TT TT KORY BADLY 01 ill NO. HICKORY, N. O, SATURDAY EVENING SEPT. 15, 1917 PRICE TWO CENTS v II II TT jA dm IS SPECULAiiNG OVER KORNILOFF'S FATE He- ,I of Rebellion Prisoner of Provisional Gov , ; k nt -Meantime Russian Armies Continue Fight Germans Near Riga-Little Doing on Western Front. KORIOFF ARRESTED IN RUSSIA BEEN A P 0 LOGIES PAYING FOR VESSEL FOR INN 'iO . a'ed 1YCS9. . jV's rebellion has ; . ;;;!, t-iul with his nr. , i !h it t'f General Lo of the northeru , I the deposed coni ;ntn:il details are f.iio of the urresteu wide discussion ami :;.-at Russia. ,n m t-:i: y on the Riga front !.i a lighting spirit 1 ;;dv advances. Three v . ha vi- been occupied ..: -. one of them being : . the defeat of the ,.-x made by the Ger ; the Caurieros wood on V,.:t yesterday netted ..rantage. Paris re :'r.:it they were ejectei. : i the major part of the ,.,, attack launched in the i ., the Germans were re- r. I. rs front the Britisn , , ,,:,ail their lines east They hell the ground s-, . .lul:.n from the Ger- POPE'S PEACE TERMS PPM BY TEUTONS :. 1." The reply oi au i s to the peace note : ..iii't, says a Vienna dis- Tij.i. begins by declai v r.'ard the papel pro-'-.r table basis for peace r the exchange of occu- res, aribtrations, disar i similar proposals, declar-m.idi-, the dispatch adds, ';. to th eiiealism of the V and their sincere desire 1 which will insure hap ! nations. ry declarations are also t r: the settlement of the ?;. n. Poland and the res-n-l.'ium, but emphasis is ..: litios that the allied ..No give serious evidence fur pence by a joint Iks-.- w-ii-n of the questions -p;iratc the nations. The t: i, will bo published as consent of the papal na is obtaimv CHANGE LOCALS TO ANOTHER SECTION By the Associated Press. By the Associated Pres. Petrograd, Sept. 15. General Kor- Amsterdam, Sept. 15 An inspired niloff, leader of the recent rebellion article in the German press says the aaginst the provisional government, sole ground for granting compensa- and Beneral Lokonsky, the comman-Jtio for the Argentina steamer Toro der of the northern front who refuseu was that she was sunk outside the to take command of the Russian ar- barred zone mies after Kornlloff was deposed, hav been arrested. News of the arrest of General Kor- niloff was first conveyed in a telegram received by Premier Kerensky from General Alcxieff, chief of staff, in the following: "At 10 o'clock last night General! Korniloff and Generals Lokonsky and Romanos were arrested." CONFEREES BUSY ON 1R TAX BILL Letters received in Hickory frotn members of Company A say that a well defined rumor is in circulation at Camp Sevier that Companies A, 15, C and D, first infantry, North Carolina troops, are soon to be trans ferred to the engineering corps and that the members of Company A will to be put to driving motor trucks. A k'tter from Major Lyerly earlier in the week stated that some chang es were to be made, but at that time he did not know what they would be. It is believed that the four companies will be attached to the transport ser vice and that they will be among the first North Carolina troops as signed to service at the front. A letter from Camp Jackson ai Columbia states that Z. T. Setzer has been assigned to the transpoii and it is assumed that he will be in charge of a squad of repair men. BRITISH STEAMER FIRE IN S. AMERICA By the Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 15 Senate and house conferees today continued their deliebrations on the war tax bill after tentatively disposing of all ma jor points of dispute except the war profits and postage sections. The conferees today gave consid eration over points in which there is no dispute. CUBAN SUGAR PRICES By the Associated Press. Havana, Cuba, Sept. 15. Announ- By the Associated Press. South American Port, Sept. 15. A t? :u t , ,. u : 1 i -f , xtv. American nort to rt, African nort nut, cement was made today follcwmg COl American port to an Aincan port pu between President Meno- cal and a group of sugar producers that a committee of three had been named to confer in Washington with Herbert Hoover regarding the price of Cuban sugar in here today with fire in her bun kers endangering the lives of manji passengers, several of them Ameri can missionaries. r t SUB MARINE REPORTED IN ATLANTIC IS TO LICENSE EXPORTS FOR CANADA ALSO OCENT, SAY! MINISTER TO MEXICO By the Associated Press. M'exito City, Sept(. 15. )Heinrich von Eckhardt, the German ministei to Mexico, last night made a state ment denymg everything m connection with (disclosures irom Washington that he had been employing a former Swedish charge d'affaires to convey messages from Mexico to Berlin. Von Echarkdt declared that he had never sent any communication throuhg Folks Cronholm and that he never wrote any communication re commending Cronholm for a decora tion. Von Eckhardt declared thai he did not know Cronholm personal ly, only having met him through a diplomatic reception or at a social function.. Von Eckhardt makes a formal deni al of everything in connection with the matter and then makes a state ment that this was merely a Wash ington fabrication to injure Ger many. IS VISITED BY A HEAVY RAINFALL Streets of Tenement District Flooded in Three Feet of Water and Much Damage Reported to Crops Brakeman Killed at Rose Hill. Four Inches. yn nnironrfcino mn si Hi; arrml.i B I 1 1 Bl fa? W i tt& VI bllUV SEVERAL ARE KILLED IN EARTH SHOCKS Bv the Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 15. Official dis patches today from Bogota, Colom bia, say the earth shocks which, bt.. gan there August 29 continued inter, mittently until September 13. Sever al persons were killed. SWEDISH MINISTER GOES TO CONTINENT Mrs. Jones Hostess Mrs. E. Bryan Jones entertained yesterday afternoon with three tables of bridge. Table prizes were given to Mrs. Horace C. Lutz, Mrs. A. A. Shuford, Jr., and Mrs. E. Rowell Holt. A salad course was served after the game. Mrs. Bruner Stewart of Jacksonville, Fla., was a special guest for refreshsments. Those playing were Miss Ada Schenck. Mesdame E. Rowell Holt and guest, Mrs. S. By the Associated Press. London, Sept. 15. Count Arthur itn i ii o, 1 : -1- tit oi .-11 T A m.r,a T tt I vvnaugei. me oncuisii port to other countries, under a new I, t Wm-H n M TTntfr... Great Britain, and the Countess ftilinr Kir ho zi'vnvrf aHmimcTifirm I J ' . 1 . A. A. Shuford. Jr.. and J. H. P. Wrantrel left London today tor the By the Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 15 Shipments of wheat, flour, bi'ter and sugar to t 1 1 XT 1.1 J 1 J 1 fx if u ,UU"U1 . v" 1 M. Englehardt of Montgomery, Ala., acinic: iictcocat y iui lutu t--v rulinc: by the export administration The new ruling, it was explained, was not to restrict shipments tol y' Canada. Mjr. J. B. Duke, president of the Southern Rower Company, arriveu in Hickory Friday evening from the? western part of the state and spent the night in his private car Dorift. lie speno the greater part of today inspecting his properties m and m the vicinity of Hickory. Mr. Duke had gone to the river when the reporter called at his car this morning and it was said there that he would remain in Hickory un, til late th--. afternoon. This is the second visit of Mr. Duke to lHckory in a little more than a year. SOME NAME THIS By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 15 As n rpsillt. nf tho wrofocf ra info 11 in ! - - b'""" the history of Goldsboro and Waym, county the tenement house settle ment of this city was flooded by three feet of water and two bridges wcu washed away by a stream which pass es through the lower end of the city flooded its banks last night. 'The rain which started at 5 o'elock ySoerday afternoon ceased at 7 o'clock this morning. Reports from the county are that the crops have been badly damaged if not totally destroyed in some sec tions. Dams in several parts of the county were destroyed and bridges over small streams were washeu away. At 10 o'clock this morning many sections of the city were still flooded and many dead animals could be seei in the ake of the rushing waters. Street car traffic was paralyzed. Reports from nearby towns say that the damage to crops was heavy. While no deaths are reported many people had narrow escapes, and many persons were forced to leave their homes in .the eastern part of tht. state. Men carried their wives and children through water up to theft necks to places of safety. Washington, Sept. 15 C. W. L. F. C. Van Rappard, the Netherlands min ister, is today preparing to return to The Hague following his recall by the Dutch government. It is ex pected he will be given a European post, possibly in Holland. $y the Associated Prss An Atlantic Tort, Sept. .T- estate belonging to the National Rail ritish steamship that arrived herb I v . M4, tint, notnallv in use TURN BACK REAL ESTATE By the Associated Press. Mexico City, Sept. 15. President Carranze today ordered that all rea CAIN SENTENCED ur.tisn steamsnip mat u f M j not actually in use "Sbs y" G Uy the government, which is operat- I 1 1 IJ I 1 1 1 1 1 Li LL VMltitCa KJ W . IS TO ELECTRIC CHAIR continent on a few weeks leave oi absence. Count WWigel yesterday had a long conference with the fe. eign secretary, presumably in regard to Swedish-Argentina affairs. COAL FOR HOLLAND BRAKEMAN KILLED ed that the ship from which the mes sage came was being shelled by a ing the road, be turned back to th ! railroad. By the Associated Press. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 15. Al- iTmidon. Sent. 15. A disnatch from though it wTas reported here that Salisbury. N. C. Sent. 15. Baxter The H'aerue states that information Judge Clme might issue a bench war CaimL convicted yesterday of the has been received from official nuar- rant for the arrest ol Gaston Means By the Associated Press. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 15 Brakeman Thomas Moore, white, is believed to have been killed when an Atlantic Coast Line freight was da railed at Rose Hill, 35 miles from here this morning, owing to a wash out caused by high waters. The track was considerably torn up This is the only accident resulting from last night's storm when only four inches of rain fell doing big damage to roads bridges, crops and property on the beach. GENERAL IN SOUTH German submarine, bo mues nortn-i ,i-at7xt omoi-p ixt ihtih ir I AKol Harris was spntPTu-ed ora tmt pyrwirf. of fifirinan coal to at Concord, no action had been taken I hp I Vtlrll llVSJIIUii oiiiunu m a uiikiv h'uiuv. vj. iiv,. , i v.. - -r- i - - . , A VICTIM OF l I i -INI I.1CTKD INJURIES Pt 13 General nnef nf T:ntucektt lizht shin. word of the shin beine: attacked waa New York Commercial not learned though "Abbey" was Internal revenue taxes on cigars, mado out. It is assumed that this cigarettes and other tobaccos pro was the Iat part of the ship's name, ducts amounted to $103,201,592, a Additional information that a sub- gain of $15,000,000 in the last fiscal marine was in the eastern Atlantic year. 'The increase in the consump- was brought by another English li- tion of cigaretts was phenomenal and ner which arrived here today. the official treport attributes jt to The place where the ship reported the spread of the habit among wora- she was being attacked G5 miles east en. of Nancuckrtt, is in the vicinity In New York and other large cit- which the German submarine' U-53 ies, women smoke in public who could . 11 i i 1 1 ,1-,J As-, rv ra sank five merchant ships last iaii. nox nave n uc u tu R- thft Associated Press. i .r onmmnnH nf T.ipii-lvears aco. At tnac xime very lew -'; . o it todav bv Judsre Cline to be electro- Holland has been resumed. cuted on Friday, November y. WAR CREDITS BILL TO PASS BY NIGHT PLANS TO HELP REJECTED Solicitor Clement earlier m the day indicated that this step was not on the program. 'f'There are two classes pf per. sons, out one m particular, wuu shouVd be cared for just at this time," savs Dr. L. B. McBrayer, superin tendent of the state tuberculosis san atorium. "The first class is com prised of those young men who were MEANS' BROTHER IN FIGHT Concord, N. -C., Sept. 15 Brandon Means, brother of Gaston Means, last night engaged in a wrangle with special representative of the New York American, sent to Concord for examined for service m the army and Lh purpose of reporting the Meanv The U ;,'! tenant Rose appered in Nantucket on hotels or restaurants would permit, who were found to have tufoercu- wkfciWtnTi Spnt. 15. Passaee by losis. The other class are the boy war wno to sea. The next report was from saloon-keepers frowned on it m their the senate today resUmed debate on class," emphasizes Dr. McBraye. niM.'r ot the ii'...!! sent to officiav new agency uc'ii tn nil rn tne '" v - , irne ineasuru, an iuuku itn.iv ui uuv "as a"oweJ 10 '"gtr . utviow wan itcuhit to war and )re sreturned ll' tt b iw .'!'. m. v - w i ... 1 i tiirrnr fix i.n m .t . riirjvj ywi i vv iv; . i i l a i , K.i,rt ,vtn oviri I '"h xx v . . l , . , - . i t- i l YJ attiiwk , Uw-iooer ami .luUia u. - "r , " -.. credits bill seemea very certajn wio wim uie uieaOC. u, " 0f one of the Means girls, that tnfc King affair. It is said that Brandon M''eans charged the New York re porter with snapping a kodak picture By the Associated Press. Wtashineotn, Sept. 15. The distur bance in the south Atlantic coast was central today on the North Carolina coast, accompanied by excessive rain. The general rain area covered the middle and south Atlantic states'. Storm warnings have been ordered displayed from Nantucket to Charleston SCHOOL ORDINANCE the L. ..v. ----- vt;; " . i. , y wr hmt-Vi oltJie seiraie tuuay isu.mcu uca wn v.,a t i reports uenieu uie aieutiun anu. amci.can situ mu v-. . "--"AoA -- the measure, althougn iacK oi quo- -cnat neus out a.Kuuun that the matter ended m a hghu. v.! t I;,c preini.r receiveu ii'll' at tht- winter palace r' the fate that await returned to his M..t himself. It was i.-L that his wound i! Clement ha returned visit to Charlotte. Chanter to Meet The Abel the U. D. C,. will hold its meeting Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. Charles Menzies. All the members are asked to bring their thimbles with them. belonging xo a in polite society. ! X U I ; I K K A( lilHTTEl) ON MUDKU CHARGE ;'!'t. 15.--Ector E. Ricn, v. had been on trial 'it three days on the ;i-.i..r for the killing of a national guardsman, -''I. . ago, was acquitted ''fiirt iurv. after an ab- court room of two L ANIG'S RED Now smoking is i iu -- . I r U1 tVsr.ifnro roono 4 (11 r , T,,I- I lilSIllUIiaUlC OliU unitiun- vv. bacco smoke as fast as their stom. ach will permit. A newspaper is responsible for this strange and sudden change in the manners and customs of Ameri can women. Some four years ago this newspaper, which is subject to fits of Anglophobia, denounced tht. alleged English management of a New York hotel for permitting wom en to smoke in one of its dining rooms. As the hotel and its guests were re- ;t,t vo raispd. The actual nunr- To render this service, Dr. ber present yesterday was less than Brayer has endeavored to get Mc. in Means is said to have knocked the reporter down. It was learned today that the New York representative a dozen touch with those men that through h t attempte(i to take photo ATHLETIC DIRECTOR SISTERS AT COLUMBIA CAMP CROSS NURSES Mr. C. B. Wsst, formerly instruc- ' . I i x nn :;4-,, Trt-1 XJinct QyVrl onn t f 1. 1 nffriA O I I.I IT" Ml. I II II 1 L V XdJ.tV KJViivui davertsed the fact that some society director of athletics t Tnmty 1- at the tuberculosis department of the R-nt.ft p-overnment thev might find aid. and by intelligently resorting- to treatment and proper advice how- to be restored to health. 'To this end he has asked the gover nor of the state for the names and addresses of these boys, to be fur nished him through the various ex emption boards. This the governor when tnp case is reopened has requested, ana personal ieueis and literature impressing these young men with the importance ot the and treatment their condition this time are being sent graphs of any of the Means sisters, as charged. Concord is full of newspaper rep resentatives, at least four being herb from New York, and others come m from time to ..time from other towns, It is expected that a dozen reporters will be here for the hearing betore the coroner Monday, September 24. By the Associated Press ne i-cw . . Wo fnr Q mw nf vears will leave demands women smoked cigarexes, anu tVKlJ tw n to them. other woman wb, could smoke a I .7 ni kT v m . It was the opinion of the governor Bordeaux. Sept. 15. (A steamship r5racrette without strangling prompuy " rl ri that this was a most ii i-ri vf ing 15 American Red Cross workers ever and whenever she pleased. Ho i'ii d a quick verdict, ' nf the time being 'rsg lunch. Rich plead- !i:;on had both been -Veil Blalock, and ac 'nts made by the i i, she had been en !"'r the past three !' ng with Allison at i i from carrying out ''. 'inst Rich. 10 PLACE SUGAR who will be assigned to canteen sta tions. i otner wuiimu vvum 0.... . , , .n -tr 15. A steamship L-iraerette without strangling promptly mm'Qia. wnere ii " x. . . ,WOst important 1 1 : 1 . 1 i a j. . i .iy.-M 1 i 1 1 1 ucl-iu 1 uncviui vx. 1 . I itfYlr o v H on nnn uii aiiv un f 1 1 1 j.1 1, -.rt"U-T Tvnnf inn Qw,f nnnn mPn. and a rart of his state Dy xne wai w .u?, &t. r tn, bv from New York Drinc- ns etoi on her richt to smoke wner- tel and restaurant keepers were fore, of about 5,000 men, ana a pari ; 01 . n s nr"ood corfA be done in fight- Among the workers are three Ud by this pressure to permit the duties oe . g ma d;seas JIe d ACTION ON URGED NCE- BILL Be it Ordained: That any child or person, living outside of the corporate limits of the City or for any other reason not entitled to free attendance to the city schools, shall not be permitted to at tend the graded schools of the city, without first having obtained an presented to the principal or other person in charge of the school thai, such child or person desires to attend a written statement signed by the ! City Manager, setting forth that the tuition for such child or person ha., been paid in advance for the current month. That, in the event a statement, signed by the teacher in charge of the grade to which such child or per son has been assigned, setting forth that such child or person during xnu month immediately preceding wras absent by reason of sickness for a period in excess of five successive school days, is presented to the City Manager, he shall allow a credit foi such time in issuing the statement or receipt for the next month. That the City Manager shall not issue any statement or receipt until he has received the amount of the tuition from time to time prescribed by the City Council. That any parent, child, teacher, school or city official, or other person. violating any provision of this ordi . 1 1 , i - 1 1 i . i 11 nance snail De sudjccx xo anu snaii pay a penalty of twenty dollars. sisters of Robert Lansing, American practice, and today the New York eat- teams, of Jnt oTsDortsu-Sase the exemption boards furnish secretary of state. ing place that asks women not to LShTAt. information and give the work smoke is set down as umasmonaun, --- - irT consequence of which women wm, Mr. West returned last night fron X-J Ul IICKUL W 11 v. 1 V. 11 SAMMIES Chicago Tribune. 'History records that this ev- 1 i- 1 f TllrATI 1 'P 1 f . do not siimiie ixuo v.r ... cfnidpr,f American That newspaper's silly anti-smoking v. - i pre assiSLdiice uuaaiuit. WlesT returnea iasx nigni, um , . ; , wft , 4a nm,nPPT1i. from the fact that one By the Associated Press Washington, Serft. '15. Presijdehfc Wilson has communicated directly to senate leaders his wish that the sol diers and sailors bill be enacted be- HMn uiiULI IUUU -Presidential day the entire sugar iaU-d Press. .fi. Sent- 1 r. ... ,.v. J ,!.,,.. . 1,.U.N- '-ho United States was l" h. l!n'l,ir tho f,)fMl administration 'W.T1, '?l;:,,f'd under tho license fu,'tui,. ')jhl;'1,wi11 c,,ntrol the manu ' ".hution and importation. troops were first called Sammies in I crnsade was xne nne5, fg r.VnnfP nnr Yu V trv has DUX nenmat " fv4- in if. not for the first time. An head. eyc-and-ear witness of the landing now reports that what the French crowd shouted was not "Sammee. ' but "Nos amis!" pronounced "nose ammee," and by interpretation, 'our friends." Some bystandar caugni, only part of the outcryl Hence "Sammee." Hence in its turn "Sam my." Our troops are not pleased with the sobrinuet. They protest. Yt foresaw their indignation and print ed on this page several week.s ago snniA nnratrrachs entitled "Nix on Sammv!" .But the sobriquet sticks We doubt if "Samson" pro posed as a substitute, will manage t,v cnnionf. i nor do we auite see whv it should. Already the nick nna become clorious". It has the dignity of an honorific title. At the same t'ne it has the endearing iollitv of a s ap on the hack IJear up. Sammy! T. Atkins once Wed heincr a Tommy. Look a him Tirtw1. There was a blunder ai lour chastening. Admitted. But wo e-uess that if "Sammy" ever failed to reflect credit on you, are flofinn- nbundant credit on I T ,N V.S.y V. - "Sammy." ! : GERMANS WANT 10 CAPTURE AMERICAN examining ,. j;r.11T,TV,orif QTid it is nrar.tical board has reported that 5 per cent of , t in his will be accepted NEW YORK COTTON the men examined had to be reject ed on account of tuberculosis. iMiss Lenore Sourbeer has arriveu from Harrisburg, Pa., to resume her duties as teacher in the high school. ACTING PROMPTLY By the Associated Press. rNW Cork. Sent. 15 The cotton market was nervous this morning the nnemne- beine three to 18 points - r - i lower. The market soon rauiea, however, and the active months ad vanced about two to six poinxs nex higher. The rlrtse was Steady. Open Close October 20.30 20.28 TWemher '20.10 20.13 Tanuarv ZOJZ mS - - 20.02 20.23 May -V -H 20.30 20.40 ADMITS EFFORT TO DEST ROY o Aaqiviflted RM. British Headciuarters in France and Belgium, Sept. 15. The German gen andlintr the 11th reserve division recently put a price of 400 marks on the first American soldier brought dead or alive into the German lines. ; IMiss Mary Munroe has returned from Charlotte, where she spent sev eral weeks. HICKORY MARKETS Cotton , .20c Wheat $2-20 WEATHER FORECAST For North Carolina: Fair in west, rynhablv rairv in east portion tonight. Sunday fair, strong north winds on .the coast . diminishing jxonignx HOSES By the Associated Press. iMontreat, Canada, Sept. 15. Two alleged confessions by Joseph Frem blay admitting not only a plot to dy namite the summer home of Lord Altherxan, the Montreal publisher, and also the summer home oi w ' den and other prominent Canadians, were admitted to the record at the preliminary hearing yesterday, mblay refused to answer several ques. tions. He was sent back to jail. Unless debate js limited the senate will not be able to adjourn October 10. iMr. E. Bryan Jones went to Happy Valley today to visit his mother. Miss Sellers Hostess Thursday afternoon Miss Amy Stl- ers was hostess to the Do-As-lou Please Club. Ten members were present and Miss Evanegline Etley, Miss Virginia Alien and Miss Doi is Hutton were charming visitors, Delicious cream and cake were serv ed at the close of a pleasant hour. Flags were given as souvenirs. The next meeting will be September 20 in stead of the 27th with Miss Louise Jones. Messrs. J. H. P. Cilley and J. W. Shuford will leave this afternoon for Greenville to visit their sons. Mr. T. S. Keever has returned from ru-pcnville. where he visited the sol. diers vie wed the bis camp and found all the boys well and hard at work. Springfield Republican. Argentina acts with promptitude and spirit in resenting the outrageous conduct of Count Luxburg, who now appears to have been envoy extra ordinary and ministers plenipoten tiary instead of merely charge d'af faires as the early reports described him. An extraordinary envoy ho certainly was, and the government did the only possib'e thing in prompt ly handing him his passports; even in the annals of German diplomacy his case must surely be unique. His calling the Argentine foreign mini- ter a "stupid ass," through the gov ernment emphasizes this insult in its complaint to Germany, is of course a trival matter in comparison with his recommending the murder of citizens of a friendly country who. hospitality he was enjoying and the perfidy revealed in his note gives Ar gentina a chance to require from Germany a more explicit statement as to what it really means by its promises in regard to. Argentine ships. The German government of course cannot be hefd directly respon sible for what he wrote, and the Ar gentine government appears indispos ed to ero to extremes provided Ger- Imany shows a conciliatory temper. i. ! -, ! i i i if S It i i fi i 11 i f-, i s I r 11 If