TUESDAY EVENING mcxronY daily hd fAGD iwa Hickory Daily Record Co. TELEPHONE 167 i'ubusnea vj w ..... n T7-..-1..M 1?vant StifldaY. S. II. Farabee ItSSl j. C. Miller Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE the addreii of ll.oir paper changed, will iu-T ..mmnn it an hoth OLD and in mr ix NEW addresses. n omolont deliver?, com ahniiM Vm mada to the oUD- Mcription Department promptly. City inbscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES OnA TPf.T C .tf Vt at Three months - V'UV A v . . - An week 1 Vnfaror? a apr-nnd rJaii matter Sen timber 11. 1915, at the postofflce at IlicKory, N. C, under the act of March I, 1879. ,00 2.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication rtf nil news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also tht local news published herein. TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1917 WuVKE COUNTY AND LIQUOR There seems to e a liquor fight on in Raleigh and it nppears from this distance that those who always have Ix en regarded as hauor men are en deavoring to make it unpleasant for Collector J W. Bailey, who has been on the side that has fought the liquor rancr from first to last. One Capers White, a clerk in the postonnce ana a roomer in diwiu o Hotel, a building owned by Mr Bailey and leased by him to another nerson. is the special target. We don't know whether White has been sellinc booze or not: if he has the Wake county officials have all the machinery of the law on their side and all they are required to do is to collect the evidence and present it to the grand jury. ' It is said that in the cases against J. Sherwood Upchurch and others tried in federal court, some persons were shielded, and the inference is that the collector used influence to protect one or more rascals. Mr Baileyaascrts his record as a liquor fighter is clear, informs the officials that they know how they can acquire information and calls attention to the fact that mighty few blockaders have been apprehended in Wake county. On the face of the printed matter, the collector has put it up to the other crowd. FAIR NEXT WEEK iCatawba county producers wil make their annual annoal t.o tha non pie of this section of the state next 1 V A. !11 a m ween, ii wiu not De an appeal ior funds or for other assistance, but .a a a - an appeal to the pnde of the com munity. Nearly a year of effort has been expended in preparation for this fair, the crops have been good prices nave Deen nign and every bod V ia in (rood financial aViana Mow cr before have the producers of the couniyi teen ;8o fortunate as this year. The exhibits of agricultural pro ducts, nome canning products and live stock will be larger than ever. The premiums are larcor than of other times and the interest is great er. , With good weather the fair finan cially snouid be a better proposition than ever before, and everybody should feel an interest in making it u tvmpieie success. Mt. Olive milled -off t.h munity fair Saturday and Killians win come up tomorrow with the sec ond. WIFE CONFESSES AVT . HUSBAND IS RELEASED Lenoir, Sept. 18. -News has been received here from Boone, in Wa. tauga county, that Will Edmisten who was on a visit to his father's people, was taken intn - - - - a. . v v-MV Va ficers of the law from Indiana, charged Ruinijf m ma iour-year-oid daughter and attempting to kill his wife, at their home in tnp UnA-i.. state. It seems that Edmisten and nis wue nad quarreled and he left nome ana aid not tell her where he was going and he came to this sec tion to see his people. According to a confession of his wife, he has been exonerated of the charges against him. It seems that the wife became crazed from the fear that her husband had left her and had a nervous spell when night came on the day of the quarrel. After going to bed for the nififot, companied by her little daughter, she dreamed that a man had come into the house and was choking her to death and when she awakened she feared there was some one in the house and took the rifle and shot the child to death and rA u " bu C1JU kiKk , ow" " but when the trigger was pulled the second time the cartridge' became lodged in the chamber of the i J3. discharge. She .cii triea to Km nerseii by striking herself over the head with the weap on, rendering herself unconscious. The child is dea4 and the mother is m a serious condition, while with the husband and father gone and nobody knowing where, it was supposed he had committed the awful dead and skipped tho country. It was some time before he could ho iw, va misten did not know anything about the tragedy until taken back to In diana to stand trial on the charge. The wife made a sworn statement in the presenec of her attorney and a notary public that she had committed the crime and her husband was in no way to blame. From all the circumstances it appeared to be a plain case against Edmisten, but he wag released upon the confession of his wife. The singularity of the case has caused much comment in this section f the Edmisten family is one of the best in Watauga county. AWARDED PRIZES Mr. John Mauser, farmer, received the 2 pound box of candy given away Monday night by the Pastime theatre. Miss Eula Henkel received the dozen theatre tickets the second prize giv en away by the Pastime theatre Mon day night. THREE BABIES Columbia State. ... I Keeping an open mind, as tne pr tnuchiner bie questions of state, the Oserver was walking down street the other day, wnen nw Min ion was attracted to a squalling oa- by of perhaps ten or 12 monins indifferent young negro girl, half-heartedly trying to still the storm. v&oy &at ui li nage beneath a shady tree m com pany with two others similarly plac- ed. Sometnmg naa urreu hwo by's temper to white heat and it made no bones of letting the fact be known. Neither its own nurse nor the two others were able to effect a io blandishments or BUI A - . , fiirpat-. tr ed alternately in a mor. oncrhlv futile jumble. The other two contemporaries seemed so unconcern ed as to suggest iamnaniy io me point of ennui with such crises in their sphere of existence., Stepping close tne UDserver was moved to try intervention. 44 Whoopee, Buster, what's it all about?" New voice, new face, albeit pretending to nn onnrm of loveliness whatever, and ..v - - . . ... a new manner! Baby's momie iace inafanflv nnt on the expression of amazed attention, vocal exercise ceas ed absolutely, big wide blue eyes gaz ed wonderingiy. Dut tne suuanon wa tense with instability of purpose. Smoke rincrs. lovely smoke rings from the cigar were tried on a venture. It worked to a baby s taste uut oi tne corner of one eye it could be seen that the infant contemporaries were invuriatine also in thmis new sen sation of the moment. One with ciuick alert glance followed each de tail of the mam performers entertain. ment while the other as solemn as a little owl unblinkingly kept a fixed care unon the nerformer himself. The Observer meanwhile quite enjoyed his conauest over a mad baby, which, for the benefit of the inexperienced it may be remarked, is some conquest. iHlowever. time lacked for an ex tended performance and by executing a 1 1 il J a slow backward rereat to tne siae walk asram while various and sun- drv farewell remarks, appropriate to the audience and a "positively last appearance," were made, it appear ed to be a case of "All's well that ends well." Baby Number One oricinal disturber of the peace and baby Number Two, very alert spec tator, manifested a sense of having much new matter to mark and in wardly digest. Baby Number Three of the stoical solemn look had abou lapsed gently away into slumber, Hardly had the Observer got clear of this heart-easing little entangle ment that he met five soldiers in the uniform of the United States army and that suggested other things. VALUE OF PREVENTATIVE SERUM IS SJHOWN a n LI u CI a a a n CI a g n LI 1 n LI a s Fall Mumery mnnmniMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""m g Cards 1 a nnn'iiiHiin inn flooanononnannnnoonanoaanQETiKs--. , The Season's best styles in unique shapes and the new subdued colors adap ted to the military spirit will be featured at our opening which takes place Wednes day and Thursday. g Dr. W. B. Ramsay Ocadst Office over ShuforrT Drugr Store. Hickory, N. C. a ii u THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. MaMfaetiira of al! Enuc of HARNESS, BRIDLES. SADDLES AND STRAP WCWL Repairing i Specialty. EQc&ory, N. G. a M rs. W. R. h ii 11 a a mia By the Associated Preaa. Paris, Sepb. 18. During the last meeting of the surgical society, Doc tor Fredet mentioned a fact which seemed to show the value of preven tive injections of anti-tetanus se rum. After the battle of Ourcq, a certain number of wounded French and Ger man soldiers were collected in a hos pital. A German doctor had re mained with the German wounded and, although sufficient serum was placed at his disposal, he refused to use it for his men, saying that he considered such injections had no preventive value. The French - wounded received the normal doses of the serum. Of twelve German wounded, six contract ed tetanus (lock-jaw) and died, while no r rench wounded showed any synro to mof it. This example of the se rum s preventative efficiency has al the more weight because all the men naa oeen wounaea under the same conditions and on the same tetanus- infected ground. Vigorous Men and Women are in Demand If vour ambition hi left AH. van hannine&l has cona fammr nntu you take advantage of Hickory Drug ws. magnincent oner to refund your monev on tha first W mivoTiaa- ed if Wendell's Ambition Pill An nt put your entire system in fine condi A. ? J . uon ana give you tne energy and vig or you have lost. Be ambitions, ha strona. Ha viaviv. ous. Bring tha ruddy glow of health A. a . a . . M your cneeKS ana tne right sparkle that denotes nerf act manhnnd mA womanhood to your eyes. Wendell's Ambition Pill fn m nerve tonic, csn'a ba ha&t fnr that tired feeling, nervous troubles, poor uiooa, neaaacnes, neuralgia, trem- bbmr. nervous nraattfefcinn . Manful ueoression. loss or aniutita irM ney or liver complaint. In two davs vou will f a1 Kt t a week vou will feai fin. ifton taking one box you will have your ora-ume connaenca ana ambition. Be sure and ct ra nf Vu day and get out of the rut. Remem ber Hickorv Drue P.n anH rfanian everywhere are authorize!) mmno. tee them. Mail orders filled, charges prepaid by The Wendell Pharmlcal Company, Inc., Syracuse, N. Y. 2 Wood's Seeds Rosen Rye The most vigorous grow ing and productive of Seed Ryes. Stools out better, su perior quality of grain, and destined, in our opinion, to take the place of all other Rye. Wood's Fall Catalog Gives full description and informa tion, and also tells about the best SEED WHEAT. OATS, RYE and Other Seeds for Fall Sowing. Write for C.atnlna nil nrta. s any Seeds required. T. W. WOOD Cs SONJJ, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. FORMER PREMIER IS ALSO DOCTOR By the Associated Preea. Paris, Sept. 18. M. Georges Clem enceau, the "Tiger" of the French political world, has not forgotten that he is or was a doctor of medi cine. He is, indeed, the son of - a doctor, and during his three years life in the United States, he married Miss Mary Plummer, the daughter of a physician of Springfield, Mass. (M. Clemenceau is at present tak ing the cure at Vichy. He used to go to Carlsbad before the war. A few weeks ago a soldier on leave was injured when his bicycle collapsed as he was riding into Vichy. The for mer premier happened to arrive on the scene in a few minutes. M. Clem enceau bandagedthe man's damages, did everything possible to aid him, and took the injured man in his car to a Vichy hospital. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS To J. W. Elliott. O. O. Wolff. Lyer ly EatU, E. Lyerly, Affent, W. R. Bradshaw. . If. P. SharD amd L. P. Fields Estata. J. Y. Allen. Agent; property owners on 11th avenue, be tween 15th street ana lotn streex, you are hereby notified that the City Council st a regular meeting Sept. 4th, 1917, declared the above named district a permanent improved dis trict and hara eat Tuesday, Sept 18th, 1917, at 7:30 p. m., as the time for hearing abutting property owners- interested in tha above improve ment to appear and ahow cause, if any. why such assessment should not be made. This Sept. 8th, 1917. JOHN W. BALLEW. 9 8 2t City Manager Ths Quinine That Dms Not Affect the Head Became of Its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVB BROMO QUININB is better than ordinary Duinlne nd taea not cause nervousness nor rintriaa- in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of . w. oaovs. juc uwiMuiiiiiiiiiinirtiiMiMuntuiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiwtMiHiiiiiiiinnMtnnmtimmm S5 The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance :iiiMiiHHiHiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiniiiifiMiiiiiiiuniiMtiiiHinTiriHTtm II Are You Going To Build? IF SO SEE THE Builders Supply Company THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. TH02XP80N, Pmprtatot First-Glees Work Ouaraataed Phoata 16, Wert: DeMrarad 1082 14th street Blekarr. H & Next to First BBildta Least afloe Thro n ii p j a i MEMBERS p 3 the S n u Federal Reserve Banking System we are Brntrpr oosition than everoeiore to xase care cf ments of aH our depositors, whether large or mil they keep checking or saving accounts ; and at tho give them the most modern banking service. Open an account with us and get linked up Wl-: biggest banking system. Members of the Federal Reserve System have the largest banking assets ever heM, and we in t on to our patrons. Good times or hard times n.ak The service is always the same. FIRST NATIONAL BANK! W. P. Speas, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. C. Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 1 DR. S. K. FLOWER Having enjoyed a large eotm try praetiva for 32 years, aa now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's disease a specialty. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Sturgeon Will answer calls day or night. Resident pnone 301-J. g Who can furnish you any kind of building g material: Shingles, Lathes and Hard g Wood Floors, Specialties. PHONE 64-L. y UcacaMDcannnonnDccQnczrsaMisiujQaDcan ii !! II II Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO ttttfWtljl Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus PILES Cured. No cutting, no confien- Wt.'U PBS jiijyaaujapwii BRICK Common and Face Write or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. Statesville,TN. C. Fraternal Directory HmiHin.tii,.miB Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. ft A. M. Regular communicatl on Flrtt and third Monday nights. Erethzan tordialiy Invited to ba present. F. L. MOOSE, W H. D. L. MILLER, Saty. HHIIHmtmUHUIimWiHIIWIMMniHl Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M. Meets every Monday atanlmf at 7 :S0 P. M.a All risiting brotheis cordially txvited. D. D. TAYLOR, Councilor. W. I. Caldwell, Rec. See WE ARE PREPARED to show'you the mot completetock of mens and boy's clothing shown in Hickory. We Invite Your Inspection Yoder-Clark Clothing Gompy "THE. MEN 'S STORE' Catawba Lodge No. 54 K. of P Meets avary Thursday night. Visiting brtthraa iavitad. TIT TOW n'ANVl r n ft. L. HEFNER, K. R; anj g Capital and Surplus 300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. HJckcry.N.C Accosts. 013 ' 1 WE invite every man and woman to start a sav ings account with whatever amount you may have. THE LARGEST BANK ACCOUNT EVER RE CORDED STARTED WITH A SMALL DEPOSIT. OUR facilities for handling commercial accounts are exceptionally adequate we always take care of our depositors first. We are the friend of each depositor here, savings or commercial and we will help you to succeed. Subscribe for the Hickory Daily Record IIMIIBIIHM P N Nunnallys and Wiley CHOCOLA Fresh by Express and Kept on Ice. Hickory Drug Company The REXALL Store Telephone IBUIllllBiiUIIUIIIIH 46 On. ALFRED O. DUU TO SEF BETTER SEE DUU 17 v r The Best Equipment Obtainable. '.aSJi!68 "tcd Exclusively UARTm BLOCK, - UK0IR,n. C. WATCH PAPER FOR DACBsT LENSES GROUND ft DUPLICATED Repair Dep't Box 127 Chartotts. N. C Weather, Time & Distance Stand as naught to our compound Bicycle OehveO The Drugs and Chemicals dispensed by 3 re $ the highest purity. A registered druggi si 53 alaJ on hand to serve you. If that's the kind of service you d like just phone u GRIMES & MURPHY Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Vcsi 0ft IN Business for Your Health" ......... s.-? 3. D. Elliott. President and Treasure. J. Worta L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Company Incorporated. ruction. Etin st equipped co HICKORY. N. O For all classes of construction. Esttmates farnisc Fine or anization and best equipped contractor is w rfttW- 3!