Mi THURSDAY HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO St r-; cr . 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 i ; 1 1 1 : ' 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i ' Iickgxy Daily Kiiou'j TKLEIMIONE 167 Hi WHEN GERMANS WAKE U-iir.""",u "". . - v eop will v.a.;e up 10 sun J - - They will know that P.eljr H. Farnbee J. C. Miller One uf these days the German jp 111 wake up to some iaci . ium hail i !! Editor nu,n, t,:;x 0f attacking Germany They will know that Germany couM nac donated Franco. Rus sia an.l Tn-land if the outrage on npl-ium had not beta committed. ... . ., , ,1.:. 1 ' They wi.ll know mat mis crime' set two-thirds of the world m atrainst Germany and caused most of Rl the opponents ut the rrussian poc fj pecia! at Pastime 1 Friday, Oct. 5. ES r. .-; t. ' PS iiilwcribcr should can lor 'enf"l cn;np!'iiti. srirscuirTioN rates I'UMMCATION OITICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AEMJg irTbers desiring the address of KMrWT changed, wig plego utc in theii' communication both OLi NFAV addresses. To insure efTwient delivery, corn i -i,i.l h made to the Su- BcriptK n Depanmeni y to .Han-i on ine shiv ,.j When the German people permit these Tacts to soak in, we wonder tvhnt thev will think of the rulers m it 1)0 ...i. . i v,m..,1 iVin nnininn that (niJ vo'T ' : wmi iuivi- 'i ' i.-'v. i --- r Six mi.t.Uu . I00tho Carman people are nut compct- Thi'.-o month) - ')n'ent to run their .overmnent. One Month " ':!!i.:;:::v.:;r::r:::;'. " wwl p. ui the Dutch. I', .tTed as second, ''usa matter Sep-i we;ltht,r prophet of South Carolina, temlor U, 1915. f the Ptoil.c Qf th(j Colunibia Ii,l:o7,N.L.,unu.,- - -State that the earth was nearer the i Lun in ll 17 but that the sun did not jj MEMHEi: HP ASSOCIATED 1UKSS rmliate hcat If those Columbi. j ;.,1,u!vrlv'ans had been aware of this, they M entitled to the use for republication would not have adjourned to their of all news credited to it or not 1 Ullimcr capital. i credited in this paper and also tin, local news pabllsheJheriMn. Anl S( ,omc of the French refer TunJSDAY, (XT.T,' 1917 'to tu- American army as the Sulva- Armv. e!l, it may no an ARL WHITE in "THE FATAL M 9th Chapter--Also HEARST-PATHE NEWS AND A GOOD COMEDY Special at Pastime Today weet -IN- nrT?a rr? DADMrp AT" m m m m pi m m Professional Cards a Dr. W. B. Ramsay Deniiat Omce over Shuf ord'a Drug Store. Hickory N. C. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturer of all biudo of OARNESS. BEIDLE3 SADDLES AND STRAP WORE!. Repa!riu2 a Specisity. BTickory, N. C. P.IMT1SII REPRISALS that. Th-J P.ecord had hoped that Great, t?,S).,s tvmil.l nut entrap :in the o:v thousand ' n vrr.nuy in UicVorj hould become holders 3 -TO BUY B i 8 MM 1 1 i i &i3iM imijlhimlmmh i f Liberty Dent , i. savr.::c".v of r.'pr;sais, nowover nia-u thev undoubtedly are justifiefid n. th.' r.rvst.nt case. The P.ritish jrov- em desirinir to conduct its war- prom all account 3 the Caldwell fare a vurdinir to universal custom. pair ;s worth seeincr. If you haven't hesitated for three years, the while. ?,,on ;tt run up tomorrow. . . lit-'': .v t 4VMii-, i-n - . p fair r.ms or foul to destroy th "SAFE FCl? ;TVPOCK!SY" 11 K pi With th ad First Touch of Really THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-CIess Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered tf)S2 14th a tract Hickory. N C Ncit to Firrt Buildin & Loan office a a a s n a a a 0 a a a a E3 12 a a a a a a a m a a a 5f ti- e M a & The New Liberty Loan Campaign is The First' National Bank will receive subscrir. for the new loan without commission. Paynv:. be made two per cent on application balance rs c for by government or full amount can be p ; : CI plication. These bonds bear FOUR PER CENT ir. and are excellent investment. Do Your Part - - Buy a Bond r n , . FIRST NATIONAL r 11 V.E W ; P. Speas, M. D. Ey Practice Limited to Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 Capital and Surplus $300,000.0). Fo'ir Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Mcncy to Loan at All Time. Acco S3 43. ifi ni MS 91MMUKBKHilliiKnnaiBvionwHtiwwbiu.t.i t? H 1 3 s 5 u y g C a 3 y was (lom:r ifs utmost n ms or foul to destroy th P.ritish Isles. wnrij.il. it must be borne m i u wimh is i'.istinVd in international law One , , , ?:::or:r ho r.icin.'t.3 ims cndi out ine y as a weapon to m.ue xne our. r , t ,h ,e 0f ho elan with a desist m us uniawuu operauon. ci;,vcr epi.trram to the tileet that w: e a crreat rusi for clothing' iC. f the Public's cood friend.? r i. T. . . ..1. ..1 1. 4.V 3 the worli for hypocrisy. It has been m cceiaiist nans ami ar- The Gennan raids on English and rro ii;.d'.itm' "to make Vrpnr-h cities were the same as n ... j rcpeate n reu'imciu oi cavairy ou-na c;lfe tab!c3 from New York to U loose in Hickory or Newton, after g?n pranc;sc0, the soldiers had prone to the front, Those who accept it as a true S .nnd allowed to shoot up the town, thrust are those who see the strutr- 3 inHn, ,,cn ,nj children. Thcvo for --f is no (iiu crent-i; unmi " n m10 f,.(,th!u to-'fht lor inrooL'.'noux 3 Lit . d on an inland town and a cavalry raid the centuries and trained at jrreat j in old.'n days on a defonselcsss town cost as vantage points for the next A , , .,. ,(u upward thrust of the peopes. They U y':. . attach no value to those avowals of 4 The British irovernment had soutrni thJ cieVlOCratio faiih by even the s to carry on its war airainst the arm- most reactionary and undemocratic ed forces of Germany, and it yield, of politicians in England and Amtr- ed to popular clamor only after the ica which to others mean that the in- ' . , . , . .,. tention, the ideal of democracy nas Germans hau carneu out raiuinp op- confiUcre(it and jt oniy remains to j (rations ni.crht after niarht for years. c.irry &ut the intention and realize the li IP the P.ritish bombard German ideal. That is a bir task in itself, ' j; A irina with rftmnminrl in- but not so bljr as would be the task of y 1 , v reformers livincr in a world under tne terest. as Premier Lloyd George ha. dom5nance of a systcm founded on jpromised. we may look for a change outspoken contempt for democracy. in the nolicv of friehtfulness on the " part of the Germans, as far as th. Ni'nP- T&DS?M I .. , . , fti.i ORI)LANCK TO a VOTE; n may require a dir aose oi xnen There is going to b overcoats, ladies' arid children's coats, sweaters and ready-to-vear. Shoes of all cleGcriptions, ram coats for men, women and children, men's emd boy's dress and work shirts, overalls, a full line of wool and cotton dress goods arriving daily. The Wise Will Get Their Wants It is particularly advisable that you call on us im mediatery and make your purchase. You'll feel much better with the knowledge that your needs have been taken care of. . S. SETZER AND SO Hickory, N. C. t . i & i H I li DR. G. E. FLOWER? Havin,'? enjoyed a large coan try praciivs for 32 years, an n. -v? located in Hickory and ?o-' i?it a share of the general prt-v- t;r.e. Office at 3th avenue and 15th street. Children's diseases' a specialty. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or niarht. Resident plione 301-J. W w www Wr w OP TJili OUALIPIEU VOTERS rf own medicine to cause the German.; OP THE CITY OF HICKORY, to do3ist in ft practice that is the Whereas on the 14th day of August, icme of savaeerv 191 , the City Council of Hickory '!"!-! rt Arnr.i'nir.nl Vinnnoft Af ft-P 1017 " provitiintr that said ordinance should s passed an ordinance authorizing the H ,-!.--i- nf thp Citv nf TTiplforv's I Charlottto may not have the lar- in an'mmt not in jvms ! H t'est camp in the south, but the sol- of fteen thousand dollars for the pu.. fliers Camp Greene will house this Psa of etending the water works fall and winter will be second to "SP whcrefl9 sald ordinance con none, if vc may judge the whole by tained a paragraph in literal compli 0 the specimens which have nassen ance with Section 17 (1) (i) III of through Hickory. Those northwes . mil "wv.-, iti-au iiuiu lir; Olctlll.s. t. . ....l a. ii.. . e . i . ' not oo suoiiiuu'u to tne oters oi tne compare favorably with the pick of city, unless within thirty clays after southern and northern soldiers, and its first publication a petition for it is a real pleasure to look upon submission was filed under said rlW1rt.on of said regimental band of the first North section is inconsistent with other Dakota infantry here yesterday ano parts of "The Municipal Finance Act observed the high tvpc of men who of 1017," other parts containing pro composed the section moving to iVJffi ?A id not attempt to conceal their days after the last publication of said g admiration for the visitors, whose ordinance: i .'top was too short. The presence1 AmI whereas the City Council de- ffl of .,o,,,ior, if only for a few - 'StoV " minutes., stirs the blood of Amen.' i;ow, therefore, notice is hereby cans. given that the said Water Bond Or- . . jdinance will be submitted to tho-vo- Even the most daring of the air-'!"i3; Mr. aP.Pror odisappro. c , r" . ' " iva' if a petition is filed withm thirty men finally face a greater rival. Guy- days after the last publication of said nemer, the most famous of all, went ' ordinance; and that the city will not down fighting, and it might have been ' sue or attempt to issue any Water a modicre opponent who sent him ' "f!?, Zlri dT yteT viin. V,,. i it. . , , Jast publication of said ordinance has hurtling to his death. Lieutenant ; passed without a petition having vohs(, uermany s greatest airman, : oeen iilea or if one is so filed j The Hickory Dadly Record Year in Advance his is fell victim to one of Britain's lead ing lights, which probably is con. trary to the rule. 1 It may be interesting to observe that the present rise in cotton is not as great as the rise in June when De-j cember contracts ascended to 27.14 ! or- 110 points above Wednesday's close for that month. Many farmers believed in .June doubtless that they were being baited, but if they were iney won t regret it. wm not issue or attempt to issue such bonds, unless the ordi nance shall be approved by the voters of the city. The voters have until the 10th day of October, 1917, to file a petition for referendum. JOHN W. BALLEW, 9 21 to 10-10 City Manager. How to Stop Loss of Hair and Start New Growth Dr Clarence Poe advised the far mers to hold for 25 cent cotton and the gentlemen who met in New Or leans a few days ago and placed the limit at 30 now will be ashamed of themselves for being so modest It looks as if they will have ask for Remind Pay your lighting bills before the 10th and receive the discount. 4 3 Continuance of service depends on bills being paid by the 1 5th of each month, following that in which service is rendered. "; cents. Now if the Russians would spill about 250,000 Germans in the neigh borhood of Riga, there would be no more ringing of bells in Berlin. And by the way, bells are no longer rung to celebrate happenings on the wes tern front. The importance the Germans at tach to the ground recently won from them by the British is attested by tht furiousnesa .of their counter-attacks. So far as we are concerned Per shing already is a 'general. If your hair is thinning out, life less, full of dandruff, and your head itches like mad, it's a sure sign of the dangerous dandruff germ, and quick action must be taken to save what hair you have and start a new growth. Don't wait until the hair root i3 dead, for then nothing can help you, but get from your druggist four ounces of Parisian sage it don't cost much and there- i.s nothing you could use that's iuiy better. Dr. Sangerbund, the famous Paris spec ialist, discovered that dandiuff and falling hair arc caused by a microbe then came tho discovery of the val us of Parisian sage (liquid form) to destroy this germ, prevent falling hair and the formation of dandiuff. A feiv massages with Parisian sage are all that r,re usually needed, and very soon you should be abb to see the new hairs coming in. Parisian sage is women's favorite hair dress ing, because it will not stain and makes the hair htotrous, soft and fluffy. Be sure you get Parisian sage .Giroux's), for this brmd is guaranteed by the Hickory Dr;:g Co. i W una can supply you. adv I Mini;:Milillli Don't put it off Pay before the 1 5th. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY. BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO 'A T T 11 ir. u. jl,. noiiar HICKORY, N. C Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus PILES Cured. No cutting, no confien- Common and Face Write or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. StatesvilleN. C. Fraternal Directory Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communicetion Flr&t and third Monday nights. Brethren cordially invited to be present. F. L. MOOSE, W. M. D. L. MILLER, Sec'y. Piedmont Council No. 43, Ji, o. U.A. M. Meets every Konday evening at 7:30 P. M.p All visiting brotheis cordially invited. D. D. TAYLOR, Councilor. W. I. Caldwell, Rec. Sec II i gyiiiiiffliiiiijfflfliic Mipiniiiiiiiniiuiniiiiiiiiniiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TCOfv if Catawba 115$ st- te n 1 trAsi.r 1 gpp Lodge No. 54 K. of P Meets every Thursday night. Visiting brethren invited. HUGH D'ANNA. C c. K. L. HEFNER, K. R, and S. UlASRIfl itoiiumiuiiiiaiM youthen Public Utilities Co PHONE 1 38 9R. ALFRED L DUIA TO SEF BETTER SEE WIA 17 The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fined Exclusively MASTiH SLOCK, L5H0IR- 0, LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Deo't. Box 127 Charlotte, N. C. G40ILIL0 easm mssGs mm anc BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE PAST, The important time is TODAY-NOW. BEGIN RIGHT, COME WITH US, spurred on by a new determination to say next year the record will all be in our favor. STARTTOUR ACCOUNT HERE with only $1.00 if you wish but start it Gno days delay may; lengthen into years A FINE LAXATIVE San-tox Fig Cascaros a natural and correct ennan ceinent of the weii known laxative properties of hgs. In tablet fonr conven ient ana pleasant to take. Price 10 and 1 5c. mm & MURPHY, Drug Phone300q Opposi "IN Business foi Your Health" - Subscribe for the Hickory Daily Record nwr whip m w wi lhmw.iwii mn rw-1" J. D. Elliott. President and Treasure. J. Worth L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building G Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates fur:::.-: Fine or anization anil best equipped contractors in H I C K O U Y- N . C V -Fr- .nv , - i An Ambition and a ! TJIE needs f tlie South are identical with the r.eedi ; . of the Southern Railway! the growth aavi success c! one aciss , J the upbuUdinj of the other. I The Southern Railway wfta no favors do special rrivl!c;? :.o i J accorded to othen. , J I The amblrfon of the Scarhern Rslltmv rnrintrv I: tn fee that ' unity of intereat that Is born of co-operation between C- r"' -;" 3:1 1 i 1 V- .-I I j . . . r ... . ... ... , . "uiiiMuij iu oce perrcctca mar lair ana tranic policy in t.ie ci.-.t - i ment ct railroad which Inntet the confidence of cwernrocnta. i igenaes; to realize that liberality of treatment which -R-.U casinc k to obtain the additional capital Deeded for the acquisition of brttf r nr. 1 enlarged facilities incident m Cfe demand for Increased end ter.er ervicej and, finally To take ! niche In (& bySf oUtlc of the South a'.rr.iide p! other rreat industries, with a Save, but with equsl iiterics. cjial rhjhts and equal opportunltlafc The Southern Serves the Saab." h SouthernRailway Syste"1' IfiiiiSMiilEiiS in.

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