PAGE TWO HICKORY DAILY RECORD TUESDAY evexr,. Hickory Daily Record published by the Clay Printing Co. livery Evening Except Sunday. S. H. Farabee Manager J. C. Miller -rf anar i M Miller Adv. Mgr. A A .-- cpvmmjai. mil.ttREN AND IN ANTS DIE IN COUNT V The Newton Enterprise contains the following: account of several deaths of children: In no time in the past, it seems, has death paid such frequent visits to homes in this community during a similar period of time, especially a mone children, as during the last few AnnHonts occurring Iriday """ I . i Kmra WIV With John "subscriber desiring the address of op y ag & regu;t their DADer changed, will pleaw nan of what mieht be termed in their communication both ULU ana accident, makes three boys wk NfcW aaarBw Vnv hten victims ox accuientui ucawi. n ;..i- .rodent del very, com- have oten . , voora iftSf aw i'""" - - , - ok lirown Ijv- oftci, in .. plaints should be made to the &ud- cy. tma8 day son 0f Mr. and Mrs. criDtiou Department prompts . yuy . s dipd at 2 a. m. Sun- lubscribers should call 167 xegaroing th(? of ft Wow received complaints. 'v;,inir wVin a niece of plank was lw si saw in the plant of the SUIISCHIITION Q getVer Lunger Company, striking One yerr him acr0S3 the abdomen. He was bix months ,'n nnronscious. but rallied and Three months -)! ... wn ot thousrht the accident One Month wouij prove serious. About mid )ne week )(rV, Oatnnlnv nicrht he was sudden .urn i vtio OFFICE: ly seized, became unconscious, suffer- I'UULlLAnON 0 cn!Km ami although physicians ,4U ELEVEN ill " mmoiied hastily, Dr. Shuford - '" ' . ... coming in rapid time from uicKory entered us second class matter bep.. ,nhv hnnrs afterward ,...b.r U. itflo. at the putotlice C , held Sunday at 5 p. ncKory. M. C, unuer the act of Marco jne y w L Hutchins conducting service in East-view cemetery, lenuer est sympathy is felt for the family. Pri,liv V.aA Gilbert. 11 year-old son of Jailor and Mrs. John O. Gil indigestion, dyspepsia, belching; of wind, bad breath, sick throbbing head ache, poor circulation, night sweats, that tired feeling, constiveness, coat ed tongue or a poor complexion. !Cau!tion (As ftortorm S,s recom mended as a flesh builder triose not wishing to increase their weight lg pounds or more should not take it continuously. adv Th m DR. ALFRED ft. HULA fclK 3fr.U.lAL.II TO SEE BETTER sle mm The Best Equipment Obtainable, f Glasses buied inclusively MARTIN BLOCK. LI'NOJRi N & 1 you Kot It from 151TI.A. It 8 A' R.koL v a cn r a r k i; von 1 a r i: i aa Wwn in - - Dr. J. C. Underwood j Dentist 1 Office over j HICKORY DRUG CO j s a Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effective Laxative ft Liver Tonic Does Not Gripe nor Disturb the Stomach. In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cascara in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative and Tonic. Lax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, arouses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c nnnnnnnnnnnir D m mimmijinnmuii iiittTTtiipnnDnnnongDannnnanaanqnannnBBSisggBgp mree who r ri Professional Cards llllllllllOT a a a Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Man-ifacturere cf all kivuls of HARNESS, BRIDLES. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C Just a Few Details That Are Different: THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP p. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to i'irrt Buildin & Loan office. ILidfAl, MAI 2y, lyU kert working with a 22-calibre rifle sVmt throueh lUUiU&iU HAIL IMKhAWi tho jntestines and Was immediately taken to Hickory where an operation ru.. nf ih milroad mana- was nerfornied, without avail, am t,,r r.i increase the lad died Sunday afternoon, gen. oi me country lor an increase ino afc g p ot ireicuc rates oi lo per cent Rowe COnductini? service (lJ .m-uiLTtid bv the interstate com, :n F.;,5tviev. The rifle was an ol mission on its merits. This commiss- one and not much account. One boy . u ..u u. prpUi,t,un in a J" us rainiucatiyiis and it tiie railroads p c?nts, and the small Gilbert me entitled to tne increase, they will iov then boujrht it and the fatal re in auowed it. suit followed soon after. The com , . . . .i ,.inwftn uw munity sympathizes with the famny It is a fact that the Adamson 'aw munj b?reavement has greatly increased the burdens oi Sijnci alscV. fin l!f-months-old the carriers and the increase in the cniid of 'Kobert Spencer of Conover cost of material has ailected the was buried at ; Conover; and vester , . t. . iav morn nsr the 14-months-old child railroads as much as any other bus- and Mra. .7. Lawrence Her- iness. On the other hand, their rpv- mftn at 6 oiock, ana the in- nuM am determined Dy the amount torment was made at St. Paul's yes- of tranie they carry, and for two years tcrday afternoon, Rev. W. W. Rowc they have, had all they coud do. holding service. They have done a bitf volume of bus- G(VES Advice ON inJ"- ' BLOOD TROUBLE A matter that is more important to hippers and the country at large A t Afcoholic PatPnt than an increase m freight rates 13 MH,icineInjur? Kidneys service. The railroads should have( Say8 yrjter Below 100,000 more freight cars and several ,jCany peopie takinjr iron in one hundred more lomomotives in order form or another, seeking richer, bet to enable them to handle the extra ter blood, (health and viitality, tramc i,poS,a by the war .nj bu- . mjgta .riu per crops. This is a factor that the ject public should bear in mind. i "if people realized that the kid- Increased freigh rates is an indire:t neys are instructed with the duty tax on the consumer, but the con- 1 "c "iWU v i kt,; uric acid and other poisons, they sumer is more concerned in obtain- woulJ certa5nIy not take alcoholic ing service. It is probable that if 'patent' medicines as recklessly as the carriers had been able to pur- they do. Alcohol is very bad for the chase all the rolling stock they kidneys not to mention stomach ner , , u i. u x i- ves and liver. Any doctor will tell reeded, they would not have to earn- yQU that inato so many passenger trains g0 to the nearest drug store and throughout the country. North iret a fifty-cent or dollar bottle of Carolina will lose a number of pas- natural iron, known as acid from u it- v.a mineral This is pure, highly concen- senger trains, but it cannot be helped trated and poes Ktwice t0 ten times now. It is to be hoped that the a-3 far One-half teaspoonful in a power which fixes the rates will see glass of water is a dose. Take after to it that a certain proportion of meals and on going to bed. ... ... ,. . Not Patent Remedy i vwiu sues imu suppnes ana Nature Jn QWn inimitabIe way rolling stock. mixed it kept it pure, down in the earth. Acid Iron Mineral is not a This nart of the smith ia in n. patent medicine. It helps ir.stead western anu soutnern states wnicn course, have it. A large bottle of were swept by tornadoes last week. Acid Mineral will be sent anywhere Wle know what a flood is, if we have Prepaid upon receipt of one dollar, never experienced a tornado. n u Ferrodine Chemical Corp, Roanoke. Va. George Sylvester Viereck makes BOSTON WOMAN RECOM- a plea that Americana of German MENDING IT TO HER FRIENDS descent be exempted from fighting Popular Boston Lady Says Tonoline Germany. We are almost willing "a? proven a Godsend to Her u . . , . It is always interesting to listen to to agree to that, provided the men the statements of our friends, and es- fUAMAl.,AH ... ...211: a a. m ... . . ' menisci vca are wining 10 it, u an ex- pecially when you know they are sin ception will be made of Georee. cere and honest in what they say. Ad ' ded interest is created in a statement i, i-i coming from one who has spent a life- Persons with small incomes might time in Boston, where she is well i. i , ' oe aoie to interest tneir banks in a known socially. proposition to sell them liberty Such a person is Annie Stewart, bonds on easy terms .say a dollar a who re9des in Boston, and is pos vifiAc for nn m kf- sessed of the respect and confidence week for oO weeks No better inve.t- of her associates, and is willing for mens couiu De made. anyone to call on her to verify the , following signed testimonial. It has been nearly a year since have suffered from stomach th. German batt.e fleet won that vie Sttf J3 J0 tory over the British fleet, and it is pepsia. I had dizzy spells and head about time the second and final chap- aches, and after I ate a little food ter should be written. & would ferment and cause gas to form in my stomach. I had pains ii, all over my body, and was chronical- Catawba sweet potato plants are jy constipated. My liver was torpid in demand these days. Any fai- and I felt generally miserable. I mer who has them for sale can fin-1 hac doctored and had been in the a market to his order by glancing ho,-pita1' Tbut received no Permanent at tha p-,i i Teief4 j was so nervous and restless at the Record want column. that at night I could scarcely sleep. I The gas pressing under my heart Irish fishing boats are being de-causec Palpitation, and when I arose stroyed by German submarines just irVthe I"01"? 1 was just as tired as to nhnw TTn-n ut ki. i i when 1 retired. About two weeks to show Enn that his friends love aj?e I began to take tonoline, and I him like they do the Spaniards and can truthfully state that it has done Swedes. , wonders in my case. I am feeling . like a new woman and can eat any I IBFRTY nnvna k.ind of food- 1 sleeP the nint LlUEUfY BONDS .through and have no more aches or pains; in fact, it has cured me, and Tx-ir n m A fV. mmmm " UTV ST. I m , J ! J, ,, J. Ke ftWaThdKne1 S any(e fan Lutz'a Dru Store Co. sell and formscoupon'anT "regisTered" tW,antee Coupon bond nr Ma if ' , There are numerous symptoms of lar, com?nc ? S dinmSf! re Z0. this trouble that tonoline ca" relieve. 100 $600 and TlToo nSrf ?5i n fact' an of the following may !nd interest'are payable tobSS de"te affections of the stoma pe?? atthrernSferre1 one -bondholders may convert their bonds offfijjf S Iboidi. in denominations ue" iS' oo0,$$r?0u00ld$1$l0006o$on,0,0' . Tw. of the bonds to be owner's name reirf,?? vVe Hie is PayaWe n application lm?lndTt X Said bv ilch mSt b& W0? J,Une 15' The check mailed ,1iJ,f 111 3ra.ld:by' balance " Payable in four install- ton. The "owner m. v U V.- ?! Pe,r .n on- Jun 28; 20 form. ' " Pr cent on July 30; 30 per cent on Interest is 3 1.2 DPr .t 4?u!t , are the terms each half JI.?. U EL??' S?y 6 itlF ated. hV th government, but the cember 15. Th bond Vr fvmZ OI tne,country, and many cor- -rom taxa ion, except YnheSP PratlT' wilI,se11 the 1,011(13 on mU taxes. P inheritance payments, as low as $1.00 a week on The terms of the bonds are So'SSI 88 purchasers mav de- SV'ttTat iTtl be J d to appli 1932. If any later erii of W ?.Jm' Yhen'J11? second installment bonds is isysued by the IcJifS' wRl C?di f"d ihe themse3 at a higher rate of intereTS' Si? flJ of the ' -r uiiivuin, ax ter june "All cars are good cars," said a man the other day, "but some cars are better than others." Of course we admit that the Stud ebaker car is better, but let us call your attention to a few details that you don't find in other cars: iThe front seats are individual ad justable chairs, removable or revisa ble. You can take them out, or the passenger in the righ)than front seat can turn and face the passen gers in the back seat. The Studebaker Four is a beautiful f-passenger car, lighter than the av erage, stronger than the strongest, and more powerful than the most powerful of other makes. But clev erly concealed under the tonneau ,seats, there are two folded arm chairs which instan;tly convert the Studebaker 5Passenger Touring car into a big roomy 7-Passenger Touring car df you are a car owner you have been impressively taught that there are times when two ex tra seats are a great convenience. Studebaker cars are upholstered in genuine leather, but not just genuine leather like many other cars. Studebaker uses exactly the same quality of genuine long-grain, semi glazed, leathers as you find in cars costing from $2,000 up Jeather that costs 50 per cent more than the aver age kind Studebaker buys its leath er like it buys its steel, the best in the market. 4 Cylinder $985, 6 Cylinder $1,250. Detroit, Michigan. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or night. Office phone 226. Resident phone 301-J. a a p izes 3 n u i i i i i la In order to help along the sale of th Liberty Loan, the First National Rank 0f Hickory offers three Gold Prizes, first, second and third, $10.00, $5.00 and $2.50, to b given to the boys or girls who sell the most bonds. The contest will close June 8th at 3 o ciock, ana any person can enter by fjj his name and getting a supply of blanks. The are not offered for the largest amount ing prizes Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY SLECTRIC CO DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and lith street. Children's dise&3es a specialty. a Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus g PILES Abernethy Hardware Co. HICKORY, N C. cnnnnaDaEiDonoQDDDDnDnDQnooso Cured. No cutting, no confien- . . a ; zzzzi limn ;tt r ; 1 1 m n I j J. W, Hollingsworth LAWYER Office B Hollingsworth Clothing Co. I NEWTON, N. C. j;,; :;;ii;;;i:;ii!t:jiii;ii;:;:ifmiUJiiimiiLiJiiu-;ianiinuut. tmirawmBtmanmrtnimpmiini g sulsrnhed but ror the largest number or individual subscrily Government is anxious to enlist as many v;T scribers as poss ible. Nearly every person can take a bond, which arv sup inations of $50 or $100 anl upward, and if the -. not the ready money with which to make the purd,;., .v 'will help to carry him. The only condition we make is that the iv. AAvai ivjjjviiojun, Liovjiu dim w e reserve tne pr v ing for the 2 per cent initial payment as provided bv ment. These bonds pay 3 1-2 per cent. "Blanks and full details will be furnished by the r plication. Get busy and get a prize. Every bov m lot of friends who will buy bonds. :s as the sub- -r:ber ias Bank 'e of caii- srovern- -i'on ap f: nas a FIRST NATIONAL Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. V A. 'JCJM. JllJlCLTClt V'll Oi-VlXigS Accounts pounded Qiisjrierly. Money to Loan at All Times. BANK! Hickory, N. C. ! Com- I I I iicBnaatinnnDBHiacfciacnGnnnpnaBDssLsaii!! f IF YOU LIKE Good Service You Will Like The Consol idated Trust Company. NO MATTER How large or small your busi ness may be we will be glad to have you with us. 33SS Uo Co V. Special Train TO WAfflflTOM D. 1917 28. Monday June 49 Greatly reduced round trip fares from all points, via Southern Railway System Round trip fare from Hickory $8.75; proportionate fares from other points. This Re-Union will be one of the most Unique and Patriotic ever held, and will be largely attended from all over the country. Tickets will be good on all regular trains, June 2 to 7, inclusive, also special trains operated from variour points for this occasion, final limit returning June 2 1 , but by de posit and paying 50c is extended to July 6th. Southern Railway System to Washington traverses the battlefield sec tion of Virginia; and points of interest at Washington are: White House, National Capitol, Congressional Library, Smithsonian Institute, Arling ton, National Museum, Mount Vernon, public parks, and other attractions For fares, schedules, Pullman reservations, see your nearest ticket agent, or write, S. E. BURGESS, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. ALLOW US To demonstrate our ability to take care of your wants: CONSOLIDATED TRUST CO. Capital $60,000.00, Introductory FREE OFFER 50c value for 25c. One "Jiffy" bath tub or commode brush free with one cjn of STERI-FOAM, Spotless Odorless, Sanitary. Let "Jiffy" clean it the easy way. GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office "IN Business for Your Health" J. D. Elliott. President and Treasure. J. Worth Elliott, V.-Fr- L. M. Elliott. Sectary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully Fine or ganizaticn anu best equipped contractors in the South- HICKORY S . O Subscribe to the Recor d$4 Hickory Cabinet & Manufacturing Co. M. GCrouch, Mgr. Located in old light house building near foundry. Telephone 227-J All 1 j: ,I vnwilTltlV.

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