SATURDAY EVENING HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO 5 Hickory Daily Record TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay pinting Co. urv Evening Except Sunday. 1)0 HULK STRENGTH Every Evening Except S. H. Farabee - Edi J C. Miller rMani.r H. M. Miller ..Adv. Mgr. Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will In their communication both 0L1J anu NEW addresses, rr.. delivery, com- e,nnl,l hn made to the J5UD- cription Department promptly. City I,.riwa should call 1G7 regarding complaints. ' oTTcriiiPTIOM RATES u.oo wuo nn Six months Three months T,,ntVi iiiwiiv.. - 1n r ,,l, .10 UUC nivn ------- PUBLICATION OFFICE: J 402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Vnfrwl n second class matter Sep tember 11. 1915, at the postofltee at Hickory, N. C under the act or JViarcn g. 187'J. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS SATI UKAV. JULY 7. 19H KFFKIT MAY PK (iOOD The exodu of nogro farm labor from southern plantations to north ern and western manufacturing cen ters will neeive a check in cotise quence of the Kast St. Louis r..a riot that probably will be for the best interests of the whole country. The negroes nre needed in Vv' south as agricultural workers. Their lives are comparatively easy and they face none of the handicaps of a sever.' winter climate. Living is cheap and there are always white men. sometimes too exacting, it true, to see that they receive pr. visions through the winter. If tu average colored farm worker was a little more responsible, he could make more money cropping in the south than he could working in ?.ny of the factories in the east and wvst. 'News of the killing of many ne groes in East St. Louis will pene trate every nook and corner of the south and negroes will be careful be fore they pick up and leiuv. If they behave themselves in the south, as the overwhelming majority ao, they have nothing to fear. In the north, on the other hand. th.v come in direct contact with organized workers, and the minute they reduc? the earning capacity of northern white nyn, that minute trouble be gins for them. This has been prov ed many times. Southern employers of labor awake to the seriousness of the sit uation, will make conditions better for their help, and we expert to s?e before hmg a return of the mo.U of the colored families who have left the couth. A Mv such occurrence as Kast St. Louis produced will make this proposition sure. Too much credit cannot be given the Russians for the manner in which they have pulled themselves logem- pr since tb? revolution in the spring. The leaders were compelled to dis miss thousands of officers and to con duct a campaign of education among the masses to inform them that this is their war. The Russian peopt? inherited the war and when the czar's government was overthrown uu believed the world was ready for peace. It required time for them to realize that therj could be no peace as long as there was a "di vine" monarch making war on the democracies of the west, but nobuov can find any fault with their fight ing recently. Russia may not bo able to deliv.'i a sustained offensive, as Krussiloff made last year but the fact that ii is in position to attack will cause llindcnburg to watch their front close ly enough. They will afford rclie: to the allies in the west. Recent developments in Austria indicate that even regiments form ed of Slavs have deserted to the Rus sians, this fact proving that Rus sian power is exerted in more thin one direction. If the Russians con tinuo to fight well, they may count on less and less resistance from tho men composing the armies of Russia and the democracy in the long run, aside from being the best thing th-n could have happened to Russia, re-i1 ly might be the best thing for trie-world. Lenoir College (CO-EDUCATIONAL) Hickory, N. C. An unusually successful school under Church Management, rated by Educational experts among the Ten A Grade Colleges of North Carolina. It will be unwise for you to decide on a College before you have investigated the advantages offered by Lenoir. The Department of Education secures complete recognition for its Graduates from tnc State Hoard of 'Education. The Yder Memorial Scien ce Building offers superior labora tory facilities for the study of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, Departments Literary, Education, Business, Music, Ex pression, Art, Home Economics, and Sub-Freshman. Genuine School advantages within reach of all' the people. Write for Catalogue to ; R. L. Fritz, D. D., President, Hickory N. C . Professional Cards Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. 8 a m a a J. D. Elliott. President and Treasure, J. Worth Elliott, V.-Prwi. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully. Fine or ganization and best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY:N.O y THE LAST STRAW Frankly, we had inclined an ear to the caue of woman suffrage be fore this white house picketing -began, and even that, as reprehensible as it is in the sight of man, had n caused us to believe that the Caus.. was without merit. Men havo been wont to do foolish things; tho Sim Feiners, for example, have acted ir a mariner to make most people in different as to whether Ireland e cures home rule or not. Hut Paul P., of Four Oak', Johnston county, writing in the "JYtfung People's Department" of the Winston-Salem Republican, has masked the arguments against w 3 in a way that has mad? us paii?o Nfc must consider the thing so"i more. In the first place we are told, wo man suffrage is unconstitutional. Th? lawyer part of Paul is speaking "Homo duties are as much as a woman nn attend to, and besides she Is not capable of managing our gov mment." Another point Taul makes is that there would be division in the hooie if women were allowed to vote; we would witness the airing of fam ily linen in police court, because there would be some mighty fights over t'bvting the township constable. These, however, are not the prin cipal arguments against the Cause. "Did not Jezebel kill the prophets?" "Was not a woman responsible for John the Baptist's death?" "In the annals of cruelty woman's name is written large." And then the wo man ate the forbidden fruit and han ded tho man a bite. That clinches it. How can one. with these reasons before him favor w. s.? Girls, you will have to over come some of these fundamental ten dencies before you can hope to vo'p. Mr. Fred Archer, for several years superintendent of the Selma graded schools, has been elected superinten dent of tho Greensboro schools to succeed Mr. W. C. A. Ilammel. Judging from tho News, the people of that city are somewhat exercised about school matters, but we can say this much for Mr. Archer: he is an unusually well qualified young man and is one of the most enthusi . astic school men in tho state. If any man could give satisfaction, ho ought to do it. Vermont contributed 38 cents p?r capita for the Red Cross, but then 82 of the Green Mountain Boys havo enlisted in the army or navy! The Christian Endeavor socicfirs have decreed against making room in knapsacks of the soldiers for cigarette cases and playing cards. And yet, we fancy, one or two soldiers will be able to save space some where about their persons for the lacks and pates. 1X1)1 CHI EN TS A G A 1 X ST OPERATORS DISMISSED New Rork, July 7. (Indictments against twenty-five more of the Vir ginia and West Virginia semi-bituminous coal companies and seven of the individual charged with viola tion of the Sherman anti-trust law by restraining trade and fixing prices, were dismissed by Judge Grubb. Sixty-five corporations and forty three operators still are under indict ment and the taking of testimony in their defense will be resumed Mon day. The government has completed the presentation of its case. It was announced by Judge Grubb that the indictments against nine of these companies and one individual also will be dismissed until addition evi dence is offered against them. AS USUAL GZZSb) oust as c-ood as yTj A Vfff wHM I BOUGHT THEUfi- V; We can sell you goods as cheap as anybody on earth and for lasting quality, that is what we do. We want you to remember this when you are tempted to buy goods cheap in quality There is more quick profit in cheap quality goods, but because our reputation with you Must Wear we sell you goods that We Know Will Wear THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of all hiudc of HARNESS. BRIDL23. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to Firtt Buildin & Loan office Philadelphia Press. The legislature as usual left' ntucn of its business in the hands of com missions, and as usual, the commis sions can be expected to do little or nothing about it. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your drncrclst will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure anycase of Itching, Ulind, Weeding or Protruding; riles in Mo 14 days The first application Rives Ivise nd Kest. 5Uc In nil qj yum v wii iiv 1917 "C" is Now Open You are invited to take stock with us either as an investment or as a means to help you buy, build or improve a home. We Are Making Loans From 30 to 60 days after filing of applica tions. First come, first served! In Owe Loam Department For Detail Information write, phone or apply at the office. K First Bui ingM oan Ass 1 K OF HICKORY, N. C G. H Geitner, Pres. G. R. Wootten, Sec-Treas. J. D. Elliott, V. Pres. B. B. Blackwelder, Atty. Organized 1 890 Assets $600,000.00 Authorized fanital SI SIM flnf! Oft wm -y A VVVVVvVfV p D 9 1 8 1 b a ilH: Business The Federal Reserve Banking System was created largely to protect and benefit those engaged in indus try, commerce and agriculture employers . and em ployees. Its main purpose is to help those who bor row and provide a currency more responsible to busi ness needs. We are members of this system and you can secure its benefits and add to its strength by becoming one of our depositors. Stop in and let us see just how we can meet your particular needs. m m Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or night. Office phone 226. Resident phone 301-J. Dr. Glenn G. Scott DENTIST OFFICE (WER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO D El a a a a a a m. FIRST NA TIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times, Hickory, N. C. ficounts. Lom- m 11 f II m m m m u EL m m m m m m m n m S3 DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's diseases a specialty. Dr. E L. Shuford, Jr. VETERINARIAN if A I I -m t.iM!i.i,m-inK to - 1.1 Headquarters at Stable. Phones: lesidence 51. Abernethy's Stable 256. a The Best Friend you wil'ev:rLhav' is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have .ar ound. When an opportunity comes for investment where you nu better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE wm.'i : YOU down if YOU have cultivated him properly. Why not start that account today and eb prepared to la it adversity? is 65 J. W, Hollingsworth LAWYER I Office H Hollingsworth Clothing Co. 1.1 mmumrW NEWTON, N. C. m m - i A A A Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus PILES Cured. No cutting, no confien-mea. utittxtitrm FOR SALE BY C. M. Shuford and Abernethy Hard ware Co., and all good dealers. Files Cured in 6 to 14 Days pr ri'ut'gist will refund money if PAZO . .nTMKNT fails to cure any case of Itching, .'ind. Weeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. up. iirbt application eives Ease and Kest. 60c. Jitney Service. HICKORY CONOVER AND NEW TO N Schedule Leave Hickory 8:20 .a. m. Leave Hickory 10:20 a. m. Leave Hickory 2:30 p. m. Leave Hickory 4:30 p. m. Leave Hickory 8:30 p. m. Leave Newton 7:20 a. m. Leave Newton 9:20 a. m. Leave Newton 1:30 p. m Leave Newton . . . 3 :30 p. m. Leave Newton 7:30 p. m. Newton to Conover . 10c Newton to Hickory . 35c Hickory to Conover 25i Hickory to Newton 1 35c Our Motto: Good Service. CAROLINA MOTOR CO vv nenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the wellknown tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. SO cents Subscribe for the Hickory Daily Record o a a a D G B H 0 13 O D B B Foot Powders Those who suffer from burning, smarting or per spiring feet. Get a box of Rexall Foot powders and sprinkle in your shoes. : Put up in tin boxes and is convenient to use. We carry the following Foot Remedies: Rexall Foot Powder - 25c Box Meritol Foot Powder - 25c Box Rexall Foot Bath Tablets - - 25c Box Tiz Foot Bath Tablets - - 25c Box Calocide FootPowders - - - 25c Box When you need Corn Remedies you will always find a good assortment at our store. Telephone or Mail us Your Orders Parcel Post Orders Mailed Promptly lompany Telephone 46 u m u 2 m m u n If 1 BBSS JLJU uarv i mitt The REXALL Store 82 m 33 Jacob's Superb Candies "Made Last Night" The Candy that sells itself : : Always Fresh. Prices Ranging from 80c to $1.25 per pound The Only Place in Hickory to Get Jacob's Candies is at " GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office IN Business for Your Health" Hickory Cabinet & Manufacturing Co. M. G. Crouch, Mgr. Located in old light house buildin-j near foundry. Telephone 22 V-J All orders dispatched promptly. P. ft s