ake no substitute. L-Rheumo is $1.00 per bottle, no more, no less. Kit is offered for any other price, it is not L-Rheumo. WEST BOUND 21 2:80 2 :55 8:00 3:10 8:26 8:38 8:48 8:68 4:08 11:00 11 pm .4 :35 -6 :62 .9 :20 10:45 9:lol 9:85 9:40 9 :r.0l 10:06 10:201 10:31 10:45 iDays like that of Wednesday cause one to forget all about the ninety and nine ideal day of the fall and winter. Less than 'a month until Christ mas. Now is the time to begin your Christmas shopping in earnest. Speaking of hens, they are gener tivty f0v of d!ndbe,t. 4:12 4:20 4:32 4:40 4:50 4:60 :06 8:17 :28 6:80 5 :40 5:501 6:68 8:05 6:16 6:80 6:60 7:06 7:20 7:80 7:40 7:60 8:00 11:031 SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH EAST Bill 'Nit 16 am 11 :08 .1 :20 .8 :28 .4 :86 6:30 86 am 12 :80 .3:301 .6 :05 10:06 9:301 6:66: 9:52 9:67 7 :24 10:0 10:25 10:48 10:68 8:05lll :10 808!ll:13i 11 :20 11 :28 11:40 11:4? 11:51 12 :05 12:16 12:25 12 :85 12 :41 12 :48 "1115 1:60 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:80 2:40 8:25 8:31 8:45 8:50; 8:57 9:10 9:16 9:22 9:35 9:45 9:60 10:00 10:16 10:30 10:48 11:07 11 :2C 11:60 11:40 11:60 11 :69 11 :32l 11:891 11 :50 11:56 12:00 12:10 12:201 12 :80l 12 :40 12"62 1:02 1:15 1:60 1:58 2:08 2:lg 2:801 2:40 NEW YORK W. PHILADELPHIA. Pa, BALTIMORE, Md. WASHINGTON (ET) SALISBURY BARBEU Cleveland Elm wood STATESVILLi Eufola Catawot, ClarsmoT-t NEWTON Conovrr Oyama HICKORY Hiltlebrari Connelly Sprinjts Vnldcae Drrx-I Mortfaiitou Ca.'in Glen Alpine Bridi?owater Nebo C. C. A O. CrosBi.ig MARIOK Grenlee Old Fort GraphMeville Rldxecrest Black Mountain Swannanoa Azslea BILTMOitS ASHEVILLE (ST) II 12 16 M am pm pm 'a 6 :00 1 :40 .4 :46 -3:40 11:12.2:15 -1:14 9:05 12:00 11:80-7:45 10:40 Jl:25 7:40 11:601 2:1B ill :0! 7 :ir.;n ;ij0j 1 :k lO:5SI 7:10 I 1:40 I 1 7:50 j 1:80 10 :8b 6:o10'50 1:16 1 6j25 j 1 :00 13:05 G.16 iiLS. 1 6?17l !lif4 9:461 6 :66lIJ:0i.ii:;i ! 5 ;52' 0:5? .. -1-112 il5 7:??! 5:?1 :Mn:00 6 :!! 9:a-U:AS 8.10 b:2Q 9iZVMtf.1 6::0i 9:J0lii:S0 f :57 f :5 1t:S2 6.17 4.55; Xl-.u I R -KB 1 -OA I 8:3c t :45j g;-6 H :00 4 :3fi d :45; i0:6 4-25 8:3S;10:4'1 4 18l S .2?:iO:S- :C: 4:l(i: 8 :20-' IOCS' 4:00 8:10ilOrlfi 4f, SO, 10:06 I Hickory Lodge Ko, 343 I H A. F. & A. M. - "n. j Kdguiar commumcatioi? Mon- tt day evening, Dec. 4, 7:3." p Brethren cordially invite J! to be t n present. S T- V. SHUFORD, W. M. Omcv Vlvme 134, Bgidence 3I8-L. Oifice in Masonic Buiidinjf. Dr.Chas. L Ilonsiicker M D. OScs over Shnford'3 Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Rf.didnce 825 15th Ave. Phone 92 Office 28 Hours 8:30-6 p. m., 7-8 p. m. CsHs Enswered ai All Ectaa THE HiCKORYHARNKSCO. Manufacturers of ai! kindg of HARNESS," BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. kciiaJringr a Specialty. Hickory. N. C. El m, m l-ifj.ri7 Knlnnff, Mr I rust lo. I i3- 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Sa Subsc ?b- co tne Hickory Daih Hsc NEW Effective Aug., 1, 1916. Chassis -Roadster -Touring Car - - F. O. B. Detroit PR! 345 r niCKory oarage Co. JOTT BUILDING PHONE 21:5 t Ads in the Record bring Results 0.3.A. Y moi rori To take home a nice box of Jacob's Candies. Your wife will appreciate it. There's None Better. GRIMES k MURPHY, Druggists 1 Are v?a a Im ? ii v. ; mm i DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BFE CAFE AND KLNM :Y ELECTRIC CO Hi none 300 ,'tf-i-. 3 V i-- j. Gailkr Bonnive!I AR CJIITECT ELLIOTT BtLDING HICKORY N. C. Opposite Post Ofhce "0T THE CORNER" Tl! m SALE AT &l ;i6i ' 7:10 :27! 7:8S! 9:47 S IM 7:85' 9.35 3:05 7:201 9:30 ?-64l 7:101 B -SO 8:48 2:45l 7s00i 0:10 I -.SKI fi..'.?' n.nn R:80l 2:TKl a-il a'.m , ,w v ,uv J i I TRADE MARKS ECZEMA REMEDY Sold Tetter, Salt Rheum. anrJ similar of. fections of the skin and scalp. So'd nn!i. lwr " Em.. 1 . ,. u us, out ana $i.uu. HICKORY DRUG CO. Hickory, N. C. '. ; I Marcus E Hall, D. C. P s ror ixoo nnung CHI li O fit A LTOE . School Gradasta OFFICE liOCitS 3:30 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 P. M. it 1 n tl Mnsuiiation and Analysis Frvr 1! 1029 Thirteenth Street The Qulnina That Doss riot Afieci Ths Head Because oi its toaie anc l-is'ive efttct r '.xa TiyE BROMO OUIN USH isVtUe than 6rSi Quinine and does not cause nervousness cor nngiugm head. Enifrmbcr t'f e fu!! viiv ad look fot the sigraute at K. VV. GRGVr. 25c TO SEE BETTER V.' .Jc ! i ear p orntritfiir.p. The Best Equipment Obtains. rle. Glasses Filed Esclusivelv imim ciocsc, imm, t If yon.aot it ffvn fXTLA. Us-' R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. Hickory Manufacturing Company, i Hickory, North Carolina. Manufacturer of SASil, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Send us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prlc.'i THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered " 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to First Bnildis & Loan office. ry Daily Li i4.0.0 a Year in Advanc QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. As-snts for Van Lindiy Cotnpamr jt Flow era any tim -ViiiTrEB & MARTIN J. D. Elliott. President and Treasurei J. Worth Elliott, V.-Prj. L. M. Elliott. Secretary : Building ComDanv fcr Jjicorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfaJly. Fine or ganization ano best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY. N.C..

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