iilCl&OKX DAILY RECORD Hickory Daily Record I'ubliHlui! by the Clay Printing Co. Kvtry, Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 s" II. Farabee Editor J. C. Miller Manager H. M. Miller Adv. Mgr. Subscriber desiring the address of their paper changed, will please state in their communication Dom uw NKVV addresses. Ti insure efllcient delivery, coin- nln i n t nhotild be rwade to the Sub- rintioTi Department promptly. City subncribTs should call 1C7 regarding complaint. SUIiSCRII'TION RATES On; yi-nr Six nionM1? - - 'I'll roe months On M.'iitli Ori'j week .$1.00 200 1.00 .40 .10 ITP.J.IOATION Ol-TirE: 1 101! KI.KVUNTI! AVENUE to be useful, and the act of advertis ing itself successfully is absolutely fundamental to its being useful. Well, what is true of a library is true of every tax-supported institution whatsoever. Take the public schools. They should maintain an expert adviser who would over and over again day in and day out, year in and year out tell the people that the schools exist, that they want to help the community in this and that and the other way, and that thev are making themselves known that they may be of still more hoi p. The board of health, the fire board, the police board, the water commis sion, and all the other public bodies, should not be content with what the papers may say of them through their reportorial inquiries They ''ould advertise. They should de . r iibe their work; name the things i!:ey are aiming at; offer assistance in every possible way, and thus win e rood will, confidence and co-op- rative spirit of the citizens hose welfare they exist. give to every American a sense of profound satisfaction byi reason of the wisdom with which the honor and the rights of our country shall be maintained." Other speakers at the dinner were President W. H. P. Faunce, of Browri and Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columiba University. uiuuuuuiiuuiuiiiiiiiiumwdixuntfxxxnr MAKING USE OF SHARKS Chicago Tribune. The shark, even the despised scavenger of the seas, has proved at last that he also is "somewhat good. Stupid cannibal that he is, creature OLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS A medical preparation like Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, that has real cur ative value almost' sells itself. Like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefitted to those who are in nedd of it. jDr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot is a phy sician's prescription. It has been 'tested for years and has brought re sults to countless number whso have suffered. The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- for the old wives' tale 6f the menace . Root is due to the fact that it fulfills that lurks in the waters; material, ' almost every wish in overcoming kid- Fraternal Directory hllllUlllllUlt'11""1 iiiinmar jfv Hickory Lodge, No. 206,1.0. OF. roi"er uaa renows invitcw. re Meets every luesaay nigni, si 7:30 Degree work every meeting. J. F. JOY, Secretary. i Entered a see: 'las : r'r.Her Sep-. If-n.hor , ;',):.'. :.!. Ihe j.o.-tofTice liicKnrv. X. C. under the act of Marcl' the shark has now proved his worth in the economy of man's life. Britain, needing leather and trust ing to that necessity which Drover- fr hially acts the mother to invention, ; has turned to the shark for relief. .ow, apply tin.? same axiom.. And this ancient fish, whose lineatre dvcrti:;inr is of the very essence of inutility goes back almost to the t'1-' 'wfr.l activity and acthe usv ' time when darkness brooded over every ': l.t rf i inn's brains. the face of the waters, has responded i ti.in-is. an i you sec ;u o-r.'C tnaz . oc!!etlv. .Flaved until he ) r.'.-.n can make a parts VSS( '! .VTTI ' ORTS i m: it F!) TO ACTION :t r : ' our. Umli'd li'C lU'V. v.iin t U. a'-- ', v cm s at . i; f od liL od fi;'. ;'t i i ; at and S lot; el" an'vt l.v hi U :t i ' iN S hkI snoc, or a. with his skin, the shark supply of engine, or a l.iif'-inr whir!) trad" rpnorts flassifv i everv dnrable and capable of hieh If it pnvuU a ;voo oi' a fi'ood welfare so !;:r!, and then s;iop at nolhV Tims the fish, too, is doing ! t. -r.it !' hns vmvplcted ,?t for war. vn . for v tay on this Ple.-sant is it to record this appli ,. ..v:..'.;' s;...e t:un.JT wor ' h cat' on of the civilizing process to the thus suin, l.o L-avtw ;;bnrk. Now that he has been re-vt-l: ' IK ''"' essei.c! iced to the harmeless domesticity '' l" 'd !; of the cow and the goat there is hope 'K " w k:., ed-'o id it "or all. It may not be too much . he unknown is 't : i0 forsea some fertile mind fathom- go ,m it wo u J by ',r.:r the nronor functions of flea. P.yfd. Of ,;Vifpr) burrs and fViiVn-prs in a wnrl.-l where whatever is somehow good. Kuuvn- and -. ace of pubiie service and enterprise is advertising. rects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. iDo not suffer. Get a bottle of owamp jxool irum any uruggisu nuw. ,m start treatment toaay. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cen'ts to Dr. Kilmer and Co., Binghampton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention the Hickory Daily Record. adv BETTER SIDE indie the a ni i ' : i .''.d.. i,, await I ..- .I!.-.. U'fi have ! i "',! lo In any event 1 ' i ' h.'.'ii forced upon him p :(-( ici'm-in newspapers as the New Virk American have assar cd him that the country will be bo hind him in anything he does. Mr Wilson therefore faces this new danger with the responsible part of Americans loyally backing him up. lie knows by this time that, regard less of privato views, the whole country is behind him in the face of a public danger. Having learned that his worthy advances in the cause of peace and justice have been met with a thrust at the honor and life of the nation, Mr. Wilson may realize that waiting is vain and that tempor izing is worse than folly. t The American government would net the coward and knave if it should comply with the German demands, and .Mr. Wilson would have no res pect for -a government that would sink to such depths as to allow a fore'gn chancellor to dictate the r movements of its citizens and ships in lawful trade. There is no ques tion but that Germany has forced the United States, against its will, to abandon the ranks of neutrals. .Snrlnuiiy'iJ Iicpuidican , MUKilKK WITH PRESIDENT IN "THIS SOLEMN HOUR" New York, Feb. 2. Charles Ev ans Hughes, who was guest of hon or at the annual dinner of the New York Alumni of Brown University here last night, declared every loyal American would stand behind the ad ministration "in this solemn hour" without a partisan thought. His dec laration brought the diners to their feet singing "The Star Spangled Banner." !"Wa are all Americans tonight standing behind our president on whom this great responsibility rests," said Mr. Hughes. "It is not a time to embarrass in any degree with private utterances those charged with this re sponsibility. They have the facts ; they have the duty to perform. They have the sincere, loyal co-operation of every true American. The exi gency of no nation can fix the limits of American rights. '"My friends, in this sober hour we stand loyal sons of Brown, realiz ing the privileges of our American citizenship. It is an hour of test that will show what America is made of. We are desirous that whatever is done shall be done coollv and de liberately, and in a manner that will Ambition Pills For Nervous People Springfield Republican. (Senator Overman of North Caro lina, chairman of the joint inaugural committee of congress, announces an innovation for ntjjt Wlavcw Wjhen! the president and vice-president ride up Pennsylvania avenue to the white house after the inauguration cere monies at the capitol, they will be accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Marshall. This will be the first time the wife of a vice-pres dent has ridden in the inaugural pa rade, and Mrs. Taft was the first president's wife to do so. Thu3 does recognition of the better side of life come on apace. iiiipiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu; Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A. M. Meets every konday evening at 7:30 P. M. All visiting brothers cordially invited. J. H. SIGMON, Councilor W. I. Caldwell, Rec. Sec. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drivel out Malana.enriches the blood.and builds up the aya tern. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c, The great nevre tonic the -famous Wendell's Ambition Pills that will put vigor, vim and vitality into ner vous tired out, all in, despondent peo ple in a few days. Anyone can buy a box for only 50 cents, and Hickory Drug Co. Is au thorized by the maker to refund tnt purchase price if anyone is dissatis- nnutiuiimiiiiiiiiiniiiinn;nf?mmimm Professional Cards Xi fied with the first box purchased. T T '1 1 I 1 aeDimy, nervous uostration, men- Thousands praise them for general JLfT. W 15. IvaiTlSRV Tnon. I Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. tal depression and untung nerves caused by over-indulgence in aleonci, tobacco, or overwork of any kind. For any affliction of the nervous system Wendell's Ambition PHs are unsurpassed, while for hysteria, trem bl'n? and neuralgia t.hev are simnW splendid. Fifty cents at Hickory HfC Hia-lrc kr Wlrc Drucr Co. and dealers evervwhere AIt.0 VX. illLlVd Mail orders filled, charges prepaid by DENTISTS Wendell Pharmical Co., Inc., Syra- o. Ph iqa oa o . - - -vaiiucut,e .cci mj. cusee, N. Y. ID Office in MaBonic Building. nnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnDonnnnnnnnnonnnnnnaoD J HICKORY HARNESS CO This much is certain: the German blockade will not result in cutting off the supplies of the allies, though it might result in bringing clown five or six new enemies on the central powers. H If Germany began this war as a fight for her existence, we should Jj hate to be anywhere around if sho jg really should start out to attack Bel- R3 gium, France, Russia and England. H 1 The British ofTicials have good manners, at any rate. They are not W saying a thing which could be inter- prfted as a sort of pressure on heu- p tral nations. f'g - J ADVERTISING PUBLIC WORK ' It , i r Advertizing method have been an ij cssrnth! part of the notablv sue- M cessftil liba ry poliev of John' Cotton I ',' Dana, who left this dtv in 1002 to IJ -'.'? in hi ' important work as bead of !?' the pnMic library of Newark, N. I .; J. Mr. Dana- ha.- been an advocate ' of adv.'t'ti,.;,,?: not only for his own t ' part-c-'.'ar in.,trr.:'-.ent of education. 1 c ... ' I I Piedmont -Hickory Wagons Manufacturers of all Liuda of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. There is a reason why vehicles made by the Piedmont Com pany have a reputation (and are guaranteed to do it) of run ning lighter than any other makes. The Company started as a repair shop (in 1877), and while re pairing the different makes of wagons, the good and bad points in their construction were carefully noted,- an4 discussed, with the experienced teamsters. Consequently the combined knowledge of the different designers, with that of experienced wagon users was obtained, and this, along with many experiments laid the Jfoundihon for our present wagons. Since that time a great r : r.-r :.r ;r-vements have boen made, but LIGHT DRAUGHT aid jh.,vjIH have been our aim. Come to our factory and see how tho THSTT n- ,f v, ,i , J." set and GATIILR are put into the avl Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO ar i ki.nnl Vagon & Manufacturing Co. Local Agents D.H ror o'i vice nnd ; idea that it es and m : -advert.'--" i syr "",t''7; he he'!'r.-. ircr-d a nc'i'T i. New.1'.. 1'lr, on tho vidt lows : It has l.'cen m pleusnre for now AHEKNETHY HARDWARE COMPANY, Hickory N C d. A. WARUCK, Newton, N.'c' ' MOiiG ANTON HARDWARE CO , Morganton, N. C. 1 1 C ( . urn r'ii 'C v t fv 'v: : "SO .T.ten.vicnt. Tho I fied for church--h movements to which li" hns no - nf .!n)''.!s,in'. '""1 "n th'.' vay or f i'lv."''? possible to ' .u"i.:.'T.V -A. In t'vi Advertisin,'.: '.'!:! forth his view? of publicity as fol-j J. K. CLINE AND SON, 15.2RW i I AUDT-SEA G LE CO- Lincolnton, N. C. Lenoir, N. C. a D a EI 5?3 C B3 E3 B ea ES E5 im DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's diseases a specialty. Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Mon day night, 7:30 Brethren cordially invited to be present. J. W. SHUFORD, W. M. D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. Jitney Service. HICKORY CONOVER AND NEW TO N Schedule Leave Hickory 8:20 .a. m Leave Hickory 10:20 a. m Leave Hickory 2:30 p. m Leave Hickory 4:30 p. m Leave Hickory o:60 p. m, Leave Newton 7:20 a. m Leave Newton 9:20 a. m Leave Newton 1:30 p. m Leave Newton 3:30 p. m Leave Newton 7:30 p. m Newton to Conover . 18c Newton to Hickory 35c Hickory to Conover 25i Hickory to Newton 35c Our Motto: Good Service. CAROLINA MOTOR CO Keep Your Valuable Papers In A Safe Deposit Box IWIith the increasing number of small burglaries in our town jomes the feeling of insecurity when we keep valuables in the home. The loss of a Deed or Insurance paper whether by fire or theft causes endless worry and expense. A Safe Deposit Box in the Vaults of the First National Bank can be had for a trifling charge, and the contents are absolutely safe and accessible at all times. You have your key and the vaults are open every day. The feeling of security and the con venience of having your papers together and easily found ;s worth many times the small rental for the box. .Call and let us show you these boxes. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times Hickory, N. C. Accounts. Com- nnnnnnnnnnnnanoonnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnDHEgssi f Hickory's Bank for Savers. MB q 'livery requirement of a safe, efficient depository for saving 2 is fully met by the Hickory Banking and Trust Co. OR. ALFRED W. DULA EYE SPECIALIST TO SEE BETTER SEE DULA 17 Year's Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fined Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, N. C. If you got it from DULA. It's A' Right. V" ATCH PAPER FOR DATES. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Sysr Te Old Standard general strengthening GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives ou Malaria.enriches the blood.and bnilds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. CHICHESTER S PILLS TUP. IIUMIINIt RSlvnT . ladles! AsL your OruMht for yA. (JiLcbeiMer's Diamond BrandA rills m Red and Wold metallkVV boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Buy of vonr V "jneKlst. Ask for Cll I-CIIES-TER'S 1 a oaresr. Always Keliabu SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERf aBsaaaxaggaEaasBzaaananonnninnnDnnancaf R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. li'ismoss anl my i V't'ars to mnnar.'o a TK'blic institution This institu tion I havo wishful to he used as much as possible. Only by gaining for it a maximum of use could I know that I was administerinR it even fairly well Moreover, I wanted to ex alt my job;and how could I better exalt it than by inducing more per sons each day to use and profit by the library in my hands? j These reasons for aMvert'sincr tA public libraries I managed, in Den ver, Springfield and Newark, are all nomewhat self-centered. I wanted to ftPt on in my calling, so I made my job as widely known as I could Thi3 seemed proper, even though one may say that it was largely the pro duct of solf-intcrest. I3ut, since I have known the Advertising club read aome of its literature, and considered seriously the place of advertising in the world. I have come to see clear ly, what I have vaguely felt during all my library years that advertis ing is a preat instrument for the pro motion of education and of general welfare, Take my own case: Here is an ed ucational engine, a library set up and kept in motion by cash paid by all citizens. It is run that it may help them. It can help them only if they use it. They can use it only if they know of it, and only if they know of it can it help each one at its own spe'-ial point of need. ! This then, is obvious. That en gint the library should make its existence and all its special power known to every citizen. It cannot' content itself with mere existence. The citizens who pay for it want it THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor Firat-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory. N. C. Next to Firrt Buildin & Loan offic imnniiimtmini iiiintm THE UNIVERSAL CAR X FEW INTERESTING FACTS There are over One Million Five Hundred thousand Fords ,n service today, practically one half of all the car, on American highways are Ford cars Witt Zhn T hUndrCd different akea of auto mobiles m America the Ford Factory prJuces -ore than one half of the entire product See the new features: Streamline hood, large LadMtor and enclosed fan, crown fenders bofh iront and rear, all black fii-,h, nickle trimming a motar car of up-to-dat- taumngt leryXr " wno 13 "rested in buying a w QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow ers any tun WHITNEtt A MARTIN " Ill l i TRADE MARKl ECZEMA REMEDY Sold on a guarantee for Eczema. Tetter, Salt Rheum, and similar af fections of the skin and scalp. So'd only by us, 50c and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG CO. Hickory, N. C. D a a a m a Absolute security is combined with the highest rate of interest consistent with perfect safety. iPrompitness and courtesy art important features of our service. All are welcome. Call and open an account today. Hickory Banking & Trust Co. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. o B D aaaDaDnnaaDDQDDaaaaaDaDaaDDDnoaoaaDDDnoB HARRY SPANNEL ACQUITTED OF MURDERING HIS WIFE San Ahgelo, Texas, Feb. 2. Harry J. Spannell, who was found not guilty in district court here of the killing of his wife, Mrs. Crystal Hol land Spannell, was granted change of venue to Coleman county on the indictment charging him with hav ing killed Lieut. Col. M. C. Butler of the United States army, and was released late yesterday!, on $5,000 bond (It was stated that Spannell probably will be placed on trial at Coleman in May for the killing of Hutler, who was shot to death at the sarnie time. iMrsi. Spannell was killed during an automobile ride with Spannell near Alpine, Tex., last July. iSpanell was not in the court room when the verdict was returned yes terday. Ux-Fos, A MM, Effective Laxative ft Uvar Tonic Does Not Grip nor Disturb tna Stomach. In addition to other properties, Lax-Pos contains Cascara in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative and Tonic. Lax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, arouses the liver and secretions , and restores the healthy functions. 50c I TAKE CARE, LITTLE MAID Do you know, little maid, when you open your mouth, That away to the east, to the west, north and south, On the wings of the wind, just like foees or like birds, Fly the tone of your voice and the .sound of your words? Do you know, little maid, that your .mouth is the door, All the words you will say, be they fewer or more, Are imprisoned within, Some, are sweet, pleasant words, Which will sing when they get out like caroling birds. There are others so cross that they only displease, When they get out, believe me, they sting like the bees, Closeljf wa,tch them, dear maid; when cross words stir about; Shut the door on them tightly, don't let them fly out. Michigan Advocate To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. IS. W. GROVE'S sienature on each box. 26c. mmmmnMiiiiMMHHMnMMH..nn:MniiMM:Miiiiui; The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance -rmnmmummiiiiiinminiiiiiiiiiimnmimi'iiinn mmmmMMMmr,M ..m Are a : Wanes? I 1 Ijif I II 3 1M J .... F H p I Tho Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head oi iis tonic and laxative effect lax rl.l-. i j t. T 7 nor .v ; "tmcmoer ine mil name and wok for the ainature of k. w ntrin -T. car. will find that, if to cme and talk iL'JZTT Touring Car $360. Runabout mj? Hickory R. C. Buch ananSales Mgr., Phone 225. Train Schedules. SOUTHERN Westbound No. 15 Ar Hickory 7:40 a. m. No- 11 Ar Hickory 11:20 a. m. g- 21 Ar. Hickory 4:32 p. m. No. 35 Ar. Hickory 11:32 p. m. Eastbound No. 36 Ar. Hickory 9:05 a. m.. No. 22 Ar. Hickory 12:00 noon. No. 12 ar. TTifl,. coo No. 16 Ar. Hielcnrv r.ka J w.vv a, lit. No. No. No. C AND N.-W Southbound 5 ArJ Hickory 9:00 a. m. 9 Ar. Hickory 2:35 p. m. Northbound !Ar' : Hickry 11:40 a. m. No. 6 Ar. Hickory 4:45p. ni. n Wofllgfl'S la fOR SALE AT ALL DilJGQJSTS m p Your Prescriptions. Have your Physician leaveyour prescriptions with us. We guar antee them to be promptly and accurately filled. Remember we appreciate your patronage. GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office "ON THE CORNER" Subscribe for the Daily Record Hickory Manufacturing Company, Hickory, North Carolina. Manufacturer of SASH, DOORS. BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Send us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prices miitisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iimniiimiiiiimntiMiimttm ROWE LUMBER CO. P. A. ROWE, Manager. All Kinds of Building Material and Specialty on Cabinet Work. Plant located rear of Phoenix Mill. "THE SANITARY WAY PHONE 190. ClothM Altered. Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed and Repaired CITY PRESSING CLUB Moose & Miller. 9 T 1711 : j. x i-k . . iUU1,t. rresiaent and Treasurer J. Worth Elliott, V.-Pr-. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. Fi?e o? o2n W5rtf ."tion- Estimates furnished cheerfully. ine or jramzation anc best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY.N.O

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