TlKSlAV EVBNISO HiCKORY DAILY RECORD 8 n - sassiucBaasncanaoistiDnnnnonnnnnnnD Jewelry for Everyone 5 PAGE THREE ; ?' " ::'" a a 9 3 Watches, pins, cuff links, lav alliers and novelties. The g best and latest to be had iu our stock. p Don't forget our large stock q of watches. Reliable makes D and at lowest prices. Call D and see them. 5 M eo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Registered Optometrist .p.vtor for Southern and C. and N.-W Railways. Arls in the Record bring Results r Don't Laugh An untimely break resulting from an incompetent repair job may make it necessary for you to get out and get under sometime. If you ant to be sure of a job well done that will "stay tixed," let us do your repair work. We have the experience, th? knowledge and our charges will be right. CITY GARAGE PHONE 377 ST ii.K .-Ai.i-: nv C, M. Shuf.T : ' Abernethy Hard ware Co., a:..i : 1 dealers. (Mitncnir Vu v.. i ien; TonK The 01 'I Siv! .r I I'.rcve's Tasteless 1 chill Tonic i - , valuable as a GeniTa! Tor1,' it contains the teaknowa t. i rt!t-of jjL-ININE , udlRU.N. 1; i tin? Liver, Drives I out Mlari.t, I'.vl ' the lUood and ; Builds up tiie V ;.; System. 50 ccuU ; Typcwnler Ribbons give cKvir, j.crmancnt cipies. Will not smut, dry out, or fill the type. Buy typewriting supplies of II VAN DYKE SHOPi L I O. 4. Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. 1 had such a weakness and dizziness, . . . and the pains were very severe. A friend told me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardui? . . . I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE ,0 The Woman's Tonic f"l" SAM 1 UY WAY" PHONF 190. ''"thoH Alt.r.d craned. PreBsed. I)"l ..mi KepairH CITY PRESSING CLUB Moose & Miller. Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists SUIJSKIBE FOR THE RECORD yiiu inn lUMnuuirtmtt Local and Personal i. h CATAWBA COMMENCEMENT WILL EEGLN WEDNESDAY! .e-rrton, May 15 Finals at Ok- tavv'od. college will begin tomorrow mtwttwwMHHIHHMHHMHinnwilHHttt evening with the annual Philomathe-1 :T.Tt 0A TV,TU. A .. . oil uiinc! o vw.iuw xUA a guiu I'lCU- aim mrs. A. HJ. Huttman ot i Asheville spent Sunday with Mr. and ap' v.. sr. xiunman at Hotel Huttry. i Mr. Sherrod Menzies who is drafts man in the ship building yards at prof. George Warlick, .Newport News. Va.. is snendino- a t'u t John -Fesperman, O. B. Mich-, George Palmer and Geo. Wag-! ner will speak. Friday evening! six young men will deliver orations m a contest lor tne medal offered bv cwuuit iNews. va.. is snenainer a week at home. The first event of commencement i proper, however, will be the baccalau- rilate srmorf, Suinday evening by Mrs. R. E. Simpson of Richmond, ' Rev. Dr. A. D. Wolfinger of Greens Va., is spending- several days with boro. Monday night the music and Mrs. T. A. Mott and Mrs. Mildred expression departments give their an Ellis. " .nual recital. The Tuesday numbers on the commencement program in- 'Mrs. Dan Chatham of Winston- elude the trustees' meeting at 1 p. Salem is spending a few days with m., class day exercises at 2, art ex her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ab- hibit at 3 o'clock, alumni business ernethy. meeting at 5 and at 8 p. m. the al- j umni address will be delivered by Mr. J. D. Elliott, Miss Kate El- Rev- Dr- tL A- Mt Holshouser of liott and Mr. Joe Elliott Sherrili left Winston-Salem. This will be follow yesterday for a week or ten davs trio ! ed fay tne junior oratorical contest, in Florida. Capt. C. C. Freeman returned this morning from Washington, where yes terday he reported to the war depart ment in response to an order to report there. (Captain Freeman left his pa pers and will await further orders. FARMERS UP EARLY WORKING THEIR CROPS Catawba, Caldwell and Burke coun ty farmers are straining every nerve o produce food crops. From day light until sundown most of them are in the fields and they continue their 'abors without stopping from one week to another. If the elements hreat them half decently, their lands will bring forth a big harvest. "I woke up at 3:30 this morning," said a well known farmer and dairy man, as he ,delVjered hijs product i?fore a town family had fed the chickens and eaten breakfast, "and I was up and at work at 4 o'clock." That made the town fellow asham ed of himself. It was then 7:30 o'clock. The town man, in discussing the af fair, said he told his wife that he should be ashamed of himself for sleeping at a time when his friends in the country were astir; when he could be whipping his garden into shape, and doing his bit. There are a number of town folks, however, who are up with the lark in the morning, at that and it is a fact that too many of them are out for a lark lato at night. But there is a vast difference between the meaning of the two phrases. land then the alumni' banquet will be held. Wednesday is graduation day, ex ercises to begin at 10.30. Hon. Clyde R. Hoey will deliver the literary ad dress at 2 p. m. and at 8 p. m. th senior class play will be staged. The graduates this year are Misses Oorothy Olwin Ervin, Bessie Lee Herman, Edith Winona Sherrili, Sarah Immte Wlitheirspooif and Lois Miller Yelton; and Russell Win iield Wthitener. Special students in clude Miss Mary Field Lowrance in art. Mis Ora Belle Travis in music, and Miss Dennice Lelia Yelton in business. Wlalter B. Parks is chief marshal for commencement assisted by Claude L. Lutz, Dole M. Kluttz, and .Frank tR Bac(on from the Atihen aean society, and Geo. S. Wagner, John T. Fesperman and Odiell D. Leonard from the Philomathean society. APPREHENSION IS FELT OVER TURN IN RUSSIA W.EST HICKQQY OFFFICERS West Hickory, May 15. At the town election held here last week Mr. Peter Buff was elected mayor and Messrs M. A. Carswell, Thomas Cook and J. P. Senter, aldermen, and S. Z. Parker and J. L. Walker school trustees. The new board appointed Mr. I. M. Burns .chief of police and has started off in good shape. Mr. Frank Lackey, Bryant Mace and several other young people of West Hickory went to St. John's church in Burke county Sunday to at tend a singing school convention. Mr. Wiley Jones who was badly burned several days ago is improving a little. Miss Minnie Abee spent several 'da.ysjjlat w'eek w;j(th frelaitiv'eis a.t Drexel. Miss Myrtle Mace spent Sunday with friends in Burke county. iMiss Julia Richards is visiting her uncle in Caldwell county. T. J. L. AAA To keep the Home Healthy and Clean At all Times Disinfectants and insect pow ders are always necessary at housecleaning time. Get them here, and you will always get the best kinds at lowest prices. Chloride Lime 10c Platts Chlorides 50c Black Flag Insect Powder 10 and 25c Roach Killer 25c Fly paper, 2 sheets for5c Creolin 25 and 50c Lysol .25, 50 and $1.00 Kreso 25c and 50c Bug Killer 15c "Tailoring First1 in Palm Beach Suits LUTZS Drug' Store "On the Corner" Phones 17 and 317 Hemstitching Picot Edge Samples on request. MISS ELIZABETH BOST Mrs. W. R. Beckley, Millinery Phone 208 Hickory, N. C. Washington, aMy 15. News of the overthrow of two dominating military figures in the Russian capital added xreatly to the apprehension felt here for the democratic movement to which the encouraging and moral support of this government soon is to be carried by a mission of distinguished Amer icans. Official reports added nothing to the brief press despatches indicat ing that both the minister of war, General Guchkoff, and the comman ier of the Petrograd garrison, Gen eral Korniloff, had been forced out of offiice by friction among high officials of the provisional government. The V XI i A1 impression grew, nowever, mac wiejyear for bridge building nhtrht of the new democracy, beset; a rf, by ambitious partisans of the old re gimes, by the intrigue of German agents, might be much more serious than surface conditions have reveal ed. Although the American mission which received final instructions from President Wilson, will take pains not to interfere unduly in Russia's inter nal affairs, officials have made no se cret of this hope that one of the re sults of the visit will be to streng then the position of the new demo cratic government. NEW YORK BOY TRIED HARD TO JOIN NAVY ALL BIDS REJECTED At Statesville Wednesday the Ire dell and Catawba commissioners re jected all bids on river bridges, and decided to go ahead and build the Buffalo shoals bridge at once, put ting in the concrete, using such parts of the old bridge as can be used, piecing out the rest with temporary structure. Bids receiving ranged from $57,000 to $80,000 for the Is land ford bridge. Bids will be ask ed for a concrete foundation for a low water bridge there. It is a bad Prices are high and Catawba county people are loaded down. There is much senti ment against four river bridges at this time. MEETING OF CLASSIS; CHURCH BUYS STANDARD The ;Refbrmeid church cjljassia of the state which met in Salisbury last week, practically finished its work Thursday and Friday. As in the case of all other activities, the shad ows of war were upon the meeting and this made it 'different" from meetings of classis in the past. Noth ing of special moment was before the body. In the election of officers. Rev. D. C. Cox of ThomasviUe was made president; A. A. Blackwelder Aik,m, M' v Mow i K Trvrnu- to ot. ienoir, vice-president; Kev. w. U. boost his' 5 feet 3 inches up to thejLyefly of Mount Pleasant reading uiexii.: ivev. vj. hj. jriotl 01 lnomas- HPHB genuine Palm Beach - Cloth has merit that is an established fact but the first essential to satisfaction in clothes made of this feather-weight mid summer cloth, is tailoring. Palm Beach suits bearing the "High Art" label are tailored with a view to making this otherwise rather delicate fabric, service giving and shape-retaining and since there is hardly anything cooler than a Palm Beach suit, one who would enjoy mid summer comfort, should buy a Oranges Apples Ice Cream California Sunkist oranges 30c a doz. Extra fancy Wincsap apples (Washington Valley) a dOZi 7lat goocj jce cream, "Hickory made for Hickory trade." 25c pt. 40c qt. Tobaccos Candies Drinks PAUL F. DELLINGER 1410 I0tl, Avenue Telephone 248 standard required for military service, WJillis Hlartman, a patriotic youth from Gleenwood, near here, tried a form of elevation that almost got by the United States marine corps re cruiting officers here. Willis went through without a flaw until he stripped to be xamined fnr scars when the doctor discovered several layers of adhesive plaster and a small cotton pad under each heel that gave a 'French-heel effect" to the would-be warrior. wnen n was removed, he lacked one inch of meet ing the required height. 'I don't want to be a slacker, so I tried my best to enlist," said Hart- man, when he was rejected. ins scheme would be all right, too' he added, "if I could only make it stick." TWO HICKORY BOYS TO REPRESENT CAVALRY ville, corresponding secretary. E. W-. Tatum of Salisbury, chair man of the executive committee of the world-wide Baraca-Philathea mov ement, announced that the world-wide convention scheduled to meet in Syra cuse, N. Y., in June, has been post poned until June, 1918. '. The post ponement is made on account of the war having so many Canadians - and Americans tied up and unable to at tend. . The classis decided to purchase the Reformed Church Standard from Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly, and appointed Dr. J. L. Murphy of Hickory as ed itor-in-chief; Rev. W. H. -McNairy of Lincolnton as business manager; and the president of Catawba College, the superintendent of the orphanage H. A. Fesperman, W. C. Lyerly and G. E. Plott are to be the board of publication. Special at the PASTIME This Afternoon & Night "WAR OF THE TOGS" A sensational dramatice novel ty play in 5 reels. Something new. Don't, miss seeing it Regular admission, 5 and 10 qcnts. Wednesday, L-Ko Komedy day at the Pastime. "High Art Palm Beach We have all sizes and models including sport backs. Cast off that woolen suit and know what real hot-weather comfort is. loretz-Whitener Clothing Co "The Quality Shop." tttttitttttttnzitu i2 CHICHESTER S PILLS Imf J THE IAMOI BRAND. A Lad las I Ash your Droaetet for , Ckl-abes-ter'a Diamond Brand 'Mils la Rrd and Sold metaliicX boxas, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no elhar. Hut or todp Urncstat. AskferCIIl-ClfK8-TERS' DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 85 years k nown as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOU BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ooooooooooooo The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance mnuutii:iisiiiiiiiiiiiimii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniMtCT EDnnncaannnnEsnnnnnnnnnnnnDnnnnoonDCZZ-r O O O O O Used 40 Years o o o o o TRENCH FIGHTING John Aiken and Gordon Councill, members of the JLmcointon cavairy Qhio gtate Journai troop, have been designated irom tne It is wtelcome n ?to au wh0 troop to Fort ugietnorpa to rase "iejpropose to engage in the European training for officers of the reserve jwar that the old trench fighting is corps. These young men were on j disappearing. It was mean warfare; the border with the militia and ac-)worge than brutal and cowarjiy, too. miltted themselves Ml a manner W,TKom H7!ic nn lianro fnr the TAmaned win the recognition irom w; tain of their troop. cap- CHINESB PICTURE AT PASTIME TODAi KB o o o o o The Woman's Tonic Sold Everywhere r. e 8 o o a m H El H H a 13 El B H S3 H B a IS! 69 E3 E3 a a a a 81 13 a Q The Product of Experience The high quality and low price of the Chevrolet is made possi ble by long experience, unlimited resources and buying, build ing and marketing facilitiesequalled by no other eompany. You will find more value visible and invisible in the Chev rolet "Four-Ninety" than in ay other car at tis price in Ameri ca. iVe guarantee the Chevrolet to have more power per pound f car than any other car built. The prooff. Seeing and Riding in a Chevrolet. OOOOOOOOOOOOO S3 E Boick Garsige OUALITY! SERVICE! PHONE 210. g 0 QSODDBQDDQDDDDDEinDDDDDDQDDDDDDDDDDDnDni a n of war; no challenge to a man's spir it. It has had to deal with the dis couragement of enlistments. It is horried to think of fighting in a trench. It was the British and French who, by their brave, open at- 4- n ,,1-r. -f-i.fArl Allf f V Q f lOT1 .ll A malt ..... LCUl.i3k AUAVA VUU tw VIVUVII, A Did you know tnat tnere were -.could resign himself to death in the I nlft in this country today who chose , . . Jo i.-i.-. tneir wives uy uwau w.- dying in the shambles. It is hoped ot a proiisssuma.!, ... that the worId sees tne last ot- ltj and ranges all the details of dowry, and so jt .f Germany is beaten. It forth, without the parties to the mar- j wouJd be & gQod thing if ifc CQuld be riage being consulted at all in tne j suppressed by the law of nations so matter Did you know that in. certain thafc would figure in nQ war after communities of our people, tho man tnis jf there is to be a war even again, had to provide the dowry of a ceitam, h- h ig improbable. sum before he is allowed to marry .he eirl; These are som uj. uic quaint and interesting marriage cus toms of the Chinese in San Francisco, who have made a motion picture of tuoir life in that city under the su pervision of the Universale director NEARLY FIFTY THOUSAND GERMANS WERE CAPTURED WHth the French Armies in France, Mav 14 ((From a Staff Correspon- "eneral in which not one single white dent of the Associated Press.) Ac man appears in five reels. This re- cording to authoritative figures now markable screen achievement is called available, the French and British ar- "The Wlar of the Tongs, a Kea nues Detween Apni ana may ' . i 1 1 : . I A rt crrn Z"1 nlii' TTiontVior TlhOtODlaV. ana Will UO seen ; cauiureu If.nia vrcimaua, at the Pastime theatre this afternoon and . tonight. 12 including 476 officers, 444 heavy and field can non, 943 machine guns and 386 trench BMIIIIMUIKIMIIM Wood's Special Grass Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up in proportions as experi ence has shown best suited for th different soils and purposes foi which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our Seed Catalog' for 1917 gives full information, to gether with letters from customer giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required. T.W.WOOD O SONS, SEEDSMEN. - Richmond. Va. Sow Wood't Evergreen Lawn Gfii j for beautiful green lawn. Write for special Lawn circular. To Please You Every one of the fine finishing touches that perfect candy should have is found in a box of These fine Candies have been the "pace and peace makers" in Southern social life for more than a quar ter century. You'il appreciate their distinctive goodness FRESH BY EXPRESS. Hickory Drug Company jl I llllllUIUlllllllllllll The REXALL Store Telehophe 46 rr Hr

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