SATURDAY EVENING PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record HICKORY DAILY RECORD TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co. . Erery Evening Except Sunday. S. II. FARAI1EE Editor J. C. MILLER Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: J402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please statu In their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure eillcient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 1G7 regarding complaints. Kecord subscription business was better in 1917 than in 191G, and we will have to travel some this good year if we keep pace with former records. But more peope are com ing to recognize that time moves so swiftly that they will miss a great deal if they wait for the news. The Democrats control the house of representatives by a majority of 2 votes, as the Springfield Republican observes, but the Americans control it by a majority of 435 to 0. There is where Democrats and Republi cans of intelligence stand. Although there may be a big de mand for sugar, it is a fact that more sorghum is being consumea this winter than ever before though the consumption per capita must have been greater in civil war days. ening in our weaker neighbors, through the integrity and firmness of our policy, the conviction that their independence and their inter ests are bound up with Germany and are best secured under the pro tection of the German arms. This conviction might lead to an enlarge ment of the triple alliance into a central European federation." To this policy, the break-up of Russia has given a scope that could hardly have been expected when Bernhardi wrote. Each of the fragments be comes one of these weak neighbors who are to be brought under the protection of German arms. In some cases force may not be rce sary; appeals to fear or to seifinter est may serve. ' Wjith Russia no longer a great power, the vl.cij world could not protect them against Germany's methodical massa cre and pillage: simply for protec tion they may feel obliged to be come German vassals. In other cases tempting: com mercial opportunities may be offered or class may be played acraJinst class and race against race. During a prolonged military operation Ger many has had time to pick out ser viceable flpols, to orgamze propa- iganda to get rid of patriots, to work up a sham demand for closer rela tions with Germany. The German- made premier of Poland, it is an nounced, is hereafter to take part in the negotiations at Brest-Litovsk. Germany now expects to win, the war not by force but by cleaverness and it is well that the allies are be ginning to realize the fact. j Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Snake Berlin newspapers camouflaged their intense gratification over the German neace terms BLIUSlKlt'UUIN UAlJLb fin m A Jin ZiVJZ'X. 3nn STATUS OF GERMAN WAR AIMS Three months l.Oo One Month .4b Philadelphia Public Ledger. One week ,io I There was a suspicion of camou flage in the outcry of the pan-Ger- Entered as second class matter Sep man press at the moderation of the imh 11 iuik o rw - terms ottered to Kussia. and laiei itil.. v i ' j " u i. m v comment shows that there is no real Hickory, N. C, undr the act of March satisfaction. The Deutsche Cou- ' 1879. rier. which is visorouslv imperialis tic, thinks that "The German dele- (riitea rpnrspntfl t.Vm int.prpsta of MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS the empire as adroitly and firmly as it was possible for representatives in thir nosition to do. The compli- The Associated Press U exclusively ment from the pan-German point of entitled to the use for republication view was well deserved; Dr. von of all news credited to it or noi Kuehlman showed himself a dex- credited in this paper and also tht trous negotiator, and his demands local news published herein. were such as should satisfy the imper ialists. "The only thing that Ger many now has to take care of, SATURDAY, JAN. 5, 1918 says the Deutsche Tageszeitung, "is to see that the people of the occu pied region are nat lanjtaticizea Try it ritrht now for Rhainn. A WEALTH PRODUCER against Germany by the entente pow tism, Neuralgia. Lumbae-o. sore. ers." The entente, according to the stik and swollen joints, pains The public must have been im- Pan" -e.rman view' ,s re.sPnslDle .for in the head, back and limbs, corns, Dressed bv the inmumnu.nt- thnt nllltlzine e Belgians againsi Dunions, etc. After one applica 5 n unent that Germany-German atrocities had tion pain disappears as if by magic. W cotton nulls m the piedmont sec- nothing to do with the case. There- A new remedy used internallv and tion were compelled to dose clown fore if the people of Poland, Kurland, externally for coughs, eolds, eroup, for a few days because the South- Lithuania, and Esthonia can be kept sore throat, diptheria and Tonsi- . ti.,.,.,,1. ,w,r, v.- u v incomunicado, they can be drawn in- litis. ? 71 Compan whu'h supplies to Mittel Eu'ropa, and the obvious This oil is conceded to be the most most or the current, is unable to ob- means is continued military occupa- penetrating remedy known,. Its tain fuel to operate its auxiliary tion. prompt and immediate effect is re plants or to overcome the shortage While the pan-Germans have heving pain is due to the fact that of water in the streams that gen erate current in its several big hydro-electrical plants. As a result, thousands of employes are thrown out of work temporarily. The Record is prompted to sav FOR Upholstering, Cabinet Repair and Refinishing SEE W. W. PENNEY PHONE 7-J TO-DAY- Florida Lettuce, Corby Pound Cake. White Chocolate & CocoanutJ niimiiiiinmMHiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii'iiMiTn Professional Cards Will Positively Three Relieve Minutes III l mm&gi&m dropped their insincere protests, the it penetrates to the afieeted parts moderates who have been looked up- at once. As an illustration, pour on by pacifists in entente countries ten drops on the tickest piece of as representing the saner and hu- sole leather and it will penetrate maner side of Germany are support- this substance through and through ing the scheme for veiled annexa- in three minutes, tion. Vorwaerta makes an obscure Accept no substitutes. This crrAat what must have been in the minds of Ilerr Erzberber, the Catholic leader, bottle guaranteed; 30c, 60c and $1.00 ousines9 men lor many months who last summer brought about. a oiue or money refunded. Lutz that without the Southern p(Uvpr Bethmann-IIollweg's fall by d,e- urug More a dr Whitener and Martin "SBLLS FOR LESS PROFIT" Dr. W. B. Ramsay Bentiet Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory N. O. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturer of all bludfl of HARNESS, BRIDLES. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repsiriusr Specialty Hickory, N. C. W. P. Speas, M. D Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. C. Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 nnnnnDnnnnnnnDiiinDDacsDnnnnnnoonrjdnnast::' War Saving Stamps for sale at the First National Bank If you did not feel able to buy a bond, and still wanted to a a a a a a a a a THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-CJcss Work Guaranteed Phone 108, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N C Next to Firtt Buildin & Loon office. help the government, these Thrift Stamps are just what you want. They come in denominations off 25c, 50c, ll.OO, $5.00 and on up to $80.00 They make the very best kind of a gift, and may be the means of starting the person on the road to saving. They earn a good rate of interest, and are really Small Government Bonds. We wili he glad to explain the many advantages and furnish the cards etc to keep them on. We make no profit nor commission. Get in line today and make some little sacrifice to help the government and make a good investment for yourself. FIRST NATIONAL BANK P a a s Capital and Surplus $300,000.0;. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Timet, Hickory, N. C. Account?. Con iDnonnnnncnnaDDflDnonnnnaannnnnnnoniaBBs: j QDDD0DDDDDDDDDDDDD0DfiDD0SaBSD6ZfDBCEilfi1gll1gi Rheumatic QHICH XL? "8 O 4'('8 llincnd lirund4. . ins in mil buu tjroi metallic boxes, sealed wit:i Biue Ribbon. Take n other Buy of yonr Mruceist. Ask for Clll-CIIKS-TEK'S lIAM.D liRAM) PILLS, for 2S years known as Best Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DPtJGtilSn EVERYWHERE Company or some other big corpor- ma.nainK Peace w,inout annexations, tv,! , , , . 13 for the Kuehlmann plan and sao ation this section of the south would that the German declaration is 9R, ALFRED VI DULA EYK SPECIALIST TO SEF BETTER SEE DUU 17 Yew's Expnience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Olasses rifled Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, UMOIft, N. C. If yon sot It from DULA. It's A Right ViACB. PAPER FOR DATES. LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Deo't. Box 127 Charlotte. N. C. nave suffered many hardships this winter owing to h scarcity of fuel. The big Duke concern has been r business life-saver and there U no doubt of tha' fact. The condition that is only tenirorary mipht have been indefinite. Observing what this pany has "approved unreservedly," by the reichstag main committee. If there is any such opposition in Germany as Trotzky professes to count upon, no hint of it has come to the sui face; Russia can look for support only to its allies, and when this fact can no longer be evaded it may pro duce a considerable reaction nmnn power com- the Russian neonle. The lli PS TYlflV uuuc u" '3 kuiu mat tne have been clumsv m the r dinloma wuter iowersk were developed in time out tney mean well by Kussia; the to help the country. And vet the central powers may have been adron Southern Power Company ha3 only Ct"-n ,"ge-r con, tht !(. i . . . . . ' falsity of their profession of friena- besran its huge projects in this sec- chin man policy in regard to Russian ter- SOME LOW TEMI'I'IJ TITRF? ritory it is well to turn back to Gen. Dunuiiirui s uermany ana tne isext TVini ti ri i I "" " ououiuij uuuincu 111 ivi ock is a good sum- as though it were an official state- mer resort may bo inferred from the ment of German policy and then as I JETMRO ALMOND'S fact that the mercury dropped about as low Sunday morning ns it seems possible for it to register, when it pointed to 32 degrees below zero. Un the same morning Lenoir regis tered 18 degrees by the government thermometer, Hickory five below and Raleigh, in the center of the state. i n .if i. i ,i aDsurcuy aiscnargea as tne mere vaporing of a jingo general. It is really a shrewd and intelligent an alysis by a thoughtful student of war who was in close touch with Gern,inl milifclrism; whether his book was widely read in Germany ociore tne war does not matter. He J Al 1 It 1 A . . lursues ine DoisneviKi perteotly in his prediction that in a war with Big Vaudeville and Musical Comedy Show at Hub Theatre Every Night This Week Entire change of program each night Admission 20 and 30c Don't Miss It' DR. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or night. Residence phone 308-L. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO Compound Ny a Recommended For g chronic rheumatism, muscu- g lar rheumatism, gout and all cases of g lumbago, sciatica, painful joints, sors g throat and neuralgia, when these are of rheumatic origin. a a Rexall Headache Tablets for Headaches g I Hickory Drug Company The REXALL Store Telephone 46 aaaDDoaaDaoDaaoDaaDaaaaanaDaaaDaaaaBaBaij CHIROPRACTOR DR. E. E. ROGERS Over Lutz's Drug Store PHONE 77 Try a Record Want Ad San - Tox Fig about zero. In the extreme east Germany "the revolutionary elements the waters about Morehead Citv in- iu the heart of Russia would avail cludino- Hnmio q, : u , themselves of every weakening oi ciuriinjf Cogue Sound, in which our the national sources of power to ef- nationnl guardsmen used to frolic, feet a revolution in internal politic,, were frozen over, and the salty withut any regard for the interests winds cut deep into one's flesh The J f-h,e community." Yet Bernhar- thermometer in various parts of the of annex- tBt. I i I atl0n flPainst Russia because the state hag registered intense cold, but cost would be too great, the farther one goes west from Hick- What, then, was the program oi ory, according to report, the less i , cautiou3 expansionist, convinc- -ever, has been the cold, compara- ?t th? rigmLenu" "4. J t.vely speaking. North of here, only effect an extension of our ! aiartinjg with Lenoirt 4ho weather "tical influence in Europe by awak nas Dcen unusualy rough, and Fri DEL G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and o licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's disease a specialty. As a mild, palatable, yet thoronc-lilv offt; - - O J vvwi v J V CI II I g 11 1 laxative, they are unequaled. Children take them willingly. After a single trial, you will want to keep a box in the medi cine cabinet always. Money refunded if not satisfied. US)! iiiiiiiiinmtrmmrtTrrmmamnc i Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus No cutting, no confien- PILES Cured it GRIMES AND MURPHY, Druggists 'On theCorner ' .;. Opposite.Post Office "IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH" PHONE 300 fiay morning the thermometer re corded two degree., below. Happily for the people of the near-mountain and mountain regions, there ha3 been an abundance of wood, and little suffering has been reported. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO REGISTRANTS Senator Knute Nelson. 74 old, announeea his intention to re tire from public politics in 1919 in order to devote liis leisure time to i-nvtue Business. lie has served in congress 30 years and ho ha3 made su?h tre may also deprive you of unaer jurisdiction of this local board whose order numbers are be tween No. 2023 and No. 2138 inc., s mis aay Deen mailed to you a questionaire which you are required by law to execute and re turn within seven days from date nereoi. Failure to do so constitutes a mis demeanor punishable by not to ex ceed one year's imnnsonmon. a-r,A such an able senator that President Wilson ha3 endorsed him for reelec tion. Senator Nelson is a Republi can in politics, but an American in essentials. Former President Taft, who was too good for the wily bunch of politicians who surrounded him, ap. proves of McAdoo as director gen eral of the railroads. Mr. Taft looks only to the country's good, and he will appear greater in history as a private citizen than any of our Othfr v.nm.!l..i. . - . . i"1'1"11"" i recent times, not excepting C.mvpr ruvin.t A new cabinet position of secre tary of munitions is provided for in a bill Introduced by Chairman Chamberlain to continue until one year after the close of the war. If the war is not ended right, however, we will need that secretary In our business. VQ nnh m l a. . :",u"',c is"ts and result in your iiiuiieuiaie induction into military na tnai Dy court-martial. 10 on GORDON WILFONG, 0 tf Member of Local Board. Train Schedules SOUTHERN Westbound No. 15 Ar Hickory 7:40 a. m. No. ii Ar Hickory 11:20 a. m. No. 21 Ar. Hickory 4:45. No. 35 Ar Hickory 12:02 p. m. Eastbound Is here and in get ting your business started off for the NEW YEAR, look over your stock and see about placing your order for PRINTING We handle anything in the printing line. IHMI.IIIimiiiimtttmiiiillniM,.mTTr: tntmimiMMmmTTTit i -i i ittttt P. A. MILLER Automobile and Livery Service. GO ANYWHERE Day or Night Rates"ReasonabIe TELEPHONE 119. iTiniiiirn i t 1 1 1 1 itiiiih L, f ""illlllllllllll ii t m The Hickory Daily Record $4.00 a Year in Advance """ 'i BRICK Common andJFace Write or Phone I " : What Food Saving In vol ves Buffalo Co, Place Your Order TODAY and have your work in time. Stateville, N. C. No. 36 Ar. Hickory 9:00 a. m. No. 22 Ar Hickory J 1:20 a. m. Jf r Hly 6,22 p. . i, Ar. mcKory 6:30 p. m. C. AND N.-W Southbound No. 9 Ar. Hickory 2:85 p. m. vt . Northbound No. 10 Ar. Hickory 11:40 Cflay PrBotSimg Co. Phone 1 67. a. m. FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILE G. CI VERY Safe D r i v e r PHONE LUTZ'S DRUG STORE 17 and 317 Stalif PoodPAdmink? e?ro11 SS a member United he'f things t,0n' and 'ou b do tat plenty, but wisely, and without waste. Buy less; cook no more than necessary; serve smaller portions. When iil Preach and prac ''ce the "fospe! of he clean rV:e." Use Ice:.' and sea sonable supplies; watch out for waste. Use potatoes and other vegetables freely. Save sugar. Use less candv nrl Ar.u j i gar in tea and coffee. 1CW 9U' "This is a dntv nf ncAccU,. u ? . . man tne guidance of individual conscience." Herbert Hoover. m a i t & n is fi m a. u u LI is m n a if f4 m m m m ii 12 t4 li & m s B m n a a B a B fl II a a n

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