CKORY DAILY ECORB VOL. II. NO. 232 HICKORY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING JULY 10, 1917 PRICE TWO CENTS SEVERAL VILLAGES FALL BEFORE RUSSIAN TROOPS Drive For.Lemberg Results in Taking 1,000 More Prisoners and Three Field Pieces French Beat off German Attacks and P-:cVJc vay! COMMISSION IS FOOD BILL FACES RUSSIANS THROUGH IN ADDITIONAL 1,000 MORE RUSSIA BUMPS MEN , -V TAKE TROOPS OF REPUBLIC HAVE MONARCHISTS I BAD HOLE By the Associated Press. Bite Deeper Into Enemy Line. Jy the Associated Tress. Several villages captured and more than 1,000 additional prisoners and three field trims taktn attest the second days' attack by General Korn in Eastern Galicia. Already this branch of the Russian offensive movement has resulted in a deep wedge driven in the Austro-German line between Halicz and Stanislau, southwest of Lembtrg. It took the throwing of strong Ger man reserves into the line to check the Russian advance. The strategic position in this sec tor is now clearly in favor of the Russians. The long standing inac tivity has been broken and the? speedy fall of llnltcz is expected. A dangerous salient has been al ready created around Halicz. Kach day now witnesses a new at tack by the German orown prince along the Aisne front in northern France, suggesting a sustained of fensive. The French beat back the onslaught in easy fashion. Last night's attack on the Chemin-des-Pames plateau, tne high ridge which the Germans lost in the spring campaign and which they are now trying to recover, was even less suc cessful than the others. The Ger mans attacked on the French line at ITerbutize and in the Dragon where their attacks were launched they fell back with severe losses. General Ilaig is again nibbling at the German lines in Belgium. Last night he took another bite at the Messines ridge and advanced the British lines at a point a mile north east of Wytscaete. GIVEN CONTRACT FOR THREE By the Associated Press. Washington, July 10. America's iWlashington, July 10. increased commission to Russia, headed by difficulties today beset the adminis- Elihu Root, virtually has completed tration food control Till in the sen- its work and soon will return to the ate. United Statfs. Convinced that the bill is loaded Administration officials expressed down and that the amendment for the greatest satisfaction today over government purchase of all spirits is what has been accomplished by the unconstitutional and must be strick- mission, which is believed to have en out, senate leaders held confer- done much to steady Russia's provis- ences while the amendment was dt ional government by showing how bated. thoroughly the American government To meet the constitutional objec- By the Associated Press. Petrograd, July 100 General Kor- niloff's offensive in E-astern Galicia continues, says today's Russian war department statement, despite strong Austrian resistance. Additional villages have been cap tured. iMore than 1,000 prisoners were taken yesterday. The Russians also captured three field guns and quantities of ammunition and material. is willing to cooperate.- BRIDGES tions that his amendment illegally li nus De-en i ruui icu mai. tne mis- . , j 4.1 . sion will stop in Japan for an official u.BWiic w.c - j FREIGHT LERKS WIN call on the return trip, but this is not officially confirmed. At a joint meeting of the Catawba and Iredell boards of commissioners at the Chamber of Commerce Mon day night the contract was awarded to the Virginia Steel and Bridge Company of Roanoke, the price for the three being $98,880. Mr. R. L. Greenlea of Marion, who was engi neer for the C. C. and O. Railroad construction, has been retained in an advisory capacity and he will ap prove the plans. The bridges will be located at Is land Foard, Buffalo Shoals and Ter reil. The meeting was harmonius EMPEROR TO PLACE 10 PER CENT RAISE SKIDS UNDER THESE By the Associated Press. London, July 10. Jt is reported in Amsterdam, says the correspond ent of the Exchange Telegraph Com 'pjlny, that the resignation of Dr. Karl Helffench, the German vice- be paid for their liquors Senator Smoot proposed to add an amendment to other sections of the bill. Another plan considered by the steering com mittee was to recommit the bill to the agricultural committee with in- D,T lwi BenniQ4-aA Ptms structions to correct the Smoot a- Richmond. Va., July 10 An agree mendment and possibly to eliminate ment for an increased wage scale cotton, steel and other products. NATIONAL GUARD Min ri 11 r nrwl caprotarv n-f t.VlP in- throughout and the two boards ; of terior, and Dr. Alfred Zimmermann, commissioners expeneiu-eu nu mm- tne German secretary Vor foreign? culty in reaching an agreement air. affairs have been decided upon by iv. I'j. nanKS represents me u1'" Emperor William. company. It was thought advisable some time ago to operate ferries across the Ca tawba, but this plan, while somewhat cheaper, has been abandoned. CALLED TO COLORS COUNTY FAIR TO BE PRESENTED TWO NIGHTS With the personal guarantee of the management that this is one of the very best tabloid musical comedy at tractions ever presented in Hickory, The County Fair will be given at the Aademy of Music, July 12 and 13. It is one of the most unique and ori ginal organizations jfn th;e h,tory of musical comedy. Funny comedians, beautiful ward robe and elaborate special scenery for every scene add much to Ihe Fair. , The cabaret scene is supurb; BIG AS IN ELKS SERVE TRAWLER SHOOTS DOWN TWO PLANES having been reached, the 26 Seaboard Air Line freight clerks who went out on strike yesterday morning and re turned later in the day, has been set tled. The railroad conceded certain in creases in wages amcnting to 10 per cent in each case. Through a speedy agreement with the men, the railroad prevented a tie up of freight in the Richmond yards. CENSORSHIP AT Chang Hsun's Troops Penned Up in Peking-Two Reports of One Battle North of Tien Tsin Are Widely Different Palace Bombed by Airplanes. BELIEVES WIFE GONE WITH TEXAN WA BOSTON By the Associated Press. London, July 10 The commodore at Lowestoft, says an official an nouncement reports that yesterday a British armed trawler destroyed two enemy seaplanes and brought four prisoners into port. NAVY YARD ENFORCED WOODMEN GATHER By the Associated Press. Boston, July 10 Former Govern- in or David I. Walsh, August Herrmann, this scene will be heard some of the chairman of the national baseball IN ATLANTA TODAY By the Associated Press. Valleio, Cal., July 10. Military law and strict censorship were en forced today at the Mare Island navy yard as the result ot tne explosion of a black powder magazine there yesterday with the loss of gix lives and the mjjry ot 31 persons, t ea eral offijeers are conducting, an inves- most talented musicians of Hickory, commission, and Elks from all parts B Associated Press. tigation separate to that under way The chorus of Fluffy, Fluffy Ruf- of the country have voluntered as Atlanta July 100. Woodmen of by the navy, fles is the place where hesitation strike breakers in all hotels in Bos- 4.1, ",w-c tv, ' Wiithin a few minutes afte the ex- should be mads for a long description ton. . he2r today for the bienniel convention plosion a strong guard was placed Fourteen merry musical men and The waiters in 12 hotels quit work the southern camp Only 1,000 about the navy yard, marines patroll maids comprise the niftiest, best last ,ight to enforce demands for fipiP0.fltPS ar accredited to the con- ed all lines and guards were placed costumed singing and dancing chorus 0ne day off in seven without loss of vention, but hundreds came from all at all approaches Washington, July 10. Tho last step necessary to make the entire national guard available for duty in Franc 3 was taken by President W4I son with the issue of a proclania tion drafting the state troops, into the army of the United States on August ft. To make certain that the purpose be there with the other stars of the national defense act is carried e).r seen here. Tlh cabaret ami; pay. Coming at the time of the chorus is an absolutely big time act biks convention the hotels were i,a for the ceremonies. that is sure to create a muu seiisa- caugnt in a Daa condition ana Den tion. boys and others were used. A glance at the cast, wTiich will A help yourself service was estab- be published tomorrow, will convince lished under the direction of Mr. you that good acting will be a big W alsh, Mr. Herman and others. feature of The County Fair Also it will assure vou there will be n need to close one eye or put on rose colored spectacles for any of them. Have you ever seen Ada bhe will parts of the United States and Can- TRIED TO HANDLE ESTIMATE MADE iho nrrwlamation also spocifi cally declares the men drafted to be discharged from the old militia status on that date. In that way the con stitutional restraint upon use of mili tia outside the country is avoided and the way paved for sending the regiments to the European front. prior to the application of the draft, regiments in the northern and eastern section of the country are called into the federal -.service as national guardsmen in two incre ments to be mobilized on July 15 and 2.r. Many units already are federal ized and presumably they will be Yrw.hiliai-d with the other troops from their states. The fuard from the the other states will be mobilized on the day of the draft. The arrange ment was necessary to provide for movement of .the regiments south to concentration camps without conges tion and to the same end the duijon of states into these increments wa3 revised from the original schedule. The operative date of the draft was AavnA until AutTUst 5 SO that all regiments can be taken into the ar my simultaneously to avoid inequali ties in the relative rank of officers. Fourteen camp sites for the 10 tac tical divisions into which the guard will be organized for war purposes have been selected and the militia bureau is preparing the railway rout ing of the troops to the camps. Sev en of the sites selected are in the southeastern department, five in the southern and two in the western ATTEMPT MADE TO LIBERATE INTERNED GERMAN PRISONERS IS OF COTTONSEED OIL NEWSPRINT PIRATES Atlanta, Ga., July 10. An investi gation is being made by military au thorities at Fort McPherson in an effort to place responsibility for what appears to have been an at: tespt to liberate 400 German sailors interned there. Offiicers admitted they had discov ered that the wire barricade which extends around the quarters occupied BY the Associated Press. Wlashineton. July 10 In response to a senate resolution asking what it had done to relieve the newsprint oaner situation, the federal trade -The food commission today pointed to its work administration today estimated this I in the matter and urged to the need year's cotton crop would yield 174,- of more powers 000,000 gallons of cottonseed oil and The commission again emphasizes (No unauthorized persons were al lowed to enter and all shore leave for navv men or marines was stopped '-i"it.. Strict orders were issued iorDiaaing the divulging of information by offi cers. Ada will be at The County Fair, Academy of Music, July 12 and 13 HETTY GREEN'S SON TO W RICH GIRL By the Associated Press. Washington, July 10.- Bv the Associated Press, Chicaero. July 100. Edward K ine commission again iir I " ' " , rii n o orr ram 4. M 1. . A :i l. I i. Ij. : ,1 4-1, no.Ac tr- mnw terpen OI JN W X OxK anu x ci 1 en meal. power. At one time, it says, a form- Texas, son of the late Mrs Hetty - . 1 ifiAAw nnrt vi ice 1 vi m i 1 - 1 1 yi 1 1 1 . gaint newsprint manu- v, , m Misses Essie and Suma Hedrick facturers was planned, but was not are t? o T. Bowman. by the prisoners had been cut Sunday fone to Alexander to spend a . .1 i- I n o a I rrra I I C W Uclva Willi lHCll UUL1C, ifil. J. 111U11L. All UUC littvi. t tiyjA i enough to allow the passage of a man's body was found. The sentinel who was on duty near the prisoners' quarters was put under arrest. The authorities have been unable to ascertain whether the wires were cut by the interned sail ors or by some one outside the barricade. al complaint againt newsprint manu carried out for fear of embarrassing lowe is said to be wealthy m her own TRANSPORTATION FOR TDfMDO Tfl PAMDO Lnmmmmmm muuro iu umiiiioi timiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinwiiiiiiiiiiintl MARKETS iiiiiiiiiiiinttniiiniiii ENEMY TRADING BILL - NOW NEARING VOTE COTTON FUTURES PUBLISHERS HAVING BUSY SESSION TODAY By the Associated Press. Washington, July 10. General Chang Hsun, leader of the attempt to restore the Manchu dynasty in China, was reported by Minister Reinsh today to have withdrawn his troops into the imperial city. Loyal troops of the republic sur round the city and complete destruc tion of the monarchial movement is considered only a matter of a short time. Uninterrupted communication with Tien Tsin was restored June 8. Silas Wilson, who gave his address as Canadian, Texas, came to Hickory six weeks ago, put up at the O. K. lunch stand and inn, posed as a rich Texas oilman and left here Wednes day, June 27, ostensibly for his Texas home. The next day Mrs. G. W. Buyars, wife of the proprietor of the restaurant and her two children left for Hendersonville, she said, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Gibbs. No trace of her, the two children or the man has been iaund. 'These facts became known late Monday afternoon when Mr. Buyars who came here from Hendersonville six weeks ago, sought assistance of the Hickory Record and was adviseu to have the local police wire all points in Texas, where the couple might be expected to go. W'ilson, it also developed, had car ried on correspondence with Miss Maggie Wellman, who lives near Con nelly Springs m Burke county tor the past two years, and his trip to North Carolina was tor the purpose he said, of taking the Burke county girl back as his wife. On the day before he left he wrote her, Mr. Buy ars said, that he had found somebody else whom he loved more, and - was eavine for Texas. He had become a correspondent of Miss Wellman as the result of an advertisement. Friday Mr. Buyars went to Hen dersonville to see his wife's parents and learn if they knew anything of her whereabouts. They had not heard a thing, and the old people left in tears. The two little girls, Goldie and Ruth, are aged 12 j and 11 years. Mrs. .Buyars, has dark hair, brown eyes and weighs about 130 pounds. She is about 35 years old. After his trip to liendersonvane Mr. Buyars drove to the home ot Miss Wellman, obtained a photograph of the man and inspected a bundle of letters. Miss Wellman promised ,i the help posaliMi.; In leaving Mrs. Buyars carried off all the pic tures of herself and children, but the husband was able to find negatives of photographs made two weeks ago. Wilson checked his trunk irom here to Pampa, Texas, the name it going to being Mrs. E. P. Wilson. He was seen to leave Asheville on a western Southern train and Mrs. Buyars and the two girls also were on that train, Mr. Buyars was told. An inspection of the hotel registers in Asheville disclosed his name, but jt those of the woman and children. W'ilson, Mr. Buyars said, did not make many acquaintances in Hick ory. He spent most of his time at the boarding house, telling his hosts of his life in Texas, boasting of oil wells and much riches. Mr. Buyars assumed that his wife was filled with nonsense and caused to leave her home. Mr. and Mrs. Buyars have been married nearly 14 years and they have lived hannilv all that time, the hus band said. When his wife said she was glome: to Hendersonville to visit her parents, the husband was not at all suspicious and told her to help herself out. of the cash drawer. She took only railroad fare, however, and left. A GREAT BATTLE! By the Associated Press. Peking, via Tien Tsin, July 10 The western army is within a few miles of the city while other forces are a few miles southeast of the capi tal. Heavy artillery fire can be heard in that direction. Troops hav been placed in position to cut off Gen. Chaun Hsun's retreat from the north west. Bombs were again dropped on the imperial palace by an airplane of the republic (Foreign troops have ai rived. Foreigners and others are being closely examined. Although there was much noise at the battle of Lang Sang, and republi cans report the killing of 500 imper ialists and the wounding of numerous others, foreigners estimate the wound ing of 10 on each side. A reward of $1,000 has been placed on Chang Hsun dead or alive. According to reports Chang Hsun has urged the emperor to take personal command of the troops. WOMEN ARRANGING TO HELP IN LOAN By the Associated Press. Wanhigton, July 10. Plans to as sist in floaing the next liberty loan are to be made here today at a meet ing of the women's liberty loan com mittee of which Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, wife of the secretary of the treas ury, is chairman. Appointment of state chairmen and delegates are other business of the meeting. EWE Y CASE By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. Asheville, July 10. With addition al delegates arriving today for the 15th annual convention of the South- Mv' " v., ,- . ., en11th em Publishers' Association anu a The two others will be n the south- interesting papers on the eastern department and until they be secretary tiir tho Associated Press By the Associated Press. wbine-ton. July 10. Considera Npw York. July 10 The cotton nf the administration bill to I - ,. , . . J.. V y! TOntiVin.!- T,,i in tv,0 fQQvQi mnrkPt was comparatively quiet uui- T.inib,t. tradiner witn Germany ui .... . ' . " . . I ai 1.. 4- n Hotr A TTOT f 11- .Ui.l A-Vir. o wi onyl,Tl otlit military bureau is arranging today ing tne eariy yaxi, ui ""j- , " , ner ames rencum m .v,.. for transportation for the national opening iin, -Nie market wu stage in tne nouse umay wiuu guard which will be mobilized on Au- after realizing. gust 5 in accordance with a proclam- lhe ciose was taeauy. ation by President Wilson. The OPen guards will be sent to training camps july 26.86 betore being sent to France. October zo.zo -V i ! December --26.34 Close 27.00 26.26 26.39 es limited to five minutes. A final vote on the bill is expected by Thurs day night. Avalanche of fun at The County I January 26.42 Fair, Academy of Music, July 12 and March ' 26.50 T.At inv chase eloom at The Coun tw Vnir. Academy of Music, July 12 o A n "J ' - 14. and 13. ELKS ARE BUSY BOSTON T DAY 13. It eastern department and untu tney are approved aw'jnmejt of regi- P K wag n" Edwin P. Johnson, secret, incut " r ' tv,o nnlv made Mdwin v. .jonnson, secretary not be fully work 1 out. The only . AdvertiBi Associa I tWO UlVISlOns imsiiiYciji the l'Jflh. irw?vn.K we v '' ciml uhirh will tro to Linda Vista Cal., and the 20th, including Oregon, Washington and other states in the northwest, which will go to Palto Alto, Cal. Amsterdam, July 10. The main committee of the reichstag yesterday continued its confidential discussion of internal and external political af fairs. Dr. von Bethman-IIollweg, the imperial chaniccllor', the secre taries of state and many members of bundesrat attended the meeting. All the speakers, according to the Teport received here, expressed regret that a portion of the press had not Tespected ie secrecy of the meet ings had published erroneous reports tion. Mrs. Lois K. Mays, president of the Pensacola, Fla., Journal, the only woman publisher present, was ex pected to be delivered during the day. FRENCH L INER SUNK SHOTS ARE FIRED ACROSS RIO GRANDE MEDITERRANEAN HICKORY MARKETS Cotton ---25 1-2 Wtoeat -?2-00 CHICAGO WIHEAT By the Associated Press. Chicago, July 10 Jo inaepenu- ( ence was displayed by wheat today. The market opened upward with the advance of one cent, but later fell j back. After opening half a cent up ward," with July and September nom- inal, the market reacted a litue anu then rose to 2.05. GERMANS RETIRE ON RUSSIAN FRONT P,v the Associated Press. Boston, July 10. The delegates to thp annual convention of the Bene volent Protective Order of Elks got flnwn tn business today with the open- It iv,o- nf tne annual session of the grand lodge. An appropriation vl itiUOOO.OOO for war reuei was unuw consideration. UDGMENT SUSPENDED TRIAL AT NEWTON The trial of Cecil Hefner, a white boy, charged with entering the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichol son and carrying off sundry jewelry, including a diamond ring, is m pro gress in superior court at Newton today. It was expected the case would be finished before night and that the Price case would be begun. From the number of witnesses, at least a day will be required to try it, to say nothing of the time con sumed by the lawyers. WORK IS PROGRESSIN RAPIDLY ON BURNED HALL IN WHIPPING CASE By the Associated Press. Paris, July 10. The French liner Caledonian was sunk by a tnine or torpedoed in the Mediterranean June 30, according to an, announcement last night by the minister of marine. nnine them. The imperial chan- n Py tne m mister o " n'. ;m.Jfl lo-thv aneech. ruty-one rfrsons were iosu By the Associated Press. El Paso, July 10. iFifty shots were fired by Mexicans across the Rio Grande at Harte's mill, one mile north of Union, last night. The fire was returned by American soldiers, but so far as known there were no casualties. It is believed the Mexi cans fired at this point to cover j smuggling north of there; THE WEATHER James Lazos, a Greek fruit dealer, was fined $50 and costs by Recorder Russell Monday night on the charge of carrying a concealed weapon and judgment was suspended in another case for beating his wife, the man being required to appear before the court every Friday for the next six onths and show that he has not mis- WJest Hickory, July 10. The work on the Y. M. C. A. hall is moving on rapidly and will be completed in a few days. Mr. G. T. Barger who fell and broke his ankle a few days ago, is getting along nicely. Mr. J. M. Mace of Morganton spent Saturday and Sunday here with Mrs. J. M. Lackey Mrs Thomas Cook and Mrs. M. A. Carswell spent several days last week with relatives in Burke county. Mr. Van Clark has opened up a restaurant and cold drink stand here in Dr. J. J. Hick's store building for merly occupied by Mr. W. A. Shook. Miss Myrtle Mace returned home Saturday after spending a week with with relatives and friends at Enola. Mr. Zeb ' Lackey sp.?nt Saturday and Sunday at Morganton. .Mr Geo. Philip of Rhodhiss spent the week end here with his uncle, Mr. M. McKenzie. Mr. Victor Cook is sepnding some time with relatives in Burke county. T. J. L. Reserved seats for The County Fair will go non sale Wednesday at Lutz drug store. Go early and avoid the rush. It By the Associated Press Berlin, via ionaun, juij German war office today announced uf tv,o firman forces fighting m wiai "- . ., - i mnntm Ithe Stanislau sec pi : ;"iar t" 1 treated the woman. . The whipping tront vesteruay wiuwu-r. - ,.tori a creat deal oi atten- nfflnrnrmTrminhllllllllllllUUUUUiUILomnica river. jo I T ' "nd the court room was crowd- For North Carolina: Thunder show- Near Riga, Dvfaskand Smorgon If the offense repeated, the J i? afternoon or tonitrht in east: on the northern end of the Russian . g & jaU or other ?e. Wednesday, front, the official statement ; there would be great dini- e ' shifting .fighting between t - I ty in having it set aside. j Winds. j Hermans no fair in west portion. PROF. SCOTT TO APPEAR HERE AGAIN TUESDAY By special request Prof. Raleigh Alonzo Scott, the world renowned singer poet, musician and elocution ist, will deliver his famous lecture on the Holy Land and sing in several different languages at St. Paul A. M. E. Zion church tonight. Admis sion 10 cents for all. Doors open at 8 o'clock. Program begins at 8:45. Special seats reserved for white people. i

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