PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record TUESDAY EV " HICKORY DAILY RECORD ' TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay I'rlntln Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. S. II. FARABEE Edito J. C. MILLER Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1102 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please atate In their communication both OLD and NEW! addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 regarding omplaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One ye M-00 feix montns -U(J Ahree months pne Mouth - i ma wttc .10 Entered as second class matter Sep tember 11, 1915, ac the postoffice ai Hickory, N. C, undo the act ol March I, 187. a i HEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Tress i3 exclusively entitled to the use ior republication ot all news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also thfe local news puolisneti herein. Boys 1G years old and over are urged to register during the week beginning MaTch 8 for work on the farms and shops in order to re place as far as possible those mil lions of men who have been called into the national service. Furthei details of the enrollment, which is under the auspices of the federal de partment of labor, are expected, and in the meantime boys who have not much to do may be thinkh g the mat ter over. Here is a chance to earn good wages and at the same time serve the country. Sir Cecil Spring Rice, whose deatn occurred at Ottawa the other day, rendered fine service to his country for more than three years of bitter war, during which time the Uniteu States was drawn in. But then, was never the slightest strain on his reputation as a statesman and gen tleman, in marked contrast to an other ambassador, who was dismiss ed, and to a third, whose conduct was so notorious that he can never return to this country. TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 1918 HAVE LOST SYMPATHY The Russian revolution could have had a good cll'ect on the people of Ger many and Austria had moderates like MiliuUotr and Kerensky retained con trol of the government, but a reac tion was bound to follow the taking over of tho government by the bol sheviki. Men had rather endure oppression than anarchy and laui der, and Austrian and Germans who might have looked to the cast for light have now recoiled from the darkness they beheld. The Berlin Socialist paper V'oerwarts, which had been holding out a friendly hand to the Russian bolshcviki, now dis avows any sympathy with them, a disavowal, we may be sure, that was made only after this organ of Ger man radicals had been convinced that the cause of freedomwas being retarded by tho wild men who now hold the destinies of Russia. The bolshevik is backward and not foi ward, and no sane people would want Lo exchange almost any form of government for the wreck ana ruin polick pursued by Trotzky and Lcnine, Progressive Watauga, we may call it. With a bond issue for good roads and a bond issue in Boone township for a railroad, the best mountain county in the south will be able to draw dividends on its great capital of natural resources. St. Andrews Lutheran church has a small membership, but a live one. That church subscribed $664 in one day to the campaign fund to keep ministers at the front with Lutheran boys. . That's the spirit. When the war broke out every body in this country felt that ships would win the war, and this was the cry throughout the country. Foi some reason a slow start was made; but the need of ships has been greater with each day of the war. If Russia would only use some of those powder and bullets where they would do the most good. We say it now and we will repeat it in July that the summer time is the best. Special at Pastime Thursday, February 21st MARY PICKFORD iT "THE ROMANCE OF THE REDWOODS" By Cecil B. DeMille & Jeanie Macpherson An A r t c r a f t Pict u r e An-Attraction Extraordinary Dort Bliss It mm nnnnnn -u THL ational Bank SELLS Professional Cards a a ill First a nrnmttTtmm a Dr. W. B. Ramsay g Demtlft Office over Shnf ord's Drug Store, p HJckory, N. G, IS W fit vm Special at Pastime Today 7f FANNIE WARD in " ON THE LEVEL A Paramount Picture in 5 Parts By Marion Fairfax from Story by Charles Kenyon A Very Fine Picture Don't Miss it Special Music Tonight Admission 5 &15c Special Wednesday-EMILY STEVENS in "ALIAS MRS. JESSUP." A Metro Wonderplay in 6 parts. a a a Manufacture of all Mads f g n Repairing Specialty. Hickory, N. C. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. HARNESS, BREDLBct. AND STRAP WORK. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP P. M. THOMPSON, Proprletof First-Clcss Work Guaranteed Phono 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th treot Hickory, N- G Next to First Buildin ft Loan offlco. a n a a a a Get in line today. Join this movement to finance government out of your small change. If your boy or girl has some money in a little tin ba&k, bring it down and put in in Thrift Stamps issued by the government. We make no charge. We handle them free, and will give you a circular showing how they work. These stamps are rtal By only' Baby Government Bonds, and should be in every home in America. They are redeemable at any time, and bear four per cent compound interest if left till 1923. Tho Poles now realize more than ever that the Germans were promis ing them a free state only to obtain support in the war against Russia. How hollow this promise was could be seen at tho time Germany did not intend to create a new Poland out of the old Poland, but only from that part which Russia a quired as her part of the nefarious division of tho former kingdon., which also included Austrian Galicia and East Prussia. Now Germany has promised the Ukraine a part oi Polalnd for making a separate peace and agreeing to furnish supplies, and in tho meantime the Poles are in a frenzy over the trick. ISA1LROAD TO REACH NORTH CAROLINA IRON State Food Administrator Henry A. Page explained to a minister who thought the United States should not send wheat to England as long as the breweries in Britain are allow ed to operate that it is not the business of one democratic country to tell another what it should do: wff have enough if we look after our own affairs; but Mr. Page explained that tho breweries use barley, which is not required in making bread, and that all the waste is used to feed stock. Like most of us, Mr. Page is a prohibitionist, but he won't let his personal views stand in the way of doing the right thing. The United States expects to re lease 4,000,000 tons of shipping for the transportation of troops and sup plies by tho president's recent ol der placing all foreign commerce un der license. Only necessities will be traded in, and American ships will be withdrawn from the non-essential trade and put to carrying men ana suppliles to Europe. Neutral ships will bo used between the Pacific and Asia and the Atlantic and South Am erica and the allies will take over hunderds of vessels. George Cochran, whoso Newton hens were the wonder of this section (luring those few days when hens an, bound to lay, is having a little joke on Maj. W. S. Bernard, well known Wilmington editor, who is planting a potato crop this year. In the Star George says that New Hanover is to increase its potato crop 150 per cent and that the major will come across with 50 per cent of the increase. One of these days an ed itor will have a real garden thougn who he will be nobody knows. What this section needs, after good highways, is a road from Le noir to Blowing Rock. It should be electrically operated. Wilmington Star. One of the hopeful signs that the natural resources of the mountain regions of North Carolina are to be developed on a considerable scale comes in the announcement that on Tuesday last at a special election in Boone township, Watauga county, the citizens voted in favor of a township issue of $20,000 in bonds for the construction of a railroad that will give an outlet for the min eral, timber and agricultural produc tion of that portion of one of the most marvelous sections of the mountain region of the state. This means that the county seat town of Boone will be connected with the outside world by rail. The bonds will be used in the extension of the Linville River railroad, which now operates from Johnson City, Tenn., to Shulls Mill, in the southern part of Watauga county.' This will extend the road seven miles from Shull's Mill to Boone, the provision being that the road shall be con structed within a year. This ar rangement, it is understood, the Linville River railway company is prepared to carry out. When the seven miles of road is completed Boone will have direct connection with both Tennessee and North Carolina. Connection with the C. C. and O. at Johnson City gives them splendid connection with the west, and persons leaving Boone in the morning by touching Johnson City and Marion, will be able to reach Greensboro the same evening. The road that is to be extended runs through a portion of the rich iron region of Wfatauga county. While the connection with the in terior and coastal portions of North Carolina is round-about through Johnson City, Tenn., the development of railroad building in the mmeral section of the state increases the possibilities that gome day that re gion can get into direct connection with the port of Wilmington by means of connecting lines now in operation or that ought to be built. The new extension to Boone, it is expected, will prove of great com mercial and industrial advantage to the town of Boone and the fine mountain section that it will serve. Tn fact, its nromoters and the peo ple of the whole county are enthu siastic over the possibilities of get ting out to market with the timber, cattle and varied agricultural pro ducts of an unknown Eldorado of natural resources .A great variety of harwoods abound in the section that is to have the benefit of rail transportation. SEAPLANE SiHOT DOWN AND AMERICAN PILOT MISSING Washington, Feb. 19. A naval seaplane on scout duty in European waters has been shot down and its pilot, Ensign Albert Dallon Sturte vant of Washington, D. C. is missing the navy department was advised by cable from England. No details were given in the dispatch, but the department said it feared the ensign had been lost. Ensign Sturtevant enlisted in the naval reserve shortly before war was declared last April and; ws sent to England for duty last September. m. ALFRED, W. BULft TO SEF BETTER SEE DULA ESS ibie. The Best Eouipment ObtainabL Classes Fitted Exclusively MARTIM BLGCK, UHOIftM" J C. I if you got it irom luua. n "6" 1 ft'Tca PAPEK FOR DATES. LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Deo'L Bos 127 Charlotte, N. C IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Ilkap of (Happiness it Would Bring to Hickory Homes Hard to do household work with an aching back. Brings you hours of misery at lei sure or at work. If women only knew the cause that Backache pains ofter come from weak kidneys, 1 i . 'Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. . i Read what a Hickory citizen says: Mrs. Elmina Hahn, 528 Chestnut Ave., says: "My back pained me so severely I could hardly stoop and it was hard for me to straighten up. I was kept awake at night and mornings was tired. Doan's Kid ney Pills, which I got at Lutz'is Drug Store removed the trouble and reduced the swelling in my feet." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Hahn had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Notice! All persons who subscribed for Liberty Loan Bonds through The First National Bank of Hickory, and who have not already arranged to pay for them are requested to call at the Bank at once and arrange to take them up. If not convenient to pay cash for them, the bank can carry the balance due with the bond as security, but in either case we will appreciate an early adjustment, as we want to close our records for this issue. FIRST NATIONAL BANE, HICKORY, N. C. TALKS ON TIRE TROUBLES Giving prompt attention to the cctndition of your tires and tubes will be money in your pocket. Don't throw away what we can save for you. Let us show you. See. Hickory Vulcanizing and Supply Co, 1222 Ninth Avenue 'Better be safe than sorry" I FIRST Capital and Surplus $300,000,00. Four Per Cent, interest uu su BAN K gs nounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. Hickory, N. C, Accounts, Con- ciiTiTADv DDrcciwr run W. H. BARBrJlt, Top Cleaninsr. Pressing, Dry Cleaning, Dying and Repairing Rear Palace Barber Shop Phone 286. All work guaranteed. W.P.SPEAS, M.D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hickory, N. C. Office Over Hickory Drug Company Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 Fig Cascaros PLUMBING E. A. HICKS PHONE 126-L Better Farming in the South Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUST BKB CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO As a mild, palatable, yet thoroughly effective over night laxjative, they are unequaled. Children take them willingly. After a single trial, you will want to keep a box in the medi cine cabinet always. Money refunded if not satisfied. GRIMES AND MURPHY, Druggists "On the Corner'' -:- Opposite Post Office "IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH" PHONE 300 j DR. E. E. ROGERS CHIROPRACTOR Disease of the Spine and Ner vous system, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Neuritis, Stomach, Liv er, Kidney, Bladder, Constipa tion, etc. Consultation and examination free. Offilce hours 2 to 5 p. m. )ffice over Lutz Drugstore. PHONE 77 THREE HUSKY FELLOWS READY TO HELP OUT IN THE LABOR SHORTAGE 1 LLJ-rrMaMMB!i8tJ 1 Common labor is today the most sought after com modity in America, It Is very scarce throughout the en tiro country. Farm en of the South are especially wor ried over the situ ation. During war times the farmer should be doubly economical of so J. N. HARPER valuable a com modity as labor. It must not be wast ed. Now is not the time to employ labor to clean out fence corners, and to do other kinds of the less produc tive work. There must be no lost mo tion. Every llok must be made to count In answering the call of our na tion and her allies, who are calling out to the farmer "Give us bread! Give us clothing I " The best way to economize labor on the farm today is to produce more per acre. The southern farmer will act most unwisely if he tries to culti vate too much land with the present supply of labor. A better plan would be not to increase the acreage devoted to cultivated crops, but to produce more per acre, by the use of fertiliz T, manure, good seed and Improved machinery, all of which will save la bor. One ton of good fertilizer will do Rort work la zrowln orona than will six times this amount of money ex pended in labor. For example, one ton of good fertilizer will now cost about $46.00. The plant food in this quantity when applied to three acres of land will give an increase of about 750 pqunds of lint cotton and 1,600 pounds of seed. The lint at 30c per pound amounts to $225.00, and the seed at $80.00 per ton amounts to $60.00, making a total of $285.00. Few business concerns net 50 per cent Increase on money invested in labor, but, granting that the farmer will net 100 per cent on his invest, ment in labor, and supposing that he pays $1.00 per day for labor, the $46.00 invested in fertilizer, when in vested in labor, would net him $46.00; whereas, when Invested in fertilizer, it gives him a net increase of $239.00 Thus it can be seen the tremendous advantage of supplementing labor with liberal applications of plant food Likewise an Improved piece of ma chinery that makes it possible to cul tivate an acre of cotton or corn with perhaps half tho labor ordinarily em ployed, and cultivate it better, should be looked to at this time as a source of help in facing tho labor shortage. Good seed of a strain known to do well in a community will do much to ward increasing yields, without an in crease of acreage. Is this not a time when the farmer should be sure to use these three cron makers, to the fullest extent, to oft set the labor shortage? V , DR. G. E. FLOWERS Having enjoyed a large coun try practive for 32 years, an now located in Hickory and to. licit a share of the general prac tice. Office at 8th avenue and 15th street. Children's diseases a specialty. DR. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will answer calls day or night. Residence phone 308-L. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup a a a a p E3 Q a D a Its taste is exceedingly pleasant. It does not derange the stomach. It contains nothing harmful. Its purity is above reproach. It will relieve you or money back. Its a large bottle for the money. We sell more of it than any othei cough remedy. JOHN C. MURPHY NOTARY PUBLIC Grimes and Murphy Drug Store HICKORY, N.C. It Sells For ickory The REXAL1 25 c per bottle Store -ompany Telephone 46 D. T. APPLEGATE Justice of Peace Office Van Dyke Book Store Residence Phone 43-L. iWlwiimii Hi' MHIIllHttimtmmm Tttttrm Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to Fistulas, Fissures Ulcers, Pruritus Cured. No "cutting, no confien- m'"""""n ""iMinmiTTr PILES We are equipped to handle anything in the printing line. Orders ' taken for any kind of engraving. FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILE G. C. I VERY Safe D r i v e r FHONE LUTZ S DRUG STORE 17 and 317 Place Your Order TODAY and have your work in time. Oay Prim tin; Phone 1 67 ail