i ANYBODY ..mninnnnnnDIlDDDDDDDDDDDnnnnnnnnnnnn 1BBm - - MM n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii LI ri ii ii m" m imnnmwuumuu Can Tell You the Time Or you can look at the sun. But you don't like to ask, and the sun is not always visible. S You Need a Reliable Watch Just step into our store and let us show yu some of our latest and most reliable models. We have a line that can't be ex celled anywhere. Wo have them in all models and at all prices. i Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Registered Optometrist Watch inspector for Southern and C. and N.-W. Railways. ,Bgi3Kfl0pnnnnnDnnnnnnnnannnnannnnnnE' n u o Rexall Cherry Cough Syrup. Six Big Points That Make Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Superior to Many. Ir taste is exceedingly pleasant. Ir ios not derange the stomach. I: is a large bottle for the money. I: amtains nothing harmful. !:! purity is above reproach. It will relieve you or you get your money back. 25 and 50 Cents Per Bottle. Broak up your cold with Rexall Cold Tablets. They are guar- il'lti'Oii OivUts delivered anywhere in town. 0.,t tf town orders mailod promptly by Parcel Post. Hickory Drug Company A Good Drug Store In A Good Town. Miss Jeannette Kling Reader. At The HUB Tonight 8:30. Admission 35c and 50c Seats Reserved at Book Store Not Later than 7:30 "tmini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniminiuiiitu Society t:imiiiiMnma 8 CONOVER SOLDIER WINS A PROMOTION TO CORPORAL (The many friends of Mr. Garland W(inebarger of Conover, who is now a member of Co. "I." 20th infantry at Fort Bliss, Texas, will be pleased to learn that he has recently been appointed corporal of that organiza- :r.r..femeni .in ,ne army, ae Mrs. Bost Hostess - aZZ 1 Vi aioIJeiana, inere I iMrs. C C. Bost entertained Thurs I T V1?,1 wporai wneDarpen dav at x 0-clock with a luncheon in him'. For Mrs. Lingle Quite a large number of Hickory people called last evening at the home of Mrs. J. Worth Elliott when she held a charming informal recep tion for Mrs. T. W. Lingle. Hot chocolate and wafers were served. Mrs. Elliott was assisted in receiv ing by Mrs. C. C. Bost, Mrs. J. D Elliott, Mrs. G. N. Hutton and Misses Kate Elliott, Mary Allen and Fran ces Geitner. r j Mrs. Barkley Hostess (Mrs. W. H. Barkley was hostess yesterday to the Needle Craft Club All members were present and Mes dames W. C. Thompson, B. F. Camp bell, Walter Hefner, Donald Apple- gate, and Lee Seagle were welcome guests At a short business session the officers for the coming year were elected, all the old officers being un animously re-elected. Mrs. I. A Wood, president, Mrs. J. W. Warlick, vice-president, Mrs. D. L Russell, secretary. iDuring the work hour Mrs. Wood read a chapter from the club book. Delicious refreshments in two courses were served before adjournment to . meet next with Mrs. E. IL Umstead. o a Lutzs Drug Store On the Corner Phones 17 and 31 7 Fine Stationery. Just arrived, new shipment of Blue Bird box paper and correspondence cards. Price 50c a Box. We want to supply you with everything you need in good stationery, orders promptly filled and satisfac tion guaranteed. rrttttnTfflTttu::: XfXSXtH 1 1 warn i The REXALL Store Telephone 46. mmn iiuinui:iiiiiiitt!iiyiui8nummKiiimmiii!iiHff Our Machine -Shop has every facility for quick automobile repair work. It is in charge of a competent foreman, There is no time spent ir guess work here. We work on the theory that the quicker you have your car back in service the more you'U boost for us. Isn't that right? CITY GARAGE Phone 377. Positively Relieves.. ColdsXroup, Pneumonia , 25C, 50C, $1.00 AT DRUGGISTS Progressive hearts dice were played at six tables. For receiving the largest number of punches Miss Ger trude Finger was awarded the prize, a pair of lingerie clasps. The honor of Mrs. T. W. Lingle of Dav-lglTST; nonor was presented with idson and the occasion, like every- ? U"A Ui cuirebponaence caras. ine thino- with which Mrs. Bost has anv- flos- served an elegant two course - - - - NOT UP ON GOLF President Alan R. Hawley of the Aero Club of America was defend ing, at a dinner in New York, an American airplane that had been at tacked. "The men who attack the air plane," he said, "are as ignorant of flying as the farmer was ignorant of golf. "A farmer, crossing a field, got hit by a ball in the eye. He ran back and roared at the golfer: "This'll cost ye jest $5 cash in the hand-down!" "But, I yelled 'Fore!' at the top of my lungs,' said the golfer. "'Oh, did ye?" said the farmer, in a modified tonel "Wei., I didn't hear ye. Ill take four." Washington Star. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RECORD Marcus E. Hull, D. C. Lincolnton, N. C. At Hickory: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 11 a. m'. to 2 p. m., Hotel Ifuffry. thine- to do, was highly enjoyable. A delicious six course luncheon was served. A feature that won the ad miration of the guests were the placa cards done by Mrs. Bost in rhyme to describe some virtue or trait of each of her guests. iBesides Mrs. Lingle the other guests were Mes dames W. B. Councill, J. Otis Hull of W(inston-Salem, J. D. Elliott, F. B. Ingold, J. L. Murphy, W. B. Ram say, Geo E. Bisanar and Mrs. J. V.lorth Elliott. o With Mrs. Blackburn. (The Thursday Study Club was de lightfully entertained yesterday af ternoon by Mrs. T. C. Blackburn. Every member of the club was pres ent and Mrs T. W. Lingle of David son was the charming guest of honor. Q dotations at roll call were from Ten nyson. Mrs. Eujbert Lyerly gave the first reading, "The Isle of Wight" and Mrs. C. L.Mosteller read "Can terbury Cathedral." Mrs. Lingle then gave the club a short talk taking as her subject "Federated Clubs." Mrs. E. A. Smith and Mrs. George Bailey sang a beautiful duet together and they also each sang a solo. In the dining room where a three course luncheon was served, the dec orations were suggestive of Valen tine. Valentine place cards mark ed the fourteen places and cupids were scattered over the table. luncheon, the color scheme of pink and white baing carried out throuhgout both courses. The score cards were handpainted cupids and brides roses, and souvenirs were small paper baskets filled with pink: and white mints with cupids and a wreath of brides roses painted on them. Mrs Williams was assisted in re ceiving by Miss Gladys Reid. The! list of guests included Mrs. McComb, Mesdames W. E. McKorie, Horace Lutz, F. A. Henderson, O. G. Hen kel; Misses Mary Allen, Emma Bon-j ner, Claire Sellers, Constance Bost,1 Lenore Sourbeer, Janie Lyerly, Eliza-1 beth McComb, Mary Field, Kate Eli-1 iott, Gertrude Finger, Alice Pruitt,; Amy Sellers, Frances Geitner, Hel- c . t;u: i ' 1 1 tit ; McComb, Virginia Sellers, Margaret! A. laylor, Gladys Reid and Louise Jones. o- Specials For This Week Our White Sale Closed Saturday. We find a number of odd lots that we want to close out. Also a number of our customers were unable to g-1 what they wanted last week in do mestics because our stock sold up. We have a new stock and this week offer you an opportunity to buy these goods at sale prices. . 81x90 Mohawk Sheets, value $1.25 $1.00 82x90 Bungalow Quilts, value $2.00 ,j $1.25 81x90 Bleached Sheeting, value 45c 35c 81x90 Brown Sheeting, value 40c , 33c Lonsdale Bleaching, yalu15c 12c Lonsdale Cambric value 15c 12 c 90 inch Linen Sheeting value $100 75c 42 inch Pillow Cases, value 25c 20c Odd Lots Wool dress goods, value $1.50 , 50c Wool dress goods, value $1.50 75c Cme lot Childrens Coats that sold at $5.00 to $6.50 $3.50 One lot Ladies Coats that sold up to $12.50 $5 00 One lot Ladies Coat suits that sold up to $15.00 $5.00 Onelot Ladies Serge Dresses that sold from $5.00 to $10.00 $3.50 A 12 1-2 Cent Table We will place on this table all kinds of white and colored goods that sold up to 20c 12 A 19 Cent Table On this table you will find skirtings, waistings and all kinds of white goods, that sold up to 35c per yard 19c Other items not mentioned will be on display Thompson-West Company. "The Ladies' Store." ASK SHE KNOWS R The sure way to keep a good cook is to fuinish her something to cook with. Nothing pleases her more than a perfect stove and utensils The perfection of utility and "comfort in cooking is obtained if you install one of our famous South Bend Malleable Steel Ranges. And be sure that a full supply of our elegent granite, or alluminum ware goes with it. Come right in and see them They are beauties. 'ernethy Hardware Co. With Mrs. Cilley The Traveler's Club met at the home of Mrs. J. L. Cilley yesterday afternoon with a large attendance. Miss Louise Coleman was a guest. Quotations on 'Shakespeare" were in response to roll-call '"England at the birth of Shakes peare" was the topic of great in terest given by Miss Essie Seagle. Mrs. G N. Hutton then played "Ardah," a piano selection by Mor rison. Mrs. E. B. Cline read an able arti cle on "Clubs and Club Work," from the Southern Woman's Magazine, telling of Community Club work in Arkansas. 'Mrs. J H. Shuford gave a closing pleasure of the evening in singing "The Flower Song" from Faust, as the quality of daintiness in her voice is so suited to its interpretation. After current events, a salad course with sandwiches, followed by ice cream and cake was served. The next meeting, February 8 will be with Mrs. Chadwick. o - For Mrs. McComb iCharming in every detail was the party given yesterday afternoon by Mrs H. P. Williams in honor of Mrs. Frank McComb, a recent bride Methodist Philatheas The regular business meeting of the Methodist Philathea class was held last night in the class room with a large number of members present. Reports showed that 27 calls had been made on the sick and 38 on prospective members during January Flowers, fruit, candy and magazines were also sent to sick members. In teresting plans were made for the near future which will be announced later. jWte had a most pleasant and profi table ha,lf hour last Sunday Our room was full and the lesson dis cussed enthusiastic. The following names were added to our class roll: Miss Flossie Smith, Mrs. E-. P. Blackwelder and Mrs Minnie Loyd. We have "ninety and nine" to date and expect to pass the one-hundred mark next Sunday. (New members A universal bread card system is to come into operation on February 5 under which all Hollanders will be placed on rations fixed at 400 grams a head per day, with an extra 100 grams for those engaged in hard physical labor. SALT WATER The very best ship that ever I knew, Ah-way O, to me O, Was a big black trawler with a deep- ssa crew Sing, my bullies, let the bullgine run. There was one old devil with a brok en nose, Ah-way O, td me O, He was four-score years, as I sup who come for four successive Sun-! Sing, my bullies, let the bullgine run. days after joining are presented with i the class pin Quite a number have i And the old, old devil (he was 90 at been donated during the past few' the most), months. iMrs. G. E. Flowers receiv- j Ah-way O, to me O, ed one last Sunday. j Roars, "Ah, warm as a hckle piece of The class was beautifully remember- toast ed last Sunday by Miss Mariorie , So sing, my bullies, let tne Dungine Whitener, in the form of a lovely bouquet of white roses and narcis sus She has been sick for some time with scarlet fever, but is im proving nicely, her many friends will be glad to learn. We hope our class will "go and grow" and we extend a cordial in vitation to young ladies who desire active Christian fellowship to join us SUB. REPORTER . BREAD CARD SYSTEM FOR (HOLLAND SOON (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam, Netherlands, Feb. 2. THAT'S THE TIT fU POLIS ' M tI7 SHOE POLISHES 10$ -BLACK-WHITE-TAN- IOy F.F Dalley Co. oTNewYbrk.In Buffalo, N.Y run. "For I soaked my sea-boots and my dungarees Ah-way O, to me, In the good salt water that the Lord don't freeze" Oh! sing, my bullies, let the bullgine run. Alfred Noys, in London Chronicle. SUBSCRIBE TO THE RECORD MRS. R. W. GRIMES TESTIFIES Robersonville, N. C, January 22nd, 1917. Person Remedy Company, Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen: Some time ago I was attack ed with a serious spell of Ty phoid fever, which left me in a very weak condition and effect ed my limbs. We decided it had resulted in white swelling. Every remedy we could think of was used, but to no effect. My suffering was great and I had to go on crutches. At last we were induced to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, after suf fering for two years, and the result was marvelous. After taking eight bottles I was en tirely cufedf and have never had a symptom of trouble since. My faith in Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is great and I would advise all sufferers to give it a trial and be convinced as I have. (Signed)) MRS. R. W. Grimes Among the best anywhere as a blood tonic and general tonic. Ask your druggist. The 5 and 10 Cent Store Is a good place to buy 5, and 10 and 25 cents Merchandise. We spec ialize in these lines. Everything in 5, 10 and 25c Goods W. L. & T. W. Boatright The 5 and 10c Store 1 OO.OOOoOO One Hundred Thousand Dollars to loan on business or residential property in the city of Hickory and farming lands in Catawba County. Loans to run for a period of ten years at an average annual cost of less than six per cent. Address: C R. WEBB, General Agent,' SMby9 R C

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