THURSDAY Ev, PAGE FOUR taoM Daily Recor VTV.. a n 11 ii ii ii ii ii ii n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii n ii u n u n ii ii u n ii u a a a a a a a nnDnnsaccaECZnzccanBiBiiaanDBnnnnDflisBiaaBg KESOLUTWS F RESPECT The Stupendous Sacrifice Sale now going on at D El n Zerdens Underselfing Store is a wonderful success and the success of this sale is due to the great values people are receiving n a We ha ve our si ore still loaded with bargains and want every man, woman, boy and girl to get their share of the values. So we give you a hearty welcome to visit this sale and supply your needs : : : : : D D a Whereas: God in His most wise and mJinite judgment has seen fit to re move from our midst Elizabeth Car rier, and whereas, we, the teachers of the Hickory schools, who have been her coworker and have daily as sociated with her, resort to this means of expressing our genuine ap preciation of her beautiful character ami her ever faithfulness in the c ass room, we who feel her loss most rieeplv, express our deepest sympa thy. Be it reso'.ved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, one ft ed in the library of the Hickory high school and another published in the H.ckorv Daily Record. MARGARET JONES, LEXORE SOURBEER, Committee. MAJOR EUGENE GWA.LTNEY HEARD FROM BY 31 OTHER COUGHS AND COLDS NEED ATTENTION Values We have a big lot of Ladies' Coats, worth $25.00 each to go in this sale for $15.98 A big line of Ready-Trimmed Ladies' Hats worth $3.00 to $5.00 for only $1.98. Ev ry hat must be sold. A big line of MEN'S SUITS at less than wholesale prices. My entire line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Sweaters, Shirts and Underwear. Women and Childrens Coats must go in this sale E3 m m a a a 6t B a o u a a a a S3 a a a a Maj. Eugene Gweltney he has been promoted from captain since he graduated at training camps has written his mother, Mrs. V. R. Gwa'tney, that he was slightly gassed by the Germans, but was not com pelled to undergo treatment in a hos pital. The letter was written some time before November 20, although there was no date on it, and told of the action in the Argonnes, in which lie was gassed. This was the first word Mrs. Gwaltney had received from her son since October 27 and it was a great relief to her. Dr. BeM's Pine Tor Honey Brings: Speedy, Easy Keiier Pneumonia and tuberculosis often follow neglected colds and coughs. Don't neglect (yours. laKe ur. Bell's Pine Tar Honey faithfully ac cording to directions and be on tne safe side. I Brings quick relief from linger. ng coughs, protracted colds, grippe bronchitis. Soon the sniffling stops, breathing becomes easier, the phlegm is loosened and expelled, congestion vanishes. I'ou feel $kp yourself again. Effective as it is Dr. Be.i s P-ne Tar Honey is most economical. Try . it. 30c, 60c and $l.zu. SAVE 16,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT THAT FORMERLY WAS LOST IN THRESHING Farmer., Urged by Food Administra tion, Provide Seven Extra Loaves of Bread for Every American. HICKORY MARKET PRICES I WILSON ON 'GUARD A HEART AND A DOLLAR In renewing your membership or joining you will not only increase the membership, but you will give assistance to the local workers of the Red Cross. A lvjart and a dollar is all that is necessary. Mrs. J. P. Jones has received a let ter under date of November 12 from her grandson, Mr. J. L. Shuford, say ing that he had been "awful" busy for two weeks, and that all members of his company were well except nine who were then in a hospital with flu. The young man said he had enough of foreign countries and Hickory wou'd look mighty good to him. Springfield Republ'can. Wilson or Lennie a current way of stating the peace issue In Europe is not so extreme a view as some may think. Wilson now stands be tween stupid reaction on the one side and the red terror on the other. FROM ARMS TO ARMS Norfolk Virginia Pilot The impetuous haste with which returning German soldiers are seek ing to enlist in the ranks of matrl money is a case of rushing from arms into arms. n u a a a a a a The Place Zerdens Underselling Store Hickory, N. C. Mrs. Flossie Butler of West Hick ory received a card from her hus band Private Archie Butler, under date of December 10 announcing that he had arrived safely overseas. Mrs. Butler is rejoicing at the good news. Mr. Butler was in training at Camp Hancock before starting overseas. ORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle with, warm salt water then apply Mr. Lew's Frye of West Hickory jesterday kil'ed a porker that ed 525 pounds. ' Corp. Lester Flowers has been dis charged from Camp Jackson and spent yesterday in Hickory with his brother, Mr. E. L. Flowers enroute to his home in Caldwell county. . By adopting cleaner threshing meth ods and by literally combing harvest fields to gather grain formerly wast ed threshermen and farmers of the United States this year saved fully 16 000,000 bushels of wheat, estimated as' equivalent to about seven one-pound loaves of bread for every person In the country. This result, accompanied by corresponding savings of barley, oats, rye and otner grains, is &uuu reports from 83 grain states to the U. a Food Administration. Other states, although not prepared to furnish defi nite figures of conservation in the grain fields, report greatly reduced harvest losses. This rural food saving achievement, accomplished in scarcely six months' time, was in direct response to re quests by the Food Administration, which asked farmers and threshermen to reduce harvest losses from about 8 per cent the estimated average in normal times to tne lowesi possi ble minimum. Country grain thresh ing committees carried into every grain growing community the offlclar recommendations for accomplishing the results desired. In numerous instances drivers of racks with leaky bottoms were sent from the fields to repair their equip ment and frequently bad order thresh ing machines were stopped until the cause of waste was removed. But in proportion to the number of persons engaged In gathering the nation's grain crop, cases of compulsion were com paratively rare. The Food Adminis tration freely attnoutes tne success w the grain threshing campaign to pa triotic service by farmers, thresher men and their crews. Incidentally grain growers of the United States are many millions of dollars "in pocket" as a result of the grain saved. NO ONE 8UFFERED HERE. (Reported by Whitener & Martin) Wheat flour, bulk .07 Victory flour, 24 ib. bag $165 Barlev flour, 24 lb. sack 1.70 Barley flour, bulk 8 1-3 Cornmeal, per lb 5 1-2 Wheat bread, 16 oz. loaf, home bakery .10 Wheat bread, Corby's, 12 oz. loaf Oatmeal or rolled oats, per lb. Rice, unbroken, standard quali ty per lb. Hominy grits, per lb. Irish ptatoes. new, Der peck Beans, white, per lb .10 .12 15 .10 .50 .15 Onions. Der lb. 06 Canned tomatoes, standard oracle. 21 oz. (No. 2 can) 17 1-2 Canned corn, standard grade, 21 oz. (No- 2 can) .15 Canned peas, standard gTaJe, 21 oz. (No. 2 can) .20 d Salmon, tall pink, Alas ka, 16 oz. No. 1 can 22 Canned Salmon, tall red Alas ka, 10 oz. No. 1 can 30 Evaporated milk, unsweetened, 6 oz. can 8 Evanorated milk, unsweatened 16 oz. can -17 Milk (bottled), per quart .12 Creamery Butter 70 Eire's, fresh, per dozen 55 .15 J HUMS LOST r Glenn R;nk i i0 12 12 2t Tn n p. - i : .40 .35 .45 70 unnnnnnnnnnEazaiiEasanannnnnnnnnnonnnnBaon Id "Vtmr Bodvrtuai-dL" Ml Oft """" Patriots Plenty- Buy less - Serve less Eat only 3 meals a day Yaste nothing bur guests will cheep fnlly share simple fare Be Proud to be a food saver Raisins, seeded, per lb Cheese ,American, full cream, per lb. Pork chops, per lb. 'lam, smoked, sliced Bacon, smoked, sliced Round steak, per lb. -35 Live Hens 25c Fish, dressed, per lb 20-25 fea, per lb. 0-$1.00 Suar, granulated, per lb 11c Coffee, per ib. 20-40 Prunes, medium size, par lb. 20 ""ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE FOR RF.vt x WQ ri-r ;. "-"'111 hr... tic h r r- " - r -ewers ThspalJL' ? Home Canner iii,'JQf"C: PAY YOUt'couvr? Sheriff le tax books the city manager' irom nine un:; your taxes bef ded. fr flicker our frt the FOUND T7Z same by t and ad. ,. v FOR SALE - mixed, in Car wrue j. C 12 12 1 I'in- and North Carolina, Catawba County. I want von to fresh home ma ca kinds. To mercha customers, retai". while it lasts. " ir Co. 9th Ave., Hicktrj ' a county. i STF.vrw:r a mirr. ... Having qualified as adm.nistrator honr' u-m- 7," '"M esiate of D. M. Turner, de iate of the county of Catawba, The marvel of our voluntary food saving, now that we are "getting re sults," is that no one ever actually suffered any hardship from it; that we all are better in healtn and spirit and better satisfied with ourselves be cause of our friendly self-deniaL NOT WISE ABOUT "OSTRICHES or tne ceased this is o notify ali persons who are indebted to the estate that they must make immediate settlement with the unders"jrr.ed, and all persons holding claims acrains 'he es'ate will present the same to the undersigned admin istrator properly verified on or be fore the 31st day of October, 1919, or eise th;s notice will be piead as a br to their recovery. This the 31st day of October, 1918. D. L. RUSSELL, Administrator of D. M. Turner, de ceased. 11 1 Gt Fri Red Cross. 12 9 tf eacn WANTED AT 0CE-, waitresses. Ajtn v I Charlotte, X. c. " GUM LOGS WANTED V.e iuo corus ot eurr Co. per cora i or ou c NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY UNDER DEED OF TRUST. - Undr ... I Nbw rmtu juc, awe. i.vr i i feS JensibJeQmsfmas TtesenfA 111 Grave Difficulties Seem to Surround Scheme Devised by a Soldier Who Wants a Mascot. The machine-gun sergeant at Doug las who wants an ostrich for a mas cot and is willing to hatch it himself If somebody will provide him with an egg, does not know much about os triches or the task in which he pro Doses to enlist, in the opinion of the Arizona Republican. If he gets the rencp is hereby made, default hav egg and Is not otherwise restricted, he , been made in complying with the might as well be mustered out of the ' terms and stipulations therein con service. The Germans will be at peace so far as he is concerned. Wanted You to v-o -. to be derived frurn Giro;:;-- jusuuerus iur i onst.pat.o-. tism, Bladder troub.e. ; most any oiher abno.jna. the body. Dr. E. E. Ro"W and by virtue of the power pnd authority vested m the under- i sign3d Trustee by that certain Oeed 1 "i Tru?t executed by W. C. Shell and j wife, Katie Wr. Shell, on the 14th day of J uly, A. D., 1915, and dulyj lecorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba county, in Book 114, Page 112, to which ref- WE (HAVE THE FOLLOWING; Cars for Sale: 1 1916 Ford Tourir.y O 3 1917 Ford Touring G- 2 Ford 1 Ton Tracks. 1 Buick roadster. 1 1-2 Ton Fed Truck. HICKORY GARAGE 0). Phone 225 SEE LITTLE BUCK WANTED COTTON RASit PRICE PAID. Record olik. The kind you can always find at our store Suits Sweaters Dress Gloves Mackinaws Night Robes Sh oes Hosiery Silk Shirts Overcoats Underwear Auto, work gloves Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Hats Fancy silk hosiery Silk neckwear Silk Mufflers Bed Room Slippers He has perhaps been misled by stories he has heard of the careless, Irresponsible way in which the ostrich i race is perpetuated, by the laying of the egg in the sand, where It is left to its own devices until it becomes an ostrich. That may happen in Africa, where there is plenty of sand and heat, but it will not work in the climate of Douglas, where, though there is no lack of sand the sun cannot be count ed upon to assist in the business of Incubation. The sergeant would have to go to setting. Moreover, the ostrich is a bird of slow growth. It would be a long time before one coming forth from the egg could become a potent influence, in the struggle between autocracy and democracy. By the time if wrould be In readiness to be taken to Berlin the war would be over and only historians would yet be talking about it. We would recommend some other kind of mascot, one of quicker though even of less sturdy and magnificent growth. i' 4 vTrrv i ..!., f D i I i ii 1 : j rn i . ii - - air.ea,. tne unaersigneu xiustw wu.; 12 and October 31. toi sell at public auct.on forcash, m f ront j ffi lot the First .National JtsanK in tne. Handkerchiefs In fact our store is full of nice useful things that will make gifts which will be appreciated by all men and boys. Will be open evenings beginning Friday, December 13th Yoder-Cladk Clothing Company "The New Way Store" - ' - ' k'- - - 7J - . , I . r. I kit II ' SY III i". it Kit r.oon, on inursciay, jjecemoer o, ivio Highland Apply the fo lowing described personal Hickory Route1 2." property, to v.-it: Tv.-entv (20) Shares of stock in the "" Slieil-Mitchell Grocery Company, said py yoi'Ii COUNTY TAli .-.iic-res of the par value 01 :;lr'0.00 each. Dated this the 23rd day of Novem ber, 1918. T. M. JOHNSTON, 11 25 3t Men Trustte. Taking the Philosophic View. "I don't see you out In your auto any more," said the first n6rth sider to his friend. Last summer you were gone all the time; no day w too hot, no road too dusty, no storm too hard, no discomfort too great to keep you at home." "Well," mused the second, "the price of everything is getting so high that auto riding for pleasure is really, a luxury and not a necessity, so that it was no trouble at all for me and my wife to find for the first time this sum mer that the roads are hot and dusty, that it is a whole lot of trouble to clean up the machine after a long ride, that ll Is much better to sit in your own rocking chair on the cool front porch at night, while the north wind fans your cheeks, etc., ad in. So now the car stays in the garage a great deal more, there is no wear on the tires and the mechanism is not sub jected to such strain as it used to be, and the car will last much longer." Indianapolis News. To Have House' Painted. It was a simple boyish letter writ ten in London by a youth from Wor cester, Mass., with a Httle bit of news, a Ifctle bit of complaint, and a great big bit of confidence in what he and the Americans were going to do; but the better part by far was: "I have saved my pay for some time now, and I want to give dad a surprise by hav ing the old house painted. Won't you please let me know how much it will cost? and I'll send yon the money and leave the rest to you, but you mustn't let dad know who is paying for it." That same evening on a train, among the missing and reported as a prison er, I read the name of the aviator who wrote the letter. The Outlook. The Janitor Won't Kick. "I am afraid of this daylight sat ing plan." "Why?" "Because they won't stop with set ting the clocks ahead; they will be monkeying with the thermometera next. What will we do if th.ey put 71 degrees down to 60 degrees In the .wlntor timy-The Ltmh; Whenever You Need a Seneral Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains tfce well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents STER S PILLS - I.:,i'fi Auk your Drtiriplrt for A . . - - i- V'iii." in ' ar-'l Uold tnMallicvl s 3 .h.x-.s, s-.-.w l Blue Ribbon. Y V- Tf;lo rc- .itlipr JJuy of yoar ' " U;tesU AfcrCIII-tires-TEB'S' lilAVHN" UStVMt FILLS, for 85 I - i r. .iuf.-.i as. Lest Safest. Always ReliaeM !' fm 5V SiuM-W EVERYWHERE Lenoir-Hickory Jiiasy Schedule Effectir? H ril lit. Leave Lsnsir 3:30 p. m. Leave H-skotv 5:30 P. m. Cars wske connections with traiw ll and S3. Fare 81.25 each way. CBL&3. ROBBINS. Manajre. The next time you buy calomel ask for aiotabs The purified calomel tab lets that are entirely free of all sickening and sali vating effects. Medicinal virtues vastly improved. Guaranteed by your drofgist. SoU aly in sealed packages. Price 35c Sheriff Iser.hower v.'.'- '-- tax books for Hickory the city manager's r.i-e i from nine until four o:.iS vour taxes before ;he ded. 1: - Train Schedules SOUTHEEN Eastaoe No. 36 Ar. Hickory 9:00 No. 22 Ar HicKory Mo. 12 Ar Hickory 4:4o?.s No. 16 Ar. Hickory 6:15 p c Westbound No. 15 Ar Hickory 7:55 s-B So. 11 Ar Hickory 1 No- 21 Ar. Hickory o. 85 Ar Hickory 12:02 p io. 10 Ai. HVort Sooth"134 o. 6 Ar. Hickory l& r " Jitney Seni 1ICKOSY T3 S Leave Hickory -Leave Hickorj Leave Hickor; Leave Hickor; Leave Hickory Leave Newtoi Leave Newton Leave Nvrtoi Leave Newton Leave Newton -- Newton to Hickory - ffickory to Conove. - Motto: Gx . , 3 R Motto: . . w. cm BgDg Better buy your for next Spr PROMPT SHU Buffalo Claj1 Statesvil-e