HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record Ollli EXPERTS IN RUSSIA Published by the Clay VrMK Co. fUDuauru ".. Cnndav. Every ivenum vk- . rr"T7"T TTZ "" Editor f n iuZr "...Manager j. C. Mi cr a Av m. H. M. Miller . Subscribers desiring the , Mnu of their paper changed, will plea" iUti In their communication both OLU ana Nlg iSSra.h.t deUvry com- SKr. -houM call 101 x-eg.td.ng complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES une ye..f nQO Six months r00 Three month jn One Month Ti One week --- --" PURIFICATION OFFICE : 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE ""Entered as second class matter Sep. tember 11. 1015, at the postoihej at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March H, 1879. a a a a a ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1U17 REGULARS IN FRANCE The American troops who arrive j in France Tuesday and Wednesday will not get into action for several months, probably the latter part of September. They will be placed m tho rear of the French linos, we are told, and there instructed in the arts of defense and offense; they will re ceive their training within sound of the larger guns, and when they are nsaist their French ill .VII MI'i'ii " comrades th.v will be skilled in all the tricks of attack. The president announced some time ago that a division of reguhrs. including a regiment of marine, would be sent to France immediately. Thosu were preceded by General Ter shing and his staff, who were given frantic welcome by the French people. If the whole division ha arrived, there would be approximately J.'.OOO American r?gulars in France now. The arrival of these troops is deep significance to the French peo ple, who are frantic with joy ovoi their coming, but it should possess a deep:r significance for U3. It mean that we actually are to be in the war and that soon. Every man who say or does anything to hinder the Unit ed tales in the prosecution of this war to a successful end is guilty of helping the enemy. The Red Cros3 campaign, following the liberty loan campaign, has shown where the heart of the American people is, and wo must do everything to aid the govern ment and our troops in disposing oi the enemy. .Many men believe that Canadian and Americans, duo to their training, are better natural soldiers than any on the continent and the Canadians and Australians have demonstrate! th.'ir prowess. That the issue wil begin to turn quickly in favor w the allies once the American soldiers are in line, nobody doubts. It is up to us to continue our efforts to sup ply them with all they require. New Orleans Times-Pica jrune. Petrograd cables that M. Nitinsky t tho riotiartment of m- till .WVvl V r . 1.. v vrvroacpfl "warm appit- ieriHi, - ni dation" for the worn aireuu uvj.v the American railway commiss on j.- in iha solution Of lvUb- sian railway problems.. No dctailea report of the commission s work has ' ... , , I.,,,. v.irrVilv inter- been puousneu, " '".'r ; "V;, csting account of one of its iirst . d covefies and suggestions drted back to us recently. .. ... Ever since the war Degan iiusm has been importing vast quantities of lailway material and other supplies through Vladivostok. When the Am.ri,.nn pnL'ineers (the story goes) arrived in Vladivostok on their way to Petrograd they found the depots, i varshouses and yards crowded to prilowinsr with these shipments. An apparMtly nopeiess ejonuo" existed. It was explained that t he- railway equipment had V be nauia. to Russian machine shops thousands of miles away to b? assemoieu an.i prepared for service. Most of Rirs sia's available equipment was requir ed for the transport of troops ami munitions in European Russia. So fint immpni stores of sadly needed l tiki W mr t t materials were impounded at Vla divostok, as useless as if they ha., never been purchased. The Americans promptly suggested the establishment of a great ma chine shop at Vladivostok, so that the idle railway equipment could be as sembled, organized into trains, loaueu with the other impounded stores and moved on its own wheels and by its own motive power to European Rus sia. The simplicity and effective ness of this idea were immediately recognized by the worried Russian of ficers, and According to the story numbers of brand new trails, as sembled and placed in running or der in Vladivostok shops, will soo;i be moving westward heavily laden with other supplies of which Rus sia is in great need. It is a "irood slorvV but manv Atnr-rifiins Will nrobiiblv refuse to believe that so simple a solution oT so pressing a problem could have evaded the Russians for so many months. The mystery is readiiy ex plained upon the theory that the Ptt roirrad burey tcracy under the old regime stood in the way. Red tape. lack of imagination or uownrig.it treacherv for we know now that some of the Russian reactionary and bureaucrats were playing Ger many s game could easily have blocked any project to build adequate machine shops a; viauivosioK, just as they contrived to delay and misrout important shipments in European Russia, and at times to betray Ins Kussian armies in the liekl. it i bnrelv nossible. of course, that the Russians never thought of a solu tion that instantly suggested itselt to tho visitinc American exnerts. In that ca.se, any inclination on the part of Americans to grow "chest, y over this instance of superior Amer- ipori infrtinifv eVinnll Vf r hnnl: a1 Iiv the reflection that mistakes and over sights almost as obvious and ridi culous have been discovered in Am erican industrial plants within the comparatively recent past and cor- reetfd on the suggestion ot keen ey ed visiting experts. The great war ist tpnehino- pncVi of tVif npnnlps pn- ------ - - - - i i - - - gaged in it new ideas and methods of cmciency. Special at The Pastime Friday June 29 "PATRIA" .4, mm i i nor- -wsrvitfcx-j- .kxt-.v si -ooc-w- urcw. - a a !V 9th Episode Featuring Professional Cards Trnnrrrrrrm" ilMtT Dr. W.B. Ramsay Den List Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. THURSDAY EVENING, jjpDnnDDDDuuyuuuuuuuuuiiiiiimMuuHHnnB5j IB Q THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. n li 7UM 5 1 Manufacturers cf all Muds of mrs. Y cruuii g Castle The best dressed anl best known woman in America. Hearst Pathe News, bowing the big fire in Atlanta rniently and a Max Linder Comedy. HARNESS, BRIDLS3. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. i Conni-ii at. t.hn Hastif todav: j 'THE EVIL EYE" A Para- 111 V Lil 1 U VVM v u J Irs. roniL B Ptri rKiTimn ' Special lAtisic tonight g : PATPJIA THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Clcss Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory. N. C, Next to Firft Buildin & Loan office The United States Government Cooperates with 7,600 member banks inmaintaining the Federal Reserve Banking System for the protection of the business interests of tha country. Through the Federal Reserve Board in Washington it supervises the twelve Federal Reserve Banks; it appoints one third of their directors; it deposits its funds largely with them; it guarantees the currency they issue. This cooperation greatly increases the value of the system to us and our community. Are you linked up with this new national system as one of our depositors? If not, you should delay no longer. a S3 a s a m m m m 19 n 3 5 a FIRST NATIONAL BANK D Admission 5 and 10 certs Matin&e 2:45 p. m. ; ' Night 7:45 p. m. ; a In T(?JriVa illness. fGome en Over9 See Corn Fail Off 3? M2 Put 2 Drops of 'Gets-Ifc' on last Nigbt-Now Watcli-" c;ee all you have to do is to vi?e your two fingers and lift tho corn right off. That's the yay 'Oets-ft always works. You just put about 2 drops. Tlion tno r-oi-n i only shrivels, but loosens from U toe, without affecting tho surronnd-ing- flesh in the least. V hy. it s :il most a pleasure to have corns ar.S. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or night. Office phone 226. Resident phone 301-J. I III V0)HSEa J IT I " Fraternal Directory If XT Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & k. M. Regular communication Mon- aay, night, Frethren cordially invited to be present. J. W. SIIUFOED, W. M. D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. OTJI12imillll!llffllMM Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A. M. Meets every !wond&y evening at 7:30 P. M. A11 visit:ng brothers cordially invited. J. II. SIGMON. Councilor W. I. Caldwell, Rec. Sec uiiui urn cmair. mnimiiiin mn iu tiimiuii:iniiiii .-.niaminiiffliiimiE Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY SLECTRIC CO Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Pour Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times, Hickory, N. C. Accounts, Corn- 61 IB K li 3 B B m a a si B K a a n S3 S BDiaD39llBIQaDQBE!QE!SDESSBDBBaDDDDQQBBBEliSgl the school levy For tho purpose of keeping the rt'cord straight and doing justice to tht county commissioners, the Rec ord dosires to correct a statement that the commissioners have reduced the tax levy for schools in Catawba for next year. The board actually increased the levy. The present rate is eight certs on the hundred and $2.24 on the poll The board increased the property levy to 10 cents and the poll to $230. The increase was half what the school board asked for. Whether the increase was enough is another matter. The fact is, we are informed, that the levy actually was increased, and the Record is interested in giving the board the credit for what it has done. We do not say it fish dealers, but it Hickory people this been able to obtain of fish from eastern at a cost per meal mon. A family of a sufficient quantity l.r cents. to advertise t"i is a fact that summer have the best grade North Carolina of canned sc.l four can obtain for a meal for COMING TO PASTIME The Jockev of Death." a bitr cir cus picture in 5 reels will be shown at the Pastime Saturday. Watch for the ad. NOTICE OF SALE "ITruW and hv virtue of an order of the Superior court of Catawba coun t.v. marl in the sDecial proceeding entitled "In the Matter of Mrs. W. F. Jones, Mabel F. Taylor and J. 1. Taylor, her husband; Miss Annie riannnMn: and Frank Flannaaan, bv Marvin L. Ritch, the latter's guar dian Ad Litem Lx l'arte; urder to re-seil," the same being No upon the Special Proceeding Docket of the said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Saturday, July 14th.. A. D.. 1917, at 12 o'clock M., nt. tha nronertv itself located in Hickory, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land or lot of land, lying and being in the City of Hickory, Ca tawba county, State of North Caroli na, ttdioinint? the lands of J. G. Mar shal and the J. K. Ellis property, and more particularly described as follows: to wit: "Beginning at a stake on East margin of Broad street 230 ?et south of the south-west corner of the Public square (or North-west corner cf the Bryce lot) runs S. 2' W. 1G7 feet to a stake on East margin of said street; thence South 88 1-4 East 2.r0 feat to a stake; thence N. 2' E. 1G7 feet to a stake 230 feet pouth of margin of Public square; thence N. 88 1-4 W. 100 feet to a stake, thence South 10 feet to a stake; thence W?st 50 feet to a stake; thence N. 10 feet to a stake; thence N. 88 1-4' W. 100 feet to the begin ging. Known as a part of the Bryce Jot." This the 12th day of June A. D. 1917. MARVIN L. RITCIT. G 14 4t Thurs Commissioner " FREE OF CHARGE tfTbat Was a Qwiek Funeral T!ut Corn Had With. 'Gets-ltV gee how 'Gets-If pets them off .in a hurry and without the least Pfan. l can wear tight shoes, dance find walls as though I never had corns. "Clets-It" makes the use of toe irritatinsr salves, bundling baiuges, tape, plasters and other things r,t only foolish, but unnecessary Use this wonderful discovery, '(..cts-lt, for anv soft or hud coin or cal!u3. It is the new, simple, easy, civ.ietc way, and it never fails. You'll never have to cut a corn again with Kmyea or scissors, and run chances of blood poison. Try -Gets-if tmuent. ft" v.ilil evevvw here. 2;:U bottle, or sent on receipt of price by DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and loth street. Children's diseases a specialty. r is? (r nwisnmrasa 1 1 i ll X " 3 Kill n . 1 latawDa i 'xkl Lcagenu. ji L of P. Dr. E L Shuford, Jr. VETER1N ARI AN Headquarters at Stable. Phones: lesidence 51. Abernethy's Stable 266. t. Lawrence & Co Sold in Hickory and recom mended by Hickory Drug Co. . iilii When Fritz finds out that tha Am erican troops will be ready for nc tion about September 1, it will not bt so difficult for him to believe that the war will not have long to run. This is not because the few regulars from America will mak any appro ciablo difference, but because there are more where they came from. 9R. ALFRED . OULA TO SET- BETTER 17 Yeax'a Exorience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses vvicd lixclusiveiy MARTIH BLOCK, LCKOIAN, 0, li von wrot It from V.CLA. lfs A' P.;guL ATC ll TAl'lOit FOR 1A Kb icjyair Dcp't. Box 127 Charlotte, N. C. LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Syst : . '.Oe Old Standard general strengthening t02C SROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drivss ou: Malaria.enriches the blood, and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic- For adults and children. 50" Meets every Thursday night, g t-; -Wrath-son invited. m S HUGH D'ANNA, C. o. g R. 1,. HEFNER, K. R. and S. g !illII!!!!!IHii!!!!!;,li!li!:iilIi!!ll!!!lli!iii:illl!!lll!l; Train Schedules. SOUTHERN Westbound No. 15 Ar Hickory 7:40 a. m. No. 11 Ar Hickory 11:20 a. m. No. 21 Ar. Hickory 4:32 p. m. No. 35 Ar. Hickory 11:32 p. m. Eastbound No. 36 Ar. Hickory 9:05 a. m. No. 22 Ar. Hickory 12:00 noon. So. 12 ar. Hickory 5:32 p. m. o. 16 Ar. Hickory B-50 p. m. C. AND N.-W Southbound No. 9 Ar. Hickory 2:35 p. m. Northbound No. 10 Ar. Hickory 11:40 a. m. re u;a sores, Diner nemeaies wcirt cure li woi st cases, no matter of how long standing, re cu:-cd by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. vt.-r's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It reliever in hiu' I Vi same ximt. c &0c $1.0' J. W, Hollingsworth J LAWYER I Office g Hollingsworth Clothing Co. 1 NEWTON, N. C. t.aiaMiinii t?;;t?;iiii!:!!;iiiiiniiiiiimmu: mmna Dr. O. L. Hollar THE MOMENT YOU OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US YOU WIN A BUSINESS FRIEND The day will come when you may want sound advice on how to invest your money, you may wish to go into business for yourself, you may desire advice in the administration of an es tate or on some plan of finance. Whatever it may be, it is good to know that you can turn for advice and counsel to this bank, your best business friend. This is the kind of service we give every customer. i IIS I MHIi'niUIH I I m a I " liWAiaa!bMMr" ..... ... M.-! WWK XSS 4 HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus No cutting, no confien- PILES Cured nie.u. gamnmnaniiiiiMiiii:MMnniimt GSZf) .TOUST AS Good AS (I f( iWHE-N 1 sooeH'r THEMnr v-(( 1 f &Lki Congratulations to Fayettevillf o. securing a cantonment camp. That section has plenty of water, timber and land and i3 inhabited by a class of citizens who will appreciate the distinction. If there was no greater dema,s. for l.quor and beer than is required to supply wants of som of us real Prohibitionists, there wount De no agitation in favor of prohibition. ..v.. some unie and he wii. take special treatment. Why suffer with indigestion, dyspepsia, torpid,- livecj, tjonsjtipa- f lfin cnil t otnm a nn v in niin V food after eating, etc., when you can get a asmple bottle of Green's Au gust Flower free at Lutz's Drug Store. This medicine has remarka ble curative properties, and has de monstrated its efficiency by fifty years of success. Headaches are often caused by a disordered stomach August Flower is put up in 25 and 75 cent bottles. For sale in all civ ilized countries. - adv FOR SALE! Three Fresh Milk Cows. Oscar Pitts We can sell you goods as cheap as anybody on earth and for lasting quality, that is what we do. We want you to remember this when you are tempted to buy goods cheap in quality There is more quick profit in cheap quality goods, but because our reputation with you Must Wear we sell you goods that We Know Will Wear J. H. Willis Special Sales Agency .International! Marble and Granite Co., Canton, Ga. Best work and prices on ev erything for the cemetery. We make prompt shipments Office 636 8th Ave. See us when you want any thing in this line. Hot Weather Calls for Ice. Our ice is made from a drilled well two hundred feet deep, the water goes direct from the well to the Ice cans which insures you that it is pure when it is 90 in the shade and you want something to quench your thirst. Call 127 for ice. Catawba Creamery Co. J r "r JL .Si mienever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's ' The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuabl as a General Tonic because it contains the wellknown tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents- i . Jitney Service. HICKORY CONOVER AND NEW- TO N j - t j Schedule Leave Hickory 8:20 .a. m. Leave Hickory 10:20 a. m. Leave Hickory 2:30 p. m. Leave Hickory 4:30 p. m. Leave Hickory 8:30 p. m. Leave Newton 7:20 a. m. Leave Newton 9:20 a. m. Leave Newton 1:30 p. m Leave Newton ; 3:30 p. m. Leave Newton .7:30 p. m. Newton to Conover -. 19c New-ton to Hickory 35c Hickory to Conover 25i Hickory to Newton 35c Our Motto: Good Service. CAROLINA MOTOR CO Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days uo.r o-ujigist -will refund money if PAZO iNTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, ' ind. Pleeding or Protruding Piles in to 14 days, lie iirst application sives Ease aad Rest. 60c. Jacob's Superb Candies "Made Last Night" The Candy that sells itself : : Always Fresh. Prices Ranging from 80c to $1.25 per pound The Only Place in Hickory to Get Jacob's Candies is at GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office "IN Business for Your Health" J. D. Elliott. President and Treasure. J. Worth Elliott, V.-Fr. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully. Fine or ganization and best equipped contractors in tho South. HICKORY, N. O 4umuuuuitt:nmtuwrmn.mm Hickory Cabinet & Manufacturing Co. M. G. Crouch, Mgr. Located in old light house building near foundry. Telephone 227-J All orders dispatched promptly. mntttmffimtnnn:!nnnmtiMmtuKtmi i- i I f i a t i i I r ! i I

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