HICKORY DAILY RECORD AGE lrfREE nw MM VC Mf 1L CHS TV VI Rfflflffinm'im'IRMRMMnMHiHiMMMMM . Jewelry for v Everyone Watches, pins, cuff links, lav alliers and novelties. The beat and latest to be had iu our stock. Don't forget our large stock of watches. Reliable make and at lowest prices. Call and see them. eo. E. Bisanar a a a a a a Church Directory Local and Per&Krcl r. nmmnnmmmtmi a Jjj Jeweltr und Registered Optometrist gj i A', : MHitor for Southern and C. and N.-W Railways. EI Don t Laugh An untimely break resulting from an incompetent repair job may make it necessary for you to get out and get under sometime. If you vant to be sure of a job well done that will "stay fixed," let us do your repair work. We have the experience, th? knowledge and our charges will be right. Church of the Ascension, Episcopal Sunday after Ascension Jay. 7:30 a. m. Jloly Communion. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. 8 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. ii ?.t:u::tn:m i iMr. John Bollinger will preach in the grove in East Hickory tonight at ', 8 o'clock and the public is invited to hear him. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Wolfe and lit , tie daughter, Janie Winchester of ; Charlotte are guests of relatives and ! friends in the city. Presbyterian ;Rev. J. G. Garth, pastor. Regular services tomorrow at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. Subject morning: Misses Louise Little and Nancy "The Veneer on Religiosity." Evening Kenneth Little of Catawba and Miss topic, "The Tragedy of Absalom." Annie Laurie Hudson of Spencer are Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m; Miss spending the week-end with Mrs. C. Mary Doll, leader. C. Bost. First Methodist Rev. A. L. Stanford, pastor, Sunday school at 9:45. Preaching Mr. Lewis Taylor of Burke coun ty, well known throughout this sec- CITY GARAGE PHONE 377 fa K (i LAUNDRY i GOOD TOWN n SIS Do Not Bother Your Wife . ;ir work, "Ie g.mnintee all our work. buttons :..tf! i.'tus repairs fu"? ot charge. Fricej to be abso .; ',. ..uicry in every ie.p?ct. Shirts (all kinds) 10 cents. Ladies' and Mens Hats Cleaned and Reblocked. Look Like New 'Ki.T liATS Ti:.U 1 1 AT y ii.vT l-.U II AT i HAT 1.1'. vi :.iu st 1 1- r l!.K il CATS MAT MAT AT Ail kinds.) New Sweatband or dyed. New Sweatband New Sweatband New Sweatband French Dry Cleaned and Dyed OUR SCOPE V. ,!,. orything that can be cleaned or dyed including v.a "s. skirts, jackets, suits, coats, gowns, dresses, silk ! . .. l.imnn.H. gloves fjathers, slippers, furs, corsets, iMia.-ils, kid shoes, canvas shoes, slippers and buckskin shoes, rain coats, and delicate fabrics of all kinds. Gentlemen's Arta and business suits, top coats, overcoats Cravenettes drying or bath robes, smoking jackets, ties and gloves, rain-v-'.r automobile seat covers, etc. FREE GLOVES CLEANEDFREE !; :v May 18 to .Tun; 1 with any-order we will clean one N'r f 'oves free. Mease try our cleaner. WJb use the best ranni). clean with gasoline only. Wo knock the srs out of goods free. Henry De Yen Laundry 1334 9th Avenue Phone 335-J Id-Summer Showing Saturday May 19th. We invite your attention to our mid-Summer showing of Millinery Saturday. Also our new line of ladies' wash skirts, waist and dress j fabrics. Our boys wash suits and childrens dresses are what you are looking for. See Our Shoe Window of Specials. at 11 a. m. by the pastor; subject, tion, passed through Hickory today "The Old Testament Characters Who en route to Baltimore, where he will Best Represent Modern Church Mem-; undergo treatment m a hospital. bers." Service at 8 p. m. sub-; ject, "How Satan Does His Most ,T . T -y, ,aa Effective Wtork." All members are Mr. A. L- J HJt jay wiui x iuilc ui uieii jul x1 cui- mdena, Fla.. where they will erect expected, strangers and visitors cor tT fv, 4. min 'a depot for the Searboard Air Line At 3 p. m. the pastor will preach w Tu ,;n u k at Grandview school house. The ry- Brookford choir will sing. First Baptist Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, pastor. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a. m. J. D. .iVliott, superinJtendent. The work will be done by the Elliott Building Company. Mr. W. S. Pollard brought to the Record office today a bunch of rye that measured more than 7 1-2 feet in heighth. He has an acre of it and Sermon at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by it was the principal food of two cows the pastor. during the winter and spring, be- Morning, subject, "The Prayer That sides furnishing picking for his Prevails;" evening, "The Upright chickens. Man." i At 9 p. m. meeting of the B. Y. P. i m, , , . , . , . U. Subject: "Learning to be con-! . The Hickory special tax tent." A good group will be in ' election probably has been lost. Mr. pharos i Geo. F. Ivey, who is interested, was F.vprvhnilv nnrl Psnefial v the mem- ?u,loul """"'-J' ocn.uaiu bers, old and young, should attend ' Long that under the terms of these services. They need the ser vices and the services need them. the statute a majority of the registered vote had to be cast and this was not done. To be sure, the Record has written Attorney General Manning about the case. Sk-yfXr VI I j-GjaMI iwii ! Ii i 'mmw I Lbs.1 ; 0Cir t Aboat of Norris charms a t i J . RVW S. and delights from the 1 , 3 I'-JUM W moment the box u seen ) a Lntz Drug i nP n. ii j. I On The Corner jy Phones 17 and 317. I !! ! Tailoring First1 in Palm Beach Suits Al Woods-Bolick St. Andrews Evangelical Lutheran This being commencement Sunday the congregation will worship in the n m There will be Sundav school Thls mornm at 6;30 o'clock, Miss P" i o Z i , feunday sch001, Susie Bolick became the bride of Mr. a Qf ArawJHouston W. Wloods. The house of A called meeting of the St. Andrews Mrg Bolick th; mother Qf the bride) Brotherhood with the officers of the wa5 thg setting. of this simple, yet Lutheran Umoii, to hear a re"port beautifful wedding, from the building committee of Just before the ceremony, which Good Hope Chapel on the Shuford was performed by Rev. W. R. Brad Mill village, will be held in St. An- .. t1A nnstni. nf thc. vnnne- t?o- i i i j : i. n , - j urews cnurcn. ounuay evening at i. Hemstitching Picot Edge THE RUSSIAN CABINET Springfield Republican. In the reorganization of the sian government two facts are s Lvoif stays in. lowed Guehkoff ij; would have seem Samples on request. MISS ELIZABETH BOST Mrs. W. R. Beckley, Millinery Phone 208 Hickory, N. C. ill!lll!lilHlillllIIIII!l!lilHP E. L Shuford, Jr. ( Veterinarian. I HE genuine Palm Beach Cloth has merit that is an established fact but the first essential to satisfaction in clothes made of this feather-weight mid summer cloth, is tailoring. Palm Beach suits bearing the "High Art" label are tailored with a view to making this otherwise rather delicate fabric, service giving and shape-retaining and since there is hardly anything cooler than a Palm Beach suit, one who would enjoy mid summer comfort, should buy a pie, the bridal party entered J 1 1 ,J J.T n4.Hn;n we panor xu Ui , Af April 15 will be locat of Lohengnm .wedding . .d at Abemethy's Stables eu uy lvxiss jaass vx jieexiaiuiu. - n.ot s r,i r oca Burns; then Miss Mildred Bolick nan ioi Into ivi j 1 1 1 V vff Hrrm nnV H and Mr. Arthur Brown; next Miss pecial note. Milukoff drops out, and If both had ioi- T" ; Mr. and Mrs. Woods left on train "High Art Palm Beach of the strongest m.fti in Russia, and No. 15 for their honey moon m the while Milukoff's retirement will be western part of the state. regretted in entente countries it may . have been necessary. A zealous GALLOWAY'S DOG DEAD patriot, and a thoroughgoing liberal, Rex, king of dogs, so far as Gal he is far from being either a pacifist loway Peterson is concerned, is dead, or a radical. In the early days of That was the finest dog Galloway, the war, when the corruption, inef- who is one of the Record carriers, ficiencv and treason of the bureau- ever saw: it would pull a wagon and cracy caused despair, he is ci edited almost talk, and he was thinking of with having said: "Better defeat than training it to deliver, papers. Part revolution" he had not forgotten the collie and part shepherd, Rex had disillusionment of a decade ago, and plenty of sense. Only yesterday dreaded the thought of a masterless Galloway was playing with it and Russia. at noon the dog was dead. Somebody Events pushed him over co the fed it poison. side of the revolution, and he was an active leader m the coup d'etat of hITGR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT March. 'But as a representative of FqR TWO NEWSPAPERS the "burgeois" party, as the social- lists scornfully called the liberals, he . QivorH-.mpnf. nf fht sn1p of the quickly inched hostil ty and sus- ; f . G ,in Lumber tne war aims 01 iree jvussia. u- w U,.u Tlla 0R ?An",m.fm" " ""n" more than 11 pages of sloid reading , , . . j,,i in me Itecoiu. J.iie auvcinacuicui io sued a scaxement oi ms own, ue.iai- , tqy , ... . -n : t- uic wiecai cvci octii .iii- ing int ct"i, Mnii and will be a supplement to the Lenoir Gahcia and Constantinople, as MUu- , , M WillroaWn T.....U..'n riAw CVYO x vx vii has Drevailed. and sice Milukoff "u?uer- 9R. ALFRED lit DOLA EI'ESPKCSALIST TO SEE BF.TTER see mu 17 Yeai's F.xprie:ncs The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fitted Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, .UN01B. N, If you got it from DTTLA. It's Rignt. H A-' CH PAPER FOR DATES. it w, Sledge i i i i kott naa assenea. fi.erensi.ys view T.,0 txs t rn nH has prevailed, and sice Milukoff "u,a" R w Win ton are commis- rSLE"S ?' L&0bL" . rSwrV.'TS ! DISCUSSED MISSWNS eschtenko, little has been heard, but he comes of a prominent commercial! The Y. W. A.'s of the First Bap- family, arid is said, to have showed tigt church met Thursday afternoon at ability. In declining to take the for- th h of the pastor, Rev. W. R. eign portfolio, Premier L,vou snow- Bra(jshaw. This was a special meet- ed discretion; ne is neeaeu at tne . tQ discifss home mission. An helm, and if another foreign minis- ter must be sacrificed before a settled followed bv & nicnic lunch on the policy is recalled, it should be a less awn indispensable man. , Perplexing as are the domestic ..c riDnrn problems with which Russia is c.n-- , frpnted, as lor example, me rt-; 1 1 viv v crudescence of the agrarian question' Everybody is interested in the boys as a result of the expropriation of who jeft recently for Fort Oglethorpe the imperial lands, the storm center anA wonder what their training will just now is foreign policy and the be that wni equip them for officers of conduct of the war, ana it may De tP armv within the next tnree intensified by the new effort of the months. About the first thing requir central powers to entice Russia into e(j Qf the boys on arriving was to a separate peace. The semi official get themselves in good shape physi Vienna Fremdenblatt underscores raiiv with orders to keep themselves Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg's words: m such condition for the time that In simple and candid sentences the tney are there. Those who had not chancellor declared the desire of recently been vaccinated against Germany to regulate lier eastern emoiinox and tvDhoid fever were giv- frontiers and maintain friendly re- en this pro-phylactic treatment. Punc- lations with Russia. ah tne wona tured arms was the order ot tne nrst knows Germany entertains no ideas j, Those who did not get their of conquest regarding Russia; she can teetn nxed, their gums treated or their at any time conclude an nonoraDib tonsils removed if any of these were peace with Germany and Austria." . diseased of defective, were ' at once "Regulating" the frontier presumab- assigned to this job. Perhaps a ly means cntroling the destinies of( few slight operations were neces Poland, and taking what territory al- sary for those who failed to have ong the Baltic can be retained with- 'sUCh one before leaving, out stirrine up the Russian radicals, uihat has beeun to be a daily and to angry prosecution of the war; a& a most important drill is not a two for Russia allies, no pieages are or more hours marching about twice given either as annexation or as & day only but a faithful use 0f the in Russia strong'tooth brush, regular and sufficient enough to coerce the government hours of sleep, observing hygienic into such terms? It does not seem rules in eating, bathing, and in all probable, though it is to be ncted the habits of life. Sanitation is the that the first clash in the matter of first law of camp life, as good nealth effecting a coalition came through the is the soldier's first and best equip insistence of the workmen's and ment. .u:.o' toiocratoa imnn a nroerram in - which the first plank was"A foreign interpretation may be unwelcome to i,r TMiremnrr fViA am of fVp. nilips. some of whom nave their DOilCy upciiijr 7 7 -.. - i jp v 1 rm rt e DAII O & Tift C ft ihlp a opti- 1 nwn imnerialistic tlans lor wnicn i ,;v,nt antiPVAHons or fhw can find no support in free Kus enHSortteVtaTuT of fte'ri.,' but the attitude of Bethmann rieht of nations to work out their , Hollweg makes it tolerably sure that own destinies." Even Kerensky, ! Germany is not ready to talk peace who is opposed to annexations and on so idealistic a plane. ihe ques-ind-mnities, has made an exception in ! tion is whether by an ppeal to sel the'ease of Belgium and of the mal- fish interests it can so disrupt Rus idous damage done in France, which sia as to eliminate it practically frdni iu- ffn nf that principle would the war, and as to that we may know leave the Germans free to continue more when we hear Russia's response n tL certainty that they would not to the chancellor's explicit bid for a ho called toaccount for it. Even his separate peace S7Af? MM D3AHD Star Brand Typewriter Ribbons give clear, permanent copies. Will not smut, dry out, or fill the type. Buy typewriting supplies of THE VAN DYKE SHOP I boooooooooooo o We have all sizes and models including sport backs. Cast off that woolen suit and know what real hot-weather comfort is. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co ' "The Quality Shop." The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance cnmstit trrmtmiinmnuiiuuuwtHMUiiiMMMMnMiiiiiiiiiiirmTmmt QDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDaDDDDDDDDOnDDDODDQDDCSQ n a a Special Offer! DEFIANCE TIRES-Guaranteed 4000 Miles, plete stock on hand, all sizes. Com- g a H a a a a a 30x3 Smooth tread 30x3 1-2 Non-Skid 30x4 Non-Skid 14.75 24.85 We also have a complete stock of Goodyear Tires Tubes and Accessories. If you are in need of tires, see us o o o o Used 40 Years o o o o o Buick Garage PHONE 210 Beg. U. S. Pat. Office o o o o o The Woman's Tonic Sold Everywhere r. a o o o o o ! Chalmers, Dodge Brothers & Chevrolet Cars iaODOODDDnDDDDDDDDDDQDnDDDDDDDDDQDDDDDDI iiimiiiiiiiouiiwiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: ooooooooooooo THE SANITARY WAY PHONE 190. Clothes Altered. Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed and Repaired CITY PRESSING CLUB Moose & Miller. Commencement Time Send your friends some nice Carnations, Roses, or a box of Nunnallys Fine Candies. We are Agents for Scholtz, The Florist, Charlotte, and Salisbury Green Houses, Salisbury. When you need anything in Drugs. TELEPHONE US YOUR WANTS. Hickory Drug Company lllllHI1 The REXALL Store Telehopne 46 ifiiiiniiiiMM

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