IlllrtOKX UiUJbl KBJUK . - Hickory Daily Record Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 S H Farabee Editor J. C Miller 'zfyS H. M. Miller Adv. Mgr. Subscriber! desiring the address f their paper Chang, ViU in their communication both OLD ana NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sut- subscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year Six months f Three months -u One Month One week ,10 PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Entered as second class matter Sep tember 11, 1915, at the postomce ai Hickory, N. C under the act ox March 3, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS SATURDAY, DEC. 9, 1916 IS THIS THE LAST? Having failed to convince the Berlin government of its position on the inWW of merchant ships by sub marines, the United States govern mnt ia Drenarincr to send another note to Berlin. The imperial au thorities, we may be sure, know as much about the position of the United States as President Wilson and Sec retary Lansing, because the imperial (hnnmllor has shown that he is a very bright man. The new note, therefore, will merely prolong the discussion. The Washington government ad mits that it is unable to clear up one individual sinking before other cases are forced to its attention. The Ber lin eovernment says it is ready to make amends if its submarine com manders have violated the pledges civen by Germany after the channel steamer .Sussex was torpedoed with out warning. (Little children remember some of the excuses made in the Sussex case how the submarine commander presented a sketch of a ship to show that he could not have torpedoed the Sussex and after the Berlin foreign office had brazenly transmitted this subterfuge, was Anally cornered and compelled to admit the awful crime. Other cases are like unto this. Docu ments like this have been sent to Washington. iNote-writing is a specialty of the German foreign office and Emperor William's men have been trained for this very thing. They will welcome a further exchange of manuscripts with the United States. But they would not welcome a final stand by this country on its sound position. President Wilson, if he should decide to write another note, either should take back all he has said in the past or prepare to make good his threats. It is evident the German government is not taking the United States seriously. (Mr. Taft Told the newspaper men at Chapel Hill and the Chamber of Commerce at Raleigh some of the things the Record has pointed out from time to time that the United States has been successful in its wars not through any great military prow ess, but through good luck and a weak oDnonent. We have never tackled a first class power when it was not battling with other big na tions. iBishop Kilgo is reported to have been displeased because a Methodist minister returned home during con ference to perform a wedding cere mony, and press reports intimate that there was danger of disciplining the brother. Our sympathies in that case would have gone out to the preacher. If President Britton sits down and f' does nothing for the rest of the year his part, in arranging the newspaper institute will mark his administration as a success. The editor appreciated an invita tion from Ralph Ballew to be his guest at the newspaper institute at Chapel Hill, but it will be a year or two yet before the editor can lose a couple of days from his work here. The institute, however, was worth while. iMaj. H. A. London of Pittsboro, Confederate veteran and editor, has been elected president of the State Literary and Historical Commission, an office which he will grace with dignity and ability. In deciding to erect a bronze stat ute to John Mills, the Baptists are planning to recognize the worth of a man who was a pathfinder in or phanage work in this state. Durham is entertaining the Meth odists and next year will be host to the Baptist state convention, a task that will not prove difficult for so good a town. It having been announced positive ly that the next Carolina-Virginia football game is to be played at Chapel Hill, the stampede to Emer son field will be as great as to Broad street park. And when you buy, don't send out' of town. That is just like throwing money at bifds. (And we know what that is). Jacob Hysler, a New York barber, has quit after accumulating $300,000. Many a man escaped a close shave. Report of the Condition of The Hickory Banking & Trust Co. at Hiekory. N. C.. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Nov. 17, 1916 DOLLARS $137,491.37 195.65 RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured All other Stocks. Bonds and (Mortgages 4,330.00 Banking houses $6,000 Furniture! & Fixtures $3,200 9.200.00 All other real estate owned None Demand loans 8,715 98 Due from National Blanks 33,315.48 Cash Items 1,421.36 Gold Coin 1,277.50 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency National Bank notes and other U. S. notes 1 Is the most refreshing drink in the world. Why buy an imitation when genuine costs the same. a 2,199.52 1.222.00 Mr. Bryan refers to "my wife and I" in his political speeches, but he leaves the dear lady out of the "I's" in the Commoner. We don't know all the king of Greece has done, but he doubtless will get a plenty. Christmas will be here before you know it. Have you don that Christ mas shopping? - m iTotal $199,368.86 Jf you have anything to sell or if you want to buy anything, try the Record's want column. WHEELS IN MOVIES Portland Oregonian. An expert has figured out why the wheels of a moving vehicle shown on the motion picture screen sometimes appear to stand still, sometimes to waver between forward and back ward, and more often to travel back ward. The motion picture, as ev eryone knows, is simply a succession of photographs taken at the rate of about twenty to the second, and each representing an instantaneous snap shot. If the spoke of the wheel in LIABILITIES DOLLARS Capital stock paid in $35,000.00 Undiyided profits, less cur iwnt mnui and txM iH 8.991.27 the period it takes to make a picture Deposits" subject to check 96,329 31 moves to a position almost but not Demand Certificates OI U9- quite wnere me sureeeuiiig oyvn.e aiwu nnait. . 40.047.9ai in picture mo. l, tne eye associa Savings deposits io,o.oo Cashier's Cheeks outstand ing 2,232.73 Total $199,368.86 State of North Carolina, county of Catawba, Nov. 23, 1916. I. W. X. REID. Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. X. REID, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd day of Nov. 1916. C. W. CLONINGER, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 23, 1917. Correct Attest: J. F. ABERNETHY, jW. L. MITCHELL, M. H. YOUNT, Directors CHICHESTER S PILLS aS-v THK IHAMONV BRAND.' A L ! 1 Ak your DraUt for . t'hl.ehwter'i Diamond Brand fill in Rr and Uold metallic notes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take other. Bar of roar UrUtlaK'Atk forCIII-CirKS-TEH'S MAMONI1 BRAND FILLS, Jot 85 yeats known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable SOLD BY IRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE tes it with its former successor, be cause it it nearest to it, and which seems therefore to have moved slight ly backward. If the No. 1 spoke in the interval between snapshots ex actly takes the place of the succeed ing spoke, the eye detects no change, and the wheel seems to be still. If the camera is cranked at an approx imately steady rate, while the ve hicle varies its speed it will be seen that a confusing series of illusions . -r . n J j 1 is created. n is weu unaersioou that the term "motion picture" is a misnomer, since the separate pic tures of the series in themselves do not depict motion. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the city council of the City of Hickory, N. C, at City Manager's office, for the purchase of 1300 to 1500 feet of 6 inch Cast Iron Water Pipe, class B, fittings and hydrants, and about 1,000 lbs. lead. All . those desiring to submit bids on this material will send in their bids by Dec. 19th, 1916, 7:30 p. m. City council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This Dec. 7. 1916. JOHN W. BALLEW, 12 7 lOt City Manager Valuable Documents Are often lost through fire. Deeds, Insurance papers and wills are often misplaced and cause endless trouble and expense. A Safe Deposit Box is the best security against trouble of this kind. The Vault of the First National Bank is equipped with Safe Deposit Boxes to rent at prices that are trifling when compared to the trouble and risk that is avoided. Ordinary sbe $2.00 per year, larger sizes a little higher. We wiJl be glad to show you these boxes at any time. You have your own key. No one has access to the box but you, and your affairs are absolutely private, locked in a tire and burglar proof vault. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Hickory, N. C. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings Accounts, Com pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. nnannnnonnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBSQLZj UHiiiiinnimnMimntmnnnmtmittm Fraternal Directory Bunniiiiinmwuur ENGLAND'S HOUR There were times during the Napol eonic wars when the little Corporal destroyed coalition after coalition, when he crushed Austria tnd Prus sia in turn and Russia's armies for good measure and demanded treasure and provender from the vanquished. Across the "wet ditch," as Napoleon contemptuously referred to the Eng lish channel, the bull-dog held on ten aciously and on land and sea drove the emperor's forces to the wall. Rus sia really broke Napoleon's power, but it was the English government that formed the strength of the oppo sition. There were some dreary years in England then, but not more so than the next year or two will be. Britain's task is greater now than it was at the close of the nineteenth century, for Germany has developed a war spirit that even the OJd Guard, which knew how to die but not to sur render, would have admired. Wth Lloyd George as prime min ister, the British empire will be com pelled to act speedily and effectually to prevent final downfall. The son of hate will be chanted anew and the "only foe" will receive the weight of an Iron fist unless the allies triumnh. Nobody knows this better than the men who are being selected to guide f V A Jul!.).. .i 1L. n i,i . ... ucsuiiiea vi me cruisn empire auing the remainder of the war. It would be impossible to conceive of a world calamity greater than for England and France to lose. Annex ation of Belgium and Serbia as ha been advocated in Germany, and the stripping of more territory from France, would lead to another world war as surely as fate. It might not come for 40 years, but it would come And then the United States might oe tne corps. If England cannot succeed in shoving the Teutons back by next spring, the war will likely re sult in a German victory. Golf links in the United States are estimated at $100,000,000, and 350,000 goners spend $42,000,000 a yearand many of them would be mighty glad to play at Hickory. The wr.ppers of several of our ex change inform us that the Congress ional Record is on the job again. usiOT wrnsocr a onus. ion fiiiiATisn O DICOO DISOnOGfS a b-Bfceome teaJer ia win enve your money Tom are met WaeflteA. Look for the Big I If. B. We weuld prefer that you buy &RtfBumO from ear regular Deal ere, but if for any reason, you weald rather purohaae- by mail, we wOl send L-RMumo to you Parcels Feet Prepaid, en receipt ef tl.oo per battle. mONjDY BACK GUARANTEE eaaiMifl In eaen Carton. CttrfMAH-AAEXAltDKR LABORATORIES, Too. M OopMsentfal Bank Bulldm. CHARLOTTE, S. C. P L-Rheumo is now on sale under an absolute Money back Guarantee Satisfaction, by our Distributor for Hickory, LUTZ DRUG STORE Call for it by name: L-Rheumo. T ake no substitute. L-Rheumo $1.00 per bottle, no more, no less. If it is offered for any other price, is not L-Rheumo. of ia it SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIES CARRIES OF THE SOUTH WEST BOUND .... .....w.. t:S Z:H S:0 1:10 1:25 S:88 S:40 :8 4:08 4:12 4:20 4:82 4:40 4:60 4:68 t:06 8:17 8:28 6:80 640 6:60 5:68 6:05 6:16 6:80 6:80 7:t6l 7:20 7:80 T:40 7:66 :M "IT pm .4:86 .6:62 :20 10:45 I :10 9:86 :40 :60 10:06 10:20 10:81 10:45 11:00 11 :0S itlloj 11 :28 11 :40 11:41 11:64 12:06 liTii 12:26 12 45 12 :41 12:48 l"lB Ilso 16 I 86 mm f u I 11 :08 12:80 .1 :20.8:S0 .8:28.6:06 .4:86 10:05 6:80 9:801 6:66: 9:62 9:67! 10:07 10:25 7:24 2:10 2:20 2:8i 1:401 8:06 808 8:81 8:46 8:60 8:67 9:10 9:16 9:22 -M 9:45 9:60 10:00 10:16 10:80 10:48 11:07 2:00lll:20 11:80 11:40 1140 1149 10:48 10:68 11 :10 11:18 ilia 11:89 11:80 11:56 12 KM) 12:101 12:20 12 :S0 12:40 12 :62 1:02 1:15 1:60 1:68 2:08 2:181 840! S:49 nsw vnnt- PHILADELPUIA, BALTIMORE. M4. ON (ET) WASHINGTON SALISBURY BARBER CltrcUnd " Elmwood STATESVILLb" Eufol Catawba Clarataont NEWTON Conover Oram HICKORY Hildebraa Connelly Sprina Vmldaae Drazd Morrantoa " CalTin Glen Alpine Bridg-ewmter Nebo C. C. a O. CroaaiBg MARION Grenlee OH Fort Graphlteville Ridrecrast Black Moanteln 86 A-alee ILTMOR ASHEVILLE T) 6:6ft -8:40 1:14 11:801 1146 U40 lt:66 10:86 ieloi 9:46 i:io 8:67 8:47 S:S6 46 746 :2 1:15 7:101 9 111 14 n 1 pni 1:40 11 U2 v946 1-7:46 746 111 41 2:16 7:16JU:2t 1:45 7:10. 7 40. 6:481: 6:26 6tlS 6:07 6:66 42 44J 6:20j 6:1 64$l 446 446 446 446 4 as 4 a 4:00 8:60 8:27 8:18 646 144 2:46 46l 141 .4:46 -2:16 12:00 10:40i 1:4 1:8 14) 1,16 144 114 I 4 IB Ha 12:24 12:16 9 4411244 11:48 :6 94 941 461 .1 848 46 46 8:86 848 8:1 8:0 7:88 746 74 UI 7 4 424 46 U:4 114 11 121 11:12 1-44 11:64 19:6 1449 146 J 40)1 4 10:15 19:64 9 4T 46 9:8 949 9:1 f lat mmmmsmmmmmmmismK Hickory Lodge, No. 206, 1. 0.0. F. Brother Odd Fellows inrited. Meets every Tuesday night, at 7:30 Degree work every meeting. W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Ths OulnlM That Does Not Affoct Tho Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BEOMO QU1KINE is better than ordinary uuinine ana does not cause nervousness nor rinsing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of B. W. GROVE. 25c winnuinniiintnntrmmiiinnnnmtnu Piedmont Council No. 43, Jt, O. U.A. M. Ueeta every aonday evening at 7:30 P. M. All visiting brothers cordially invited. J. W. BALLEW, Councilor M. 6. CROUCH, Rec. See'y. Hickory Camp No. 80 w. o. w. Meets every Friday night at 8:00. All .members request ed to attend. Visiting Soverigns Invited. B. A. MILLER. Clerk Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Mon day evening, Dec. 4, 7:3. Brethren cordially invited to be present. J. W. SHUFORD, W. M. D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. Professional Cards i - - Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hiekory, C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office Phone 194. Residence S18-L Ofice in Masonic Building. Dr.Chas. L Hunsucker jM D. Office over Shuford's Drag Store HICKORY. N. C. Residence 826 15th Ave. Phone 92 Office 26 Hours 3:30-6 p. m., 7-8 p. m. Calls answered at All Hours Aid Ygu a Veman ? THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of , HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. , BfefirtlN Tho Woman's Tef ftX SALE IT ALL mwm TRADE MARK ECZEMA REMEDY Sold Tetter, Salt Rheum, and similar af fections of the skin and scalp. So'd only by us, 60c and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG CO. Hiekory, N. C. hi TO SEE BETTER SEE DUU 17 Yasr'ii F.Ynrisataa TiisBeat Equipment Obtainable. . GImsm Filled ExclimveJy Di)Tt3 BLtCX, UK0IS, B. C. If youeotlt fromBtJLA" It's'' TUght V ACn PAPKU KOR DATES: Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO X Gaither BonniweD ARCHITECT ELLIOTT BTLDING HICKORY N. C. R.W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. Time Waits For No Man. The passage of 1916 prompts us to quote Benjamin Frankiin when he said "You may delay, but time will not." (Many individuals today are dependent upon charity because they delayed too long in making provisions against the flight of time. A savings account prepares for the day when youth, health and physical strength will no longer be at your command. Hickory Banking & Trust Co. 1 II n m m u m a n a a y u El a u s u a i 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. y DoonnnnnnnnocnonnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnoaHBgBi Subsc it)- co tne Hickory Dail Rec S s FORD! NEW PRICES. Effective Aug., 1,1916. Chassis - - - - - $325 Roadster 345 Touring Car - . " 360 F. O. B. Detroit Hickory Garage Co. ELLIOTT BUILDING PHONE 225 Want Ads in the Record bring Results Do Not Forget To take home a nice box of Jacob's Candies. Your wife will appreciate it. There's None Better. GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office 4ON THE CORNER" r See Us for Good Printing I J MiinHntMMnmtnttmtm; Hickory Manufacturing Company, Hickory, North Carolina. u Manufacturer of H SASH, DOORS, BLINDS,. MANTELS, I MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY H Send us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Priced jj n!iiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii)iiiiii!iii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii8iiniiniiii!n;::iii:::unn: THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-CUai Work UnaranUed Phone 106, Work DeliTered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to Firrt Bnildin ft Lou office. I f uiimiuiwmiiinraui 1 m m - TTIT1-I111I11 Illllllllllllllll ilHiiii QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGN!. Agent, for Van Lxndly Ceapanjr. Cat Flow. VI IBJ Wi I WHITNER MARTIN RO WE LUMBER CO. P. A. ROWE, Manager. All Kinds of Building Material and a Specialty on Cabinet Work. Plant located rear of Phoenix Mill. lOiraiDlllIHV J. D. Elliott. President and Treasurei J. Worth Elliott, V.-Prw. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company lucorporated. For all classes of construction, Edtimatea furnished chcerfally. Fine or ganization ana bast equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY. N.O i 1,1