HICKORY DAILY RECORD 41. K TWO Hickory Daily Record TELEPHONE 167 PubliHhed bv the ClanIrinUn Co Kverv Evening ExceDt Sunday. . ' " Editor rEr" Manager tmir "I- Adv. Mgr S. H. J. C. II. M SiUHcriUT desiring the address of . .. .. ..r ,ha.med. will please stmt , ; , m.u-Hliui. Loll. UL" hhU , , ii It 1 1 ?!. , ,., Hl.cn-in awner. com .. .i.l'lw ma.iv lo the tMiiplaiiiU. Patriotic, Prompt, Practical SELF CONVICTED Savannah News. rvK Karl Vrooman, assistant secretary of agriculture, intended something more tr.an ,, crai-e ths South when ne -u Ff. :.T.s: L rt of the country n 1 a VISIL kU una - - snowed him the southern peop e were patriotic. : rompt ai.u P"; " " " r vans for doing tteir mc n the war nd po:u..iy their ,...Are 1 the work of priKhiciiu ford. Fer- SliMStllM'THKN RATES J 00 t.uo .40 .10 Out) ye"" ---Six months . . three months Une M'iilh . Mi- week ... I'lilll.K WTION OFFICE: 1102 KI.EX EN 'I'M AN K.N , B il II. li'l.). ill jiu-r Sep ..I oilice at ,t Ma''h ASSOCIATED I'UKKS REPORTS THURSDAY, APK1L 26, 1917 OF GREAT significance Two of the greatest democracies of the world have sent their most distin guished representatives to the United States and they have received a wel come that is a tribute to them, their countries and their cause as well as to the common sense, justice and patriot ism of the American people. The visit of the Balfour and Jotl're mis sion marks the final departure of the United States from its life-long policy of isolation and ushers it 'in to world politics with a fevor that is felt from one end of the land to the other. Through it all wo can see the Wil son attitude from the beginning of the war. The president strove for over two years to keep the country at peace, and his several utterances, viewed under present conditions, were made in the vain hope of making haps Hi ''u . ev,,.1H set a mark to wnicn me uut would have strive to meauif SU.1. it is Pleasant that he .aid what ne did say anu ine souinmu, "7 cr or not it is praised for it, do its lit with patriotism, prompuy ami . i ...o,- lr must fur- a 11IOPI i.racucai " . , ... mill us snaie " ' , , . must use its proportion of the ploug hs iarmer boys ar needed on the farms. They would make first cl- ss soioiers, A course, as southern farmer boys always have made good fi"'.iting men whenever a chance came fight, but they a- worth more to their country on the farm than in the ... ,r..- Mnks it a easier to make a i ,xi,iior thnn to make a irood lar- mer. There are plenty of n en who can be made into soldier, wunout (Licimatiuff the rank-, of the food yrow ers. It is patriotic for the farmer boy to stay on the farm and to do his work promptly. It is practical patriot ism, too, for him to stay there how ever much his heart may burn for a chance at the German soldiers, hand to This fact illustrates one great dif ference between the volunteer and the universal service system. Jn tnc- one the farmer boy may be accepted as a wtiPii he could serve his coun- SVtVtiv - - Koftor with Jl nlOW. lli Ui LI stirk to the plow, where U 1 1 1 C l iC .vv.. - . must. Tipeiiod. and soldiers wouia 1 1 v ta - ii be found elsewhere, bomeooay nas to make the crops, and the crops must be bigger than ever betore. Sombody must do the fighting, and the army must be bigger than it has been in 5 years. It does noi soive the crop problem to take iarmer the armv problem. The .i-vinvf not e vet fTYl would reduce the WlUIUVI t.jv-.. niimknr nf farmers Dv a consiuer able number at the very time when the number should be increased, ana when an effort is being made to have, school children and owners of vacant lots in cities raise vegetables. If there was no way to raise an army except by enlisting farmer boys they would have to go to the uniform; but there is another way, a better way, . way that will not deplete the food pro- Jnfinr armv in nrder to build UP a v vv ?-, - - - San Francisco Chronicle. t Once a city man oi convivai nanus trot into difficulty in a small town. Indeed he lound nimsen naiea ue fore the local magistrate. "The constable," observed tne cay man to the magistrate, "seems won werfully certain about the details of my case. Hoy is it he doesn't call his fellow officers to corroborate what he says?" "There's only one constable in this village, sir," explained the magistrate. "But I saw two last night!" indig- natly asserted the accused. "Exactly, said the magistrate, smil ;ng broad'y; that's jest the charge against you!" SHORT QUICK SERVICE; NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow ers an? iim I WHITNER ft MARTIN mnHi;m:;iiiiuiiMii"'titr Sheriff Isenhower will be in the city manager's office from 10 until 4 o'clock Saturday for the purpose of collecting taxes. This will be his last visit before the May penalty is added. 4 26 2t Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST ( Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO sthhiiiihh" ""TTT!I Fraternal Directory luUUII ITT "TT""" 8 5 n t mm EllISIIlllMIIIIlIllIinillt yWt Hickory Lodge, No.206,L0.0.F. Brother Odd Fellows inrited. Meets every Tuesday sight, at 7 :30 Degree work every meetm. J. F. JOY, Secretary. THURSDAYEYENmr, IUU- Don't Have to Have Much Money t0 S be Kicn. AMERICA'S PART IN THE WAR From a private letter written by an American resident of London to a fripnrl in the United States. Real American opinion will be sat- isked if America decides for active, n:rticination in the war, but must' all wish for real eltective service. m Finance and t pplies seem to be injg the riirht line and Roosevelt m the;s trenches the wrong. I cannot imag- ine anything more likely to emoar-.g rass the successful carrying of hostil-j ities than America tying up her ships ; in trying to send untrained troops to a France under Teddy, who couldn't !g sit still in a trench if he tried. Build jj shins, manufacture munitions, grow food and get them over here, and, for heavens' sake don't dislocate the un ion hv shoutinc at the men. who know. in command, and please suppress" half the newspapers; they seem to me to do infinite harm. DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's diseases a specialty. CARL D. MOORE Attorney-at-Law Offico over Moretz-White- jj ner Clothing Co. g Hickory, N. C. ttmmiiuiiuiiiimniiiiiiuiitt Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Mon day night, April 2, 7:30. Brethien cordially invited to be present. J W. SHUFORD, W. M. D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec7y. Smmattfflmmiiiiin"i mum Piedmont Council No. 43, Jt, O. U.A. M. Meets every Wjnday evening at 7:30 P. M.. All visiting brothers cordially invited. J. H. SIGMON, Councilor W. I. Caldwell, Roc. Sec Riches are only relative.. The. noorest man in the world is the fellow who keep up with the procession when he doesn't even way the procession is headed. The richest man is the fellow with a contented just a little more than he is spending. You can be rich. i is kn r-vin? to w which mlnde -earning Franklin said: "Frugality is dustry a good estate." a fair fortune and abits of ai- ia sa It's just a question of your starting that SAVINGS ACCOU with D I FIRST NATIONAL BANK a Capita! and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. Hkkftry, N.G. Accounts. Com. To Cure a Cold 1n One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold Drucglsts re(und money if it fails to cure, b. W. GROVE'S sienature ou each box. 25-. ttnmimimiiiiinniiiMnmim WHERE HE GOT OFF "AT the imperial German government dis cern what the world was being forc ed to. No great power can remain ! fighting army. neutral in future world wars, the president said on ono occasion, and thia nronhecv waa borne out aooner - - - -. doubtless than he expected. Wars Indianapolis News are so destructive and abhorrent thatj a stranger was riding on one of they should not be allowed to occur, the South Sid e street car lines, a and all nations should use their moral new conductor was also on the same . . . ... car. and military iorces 10 prevent mem. . ff , , . street said If the great democratic nations the pagsenger. stand together, as they should stand Things went along' in their accus u- v,,. in futile win tomed Groove. Soon a fellow pas 6Jt to f m, The American STLT repuonc nas nau more hi cummvn wim now pass,no; the corner where he wish- demo:racies for the past three years ed to alight. At this the passenger than all the rest of its history, and rose up with wrath in his eye. Tut this community of interest will con- conductor saw him about as soon as ' ... he arose, and realizing that something tinue to grow stronger with the was not just right pulled the bell cord years. We know our friends; we "What's matter, can't you call a know that we have no cause for dread- street for a man and let him off ing nations that are governed by the where he wants to get off? This , , ... ... v street I want is back a square now, people, and our relat.ons with Eng- grumbed the irate passenger. land for the past few decades have gay mister," hotly replied the von of u kind to convince us that sht conductor "when you don't know is our friend. where the street you want to get (tT Tl ; -f .v. Q p!fi.-, varnv at is, what you want to do is to ring The vtsit of the British and French thg Qn aquare before you get to mission emphasizes the fact that Ai.. it and tnen you'll get off where you erica acts no longer as a provincial want to get off at." power but as a world power. Her . Professional Cards Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS t hi-ches-ter's Diamond HmndXv IMIIsin Red and Gold metallic' Take no other Buy of your " llrucefxt. AskforCIII-C IIES-TER'S lIA9?ON l!RANI FILLS, for 25 vears known ac Ret. Safest. Alwavs Reliable SOU) BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE asm Catawba Lodge No. 54 K. of P. Mpts everv Thuraday night. -1 Visiting brerthren invited. HUGH D'ANNA, C. C. K. L. HEFNER, K. R. and 8. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS H6c Phone 194, ftemidnce 118-L. Office in Masonic Buildins. tehickory HARNESS CO. Manufacturers cf all hiuds of i.MlNESS, BRIDLIi SADDLES AND STRAP WORK Hopairing a Specialty Hickor, N C THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP - M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work iuaranteed Phone W6, Work Delivered 1032 14th ctreet Hickory, N. C Nlext to Firrt Buildin & Loan office. power will be asserted for world justice. BASEBALL RESULTS Americans paid merited tribute to General Joffrc, the grand old man oi France. It was he who saved the vvor'd at the outbreak of the war and he held the supreme command through the long months when England was preparing for the mighty conflict. A democrat of democrats, Marshal Jof fre was the idol of the French sol dier, and no martial figure stands out today more than the famous French leader. The debt of gratitude that America and England owe to him i less than that of France, it is true, but we-are in position just now to ap preciate 3t. Carolina Raleigh, 2; Greensboro, 4. Winston-Salem, 0; Durham, Asheville, 6; Charlotte 5. National League St. Louis, 8; Pittsburgh, 10. Brooklyn 6, Boston 6. (Called in 12th inning, darkness.) Cincinnati, 2; Chicago. 4. Philadelphia 8; New York 9. A M IT,. II All LddY ?f $1000 ay iu Income at rovide a ifty J. W. Hollingsworth LAWYER Office Hollingsworth Clothing Co. NEWTON, N. C. "GET READY" Bicycle Week April 28th to May 5th Buy ROWN! Abernethy Hardware Co. Hickory, N. C. American League Detroit-St.Louis, rain. Boston, 5; Washington 4. New York, 2; Philadelphia, 4. Chicago, 1; Cleveland, 4. STANDING OF CLUBS Carolina Teams Won Lost "" " Greensboro 5 2 Wc can't speak for Governor Bick- Durham 5 2 ett of course, but it is safe to say that Asheville -.4 3 he will not favor the selective draft wiStofsaiem 2 5 for North Carolina if this state chouiu Rakigh1".1"-!" .V III 6 have to go it with only two others, i The governor is democratic enough I National to want the principle to apply to the N Teams WoJ L03 whole country, but not enthusiastic stLouis JlZl" JiZ 9 5 enough to desire this state to do more Chicago I J 8 6 than its whole part. Army and Boston 5 4 national guard officers may be assured Sr?0!5-- , 6 01 that. I ni.:i.i,.ii-: o n i luiaucipina o I The sinking of that German sub marine by gunners on the American Bteamer Mongolia caused more down American League W Chicago 9 -J ..Li , "U8W -- wntnusiasm in ine united New York.- 6 States than any one thing since the Cleveland war began. And we will wager Philadelphia 5 that Londoners felt like knocking tn Selroit fftn '" " 3 'op oir the sky. Pet 714 714 571 571 286 143 Pet 800 643 571 555 333 333 300 Pet 750 636 600 500 417 364 273 Safes if That is what the Consolidated Trust Company wi'i do for yoa you follow our plan. Any person twenty five years om who can save fW doHtn week can with our aid have an income of $1000.00 jm at the age of fifty. Come in andlet us talk it ow wiH Our exp ' nee and Banking Facilities are at -your urriii. Consolidated Trust Co. Successor to ( Hickory Banking & Trust Ci. ( Catawba Trust Company. OFFICERS G: E. Ransom, President. J. A. Lentz, 1st Vice-President. J. F. Abernethy, 2 Vice-President J. Walter Orebaugh, cashier. C W. Cloninger, Ass't. Cashier. DIRECTORS G. E. Ransom J. A. Lentz J. F. Abernethy J. W. Orebeugh C. L. Mosieiler D. M. CcCorcb W. L. Mitchell J. W. Shuford J. A. Cline Subscribe for the Daily Record FORD! NEW Effective Aug. 1, 1916 Chassis - Roadster - - -Touring Car - F. O. B. Detroit Hickory Gara Elliott Building PRICES $325 345 - 3C0 Co. Phone 13 Soring and Si Clothes MUSICAL FESTIVAL nHMMM m mYm A V M. M It is to be hoped that Elihu Root Charlotte, N. C, May 1st and 2nd, 1(117 TPnaf iiwrl tr f Via Hn.r.ni: will accept the appointment from i. ,.tri rr-.i- - n . ..... . , , . ian orcnesira lUKetner wim several President Wlilson to head an Amem... stars of the Metropolitan Grand Op mission to Russia. No man is abler era Company. for the great task that Mr. Root and Account of this occasion, Southern any commission with him at its hcac Rai,wfy System will sell tickets at n ,.. TT 4 very low round trip fares from all would reflect credit on the United pointg within a radius of 100 miles States and will accomplish something of Charlotte. for the most needy of the allies. , Tickets will be on sale April 29th, 1 30th, May 1st and 2nd. Life Is mesle, whoopin, Wffi. ... . mi-! ?1, 1 (All the new weaves.) We Have and cam PI ease You, right after another with some chn dren. 1 Righteous indignation will burn ev ery German through and through. Don't forget the baby week cam paign here. This will be an event of unusual interest and pleasure and you can not afford to miss this opportunity to enjoy it. For information as to rates, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Agent, or wTite, S. E. BURGESS. Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte. N. C. (See our Straw Hats.) Yoder-Clark Clothing Company 'The MerVs Store" Your Party or Dinner will not be complete without some of our de:'c;cu There's none so good. 'Phone us your order. )C GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Port 0 "IN Business for Your Health The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance Hickory Manufacturing Lomp. Hickory, North Carolina. Manufacturer of e SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Jy MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIAL Send us your plans for estimates. Write for w J. D Elliott. President and Treasure, J- Worth L. M. Elliott. secreLij- ij. m.. .tiiu -t.. Elliott Building Compn' Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnUh fj. Fine or sanization and beat equipped contractor HICEORY N.C