mtafT JUL VOL. IU. NO- 1:17 HICKORY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS GERMANS PLAN BIG EFFORT AGAINST Wm fRANCE Information Gleaned From Prisoners and Other Sources Indicate Great Battles Allies Are Prepared For Shock Emperor's Big gest Gamble of War XsM-i-iatcJ Press. j Army Headquarters in ivi, i v . The great Gor ,;,;e on the western front "v iH, ,.Nl.trti'l to begin at any .. 1 .. . f. t a t1n ;j.'lt t'tvut is concerned, the main ta' nuule I'Oiwccu ;na i;y !lul T;i:. ;uill "a new mysterious , i ... i w.ii he employed to ureal thvi.:':i t !, allied lines. Other at i. delivered farther south. jun,,. have beeomo known tii'vi-h aj-tured German prisoners .n fi'.'iu ether information gleaned in .tiier way. ji,0 jin-i of the German higher vn,.,UI; u-,- are complete and after ...,:. y w.-vks of intensive training If a-aul'.if.g troops they are ready to ..sake the supreme and iinal ef f,rt Vhkh has for its object the at-it-u.-tii-n of the allied armies. Tin' v.arr.u' battles will perhaps W the ni "-t sanguinary of the war ar. I t ..ey 11 e most iifii5iv; Vtt Mi).. But they will mark the ! -:.:::..: of the end, for if the t ,!, not break clear through . i 1 .. 1 1 l. . .4. i 1 . " es ami iney canuui, ia'.iy wiil be finished. The is putting every ounce of ;:.;t) this great gamble and . ;m the early stages it lapse ot tne oerman is. have a superiority In in men and guns and as to their ability to (iiTMians. LENOIR CITIZENS PROTEST TO B1CKETT i:'" v i Lenoir, Feb. 19. A copy of the following letter has been sent to Gov. Thorns W. Bickett, expressing the sentiment of the best people of the county, regarding their position re hitive to the commutation of the death sentence passed on two Cald well county criminals, after after a fair trial in this county, both cases having been disposed cf by the su perior court in less than lb montns The open letter follows: Lenoir, N. C., Feb. 14, 1918. His Excellency, Thomas V. Bickett, Governor of North Carolina. 1 Sir: During recent months, you the people's guardian of law and sworn RUSSIA TO SIGN KALE PEACE WITH GERMANY DINE TAKES LIFE WITH L SO By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. London, Feb. 19. Russia is now petrograd, Friday Feb. 15. forced to sign peace upon the con- General Kaledine, hetman of the ditions proposed by Germany, says Dcm Cossacs, committed suicide at an omciai Kussian statement recew- Novo Tcherkask, headquarters of ed here today. BOLSHEVIK APPEAL 10 AUST AN ON I the Don Cossacks, during a session of the Novo Tcherkask which he at tended. The government decided to resign and transfer its power to the local workmen's and soldiers' council, and General Kalendine re tired and blew his brains out. General Nazaroff, who succeeded General Kaledine as leader of the Don Cossacks ordere the imme diate mobilization of all Cossacks to fight the bolsheviki troops ad- BILL FAV RTED FOU RESUMES WAR USSIAN BOLSHEVIKI $2.50 WHEAT By the Associated Pres. Wfashtington, Fteh. ,19. A favor able report on the Gore bill to in fcreas the minimum price of the 1918 crop of wheat from $2 to $2.50 per bushel was made today by the senate agricultural committee. Teutonic Army Has Crossed Divina to Aid Uk raine What Russians Will Do is Not Known. Much Aerial and Artillery Activity on Western Front. By the Associated Press. Bern, Feb. 19. According to Vi- onnn A i c ra vTi ac Tia Vr1csTiox7ilr -Fnr oitrn minister has forwarded a wire- vancing on Novo Tcheekask less messae-e to Count. Czernin as follows; As leader of the Don Cossacks "The German government having General Kaledine was opposed to reestablished a state of war with the bolsheviki and he was the lead Russia, without even having given er of the counter revolt against the 'the seven days notice. I have the bolsheviki early last December. On honor to ask you whether the Aus- January 1 the republic of the Don trian government considers itself in was declared with General Kale a state of war with Russia, or dine as hetman. whether it is willing to agree to the articles drawn up at Brest-Litovsk?" GERMAN TROOPS ARE CONQUERING ROSS By the Associated Press. Germany has returned to attack the Russian front and the bolshevik government must face its greatest test the power of German milita- T 1 ( 1 1 rism. invading iorces nave erosseu the Dvina and are advancing east ward from Kovel, Volhynia, to aid the hard pressed Ukranians and protect the food supplies in the new This is the first military M . PAGE NAILS ANOTHER BIG YARN PUT CHAMBERLAIN in Volhynia without fighting. HELP CAMPAIGN ii K now BOLSHEVIK It ;t ta;.-ni-a: til' military AGAINST BAD RUMORS M.Y'H SOCIAL NEWS ,.,wtn. liin Ot tne cuiiimJii-iw. Yv-i.l tVio final decision in two ilagrant murders which stained the f rvil.hvell county. In both instances you nave- j'"" to the appeal for executive clem- .ittur. name v inc "'"-j ctntn.l that there was no rv thB Associated Press. ci;s, jwu - nn v,o.l Mntitinn! me luivicuv-c tj- vv.achino-tnn is. ftursreon (.UIU.L..L iv. , --. x . . . t. " " ing that no one was iniereu w. General Gorgas today started an ac- z vszxrjzrjrz EARL REDDING SIGNS ARMY DRAFT TREATY By the Associated Press. Washing-ton, Feb. 19. Senator i Chamberlain of Oregon, chairman of the military committee, is to be op erated on at once for appendicitis. The senator apparently was improv de this morning after a recurrence of an attack suffered last fall, but after an examination later m the day, his physicians decided to oper ate on him. pi; CO us n!10 nf mir attorneys repre- rv t.i7.P-n to repudiate slanders re- .'UUS. - . , - iL.l. "J . " x scnting the state advised you uiat rdiniff the health conditions and met" tni" m: r,b. 19.-The regular i Wc would offer no counter petition soidierSf The rep0rt that f th, Woman's Club will! but that the matter vraa leit . w th i . , von with the record ot xne suiw io s"'u;ia "W15" "v . .... tVlPfPOIl! P 1rrM11o of Anniofrm Alii mil the suurenits iuui w v..,.- , . aUm miu'ciwu iiiiuivu, i i,,r. in the former case, thati. ia atten- Rv the Associated Press. V-hnrlie Walker, we let you know 00vQi Th? Washington, Feb. 19. Signing of w " . ,.... 4-U.,f 4V.Q nvor- I null Ui Uic Kv,xc. - Kolwapn in nn uncertain leims n"" '"v- " i , , , . i tne army uijit iitcat wt,v-x. ill HO"'" . a . i L nr., ixrvc. tr-nnaA n thrpp nrivatfiS J. . . i , i tt-.-j.j Oi.i. whelming desire of our peupie i"ij Great lintam ana tne umteu otatea was announcea toqjvy. xnts new British ambassador, Earl Redding, affixer his signature as his first of ficial act. court house Friday r at :i o'clock. At three t':,' ! will he a food conser m .v.wj:. Mr. Killian, food . ;'. 1-. and other speakers a'.. irit'Tcstiiiif talks. The ; .'i-rdially invited. By the Associated Press. Berlin, via London, Feb. 19. Ger- republic. man forces have entered Dvirisk, it activity on these fronts since late officially annpunced today by December. " the German war office. The Russians . unsuccessfully attempted to bio up at opposition the bolsheviki the bridge across the Dvina. can or will offer the Germans is problematical. Although the Rus- ANOTHER CAPTURED sian army has been much weakened By the Associated ress. b th mobilization and strife in Th. R.J.I, armv irrouD under the ranks, the bolshevik red guards command of General Linsinten, ac- have been successful against the cording to an official statement issu- Ukranians and other opposing fore ed by the Austrian war omce nas southern Russia. A week occupied the Kussian town ot iutcK AoiaxrA Ah frnrv. grad said the bolshevik leaders were confident the Germans would not attack them. The food shortage in Great Rus sia has become desperate. The sit uation in the Ukraine is serious, which may account for Germany's ! decision to act. On the western front there have been, no decisive movements. In the Champagne the Germans persist in their attempts against the French positions near the Butte du Mesnil. Twice Tuesday the French, who are aided by American artillery, repuls- By the Associated Press. ed enemy ettorts, the Germans oe- London, Feb. 19. Kumors are cur- ing unable to reach the hrst line. v- . . Vici: hfj hnlshevik Aprinl nrfivitv is t.hf. TirpfloTriina- icm, 111 . ' ' r I 4T- government in Petrograd has been ting factor on the British and Amer- , . ? l .rvest of OVerunrOWn uy tne social iicvuiunun- itun huuls, iu cue uuiwi JJiiui"! ists headed by TchernoiT, according airmen have accounted for 16 to the correspondent there of the German airplanes and have dropped -1 ..... 1 . 1 1. A 1 r" 1 1 .... f 1. 1 ;l 1 i'OlitiKen 01 iopeniicteii, says x ui-- nunareas 01 uomos on railways anu patch to the Exchange Telegraph. airdromes. French and P-itish iNikolai Lenine and T'rotzky are bombing squadrons also have at- OVERTHR 01 REPORT Mr-. M. M. U.avc, Flazier of the Lenoir ulty spent Sunday and 'v. the city as guest of SAVANNAH .Mi Brady Kntertains Mr-i. (.'Iiarlfs A. Brady was lios t -' "n :.hi' Virginia Dare Book Club Friday .'it'tfrii-mn. After all books we)'" fx iiati.'.''d V.i'lV 1 v,nf thn vprdict of the jury be al- 0n leave. lowed to stand; but to our utter cha ...: ,i ,iic.nist. vou not only m- tervoned but saw lit to pen an apol-o-v in melodramatic style m which . - nnonnrt lrvp-sick. des- picable, depraved wretch who shot a frightened f lacing innocent girl m the back, was painted a hero. Ihis . i.,.i ,,-ifh tho fact that in this, .t. .,r n.iaf. vou had sriven writ- ten utterances to tne nm WORKMEN WILL NOT STRIKE ANNUAL ROAD INSTITUTE WILL BE HELD THIS WEEK a r,',: rn !n-r t ! cf Mr;, i;,-S.t-m.-ri '".!. til I.', ( ray, u ! Chapel Hill, ,Feh. 19. The fifth annual road institute of North Car olina wiil be held in Chapel Hill this fpfl Press no tiVh 1Q. At. a nnrl Hnsmp- Fridav atternoon. inis nttpndpfl mpptinf? O f the road institute will be conducted by v v i y uiK-'j " o . 1 . . , , 1. j-i n t v,; nnptst. forl, DlnP,l nti strike shm build- the University of North Garonna, tne name it was found that'.uU wou a t : u ,n0 votprl not. to order anv state hichwav commission and the . . . - - , . 1 . . .nnv I (' I I. 113 liu v v " I lliu ai vi 1 . , 1 .Murray and .Mrs. L,oy , c ,7": : V ? in know, however. I further strikes on government North Carolina geological and eco ii-'I npri -ntaire of our law-1 WOrk. The committee returned nomic survey, said to have escaped to Riga. YET ANOTHER IDLE RUMOR IS NAILE 111 1 tun utterances iu uic v ' '.' ' lively score cards tu m ,.take grcat pleasure B the Associ -1 and 1 were soon en- JaJcupon it (which we could Savannah, ( nr.v,s playing rook with J " ot'hcrwise than that very largely a ..1 inwteu guests. At me '-r , r ,. renucst foi'lmpr, pmnloved ha I tin-d for the prize in i,r prize went to Mrs. Mur- vi'ly bottle of toilet water. Tii" l'.i'..;.'..', assisted by her sister M..- Aim!" Killian, served delight fa f'.'fri,,hmfnts. Thi.' P"ciul guests were: Mrs. T. H. ::'.'.'. Mrs. Sid Smyre, Mrs. Sid H"-t, Mrs. W. A. Rhyne, Mrs. Gro V'T Muray, Mrs. Wilfong Yount, M, Vount, Mrs. Chas. !!, Mrs. Lee Sherrill, Mrs. Yount, Mrs. C. W. Sherrill, A tin it- Killian and Willie Mae Many well .V.Uir ,.- citizens did wish the jury s from Washington ast night witn tne autnortes on roau w win - . 1 .nnfmvu I 4. nirosco waOTS. I rrt rr in thP (IP lnPrHllOHS vpnlift to stand ana we "k.... annuuuceniKia ji 1111.". 1""" ", r -ii U1U1L1.1: -Tni-TYiPr rru rrvr. ;nVm IHino- Comnanv Thfi institute will serve ,vpfiitff in mis as m -.1 "'r r, . , case. w ter asceitaining the whereabouts of L:! lflil victim, walks two miles t a ball field and. then shoots an unarmed man playing base-hjill in the back does not constitute evei ,umnnt of murder malice, pre- njoJitaUo... na J are 'fi norant 01 lhu Thps institute will serve as a clear- 1 w 1 I . . , . ,. 1 1 1 I , T-i j-j.: ov,;nVnillmnr ; . fni. T-r.n H hni rime TroD- Tf -l man who iuis niiuse" ana tne r ourmatiun sjiupuuuuu.b 1U6 iwn , II tl HUlll i ,. I , T II TUn -r.i.nrr-1'amo -ran 11 hp fpatlir- ciiia. iuc i l with liqutr, arms himself, strides to Company have plants here. ;own swearing vengeance, and af- T1 i n .nil '. I'. M. . - i:h v t,-- Mrs. Wiirlick Hostess Thf i i -I'uiar meeting of the Thurs ,!.v I!"k Club was held at the beau tiiu! iv,m" of Mrs. G. A. Warlick on Main trvt-t Thursday afternoon at '' ''1'-"' Fourteen members re sP"i:i'"l 1 ) the roll call with appro pr;4tt. (mutations. Vitally intcrest Ul'. 1 u: rents followed ,cach member k'ivii,;- V10 phafjo 0f thought of vrk Low upjiermost the thought of tl'(' world today. The subject of th': lliiv' v.'im Anwntinn nrul two vjry ii.u-rsting papers, were read by Mr W. 1). C ochran and Mrs. C. M. McCdrklc. Following the literary prratri the needs o fthe Y M. C. wit.: discussed and the work of 't at the camps, and it was voted f ,,p ,il'h member to make a volun tary coritrihution to this worthy ob J,,(t. The special guests were Mrs. ' 'le Wdlfong, Mrs. Clyde Rowe and Mrs. Frank Warlick. The club "K'ets with Mrs. W. C. Feimstcr on the -8th. Catawba County News. tacked important points in Lor raine On the American sector the enemy machines have been busy over and behind the American lines. The American gunners kept the Germans high in the air and one of the ene my was brought down by the Amer ican aviator. Nine Americans have been wounded by German shells Bv the Associated Press. There has been considerable artil- Wiashine-ton. Feb. 19. Rumors i mat a large imiiiuci x ici. i auur.. . , . mnnv J Vq Nnn t trninino- wi " . uuisuiie &u wii iiii"" o . . ... wPPk. heeinnine today at 9 o'clock station was cleared up today by a days German airmen raided south- report from Captain rayton tnat oo east England Monday night. JNone of his men were made slightly ill of tne raiders were able to penetrate recently by eating corn Deei nasn Hp. said there were no serious re sults and that the men had return ed to work known -ur' t,ii nnntinue our contention f.- a law-abiding citizenship, but in view of your action in these two .. ..... ..ntmt. but feel sympathy with' 'the oft-heared complaint iii -non-nvpfution ot tne law: and in all smcerety we think that is due you, the chief magistrate of the State of North Carolina, to know that respect tor tne majjr RUAL CARRIERS ARE LEADING IN SALES pi! bv lectures, discussions and de monstrations. More than 100 en gineers and road men will be here for the me'.mg. Amone- the speakers will be A. U. .Williams, state highway engineer of West Virginia; Edwin A. uuetty, state highway commissioner of New York; D. H. Winslow, maintenance engineer of the state hignway com mission; W. L. Spoon, senior en gineer of the United States office nm nublic roads, and J. N. Ambler, civil engineer of Winston-Salem. W. S. Falhs, state highway en neer, will act as director of the institute. Rural Irrnail catrridrs have taken the lead so far this montn in tne rwnuv. --r-- . i ;n our I tne ieau su of the law is torn to shreds in our rf thrift and war savmgs stamps and bid fair to keep up tne Messrs. James a. rry anu fflw YORK COTTON rtniwnnitv. tuliiinu.M.j , . U.,Klrv l I T. OJ. LI1I3 l-w" j iruuauis; iixv tVolpace. IVieSSrs. james ii. i'ljr anv tPtnnt for the law is evidenced in tne :,, Vrv nf routes 3 and 4 are the p rir TTennessee in our . i C5,iPo with n tha Associated Press. niuiui ui ----- . 11V i neau men i neignuorniK tuunij, - r'nock having a sngnt auvanv-c uy New iorK, reo. ix. iw people here deciue upon tu '"r" tne 0ther. market showed renewed steaefmess primitive and less costly execution .. M Lewis Bolick Lw tnrfav., notwithstanding fur- fv,r.i. will, commonly known as i j v0 oiPs hnt. Mr. H. Tpvns. There ui iii-i. - . , i ia tineas in -J"-"' . I tntii rain iwvxxo j.-w... 'Lynch Law," (and it was W1U1 II. Bowman says that when he be- was Liverpool buying and a moder- r n t tnnr. viuiuncc " :., u rio hvoro ot man at xven-i j ,AnA r-r-m tradA smin'es "Ul;w"'' v A ?f was SJna ""'-V V , -n : a1-5 uciimiiucu. - ed in the vvaiKcr case, ," worth later m the weeK ne win while offerings continued ngnt. Cil 111 Hi"- i. --- - , 1WVVUILI1 laici ill. niv- ..wv-ix Wniie Olieilllga (.unimuv only the assurance that tne iaw his average. Then look out, The ciose was steady would deal swiftly and surely thaM u he gays. Open i. ,.i , l thp catnerinj; nii"j j " i ah ii am hrti pitv nnn ni- . on on may congratulate youreslf that you doing gome good work and mracn - aVe more responsible than any other. da brin results. Tl1lv)""" " 29.26 October 28.03 STIREWA REMAIN LT AT L CONCORD Concord, Ftb. 19. Rev. M. L. hiin-walt pastor of St. James 'vanKidical Lutheran church, an nounced to his congregation last 'rht that he would not accept the "dl tendered him recently by the congregation of Holy Trinity Evan f'"'i(iil Lutheran chun-h at Hickory. lie hud received a unanimous call, tjtit an he is doing good work here, whfr he has 400 members, he be J'Vve;4 that he could render better scr Vl,,f'. in Concord. Mt. Rtirewalt for- "'!y was connected with Lenoir "ge. had supplied for Holy Trin ' ifn( was very popular among the MAY CLOSE PLANTS 1. v. A wa Just one more paragrapn uu . nro throueh. If the past is a xruu index to the future you or your sue- imnnttntipi to nardon ccssor win - a ;aA Ptp il n.!mnak and llDOn mai same oy mo naiiuv-ia"-" limnv tii . t-i.t. in Tl, nn i n, ftinn our couruv wnii wasninorton. reu. iv. iu i ' on,i its noace ieopardized .i Tr.ipptric Company has notified L n. in a few years by the presence of the navy department that it short- m . who before the courts oi . wU1 have to shut down tnree oi , . December 27.85 Close 30.07 30.37 29.87 28.66 28.42 HICKORY MARKETS 30c .$2.40 those who before tne courts ia, y will have t0 shut down mree Good mmmg corn ?1.75 were conuemneu wo iiay v...v...rf .. reat piants engageu on wai ui- tho r rrimcs so rifiuy uwuvu. ,i fiP I mixed staxes anu tne t UtLO AVa ... - . I . Sincerely yours, 1ies because the shipping board is FATHER FORECAST (Oinm-u; v..j.;w I taKlUg tiUift. sau.v..0 rf o C. T. Squires, .pastor """ Ueouired by the concern. ,urch of Lenoir; E. N. Joyner Rec-1 re(l GOVERNOR URGES CUIIG 001 POLITICS the defense of London. Premier Lloyd George is expected to appear in the house of commons today to defend the government action with respect to General Rob ertson, chief of the imperial staff, which has caused a storm of crit icism in the British press. Dr. von Kuehlmann, the German foreign minister, it is reported, will address the reichstag today on the Ukranian pact. WOUNDED OFFICER AT W4LSON IS RECOVERING Walson, Feb. 19. Improvement in noted in the condition of Police Of ficer John H. Herndon, who was si. Vytt T '. m T? naA O n QfTVA fT "I'll O ' 4- A Dracs 1 1 1 UJ fill nccu, c nv.iu, vii By the Associaved ress. night of February 12, according to Goldsborcj, N. C, eiD. x. i reports from the hospital, where he earnestly hope that this year all being attended. The indications over North Carolina partisanship are that it will not be necessary i j-;lc.w. onH iiKt lO ailiUUbcllt: ins left, ivucu, vviiu who will be buried m patriotism and Jst i Herndon after the offi- and fair ways maybe found to give wag ghot down by Reed is stnl each party its fair strength of the in the. Wilson jail, the report that he rvfflPPs and that each party win naci oeen spirited away - 7 ; -a. 4. 0t mo who have roneous. tie nas empioyea two nominate its strongest men who have hg defenge WHipti the officer and defendant have win the war, and then instead 0 sufficiently recovered from their Raleigh, Feb. 19. State Food Ad ministrator Henry A. Page is indig nant at reports that have been cir culated in some parts of North Carolina to the effect that the food administration, the department of agriculture or some other branch of the government had issued an order limiting the acreage that may be planted in tobacco, or other crops per horse or mule. These reports are not only absolutely groundless, but Mr. Page states that there is abso lutely no authority in any existing laws for any department of the fed eral government to issue such an or der. This is the first instance that we have had in Nora Carolina of what appears to be definite and injurious propoganda instigated by German agents or pro-Germans, with the deliberate idea of confusing, har rassing or discouraging North Car olina farmers," declared Mr. Tage. "I shall appreciate any informa tion which will throw any light on the origin of such reports. Inciden tally I do not hesitate to express my utmost confidence in such a degree of patriotism upon the part of North Carolina farmers as will re- season in J 3 every iooa crop in the history of our state. "The attitude of the food admin istration toward the farmer may be very simply stated. Our country and a starving world demand the utmost pound of production cf all food crops by every farmer in America. This increased produc tion must come very largely through the increased yield per acre which may be brought about by proper soil preparation and crop cultivation and by the increased use of n(-mures, forest leaves, wood mold and com mercial fertilizer. A smaller acreage in tobacco would be desirable, but beyond this suggestion the food administration is not going to urge any reduction. "I do not think any reduction in the cotton acreage is at all desir able, but rather that a greater pro duction should be secured upon the acreage which we normally plant. Because of the scarcity and the great demand for fats and the large content of wholesome edible oil in cottonseed, cotton may be rightly considered as a food crop, to say nothing of the demand for the staple for clothing and ammunition. "A igreater production of corn, soy beans, peas, Irish and sweet po tatoes, soghrum for syrup, and all hay and feed crops is extremely de sirable and urgent. No family in North Carolina that has an opportu nity to cultivate a garden should neglect to do so. f Any individual inv .North Caro lina or America who neglects or fails to do his utmost in crop pro duction or to make every square foot of his soil and every hour of his time count during the coming season is a slacker and is unworthy of citizen ship in this state and nation. I ow. ciirp however, that we have I few such citizens in North Carolina." rumWiti? over the DOUies m WOUims uie ynjiiiiniiaijf """6 Pad s Idlers, will forego a partizan be given . before Mayor r. u lette. GERMANY DEMANDS nnt.pst. Let's unite to roll up the Mgg Bertje Hunsucker was in the nnnnnn said Governor isicKeut citv vesterdav after a short illness u""" , . . . T 4?fV,Q npakins- to the war savings com- lonowmg xne u-eam ui. u n, mittee here iouay. "This may not be politics, con tended the governor, "but it is pa trintism it is statesmanship, it is ul timate salvation salvation, for after all what will it profit a man it e loses win an omce anu mo thp war?' Thp o-nvprnor. who has put him- pif almost wholly at the disposal Bv the Associated Press. the war savings campaign; stat- Amsterdam, Feb. 19. Peace terms . . n v: Via han no orrerea iiuniaman uv " ed that ior mms r Mwcnanpr oava. must in- PARI OF RUMANIA E GUI ARE INJURED CRUISER MONTANO By the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 19. Eight men have been injured in an explosion of a cartridge case during target prac tice on the cruiser Montana. A brief report to the navy department today gave no details of the acci dent and did not give the names of the men hurt. WILL ORGANIZE TELEPHONE SYSTEM VjiiUIVll u 1 i i 1 t tor, St. James Episcopal church ol T.Pnmr? W J. Rof. pastor Lutheran church, Lenoir; A. S. Peeler, Pastor steeie treasurer t nio-ht in interior. Colder in v. porno ureasiiioi , .... j Reformed church of Lenoir; W. J- jn0. M. Crisp, register of deeds; W. wmab Lenoir; W. J. Pof, pastor Lutheran cralic executive committee; L,. Wednesday; increasing south uaiaweu tuumjf, ' . , ctnmafh for stumping tne stave on j aAov nf thp Dobrudia Fnr North Crolina: Probably ram , , j;flFQVorif.p hptween a Democrat L. ci;,, r.anv also must tonight and Wednesday; warmer to-, Republican. demand an indemnity of an economic 4 tor nr Cnldpr in West , ana f0, , K1I1U especially t imnir -mnvn-r of T.enoir: VV. xs. tvt ivTnrrp pditor Lenoir lopic; rreu WJatson, chairman school board; Uj' May editor Lenoir News; G. W. irnu-e Sisk. sutnerintendent public schools; F. II. Coffey, chairman board of county commissioners; J. A. Trip lets sheriff of Caldwell county; W. C. Moore, Jr., clerk of the superior court; J. C. Seagle, Chairman Demo- F. Harper, president bank of Lenoir; V D. Guire, member council of de fense; E. F. Allen, cashier First Na tional Bank; M. M. Courtney, pres icbnt Lenoir Odjtton Mills, J. H. Beall, G. F. Harper. COMPARATIVE WEATHER High Low Today 41, 1918 44 28 1917 60 mr.H r.w TTpfner and Mrs. D. F. The paper continues: xxo. Y" . , . , f from 1 we allOW riumania to cep u Clme returneu uuu n.x. nf the Danube she e must. Dr. Long's Sanatorium nledire herself to support only a cen ville where Mrs. marion f i r51, Rnronean economic policy. We rt.Z'Jy.ZAeUould not allow her to have a whol- and Mr. u. r . "":." Vp- lv anti-German king, nand s innuence an be gone altogether.' but Ferdi- 44, a very serious operation xney ie- , influence after the wal will nort Mrs. HunsucKer siowiy wu.w - siwpt.hpr .' There will be a meeting on Sat urday, February 23, 1918, at 1 o'clock, p. 4m., in the courthouse at Newton for the purpose of organiz ing a county-wide telephone asso ciation. Everybody come prepared to take stock; both town and country people are urged to come. All commit tees that were appointed by Mr. Mask are requested to make a thor ough canvass of their district and come prepared to make report on . stock that has been subscribed on said countywide telephone system. D. E. SIGMON, Pres. HOMER H. B. MASK, Sec. escent.