f AGE JTTVO HXCKOHY DAILY RECORD SATURDAY - " - I Hickory Daily Record TELEPHONE 167 published by the Clay Prlnflyt Cb. Brery Et12 Exepl Saaflay. S. II. Farabee W1 J, C. Miller Manager nimi.irATION OFFICE: 1102 ELEVENTH AVENUE cWriWs desirine the address of their rPcr changed, will please stftte In their communication both OLD and MOT nrlrlrrnsea. To Insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub .intinn Dftifirtment promptly. City lubscriburs should call 167 regarding comi'lumts. smmruiPTION RATES Oao ye,r M-W Six months Three months One Month J v " - Entered as second elass matter Sep tembor 11, 1015, t- the postoffice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 3. J 879. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Tho Associated Tress is exclusively entitled to the uso for republication of nil news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also tn local news published herein. SATURDAY SEPT. 22. 1917 MOKE CROOKED BUSINESS Former Ambassador BernstorlT feigned warmest friendship for the United States, and when he left this country for Germany he wept a lit tie and intimated that he was go- ing home to die of a broken heart, lie took hold of a few of the sob ar tists. who wept with him. Tn spite of his protestations of friendship, he undoubtedly is the crookedest man that ever represent- From the actions of a number of s . j ev congressmen, uount isernsiom prwu- ably was justified in thinking he could bribe the government for $53,-000. The dedication of the new high school building was an event worth while. "WITHOUT TRACE' DonnnonoanDnnuDoonnnonnnndnoDnanonnanonn a a a a. a Save Your Automobile Tires! AM0UEE1M! n a a a Providence Journal. , The German diplomat who advised t that if Argentine mer chant vessels must be sunk it should hn 1nno in such a way as to have no trace committed the very error against which he sought to warn Ber lin. 'The trace of his atrocious pro posal is plain for all to see. That has been a fault of German diplomacy from the first. Insidious and conscienceless, it has neverthe less overreached itself through defec tive measures of secrecy. Bungling methods have laid its infamy open to the world. fThe common criminal is notorious Ix lax in omitting to cover his trail at H some vital i) int. The German plot- i ters have shared his fatuity -they have botched their work. Every-j where they have left traces of their: villainous activity. The result is seen in the contempt and hatred they have aroused on ev- ery hand. Their elaborate conspir- acies have npt merely been without j advantage to Germany, but have yield- j ed her a harvest of shame. What seemed to the short sighted Teuton "pschologists" to bp marvellous ingen uity as they planned in secret proves mere clumsy wickedness when they are found out. Js there anything more humiliating than the universal verdict Kpon their machinations . childish cruelty and utter failure? E3 ES a a a a mmmiTnnnnnnnmnitttmmi Professional Cards i Mi-imn niH'HtWIH fl WIThTTP?tll nw t r "I m i i 8 DONT WORRY ABOUT MARRYING Philadelphia Ledger. ,Socrates, asked whether it was bet ter to marry or not to marry, cyni cally replied: "Whichever you do you will repent." This view of the holy n Hickory Vulcanizing and Supply Company Is here for service. We wish to call every automobile owner's attention to the fact that a man has been employed to do our work who knows the business Mr. R. J. Eccles, direct from the Good Year Tire and Rubber Company who understands every branch of the tire repairingand manufacturing. He has served in every branch of the business and closed his connection with the firm as expert inspector. Wie want your tire repairingand retreading work. (Prices will be correct. Hickory Vulcanizing and Supply Company 1222 Ninth Ave. - - J. C. DeRhodes, Mgr. PHONE 83 ca m a h3 S3 Q Q Dr. W. B. Ramsay Office over Shuf oriTs Drag Store. Hickory N. C THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturer? of all thsdc f HARNESS. EKIDLH3. SA1ULJS AND STRAP WORK- Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. a P a a a m p p p p annnnnDnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnonaacnnnacD cd a crooked government since the estate, is not unknown nowadays. It days when all governments were con- is a common complaint that men act , , t -I.. . i.!on the principle set forth by Thales, trolled by a few divine nghtcrs, hWhom Bacon and Montaigne both felt it wan their duty to oppress quote as holding that one is first too the common run and who made war j y0UT1g and then too old. A corres of them in America have proved that pondent of the New York Sun, who they are-M'ill show Bemhardi, the ' writes from Seattle, says more piously f ,, x, , , that "the matter lies with God" If Hohenzollcms. the Ludendorffs and ( you are tQ be married you will be. cations for governing themselves, 'another application of the doctrine of and peace at will. I predestination, more cogently express- Tho Gorman people if they are ca- d in the Italian phrase, 'Che sara, . . - . , sara." This is, perhaps, considering pable of self government and many k too deeply The SeattIe phiioso. others that they possess the qualifi- pher is more practical in the advice Some German leaders have contend- he Zves as on,f's attitude toward ,., A i ! marriage. "Don t worry," is the ed that Germans, unlike the Anglo- substance of it. There is plenty of Saxons, have no genius for conduct-' Work to be done even by the single, intr their own affairs, but must have "Many f the noblest and most uso their business attended to by lords ' ?1 men and women in the world's , . I history never rimed. They did more and princes. . . pood jn the world than if they had The revelation of official rascality. a hundred children." But here we will make honest men in the father , (get into the region of the obiter die land ashamed of their autocracy, and i tum' of Pini.on not of fact. It is ; 41 . n I pure assumption to say that any man u incy uu uvi nt-ip io mane me in. wac! Wf fn world safe for democracy, they will deserve to be led to the slaughter like sheep. The world knows the crime of the war lords, and the German rying. You can argue the question from a dozen different points of view and still come back to the starting point. "My life for me is the best or it had not been," said a minor Amer- Jieople themselves will know of it in j ican poet. But this resigned atti- time. FAIR DEVELOPING AGENCY Interest in the fair was never greater, if one can judge from the number of entries and the number of inquiries coming to the officers. Next week's event promises to be the best from every standpoint, and ' there is every reason why it should be. This section has escaped any bad crop conditions, the lands have produced well, prices are high and farmers are well fortified against the winter. The fruits of their la bors will be spread out. to a limited extent, before the people of this sec tion, and thousands should come to Hickory to see. No section in the south is so rich in possibilities as this hill country and its future is before it. Devel opments that now seem improbable will come about in the next dozen years, and an incentive to develop ment is the agricultural fair. Every citizen who is interested in his community is bound to be inter ested in the success of the fair. A sheep conference will be held at Asheville October C under the aus pices of Mr. R. S. Curtis, animal hus bandryman of the state agricultural department, and the Asheville board of trade, and invitations have been extended near and far. Prominent speakers will be on hand to explain how real money can be made on sheep raising in this section. The sheep in dustry should be. profitable in wes tern North Carolina, where ample grazing is to be had. tude isn't always easy. One of the women pickets sent to jail with other ladies has changed her mind about the suffrage ques tion a few days in jail with the oth er ladies convincing her that somc hody was wrong. These women should be put to washing dishes anyway. 'A number if congressmen probab ly conferred with Bernstorff on ways to serve thp German cause, and he took it for granted that he could ac complish more if he "greased" their hands. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general trengtfaentag tonic, GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC, crirea out Malaria, enrichea the blood, andbuilda up the ays tun. A true tonic. For adults and children. 60c Jitney Service. niCKORY CONOVER AND NEW TO N Schedule Leave Hickory . baw .a. , Leave Hickory . io:zu a. t. Leave Hickory 2:30 p. m. Leave Hickory ... 4:80 p. aa. Leave Hickory . 8:30 p. ta. Leave Newton 7:20 a. m. Leave Newton . ..0:20 a. m. Leave Newton 1:30 p. raj Leave Newton 3:30 p. m. T "are Newton .-7:80 p. m. ewton to Gonovef 15c Newton to Hickory 45c Hickory to Conover 30c Hickory to Newton 45c Our Motto: Good Service. R. W. CLINE Newton, N. C. iiii:iiiiiiimmniiniiMiiiiiiniiiiiinnn If the Tan-Germans obtain Riga, that "old German city" that never was in German territory, they might insist on holding Stone and LaFollette and one or more of our North Caro lina congressmen. lOne of the funniest things in the world is an editor who, after an idea has been played up in all the other papers for a year, suddenly believes that he originated it. Latest Novels arriving in every mail. Come in and select your club book. Gift cards for birth day or congratu lations. Office and school supplies. The VAN DYKE SHOP TtfflttTtttt SHOES ARE HIGH School will open September 1 7, for the fall term. See that your children's shoes are in good condition. Do noc throw away the old shoes. We have an expert Cobbler who will convert the old shoes into new ones at a low cost. Give us a trial. We will guarantee satisfaction. Work finished on short notice. CITY SHOE SHOP In the rear of The Van Dyke Shop THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Pmprfeto First-Cl&sft Work CJu&Wkntoed Phone 106, Work Denvcred 1032 14th street Hickory. N- CX- Next to Firrt Buildin ft Loan office W. P. Speas, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. C Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 mm g a a a a a S3 p a a a 13 a n a u ss Q a Throufi O U R MEM Ai - in the Federal Reserve Banking System we are place r.or Dosition than everbeforo to take caro of th r n onr depositors,whetner large or small, memo - , . - : viti . , -l - nniriftrv QPnnn ill mi. mo they keep cnecKing ur s cv,--, ,u,, give them the most modern banking service. Open an account with us and get linked up with i biggest banking system. Members of the Federal Reserve System have bail the largest banking assets .ever hld, and we m turn rL t n,,r natrons. Good times or hard times make r.o The service is always tha same. FIRST NATIONAL 6. O lit ft 9t El n u u s 3 R n n a a at t y g E 3 E g n i 3 3 i DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's disease? a specialty. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or night. Resident ptione 301-J. QaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDiaDDailDDDDDDDBDDDDSg 1 Fair Week 3 Specials a a a a a a a a We will offer during fair week special bergains in ladies and child ren's coats and coat suits, men's and boys' clothing, shoes, sweaters, silks and wool goods. ta D a ES g Never Before g C3 Have we had a more complete stock. We have D O just received our new fall line of Madame Grace Cor sets, front and back lace models, $ 1 .00 to $6.50. Call and let us show you what we have to offer. We will save you money. a D B i Setzer and Russell D 13 El a m m m a m a D Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO Capital and Surplus $300,000.03. Four Per Cent- Interest On Savings p&unded Qu&rteyty. Money to Loan at All Times. Hickory, K.o. Account-, Cora 1 fT Mfli W n.gJTB ii iw ii ' Tt-Z. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwVmmmmmmmmmmm r-r . sir 1 LJLmm wm 1 1 t - I inssszt9 Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fiasures Ulcers, Pruritus PILES Cured. No cutting, no confien-n'e.u ERIC Common and Face Write or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. StatesvilleN. C. TT HICKORY, N. C. UnnnDDnnoanoDnKnoananannnnDnoonooanonana QQDan Save Money Now On Hudson Super-Six Many former $1200 to $1400 cars now cost about as much as a Hudson Super-Six" Price has always been a fairly accurate mde of qual ity. But just now, because of the headlong rising of ma terial costs, price is not a true, indication of value. Fifty one cars have been forced to advance prices 20 to 25 per cent. The present supply of Hud son Super-Sixes are built from materials contracted last year. Since then material costs have almost doubled. When that supply of materials is exhaust ed, then, Hudson, too, must cost more. . By prompt buying you can save the difference between what a Hudson Super Six now costs and what it mu3t certainly have to cost when its price is influenced by the pres ent material market. Wlhen former cheaper cars Could be bought at $2,000 to $300 less than the Super Six o two ot them had sales equal to those of the Hudson. That hows how popular the Super Six has always been as compar ed to other cars. It is easy to imagine how much more pop ular it will be now that there is no such price advantage. The HudsonH Super-Six has made itself the wanted car as com pared with others. It is the largest selling fine ear. . Almost 40,000 are in daily use. It has . established itself as the life-time car. Fraternal Directory Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communication First and third Monday nights. Erethien cordially invited to be present. F. L. MOOSE, W. M. D. L. MILLER, Set'y. iinn;Hmumi iifilBn IffiiiBiiBtiiSiHii Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A. M. Meets every Konday evening at 7:30 P. M. All visiting brothex cordially invited. D. D. TAYLOR, Councilor. W. I. Caldwell, Rec. Sec tlll!llllll!Mfflpill 1 d&& i Abernethy Hardware Company HICKORY, N. C. mimmniiiiiiiiniiiiiiin ( oaDDDDCDrJDQDDDl Catawba Lodge No. 54 K. of P Meets every Thursday night. Visiting brethren invited. HUGH D'ANNA, C. C. R- L. HEFNER, K. R. an4 S. SB. ILFRED WJIUU i m. n. ear e. w.1 1 TO SEP BETTER SEE miA Year' RynfriVn.-. The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fitted Exclnsivelv . MARTS?! BLOCK, UHOm, S3. G. If you got it from 15TTLA. I? J "'mAl I WATCH PAPKK FOR D A i'ES. t LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Deo't. Box 127 Charlotte, N. C. WE invite every man and woman to start a sav ings account with whatever amount you may have. THE LARGEST BANK ACCOUNT EVER RE CORDED STARTED WITH A SMALL DEPOSIT. OUR facilities for handling commercial accounts are exceptionally adequate we always take care of our depositors first. We are the friend of each depositor here, savings o: commercial and we will help you to succeed. mm Subscribe for the Hickory Daily Record iBlllliniSfflllllllllllliiS a!EI8ni?IIKSiS':!l'. r-; : " ii you want to make "a hit" with your famiiy serve our BESAD AND PASTRY today and you v, ii! be delighted to find that our delicious wholesome products will please them perfectly. Why not stop ruining your health do: 1 baking; why not have us make your bread, cake?, r Yd oi:s, pastry when we are so expert and produce such ex cellent and delicious products? City Steam Bakery Our Motto: "QUALITY" l!IIIinillII:IIii!!t!!!inii;ilill!!il!ii Want Ads in the Record bring Results A FINE LAXATIVE San-tox FigCasc,u-os-a natural and correct enhan cement of the well khoav" laxative properties or n-;- In tablet form- conven ient and pleasant to taKe. Price 10 and 15c. GRIMES Sl MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 Opposite Post Office "IN Buiinest for Your Health" The Of Store m ' J. D. Elliott. President and Treasure. J. Worth Elliott L. M. Elliott. Serratry Elliott Building Incorporated. For all claSKea of construction. Estima C3 furnished I' me or sanization and best equipped contractor in tne bv HICKORY NO - r s-