HICKORY DAILY RECORD MONDAY 6S We Casmot wimi War WffihioMlt 1 Army Y, C A 99 n me PAGE FOUH the Mo PS tn m pi ta El M n M u n u n m ts w n u sa Rl o a vt M N Vi M M l-T n &i H U n U u t.y i'4 it rj M hi n Ml is u Rj M l". J.;' n n c, p, 11 H a n CJ . ra rj u U U t w Pi si m m m c; m ta m m sa rj El IS m n ci es K cat u Bl CI Rl a a El n Catawba County Boys are willing to give their lives to make America safe for you. They will make the supreme sacrifice to preserve Democracy. What will you sacrifice to give them a touch of home love and cheer, to help keep the home fires burning in their hearts? Whatever You Can Contribute to the Army Y. M. C. A. Should Be Given Quickly. This Advertisement Donated to the Cause of the Army Y. M. C. A. by PIEDMONT FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. :u; i'u i t ui: comim; to i'as jimi; v, i:n."i:si)AY i 'i ' i'; :vlmv "I'l'.'lcr Handicap'' ; V - M U on.rr.!;iy featuring' It !;-.! ! I .. vv ; 1 1 lie the special ; ; t!.. Pa -time Wednesday I 1th. j HM-.-li'-ap" is a story of ---ainl I i ic desert, vtrinci- ii.i'.iy :!.( Tt. It sh.'Ws the work-j '.r, - f u-i.iuitie reclamation pro ,;.: i, ",; ? .it.!ilem of wresting great ,.''!'!- f r. :i n -it lire. P.s greatest less or, is ,.v r'r.;t; that to w!n from n. tv j LTit and strength, both I'ii.i' ii I physical. It is partly be- '!';. V, ci;U-c I, ,) lavs are so flenn tha'i t'i'.' p'ail:c Ins learned to trust them a:1 l l,i'Cku u';d ana to want 1 11 or" r,f rlic in. WINDING UP A SENTENCE Charlotte Observer. Colonel Farabee of the Hickory Daily Record does not want to tt bothered by the grammarian's in junction "never to end a sentence with a preposition." Personally, ht. ends a sentence with anything he can hit on. We read an editorial in hii paper the other day which created a suspicion in our mind that he never ended a sentence. It was about his hens that would not lay and the meth ods he had adopted of getting even with them, and blest if it was not all commas to the very end of 39 lines. And then the reader after catching h's breath had to go through it again to find out what it was all about. Much your sentences, Colonel, and sto. them with a big period. j By the Associated Press. New York, Nov. 12. Trial of the .Newsprint Manufacturers' Associa tion and a number of individuals for violating the Sherman law was de ferred here today pending the hear ing in Washington of a joint com mittee. It is said a compromise might result. Quite a number failed to return their food conservation cards to the church chairmen yesterday, and thest; are requested to hand their cards in some time before or at prayer meet ing Wednesday night, so that the chairman may make a full report ox what Hickory is doing to meet the request of Mr. Hoover in food conservation. DR. F. M. WINCHESTER DIES AT HIS HOME IN CHARLOTTE Charlotte, Nov. 12. Dr. F. Ivi. Winchester past grand master of the North Carolina grand lodge of Ma sons, died at his home here yester day, ioiiow.ng a long period oi ni 1 1 1 1 TV Tt 1 l 1 neaitn. ur. Wuncnester was aiso em inpnt rnmmandpr nf thp Knip'hts Tern plar and past high priest of the Koyai Arcn Masons oi JNc-rtn Laron na. He was 62 years of age. MV T T. T.anloy nf-Voslov S C spent yesterday in the city with his iamiiy. Miss Lillian Settlemvre has return ed from MocVesville aiti Statesville where she spent a week visiting re latives and friends. r y t' or SiBIZSOIBElBiDIlQODQODDDDODDDDDDDDnDDnta&DODODDDDnDDDDDDDDOBDDDQDDanDaDnDBQQDDaQSI B 'eginning Nov. 14 - - Ending Nov. 20 We Will Demonstrate The South Bend Malleable Rartcre o RECORD WANTS nwMiiuin:iwumiHHHuntimwmtw WANTED Sweet potatoes. Call phone 64 for prices and quantities. Catawba Packing Co. 10 16 tf WANTED Immediately four or five carpenter. Apply L. L. Moss, Hickory. 10 17 tf FQR RENT Two or three fur nished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, three blocks from postoffice Apply Record office. 11 12 3t iiss !1 Ha KSTscvriC ' T EC' n PCO-PMT-TOlH IRiChwomO. .TRAI :- M ARK DENTAL CREA TOOTH CLEANER AND S i : ! Whitens, Brightens, Tightens LARGE TUBE 25 CENTS For Sale by the Lead ng Dru ' PRO-PHY-TOL PRODUCTS Co:.: Richmond, -:- For sale by all Hickory druggists. FOR SALE OR RENT 8 room house, good location for boarding house. Nearly two acres on lot, al so good orchard. Mrs. Fannie Morris, 712 14th St. 11 12 2t THE WESTERN UNION TELE CO. wants One messenger boy, 14 to 16 years of age, with good wheel. Boy can make about $30 per month if he is a hustler. Apply in person. R. J. Foster,, Mgr. 11 9 tf WANTED Girl for general office work. JPrefer one who can take dictation and use typewriter. Ad dress Box 309 Hickory. N. C. 11 8 1 wk WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house with lights and water. Close in. Phone 140 11 12 2t pd NOTICE .Having qualified as executrix of the estate of J A. Sellers, deceased, late of Catawiba county, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hickory, N. C, on or before the 12th i ; or this notice of their reepve-ry. debted to said l quired to makf This 12th day , MRS. Executrix of est a deceased. Eczema a " ff ;"J p At ike Pr ice othe Rano'e aone - tke(4re is Jree I a a STRAYED Female black hound with brown legs, near C. & N.-W. trestele in Wtest Hickory. Reward if returned to J. C. Shuford. 11 12 3t MRS. J. L. BERRY Registered Trained Nurse. PHONE 339-L. FAITH IS PLACED STOPS THAT ITCH Just a few drops of that mild, soothing, co o1 n -tol Eczema Remedy, so highly recommended w" the itchmg and burning is gone. Scientific inv-.--taught us that eczema is psitively a skin die-i-through the skin alone. This remedy is applied skin. If you are afflicted with this distress:". ask you to try it on our guarantee A trial v i ' of its genuine merits. Price 50c for trial bohl for large size. Hickory Drug Com ir For Sale By SHUFORD HARDWARE CO. Hickory, N. C. IN RUSSIAN PEOPLE This offer is good during our Big Exhibit of THE SOUTH BEND M AL LELE RANGE for one week only. During that time an expert from the tadtory will be with us to demonstrate and point out exclusive features and points of advantage THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE has over RFNn mITF cTmp e kLnow that you can be coned THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE is the best range in the world. It is the only range wuh Patented Keystone Copper-Bearing.. Aluminum-Fused Rust-Resisting Hues Throughout. It Looks Best, is Built Strongest, bakes best and Lasts Long est. Be sure and come; bring all your friends. Useful souvenirs will be given free a D a a REMEMBER THE DATE Beginning Nov. 14 - - Ending Nov. 20 Abernethy Hardware Co0 I Union Square - . . .. HirW N r I By the Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 12 Although still without official advices the Russian embassy was optimistic today over the developments which seemed to forecast the breaking up of the poisnev.ki movement and the resto ration of the conservative element. Much faith is being placed in the religious movement for the protec tion of holy Russia being worked up in tnat country. Y. M. C. A. MEETING (Continued from page 1) A few tactful questions brought out the fact that this young man had left home sixteen years ago without .""uu " ume r neanng from his home folks. The Y. M. C.'A. influ ences had induced him to write home, and he was anxiously waiting a re- Amoner the difficult. tacV ij' to contend with was that of gambling . '"u,3l"uJ' aiuung- some or the men in the camp. This has to Jbe un dermined slowly and skillfully bv re mindmcr the bovs -Ka . home need some of the money that tney are wasting. f- tiro e common, said the speaker to have a sold.er come to him at pay day and handing him some money, tell him to make out a nwmpv .m i "lULi ix O MUICKIV as possible before he could change his m nd. he boys soon come to realize wiir weaKness and want to overcome it. This speaks volumes for the in fluence of the army Y. M. C A The musical rimbers were most ex cellently rendered and hiehlv bdotp ciated, Mrs Dr. j. Shufora's rendering of "Keep the Home Fires 33U- thif B-ys Coe Again" was m bean.ifni j S? -bjeCi dlsssed, as was also "Drifting Down." hv fV.Q i tet, consisting of Messrs. J. Q. Garth, ir I a. - m ir b veryooay has been called to the reman fuel saving secured with C Original Hot Blast Hea Coal prices are soaring why be s to an extravagant heating plant mat is a demon for fuel. m 3? R m ! Join now in the great army c satisfied users who have fauna relief from high fuel bilk with the great fuel saving (DLEP On" Burns cheapest coal clean and bright. Usss any t Everybody is searching for a way to save ana iood. Here s your opportunity cut your coal bills square in half an; gain a perfectly heated home as wen. investigate now. Our Store is iuel Savers Headquarters. i H P No. 112