'.I r f r ickomy Daily Record u'.. in. no. its HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 18, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS BRITISH RESTORE LINE SOI'IWEST OF KEMMEL Mo Change in Positions During Night, and Ger mans Start Attack ElsewhereFrench Shoot Down Germans as They Try to Ap proach Their Defenses Associated Presi. April IS. Southeast of ii,!! mi the northern battle ' ' German forces pressei l.ntish 1 i n slightly, but the :: was restored! by counter :;. war office announced to night there was no , t!ie 1. ritisli positions. Hailleul sector the Ger tie three attacks before :,r..ay and in each attempt i.m.I. ..nans opened a heavy bom the British positions ..h estern part of the bat I'liHii'ii Locon and Robecq ,. night. The bombardment ,:i progress at dawn to- i:iii.i.i:uy STOPS HUNS --io,'ataed Press. iril IS After a prelimi- i.lvnlmont. strong German i.s attempted, to advance i .. ar (rbeny on the Aisno I'.' lay's official., statement ..:.u.k was broken up by the I'.i'Mit'tu follows: i, rcii'ii of Corbeny the a.i::ht under their fire and i strong German detach :r ii attempted to approach !; !;iu after artillery prep- 1 rrnuns undertook several ii" Champagne, especially ..!". i - in the Corrieres wood. :v t Mi'iiiy's efforts were re. i'. I prisoners remain in our :.v..-.t of Uoizo in Lorraine ' rtK ii in several incursions ;:man lines and took a ii .ji.licr of prisoners. I KNGAGKI) A -vticiated Press. .,. out. April 18. The atv heavily in action on the ,iira in France,, according a'-t cable from London. BONO SALES REACH OTAL OF $8134,450 .: -t National Hank today ran , sales up to $131,450. an -I iav the list was publish ''.'.' m i . The list today fol- Ka'lurine Allen, Miss Lou . I'.'-. K. Anderson, V. R. v, Miss Ilwsa Lee Dixon, iihvs II. Dixon, S. R. Deitz, i '!.;. M. Dixon, Dudley Shoals M''l!.-l Falls Manufacturing 'v Kails Mfg. Co., II. W. I! ' kury Community Club, Kitrie Co., Hickory Mfg. II ty Hill, . I. W. Page, P. C. Iv-tate of A. A. Shuford, A. Smith, W. L. Stacy, F. M. . A .A. Whitener, Mrs. A. ia r, Miriam A. Whiteter, Whitener. T. Manly White s''. i Whitener. Howard R. Julian G. Whitener, L. J. II. D. Williams. reported $111,550.00 port 22,900.00 a: r. Mr. $134,450.00 WIN. '! OMMANDER MVS CYCdLPS IS SAEF '.! 'If ' V ; a i , i . ; . a I i.i'! ' t'. ' rv-,,, it.-. Mi. Mr ""ii,;,. Ill; j ! .. 'I' iir. , I"'ia ., v.i ... fllili;, , I IT "f Ihl. Va., April 18. Mrs. Sel " il' v. wife of Lieutenant' r George Wichmann Wor mder of the missing naval lops in a statement issued 'leclarod that the mystery the disappearance of w II be cleared up within -1 hours. In one state - alleged to have said that ; is safe in a South Am !ind that an official an t would soon be forthcom- FRUIT IS DAMAGED COL. YODER REPORTS There is nothing new in this neck of the woods at present. All seems to be very quiet. Everybody is attending to his farm work in pre paring his land for the ensuing crop. No corn planted yet, but a few small kroating patches. The irardenine- is somewhat delayed on account or the bad weather. There will be a large crop of sweet potatoes planted this summer from the many large beds of seed potatoes planted. ao lar the wheat is looking fine. Scarcely any live peaches are on the trees and from the general ap pearances there will be a light crop of them. We are fearful that the ap ple crop is also damaged somewhat. Ihe general health of this section appears to be fairly good. Love McGill has moved to South Carolina to work at the sawmill business for L. N. Rudisill. The school closed at the Yoder school house on last Saturday with a public entertainment in an old fashioned exhibition. Wutt Shuford and A. A. Whitener were the public speakers. The string band of Bandys' township were there in full bloom ready to dis play their talents in music, which was fairly good. Then after night they had a public play and songs by which they gathered in some thing over $25 to go for the use of the school property. There are but few sweet potatoes yet remaining in the country that are not shipped. Here we give a problem for some one to solve. Arithmetically sup pose that the Germans fire their big cannon loaded with a shell exactly at 8 o'clock. What time would it fall in the city of Paris, said to be 76 miles? Examine the rules of math ematics to be your standard rule to solve it. That will teJl the rate of velocity per second. We have come to the conclusion that old ground hog and the crawfish had a tussel for the supremacy about tho weather and the crawfish hit him a terrible blow and knocked him back into his hole and hence drew all the cold weather with him, and hence the last cold spell followed. G. M. YODER. jHICKORY RAISES:FIRST BILLION IN AMERICANS .. .... i MINIMUM BONOS NOW , BUSY IN TOUL QUOTA RAISED SECTOR Mr. J. D. Elliott, chairman of the Catawba county Liberty Loan com mittee, this afternoon wired the fed- By the Associated Press. With the American Army in By the Associataed Press. Washington, April 18. Subscrip- eral reserve bank at Richmond that'tions of $107,000,000 reported to the France, Wednesday, April 17. Amer- liickory had subscribed for more treasury tody sent the total Liberty lcan trooPs operating on the Lor. than its quota of bonds and "Send .Loan pledges over the first billion ' Taine sector have taken over con- honor flag." The telegram follows: m hmm i tro1 of No Man's Land. Patroll- ARE'LYS BATTLE LINE FIRM i ! MARSHAL HA1G REPORTS British Front Intact After Yesterday's Great Fights Germans Now Try to Take Bethune and Hazebrouck, Two Important Rail way Points Behind Positions LENOIR WINS T.fnoir CoIIpp-p defeated Bine-ham at Asheville yesterday by a score of J. to 0, this undoubtedly oeing tne prettiest game played by the locals this season. Miller and Cline form ed the battery for Lenoir and Brown and Beck for Bingham. BRITISH NW HOLD ! : i r ''I V '! y is known to have vis- rnes of families who have "ill relatives on the ship 1 rn not to be worried any t the mystery would be ; iteij a n'ewspaper office i'h an interviewer not to .v she had iriven and as husband had changed his '"fit he was born in Ger aring, "I wjH give a big- "morrow," of the safety l"f).H. 1 1 in '" V'H OF Hits. MARTIN i t. Martin, an aged lady i"xt across the river from 'lied Tuesday evening "'ral wfiu Vinlil fmm Zinn hiiroh today. She had just '""lie from a. visit to the 11 I'l'nce. where Mrs. Sallie 1 1 . 1 illHl i ,,. "'"'i'T;io Hi. -a. II : '""'y '."J years old, had just "n her return was strick wa an excellent woman. THEIR LINES INTACT Hy the Associated Press .'With the British Army ,in Frnnifo. ArMl 18k Hie Germans brought up fresh divisions for the' hard thrust which they made yester day. Although the Britsh were un able to hold W;ytschaete and Meter en, which they had retaken by a bril liant counter attack, they beat off the enemy elsewhere. The British maintaned their line throughout the night. The renewed bombardment oi me British front between LaBasee and nivenehv and Nieote forest suggests the Germans contemplate another heavy drive in this region in tne nope of taking Betnune and creating a new salient. All the attacks were repulsed. At ft ftVWk this moraine the bom- ki wimoTit wna nearlv of drumfire in tensity between Locon and Robecq, where the enemy had tried repeated ly to gain a footing. NEW TORI'EDO INVENTED Popular Mechanics Magazine. Ifrhaps the outstaniding feature of a new rtwtfo-controlled tjbrpedo, the invention of a young wrreless experimenter, enlisted in the navy, is its purported ability to resist in terrupting impulses sent out by an enemy vessel. It is electrically driven and ob tains power from a storage battery contained within it. The radius of action is not limited to a few miles, for enough stored energy to keep the mssile moving for 10 hours if need be, is provid ed. A CHINESE DIVORCE In China when a couple seeks a divorce they must break a pair of chopsticks in the presence of witness es, and the thing is done. But that is not all. Divorces are allow ed in all cases of criminality, mutu al d(jslike, jealousy, compatibility of temperament and too much loqua city on the part of the wife! In Siberia the man can just please himself as to whether he shall di vorce his wife. For the most trifling act of his wife he tears a cap or veil from her face, and that con stitutes a divorce. Exchange. "Bona fide subscriDtions for third Liberty Loan Bonds received exceed ing quota of Hickory, and still com ing. Send honor flag. 1"J .D. ELLIOTT, Chairman." Catawba county is still behind in its minimum allotment, however, and Hickory will help make up the defic iency. In addition the Hickory Lib erty Loan committee hopes to raise at least $50,000 mor eso that the loan may be more than subscribed here, and fo that the bit Hickory people do will stretch the total. The campaign will be carried on just as if this town was behind in its good work, and everybody is urged to come across and buy a bond. mg parties are making almost night ly visits up to the German wire en tanglements without seeing an ene- with $1,059,588,000. "This figure," sad a treasury state ment, "while encouraging is unsat isfactory to the Liberty Loan com- my. short of what it should be if the ' A lieutenant and a party of 12 mittees. The daily average is still ; mad a five-hour exploring trip of the German third line trench, mak ing photographs unobserved. three billion dollar minimum or more is to be raised." 10 MAKE UKRAINE GERMAN PROVINCE BELGIANS THROW GERMANS OUT OF L IS By the Associated Press. Washington, April 18. In carry ing out their plan to make the an Austro-German colonv. An artillery lieutenant in an obser vation post sighted a German field kitchen coming up to the enemy. He fi'.nve his battery its position and the kitchen was destroyed by three shots- RED CROSS CONCERT TOMORROW EVENING By the Associated Press. 'Wfith the British Army in France, April 18 An effort made by the fourth German army which holds the ions and with additional selections of flank to the sea to similar character. The entertain- A musical recital under the aus pices of the Piedmont Phonograph Company will be given at the Aca emy of Music on Friday night at 8 o'clock. M. Frederick McMurray will render a group of violin select- MEN ARE WANTED TO LIST THEIR NAMES - TIL rain a". on A no f - u , a. , enemy's nsrht flank to the sea to HIO teiiuai powers UlieilU 10 OlSSOlVe .. .. , . , mant riTrwrniaoa trw l.a rno r,f YtrPmP the Ukraine rada and install an Aus-'dnve the Belgians to the coast was men t promises to be one of extreme tro-German government, a report to extended yesterday. At half past Mr McMurray is a very talented the state department today said. ! eight in the morning the Germans violinist and his renditions will be a The Germans already have cut off , attacked on a front four miles near treat for the music loving public of all communication between the J T -.--i.,. . Hickory. The entire proceeds of this Ukraine and Russia. It has been , ' . , , . . ' entertainment will be given to the established that Ukraine money has j The Germans gained a footing m Red Cross Tickets 25c. been driven out and Austro-German the Belgian positions, but they were i i j j i I money suDsuuueu. thrown out after a fight lasting all The latest dispatches on the situ- i , -rp, , . . , r.n ation contains the statement that the day' The Belgians took 600 pris arrest of all the entente officers in oners, which ncluding many officers, DR. SCHAEFFER HEARD BY LARGE CONGREGATION the province has been ordered. BEN FRANKLIN HELPS "111 1 ! wmcn Deiongea to seven amerent A iare and iattentive cone-ree-a regiments. ( tion heard the Rev. W. C. Schaeffer Six henvv nttfipTi-s were delivered of Atlanta last night at Holy Trin- xr v I m ifi V t a yesterday afternoon about Bailteul Luthera n church. The subject, New York, April 18. The United ' ., , The Everlasting Gospel," was pre- States marines have enlisted the m an attempt to create another sal- sented jn a ciear and impressive services of Ben Franklin to aid in ient in the Flemish marshes'. Kem- manner, showing that while we are thtfr 'recruiting campaign Were. jmel hill was assaulted in the after- in the midst of change, the one con The occasion warranted ceremony. '. tV, ,, n. stant and unchanged fact is the love Soldiers of the sea from the navy , ' , of God. Rev. Schaffer is the yard and a band paraded. Mayor oai-K anu d resi.orai.on oi ine uue. President of the Georgia Lutheran Hylan spoke. effected. The marines did not doubt that; The local board has received in structions to list men of draft age into the various branches of the service for which they are best fit ted and in which they would rather serve. Among these occupations are auto-mechanics, blacksmiths, .brakemen, carp.enters, chauffeurs, clerks, commissary sto)re-keepers, concrete foremen or workers, cooks, engineers, electricians, inspectors car (railroad), linemen (telegragh or tel ephone), machinists, motorcyclists, painters, plumbers, section hands, (railroad), sheet iron workers, sol ( rjenif, tinsmiths, stenographers, surveyors, teamsters, telegraph op erators, telephone operators, who can speak German, wagon makers, etc. Many other occupations are listed and a man who is skilled or has a knowledge of any of the va rious occupations would not only fill the need of the army today but would have an opportunity to re ceive material personal benefit, which will aid him in advancement in his army career and in after life. This opportunity is only open to men within the draft age. Apply to your local board at the earliest pos sible moment fpr full information. This offer will expire April 27. the famous patriot would help their. corps if he were alive. So without hesitancy they established a recruit ing tent in front of the Franklin statue at Nassau street and Park row. i ANOTHER BREAK IN COTTON MARKET By the Associated Press. New York, April 18. Another big smach occurred in the cotton market today, prices dropping about $8 a bale. The break was attributed to talk of price-fixing. AMERICAN TIN DEPOSITS New 'York Tribune. A report upon the tin deposits in the Kings Mountan district of North and South Carolna has been issued by the United States Geological Survey. This region has oxide of tin in many places, and has been "rather extensively prospected, with attempts at mining. In at least one place, in Gaffney, placer mining was temporarily profitable. In the main, however, mining work has been done at a loss; yet the conclusions are that operations thus far neith er prove nor disprove the value of some of the deposits. DEATH OF MRS. II AWN Mrs. Sallie Hawn, aged 95 years, 8 months and 7 days, died Tuesday and was buried yesterday at Zion Luth eran church, about 5 miles south of Hickory. fler husband died 71 years ago, and at the time of her death lived with Mr. Charlie White ner. Three children were born to the union and all have passed away. There were four grand children, five great grandchildren and ten great, great grandchildren. She was an aunt of Messrs. Calvin and Ephriam Hawn of this city. Before her mar riage she was a Miss Seitz. HEALTH IS 00 Synod, and a consecrated minister. His stay in Hickory Willi prove helpful to all who are fortunate enough to hear him. AT ALL AM CAMPS TO PAY FULL PRICE FOR RAILROAD COA L By the Associated Press. Washington, April 18. (Railways hereafter will purchase their coal at the full market price and cars will Via aranT di.strihnt.ed to nil mines nn- By the Associated Press. d an areement bv the railroads Washington, April 18. The health and fuel administrations. The of all troops in the United States plan was adopted after President continues good, the war department Wilson had intervened in a contro , , ' . f ,. versy between the fuel and railroad announced today m a report ending administrations. April 12. Both hospital admssions, and death rates were lower than in I .. -; The hip-hest CHIEF CLERK E. H. BAKER the previous week. The highest BACK AT RALEIGH DESK death rate was from pneumonia. The total number of deaths at all j Raieigh, April 18.-Everard camps was 285, as against 290 the Baker, chief clerk in the office week before. Pneumonia continues the state auditor, was back on i i j?;J -, ,- j-- .,. oil northern ram, with some in- J0D greeting nis liienu. mm AN EXHIBIT OF SPIDER WEBS American Museum Journal. Notwithstanding the fact that a spider web is so fine and delicate that unless covered with dust or sparkling with dew it is almost in visible, the American Museum of Natural History is now displaying a series of these webs, 12 in number, so mounted on dark backgrounds as to be planly visible. The spiral construction, widening gradually from the centre outward, is easily traced. The webs are accompanied by colored plates of the spider which spun thorn. S me r-piders live in the "web they spin; ethers spend only the nights there, hiding during the day in re treats often some distance away, with a sint.le thread leading to the web. One of the larger spiders, Aunea tr'foiium, for instance, spin:', a thread from the centre of its web to a tent made of leaves and silk. Sittings in his tent, the spider hold.; the thread in such a way that it knows when the web is shaken by its insect prey. EARL OF DERBY IS SPECIAL MINISTER H. of his Mr. R. M. Bumgarner and daugh ter, Miss Delia, left today for Tulsa, Okla., where they will visit Mr. Bum garner's son, Mr. C. T. Bumgarner, and daughter, Mrs. J. L. Friday. The best insurance is a Liberty Bond or a War Savings Stamp. his moiiqI oflfahlo cmlile and nssilttance .n 1 I ... Ut.1 ... ...... 1 . creases in other diseases was report- that he had thoroughly enjoyed a ed. much needed two weeks' vacation which he spent in the mountains. He LIBERTY MOTOR'S GOO DWORK.says he had been feeling the need New York Evening Sun. for a rest for some time and deter- The successful flight of a great ' mined to go Easter Monday and then bombcarrying biplane from Langely realized that this was the first of S, Virgfnia, to M'ineola, a distance the month an especially busy time of 325 miles, n about three hours, m the auditor's office. Therefore he seems to prove that the Liberty mo-, stayed over until Tuesday morning, tor wfiVi drove the big machine can Ap 2 to. clear up the first of do Us work well, at least in this' the month rush and then set out for kind of service. Maj. Brown who his rest determined to lose himself pUoted it, reported that the motor . s? far as communication with Ral d id not m ss fire once and showed an eigh was concerned. So he had not uiu iiui - :urtinT1 The seen a newspaper or had any commu- UnUVnl not built for Seed but Nation with anyone in Raleigh until ma to carrv very heavy ame back to take up his work, is .mtended to carry very m heavy b; chief derk the Ef eatedr aScitytMs rotate auditor, he is United States spect than any other type yet. devel- P-P-y - e of STr doco? SricTy tenant commander. . taS SuSlrilddKnt sS AT BROOKFORD CHURCH a test as this will be universally j greeted, as a welcome indication of, very interesting series of ser efficiency. It it is good as this show-, viices nave -een conducter at the Re iner implies let us have more of them fnvmp church at Brookford this WAKE STILL LEAOS and as soon as possible. NEW YORK COTTON week by Rev. W. W. Rowe. Tomor row night will close the meeting and there will be communion on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. BOND CAMPAIGN By the Associated Press. Raleigh, Ap(ril .18, i Ttal sub scriptions to the third Liberty Loan as reported at noon today showed $5,546,750. Among the individual counties Wake still holds the lead with $598,780, followed by Forsyth with $582,860. Of the total subscriptions report By the Associated Press. New York, April 18. A further advance met renewal of more or less general selling and was responsible for a decline. The market subse- j quently rallied. Offerings became, very heavy and the break was ac companied by renewed talk of price-j fixing of some sort in tne goods market. The close was steady. Open May '.30.20 July 29.78 October -- 28.gl December 28.05 January -- -- -- --27.94 GERMAN MPEROR E VIEWS HIS WORKS By the Associated Press. Amsterdam, April 18 Emperor Wlillinm recently made a visit to the 28.39 Kottlo field near Oueant. west of Zt.l6 26.40 26.72 an- By the Associated Press. London. April 18. Official nouncement was made today that the Earl of Derby has been appointed ambassador extraordinary and min ister pleipotenjtiary to France to succeed Lord Bartie. Viscount Milner becomes secretary for war and J. Austen Chamberlain a member of the war cabinet. WILL MEET FRIDAY The Mothers' Club of the North building will meet tomorrow after noon at 2:45. WEATHER FORECAST For North Carolina: Probably oc casional rains tonight and Friday. Cooler tonight in the interior. Much cooler Friday, light south winds becoming north. Bv the Associated Press. Field Marshal Haig today reports his line on the Lys battle front stand- mtact last night as it existed sterday morning following the itish retirement east of Ypres, no ground having been lost in the fight ing yesterday. Checked for the time at least in some of the strong positions domin ated by Kemmel hill on the northern portion of this front, the Germans are turning their attention to the southward in an effort to take Haze brouck. A heavy bombardment of the Brit ish positions here between Locon and Robecq was reported in progress this morning. The enemy is finding himself cramped on the southerly side of the wedge he has pushed into the Brit ish lines and seems in an effort to widen it out here. Further on at Locon the Germans are only three miles from Bethune, an important railroad center, and at Robecq are a short distance from Hazebrouck. The British have been holding this sector of the front as strongly as they have the northwesterly edge of the salient, where they have held up German attacks to take Hazen brouck, as was indicated anew in the repulse of fresh German attacks last night in the Merris sector along the Bailleul-Hazenbrouck railway. It seems not unlikely that the en entente higher command has fore cast a possible larger German pur pose to drive determinedly south ward, envelop Bethume and push on to the point where they can compel the British to fall back from Given chy and the region north of Arras, where the dominating Vimy ridge is the commanding factor. The development of the enemy de monstration on the Locon-Robecq line, however, will be followed with the greatest interest. In the Arras region and the line south of Al bert the British have held up the enemy push to Amiens. K. OF P. TO BE MEETNG ENJOYABLE Arrangements have been complet ed for the K. of P. celebration to night. State Grand Chancellor Byron Clark, D. D. of Salisbury will be the principal speaker while quite a number of short addresses will be made by local speakers. There will be quite a number of out of town K. of P on hand besides qitfte a puml:-r of invi,ted guests The entertainment committee have planned for an attendance of 150. It will be an open meeting for all K. of P. and their friends to celebrate the growth of the lodge for the past year. A general good time is prom ised all who attend and no one can afford to miss this the biggest K. of P. gathering of the year. MISS PAULINE BAHNSON AND MR. GRAY TO MARRY TODAY .Winston-Salem, Aprli 18. An event of wide social interest here will be the marriage this evenng at 8 o'clock of Miss Pauline Lissette Bahnson, daughter of Mrs. Henry P. Bahnson to James Alexander Gray, Jr. The marriage will occur at the Home Moravian church. Miss Bahn son is one of Winston-Salem's ac complished and most popular young women while Mr. Gray is treasurer of the Wiachovia bank here, also a state senator from Forsyth county. A!! Are Heroes In Big Fight Close 28.82 Cambzrai, the war correspondent ox the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger writes. "Jis majesty's silence was broken only once," he said, "when he re marked to an officer who stood be side him: 'WJiat have 1 not done to . . , . . the t in the By the Associated Press. With the American Army France, April 18. Commanders of units who participated in the several days of fighting last week in com pany with the French in the Apre mont sector are finding it difficult to pick out men who distinguished them selves in the operation. One com mander said every man acted like a hero. Twice within 24 hours an Ameri can company has assisted French troops in a neighboring sector to re gain trenches taken by the Gc.ma.:..- The company was led by a captain HICKORY MARKETS nj4. aoc ii.... - - wn luu r 1 1 mull uvci 1 1 n- i. v. i n wv z i np fdriuvra i ijh I in s ed approximately $l,000,00o by the! Wheat $2.40 preserve the world from these hr- face of the most violent rifle and ma. died R hospital next day Women's La Deny .Loan committees. 'Corn lia- r chine gun fire. Each time he went in I to the assistance of the French and helped to drive the enemy back. The most pathetic story from the American lines is that of a young corporal who was wounded fatally after fighting four hours. He was wounded on the head with a piece of shrapnel. He had a hand gre nade in each hand and giving them to his comrades said: "I guess I'm done. Please write to my mother and tell her how it happened. Rut here take these sr.... des, r- ' r : Ccd's s.ike, don't waste them." The corporal feel in a faint and