MONDAY PAGE TWO r li f if? i W, t 1 "f-:i :! I ! .1: f A 0.; tf: ... t 11 : is !! fit: ',11 M $ 'Sr. HICKORY DAILY RECORD TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday a. U. V ARAB EE Editor o. MILLER Manager PUBL1CATIOn"7)FFICE : 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscriber $ desiring the address of their paper changed, will please state in their eommuniration both OLD and HEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the i Sub scription Department promptly. City ' tubscrtbers should call J07 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $4-(' Six months - 2-00 Three months One month - One xveek -i0 Entered as second class matter Sep tember 11, y5, at the postojjlce at Hickory, N. C, under the act of Uarch S, 1879. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED 1RSS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not ".red Itcd in this paper and also th local news published herein. MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1U18 ISSUE IS CLEAR CUT to The Record has had little to say on nulitica thus far and what it has said has been in an effort to mak the candidates for the more impor tant olh'ccs define their positions is aware of the tendency to carry water on both shoulders; it is aware that patriotism is not confined any one party, and it is also aware that no set of individuals has a mon opoly of patriot' sm. The duestion is not whether Mr Wilson could have prevented th war. as some pohtio.ans are even now contending he should have done or of whether he should have throw the United States into it two year earlier, as others claim he shoul have done the ciuestion is: Are the men who aspire to be congress men and United States senator favor of prosecuting the war to successful conclusion and making impossible for the Hun again throw the world into a battle field? That is the issue. If a candidate tells one crowd that his election will bring an early peace and inform another that he will see to it that th Hun Is beaten to a standstill, he guilty of hypocrisy, and deserves no consideration whatever. He shoul le spurned. Record readers are in better posi tion than this paper to determine whether the speeches they hear thi fall are sincere or not. The" Rec ord may not hear them; indeed, i cannot hear all. Intel icent. patriotic men will so to it that the candidates do not hedg w 11 see to it that they spea plainly. Abusing the president doe no good, abusing Taft or Roosevelt bit? war men. does no good. Win ning the war is the thing. The war will be won, but gooc North Carolinians should see to : that their state is not placed in humiliating pos tion by candidate for office. They should see to i that when the boys come home, they will not be ashamed of their position JMakc every candidate come clean on the war issue. The Record is not reproducing the editorial from the State Journal be cause that paper declared the Ree ord had annihilated Jonas in the lit tie controversy some time ago. The Record's motives were good then, as now, and its or'ginal Intention was to let the public find out what sort of fellow Jonas was. The public has learned a good deal most of from his insolent and threatening letters but it will learn more. In the meantime Mr. Webb is support ing the country at Washington, and is giving a practical demonstration of his pos'tion. In his war review a week Frank II. Simonds ventured the op ion that -the allies ni ght have the Germans out ot trance betore snowjjj falls and in his review yesterday j tie inougnt me nuns woum not oe pushed much farther than the old Ilindenburg line this year. The military writer was confident the allies would win and he told how they in a series of ' drives at different parts of the line would send the en emy retreating to pos'tions in the rear. The Germans always coukl make a stand on prepared lines, Mr. Simonds thought, but each time they would lose prisoners and supplies and what is more important, morale. Extraordinary Attraction AT PASTIME so iar the Kecoru has not seen any report of the amount of War Savings Stamps sold at that patrio otic meeting at the three-county corners. It has .heard from many sources that Mr P. A. Setzer of Hickory presented the matter vigor ously and did his full duty, as Mr. Setzer is in the habit of doing. It wa3 up to the others to help out. What they did in a patriotic way will be published :n figures that will speak good or ill of their sincerity We hope the sales will amount to $15,000 at least. The Record does not know a father who is not proud of his son or sons in the service. These fathers and mothers have every reason to be proud. They are offering the best that America has, and their worth will be recognized more and more as the years pass. The country has hon ored its heroes, but never before has it been able to appreciate them as it will be able after this war. "MAKING IT SAFE FOR RIG J) DEMOCRACY" State Journal, Raleigh. Senator Charles A. Jonas, in his opening speech in the congressional campa'gn of last week, Is given but a fragmentary write-up which, of course, commits a candidate to all the misunderstandings that such im perfect recording invites. Ne ertheless it is manifest that whatever Mr. Jonas meant by some of the very foolish things he said, that democrm-v on the other side is no concern of ourselves, tfluyt we 11 . 1 . it. . -P,. snouui nut ue .11 ine vui uui iui mt. hypocritical campaign two years ago and that we .got into it because the kaiser thought we were too cowardly to light, he imagined he had found a crowd ir reconciled enough to war to make safe that sort of appeal. Ami for making it Mr. Jonas should be very much ashamed of himself. We gather from Democratic com ments that party leaders are very happy over the evident fiasco of the Morehead-Jonas grand fall opening. It was Morehead through and through to fancy that he can interest the world, fighting the Hun for freedom, in the proposition to pay America more for her goods than anybody else is pa d. That is the way Mr. Morohead's mind works. It runs wholly to business advantage, honor able enoufih. we doubt not, but he makes a poor start for United States senator "when he would make Ins miserable fetich protection, his para mount issue. As to Mr. Jonas, the gentleman does not seem to know where to be u'in. He can recount the falldown of Congressman Yates, his opponent, in the "support of the administration when It came necessary for it to make war. Mr. Webb supported JefF McLemore's resolution and was head ed to the long obl'vion which already come to McLemore. Mr. Webb was also on the road to questionable fame when he paired with a better American, a Republican, and thereby relieved himself of actual responsi bility in voting for a declaration ox war. Just where Mr. Jonas gets on, is net viable to the naked eye. It i! i 1- 4t!ln tt-''i 1? n tit 11- Senilis Ulll He uuiuva vii o,v TftADTjHM Aft It O'rzAixA TO-DAY J. STUART BLACKTON The Master of the Screencraft presents "WILD YOUTH" From the novel of SIR GILBERT PARKER Picturized and produced under the personal direction of J. Stuart Rlackton. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Admission 10 and 20c, war tax included. Special Music tonight by Mrs Hatcher ilUS PRISONERS DEPRESSED; KNOW GERMANY CANNOT WIN Rritish Army Headquarters, Aug. -!.". (Reuter's.) The demeanor of hundreds of German officers taken prisoner recently is in striking con trast with the attitude of officers captured during the British retreat last spring. Then German officer prisoners were arrognant and meant i to crush tne British to earth, but now they are depressed and very anxious. They appear to be wil ling to talk and the tenor of their conversation may be summed up asJ, follows: They say Germany enter ed tlij war with enthusiasm, but this has long since disappeared and the struggle has now become an econ- Si B m n WANTED 3 omic one wi th Great Britain. They admit that Germany is In practically a hopeless condition, both economically and from the manpower point of view and ask whether Great Britain cannot consider Germany sufficiently reduced to be no longer a dangerous trade rival or whether the allies intend to crush her alto gether. In the latter case, they say, Germany will be forced to fight to the last, but thev make no effort to conceal their impression of what : 3 this means Tor the fatherland. I 2 lhey say tney Del. eve there is ev ery disposition to evacuate Belgium ana northern ranee anct even ne gotiate for tne retention or evacua lion of Alsace-Lorraine. They are generally unanimous in agreeing that annexations thus far made and the Brest-L'itovsk treaty were a great mistake, m f4 M 4,000 dozen canned Beans, Tomatoes, and Sweet Pota toes. Will furnish canning outfits and take canned g-oods in payment for same, at $2. per dozen. Phone or write us for further particulars. We are operating a De hydrat'ng plant which may be inspected by the public at any time. This method of preserving is one of. the most economical means for saving fruits and vegetables. S Fraternal Directory i Stammmimwawmwmnnmnaata Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. - Regular communication Fir and third Monday nights, brethren cordially invitexl t b present. W. B. SOUTHERLAND, Sec' p: L. MOOS1G, W. M.. leamom iuuiku No. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M Meets everj fewmdsy eYenlnif at 7:30 P. M All viiitinf brothers cortitily invited. W. I. Caldwell, Councilor A. J. Easex, Rec. Sec. annnnnnnnnnaaannnnnDncnnnnEEss;; Test ot Abili M M Catawba Lodge No. 54 K, ofP V'iaitinK- brethren invited. j!R L HEFNER, C. C. 'A. G. KIRKPATRICK, K. R S. Professional Cards mmtsxmmanmmisixtntttnt&'.u pidlv needless th ng. At least he thinks the Democracy which he hates with 11 his moderate abilities, is re sponsible for the war because it made a campaign ostensibly to keep out. The plain impl'cation of Mr. Jonas is thata the Democrats meant to declare war as soon as the result of an anti-war campa'gn had borne fruit in Wilson's re-election. If the gentleman means that he should say so. lie owes it to him self to take a stand. Sam Farabee has challenged him and annihilated him on the state of facts now devel oped by Jcnas himself. If Mr. Jo nas is' opposed to America's entry into the war he w'll find many in his own surrounding counties no bet ter c'tiens in that respect than himself, but he should not be asham ed of his position. If he has the Roosevel; obsession so deei-rooted that he thinks by bluster and terrific writing all the insolent powers allied with Germany might have been af fr'irhtened into concluding the war before it half began, it makes no difference. That s as vital an issue rf debate as Mr. Jonas has been able to offer thus far. The Republicans would be entirely iustified in attacking the "he kept us out of war" slogan if they had a better record to which they might point with their accustomed pride. But Mr. Hushes was nominated by German Influences that sought to pen al ze President Wilson, for his man fest inability to remain neutral as between pirates and murderers and gentlemen who play the game scrup ulously by rules of international law. Democrats in glorifying the peace record of Mr. Wilson had substance to cast over the shadow of war. There was the ignoble back-down and self abasement of Germany following the Lusitanla and the pledge to respect neutral rights. The violation an repudiation cf this solemn compact led to the war and the Republican who refuses to see it merely defiles h'mself. Mr. Jonas might have had a cnance in the ninth had he sailed into the Webb record and assaulted it because it fits ill into the relentless warfare which Mr. Webb's chief is now wag ing against Germany. We fancy that nothing can make partisan De mocracy quite so safe as the miser able campaign of Mr. Jonas wh'ch seems to nave as its oDjeci ju&unc tion of the Webb course of hesitancy and inharmony. m si 1ST peace i but lis think they cannot withdraw from i Russia ,n the present condition ofng affairs there. They are aware that m the American army now has assumed very formidable proportions and there is a general admission of the seriousness of this factor. The submarine campaign they can not refer to without gestures of im patience. Captured non-commissioned offi- i cers attribute recent German deteats to the inefficiency of their air service and more especially to the inexper ience and lack of stamina of the latest recruits who are most inade quately drilled and trained and who are physically Incapable of sustain ing the h-ivy strain of defensive warfare. The mere presence of these new recruits, they say , produces in a company a demoralizing effect upon the older men because it Indi cates to what straits Germany must be reduced to employ such poor ma terial. Home Canner Manufacturing Co. LIICION OF HONOR AWARDED TO ITFTY-FIVE AMERICANS NEBRASKA PRIMARIES Springfield Republican. Senator Is orris s resolution in the Republican primaries of Nebras ka indicates that the Republicans there are not inclined to be punitive in dealing with a man who was one of the "wilful 12" and voted against the declaration of war. Mr. Nor- ris nan tne support or tne iarmers of the nonpartisan league, while the opposit on to him was not un..ted. II is success in the primaries, howev er, must embarrass the lcepubneans of the east who may be inclined to play up their party as the more pa triotic one. Vardaman s defeat in Mississippi !s the democrat'c retort o Norris s v ctory in Nebraska. Yet neither party could get far with' the claim thata it enjows a monopoly of patr.otism. The Democrats of Ne braska are rather disarmed with ref erence to Senator Norris bv the rec ord of Senator Hitchcock, wdio before the United States bpcnme a bpllVpr- nt was in correspondence with "my lear Vierick" in support of a move ment for an arms embargo. Then there is Mr. Bryan's dreadful Lus" tania record in the farther back ground. The wnr makes a fine mlv. J With the American Army in France, Aug. 25. Fifty-five officers non-commissioned officers and men of a certain American division were awarded the legion of honor, the military medal, the war cross or d'stingu'shed service cross yester day morning at the most brilliant decoration ceremony the American army has held in France. Similar decorations have been awarded 72 others, who were unable to be present owing to the fact that they are in a hospital. , Most of the awards have been made for gal lant conduct in the Marne battle. The decorations and medals were personally pinned on the Americans by General (name delated), who was accompanied by a lare-o group of Amer can, French and British staff officers as well as majors and brig adier generals.) After the decoration ceremony was competed, regiments of infantry, en gineers, French machine gunners and American artillery, with colors flying, filed past the men. thus hon ored. Terfect weather added to the .icy ot the occasion and the sound, of the guns in an airplane battle over head gave-just the proper dramatic iouch. French medals were awarded offi cers and men selected by the division authorit'es. The chevalier of the legion of honor was given to Major' UAly lcchet, mlantry, of Eustis, Fla.; Capt. E. A. Cook of New York, Capt. Arthur H. Terer, Lieutenants Richard S. Heventor, infantry and Harry W. Caygill, infantry, and Chap lain Ilirrisa Darche, who was absent. Lieut. Louis Viand, of the French ar my, was awarded the distinguished cross for gallantry, coolness and bravery during a raid in which he led a Franco-American detach ment. Sixteen non-commissioned of ficers and 79 officers and men also received the war cross. Efcaiaa Willi II I II) I g5ag33BiJMSW8gJE3Srog&B83iBB9 Di W. B. Ramsey Ofiks over Shuford'a Drug Stop. Hickcry, N. & THE HICKORY HARNESS CO Atar&SGicri oil &il klyiQ st BKIDLWJ, BADDIES AND STSAP WOB3L THE ELECTRIC SH0ESH0P F. H. THOMPSON. Preprint First-class Work Guartntsd Phone 105. Work Deliver 1082 14th atrat Hickory, N a iVcxt to First Buildls 1-os.n flte IF YOU WANT YOUR TIME PIECES AND EYES DOCTORED RIGjHT SEE, E.E. HIGHT Expert Watchmaker AND Registered Optometrist The test of ability to save, ie is some surplus that yc-j as'de or put in the bank. If you have no surplus, yo u are not prepared for th.p , that is sure to come. This bank will help you get started. If you open a savings recount here in the name 0f or girl you will find that it impresses them more w':h of money, the principles of economy, etc., than any , out of a book. Economy is the most essential element of success, would have your boy be a successful man you n;i: t saving money. No matter how little t is, you v. come at this bank. ....We Welcome Your Business RST NAT10NA1 Capital J)d Surplus $300,000,00. Fl lr-'i i V Cent interest On ravings pounded Quarterly. ses --r INCREASE YOUR RADIUS WITH A M House Painting Roof painting, wall tinting, wall papering, etc. Wall papers select ed from sample books. J. Arthur Webb Painter and Paper-hanger. East 8th Avenue Estimates furnished. Prompt service TRUCK Ask for demonstration - No obi igatioa to buy. Dr. R. P. WILSON Veterinary Surgeon Will anawor cll dmy or nijfh. Residence phone 308-L. ERNETHY HARDWARE CO. HICKORY, N. C. Mr. B. P. Sherrill has received a card advising that his son, Freeman O. Sherrill, has arrived safely overseas. -srv f r - S" Vifi M-oiio?.; -rY.I.;,an;.,!.:l Urund .vv J'ili.Hin He' ar.;l f:s,ll mctallicT W .-rk3 J-',xre, s-x;! v.-it!. lime RiLbjn. V IJ 5a V-v3 aUo r.c, other ftxty of vojt- V 1 Mi """' ' .:.!: I for So- yeari known as Lest Safest, Aiwa ys Relia-.c S0Ifj3Y0fy-Gri!STSfVERVWMERI mi HT PASTIIV1E TUESDAY. AUGUST 27TH FANNIE WARD in "INNOCENT' A Pathe Play in 5 Parts Adapted from A. H. WOOD'S Famous Dramatic Success. A Fine Pic u re. Don't Miss lt Adm 10 and 15c Special music at ni ht War tax included y Mrs Hatcher. Coming Monday, Sept. 2: "HANDS UP" Pathe's big new Western Sereal, featuring Ruth Roland. Free admission to all children under 12 years of age on that date. 1 DR. 0. L HOLLAR HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to PILES, Fistulas, Fissures, Ll cers, Pruritus Cured. No cut ting:, no confinement. CHIROPRACTOR DR. E. E. ROGERS Chronic anfii nervous diseases or most any other abnormal con dition of the body. Consultation free. GEO. E. BISANAR Doctor of Optics Errors of Refraction and all Optical defects corrected with properly fitted glasses. Office and examination room m connection with Jewelry Store. rife- alfrebIToou TOSEF BETH SEE SBU The Bei Eouinmprs! fiht,;..L' . ?,Ied Exclusively S ttilHT in BLOCK. UmiL U V 3 Mmwill ftomlJ0L4 lVttZ't -r6 t LENSES GROUND ft DUPLICATED Repair OePt. Box 1?7 Char' tte, N. C. to Subscribers The war industries board has sued the following order: Discontinue sending papers lif ter date of expiration of subscrip tion unless subscription is renewed and paid for." This is one of eleven conditions imposed on newspapers by the gov ernment in the interest of Fpor conservation, and must be compllcl with if newspapers are to obtain print paper. The Record will comply with order, beginning October 1. Effective October 1 .the Rccoi will advance Its subscription raici from $4 to $5 a year by carrier an 1 will adhere to its $4 mail rate. Ow ing to the tremendous increase In white paper and other materia's, a? well as the increased cost of pub lishing the Record, it is forced to u- this. Subscribers will please bear t: :.; in m'nd. Those who renew bef ore October 1 will obtain the advanta-v of the present rate, but for a period no longer than October 1, 1919. The Record is sure that it will receive the hearty cooperation of its subscribers. HICKORY DAILY RECOR 5I rave iali our e V; or If 'art be

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