FRIDAY EVENIX(; and All This Week -!. & aww . nii-Ami i v r.iRl S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY present tonight "RUFUS RASTUS'' The bir.e.t Ir.ughing ,arce Comedy of the week. YOU'LL LAUGH 1TILL YOUR SIDES ACHE. " Complete change of .ong,, dances and mus-.c Hie DiCffesi ir.ugnmg jlv , ol RlaW Pp Comedi. don t miss tonights show. .- 1 1 yuu iiivc - j 7 , Onlv One Show Each Night Admissionchilclren under 12, 15c Adults 25c war tax included Commences at 8:30 P. M. Hickory Daily Recokb face rouK i : '- zzz.llir" -"-m'-. - fc. "F- HHi . . - - - ---------"j7 l SAVE A PIECE Of EVERY DOLLAR We have just received a shipment of LADIES' COATS buy early or you will have to pay for delaying. We would like to show you our entire line of merchandise! Men and boys clothing at less than they can be purchased in the markets today. Shoes to suit all sizes and classes of wear. It pays to trade at s J. S. Setzer & Son Hickory- . . . North Carolina MtiiiiMmiMiiMiinntmmmniuuwiBgg RECORD WANTS ttminiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiim WANTED Pine loes, not less than 8 inches in diameter, four or eight feet long, $6. per cord. Ivey Mfg. Co. 5 6 tf W(HO KNOWS? It may be your fire next. Get protection at once from Citizens' Insurance & Realty Co., Phone 108. (Mice 1328 Union Sq. 6-21-12t FOR RENT Unusual offer. At tractive furnished bungalow, four rooms and kitchen, pantry, and bath, on very advantageous terms to a partv or couple without chil dren. Address "Select," Record office. 6 24 51 NEWTON WILL HAVE BIG RALLY TONIGHT Mr. H. H. Lowery, here from New ton today, said the War Savings Stamp campaign was growing 'in interest there and that a big mass meeting tonight in the court house was expected to raise thousands of dollars. Mr. Loomis F. Kluttz will be the principal speaker and the Camp Fire Girls will lead the sing ing of patriotic songs. KUEHLMANN OFFERED TO QUIT WEDNE !li!ll:!!!aii:J!!Ill!II!lli!!l!!JIHl!!li:iC jtwimmmiiiiiirnnmmHiiiiiiiminiiHHiniiMmiiiniUtrimiiiiHi! LENOIR COLLEGE, HICKORY, N. C Healthful location; no malaria; "A" grade; moderate expenses. A Christian school for the higher education of young men and women. Department of Education fully recognized by the North Caro lina State Board. The Yoder Memorial Science Building offers superior labora tory facilities for the study of Chemistry, Thysics and Biology. Departments: Literary, Education, Business, Music, Expres sion, Home Economics and Preparatory. Genuine college advantages within reach of all the people. It will be unwise for you to decide on a college until you have inves tigated the advantages offered by Lenoir. Write for Catalogue to R. L. FRITZ, D. D., President. W ANTED Position by young lady as clerk or cashier. Address "L care Record. 6 25 5t LOST Ladies wrist watch, Crown movement. Finder return to Mrs Ed Lytle or phone 334-L. Reward will be paid. FOR SALE Nice driving Mare. For information phone 3513. 6 25 lwk WANTED At once a good Violin ist and trap drummer. Apply J F. Miller Pastime Theatre. 6 25 tf The Ladies Home Journal the best edition ever issued will be on sale Saturday June 29th at the Hickory Nut Shop. 6 26 3t FOR SALE or exchange for farm close in, 9 room house and lot: room house and lot: vacant lot For information see Dr. F. B Hicks. 6 25 1 wk. Men America MAKE The German Barbarians now occupy the town of my birth a little city in Russia near the German border. KNOW WHAT THIS WAR MEANS. Help keep the lustful barba rian from America, my adopt ed country, By Buying Nw, This Day War S mns Stamps FOR RENT Rooms for light, house keeping to young couple without children or two young ladies Lights and bath. Phone 98-L. 6 27 3t FOR SALE -Full bloodied Duroc pigs. See R. H. Hedrick, Hickory R-3. Box 41. 6 28 1 wk SDAY By the. Associated Press. Paris, June 28. (Havas) Dr. von Kuehlmann offered his resigna tion as German foreign secretary on Wednesday, says a Zurich dispatch to the 'Journal. The dispatch adds that it is believed the emperor will accept the resignation. inn rt f" 1 .1, . IiCt t 'Tread I v m uv. B a t 4ii i m , ill res ires -f. s .: J; i .v.. .."--.itKv-jtv: 34 ic 1 ' ! .7- 1 U.:t FORMER CZAR DEAD SAYS THIS RE R NOTICE MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND L. Contributed by E. ZERDEN By the Associated Press. Paris. June 28. The court mar tial at Darmstadt, Geranjy, has receiv," ed a telegram signed "Tchitcherin" announcing that Nicholas Romanoff, the former Russian emperor, has been assassinated, says a dispatch to the Matin from Berne. The assassination took place near Perm. HICKORY MARKET PRICES (Reported by Whitener & Martin) Wheat flour, 12 lb. bag $1.70 Wheat flour, bulk .07 Barley flour, 10 lb. bag 1.00 Barlev flour, bulk, per lb. .10 Cornmeal. per lb. Wheat bread, 16 oz. loaf, home bakery . Wheat bread, Corby's, 12 oz loaf Oatmeal or rolled oats, per lb. Rice, unbroken, standard quali ty, per lb. 12 Hominy grits, per lb. i .10 Irish potatoes, new, per peck .50 Beans, white, per lb .15 J Onions, per lb. .02 Canned tomatoes, standard grade, 21 oz. (No. 2 can) .15 Canned corn, standard grade, 21 oz. (No. 2 can) .15 Canned peas, standard grade, 21 oz. (No. 2 can) .20 Canned Salmon, tall pink, Alas ka, 16 oz. No. 1 ean .20 Canned Salmon, tall red Alas ka, 15 oz. No. 1 can .30 Evaporated milk, unsweetened, 6 oz. can .07 Evaporated milk, unsweatened 16 oz. can -17 .12 .55 .40 .05 . .10 .10 .12 ii . "iBl Bl ' ac 1 I War Has Multiplied the Value of Good Tires Never were cars so necessary both in business and domestic life. Never was their continuous and economical use so imperative. Never was freedom from tire trou ble and the expense so absolutely essential. The rapidly growing demand for United States Tires prove their war time worth. Thousands of motorists each week get dependability and economy. United States Tires last longest and carry you farthest at least cost. They enable you to make the most ot your car passenger or com- g mercial now, when it is more thar ever a vital war-time necessity. By virtue of the fonditions and powers contained in a deed of mort gage executed by W. H. Garrison and his wffe, Alice Garrison, on the 14th day of November, 1917, and re corded in the office o fthe Register of Deeds for Catawba county in Book No. 133, at page 206, to secure payment of the sum pf twelve hun dred dollars and interest thereon, the undersigned will, on July 29th, 1918, sell the lands conveyed by said deed j Milk (bottled), per quart of mortgage, at the court-house door Butter, creamery, per lb. in iNewion, in. to tne nignesij Ji:ggs, fresh, per dozen Didder, lor casn, said lands Demg situate in Hickory township, Catawba county, and state of North Carolina, and bounded and further described as follows: Beginning at a stake on Main tsreet in the town of West Hickory, southwest corner of lot number 19, and runs S. 81 degrees W. with said street, 100 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 17 thence N. 14 deg&rees E 2C6 fe, more Or less to a stake corner of lot number 13; thence N. 81 de grees E 100 feet to a stake; corner of lot number 19; thence south 14 de grees, west 206 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The same being known as lot number 18 in the D. W. Rowe plat registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, North Carolina. This, June 28th, 1918. A. J. DRUM, 6 28 5t Fri Mortgagee. There is a United States Tire foi every possible need. Our nearest Sales and Serv ice De pot will tell you which ones yoi should have. A Complete Stock of United States Tires Carried by ickory Garage Company are turning to united states 1 ires to Z2 II II IIIIIIIIM 111 Ill llll IM III lllll UMW MImJJ Lenoir-Hickory Jitney Schedule Effective April lit. Leave Lenoir 3:30 p. m. Leave Hickory 5:30 p. m. Cars make connections with trains 21 and 12. Fare $1.25 each way. CHAS. BOBBINS, Manager. .40 .35 .45 .65 .35 Cheese .American, full cream, per lb. Pork chops, per lb. Ham, smoked, sliced Bacon, smoked, sliced Round steak, per lb. Hens, year or more, live,- per lb. .25 Fish, dressed, per lb 20-25 Sugar, granulated, per lb. 09 Coffee, per lb. 20-49 Tea, per lb. 50-$1.00 Prunes, medium size, per lb. .17 Y2 Raisins, seeded, per lb. .15 NEW KIND OF CALOMEL SAFE AND DELIGHTFUL The new kind of calomel, known as Calotabs, retains all of the good med icinal virtues of the old style calo mel, yet is entirely purified from all of the nauseating, disagreeable and dangerous qualities. You can, there fore, eat what you please and go where you please, with no loss of time from your work. One Calotab at bedtime, with a swallow of water that's all. Next morning you awake feeling fine, your liver cleansed, your system purified and with a hearty appetite for break fast. Calotabs are sold only in or iginal, sealed packages, price thirty five cents. Your druggist recom mends them and will refund your money if you are not delighted. Adv OUR 1818 CLASS (Continued from page 3) 83 Willard M. Matheson, Newton, 44 Edgar L. Hefner, Hickory, R-4, 116 Preston E. Cline, Maiden. 138 John L. Pharr, Conover, R2. 92 Perry D. Caldwell, Maiden. . 164-Preston W. Brown, S. Ford. 181 JJarland L. Sigmon, Conover. 140 Grady Cromer Miller, Hickory, R-3. 128 (Frank L: Fulbright, Newton. 197 James TuJ-nr (col)j, Monbo 103 Wtade Hampton, Burns, Hickory, R-4. 79 Russell F. Weaver, Hickory, R5 15 L:enn K. Sme, Newton, R5 141 Paul C. Costner, Maiden. 26Fred England, (Col), Newton, K-5. 110 Edward Pinckney Bumgarner, Hickory, R-2. 104 JVfurrel Turner (col.), Long Is land. 157 Geo. Lee Bollinger, Newton, Rl. 31 Charles Burton Star, Newton, R-5. 96 Glenn Huffman, Newton, R-4. 53 Roy O. Travis, Conover, R2. 43 .Dock Myrtle Huffman, Henry, R-2. 142 Raymond Daniel Shuford, Hen ry, R-3. -106 JBryan J. May, West Hickory. 134 Willie Reynolds, Henry, R-3. 80 Zallie C. Peeler, Henry, R-2. 127 Frank A. Reinhardt, Newton. 101 jMartin Caswell Huffman, Hick ory, R-5. 159 David Gaither Seaboch, Hickory, R-2. 170 Russell Caldwell, Catawba, R3. 144 Rgscoe R. Setzer, Newton. j Z6 !U bpurgeon Rhoney, R-l. .22 Russell C. Sipe, Conover, Rl 21 Daniel Ellis Rowe, Hickory. 180 Joseph Robert Wilson, Newton, R-2. 75 Raymond Mc. Hildebrand, Hick ory, R-5. 50 M. Floyd Sigmon, Newton. 47 (Fred Eugene Sipe, Conover. 126 (Charles F. Lutz, Newton. 86 -Johnnie" Colter (col), Newton. 60 nJohn A. Hollar, Hickory R-4. 129 Glenn Sigmon, Newton, R-5. 183 .Carl Ikerd, Lincolnton, R2. 73 .William H. Hudson, Henry, R2. 167 Name not known. 169 -Dorse L. Abernethy, Maiden, Rl 111 Earl O. Hefner, Hickory, R-2. 175 Huitt L. Arndt, Carlisle, S. C. 146 Olin Osborne Barger, Hickory, R-3. 20 Guy F. Smithy Conover, R2. 100 W. Elzie Marlow, Conover. 115 jRoy King (col), Terrell. 109 Lawrence W. Ekard, Coftover. 5 W, Leslie Parlier, Conover. 166 George O. Hawn, Conover. 117 (Roy W. Drum, Newton. -139Belton Shuford, (col), Reepsville, R-l. 133 .Vernon Henry Miller, Hickory R-5. - .- . 105 Walter L. Setzer, Claremont. 42 Roland D. Benfield. Catawba. 176 iEdmond S. Long, Newton, Rl. , 174 Robert C. Hildebrarid, Catawba,' K-3. 121 Eli Charles Yoder, Hickory. 132 Robert A. Ikard, Hickorc-T. 132 Clayton M. Weaver. Hinkorv T?1 "f CorPening, (col), Hickory. 97 Wtlham T. Gossett, Newton, R4 1 v num 1. JBurke, Maiden. 152 JuMus William Huffman, Henry, xv-o. .4 " r - . &smm - ,; i. . it-Si 4a 7- If m f J nrxn Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Newton. tX ifi-i..P2Ucatl?n"' a" cannot reach newwu, tie ataeutj portion of the ear. There la and tha. Tk10 cure Cttta"al .eafneas. Cafarrho b constitutional remedy, floif 5hal ?eafnesa it caused by an ln Jhf t,6n,0. th mucous lining of ta5ttchlatn Tube- When this tube is ZuuZa -tearing, and when It is entirely fBflV-?f.afnes" in the PeBult- Unless th te&d toai, re,duced and this tub? Will be critJormal coadltlon. hearing- the blood !!' ,atarPh Medicine acts thro ystem mucous surfaces of the We will give One Hundred Dollars tar brewed byCHia,,:Ph?., Pea"- thatacannf oulaw T ?ftUC" Catab Medicine. Clr- Bttiars free. All DrupgiBts. 76c. f' CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, a WE HAVE TOE FOLLOWInVcaRS FOR SALE. 1200 New York Doctors Fighting Poison Gas. Do you know that you folks at home as well as the brave boys "over there" are menaced by "poison gas" -the insidious kind that steals away health and the joy of living, in the perpetually reoirring disturbances resulting iroa a gassy, sour stomach. 1200 New York physicians rcjnlarly prescribe JOHN' S DIGESTIVE TABLETS as the most perfect (ora of relief known for these stomach d orders. The TABLETS are highly beneficial for gastric and intestaal indigestion, heartburn, acid cr scar stomach, flatulence and gastric catarr They sure do vanish that poison gas which is the basis of most stoaach ailments, as well as banish bad breatl which usually heralds that gas-& stomach. Get the TABLETS at your drej Btore. They insure quick, lasting rwel by taking three to six dissolved in . glass of water or chewed before sh owing. Have JOHN'S DIGESTIVE TABLETS handy in the dining too for chronic cases cf gastric cr m tinal indigestion-asoneor two 1 LETS should be taken before ea eal n v w 1123 Broadway Ghilclren Cry Fftl? F! ETtHER'S O ASTORIA u8i vice One 1917 Ford Touring car. One 1915 Ford Touring One 1916 Ford Roadster. One 1915 Ford Roadster. One 1915 Buick Touring car, Elec tric Starter and Lights. ofA these cars in first-class condi- U r ll? s?Veral other good cars. See Little Buck. HICKORY GARAGE CO., Phone 225. '6-22-tf Jitney TO N Leave Hickory ... Leave Hickory Leave Hickorj' Leave Hickorj Leave Hickory --- Leave Newton ., Leave Newton Leave Newtoi - Leave Newton -..-- Leave Newton ewton to Coaver - ----Newton to Hickory -Hickory to Conover TTnnL'-ir tA tJpwtOU " Our Motto: Good b-rnt". R. W . CUNt ..Oft t V1 2:S0 P- '""4:35 P. 3 7;SG P. ""7-20 31 3:30 Pf J - J 1

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