HICKORY DAILY RECORD MONT). PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record TELEPHONE 167 I'ublished by the Clay Printing Co. . Every Evening Except Sunday. S. II. Farabee Editor J. C. Miller Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: J 402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please state In their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub icription Department promptly. City lubscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. WHO IS THE TRUE IDEALIST? D mm O a SPECIAL: a One SUBSCRIPTION RATES m m tr yer.r Bix months 2.00 Three months 1-00 One Month 40 Ona week Entered as second ?lass matter Sep tember 11, 1015, &, the postoffice at Hickory, N. C, undtr the act of Marca 8, 1879. 13y Bermann Hagedorn of the Vigilantes. 1 know'a Pacifist He is a sincere D pacifist. He is not a pro-German orjH a Sein-Feiner, but a real, unsubsid- g ized, conscientious objector to war. , q He objects to all war. He objects there fore to this war. TIp cava that it is time that some nation should set an example to the, world in the presence of aggression! by not offering resistance to the ag-j pressor. Better that the whole na-j tion should be wiped out, its church es and universities razed to the, ground, its youth slaughtered or j dragged into slavery, than that a people should oppose force with! force and fight for its liberties. j My Pacifist expresses these views frequently. A number of people say: I He is a Nuf," But a surprising number say. "Hiow beautiful! Of course, his views are impractical. But it is good in times like these that there should be someone who clrngs to ideals." ' i morwiTinn. these honest people i subscribe to Liberty Bonds and do, Other things to elp wage war a- QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQgQQQQQQaaQQQQQS . . i i . n..i 1 P Extra Big Attraction Coming to I PASTIME WNSY I HAROLD LOCKWOOD in g "UNDER HANDICAP" g o a A 7-Act Metro Wonderplay of Love and Determi- P p nation.Adapted from the novel by Jackson Gregory a g Special Music At Night by Hardie Turner u immmiinmiiiii iiiimi i imttt Professional Cards DaDDDBB a a n MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Tho Associated Tress is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also thb local news published herein. MONDAY. NOV. 12, 1917 a DOING A SERVICE Jud.n'e Ji'lin F. Dylan, who was I'kvti'd mayor of the world's gratest city ly tho largest plurality in his tmy, was opposed by practically all of Now York newspapers, those con trolled by Hearst alone giving him support. From this face, a great many poople are inferring that the New York people hava no grip on tho public, and the record seems to bear -out this assumption. New York docs not vote like the newspa pers urge, however right they may be. This emphasizes a point that the Record has roal'zed all along that good organization wins more battles than the newspapers. Tammany has the best organization in the world, and it is only when the citizens of the metropolis are smarting under the certainty that their funds are be ing misused, that vice is rampant, and that the city is being turned over to an army of t'me-servants will they listen to the voice of the press. Always Tammany can be defeated after it has ruled for a season; but always it comes back because the people have; short memoripq As vindictive and uncompromising as New York papers seem to be, the service they render New York and tho nation cannot be overestimated. I hey expose wrong-doing wherever fouivl, and they are a watchman placed on the towers of the city. It would be an evil hour for New Y'ork and the nation if all the papers there were controlled by some pplitical ma chine. Those papers which can see no in dications of German weakening prob ably take it for granted that the Germans are satisfied with an auto cracy that uses them merely as pawns. Our hopes are based on a more or less careful reading of his tory from time to time, and we would not be surprised if the German peo ple should demand an accounting. They might insist on knowing what the junkers mean to get out of the war. Since the Germans have braced tht Austrian.-, on the Italian front, in spired Vienna opinion is that an hon orable peace will bo obtained soon, An honorable peace in this case in cludes a liberal slice of territory be longing to weaker nations. The bolsheviki announce that their pol'cy towards their enemies is force without mercy," a phrase that Kerensky would do well to leam in the event that ho is able to wrest power from this crowd. The new leaders in Tetrograd have German names. Their aims also ait. German. wha Wpl-headed citizens. But once a week they grow sentimental about my pacifist. "He is an idealist," they say. But it happens that that is exact ly what he is not. An idealist is- a man who believes that the things you can't see and hear and touch and taste and smell are more important than the things that actually do strke your physical senses. He thinks for instance that love is worth more than money; that to speak the truth and be poor is bet ter than to lie and own a limousine; that to be right is better than to be president. The real idealist believes that liberty is worth more than pros perity and comfort. He is willing to glVU Up Ilia uvuais cw.v . to preserve it. He even thinks that g liberty for his children or other peo- g pie's children is worth more than" his own life. He is willing to risk his , g life for it. He is even willing xo g:ve up his life for it. The pacifist declares tnat ne aisoju believes that the things of the spirit p are better than the things of the'Q flesh. In fact, he has an idea tnat he is the only fellow who does be lieve that. He thinks that liberty is fine and slavery is awful. But ' . . When hi3 neighbors are carried in to slavery, he scurries into his cellar for fear of attracting tne attention of the slave-driver and irritating him with an appearance of disapproval. When his own liberty is threaten ed, and not only his own liberty but the liberty of his children, he pro poses to give up that liberty with out a struggle, and moves tnat tne keys to the front door be formally presented to the burglar, the cut throat and the ripper Does the pacifist love liberty more than prosperity and comfort and life ? We suspect not. Does he love the things of the spirit more than the things you can uncork or eat with mayonnaise? Scarcely. The pacifist converses beautifully. Meanwhile, wrong may triumph, lib erty may be quenched, men and wo men may be sold into slavery, art, literature and religion may be flung back a thousand years. "Be it so!" cries the pacifist. "Bet ter that, than to slay and to be sla:n!" Better that the spirit of man be trampled under the feet of horses, than the body! Is that it, pacifist? "Better anything" cries the Paci fist, "than to take life." . Better to let your daughters be carried off into slavery, than to take life? Better to let your son be made a servile subject of an autocrat, than to take life? Better to let your own freedom to think and speak be controlled by a Prussian drillsergeant than to take life? Better to let your little children be subtly influenced to revere German Kultur more than the American ideal of democracy bet ter that, than to take life? "Not for me!" cries the man in khaki. "Far better to take life and to give up life than to surrender the spiritual heritage of two thousanu years." The man in khaki is right, for that heritage is the heritage of Christ, threatened once more by the barbarians. i "Verily, he who saveth his life shall lose it," cries the greatest idealist that ever lived, "but he whv. Special at Pastime This Afternoon and Tonight MOLLIE KING in "MYSTERY OF THE DOUBLE CROSS" Episode Number 11 Also HEARST-PATHE NEWS and "THE NEW RECRUIT A CARTOON COMEDY. Regular Admission 5 & 15c. Special Music Tonight Special at Pastime Today Clara Kimball Young IN Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory N. C. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of all blues of HARNESS, BRIDLE3. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing Specialty. Hickory, N. C STelectric shoe shop F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor Fint-ClcsB Work Guaranteed Phone 10, Work Delivered 1032 14th atreet Hickory, N- C Next to Firit Buildin & Loan office. W. P. Speas, M. D Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. C. Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 g DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and to- licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's disease a specialty. a p i" CI "Castles in Spain"- May be very real to dreams, but the pr these days DEM AMI THINGMM&SUBS A Saving Account is no Dirts; It is one of the most substant; It is your friend where others i Small savings make large for' ocean beach is made up of r btart a savings accont at and watch it grow. till: FIRST NATIONAS a Capital and Surplus $300,000. Cj. Four Per Cent. Interest On Saving pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at Ail T;r aannnnnanonnonaanannssB THE DEEP PURPLE i q By Paul Armstrong and Wilson Mizner A World Picture in 5 Parts. Regular Admission 5 and 15 cts. aonnonnnnnnnnannnQononnnnDnnnnDnnonnoDnn CHIROPRACTOR DR. E. E. ROGERS Over Lutz's Drug Store jj PHONE 77 loseth his life for my sake shall' have life everlasting. In this war between autocracy and democracy can there be any question which is Christ's side? But the pacifist can see nothing except his own body and the body of his foe. Nothing else is in the picture. In comparison to the fate of the body, the fate of things spiritual is without significance. My Pacifist is not an idealist at all. He is a tough-livered material ist. The good citizens who are trying to revivify their own, idealism by contact with his, are going to be disappointed. There is as much of the true spark in the pacifist's idealism, as there is electricity in a pain of pate de f o s gras. TROOPS AND SUPPLIES IN INCREASING NUMBER With the American Army in France Nov. 11. (By the Associated Press) (General Pershing said to the cor respondents today: "Troops and supplies are arriving in increas'ng numbers." Thanks to the French, British and American navies, he continued, the submarine to date has not claimed the life of a single American soldier on the troop ships bound for France. The French officers, he said, were en thusiastic over the character, intel ligence and eagerness of the vounk officers who are arriving in France to continue their instruction, and the DR. R. P. WILSON i Aiiiencaii army is proua 01 mem. V--... Conditions in the American sec Lor II J.! J. 1 1 . 1 . til continue to De normal, witn intermit- Will nT,aTO nillu Aa nr ,t,T tonf Q yHll Cktr fi tmvi rv nn K-vf V cin.- A ! ! v t 11 y4 1 l.-i one piace tne Germans observed tnat I PilM umT T i- JJ J II . wwi-w. iuc kiokj nau ucen uuuuen uuwu ill the rear and they threw in a hun dred shells with no result other than to churn up the mud. lhe weather continues to be cola and rainy. The American infantry men have had two diversions. The first incident occurred near daylight. The enemy, apparently thinking a raid was imminent, opened up with machine guns at the point where the lines are closest. A stream of bullets whistled over the American lines. About the same time, French troops . on the American flank, observed """"""'WtmriTWtHIIIIIUHHimHHy xuui Germans wno were cutting the a T f f Y Y 11 oaroed wire defenses. A French pa- 5 UT J. JLu JTlOJIaF tiui Aucceeueu m neaamg ott the (ier mans, capturing them all. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO You Have Always H Successful Man Dubbed In ninety-nine cases of one hundrt-.i : the result -of a systematic campaign v ;, . Saving account "luck" is thz surest s ri built on the fundamental principle s unuur START AN ACCOUNT TODAY IT AND YOU WILL BE Consolidated Tms HICKORY, I - I Try a Record V EX-QUEEN LILUOKALANI, OF HAWAII, DIED SUNDAY Honolulu, T. H., Nov. 12. Queen Liluokalani of Hawaii, died Sunday morning. Her death had been ex pected for. several days. i The fomer queen had been in bad health for many months. A week ago she began to fail rapidly and last Thursday physicians announcer! that the end was near. Social events planned for the Un ited States congressional party vis 'ting here probably will be cancelled. HICKORY, N. C. Special attention -riven to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus no confien- PILES Cured. No cutting, irrimTTrrTTTiiMiiiitttttt;i!pHM!Mtn;iff Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard greneral strengthening tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS ohill Tnwir ..t' Malaria.enrichestheb!ood,andbuilds'upthesys- em. A true tonic Fjr adults and children. )c I BRICK Common and Face Write Or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. Statesville, N. C. "imiITIIIIIj!HWM!MIL" Promptness Si:ilIOi:s CUTTING AFFKAY AT VALDKSK YESTERDAY Morganton, Nov. 11. As the result of one of the most serious cutting arrays IJurku has ever had, two well known Valdose men, Frank Jones ana Ernest lierry, were literally cut to pieces Sunday at tho station at Val deso and neither is expected to live, while Glenn Isonhour, who is alleged to have done the cutting, is a fugi tive in tho South mountains with a posse in search. Frank Jones was brought to tho hospital herd 15erry was cut too badly to be moved. Little is known as to the cause of tho fight, but Berry was acting as 'l,uuienMker and in tttcmpting to stop Isonhour from cutting Jones was perhaps fatally cut himself, accord ing to the information obtained. Although there was a large crowj at the depot, Iaenhour walked avva toward the mounta'ns with n f.,i named Miller, who later returned for Isenhour's clothes. Valdose is not incorporated, so there is no oflicer there and it was a couple of hours before Sheriff Johnson arrived and organized posse. It is said Isonhour can bo identi fied by a wound on the forehead caus - the ff hIt WUh a Plank durins 1 In placing your orders will insure the best of attention. Our facilities are the best in this section, and all orders for PRINTING, no matter how large nor small, will be handled as promptly as is consistent with good work. Look over your stock, and see if there is not something you will need in a short time, and place your order in advance. The House that has Served You for Over 12 Years Place Your Order Today Clay Printing Co. Phone 1 67 Hickory, N. C. tiiimiiniiiinitm "Mmmiiimmt mwsm S3 G9 S lhe P. A. MILLER Automobile and Livery Service. GO ANYWHERE Day or Night Rates Reasonable TELEPHONE 119. i i 'iiiiiiiniHiiiiii iiiiiiiiiniiiiini CHICHESTER S PILLS tiib diamond bambu5 yean known uVk.i i.ZTVrv f rm - ...-:' 7a.cuDtr oulu di UKUUUI5TS tVERYWHERf Jiop Don't forset to send Boy a nice gift. Call and See Stock of Gli A. J. Jeweler and Graduate Optor tSttme Bummer - . mE SQU1 QOOOOOOOOOOOO x usoi ions $LU j mm An Ambition and a Eec fHE needs of the South are identical uii :i w of the Southern Railways the frowth and euccec ..' c: the npbuildlne of the other. The Southern Railway i accorded to other. . no farcn no ipecial rr:n The ambition of the Suutfieiii Railway Company r nnlty oflmereit that it born of co-operation between i:. tb rallroadii to ice perfected that fair and frank policy in i. ment f rallroadi which Invitee the confidence cf c rendeji to realize that liberality of treatment which to obtain the additional capital needed for the acquisition i f enlarred facUldei incident tm tbu demand fur InaezscC : erricti and, finallj , To take ! niche In tta tJ&r yolitlc of the South a:: ner rreat Indaatrlei. with ne turn, but vditi esuil liber nrhtt and equal opportunltiak " The Southern Serves the SOU !i vi& m i will - j a& ' r t -.-.;.'.; ... outliem Railway S -HAL a-L- just as once 5 2 ucKy' i II V ATE i i .i an) Ad aier :,.SY V 0 A im.J ' 1 Subscribe to the Reco rd W 'ucoocooocaoe H wtm