3 B a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a 9 EVENING HICKORY DAILY R PAGE THREB ; 5 -V saanannnnnnnnnaDDnnDnDnDnDnDDcnDD 0 a 0 0 0 A a 8 a a a a a a 9 9 a a a o n n B 12 V a E a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 a a a You Need Your Eyes ?J yay J0 n hay them is to tak rare of them. t la too late after they or ruined. - . If yon hare tronbW coma m and hare them xamined. ir Rlaasci are needed, I will prescribe some that will pre serve your eyea and mak your work eay and pleasant. a i j i 4 ii ii ""'iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiuuusisiiiiiimniiHT gmmuun"uinmmnilmmitmta i Aj5 eo. E. Bisanar 17 II II D W9 Q g JweW and BefUUred Optometrist ,:, .ypsxtor ir ftontkwn and C. and N.-W. RaUv a omplamh C When made in the spirit of co-operation, are an asset not a liability. Each complaint is wel comed by us because it gives us an opportunity to better our service. a a a a ci a a D a Southern Public Utilities Company Society Local and Personal The fair will be on fl week from today. City council will meet in regular session tonight. Mr. and Mts. Ivey Starnes have returned from1 a visit to Charlotte'. Tr"'" IIIHIII IllllllllllltUl HU...I Bennett.Rrnwn Orin B. Bennett of Buchanan, W. va., and Miss Gladys Btown of Hickory, were maried at the Meth odist ParSCnajre at t.Vlia Tlarn Kat.n-. day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock by Rev. u. i urum. lhe happy couple left Mrs. Lou Wolfe and daughter, Miss iiiiincaiateiy alter the ceremony for Estelle have returned from a visit to xVvRUij,, buto uNewton Enter- Dr. and Mts. K. W. Wolfe in Char. f"se- lotte. AllSS iVtleV Entertains I Hibto urns nvf miwli rVia7m in tVi iMiss Evangeline Etley delightfully weather yesterday, the mercury as- trniertainea yesterday afternoon at uaK view Home in honor of Miss u rover and Miss Frazier, two new leacners at L,enoir College. Dur ing a pleasant hour Miss Grover sang several songs and Miss Hall man gave piano selections. Tea and sandwiches were served. lhose invited to meet Misses Gro cending to 54 degrees and falling to 52, Mr." and Mrs. John A. Lentz have returned from New York, where they spent their honeymoon. Mrs. Lentz formerly was Miss Blanche Finger, The Thursday Study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock Ifn.T CTlUl the home of the president, Mrs v--wvx.o vou. iicitii if' w Springs, Greta Wezen. Janie Lyerly, L-tiiore oouroeer, uoris Hutton. Fran ces Geitner, Leslie James of Cataw ba, Morrell and Hallman. Moose-Gaddv Mr. Franklin L. Moose nd Miss Lillian Beatrice Gaddy will be unit- eu in marriaere at 6 clock this pven. ing m Salisbury, the ceremony be ing pertormed by the Rev. S. B. btroup, rector of the Church of the Ascension, at the home of a former school mate of the bride. From Salisbury they will leave for Wash ington to spend their honevmoon. Miss Gaddy is a native of Albemarie 1 A V , aim came xo nickory over a year ago to accept a position with the r irst National Bank. C. Bost. IMt. A. Hutton left Sunday for Yale, Michigan, on his annual trip to visit the folks back home. He will spend some time in Canada be fore returning. Several speeders and violators of the ordinance against running auto mobiles with the mufflers wide open will appear before the recorder this afternoon. The officers have urged autoists to consider the feelings of others, and those who decline will be hauled up in court. Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh and children, Alex, Ehzalbeth and Vir She is not ginia, of Raleigh, who have been only an accomplished business wo- spending the summer in Waynesville, man, but is altogether a splendid will arrive in Hickory this aflter- young lady. Mr. Moose is ieweler noon to spend the winter. They will for Geo. E. Bisanar and is a sterling I reside with Mr. and Mrs A. P. young man. Both have manv W'hitener. ,Mrs. Marsh is a sister friends who will wish them happiness, of Mts. S. H. Farabee Birthday Celebration About 40 little folks gathered at the home of little Misses Evanjre- lme and Lillian Little Saturday af ternoon to help celebrate their birth days which fell on the same date. The house was lovely in its deco- IVEY NEWS NOTES jaisassaannnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnQnnnncnn V SHOES ARE HIGH School will open September 1 7, for the fall term. See that your children's shoes are in good condition. Do not throw away the old shoes. We have an expert Cobbler who will convert the old shoes into new onrs at a low cost. Give us a trial. We will guarantee satisfaction. Work finished on short notice. CITY SHOE SHOP In the rear of The Van Dyke Shop What! My Car? 'Yes! skidded and it's up to you. You failed to provide the chauffeur with Tire Chains. Only good luck saved your wife from paying the supreme penalty for your negligence. She's on the way to the hospital, painfully injured, Lat the doctor thinks shell pull through. d better hurry to the hospital and then port to Headquarters." West Hickory, Sept. 18. Mr3. Thomas Moore, generally known am ong the mills as "Aunt Becky Ann" visited here last week. This is the seronrl t.imp shp has visifeH t.Vip Tvpv A " . II ... I . rations oi lan nowers ana tne older mill and we ore alwavs tria.i fnr hpr to vmj x- I " " ciiuureu nau a merry time piaying come. various games while the little tots re- Mr. Alex Huffman and daughter revelled m cutting paper dolls and I Mis T.ihhpv of TIut-Va ennn.v wrp blowing soap bubbles. The crowning here last week visitins? the familv of event was tne cutting oi tne large I Mr. M. A. Carswell. with birthday cake which was lighted Mr. A. J. Drum has sold his house with 15 small candles, ten for Lvan- and lot in West Hickorv to Camp geline and live for Lillian. Delicious bell and Buchanan. The consideration white ice cream and pink candies was $3,300. JVfr. Drum savs he is were served after the cutting of tho going to Virginia this week to look caKe. 1 lat some nroDertv mid if he finds a A most delightful afternoon was suitable farm he intends to buy. spent and it was with regret that the Mrs. J. C. Setzer has returned af. young people departed for their va- ter snendine two weeks with friends nous nomes. at Wavnesville. 1 iMr. Frank Hacks has bought Mr Mrs. Menzies Hostess H. E. Clay's house and lot m Long- Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Charles view and is going to move there m Menzies was hostess to the Abel A. a few days. The consideration was Shuford chapter, U. D. C. Fifteen $1,500. Mr. Clay and family are members were present. Instead of going to move to Maiden tnis ween, the recular oroerram the ladies iMr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKenzie hemmed napkins for the Red Cross and Master Albert attended a birthday and during this time Mrs. H. D. Ab- dinner at the home of Mr. ciauae ernethv read an entertaininer "story. Whitener Sunday. An interesting contest was greatly iMiss Myrtle Mace ana Miss Alice enjoyed, the answers to the questions Carswell, and' Miss Lffla Franklm being the names of the generals of attended a singing school conven North Carolina in the War Between tion at Connelly Springs. the States. Mrs. W. L. Abernethy Mrs. WL P. White and. daughter was elected a tlegate to the con- Miss Lela W?iite spent baturday vention held in Kinston (the first week night in Highland with Mrs. Luther in October. The hostess, assisted by Beard. her two daughters, Misses Cather- Miss Mary Kendnck returned to ine and Virginia served a delicious Greensboro (after spending several salad course. The next meeting days nere witn ner motner, Mrs. n. will be with Mrs. A. A. Shuford, Sr. Kendnck. Mr. and Mrs. L. J? . Smith spent Sunday in Mbrganton. T. T. L. mm TER DEMANDS A.D. S. Almond Cream One of the really good toil- let necessities that no on should be without. Recom mended for rough skin, chapped hands and a num ber of toilet uses. Price 25c bottle. LUTZ'S DRUG STORE "On the Corner PhonM 17 and 317 gaDjaoDDDannaDaaananDBaoaDQBssBDQDaaDDQ p o a D g a a a a Train Schedules SOUTHERN Wet bound No. 15 Ar Hickory 7:40 a. m. No. 11 Ar Hickory 11:20 a. m. No 21 At. Hickory 455 p. m. N. 86 Ar. Hikerr 11:32 p. m. Bastbond No. 86 Ar. Hlektry :G8 a. m. No. 22 Ar Hickory 1:20 a. m. No. 12 ar. Hickory 8:32 p. m. No. 16 Ar. Hlekory 6:10 p. m. C. AND N.-W Southbound No. 9 Ar. Hickory 2:35 p. m. Northbound No. 10 Ar. Hickory 11:40 a. m. ONLY POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM s ou all i J w strange it is that dis- : must come to some 1 Sx fore they realize that ""ikcsand types of tires ! 'k! on wet pavements muddy roads when not 1 i-od with Chains. t i'.csc men do not appre tia'o. until too late, that baling to provide Weed Auti-Skid Chains they to expose their families injury and death. The time to provide against accidents is before they happen. Don't wait until after the first skid. Put Weed Chains on all four tires at the first indica tion of slippery going and you will have quadruple protection against injury, death, car damage and law suits. Aber All SU of Weed Chains For all Make and all StjU I Til For Sal By nethy Hardware Company HICKORY, N. C. Mliililil GERMAN CRITICISM Springfield Repulbican. Some of the criticism of German diplomacy with the Luxburg case has evoked misses the point by calling the sending of the l''sputr,los gessenkt" dispatches a blunder. What some of theeritics, specially in Germany, re ally mean by this is that it was a blunder to get found out: if he had es- It matters not whether you have had M no doubt h bee handsome. agonizing pains from rheumatism for hy rewarded, and his confederate in 20 years or distressinjr twincmnrs the Swedish liplomatic service would I 1. 1 1 1 w J 4-. for 20 weeks. Rheuma i strong prooao y nave uea ra.omme.iucu , , . , . , ,i the kaiser for a second-class decora enough and mighty and powerful en- tQ be secretly bestowed and an- ough to drive rneumaxic poisons nounced only after the war. Wthat your body and abolish all misery or Une count's critics in Germany de- your money back. j nounce is merely his bad luck; they Hickory Drug uompany ana an have no word of reprobation for his druggists sell Rheuma on a no-cure- perfidy to a neutral government which no-pay basis. A large bottle is inex- has been so friendly and long-suf-pensive, and after you take the small fering as any on this side of the At dose as directed once a day for two lantic. To get caught recommend days you should know that at last mg the murder of innocent citizens you have obtained a remedy that will 0f the neutral country whose hospi conquer rheumatism. tality he has been enjoying is a For over five years throughout aid. melancholy blunder his critics declare, eric Rheuma has been prescribed by broad-minded physicians and has released thousands from agony, pain and despair. GLAD TO TESTIFY Says Watoga Lady, "Ai To THiat Cardui Has lione for Me, oo At To Htlp Others." Watoea.W. Va. M. S. W. QIadwen, of this town, says: "When about 15 years of age, I suffered greatly . . . Sometimes would go a month or two, ana i naa terrible headache, backache, and bearing- dowi pains, and would Just drag ana had no appetite. Then ... it would last . . . two weeks; and was so weakening, nd mv health was awful. . . . My mother bought me a oonie oi Cardul, and 1 began to improve after taking the first bottle, so kept it up till 1 took three...! gained, and was wfeU and strong, and I owe it all to Cardui. I am married now and have 3 children . . Have never had to have a doctor for female trouble, and Just resort to Cardui if I need a tonic. I am glad to testify to what it has done for me, so as to help others." If vou are nervous or weak, have head aches, backaches, or any of the other ailments so common to women, why not rive Cardui a trial? Recommended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Reein taking Cardui today. It may h the very medicine you need. NC-13Q which will increase the discredit in-1 to which German diplomacy has fal- len. What they fail to declare is that such conduct is not merely a blunder, but a foul crime, and that his daring to make such a recommenda tion to his government with the cer tainty of not being instantly discharg ed in disgrace as soon as his dispatch was received puts a new stain on tne reputation of the present German gov ernment. Yet that is the kind oi talk Germany needs to hear. A UNIQUE RECORD Home testimony of Doan's Kidney Pills, published in every locality, is of itself convincing evidence of mer it. Confirmed testimony forms still stronger evidence. Years ago, a cit izen of Hickory gratefully acknowl edged the benefit derived from Doan's Kidney JfUis. Tne state ment is now! ,confirmedi the proof more convincinc Cases of this kind are nlentiful in the work of Doan's Kidney Pillsthe record is uniaue. H. Wj- Minga, retired farmer, 801 Twelfth St. Hickory says: "I had a severe nain in the small of my back and if I stooped I could hardly straiehten up again. In the mom iner I was lame and sore. I got Doan's Kidney Pills at Lutz's Drug Store and after I had taken two boxes I was entirely cured of the at tack." " 'Over three years later Mr. M:in ga said: "I still recommend Doans Kidney Pills. They have helped me whenever my back gets lame." Price 60c at all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Minga had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. adv Jitney Service. HICKORY CONOYER AND NEW- to a Stilteda! Lmt Hlfcry - 19:30 a. m. Lbt Hleksry 1:80 p. m. Liara Hickory 4:89 p. an. Lav Hickory . 1:80 p. m. Lar NrwWa - 7s3 a. m. Lava Niwtw - :! a. m. Lt Xewtra ..1:80 p. m Lwva Kwttm . t:S0 p. m. r -mta Jlfwtvm - 7:19 f. m. vton to Conors lBc ifewtofi to Hlskory . 45e Hickory to Comvs 80c Hickory to Newton 45c Our Ifcttc: Gccd Bcrrioc. Re W. CLINE Newton, N. C. P. A. MILLER Automobile and Lirery Service. GO ANYWHERE Day or Night RateY.Reatonable TELEPHONE 119. sfltltT? Latest Novels arriving in D D a a a a a a a a a m a a ODD a 3 a 3 Come in today and let us show you our splendid assortment of fall coats and overcoats. ALL THE NEW MODELS, $ 1 0.00 TO ' $4000. ioreiz-wniieier "The Quality Shop." ClothiagGo a a Gome in and select your club book. Gift cards for birth day or congratu lations. Office and school supplies. The VAN DYKE SHOP QOOOOOOOOOOOO Usod 40 Yoars o o g Tti3 Woman's Tonic g Q 8old Evrwhre Q OOCOOOOOOOOOP Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing A. J. ESSEX Jeweler and Graduate Optometrist Want Ads in the Record bring Results An Ambition and a Record 'Y'HE needs of the South are identical with the needs of the Southern Railwayt the growth arid success of one meana the upbuilding of the other. The. Southern Railway Mia no favors no epedal privilege not accorded to others. The ambition of the Sonfisern Railway Company Ii to tee that unity of interest that is bora of co-operation between the public and the railroads; to see perfected that fair and frank policy in the manage ment cf railroads which Invites the confidence of governmental agencies; to realize that liberality of treatment which will enable i: to obtain the additional capital needed for the acquisition of better and enlarged facilities Incident IV tbt demand for increased and better service! and. finally To take !ts niche In tbo tody politic of the South alongside of other great industries, with bs iaorc. but with equal liberties, equal rights and equal oppominitklb " The Southern Serves the South." Southern 'Railway System a a a

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