FRIDAY EVENING Hickory Daily Record PACE TWO HICKORY DAILY RECORD TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co Erery Evening Except Sunday B. II. F ARAB EE Editor V. MILLER Manager PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscribe desiring the address of their paper changed, toill please state in their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the i Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year..-- BU months 2.00 Three months . l-0o One month 40 One week Entered as second class matter Sep tember 11, 1015, at the postoffke at Hickory, If. C, under the act of March 8, 1879. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not rred ited in this paper and also the local news published herein. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918 WORK IT HARDER The Record would urge on the good people who read this paper the ne cessity for doing all in their power to have their friends join them in making the War Savings campaign an overwhelming success in this county. Numerous men, some of whom have never spoken in public, are . joining the company of speak ers to present the great cause in ev ery nook and corner of the county; busy house-keepers are making a house-to-house canvass in an effort to put the community across. There i3 whole-hearted cooperation. To buy War Savings Stamps might be a strain on some of us, but it is our duty to strain for our country; there are young men who are risking all for the people back home. Their sacrifices cannot be compared to any that we might be required to make And buying stamps that are worth as much as their face value in gold the universal medium, is not a sacri fice. Catawba county is looked up to by its sister counties throughout tht state. It has a position that it can not afford to lose. Push it over the top by a big margin. "PARTISAN BIAS" The "one-horse editor" will be un able to clamber up on "every stump in Catawba oounjty" between now and November, but he hopes some of his friends will post the following on one or more stumps in the county: METROPOLITAN Office of Theodore Roosevelt May 22, 1917. My dear Mr. Farabee: None of the letters I have , re ceived pleased me more than yours. With thanks. Sincerely, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Mr. Roosevelt was told by the "one- horse editor" that there were excep tions when tho editor could not en dorse the colonel's acts. To some it may seem that the government is going rather strong In Taising armies for service over seas, but we may be sure that thi3 does not seem to be true with tho3e men who have gone across. . The more men raised, equipped and c.nt against the Prussians the greater the chances for the return of those who have preceded them, and tho quicker the contest will be decided right. Frank A. Linney., who knows his mountain people, says there is no trouble about the citizens of Ashe. They are as loyal and patriotic as the citizens in any of the counties, and they are not responsible for deserters who infest the county from three states. Mr. Linney, by the way, is doing as much work as the next man in the cause of America. In presenting Rev. W. R. Bradshaw with an automobile, the members of the First Baptist church showed ap preciation for a pastor whose first consideration is their welfare. A little act like this is not only appre ciated by the recipient, but it tends to make shepherd and flock even more devoted. The Record congratulate all concerned. The farmers of ITorth Carolina have been producing crops during the past two years that would have seem ed impossible a few years ago. The spur of necessity, as well as the spur of patriotism, are responsible. The French, who know as much European politics as anybody, warn the public not to take the Austrian situation too serious!y. We can hope that the dual monarchy will crack, but we should not expect the subject races to strike unless they feel that they can break the bonds. Well, pretty soon the editor will be able to take a ride as often as he likes. It is not hard to call on preacher friends for a lift. All the preachers should have automobiles. Rhodhiss and Granite Falls will have a rally tonight and there will be stamp works. Some seasons we are having. Every thing is growing. OUR FUTURE TRADE The future of American foreign trade depends largely upon the par ticipation in its benefits of a steadil increasing number of enterprises. T?ivilnnllv or in oo-oreration. the prospect of success of well-directed and sustained enort is reassuring. Our trade must depend for its fu ture development primarily on the ef-nn-rirultural and industrial production, upon the enterprise of American merchants, manufacturers, shipping, and banking and upon tne training of youth in our scnoois, coi leges and universities. T?inVM- nflturallv will exert a tre nTiiMia influence on our foreiern trade program and an important duty rests in the same degree relatively u the prairie banker and the metropol itan banker. The best preparation for an effect oftor tho war trade Dolicv is ad- herence to sound business principles in the regulation and restriction of trade during the war. The various Federal agencies empowered to act can assist American enterprise by the negotiation of advantageous commer cial treaties, by collecting and dis seminating more extensive informa tion for foreign markets and by sug gesting improved financing, selling ard pVrchasinp methods Bankers' Monthly. NEED OF INCOME TAX REVISION Our present income tax law is per haps the most absurd hodge-podge ev er placed on our statue books. After several years of struggling with it intricacies, the treasury is still unable to fit it to all cases, and it throws a heavy and entirely unjust burden of detail on bankers, brokers, em p'oyers and all those who in any way handle the incomes of others. It is full of inequalities and unnecessary complications. It makes no dis tinction between' earned and unearned incomes. It contains numerous pro visions which are unenforceable in ac tual practice. It is certainly to be hoped that since our taxation program is to be revised the revision may be thorough enough to make both the income and the excess profits tax laws simpler and more definite. We have yet to hear from any taxpayer who is. un willing to bear his share of the war burden but all of us dislike to feel that we are also bearing a part of the other fellow s burden. Magazine of Wall Street. ONE TO THREE INCHES OF SNOW IN GERMANY London, June 28. .Snow has fallen to a depth of from one to three inches in several parts of Germany, according to a dispatch from Amster dam to the Exchange Telegraph Com pany. Frost has caused havoc to the fruit trees. The cold wave, the message adds, is considered to be an economic ca tastrophe. Berlin and Hamburg have experienced four days of unin terrupted rain. GASOLINE STOVES Have you a gasoline stove in your home? If you have, you had bet ter communicate with your insurance agent at once, and obtain a permit to use such stove. There is a regu lar form for the permit, and it is against regulations to have a gaso line stove without permission. HICKORY PLUMBER THOUGHT HE NEEDED NEW PIPES "My stomach and intestines were always full of gas and I often had severe colic attacks. The pain and soreness caused me to think I need ed a new set of pipes. Since taking Mayr's Wonderful Remedy all this has disappeared and my only trou ble now is to make enough dough to buy all the food I'd like to eat." It is a simple, harmless prepara tion that removes the catarrhal mu cus from the intestinal tract and al lays the iniflamjation which causes practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. All Druggists. (Adv.) Train Schedules SOUTHERN Westbound No. 15 At Hickory 7:56 a. m. So. 11 Ar Hickory 11:20 a. m. No. 21 Ar. Hickory 4:45. No. 85 Ar Hickory 12:02 p. m Eastboond No. 86 Ar. Hickory 9:00 a. m. No. 22 A r Hickory 11:20 a. m. No. 12 Ar Hickory 4:45 p. m. No. 16 Ar. Hickory 6:15 p. m. C AND N.-W Southbound Mo. 9 At. Hickory 2:85 p. m. Northbound No. 10 Ar. Hickory 11:40 a. m. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE B ITES-STINGS Wash the parts with warm, salt water then apply Lml. Body-Guard InTCxr Hoi PO 25c, 50c,. 31.00. 41 VICKSV5 I PRUSSIAN RETROGRESSION The Outlook. The daily papers 'announce that a German commission appointed to examine the decline in the birth rate in Germany has reported a recom mendation for the compulsory mar mi age of Germans before their 20th year is passed, with a provision of financial assistance to those who need it and penalties for those who refuse to comply, and penalties also tor unaxned cqupies who remain childless. This is the latest, though it may not be the last, manifestation of Prussianism. Henry Drummjond has said that love is the greatest thing in the world. Love has mitigated the hor rors of war, and sent the Red Crosa with its. missions of mercy to tent on the battlefields by the side of the soldier; it has provided for the lame, the blind, the weak-minded, and the various handicapped in peace; it was created within the nation the spirit of regard for each other's rights and of respect for each others opinions the spiritual basis of demo cracy; it has leaped over national boundaries, and by inspiring mutua regard, and respect among men of different races and nationalities hag begun to create a spirit of interna tional brotherhood; it has expelled the spirit of abject fear from religion and substituted the spirit of loyalty and reverence; and it has proved it self the bond of perfectness in cre ating the family, the foundation of all social civilization, and the nurs ing place of love in all its various forms as justice, pity and mercy. Prussianism has abolished human ity from war and substituted terror ism, veiling its cruelty by a pretense that the greater the terrorism thb sooner the war will be over; it has avowed its disbelief in aid to the handicapped, and declared that the best service which can be rendered to the unfortunate in society is to facilitate and expedite their suicide, it has proclaimed itself the invete ate foe of liberty, equality and fra ternity, and has taken up arms to abolish democracy from the earth; u has denied that there is or should be any fellowship to nations, and de clared that "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," does not mean tlat men r different nationalities are to have any feeling of good will toward each other; it has en deavored to drive love from the pul pit and for loyal love for a heavenK I Father. God of love; it has sought : to substitute abject fear for Odh.. :god of force; and now it proposed to ;abolish love as the bond of per ; fectness from the home life and I make the family merely a means of breeding soldiers for the state. Whav iurtner step toward making barba rains o fall German Prussianism can take it is difficult to see unless it should adopt the legislation which Plutarch attributes to the Spartans and teach its young men to murder peaceful laborers in time of peace in order to accustom them to brutal ity in time of war. RING MADE FROM PARTS OF DESTROYED ZEPPELIn Mrs. D. C. Keever is the proud possessor of a finger ring made from parts of a Zeppelin that was shot down by French airmen, probably on the last great Zeppelin invasion of England, when the Zeps struck across France and ran into hard luck for them. Mr. A. F. Keever of Newport News, who was here on a visit to his mother, left the ring with her and she prizes it highly. It was presented to him by a captain of a transport in appreciation for courtesies shown him by Mr. Keever at Hotel Warwick at Newport News. The Record is indebted to its good friend, Mr. M. H. Johnson of Bakers Mountain, for two baskets of fine peaches. Brother Johnson is one of the Record's friends who see to it that the joys of living are not lack ing. Extra at the "PENDLETON'S ROUND UP" Eighth annual review,, the greatest - western feature ever put. on the screen. This is a most unusual feature in three reels, also TO-TO in THE JUNK MAN" a two reel comedy. This will be a great show boys. Don t miss it. ADMISSION 5 & 15c. (War tax included.) scsacssDaaQaccaaaacaoaaDDaaaaBsian i m. mm ju rasume Saturday, II " II II u n LI ti U a Peggy Hyland With MILTON SILLS .: in...:.. "THE OTHER ....A Pathe Play in Five Parts.... adapted from the A; H. Woods stage success which ran for over two years with Blanche Walsh as star. A picture every woman in Hickory should see. ADMISSION 5 and 15c war tax included n ii ii ii ii u n ii ii ii ii ci u ri EXTRAat Pastime Monday " WHISPERING WIRES OF WAR " n ii u PEARL WHITE in "HOUSE OF HATE" and "It's a Wild Night'' a Lonesome Luke Comedv H "J HAVE used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup A Pepsin and find it a most effective and pleasant laxative one that is worth recom mending to one's friends. I know that my health has been greatly improved since using it." From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by I Miss Alice Lombard, 22 Boylston St., I Springfield, Mass. J Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (2) $1.00 A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Brings relief without griping or other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton Street, Monticello, Illinois. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO REGISTRANTS TVi Irwal board announces that the last of! the questionnaires for the registrants of June 5, 1918, will, have been mailed out by Saturday,! June 29, and it is important thatj the registrants properly fill out these j questionnaries, answer an questions that require answers, and that the questionnaires be returned to the of fice of the local board within seven days from the date of the mailing thereof. Failure to fill out and return ques tionnaire within seven days consti tutes a misdemeanor punishable by not to exceed one years imprison mpnt. and such failure mav also de prive registrant of valuable rights nnc rpsiilt. in immediate induction in to military service and trial by court martial. Rpjrist.rants are advised to secure the services of a member of the legal advisory board, or some otner law yer in the county, to assist in filling mif tne nuestionnaries. The mem bers of the legal advisory board are Messrs. W. A. Self, W. J. reimster and W. B. Gaither. Any lawyer in the county will assist registrants frea of charere. LOCAL BOARD FOR CATAWBA COUNTY The best place in town to buy your candy A large assortment of fancy goods always on hand FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS Don't forget I handle Dolly Varden Chocolates. Business Strictly Cash D. W. COOK 1416 10th Avenue. Phone 248 Pastime Today 1 m. . -v v mj . m June 29 i3 g a a i mtmm a B D n g a D D WOMAN STILL SENDING THEM TO FRANCE Omaha Bee. These new tfassenger rates are hrp.alci.TiP- un a lot of rdans for sum mer gatherings, but they do not in terfere with any of General Crowder excursion parties. HiimiiiniiimmmtiiiMiiiiiiiBBii Professional 1 Cards 2 Diy W.B. Ramsey Otitic over Shuford'8 Druj Stor. Hickory, THE HICKORY HARNESS CO i&afrafit!uer& of li &v.a of HARNESS, BRIDLE. AND STRAP WOSSL Sepalrtng a Specialty. Elekory, N. C THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP THOMPSON. Proprietef ; Fint-Class Work Guaranteed Pboc 10e. Work Delivered 1082 14th trct Hickory, N G. Next to First Buildin k Loan offle. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will aniw; caIIs day or night. Beiidenca phona 808-L. DR. 0. L. HOLLAR HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to PILES, Fistulas, Fissures, Ll cers, Pruritus Cured. No cut ting, no confinement. CHIROPRACTOR DR. E. B. ROGERS Removes the cause of disease such as: Asthma, Biliousness, Bladder di seases, Bronchitis, Catarrh Con stipation, Coughs and Colds, dia-: betes, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Diseases of Women, Dys pepsia, Emancipation, Epilepsy. Health Without Drugs Dr. J. Sidney Michura Graduate Veterinarian Office A. S. Abernethy and Sons Hickory North Carolina Telephone 256 Residence 339L E222II35! J. C. DeRhodes Justice of Peace Office 1222 Ninth A ve. OR. ALFRED W. DULA I TOSEF BETTER SEE DULA VI Ymf'. The Best Equipment Obtainable. tjiaoses fitted exclusively MARTW BLOCK. SiHOIR.n.C. lXwo i got it from CXJLftTlt i'lu3t WA TCH PAPKS FOR DATKST LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Dept. Box 127 Charlotte, N. C - n ,et the Mi S2 u a a a a a a a o a Did it ever occur to you that a recognized con nection with a strong financial institution often makes the difference between the success and fail ure of your enterprise? A proper use of the facilities -offered lby such an institution as this one is of the very first-aid s to ?scientif ic management and busi ness efficiency, These are just a few of the services we per form for you.' If you have never had a bank account you will be surprised at the many conveniences it affords. Do not wait until you have a large sum to deposit nearly all accounts are started with small accounts, .and we welcome the beginner. a a 3 I FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $800,0OOX0. four F Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Money to Loan at All Times. Yes, Madam! we sell Fancy Face Powders, Perfumes and Paints Dollars Saved By Wives May Save the Husbands' Lives Buy War Savings Stamps GRIMES AND MURPHY, Druggists ."On the Corner" -;- Opposite Post Of tice "IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH PHONE 300 Buy War Savings Stamps arc coming in every day and they alwyas come again. The Cash and Carry System means Economy and Thrift, and these two words mean more to the American people now than ever before. Home, grown Tomatoes 12 l-2c lb. Snap Beans 6c lb. Cabbage 1 4c lb. Breakfast Bacon 50c lb. Fat Back 30c lb. Side Meat 32c per lb. Tub Lard 28c lb. Snowdrift, large pail $2.60 Snowdrift, sealed cans 4 lb net $1.25 Pure lard 32c lb. Pink Salmon 20c per can Sweet Meadow Corn 15c per can Clipped Corn 17c per can Canned Tripe 1 1-2 lb can 30c White House Coffee, 3 lb can$1.00 WThite House Coffee 1 lb can 35c Caraja Coffee, 4 lb. can $10o Carja Coffee 1 lb can 2Sc Evaporated Milk, 1 lb can 1 Evaporated Milk, 6oz. can Good 4 Tie Broom 'oc Good 5 Tie Broom s?,c Head Rice 12 l-2c per lo. i 9th Avenue i asite u n i n n u MoreU If WITH A MI n U a n ii u a n ii I! For a "Everything a word &S81 Bank If on 0 8 6 B a o n a a a a a a a B a a a a a 3 m n a Q El SI Hickory, N, C, Accounts, m stonier Grocery Phone 55 B U B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B a a a a a a a a a a a a a Sale By Cash Mhie Hardware Company j in Hardware' a a a r I i s

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