PAGE FOUR HICKORY DAILY RECORD WEDNESDAY v ierrr , - if titles SSENGER HE'S GETTING TO BE A REGULAR CUT UP, y,Vif;'tfty V- 'A ! c CUE SMoW THiS sill You KirtPiY OIRECT l urY SoMCTHitfo ME To THE BLANKET f V V I -v. counter? i.'; V- CWjEF PC? A V I t ti op fM i ctrMi X;o - A y ?, ! 1 1 : "-- ..i' f7 : - -i v i -v 7 . J J RECOMMEND ( Jm)')M DESfT) a 1 PeY'f?E MIGHTY FINE TfX'' y UWU-U)LL Y lqn& Triers J wot we S o,nupt? W feR eteePiN1 RjrRjses O r'AP , -J i i v "i"""- vwj.,,,-,-, j- i u n f ; t v k v r . r, ST."! PUL lVfer gss --t.. r-.- : n l . :-,;r- r,T,TiOL CPQTroM ggRVCg 9 H i cmmJ I HAVE THREE buyers for close in farms. You have the farms. Phone C. T. Morrison, 203 L. 10 16 tf WANTED To rent small bungalow or 3 or 4 rooms close in suitable for light housekeeping. Howard Campbell. 10 20 3t rtmHimiiiiHiiHM1""""'"''t'"''ttttMg FOU KENT 6 room bungalow, lights and water, No. 2020, 9th avenue. Henry Leonard. 10 12 tt Help your country to help you! Buy i;ovirtiment Bondi, WANTED Sweet potatoes. Call phone 04 for prices and quantities. Catawba Tacking Co. 10 16 tf WANTED Immediately four or five carpenters. Apply L. L. Moss, Hickory. 10 17 tf I1EFORE placing your order for a car. see the new Grant Six at City Garage., 10 18 1 wk Special train to Charlotte and re tuTn next Thursday October 25th on account of Barnum 'and Bailey circus and the training of 15,000 wild horses at Camp Greene by the Texas cow boys. Separate coaches for the races. Train leaves Hickory, 7:15 a. m. Only $1.00 to Gastonia and return train leaves Charlotte 8 p. Linglei, manager white divis- m. ion. 10 19 4t FOR HIGH SCHOOL PIANO The boys and girls of the Eighth grade of the high school of Hickory, have obligated themselves to raise the money to pay for a piano purchas ed for the high school. This is a Stieff Piano, solid Mahogany case, built especially for college and school at a special price. Any amount you give will be appre ciated by tb:nn. Don't forget the, girls with the cards. 11 22 6t LOST On September 5 small black pocketbook, with First National Bank of WVilters, Okla., printed on bank and S. Haxtman engraved on back. Also contained receipt from James Link. Reward if left at Consoliated Trust Co. Mrs. J. T. Hartman, Hickory Route 5, Box 41. 10 24 It WANTED Cotton bags and bur laps. Hickory Furniture Co. 10 24 5 LOST Automobile cut drive chain between! Hickory and Coi3vejr. Finder return to Chero-Cola Bot tling Co. 10 24 It SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RECORD YELLOW BLOOD IN OP PONENTS OF WAR (Continued fun: ?a2 1) that America is awake to the fact that this country is waging a war for self-preservation and knows that when the struggle is carried to a successful conclusion the liberty of the United States will never be im perilled again. After describing the Liberty Bond which the government is selling as having the entire country's guaran tee of the safety of the principal the money invested in it the secre tary added "but America cannot as sure her soldiers of their principal their lives." "The soldiers does not ask the government to guarantee him saf ety," said Mr. M'cAdoo. "He ex pects to die if necessary, but he has a right to ask the civilian population to do this much for him to arm him with the best gun that American mflney and American ingenuity can devise, a gun that will shoot faster and farther than any gun yet made, and give him the best bayonet that can be forged by American skill and brawn "It is the only chance he has for his life. That is all we can do for him. Isn't he entitled to it?" The 65,000,000,000 raised through the second Liberty Loan will be de voted chiefly to this the, secretary said in closing, and "we shall end this thing for ever and America's liberty will never be imperilled again." HICKORY MINISTERS TO AID CAMPAIGN The ministers of Hickory will meet in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce Friday night at 7:30 o'clock to formulate plans to help in the conservation of the nation s food, and 11 ministers,, white and col ored, and other persons interested are asked to be present. The national food administration is urging the observance of wheatless and meatless days, and this matter will be stressed in every community in the United State. The ministers can do more to aid than any other class of citi zens and undoubtedly the,y will respond to the appeal. NTERNED GERMANS ESCAPE FROM CAMP By the Associated Press. Atlanta, Oct. 24. Ten German sailors among several hundred in terned at Fort McPhearson escaped last night or early today. They were from the ships Prince Eitel Friedrichiand the Appam and includ- l ed two officers. Army officers said they did not know how the men got SUGAR RATIONS ARE SOLD IN NEW YORK By the Associated Press. s New York, Oct. 24 The first war rations since the United States went into war went into effect here today when retail stores throujgh. out the city restricted the sale of sugar from five to two pounds at 10 to 11 cents, the lower prive prevail ing where patriotism ranks above avarice. The sugar famine is not expected to be broken until the new crop is available in January. Under the rules adopted housewives will be able to buy from their gro cers bags every two weeks contain ing, 2, 2 1-2, 3 and 5 peunds, de pending on the size of their families. DINNER FOR SOLDIERS AT NEWTON ON TUESDAY ,'Newton people gave the quota of soldiers who left there today a big dinner yesterday, M!r. Eubert Lyerly, chairman of the local exemption board, reported today. The good ladies had everything a man could desire to eat and the Catawba men were made to feel that somebody was thinking of them, away. Nk hole had been cut in the wall and it was apparent that the men had scaled it. Outside aid probably was furnish ed, officers believe. HENDERSON RECOMMENDS RONIZED PAW-PAW Mr. W. H. Henderson, of R. F. D. ; No. 6, Concord, N. C., a farmer by j occupation, says: "I have been a; sufferer from Rheumatism for sev eral years and my whole system was run down and completely out of shape all the time. I purchased a , bottle of Ironized Paw-Paw from the Pearl Drug Co., and almost from the 1 first dose I have felt like a new man My suffering has disappeared, and I : cannot recommend you Ironized Paw Paw too strongly as my self-experi- . ence makes me give you this testi- i mony so that others can be bene- fited." ! Your druggist probably keeps it, but if he doesn't call at the Hick-,' ory Drug Co. Ironized Paw-Paw (liquid form), price $1. Formula on every bot- j tie. Mail orders promptly attend ed to. Interstate Drug Co., Inc., New York. Advertisement. BOND SALE Sealed bids, addressed to the un dersigned will be received by the City Council of the city of Hickory, North Carolina until October 30th, 1917 at 8 O'clock p. or any or a!i . issues of bor.'i ory. dated fX. terest at 0 ; , r payable kc-.ti'-and inter:st r, York. $15,000 Wa-v; maturing r n 1918 to "197 $33,000 V:r: turing 83,00' i a 1918 to 1924 .!. tober 1, 192") .$70,000 .Sir.-,: nuaiiy uc;e;..r . ;; i ;-, snr. ooo s;v(. ... . , .-. .... share. mat,.;r: . tooer l, VJi i i .; ,,n. nuaiiy Octowr I, V.- yfi T.ach bi.-l re.w .... s . a certmea cn-irc.-.: : of the par valuv ..f drawn to the cr:-.r Treasurer Upon bank or trust c jr.r-.-.: accompanied by , n in ount, to secun- c'.-.y w. resulting frum fa:".ur. c-f the to comply with ':. -.-rrr..- of r. Bids must be u ::(. iit:o::a! to legality of Vet : r.i the must acrree to ; iVvT bonds not later V...- X '7t; and then make t'V ruv:r...r.: for. int. liiiL l 11 iv v. . a:.v f, bids is reserve ! JOHN W. BALLEV.". CApyk 10 r li 1 .. m. l i A DuafLy amidl Op portmiraty Buying bonds of the United States Government is not charity nor is it some thing you should wait to be begged to do it is your individual duty anc opportunity to serve your country in a business way. Do you fully realize this? You certainly would feel under obligations to support a body of men protecting your home from invaders and this is exadtly what the American army in France is attempting to do for YOU. Do you realize this or is it something a little distant and hazy to YOUR mind? . . We Americans Mmst Wak e Up :hild and This is a fight for all of us-not the other fellow, regardless of who started itW musl finish it or get finished. Thf nnrlfycirrnrl konW -.Cxv 1 1 1.1 . . r i f i . i ... 6 cxao,olcu uy uie pamonc citizens or nickory, are tryingto place Liberty Loan Bonds with evervman. woman an llua SCLUOn- W1U yu P It does not take much money-we will help you, without charge. Shall we beg you to do YOUR DUTY and to STAND BY YOUR OWN HOME? v.. First National Bank Hickory, North Carolina Consolidated Trust Company 5 j