Hickory Daily Record- TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co. Eyery Evninjr Except Sunday. S. II. PARA BEE E01 J. C. MILLER Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: U02 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subtcr'btT desirinpr the addrei of Kr miner chnnved. will please itatt In their communication both OLD arc NEW a-Hrt'Ssea. To insure etlicient delivery, com nt.inf. hould be made to the Sub eription Department promptly. Cit mWribert hould call 167 regarding compUinti i i . i i i FEED THE BIRDS The municipal wooayara nas Deen Birds have suffered terribly dur- j active in Hickory this winter, and but SUBSCRIPTION RATES One yer.r ; Six month - - 1 ' Three month uy One Month ' One week 1( Entered ai second "'ass matter Sep Umber 11, 1915, f.. the pc3toffice u Hickory, N. C, undur the act of March i, 1873. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is cxclusivch entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not credited in this p 'per and also tru local news published herein. TUESDAY, DEC. IS, It) 17 KICK ROUGHNECKS OUT We don't suppose there is half the snobbishness in the army that its claimed by any number of indus trious persons, but there is no pood reason why the facts should not be learned and the offendiny: officers dis missed from the service, if a severe reprimand will not cause them to mend their ways. In the army as in civil-life there are different classes of people. Some officers are as cultured, and considerate as any class of men in the e very-dy world; some are ju3t brutes. These last have no place in any commniry, but they can be driv en out of the army. One hears various tales of discrim ination against the man in uniform but it must be borne in mind that a few hundred sailors, on short duty from a lon;r cruise at sea, are most likely to take the town, although each man acting separately is a thorough gentleman. A crowd of men in any walk of life would raise jsome devilment if they should set out for the gentle object of painting the old town red. We have no idea hotels, restaurants or thea tres consciously have discriminat ed against the uniform; they have learned from experience that the uniform on certain occasions does not protect them. But this is aside from the question of snobbishness in the army. We have no sympathy with the guys who pose as gentlemen and humiliate their superiors morally and intel lectually, and should like to see them sent into outer darkness. At the same time, we would not attempt to undermine the service. We may think we are up against it,and most of us are hard up for money and frequently for necessi ties. There are millions of people, however, who cannot live' unless we help them. The Armenians, Ser bians, Belgians and Syrians have been murdered or outraged, and com mon humanity raises its voice to us to help them. ing the freeze. . Cut off from their usual feeding grounds by ice and snow for more than a week, their little bodies have begun to weaken under hunger. Wonder how many people have thought of the birds? The other day a sparrow flew into an open window. It was desperate. The next day some wheat screenings were thrown out Avhere they could be found by the sparrows the other birds that frequent our town seem to have gone farther south. We are told that many farmers in Catawba county provide for the feathered creatures during the se vere weather. Then these farmers feel better when they retire at night. They know that they have helped their friends. Everybody should make it a point to feed the birds in severe weather. The town sparrow deserves no sym pathy, but the birds f the fields and woods are spring and summer allies of the farmer, and he should be their friend in winter. Save good cotton seed, urges C. U. Hudson of the state department of agriculture. Save all good seed. The supply may be short in the spring. for the steps taken in time much suffering would have resulted. The water pipes that did not freeze up during the last 10 days were put in by somebody who expected to go out of business. The Record is carrying the ad vertisements these days, but we will need them in January and February too. The Record does not care anythihng about politics, though it has its op inions occasionally and lexpects to express them when it feels like it. ,Of course the government wastes some money. Government always has and always will. Who doesn't waste some? DOWN and One dollar u week buys this Nationally Famous We are not disposed to be con- Tho lady in furs who informed Record readers yesterday of the passage of time was attired seasonably. MARY PICK FORD AT PASTIME TODAY 1 party, we are willing. An advertising concern writes that there will be more soliciting for bus iness through the newspapers next year than ever before, and as every body has money there is no reason why general business should not be excellent. The allies are acting wisely in being moro sympathetic in their treatment of the Russians. Those poor devils have been up against it, and we all want to see them do well, whether they fight the common foe or foolishly lay down on the job. trary about it, and if the county of-; .i(hvcn-, in A Poor Little Eich ike holders think that Marion But-; (;;ri" j3 rriry Pickford's character !er is a menace to the Democrat i.ation of little Jenny Lawrence, the Little Boston girl who explores the wiids of the west in "A Romance of Ppdwnnds " ir. is rmnnnnppd Good weather for Christmas if '. Cecil B. De Mille, co-author and di ve can head off our northern and , rector of this new Pickford subject western waves. ! n:ls embodied his best talents in its i production which, combined with the " " : great art of "Little Mary" should Still, we don t suppose any more rosult in one of the most successful rich widows will seek Mr. Means as cinema offerings of the year. See their guardian. j it at the Pastime theatre today. j : ; M n u &. 51 n u n Ff ES D II Wi a a ts ea a a ct "The best servant in Home." your fiWfy Coming to j) PASTIME Friday Dec. 21 A New Pathe Serial "THE HIDDEN HAND" VITH DORIS KENYON SHELDON LEWIS, ARLINE PRETTY AND MAHLON HAMILTON Also the Last Chapter of "THE FATAL RING" m m 'K 5 with the wonderful Automatic Lowering Flour And 14 Other Long Wanted Features In addition to this easy pay-. . ment plan we will give 25 lbs. of Catawba Best Flour Free with every Sellers Cabinet sold before Christmas. Don't wrait: If you plann ed to buy later, buy now in stead. Get this famous Sel lers Cabinet and 25 pounds of flour at the price you would have to pay for an ordinary cabinet. Every woman who ever clambered to the top of a kitch en cabinet with a heavy sack of flour realizes the impor tance of this long wanted improvement. M Professional I Cards Dr. W. B. Ramsay Office over Shuford'a Drug Store. Uickery, N. C. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacture??; of mil hinds of HARNESS, BKIDLE3. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHO F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivarsd 1032 14th street Hickory, N C. N'ext to Firrt Bail din. & Loan oSScs. & S3 P a s Have I on a MISS MOLLIS B. COTTRELL REGISTERED NURSE PHONE 113-J SI m m m m m m m m m m y m m S3 m m Safety Deposit B You need it if ou have valuable papers. The low rent: minor consideration in cornp; with the benefits derived. Have a place to keep your deeds insurance papers and other valuable uments. You keep the key. No one has access to your box. & 4 & f MM A I 1 A ? m m m m m m m u '.j. iaw r rs v? m m L CT? r? jffl? fr-', m rs .? y t j.- , : Capital and Surplus $300,000,c;. i Four Fer Cent. Interest On Savings Ace poimcted Qutiilvriy. Mercy to Loan at All lircea. S. J. L. BERRY Registered Trained Nurse. PHONE 339 L. 1 MlffefS : 4 n John T. Doolinjr may not know how to treat North Carolina gentlemen on trial for murdering women, but we suspect he knows how to treat North Carolina crooks who might happen to be on trial in ew York.. Oscar T. Crosby, assistant secre tary of the United States treasury, has been elected president of the inter-allied war council, which i3 not an honorary body by any means. The American delegates to the al lied conference might not have suit ed all of us, but a member was el ected president of the whole allied shebang. That's not so bad. A deserter from the army camp at Camp Meade, Del., has been sen tenced to 20 years at hard labor. It doesn't pay to fool with Uncle Sam when he means business. Public opinion has passed it3 ver dict in the Means case and its ver dict is right. ME Extra Special at PAST Wednesday Dec. 19th Harold Lockwood IN "PARAMSE GARDEN A 7 Act Metro Wonderplay of ROMANCE and the GREAT OUTDOORS. The Story of a man who had never seen a Girl A Great Picture SPECIAL ISiC NiGHF DONT MISS II IWATINPP- 1st Show Commences 2:30 P. M lrmiUILiL. 2nd " " 4:00 P. M NICHT- 1 st Show Commences at 7:30 P. M. muni. 2nd " 9:00 P.M. Admission Matinee 5c and-15c Admission Night 10 and 20c Todaj MARY PICKFORD in "ROMANCE OF THE REDWOODS" Also aMR.and MRS. SIDNEY DREW COMEDY ltU.UUMMI.i Come in and see, it demon strated! See how easily the bin comes down level with the table. See how quickly you can fill it with 50 lbs. See how g it noiselessly swings back in to place. No Other Cabinet Has These Features By all means visit our store. During this special period we will place one of these won der cabinets in your home up on payment of only five dol lars down. Balance to be paid one dollar a week. W.P.Speas, M.D Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat j Hickory, N. C. j Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 5 ' ' It A DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and so licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street Children's diesse a specialty. Every healthy minded longs for a home of his The first step to the ownership of that home savings account and add' to it each week or n.- .. swe from your earnings. It Is Easy To Save when you once cultivate the habit, and you to see how soon the purchase price is reached. Mave your start today an 1 you will get tb an CHIROPRACTOR DR. E. E. ROGERS Over Lutz's Drug Store PHONE 77 DR. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or iiijsht. Resident ptione 301-J. t?rrmntnriiiiiiitii?rttrftTit:;;tT;ttrTnTf;? Give Furniture For CHRISTMAS Come in and see Oar Line Fuimer Furniture Comp'y T7m BiitRhK That Dess Not ftrfect fhe Rsafi Becuise of 1U tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary ..Quinine ma4 doea not cause nervousness nor Cinrlaff in head. Retnemrer the full name and Hook for the siantarc of S. W. GROVS. 30e. Xmas Gifts Fancy stationery, in all colors with gilt and colored borders Our prices cannot be beatpn. coiorea Doraers. prices cannot be beaten. "sets180 haVG 3 larg6 ssortment of Ivory goods, and manicure We have just received a large shipment of Jacobs Cantiii. There's none better. GRIMES AND MURPHY, Druggists "On the Corner" -;- Opposite Post Office "IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH" FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILE G. C. IVERY S a f e D r i v e r PHNE LUTZ'S DRUG STORE 17 and 317 5C FOR SALE! 20 guage New L. C. Smith hammerless Au tomatic Ejector Bird Gun. JOSEPH PUGH, Secy. Ely Const. Co. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY KEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO CI t tTr3 The Hickory Daily R 4.00 a Year in Advance ana silver U 42. A ? liar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus 3 PILES an K ! is ' Cured. No cutting, no confien- i Common andFace Write or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. Statesville'N. C. BiimuiiimiiaaiKiiiiiiiiiiH hh w a mm nn iiaamlallWlillfllJlSiasiuM 1 P. A. MILLER Automobile and Livery Service. GO ANYWHERE Day or Night RatesReasonable TELEPHONE 119. FT 1.1 umoreiias Select a Christmas present out :': plete line.. Umbrellas to go at an cosl to close out large stock. Reliable jewelry of all descriptor Values. See our line now. a. m TT T7". : LKaI jcl' titd? jtZmae Jeweler and Graduate Oplomelr'-L EXlR SPECIALIST TO SEP BETTER SEE MIA'- The Beat Lauipment Obtainable Glasses Fined Exclusively BARTta mn, Wxim, a. e. If ?ou got f t irom lHLA. it's A' JRieliL tt'A'-Cl PATEB. KOR DAES. LENSES GROUNB.& DUPLICATED Repair Deo't. Box 127 Charlotte. N. C. - -0' I M ih j An Ambition and a Hecrc jj Vv "JfHE needs of the Soutli are Identical with t!ie itd sj of the St-athcrn Railwmvt the crowth and fitiarscf aus icm jA f tbe upbuilding of the other. ij The Southern Railway ufcf no farm no ipecial priris accorded to othen. r 'he ambition of the Southern Rallwir Company is to e tta "SjZ ' of interest that 1 1 born of co-operation between thr pubiic ad KJT The the railroads; to tee perfected that fair and frank policy in the a-Arar:- f.r TV meni of railroad! which lnritet thr confidence of covctmaml fa aendesi to realize tha t Hberalkjr if treatment which win evu! J : w to obtain the additional capital Drake for the acquisition tf brrtsr Mil U' Ji enlarjed facilltiei Incident 0 Cte demand lor Increased anrt tK3 1 ervicej and, finally To take la niche in th tody yolltic of the South a'.on . other great industries, with no Caere, but with ojual libeniww f-V rights and equal opportunittea. f'. " The Souther. Serves the South, at.--. 5 .'Jv'vi Southern Railway ft 3 'J 4 & 3 it 3 i3 3 !l it I M 3 3 P 3 3 "T 3 3 a 3 t 31 1 2 02 can om-