PAGE TWO HICKORY DAILY RECORD TELEPHONE 17 PubUbtud by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday B. II. FAlUkBEE Editor . o. MILLER Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1102 ELEVENTH AVENUE THE BUMPER WHEAT CROP Springfield Republican. Although it is believed that illicit wireless communication has for the time been stopped so that news from this country does not get to Germany for a fortnight or so, we may be sure that word of our bumper wheat crop will get to Berlin without delay. It will not make the pleasanter read ing for the German government if it is true that crops in central Eu rope are being hard hit by unseas onable weather. We may discount somewhat the stories of snow, hail, and frost in June, which come in a roundabout way, but unquestionably the weather has been bad, and even a partial failure of the crop this seas c.i,vr . ,1,'sirlnn the address of, on would sdoII ruin for Germany1, VOW WV! W - - 9 , , . ... their paper changed, will please state now on the ragged edge and holding . 7 ,11.11 ami on for the next harvest. Only late- in thtlr communication both OLD and NEW addresses ly a new cut in the bread ration went into effect, and apparently even tne To insure efficient delivery, com- army js on a reduced allowance plaints should he made to the t Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year $i-l0 tlx months 2-00 Three months 1M0 One month One week J0 Entered as second class matter Sep tember 11, 1915, at the postofflce at Ulvkory, A'. C, under the act of March 8, 1819. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not tred Ued in this paper and also the local news published herein. TUESDAY, JUNE 11. 1913 THE CHAUTAUQUA SPIRIT In spite of the disappointment of many guarantors, some of whom feel that they have had to pay for the en tertainment of others, Hickory has the Cautauqmi spirit. Quite a num ber of persons have declared that they got $S.:i() worth out of the first night's entertainment and others, after hear ing Dr. Lovejoy, say they have been well entertained. If it could be set Last vear the crops were bad, too, but German public men expatiated on the goodness of Providence in bringing about bad crops the world over, so that Germany by holding out might hope to starve its ene mies into surrender. This shortage, or the forecast of it. was made the foundation, it will b remembered, of German strategy a year ago, Hin denburg did his part by withdrawing to new defensive lines, the subma rines did their part, and a mercifu. Providence was to see to the rest by starving Germany's enemies. The outcome has been very differ ent. It was a hard year, but the worid got through it. The grain crops fell short just as had been predicted, and but for the sacrifices and econo mies urged by Mr. Hoover there would not have been wheat to seno to Europe. Bpt now the case is very different. It does not warrant any lessening of economy and frugality in our own consumption, but it docs give assurance of a generous supply of wheat and other grains for our a lies and for the neutrals who have suffered as Scandinavia is said to have done from the recent inclement weather. That the wheat crop was to be a splendid one was already known; the government's June report makes it look even better, and it is far from impossible that the record "billion bushel crop" of 1915 may be equaled o rsurprise. A great crop of win ter wheat has been for some time taken as a matter of course, yet ev en this is given a new lift in the July figures. The estimate was 54o million bushpls in December, 5G0 in April, 572 in May; it is now put at oSt millions. More sensational be cause now are estimates for spring wheat; in general terms it had been known that the outlook was for a great crop, but these are the first fig tied in advance how the tickets would Ufs issued by the government The , ,. , - x. t it ; planted area is greater by 2,100,000 be chapoml of so that many of the Mg thfln wag pmt s guarantors would not receive their tickets until two days after the Chautauqua begins and so that the cost would fall on all alike, if there should be a deficit, the Record believes that it would be comparative ly easy to sign up for the Chautau qua this week. A town cannot have a better in vestment than a Chautauqua and the numbers thus far have been most pVasing. Dr. Lovejoy's lecture last night m "Children in War Times" was one of the finest platform deliv erances the Record has ever heard. The great crowd must have thought so too. Dr. Lovejoy knows children, knows men and women and was able to talk about them in a manner that was entertaining, instructive and ele vating. UJ made more good points in favor of increasing our educational facilities to include domestic science and workshops than we have ever heard from a platform. The Chautauqua this year is the best Hickory has ever had and the attendance has been large. Hickory may do without the Chautauqua next year, but it cannot afford to do with out it. The Record would be heartily in fa vor of unfrocking Prof. Horace Wil liams if that gentleman had not closed his mouth and cut short any mischief making. As it was, lie gave encouragement to a lot of peo ple, whoso judgment, we hope, is very much improved by this time. His case was unlike that of some others in that he had nothing more to say and as far as the public is concerned, the matter would be almost forgot but for the fact his views are aired from time to time. The Newton Enterprise commends the board of county commissioners for retaining Mr. Mask. The board took a broad view of the necessities of the county and acted wisely. Ca tawba county must continue to make progress. Over 700,000 soldiers in France, Secretary Baker says. And all of them want a crack at Fritz. Catawba county must keep her live stock industry going. GREATEST COMMERCIAL FLEET IN ALL HISTORY South Bend, Ind., June 11. Ameri ca in l'J20 will have a merchant ma rine of 25,000,000 deadweight tons, Chairman Hurley of the shipping board declared here last night in an address giving the most complete statement of the nation's shipbuild ing program which has yet been made public. He was speaking to the graduates of Notre Dame univer sity. This commerce fleet, Mr. Hurley said, the largest ever assembled in the history of the world and involving the expenditure of more than five billions of dollars, will link the Un ited States to South and. Central Am erica by weekly steamer service which will enable the Latin-American coun tries to utilize their unlimited nat ural resources in the freest competi tion with other nations. It also will bridge the Pacific for the trans portation of the products of Japan, Russia, China, Australia and the Orient, and will continue to promote America's trade with Europe. wheat before, and larger by 16 per cent than the area planted in the "billion bushel crop" year 1915. More over, the condition of the spring wheat crop, 95.2 per cent is far abovb the average, and not far below the highest June percentage on record. Only in 1915 did the harvest surpass the present estimated crop, which with a few such weeks as we have had is likely to break all records. We can use a billion bush el crop very well, but even the 931, (;00,000 bushels now forecast will with frugality see us through, and by the time the harvest is in the big ships needed to carry it to our own army and to our allies in Europe will be coming along fast. Providence does not mean to help Germany by starv ing the world. MEN WANTED Men are wanted for Y. M. C. A. work in this country and abroad. It you want to serve the men who art. serving your interests, get in touch with the local personnel committee right away and find out if you are el igible for some work. There is a strong call for athletic directors to go with the army. There are needed no less than 100 athletic secretaries for work with the Ital mn army. Dr. John R. Mott has cent out an urgent call for good met. to fill these places. Motor mechanics and truck driv ers are needed for work in France, The call is for experts in this line 1 all i men wno can ten what is wrong with a truck and who can fix it, While a few helpers may be placed, the call is for experts. Men must be above the draft age. or if ex empted, the physical disability must be visible. If you can t carry a gun, tne boys want to know why you 9 J. i rrvl m-r -a w n . cant carry it. ine i . M. u. A. is not taking men who are fitted for other work on the firing line. It should be understood that the Y. M. C. A. is after the best men available. Men whfc .have tdaveft out in other walks of life are not wanted and will nt be iaccepted. The most searching investigation follows an application. Absolute loyalty to the government and thorj ough sympathy with the country's aims in war are demanded before a man is considered. The Y. M. C. A. call is strong and clear for the right men. There was never a greater opportunity of fered men to serve their fellowmen. If you are above the draft atre and feel the call to serve, talk it over with the local board and find out if you are qualified for a place as relig ious, social, physical, educational or other work. MARINE WANTS BRIDE ESRTH CAROLINA "OVER THE TOF ffl WAR SAVINGS STAMPS JUNE 2& President Wilson Proclaims June 28 National War Savings Day .Governor Bickett Designates June 23-28 War Sav ings Week Every Person Will Be Asked to Pledge. nmnMMimgmmnmtCT;:iMiiiii.ii)irTrrt Professional Cards aononnoDnnnDODnnnnonoononnnncsDaeas3r1SE5f u a Dr. W. 13. Ramsey Oifica over Shuf ord's Drug Btor. HIckffiiy N. k THE HICKORY HARNESS CO Mannfactiu-er of all Unas mt HARNESS, BRIDLE SADSLSS AND STRAP WOR5L. Repairing a Specitisy. Mickoiy, N. C THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP T. M. THOMPSON. ProprUU First-Ctass Work ioaraDtaji Phon 108. Work Delivered 1082 14th ltrett Hickory, N a Nxt to First Buildiu & Loan efflca. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO W. S. S. TAKE THE BOYS "OVER THE TOP" The next big campaign that must be put over with the same success that met the recent Red Cross and Liberty Loan drives is the War Savings Cam paign. This must be done, President Wilson says, on or before Friday, June 28 He has proclaimed that day National War Savings Day and has called on every man, woman and child to subscribe all that in his honest opinion he will be able to pay during the remainder of the year to the War Savings Campaign-When Mr. Vanderlip and his associates decided over a month ago that the War Savings Campaign should be made to go "over the top" now, instead of taking a year and a month to do it, they sought a plan by which this could be done. The State of Nebraska furnished the plan, for this state had already subscribed several millions dollars over its quota and had raisd over 50 per cent of its sales. Mr. Vanderlip at once set about to know how Nebraska did it. He called into conference Mr. Ward M. Burgess, State Director of War Savings for Nebraska, and Mr. Kiddow, Mr. Burgess's right-hand man. Together they studied the plan in the light of a national plan, and with the experience of the two men who had worked it to a successful issue, they obviated mistakes and iuch features as to make it even more thorough and practiceable .for other States. Consequently, not only North Carolina but other states of the Union have been asked to adopt this plan and put over the War Savinsg Campaign June 28. When Ool. F. H. Fries, War Savings Director of North Carolina, was called to New York several weeks ago, with other state directors, to have this plan put before them, he was asked if North Carfolina could do it. "Sure," said Colonel Fries, "what Nebraska can do, North Carolina can do. We'll put it over if it takes all the bunting and the flags and the drums in the whole South to do it." With this conviction and determination, Colonel Fries came back and set about to perfecting the plans to make them most suitable to North Carolina conditions. These plans have been presented through conferences ' held at convenient places in the state to the county chairmen and other War Savings Workers. Every county chairman has in his hands a detailed copy of the plans, and he has been advised to follow the instructions step by step as given him to avoid confusion and to do the work with the greatest possible ease and efficiency. Only one important change In the national plan did Colonel Fries think best to make for North Carolina. That was to make the campaign last a week instead of a day. Therefore, the week beginning June 23 continuing through June 23 has been designated as North Carolina War Savings Week. The Governor of North Carolina has issued a proclamation calling for every citizen of the state to observe this week as War Savings Week by subscrib ing at this time all that he will be able to buy during the remainder of the year. The week begins on Sunday, June 23, with a state-wide appeal for War Savings in the churches and Sunday Schools. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, a house-to-house canvass will be made in every township in the State to secure War Savings pledges. Every taxpayer or householder wiU make his pledge or give his excuse for not doing so. A record of ever per son's pledge will he taken and kept. On Friday, June 28, the drive will cul minate in a War Savings rally held at every school house in the state. The State Director has called on every person in the school district to attend thia meeting either to celebrate the occasion of the township's subscribing it quota or if that be not thecase, to finish raising its quota. In other words, there is but one thing for any township to do on that day, and that is to sub scribe its quota to the War Savings Campaign. Likewise, there is but one thing for every person to do, and that is to do his duty to the War Savings Campaign, which is his utmost. The Government expects no less of every man, woman and child in the state on this occasion. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeoa Will answer calls day ox night. Residence phone 308-L. D D D E a a a ES a a Left the HELP 1D 1 oank Yon a a a Did it ever occur to you that a recognized con nection with a strong financial institution often makes the difference between the success and fail ure of your enterprise? A proper use of the facilities offered by such an institution as this one is of the very first aid to scientific management and busi ness efficiency, These are just a few of the services we per form for you. If you have never had a bank account you will be surprised at the many conveniences it affords. Do not wait until you have a large sum to deposit nearly all accounts are started with small accounts, and we welcome the beginner. FIRST NATIONAL B Capital and Surplus $800,000,00. Four Per Gent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Timaa. ft m w 3 El a Hickory, N. C. Accounts. sflidDnaaoaaapacmDaBDBaDnQiBEixaDBisMiiit DR. 0. L. HOLLAR HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to PILES, Fistulas, Fissures, Ll cers, Pruritus Cured. No cut ting, no confinement. DR. E. E. ROGERS Chiropractic Specialist. Removes the cause of disease. You have tried the rest, now try the best. Charges reason able. Lady attendant for ladiei )ffice over Lutz Drugstore. Office hours 2 to 5 p. m. PHONE 77 Dr. J. Sidney Michum Graduate Veterinarian Office A. S. Abernethy ancji Sons Hickory North Carolina Telephone 256 Residence 339L J. C. DeRhodfe I Justice of Peace Office 1222 1 Ninth Ave. raiiiiiuiiiipiiiE OR, ALFilSD W. Gtilft EB SPECIAL 'ST TO SEF BETTER THE SLACKER Throughout North Carolina and the nation sentiment toward the slacker is crystalizing and the fine finger of scorn and contempt is searching him out. There are several varieties of slackers. Here are some of them: The service slacker the man who should be in the ranks and is not. The labor slacker the man who is able to work and doesn't. The food slacker the male or female hog who refus to readjust their diet so as to meet the demands of our Allies for those foodstuffs which may be exported. The financial slacker the individual who can but docs not boy Liberty bonds and War Savings Stamps. Slaoking at home means more blood spilled by true blue American boys in France. Slacking in America means starvation for innocent women and ohildren in England, France and Italy. Slacking at home is a menace to the success of the American, British and French arms in France. THE SLACKER'S REWARD The intelligent, observant, patriotic people of America will not forgive slacking. The slacker is a marked man. Not only during the war, bnt as the war goes on and the casualty lists come in he will be more and more scorned and hated by decent citizens. After the war is over he will be an object of contempt. He will be without the regard of decent people in his community. His children and his children's children after him will pay a bitter price for his disloyalty For his failure under test to do his duty by his country and by humanity. Inexorable fate is setting him apart and he will not eacape. Every Bushel Saved Now Will Supply a Soldier with Bread Until Next Harvest. 4 & BIG FEATURE AT PASTIME THURSDAY Thusrday, June 13th, Mrs. Vernon Castle the best known and best dressed woman in America wil be the star in the big Pathe special feature, "Sylvia of the Secret Service." Don't miss this. NOTICE P. F. Killian will run his burr mill every Friday. Have your wheat and corn ground the old-fashioned way. Mill located near Mt. Olive church. 6 10 3t paid Lenoir- Hickory Jitney Schedule Effective April 1st. Leave Lenoir 3:30 p. m. Leave Hickory 5:30 p. m. Cars make connections with trains 21 and 12. Fare $1.25 each way. CHAS. ROBBINS, Manager. Atlanta, Ga., June 11. Girls, here's a chance to become a real honest-to-goodness war bride, and a well-to-do one, too! If any of vou want to wpiI a TT s. Marine who is a blonde, 33 years of age anu wno owns an estate valued at $15,000, step forward please. Mayor Candler is in receipt of a let ter from Private R K. Ridgeway, stationed at the U. S. Marine camp at Paris Island, S. C, in which he be seeches the mayor to find him a wife. "I'm going to France soon," wrote Ridgeway, "and I have no one to whom to leave my estate or my $10,000 worth of insurance. All my people are dead. If you can help me find a good girl to leave mv nroDertv and insurance to, please write me." Hurry up, girls! Don't forget the community and county fairs. Select your four ex hibits of grain now. Be sure to have the sheaves of grain this time. At Pastime TODAY (MAD e y 0iffup;. Jack Pickford and Louise Huff IN "HUCK AND TOM 99 or "The Further Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain I A Paramount picture in 5 parts. If you want to see one of the best photoplays ever produced, bar none, see this one. Admission 5 and 15c 17 YitaiV Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glauses Fitted inclusively MARTIN BLOCK, mm, X. C. If you srot It from 1)(TLA. It's ' RigiiU WTCH PAPEJi FOR DATES. LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Dept. Box 127 Charlotte, N. C. When in need of anything in the PRDNTDIMG LONE You want the BEST that can be had. Here is the Right Place to get the Right Kind of Printing at the Right Price. Fraternal Directory Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Firt and third Monday nighta. Erethren cordially invited to b present. V. L. MOOSE, W. M. D. L. MILLER, Sec'y. Place Your Order Today Then you will not have to wait on thas Station ry you will soon be riwdins Tomorrow VIOLA DANA in "BREAKERS AHEAD" Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M Meet every lLonday evening at 7:30 P. M. All visiting brotheis cordially invited. W. I. Caldwell, Councilor A. J. Essex, Rec. Sec. All orders given prompt attention Orders taken for engraving. 'fc-lfc, ." r Catawba SLodge.No. 54 K. of P Meets every Thursday night. V lilting brethren invited. J. C. DeRHODES, C. C. A. M. WEST, K. R. and S. Clay PrnimltnirDg Co. f Phone 167 j Hickory Daay,Record-$4 a Year i m n I' s 1 ' y"i