ickory Daily kecokd PRICE TWO CENTS VOL. Ill NO. 231 HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 20 , 1918 PEACE DEMONSTRATIONS IN SEVERAL GERMAN TOWNS Heavily Censored Private Messages to London Tell of .Trouble in Berlin and Hamburg. Austrians Also Break Loose Against Governm-'4 Vienna ESCAPED U-BOAT OFF SOUTH C. I'.v the Associated 1 London. Juno 20. .Heavily censored l iisato messages received in Stock holm indicates that peace demonstra tion have been held recently in Ier 1 n. Hamburg and Cologne and that .rural workmen were killed and ninny persona arrested, says a dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph. The police and military dispersed crowds of demonstrators. RIOTS IN VIENNA. p.y the Associated Press. London. June '20. Serious rioting lu'oko out in Vienna yesterday, says an Exchange Telegraph dispatch to the Daily Mail. The mob broke into a number of bakeries, stoned the- residence of the premier and also one of the wings of the palace, the message adds. Cavalry is being rushed to the capital to restore order. It is prob able, it is stated, that martial law will be proclaimed. Tho rioting was in protest against the reduction of the bread ration. ITALIAN FLIERS FORCE CREW TO QUIT COAST SAYS HENRY PAGE ITALIA IS ALWAYS MORE ON JOB GROUND By the Associated Press. A Gulf Port, June 20. A coastwise passenger steamship which arrived here late yesterday encountered a German submarine at 1:35 p. m. last Saturday off the coast of South Caro lina, it was learned today. The ship escaped because of superior speed and the calls for assistance. Officers of the steamer sighted the submarine as it came to the surface less than a mile off the portside. AGREEMEN T YET TO SWAP PRISONERS WANT HELP NOW. By the Associated Press Italian Army Headquarters, Thurs day, June 19. As thousands of Ital ian and Austrians looked on today, the Italian airmen brought dn the surren der of the crew of an Austrian ma chine gun boat after Italian artillery and infantry failed to subjugate it. Italian artillery could not be used to great advantage because of the proximity of the Italian lines. Final ly an Italian airplane went down and forced the occupants of the boat to swim to the right bank of the river and surrender. In general the situation of the Aus trians along the Piave appears By the Associated Press. Washington, June 20. Failure so far of efforts to reach an agreement with Germany in regard to an ex change of prisoners was announced by the state department today. NEW SOURCES OF TAXATION NAMED lly the Associated Press. Amsterdam, June 20. Vienna dis patches to German newspapers say that tho reduction of the bread ration in Austria-Hungary caused much dis cord in all parts of the country. All Austrian newspapers, without distinction of party, protest against the measure, demand its repeal and urge assistance from Germany. STHONG PROTESTS AGAINST THE REDUCED BREAD RATION. Amsterdam, June 20. The Vienna city council on Tuesday, according to a dispatch received here, passed a resolution protesting against the re- Washington, June 20. New sources of taxation with increased taxes on nresent sources estimated to raise more than a billion dollars were sug gested to the house ways and means nmTYiit.t.p.p. hv .losenn J. luem, a puu- f ar , He accountant of New York city, who .oc.f.ntnn. t n,or PrianTiPTa1 has been associated-with the council num sausiavwj w ..--". - - , - - . , , -p. m;HoP . . . --, ... , n i or national uexenac. auc winm.-." taken ty tne eritisn an aecia mi -- .... hearinrs NS REGAIN I AUSTRIANS GROW WEAKER I INT IN LONG BM I LE rKUNI LUv I Austrian army has little food. Some of the prisoners had not eaten for 48 hours. DORTCH-ABERNETHY CASE BEFOR E BOARD By the Associated Press. Raleigh, June 20. The contest be tween W. T. Dortch and Chas was holding hearings on the new war revenue bill. Proposals made by Mr. Klein in cluded: A tax of one cent per call on an toll telephone messages below 15 cents which are not now subject to tax. A flat 10-cent documentary tax on all legal documents not otherwise t&Xed A stamp tax on each mercantile in voice on transactions "of $1 or more. A flat 2 or 3 cent tax on Dam checks or a graduated tax beginning with 2 cents per $100. A 1-cent tax on every car fare on ctreet. rnilwavs or interurban lines. A tnv nf 10 rer cent to 25 per cent L. 1 on tuition fees for private schools, not including colleges ana universities. " J C i 1 If everybody in North Carolina could have been at that meeting call ed by Henry A. Page yesterday," ob served Mr. S. L. Whitener today with emphasis, "we wouldn't need a food administrator. That summed up tne opinion of Hickory's food administrator on his return from Raleigh, where yesterday he went to school for a day witli Marse Henry Page, the virile state food administrator, as teacher. Uncle Henry also held court m the presence of his assistants from all over the state '"and he's the fairest man I ever saw." was another observation of Mr. Whitener. Incidentally tnose violators who sro before him come away his friend, and Mr. Wihitener is sure from "What he knows ana nab heard that they will never violate their trust again. Mr. Whitener. said that he did not see any wheat bread or any products made out of wheat irom tne time ne left Hickory until he returned to Hickorv. Thev are cutting out wheat v - . i i in the hotels away Irom nere, ana at the Yarborough Mr. Whitener a.e peach pie, but it was made from meal. There was no flour used, and that was the case everywhere. An interesting part of the commun ication of the administrators was the conferring of the degree of the Red Cross uDon several candidates. Mr. Page acted as noble grand or grand master or what not and he did his work well. A Syrian Irom Winston Snlpm was T1D before the administra tor for concealing some sugar, and Mr. Page reminded him of the fact that Americans had rushed food to starving Syrians. The violator saw tha mint, jinrl tears snrans" to his . , pvps Hp. went awav a sadder and a uricor -man an d determined to do right. . .... As to the sue-ar situation, ivir Whitener was told that there would be enough to go round provided every sed it snarinelv. 1 some families hoard it. others will do with out. Mr. Page urged a reduction m the. consumption of meat and flour, Vmt. t.Vione-ht the wheat situation would hp. easier in a few weeks. Mr. Wihitener called on some Irienas m Ralpifrh and was taken over the city by Mr. R. H. Merritt. The Hick orv administrator liked Raleigh and he returned a warm aamirer oi ivn Page. By the Associated Press. London, June 20. News reached London today that the Italians had regained Capo Sile, the town on the lagoon to the west of the Piave river to its mouth, which was captured by the Austro-Hungarians. It is also reported that the Italians have regained all the territory be tween Zenson and the Fossetta canal. The Austro-Hungarians, it is declared, have been confined to the ground be tween the Mosetto canal and the Sile canal on the west bank of the Piave Pressure Against Italians Relaxes While Civi lians Clamor For Bread in Vienna German Crown Prince Fails to Renew His Attack at Rheims river. Abernethy for the Democratic nomi- it ofnciaiS) m. duction of .the bread ration. The nation to congress in the third district udintr hifrh salaried judges and the Vienna laDor councu atter conirrmK robahiv will be decided late today, great corps of public scnooi teacners for many hours on the same subject JL J . . . -tot! Collection "at the source" of a grad n.i ..! o roaolntion renewing its de- me morning sesaivii ui -.. col and waa-es in mands for . the "speediest general board of elections was taken up with , 2 . - i iV. .j- x - peace notwithstanding the great o t I -nrpspntation of evidence, arguments i a o npr cent tax on all gross sales. stacles at present in the way of peace . attorneys for Abernethy, who Many other witnesses appeared be- " . m 1 ....- 4--I--. A frri O IVI Mill I M- I the primary, ana oy lore tne c nope week. SOME GOOD IN THE H. C. L. t'IUt'.l VU 3. I . . The labor, council resolution said it ciaims "uu iU ic . por,hlde the hearings this was annarent that no improvement in areruments of attorneys for uortcn, ' the food condition in Austria was pos- wo contended that the Doara nas no si'nlo while the war continued. 4 aW to p-o behind the certified count The resolution of the city council - nn .. face of .1 iUt. V,r. lM-nnfl rnt nn hp in- I OI tne county creased at the earliest possible mo- the returns ijortcn receivcu mvnt and that in the meantime other nation by a majority of 188 votes, foodstuffs be used to replace ine re auction in the amount of bread. TUB SOLDIER'S CHANCES. The soldier has twenty-nine cnances THE WAR IN KANSAS. Birmingham Age-Herald. tvip iiitrVi enst of livine m Washing nffiicpseekers home. The nnt.imists are right. There's a bright side to everything. One of the important drives of the of coming home to one chance oi De- immcdiate future will be tne anve on mg Kiueu the Kansas harvest field. General in dustry is marshaling his forces. lg Kiueu. , TTrt 1,09 ninptv-eicht chances of re covering from a wound to two chances SURGICA PERSHING REPORTS iHe has only one chance in 500 of losing a limb. . ' . He will live nve years cause of physical training L CLASS TO MEET Ti OMORROW DAMAGE TO YARDS The surgical dressing class recently ;a.A in fonnprtion with Red He is freer from diseases in the Cross work jn Hickory will meet to . 4.Vin-n in ivil life. army . i tno He has better meaicai wie t front than at home. A ... In other wars irom ten w i f j:nnnoo firp -from men aiea irom uiocoo bullets. , . In this war one man oies xiwm I'.v tho Associated Press. . . . 1 ToV.- I . - . yards was reported in uenerui i than any other m mscory- nj' communique for yesterday, at- t;ur otivitv and patrol raiding I across the Marne were reported. STATE SUMMER SCHOOL HAS BIG ENBULLMt-ixi i'vtii mimuvarY ATTRACTION AT PASTIME TODAY ITALIAN II MASTERS ON FRONT HOME IK TO AN INCREASE MR. CLONINGER IS APPOINTED EXAMINER By the Associated Press. Austrian pressure on the front from Lake Carda to the Adriatic is grow ing weaker, although the battle is still strenuous along the Piave from Mon tello to the sea. iSince Sunday the enemy has been held almost completely in check on the Piave line and has made no gains on the mountain front, while his loss in prisoners alone has risen to 9,000. Repeated efforts to debouch from the western bank of the river have been repulsed sanguinarily by the Italians and only around Capo Sile have the HI t PTiovlnc' 1X7" rlrxninfroT a ccicfrnif. ca er oi "the CsoMatel Tr Austrians made any progress company, has been appointed assistant state bank examiner by the corpora Heavy fighting continues around the TVfontello dateau. The Austrians now Hnt.ips some time between now By the Associated Press. and the first 0f juiy. His headquar- Washington, June 20. Home can- ters will be in Raleigh. Mr. Win. T. ill nrPRprve at least 1.500.000,- Councill will succeed him here tempo ' " i :l uuv yacni.a vx . M nlnnino-pr nft.pr romn et ni? a tion commission and will assume his . fc ajned control here nor have they had any success at Novill, south of Nervsa. The British official statement on the fighting says that the Piave river has risen sufficiently to carry away asrainst 850.000.000 quarts last year. K- , according to the statement toaay by erai years ago and, by constant ap- any oi tne Dnages me enemy the rionnvTviPnt. of a priculture. plication to business, has made a sue- af.ross the stream. Emperor Charles, cess, tie is a capwie oaiiR.ex, is yvyu-t nnn:r,.0A o not meptins? with tne AMERICAN AVIATORS ARE jfj wHltt well hfs "new success that marked the fall offensive, SENT TO ITALIAN FKOIMT " fUon is personally directing the battle. I Qrtnn oftor tnp war broke out Mr. ilo mt.pmal conditions in I kJVVll Mi. VVA - iTXtiHYl1 Clonineer. like so many other young A: ..naiTv recrards food ... . . , 1 I ' . . I rtUSLl la, tOWWiwj o cadrri e ot American aviators nameo men, endeavored to enter tne govern- trouble. The city council in to -ir ctiiftort -7PT.prn5i v Tor tne i tow corvio hnr ivns tpirpl- i 111 AUtlv J " l IHCllU 11IJ11W.1J . ' " V I . . " . ian iront, ana win go into acuuii ed because ot pnysicai aeieat, a. oi Vienna ua f""-" mediately upon their arrival, the Ital- broken hip joint years ago being the duction of the bread ration and the ian embassy was. informed today by cause. J labor organizations in the Austrian caDie iroiu xvume. mc aviaw.o i ins irienas nere wisn uuu un- . , .noor1ipt npace oTYvrcniorl Vir r.anta n l,a fiiiardia.U: a c, in Vii mnro Tesnmns h e capital can iui " at,. a member of congress who has been nation. Mir. Cloninsrer says he will The food supplies in Austria are always claim Hickory as nome. in Ttalv several months. "This first contingent," said the cablegram, "is composed entirely of volunteers representing the finest specimens of American youth, lhis morning they were received by Com missioner of Aeronautics Chiesa and Assistant Secretary of State Gallenga and numerous civil and military au thorities. 'After manv evidences of solidarity given by the United States, this con tribution ot airmen to our ngnuug B the Associated Press front constitutes a fresh truth of the JTi, ., , on n iniralnnMp siixiTiort of America, the WELFARE ELECTED OF HEAD DRUGGIS ITS Raleigh, June 20. By the Associated Press. Italian Army Headquarters m Italy Wednesday, June 20. The Italian have won complete control of the air along the Piave line where the most determined fighting of the present Austrian offensive is being made. This afternoon not a single 'Austrian ma chine was aloft on this front. NW YORK COTTON reported at the lowest ebb since 1914. The German crown prince has not . . . i .1 reneated his attacks against tne ae- fenses of Rheims, before which 40,000 of his troops were repulsed with heavy losses in a night attack Tuesday. The attack was repulsed vigorously. Berlin says the effort was more an artillery and mine thrower bombard- .-. -J? i. . 4-r,.li- Kilt fill mrnt than lniani-iy aa"- nther accounts have agreed that the S. E. Welfare of eff)rt wag of great f orce and that it was stopped quickly. Elsewhere on the western front Vicro v,as bepn onlv minor raiding activity. East of Chateau Thierry Americans . i j i,o-to. .rnocod thp Miarne in Doatb iuu m 1 I I liaVV vWk)uv Norfolk. Va.. June zO. Hotel ana Thp office of secretary and treasurer I , i, . tiQ in oncnnnteTS. fSW t IrilW addition to m? a mouslv decided to serve no roast beet, napei nui was extCu w f Germans the raiaers brougni- u beefsteak or . boiled beef until Sept. tion. prisoners. American raiding planes 15, at which time the regulation oi W. F. Hancock of Oxford was elect- , bombarded a railway junction the food administration regarding the Ld to gucceed himself ag gecretary of n Verdun and MetZf ODTV mff OT Ti HS LlJKtii dllU. UCtlOiM- - I nr,PP week and boiled beef twice a the state board of pharmacy ior a , 38 bombs waek expire. Managers ot hotels ana term of nve years. I German aggression in the Ukraine restaurants here decided tnat ratner i i i.Vn eifnqimi Vtr P ATI- lnTrX"lu f food WAR ON THE WOUNDED 1UIIX1 i-11 ii, vJ Ull . aHmiTiistration thev would serve - no ffrm t.hroue-hout the St. ' Louis Post-Dispatch .summer and therefore will cut out In three weeks the allied victims of beef from their menus altogether. -fr--- -- - , - I m. . i.i.j :4 i- siernificance of which is deeply appre- w.mston-oaiem was eiecteu presiuen. ciated by the Italian nation.' I 0f the North Carolina Pharmaceutical association at the close of the annual convention here today. The associa next xrnwTrnT.Tf RF.STAlTRANTS Jkl JLVJL VUM M.-i-r I . ,-1 TO CUT OUT Bl-JiJ?' tion will meet at WTigntsviue year. i . i .nr,n whirlwind. is beginning w ica .n - according to reports from Moscow. A revolt on a large scale has broken out in tA TTkranian capital. The revolt 11. l li. V JL ORTH CAROLINA -morrow moraine at 10:30 in the Sun j,r Onnol room of the Episcopa nni.M, anH everv member is asked to " " . .11 4. be present. Caps ana aprons win hui he necessary at this meeting. Mr. T A. Mott. a certified mstruc tor will have charge of the class and Mrs J. 1j- Kiaaie win ue -ui:i..-v. of surgical dressings. The work is preliminary to making dressings for American hospitals. Mrs. Mott grad uated in the work at Richmond, where she made a mark of 100, and she is skilled in the business. tv,. 7Ptrv of the Episcopal church loaned the Sunday school room for rvonel Hill. June 20.-The summer, oanea - school enrollment at the state univer- tne purpu - - - f or the . jl.i A.Ainoi l ri h vv ii i a u -i m, ,;rZrnttrn,tior. at the sity has approx n M w"; nresent. Several persons ottered tneir ine cxtruuriunaiy yT. r,flA mark, accoramg ti. ---li"". v. , sundav school room Pastime today will be "The Mark of h thinks the total registra- hoS 21. Cain." starring Mrs. vemon v.--, . th six weeks win at least; 4,. Knot innwn. best dresseu, Dust u i - - HO;viv sro bevona ou v,. v-, w mi i ' - j . . .- r n ui ii iir3j-'T rr " wonderful cast including Tho r, ptnre hOldS tne inteieai. r--- ..! j-fin-, ...w . -na-. mur. into cuu-iu"""- beginning to enu. n. -"-r.r -.. n Amenta, wiw- fi-nrpa compare iavoraoiy wiwi tacludin Antomo gi& ,mn,er. th. ;H favorably with LEOTBB FROM LIEUTT By the Associated Press. New York, June 20. There was a steady tone in the cotton market to day, which seemed to reflect appre hension of a less favorable crop report from Texas. The opening was better with an advance of five points on July and the active months sold 15 to 25 points above last night's close during the early trading. The close was steady. Open July 26.20 October 24-45 December 24 08 January 23.97 March 23-95 OY AMONG WOUNDED TELEGROPH AGENTS ARE UNDER ARREST "f.cr affairs beincr taken settiea su-e - " - collar----." ... -,.. jnat: rieginning to enu. - - ... an.e nrst oi tne iour dor mystery story dealing , with the conducted daring the sum- diabolically clever manner in which tuws io o this moniing with one man kills another, proves an ap- of 30, all ladies. Pro- alibi for himself ana a E. Mcintosh, formerly cm- COSTNER OF CAMP GORDON. Close 26.72 24.81 24.41 24.26 24.13 'ictims ui i , , ..-.p, nd 40.- t u -4-4- 1, vCmt5 . nas sureau w .itirv.". r numbered 991, of whom 329 were 000 peasants are engaged m the dis- kiljed, including 13 nurses and other orders. women. The progressive nature oi German savagery is shown by these figures, which remove all doubts, it doubt existed, about the attacKs on hospitals being due to a caretuliy- - - .i .1 planned, settled policy, ratner tnan to accident or an intention manilest- ed only occasionally. For a full and detailed mtemretlation of the Ger- R-i7 tio Associated Press. man character under the reign of Wshino-ton. June 20. The army war madness, the horrors of Servia B the Associated Press. . ,.., . .1.-:-.- hq I and Belgium ana ui tne tit-u;-, tm on Postal in i . i. i I vv nauuii iu"i on"- rJlfflBi Se.- .Pt0r- today arrested a number of T)icc in action. 17: died of wounds, bol of German infamy, the epitome oi traveling agents oi tne western t.i - : r--,- oiint 9- died tne meaner feerrees ot barbarity, Tt;- riw.o-rnVi romnanv on trains y Ul"Cl Ul aillJ aiic aiuvuv, -., I . j c I vjiiivn .w----.i- J- - J Hies-. 7: died of accident and will be found in the murder the 1 Boston, .Baltimore, Philadel- 1 Landed severely. 32: 'Serm.ana.r?.rrv: Uhi. nA Washington, -in whose suit utnex WU.1...-1, , y.i. , , I who are xegarueu as uavmg ov. i- ... . i -i j ,.-,in-nm innri 4? I i j -v, -tt immnnitv bv I c ntom -fmmd manv messasres for wour.fiea acj.v-i- tuuaw;iuiivui i iai sanctity uu ohuvy iuiiuu-v Laow wv- . missino- in r-tion. 1. even many uncivilized tribes. delivery. o I (fi-TI AWMn-r ItoTrn r.T. I IT T.Cl S fl flTlt I . . , . -. . 1 The list, mcludes Lieut. Calvin 1. me " Tu" " This practice, whicn is saia to nave .. i u o-o nmo- instnm to mace lucjh-i - . . , - Capps of Lucama, N. C, who died of fv a&Complete parity with the been in operation by tne teiegrapn. wounds. most savage of our red Indian triDes. company ior some time, s Probably our forces over tnere ao no. a vi0iation of postal laws iormaamg include many experiencea m way-. t coimected with the postal -Li.: o; n-fl A ntiflipa l-5ut I naxnn'tv list today contamea names, divided as follows: HICKORY MARKETS. parent The following letter from Lieut. r-u t r.nst.ner. who is now station ed at Camp Gordon, near Atlanta, yt .... -i 4- 4-v V.io mamr friPTiriS! will be oi intercBi, w ii Corn Dear urotner: - I eot my commission toaay ana am . i j i. Z . 4-1. Xlo a secona M-uicnaim i vi in love. lessor v,. '.:-,, flnd in.; suspicion . 0f the state Doaruu " " r : ,l.uw ,r TTnitd Rtt.eS of In this picture, rvirs. -"L-hief clerk of the state aeparu.c. -:tionai army "r:". to even better advantage tna ;- - fc now SUperintenaent ; America, wni -f 'Stranded in Arcady," not omy - ickory schools, and wiss important as i it. ..i.i Vor notinc? but sne tne j -vTepl.. sunervisor liAiraVPT. ltl'6 WOXSt Pell t l uiiti " Cotton ' 26 ,2.i0 WEATHER FORECAST REQUEST REFUSED fighting Sioux and Apaches. t SpoTnth-eV acting but she them or supervisor The worst pari : s th . i' i -- Koaut.iful. I nerry, vi w .w.a-mett county not- cet a furlough at all. i. .tctuallv looks more beautiful Don't miss this fine picture, m go- one the MILL MAIDEN COT! DAMAGED BY FIRE Fire at Maiden yesterday afternoon damaged tho Maiden Cotton Mill, the lapper room and motor room being completely destroyed, according to a telephone message from there today. to... . un r,ra urns not leameu. 1 ill! UIJK1U Ui niv ji- " There was insurance on the buildinj, l ... U . nmr1 thfl damage, it was said. It was fortunate that Sn&ral in tornett county ?c otfet a tur.ou.h at , i;, the iast session, are in ci.axSjT: mg to try IC inctitiite work. The instructors m first oi tne montii. j the institute worK. d Superinten- l have been kept too busy for words iViSSShCitfi Super- thehlast two weeks at the physical 'letnt w Oriffln of Shelby; Miss training school and Monday I start intendent Gnflm, XN Yok; T. E. a three weeks course at the bayonet. Doris Rosenthal!' of ew . e. Dr; J&.nt, schooi. There are more Seer of the University of Porto schools to attend than I ever saw m Rapeer, of the u21-lb f Atlanta, mv Hfe before. Have been going to wiw, t n;.-nn. them. ever since wic mai, u wc v.v.i ... . . . .T 1 S Miss Ar'chie Lee Dickson. AIN'T IT SO! Greensboro News Tint tho nice thin s about it is that maybe I'll get my Hun before he gets me. Gastonia Gazette. SMALLr-BUT OH, MY! 15 r" frBMaM ,,tm. nriinnAWM there must he manv sons of old In Oian ngnters to wnum w lorl liv tradition. i iiao ucij-ivv By the Associated rress. Washington, June 20.-An order re- AvnR AmR WEATHER FOR fusing to reopen the application' of CROPS DURING PAST WEEK 0 leadinp- exnress companies for 10 ner cent increase in rates so as to Wjashington, June 20. Weather Lside, an incase of 15-per cent JTSTS was handed down by the inter the. week ending yesterday, ac- commerce commission today and a few cor(jmg to the -national weather and j , l4--. -Triflidr!j-m without eX- s.-.nn Vmllotin. n! tion. "Except in -southern Texas, where The commission expected to give a limited rSnTf roT aC d pulsion in a few days on tne iu per , tward. where good showers fell in most localities," says tne im port, "the week was above the nor mal. Steady improvement m co.wu cent increase. eensDoro mewo. , TTi-norv Editor Sam Farae m the H,Ckry Record says u - d Sam N York Tribune. an office, is a pubh tayst. a iNew ur battlefield has seen might have added I that n this J,, caring such portent to the produced by maintrength German .rlSSriocSS: ' S3ESri"0 FIREMEN ARE THANKED. I I desire publicly to thank the Hick ory firemen for their splendid work in putting out the fire which damaged my building Tuesday afternoon. It the heroic efforts of the firemen which prevented greater damage. 1 PHILIP SUTTLEMYRE. - Forecast for North Carolina: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday, probably showers naay in me juuuiivau. v..- -,,-,0 in Tevas. The crop con- tinnoa nromisinsr in all parts of UKia homa, and the hot, dry weather was xrow favormhle in Arkansas. "East of the Mississippi river the in tinarhr all crop is growing rapmiy m -j r ; sections, but rain would be beneficial -fvnr in.alit.ies. narticularly m hi a j-yy t i - - .. Tennessee and North Carolina. Squares are forming to the northern limits of the belt, and the plants are blooming and fruiting well farther south. Complaints oi Don weevil m service from conducting a traffic com munication in competition with the government. The facts discovered will be pre sented to grand juries and officials of the telegraph company will be sum moned to explain. The penalty for violation of the postal law is a fine of $500 or imprisonment for not more than six months. Miss Lucy Sledge returned today from a visit to Winston-Salem, Char lotte and Gastonia. 1 FEINERS L ESCAP E PROSECUTION Permit me to extend my sincere thinks to the Hickory firemen for 1 gJ:lm e'men worked increasing numbers are received from valiantly and it is to .them that I owe so much gratitude. J. L. LEACH. the southern portions of Georgia, Ala bama and Louisiana and as far north as southwestern Arkansas." By the Associated Press. London, June 20. Edward Shortt, chief secretary for Ireland, stated in the house of commons today that there was sufficient evidence against the Sinn Feiners arrested to enable their prosecution, but that it was not desirable nor necessary to institute this. he remainder of the mill escapeu. aw-waiu"'"

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