MGXDAi HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. S. II. Farabee - Editor C. Miller Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVKNTIt AVENUE Subicribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will pta" In their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. t nnr efficient delivery, com uinfa oVinnM ba made to the Sub- icription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 vegardinK complaints. aiTnarniPTION BATES One yacr IJ-JJ Fix months Three months Mna Month - Ann vrrtotr .10 V . v T ' Entered ai second class matter Sep tembcr 11, 1015, ai the postoffice at Hickory, N. C, urnl. tns act 01 marca J. lam M.KMBKU OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Tress is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of fill ncrs credited to it or not credited in this pnpor and also thb local news published herein. MONDAY, OCT. 8. 1917 MERELY INTERESTING A WORKING CONGRESS The extra session of congress which adjourned Saturday has made a rec ord that has lever been equalled in the history of parliamentary govern ment in America. Spurred on by the president and the public, both houses of congress worked steadily1 during the spring and summer and the result is a tremen dous amount of war legislation, in cluding tax and bond bills aggre gating over $20,000,000. Those senators and representa tives who have done so much have the public to thank to a great ex tent. Had the public not been be-ligj hind them, congress would have made g a mockery out of the war and this g country would have Deen neui in contempt by friend and foe alike. The LaFollettes, Stones, Reeds, Vardamans and others of their kid ney have obstructed, but not pre vented. Wiith the exception of a littlo group of wilful men in the senate and another group in the house, the country has every reason to feel proud of this congress. lfSIDGQ lyiiiiimnuinuiii i mi 1 1" "TU i Special at Pastime This Afternoon and Tonight m Of 1 91 El Mollie Kin IN- "THE MYSTERY OE T ILE CROSS" HE DOUG ilolo Pasha, the Levantine spy and plotter, was intrusted with $1, 700,000 of German money to spread peace propoganda in France favor able to the central powets, the Ber lin miniatrv seemingly thinking that it could accomplish its pur pose by intrigue. Further revelations may connect this German spy with efforts to buy American newspapers. His acti vities must not be confounded with those of Bernstorff for the purpose of influencing congress, although the former German ambassador was involved in the Bolo game. Since Bolo Pasha's arrest in Paris, where he probably will meet a death reserved for spies, the American pub lic is most concerned in the great power Berlin assumes for the press of foreign countries. It also indi cates Berlin's estimate of the char acter of the foreign press. In Germany, be it understood, the government control the press abso lutely and a bureau chief needs only to push a button to make a journa list henchman jump. That doesn't happen to be the case in France, England and the United States, and it probably has cost the German government several millions to learn that the newspapers in the rest of the world are not only free, but can. not be purchased with German gold Last Wednesday unsolocited sub scriptions amounting to $507, 0UO were handed in to the New York Liberty Loan committee. These good people would not have been reached, they probably were not thought of, and yet they are the kind of people the United States is look ing for. There are some of them in this section and they will demon strate that this is one country. illere is a point that every slacker should take to heart: History shows that the man who opposed his coun try in time of war failed to com mand the respect of his fellowmen, but left a heritage that his children deprecated all their lives. MONEY SPENT AT HOME Of the great amount of money that the United States will spend in thi3 war, four-fifths of it probably will bo turned looso in America. The loan of $5,000,000,000 being made to the allies also will be spent in the United States, and in time they will repay it all. The war, it is thus seen, will not be a drain on business of any kind There are many towns that will re. ceivo direct returns in governmem. contracts far greater than the am. out they are asked to subscribe. The iarmer is assured nign prices nox only for the years 1917-1918, but for several years to come, because ths great debts of all the belligerents will cause them to make money cheap so that they can meet interest charg es. There must bo plenty of mon ey and prices must be high. The business man, working man and farmer who fortify themselve3 with a few good bonds will not only help their country and themselves in a crisis, but will assure better con ditions for all classes of people af ter the war. For once better social conditions obtain, they are never lost. The fu ture i3 safe if we do our part. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends and rieighbors for their many acts of kindness and help during the sickness and death of our dear mother and pray the Lord may return to them many rich blessings for their much appreciated help. J. F. McGUIRE. ANNE RE IN HART. D h til a fj Kl i?J tJ lfi m 13 El 6th EPISODE ALSO HEARST-PATHE NEWS AND A GOOD COMEDY EE FR n ES a a a m 72 a Q 13 12 13 13 a m m m m u m S3 Professional Cards Dr. W. B. Ramsay Deatfst Office over Sbufeni's Drug Store, fikkery N. C. 1 Box of Fine Candy 1 Doz. Theatre Tickets Will Be Given Away Tonight Be Sure and Come You May be the Lucky One. SPECIAL MUSIC TONIGHT saasEiBSisaaaiaassssisaaEinsiQaaEiiisssEaDBesaaDsiiiQrj frttmmin;msns8irnnt;nrmTrmtmr The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance m m m H 13 a WJIAT IS EXPECTED Zest should bo added to the Liberty Loan campaign in this section of the state by the publication of the ap portionment for each of the towns and cities. Hickory is asked to raise $252,140, Mbrganton $129,080, Newton $80,080 and Statesville $184,438. There is not any more difference in the size of these towns than there is in tho size of the job cut out for them, and there ought to be a disposition to beat the others to the limit. Hickory was. practically the only district in this section that raised Sfcs full part of the first Liberty Loan, and it will have to extend it self, it is freely admitted, to pro duce the sum assigned to it by the bond committee. fWfere it not a fact that farmers are taking more interest in the present is sue than they did in the first and for the further fact that the public is more determined than ever to show that its heart is right, the raising of this big sum would be a great task. But we can do it. Everybody should tako a bond. It h a good investment. Democracies cannot fight if they LaFollette among themselves, as Bismarck believed they would, but they can put up a monster scrap if they pull together like the French, British, Italians and Americans are doing. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU LATION. 'ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912. Of Hickory Daily Record published daily at Hickory, N. C, for October, 1917. 'State of North Carolina. County of Catawba, ss. S. H. Farabee, who, having been duly sworn according to law, depos es and says that ie is the editor of the Hickory Daily Rec ord and that the following is to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of th'e ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the .aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Law3 and Regula tions, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Clay Printing Co., Hick ory, N. C. Editor, S. H. Farabee, Hfickory, N. C. Managing Editor, S. H. Farabee, Hickory, N. C. Business Manager, J, C. Midler, Hickory, N. C. 2. That the oiwners are: (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of the total am. ount of stock: L. F. Abernethy, J. L Cilley, J. W. Elliott, J. D. Elliott, S. II. Farabee, C. H. Geitner. J. A. Lentz, E. Lyerly, Geo. L. Lyerly, J. A. Martin, K. C. Menzies, J. C. Miller, Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co., J. L. Riddle, S. L. Whitener, J. J. Willard, Geo. R. Wootten, S. L. Wlillard, (Baltimore, Md.) 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: Mergenthaler Li notype Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., and First National Bank, Hickory, N. C. 4. That the two pararaph3 next above, giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hoi ders, if any, contain not only the list or stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holdeir appears upon the books of the com pany as trustee or in any other fi duciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that me saia two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief a3 to the cir cumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than or a bona tide owner: and this am ant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corpor ation has any interest direct or indi rect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated bv him. f. That the average number of copies or each issue of this rmbli cation sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid sub scribers auring the six months pre. ceding the date shown above is 1,425 S. H. FARABEE. (Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of October, 1917. J. W. WARLICK, Notary Public My commission expires April 5, 1918 FOR SALE BY C. M. Shuford and Abernethy Hard ware Co., and all good dealers. The : air Comes and Goes And Serves Its Purpose We are here the year round TO SERVE YOU with the best bread, cakes and pies. Our Motto is "QUALITY" and We Live Up To It. i City Steam Bakery PHONE 235 r IT'S just like running a good sewing machine. Saves you all kind of bother ! A smooth running, satisfactory range, like your sewing machine, is not an accident or a matter of guess work. It is the result of months of study and experimenting and costs the maker thousands of dollars before it is perfected. COLE'S Down Draff EMNGE is a smooth and perfect running machine for all kinds of cooking. It kindles readily and without puffing. Its thin unbreakable mal leable lids are ready almost instantly. ft bakes evenly and quickly. It does all these necessary and imnortant things perfect ly and caps the climax by requiring, but two-thirds as much coal as the ordinary every-day range. That Is why you should have one In your home. 9m th nam Ccfl, Down Dratr on tho . , high lot door none gaaulno without 1U For Sale by Shuford Hardware Co 2g THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. HARNESS. E3IDLE3 f ADDLES AND ITEL1P WORS. Bep&irmgr a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. If. THOMPSON, TroprtatOT First-CtaM "Work (iaarftfitood Phone 106, Work Dlirred , 1032 14th strMt Hickory, N- a Uext to Firrt Buil&n & Loan offlea Hewuberty h annnnnnnnnnnnannananar53EE!2i a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Q a G a a 19 13 a a a m a a a a Willi The New Liberty Loan Campaig The First National Bank will receive ? for the new loan without c6mmission be made two per cent on application bal for bygovernment or full amount can be paid plication. These bonds bear FOUR PER CENT and are excellent investment. Do Your Part - - Buy a Bood W. P. Speas, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. C. Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 DR. G. E. FLOWERS Raving: enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and bo licit a ehare of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. .Children's Ci&e&aor a specialty. a EX a FIRST NATIONAL Capital and Surplus $300,000.0;. Foiir Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Mcncy to Loan at All Times. ;oaay Ac; s ss: rv i -,i a i I -N.C. I Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer caIIs day or nixht. Reeiduat phone S01-J. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OYER BUST 1KB CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fisanres Ulcer, Pruritus Cured. No cutting. . no conflen-we.n. PILES BRICK Common and Face Write or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. Statesville,N. C. I JiiiMiniMiiHMiiimmuiiuaauuuua Fraternal Directory imiuiiimHiiiiiinwunmnnmm ttiiiwiwntiimuiiiiim Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. Jk A. M. Regular communication Firt and third Monday nights. Brethren cordially Invited to be S'esent. OOSB, W. M. D. L. MILLER, Sec'y. nmiinininmnnmmmnma Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, 0. U. A. M. Meets every Wmday evening at 7:80 P. M All visitin brotheis cordially btvited. O. D. TAYLOR, Councilor. W. I. Caldwell, Rec. Sec Catawba Lodge No. 54 K. of P Meets ovwy Thursday nlffet? Visiting brethren invited. HUGH D'ANNA, C. C. R. L. HEFNER, K. . and 8. i1 TO SEF BETTER LJlS 17 V.'. t The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Pined Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, LER0IR, P. C. WATCH PAPER rOR PArSSL 7 LENSES GROUND ft DUPLICATED Repair Dep't Box 127 Charlotte, N. C - f - -3 I cose? mmn caase sew S V 4-- 1 -1 V BUT DONT WORRY? ABOUT THE PAS1, The important time is TOD AY NO W. BEGIN RIGHT, COME WITH US, spurredonby a new determination to save and next year the record will all be in your favor. START YOUR ACCOUNT HERE i withonljf $1.00 if you wish but start it. Ono days I u3 dalav mav Ian rrf V r info voave ' 1 The cfa A FINE LAXATIVE San-tox Fig Cascaros-a natural and correct enhan cement of the well known laxative properti es of figs. In tablet form conven- j t ancj pjeasntto take. 2 , tr v. Price 10 and 15c GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Pbone 300 Opposite Post Office 'IN Buainesa tos Your Health' Subscribe for the Hickory Daily Reco J. D. Elliott. President and Treasure. J. Worth L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Coi Incorporated. ror aii classes Cf construction. Ji;stimates zur Fine or ranization and best equipped contractors HICKORY, N. O 7 I I An Ambition and a Record ! T15 needs of the South are identical with the reo' ! of the Southern Railwmft tbe erovrth and success of o:.c tirai J the upbuilding of the other. i . The Southern Railway ufct no farori no peclal privi:a"" "' J accorded to other. ,-. i The arabltlon of the Sootbero Railway Company Is w J unity of interest that is born of co-operation between th- ruS;- a. ; . the rallroadsi to ee perfected that fair andf rank policy in tbe c! ' ment cl railroads which invitee the confidence of govern acendesi to realize that liberality of treatment which to obtain the additional caolni oeede for the acauisitioi enlarged facilities incident Ite demand for increased service i and. finally To take Its niche In tfet buty politic of the South a!onfi.le " Other ereat industries, with OS more, but with oiual liberies. tight and equal opportunitie. it' ot governs- -j t ch wiil en?' " ' 'j S ion of btttera;-.! I A eased and te 1 " The Southern Serves the South." Southern 'Railway System s n 5 S It a i 8 I S B I 8 I S 6 8 5 I I S e i 6 8 8 I re rd

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