7U - - y - . " ' , vi 1 V. Jh 1 I -1 Hickory Daily Record Mm ml Whitiock is minister to Belgium aiier to retire as native German where he was con-. i wr h.wi hv the Clay PiintinR Co. 'served both the United States and, d t some of hij feMow students ; and 1 U Ew? Evening Except Sunday. jthat country well. .What Mr. Whit-1 that connected chem with a political Ctrl ...: ' nnns;nnrnir tooto Tmmri in nia DOSSes- Inck. who is an autnor, may .yr" - :y- - . TELEPHONE 167 :,i u o.1v w sion. ne reiuscu iu tuix.y on the war win o v-bw., . ; dg anj in consequence, was Ci T T TSt lrtal Editor t p Miller .-I Manager; about the great conflict II. M. Miller .Adv. Mgr. a public that is anxious for anything , kept -m soijtary confinement. At the end of three years ne was Danisnuu from the country and came to Vir ginia, subsequently entering the ministry. Mr. Bryan says that the people their OTpeTc t0 Say Whether th """l Thirty years aFo it was sad among frth.Fr communication both OLD and',. to have war. Invariably they do; the students of the University of the United south Carolina mat me ue ur plal nU .houM bo made to the Sub- Kption Department promptly. City unless subscribers should call 167 rorarduis it. s that populace clamored in their communication JSKVV ncturesses. espress inen.stes m w "-"--- , T Pnft W mmmitted the To lni.uroe i.cicniuci.vr.,. - Jgtates and no war would be declared, vT - do not re fori member that Dr. Patton ever said so himself. Perhaps some ot his surviving friends of Due West could It was our impression that Lloyd- h;uI remarkable powers of memory, that he could recite without appar ent effort hundreds of lines from classic Greek and Latin poets and Hsts or from English and complaints. sunsnurrioN uates Ono year $1.00 nn Six months Three months George was about the most forceful man in the British cabinet, but may- 1.00, be we have read too much literature Ono Month favorable to him. One week - XJ PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1102 ELEVENTH AVENUE Entered" as second class matter Sep tember 11, 1P1S, at the postoffiee at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS HEPOKTS WEDNESDAY. DE. 6. 1916 German writers, too. No feat of memory to him would be incredible. The Record is glad to welcome Mr. I . n,r. T?nam' intorPsU in this 1 COALING- PRIVILEGES :i , ,Z w, CURTAILMENT SERIOUS secuou, ami it nwuiu imv o ...... transfer his activities to Hickory. Cre .mery butter is now selling for. Washington, Dec. 6. Curtailment nf nnaiintr nrivilesres at British ports is threatening f ar-reaching j ........ i nl effects on American shipping, ana; luwul 7ms " V 1 i " whilc representations have been made tew c?ius icss, una wu u . v.- ivrtnunKito cireat Britain by the state depart- A Brief Summary of 2m; C)ptirnism Character Ability s 'Conscience Opportunity Loyalty Aggressive to like gravy. tvent, it is realized here that it may SARR AIL'S DELAY AVriterst are trying in vain to aj- moves a captain, if we use the term as meaning a commander-in-chief. Of coarse we are carrying some Valuable Documents Are often lost through fire. Deeds, Insurance papers and wills are often misplaced and cause endless trouble and expense. A Safe Deposit Box is the best security against trouble of this kind. The Vault of the First National Bank is equipped with Safe Deposit Boxes to rent at prices that are trifling when compared to the trouble and risk that is avoided. Ordinary size $2.00 per year, larger sizes a little higher. We will be glad to show you these boxes at any time. You have your own key. .No one has access to the box but you, and your affairs are absolutely private, locked in a fire and burglar proof vault. ' T NATIONAL BANK I he difficult to secure any alleviation The death of John D. Archbold re- j of the constantly tightening restric- ities. OfTcials point out that the right to coal at foreign ports is based al most entirely on international comity land that treaty pledges in the pres nnt. of a nature to count for the delay of Ger.eml Sar-jads, but if we were not, we would rna,.e the case entirely clear, rail in refusing to move his main j last about .105 of an hour. Great Britain's inability to guar- , c , j n,i :t ,,..1 . antee bunkers coal to any vessel not army from Salon.U., and it now ap-, hitting utilizing it "in such a way that Brit- pears that there are two causes. , l r 1 The first was the Greek situation-. everybody, but God takes care of us w.ig announced today in a statement the allies probably fearing that the!l'oor Mks- by the British embassy in the form Greek government, which has kept I , f a memorandum drawn up in Lon- faith with nt.lH.dy. would turn on hose investigates into the cost on. fc . the first pub. them the minute they advanced into! of livin tend to niake prices Hc expression officials say, Gf a pol Macedonia. and cut their line of com-hlhcr- . Iicv which has in fact been m oper- tv, fV,,t. u-,w r,nHri ' ! ation for some time, and which has TroL, i, the Pr thh cabi 'i What Hickory needs are a few man- brought forth protests by this coun cal ditrerencei in the liritisn caoinet, ... , try in several cases. Many American part of the statesmen believing that j ufacturinpr piants. i ships have been refused coal, it is de- the French front was the place to con- . ft M1,MftRY j clared, and consequently held up for , . til . 1 . 1 -I t 1 mm m '.x'.. . ynruu UU VS LU X W UCA Willi 1 Ml i centrate and the other part holding, . ing heavy loss to their owners. that the Balkans formed the key to Columbia State. 1 victory. j The Greenwood Index quotes from GREECE WORRIES OVER The entente are supposed to have the Baptist and Reflector of Nashville EMIGRATION OF MALES had an army of 1 000 men at Sale- Part of the letter saying that the aTZa Pre,, i ., , . . , , .. Rev. Dr. B. II. DeMent, pastor of the (By Associated fress.j niki during the summer, and it was First Baptist church of Greenwood, Athens Owing to the great in thought on several occasions that a while a boy and a member of the crease in the emigration of minors grand offensive was to besin. Sarrail Sunday school of New Hope church, to the United States, who have not moved, the British moved, but neith- memorized the New Testament. That fJRl . was no common feat of nv.nd itary service, the ureeK government cr drove hard; only the Serbians have thoUKh it i not without parallel and has increased the amount of deposit been allowed to advance and they sometimes has been surpassed. The to be made with the government by have been winning consistently in story is told and is pretty well au- the parents or guardians of any mi- their contest with the Bulgarians, thenticated that the celebrated Epis- nor male child igt . ... . , , , copal clergyman, Dr. Mmnegercde, A youth born in 1898 must deposit Mad the allies not feared Greek r raiv -.VnVi or his nnrpnts must denosit for him treachery, probably they would have Richmond, when President Davis was S1?0; one born in 1899, $100; in 1900 begun a vigorous campaign before a member of the congregation, com- $90; in 1907, S70; and 1902, $G0. the division in the I ondon minUtrv mittwd to memoiy in his youth the Without this deposit being made it the diMsmn in the London ministry -e bibe The tagk wng accom jg impossible for any maie Greek of became acute, and had they done so, vijsnod during three years that be the age indicated to secure a ticket Rumania might have been saved. spent in a German prison (ho was a on a foreign bound vessel. Having been invited to Greece by . me representatives or that govern ment, the allies, it would appear, would take it on themselves to give Constantine a good lick and send him tottering from his throne, instead of brawling with him and his royalisrts in the streets. If they would act with decision, they might get something done. With the formation of a new cab inet, we may expect Britain to get down to the business in hand. It is time. iBorn to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wolfe at the hospital a fine boy. Constipation Causes Bad Skin A dull and pimply skin is due to a sluggish bowel movement. Correct this condition and clear your complexion with Dr. King's New Life Pills. This mild laxative taken at bedtime w;ll assure you a full free non-griping movement in the morning. Drive out ; Iil!illl!il!l!l!ll!lll!.:"i!!l!lil!!liil!lii: CiilliK the dull, listless feeling resulting from 1 g overloaded intestines and sluggish liv- ; H er. Get a bottle today.. At all;g druggists 25c. j Pink Britton a white man is desir ed by Hickory officers and a capias has been issued lor him. He .is wanted for carrying a concealed weapon and attempting an assault on a young woman beyond Brookford three weeks ago. He forfeited a bond of $150 and did i.ot appear in recorder's court 7. :: clay afternoon. Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings poundad Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. Hickory, N. C. Accounts. Com- 1 sCil XL? f ESTER S PILLS l.:niiif;i VisU y!:r Drucc'ot for J'iil hi iiod ami tiulj metallicS bores, scalcil with HHie RUibon. Take no olhip. I5uy of vour I rurrsM- A,k forCiU-CIIES-TEIl'S ! liASj I V. HAS it PILLS, or 25 ! yeatskiiownosBest.Safest.AlwaysReliabK I SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Fraternal Directory Newsprint paper is now costing us nearly a cent a sheet, and there h' no indication of an improvement TCvJ ery new quotation i? a littlu higher than the last, ind after a while the' smaller papers will be unaWa to rpy for nnyt'ii.i,; except their white! paper. Our subscribers have been' good to us, however, and we have' been pulling through, but we will' need a great many dollars to meet! the demands by the first of the' ipnn. XT ...... B , . ! .Yvm. ,mu a'ji 01 mercnanis was ever better than the live ones in Hickory. m r -People who recall how loosely an American cabinet hangs together are not surprised when a war minister in Europe collapses. England has had two or three crisis, Rjssia at le-.3fc two and Germany one and Arstria Ilungary one. Theoretically, there should bo fewer crisis in empire' like Germany, Austria-Hungary and llus sia, where a few undoubtedly rule, than in countries with popular gov ernment, where the people have been in the habit of kicking. There iwll come a time when Main street in front of Union square will bo too narrow to accommodate traffic; in fact there are times now when congestion is too great for comfort. Eventually the park will have to give way to a wider street, because ne cessity is more urgent in the busy mart than grass and benches. The stripping of the little park is to be regretted, but its .usefulness is near ing an end. Whether one symoathizM wirV, v Russian aspirations or not, one must' admit that it is pretty hard for al big country to be tied up at the whim of the sultan of Turkey. Russia's! Ports are frozen in winter and the' Dardanelles, through which her1 commerce must pass, are closed' whenever the Turks are at war with1 one or the.r neighboring powers, which is about once a year. Judge Bond will ndt be criticised by many people for withholding his decision in the Britt-Weaver contest until the supreme court has had time to pass on the matter. We don't believe the court will let politics in fluence it in the least and we are ex Pectin the issue to be decided on its merits. THE RBMKBT WITHOUT A UE GRKT. FOR RHEUMATISM AND BLOOD DISORDERS There la as I-ltlum dealer tn rur town fa will rive your money Wok u you mrm not benefited. Look for the Big N. B. We would prefer that you buy Ir-Rhumo from our regular Dealers, but If for any reason, you would rather purchase by mail, we will send Lr-Rheumo to you Paree. Poet Prepaid, on receipt of Jl.uO par bottle. MONB3Y.BACK GUARANTEE enclosed In each Carton. CHAPMAN-ALiEXAXDFR LABORATORIES, Inc. 805 Commercial Bank Building. OIARIiOTTE, N. C. L-Rheumo is now on sale under an absolute Money back Guarantee of Satisfaction, by our Distributor for Hickory, LUTZ DRUG STORE Call for it by-name: L-Rheumo. Take no substitute. L-Rheumo is $1.00 per bottle, no more, no less. If it" is offered for any other price, it is not L-Rheumo. SOUTHERN RAILW AY PREMIER CARRIES OF THE SOUTH WEST BOUND EAST Boi-Mi 21 II 16 6"j m pm am em 4 :S6 11 :08 12 :80 NEW YORK 6 :62 .1 :20 .3 :S0 W. PHILADELPHIA,' Pa. 9:20.3:23 .6:05 BALTIMORE. Md. 10 :46 .4 :35 10 :05 WASHINGTON (ET) 2:80 9:10 6:30 9:301 SALISBURY 2:65 9:35 6:66: 9:62 BARBKU 8 :00 9 :40 9 :57 Cleveland 8:10 9:60 10:07 Elmwood 8:25 10:05 7:24 10:25 STATESVILLS, 8 :88 10 :20 EafoH 8 :48 10 :81 10 :48 Catawoa 8 :68 10 :45 10 :68 C!armont 4 :08 11 :00 8 :06 11 :10 NEWTON 4 :12 11 :03l 8 :08 11 :18 Concur 4 :20 Oyama 4:i)2ll:?0 8:25 11:2l HICKORY 4:40111:28 8:81!11:39 Hildebran 4:5;il:40 8:45 11:60 Connelly .SpririKs 4:60 11:47 8:60!ll:68 Va!deie 6 :0rfll :E 8:6712:00 Urxel 6:17112:05 9:10 12:10 Morisantou 6:23 9:16 Calvin 6:3012:16 9:22 12:20 Glen Alpine 6:4012:25 9:35 12:30 Bridgewater 6 :60 12:35 9 :46 12 :40 Nebo 6:68 12:41 9:60 C. C. A O. Crossing 6:05 12:48 10:0012:52 MARION 6:15 10:16 1:02 Grenlee 6:80 1:15 10:80 1:16 Old Fort 6 :60 10 :48 Graph Itevilla 7:06 1:60 11:07 1:60 Kldgecrost 7 :20 2 :00 11 :20 1 :68 Black Mountain 7:80 2:10 11:80 2:08 Swannanoa 7:40 2:20 11:40 2:18 Azalea 7:60 2:8011:60 2:80 BILTMORE 8:00 2:4011:69 2:40 ASHEVILLE (ST) l 86 6 :00 -3:40 11:26 7:40 12 pm .1:40 11:12 1:141.9:06 11 :80!.7 :46 11 :00! X0:66 10"?.5 16 pm .4 :46 .2 :16 12 :00 10:401 11 :60 7:15'11:2C 7:10 :0!?l 6:'.5!10 -5C 6:251 P:15 6:07 9 :80 9:101 5:34 5-2 S 201 5:101 8:671 5:05 8:47' 4:56-.1 j 1 8:58 8:59 9:44 9:381 S:?1 9:30 9:15 8:86 S:06 4:10. 4:00 7:45 7:28 1 :16 7:10i 1 1 6:481 6:38! 4:45' 8:ifi 4:861 8:46 4:25: 8:35 4:18' f:28l 2:16 1:45 1:40 1:S0 1:15 1:09 ?:6 i3:28 12:21 12:14 12:00 11 .43 11 :49 31:38 11 :22 1 1 rli l.:04 11 :M 10:50 10:49 10 26 8:50 S:27 8:LS 8:06 2 :54 2:45 2:35 6:80 26 8:20-! 10 39 80 8:00 7:88 7:26 7:20 7:101 7:00 6:62 6:46 10:16 10:66 9:47 9:86 9:89 9:29 9:19 9:00 8:60 m i;illlllilil!!i!l!;illi:;.!i!llilU!n'!:i!:li!ii;:;ui(!.!;li:!h!S:i:' No. 206, 1. 0. 0. F. Brother Odd Fellows invited. Meets every Tuesday night, at 7 :30 Degree work every meeting. W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary, g CM iiMCMiniMcmiiMai Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M. j Meets every V."nday evening m at 7:30 P. M.- All visiting brothers cordially invited. E ' J. W. BALLEW, Councilor g M. CKOUCH, Kec. Hec'y. M BEra;ni!i!!!l!!l!Sffii!liS!i Hickory Camp fk 80 1 W.O.W. Meets every Friday night at j 3:00. All members request- ed to attend. g Visiting Soverierns Invited. B B. A. MILLER, Clerk i ZtliZttZZtttX2X The above cut represents the improved Toric Lens. The word toric means all that is best in glasses. I furnish these lenses in all my prescription or ders. Make your date with me if you want the best servics. E. E. HIGHT Expert Watchmaker and Regis tered Optometrist 111!! S3 m a o a a a m m m El m a si S3 m m m m sa m Professional Cards Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M Ragular communicatioi? ton day evening:. Dec. 4. 7:3. Brethren cordially invited to be ;j present. S J. W. SHUFORD, W. M. U D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. g mt:tttttttt!:t;ttt::ttnnttnt::tKnnnnnua Am mi Pi Wmm ? T Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Drs, Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office Phone 194. Residence 81S-L Ofice in Masonic Building. Dr.Chas. L Hunsucker M D, OSce over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. kesidsnce 825 15th Ave Phone 92 OLe 2 Hours 3 :30-5 p. m., 7-8 p. n. Calls answered at All He rs THE HICKORY HARNESStO Manufacturers of al) Linda cf HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLEt AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specially. Hickory, N. C. H & & ,; j The WooiEifs fe' fOB SHE AT ALL DS33'':" ': TRADE MARK ECZEMA REMEDY Sold On b BTJarntA fnr V.ri.&ma Tetter. Salt Rheum, anrl aimilni. o-F fections of the skin and scalp. Sold omy oy us, ouc and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG CO. Hickory, N. C. Thi Qulniaa That Bess Hct ":j3ct The Head Because of its tonic and laxative efftct, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININEisbetterthan ordinary Quinine and doss not cr.uss nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name snd look for the sigratnrs of E. W. GROVE. 25c. DR. ALFRED W. DUU bIG SrililALIbl TO vSEE BETTER 17 Year's Exoerience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Classes bined Hxclusively martiw m npr i ciin.ft ti r ....... . .. . I. . i . : I . . If you got it fro pui-A. It's Rihc v "cu r r '. :t vnt. i.Ti:s. 'Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO J. GsiSher Bomiiwell ARCHITECT ELLIOTT B1LDING HICKORY N. C. R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. nan The lack of "exact change" is often a source of annoyance to the individual without a Checking Account. The ever handy check-book is always convenient and makes it unnecessary to keep money in large sums on hand for current expenses. , Our officers will be glad- to explain how the check-book ad vances personal efficiency. Yours to serve at all times. lickory Banking I rustic. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. n E3 r- 3 u s -u fya n l'i m U a ri il f -2 Subsc ib- CO Lie Hickory Dail Rec y FORD! NEW PRICES, j Effective Aug., 1, 1916. Chassis - - - - - $35 Roadster 345 Touring Car - " 36G F. O. B. Detroit Hickory Garage Co. ELLIOTT BUILDING PHONE 22 Want Ads in the Record bring Results Do Not Forget To take home a nice box of Jacob's Candies. Your wife will appreciate it. There's None Better, GRIMES k MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office "ON THE CORNER" See Us for Good Printim 9 Hickory Manufacturing Company, Hickory, North Carolina. 1 Manufacturer of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Send us jour plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Price 3t THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1082 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to First Buildin & Loan office. iiiiimiif nniimiiiiuuiiHimuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiniiuniniH iiuiiiiiim niiiinimnii: in nuiitiniinn irrn; n!Tir :ir i : : : : r . i RO WE LUMBER CO. P. A. ROWE, Manager. All Kinds of Building Material and a Specialty on Cabinet Work. Plant located rear of Phoenix Mill. mtmsatntitiiiiiiiiiHiiii.M.1lllmitt QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Companv. Out Flow ers any timt , WhlTMEB MARTIN """."y,irt-"y' - yMy J. D. Elliott. President and Treasurei J. Worth Elliott, V.-Fr. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction.. Estimates furnished cheerfully. Fine or ganization anc best equipped contractors in the "South. HICKORY. N. O