ECORB VOL IV. NO. 15 HKCvOKY. N. C. THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 30, iy9 PRICE FIVE CENTS GREAT INCREASE: GERMANY LITTLE LET JOB STAND GERMAN PFOPLEiMAJOR LYERLY ilu any in ? IN TRADE IS EXPECTED IN CASE OF STRIKES T LIKE CITED BY GEN. U -M ft L f I iiilu nu inuLmmi i n iinnrn nr iinnorn C1D DIES N viukim ; ot mrudtu BELGIUM : FOR WAR PRUSSIA LEWS Hy the Associated rreaa. I'hicago, Jun. ',)04 Huron Komlo. ; :vudent of the N'ppon Yusen Kais i Steamship Company of Japim, irppt-ii here for a brief rest and ex (,teil to leave tiuliy on his way for in1 peace conference at Paris, where heads the advisory commission i , in Japan. ' i -Trade between te United States .; nd Japan and the entire orient is !. uiul to increase enormously," he id, "Millions of people of the far ft -1 need ail kinds of commodities i, . iitely and thesi- are best supplied !i,m the United States. Political i, iatli'iis' between Japan and Amor , i are certain to improve by the eivae of trade b 'tween the United .itix and Japan." .slII'.I.L MthNIKS I'ROM 1 Wll""'''t '"A.M h three stores in West Asheil"e v.hi. h " J were robbed Tuesday niht at Can;o:;. A souvenir from Private Ray Wil- Haywood county, where he was ar , ii, a colored soldier in France, was rested on charges of robbrey and i.-.'cived today by Mr. S. L. .White- brought back here. The' do-s : r in the form of a brass urn made struck the tri( U at 7 o'clock and wen f'lotn what likely was a French 7." ('.reciy to the point ,'in t.'ontor. -i t'.!, Mr. Whitener appreciates this where Hargrave was hiding. . t't very much and will prize it! vihlv. Ktched to the shell are ' DIPLOMACY AMITY BKTWKKN f I'aris-ii. L. Wlhi teller Ray Wi - MHXICO AND CUBA RKSl 'Il'" - n and the name of the company. iTriuh factories are taking shells Washington, Jan. 3'j.-,Mexico ard :,at have been fired, making a few Cul).f have rfcSumed dip''c r.- in them and disposing of them t!ons, according to reports in of.; -hi ;i old ers. It is a noval way to 1 lUuj diplomatic circles. The st ;t uai.c moiiey. but it is the sort of thing. ,epartm?nti however, had no info nioxt people would like to own. ' mation on the subject. It vn sa- ! I that Kseiuiel (Jarcia had been ao- ( OMPAUAT1VK LULL ON TIIK ! po'Jnted min ft?r to Me:.:i o I KONT IN NORTHERN RUSSIA and General Jara. Mexican m'nistcr to Cuba. Archangel, Jjn. 30. Although the Diplomatic relations between the enemy patrois are in touch with the ! two governments were severed seve ::! American and allied advanced posts ' iv.onths ago but there never was any ,11 sectors, Wjere is a comparative luil in activities on the entire front. the bolshevik artillery Is st li Ru l ing on the Dvina, and yesterday showed sdtfns of activity in the Kadish .ictur. Krtemy patrols, which ap I I'lached to within about two miles "f the new Viga position held by the .i!l;e. retreated when shelled. (Jll IN A EXPORTS LICOR I CE pruv's and Chemical Markets. liusness in Hcorice root grown in China is increasing. The plant was 'nt induced in the Orient only a few vear ago. Previous tf the war ic ! ri.e root was obtained from Mesopo. t.imia, and the China product was wrv little known. In 1915 about H.MHi.nou pounds of licorice root were -hipped from Tientsin, and in 1U17 this figure had increased to 7,800, ooo pounds. The root grows In the r.-gioii of Northern Shansi and in ner Mongolia and is used 4 abroad very extensively for medicinal pur lioses and la the manufacture of cig arettes aid chewing gum. LI1EY ISSUES Cl FOR STATE MEETING , . a t 1 Salisbury, Jan. 30. Frank A. Lin-, nt'V of iJoone, chairman oi ine ive- liiblicun state executive committee, todav issued a call for a meeting of the committee in Greensboro on Sat-, wMtWt give me a bite; 1 c-au : ..rday. February 15. at 10 a. m. forjforgfye her though I try w th all m. the nurnose of urg ng the pnacimeiii"K'" , , ,:, ,' V trVenera! assembly of a "thm-l RusseP uus my doc ; 1'- -. t,,,,,V, ... ti.I &Uftinn aw. and l . i i ,..M JU.i. . ' ,1. tnc reorganization oi xne ivuui, run narty in the state. ti-i' ir Tf .nUatv-mun at tnp Rf publican national committee, is on tVe.a program for an address. t trftt,U nf SnlishurV. Tires - irln.a of Sa sburv. pros - - t f thP Western North caroms . t d.i.i. nun I inns. is e nding out the cads. It was not learned here whether Mr. Linney's resignation an ste rhu rman. whifb is said to be in the l ams of John M. Morehead or cnar Mte, will be submitted Greensboro meeting. at the WAR EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN ThA artlc'e on the third paKe ap- M. !g () the members of the Re-! fori, ,! church tS support the War I nXncV Campaign restor Pro- . " V-riVandanl, but should nave oeen mcu. - - through an oversight it was omu- The article was reprimeu f interest not on to members of this denominat on hut to till others as well. I SEAL COUKHK OF tyATRIMANY K'aporla (Jazette. . . Two years ago they were married - I bought a dresser for her and a i. 'lonier for him. This week he iu' v-(! out of the last dlrawer r. 'te ciiitronier of which h.e held po- ! sioil. )EYEI) HIM iManager .What did you mean by taking off the whole day yesterday? 1 only y.Uve you a half holiday. CUrk Yes, but you told me never t do anything by halves. , . fly the Associated Press. Brussels, Jan. ?.0. The municip il council formally conferred the free dom of the city on the Am-ji';;;1", Spanish, and Dutch ministers yester day in recognition of their s-'isic-during German oceupttiton. The address was made by Burg--master Max. Brand V hillock, I .e American minister, replied, saying: "I am jgratttful that fate ea.iod me to shale in the city's suH'erings throughout the long nightmare of occupation by an aggressor who vain ly desired to assassinate the m tion's soul." P.LOODHOUNDS TRAIL A i MAN TO HH)IN(J PL.U lv i AshevfJIi',, .Tan. .'50 Blooithoun nurnuil TAT '.iflt. .l-i'.if tP yesterday trailed Jim Har.i-rave fn ,V clear explanattion here as to the cu?:-. BE A HIOA il k,l il iWjn ttv the AssnciaKd Press Wiashington,, Jan. ().--Recognition j by the United States of the gover.i - meat of President T.'noco of Cosla R'ca is recommended in a report i the senate foreign relations comnik tee, which recently investigated ('o. tia Rican affairs. "THE FLU" Here I lie upon my b;ick, I'm tak'ng pills like ballin' the jack. I eat soups three times a day, and the flu is the causa of all I say. For a week I was in bed wit'i nothing but the flu. Then develop ed pneumonia and with that I'm not through. Bo in the bed I have t ' lie, but I h'.ul rather do that tha-i have to die. The bed is hard and my back .s . m ....I. .1 .. .1.. . . i sore; all l can tio is watcn ine tno . My hair is tang ed so I can i g; it out, I'd have it shingled when I get up and go about. ftf ns pr(,th pretty and her n nr: was Trit, I'd get so mad at her 1 ! nearly have a fit. She would sit and eat candy ami i i .'in iM'f wiv. j .:.! WWUIU' v in I u. Dr. Menzies from Hickory came n see me too. and said I certainly had bad caSe of flu. Mr. Allen, our pastor, isK-r.ii .-.I Vin -Offnin'ir vis'is th0S2 uctu, tiecu, ii v . int . ' iiu" ramp to see irom vixi-ftio-- born Colleee. where she had gom to increase her knowledge. , Cecil James, Herrry and Ivey cen e to see me, for they heard I would d e. st like to know if it made them CTV. (MATTIE LOU RUSSELL. Granite Falls, N. C. TJIE LIMIT OF AI5SURDITV pv;iadplnh!a Record. "llur not. On "I uincuii"i; 'ri S immnpniii " Shiva the New 7 World, "is a Congressional eon mi tee investigating the strategy of t ie bat t:e in the Awnnjon the basis r.t information furnished by n Ivmsa, i' . ny as this, would be it i no mor RECOGNITION WILL GIVEN COST humorous than the sight of Pennsy,-' Friends and officers were searching vania Tioliticlans, invested with a yesterday and today for M ss Edna little brief authority, airing' their Edwards, daughter of Mrs. J. M. Ed views on national question and in wards, and for a tune it was feared provincial ignorance criticizing stmeth g s-:?nous might have h:ip-?.rov"..- f TTnited States nened to he-f. iMiss Edwards, who rna ill Hi n ii'Ji l vyi vnv - for his course in international dip lomacy. Private Wiliams of the 30th d- vision fho has been convalescing from shell shock at Hot Springs en- tertained the canteen workers this morning with descriptive narrative:- of the fightinj? and'exper.onccs in France Te soldier was on a leave . l ' .m iha and w s on his wa yto High Shoals to visit on his relatives. ,Mrs. E. L. Shuford has received a letter from her son, Lieut. Edwin L. Shufowl of the base veterinary h.os o wnnnn written under date of January 2 Lieutenant snuioru ofo'nnpd at Nazaire and was on y. flLout 70 mdes from the .10th divls-? ion whU he was expecting to visit dorinif the month of January. Assyci itel "Tress. :.oi; ;rn, ,un. .;u ine peace eo-i-l.rei c I.e.-. sett ed or.e important V'r'-'t with regard to the irnli'r.nily t.jtvtion, the Paris core -jpond; r:t 'ti ll en. eg Standard jays i ;"!'. f. i r i cporting. The le ha 5 ci.f, r - Ceo, in ii... n'.;. rr her the v.-sv r. ities;:. declares, lias eiimina eo aii v ; of ca ling up: a (k'vmaiiy i.-yot'ifit-s to pay ;!u or of impasir.-ir hcav- C'O.t "f i'.d-:.:. I; ' PMCTS 0000 I 5 FOR BASESAL Never before despite tho live shortage of ma e ;-t..; ! eoik'g.', has the b-.wk: .. looked so encouraging .'. ' it: ii ospei 1 s ))!!t i'v.1 have iv bi . ; L.o ne; tii ..-.0 of the o i varsity ji'ay rs tv- .-..'.: earnest who iiri". famous tL !),, - 0..;. work iilrcaviv K"V Ami. e i' left tamed are li. ? handed tw'rlcr who Ha.' I!! (,.'. i. lgges col eges ri t!ie st,;t' i.nhued with the ba.v -o the Fritz tw n;; ;;nd KUl Jack Dav :.. K is -eme verity that per- ball spirit. A 'Joby" H.-.u-n rumor with haps LU'iu.'.-1'iant Paui o.b. Paui '".'i- v. ;b again be back with the i:;m and wioh his baseball wit cii'v it through aml w. sii--.ii again another successful .-..-a-, an. 't";e ni'-t tiwaragij-g part, how cv i I thi' fact tluil tl' e business men cf tho town have premised e-stpri-n; 'or, a'd. A short canvass w i? ma le the otiher day and the P'osp'.its were ind.c-ed. bright. One jM'cniinent young gentienian gave twenty-five bucks without any hesi tancy r.t a 1, wh'lo another gave ten. another iiw and others siu' s.iialler. Next we..):, or soaic-tims ,.i!;other caav.iis will b? made and possib'y ( tiars ial.r on. -.1. uepct'ding en the " ; b-id-'t in the 'treasury of thj athletic association. ' j : ., t.ccc"t meet'r.g of the associa- tion every member edged i the as.vr'acioa hi order to iVC'M! :-'. !ai b: iikvuot'v during ihe htm"! progress of the season. Tennis a!o is to contribute to sport-? of the eer.son. U will bf mendiercd that last year thr? team defeated Fdoa Co leg:' in belli !; -s end. doubles and iilso gave (i .lil'Vivd J;rht snueexo. Due to the ine emeney of the and the softness of the ground the wort Ill till: sc vt-ral line will be wefks. Ti.e courts have been c'tare , r .. 1 A.. 1,.. l..n ' I Oil anil litis luive uvl " s.-coi.-d. P.alis and rackets are ga lore, so the season is promising. The fallowing ofllecrs wore elected f ,r . ' iM-.'Uf nt y.r-asr.n , .yd P.' : '-j :'oa;-c ; vice preside! . Lewis Tliornburg; secretary, Ken ex 'h iicw'tt; trnsin'oi'. Vieior Phyre, Herbert Fritx. captain of the biiseba 1 team; L. W. (lnub. ma-i:i"'er football: R. L. Fritz, mar.a- tger bar-.ket bull and Fw.irt Huffmr'.n, manager tennis. - ; L 1 LANDERS Beside a trench n No Man's Land., fia.n? wtl he d the d. y. He dropper the wer.'Pon from ids Va:-.:.! And tunud l.U'. head r.v:'y T!u other numbers of his bard Vpr3 e':i uTfan the c'ay. Thi vke and mists that blur-1 red b;r. ey Ik- caught, the lucid beams Of ?nn"t -lovds in ouiet skies A dint of silver streams, A woman's face v.'th tender eyes, The dream of all his dreams. i Then, snom ng li.rough the crisii or, shell, die turne.L ad wave on wav Set back th? Poches through th hell. to the grave. Upon their .in? he swayed and fa'l, The bravest of the brave. Marion M. Ross, New York Ileva' ! iv: u . (ii. mm RFING MflflF ULHIIUSI UUIIU IIIHU!. mUMnHO Tfm M imhV ? resides on route 4 two miies from; Hickory, left home for school on (Wednesday morning, but that after-' neon did not return home. The mother , hrd given the young lady money with which to purchase a dress, but . in- r;u.ry at the stores m Hickory showed that she had not been here, Miss Edwards recently recovered from a severe case of influenza and has been very nervous s nee, and tnis , fact caused nost appr enension. ; Misi Edwadls.' who is about 15 years old, was believed to have taken' the train for Drexel to visit friends,! and when friends in Hickory learned this, they felt easier. A young girl ! o; er usc iptii n ivas seen to alight , Mrs. J. L. Sanderlin of Old Fort is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. K- II. Johnson. Ja:scy 1 eari jjerman aged thirt- ' l VI 1, Willi ifl olio (if i ha tht-an r,U ;i,K... iof Mr. sua Mrs. .V.mcs A. Herman, so badly i; i by an explosion of a can of keroene ad gaso due Monday evening died at midnijrht Tuesday as , th 1 ;;' rc.-u t of lit juries. Bessie Leola t.hi:-e year old. child, contin cri'.ica:, but the mother ar.d Mat- I ni j;cr!!i:ni, who were burned :.r;via,, to save the younger ehil- n ren. are aid to be getting: along a'rly well. One of the children. .ieu-.!e Irene. (in ) a .'(ii:, (Ik'1 at 11 o'clock the the tragedy. llio'i ( i fn- l Wi: va US'. i'H. fata; injury of these children t a pal' over the -community ii th"- were members ami has dU-dress throughout this st-c-T'io .sulfvii'itv of the innocent h'idro.i and the mother and r by reasoii of their heroic ef i sin-? the 1 ttle tots, and the f i le falhrr, powerless to v. liain, nave d re.idefp. been visualizr-d drcn, innocent of danger, . i o rr.aae ti1 sutler unutterable tcr exploslon of a can of oil th; ri:vir the stove. T'vi'c was some hope, today for your.'.'-or.t eld d. but the chances her recovfi'v were non? too good the tiri ! TIIK HUMAN WOOOROW Mam lies t't-r G'javdian. s'd?nc V'vilson exercise man ; it. Ev- atfactio 'UVillS. his vis erybody has been charmed by homely ppi'sona!;tv; some by his atr.t'ical skit . others by his goad hu- moi, and hV.l moxo by ne high mor- M rcsoive uy wlncn he is animate. l. V: wis 1 -o nowtv a most to th? l ist rno'iient of his ay for the most intiniatii revelation character v.. looking on tba group photc- ernpii 'O- V-e'Ii'' vV- Llajiehstc GuriU'.:i;, will doubt this? That the man who can stand between a king and a qii'M-n to be pho! ographed wK'i one trousers leg at fu I length whii.- the incht man! her is turned up a coupie of is above everything else hu- Fire this morning thre ; tent 1 a small cottage on ae. w: of the )'A when a spark: from Thirteenth ave- Anna " res dence, the chimney set sh merles e'raze. The fire was put out by means of a bucket. ID Toir.ori'o-.v city council. afternoon at . o'clock tlie li'i'Ookford officers and tiie Hickory township road coi -ni'-tsion will hold a joint meeting for the purpose of arranging details for financing the concrete igh-way be- ! tween Hickory r.nd Brookford. The city of Hickory is ready to proceed vith the advertising, alt legal steps hiving been taken ami this city now awaits on'y the jcvnt action of the other parties to the improvement. Tlie nvo ic''i i ViPPT'ti v fnvOrnd bv TV mrr mu lira ! 1 p lj ill I ill l SILL I ti m J I v fDiniv I rtfLlliI t j j ihe Brooliford Mills Company, the sume their at Meredith Co. , town of Brookford, the township roa't lege, i com m'sslon, property-o .'. ners on the I route, f.irmers beyond Brookford ai.d i Mr. D. S. Slgnipn of the United i i ho inlli'' -oiipT al ; v . and ii; is exnect- ctoi-oo fl iliV nflfi.p in Seattle. Wash-. ! ed to have work started i. 3 triv sv.mmer and completed before fail A llocomotive burning pulverized oal as an experiment has been in j use daily m ivunsyivania tor more j than a year without losing any time lo re pa i s There are several rivers in Siber.a th;,t f1ow over beas 0f solid ice e YORK COTTG the Associated Press. ,New Yoi?.c, Jan. ...30. The cotton niaiket showed continued nervous-! ness this morning and early fluctua tions were irregular. The opening steady at a decline of five to .31 points, but Liverpool made a fair . showing and sent a few buying or- Street buying. This absorbed the early offerings and after selling at 22.35' for March on the cali, the price worked up to 22.(10 and July from 20.40 to 20.70, or 'bout net unchanged to 10 points higher. WEATHER FORECAST For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Friday, slightly warmer in the interior tonight, gentle variable winds, By the Associated Press. Wjashington, Jan. 30. It will be the poiicy of the government in ship gard strikes to "let the job stand, Charles P.ez director general of the emereencv fleet cornoration. said today. He referred particularly to ithe situation at Seattle, where he sa.d men h'i'd been ot for a week and in San Francisco, where he said work ers in two trades were planning to strike and tie up construction. SEVEN DOGS KILLED IN HICKORY YESTERDAY Seven dogs were killed yesterday, most of them by Sergeant Sigmon, and more were to be put out of the was todayi Gfcief Lentz. ea:d that I many dog owners had phoned in re- j niiplc to cVinnt. t h - : note fnr f S v Viq1 they might run mad. Nineteen dogs have been killed in Hickory and com munity since the maddog scare be came acute, and it is believed there are a number of other animals ahich were attacked by rabid can ines. If anybody is in doubt, it would be better to resolve this in fa ll '.s vor of the protection of the commu - nity. No dogs are appearing on the streets these days, and it is almost a novel sight to see one anywhere LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. O. G. Henkle is spending the week in Lenoir. Mrs. R. H. Johnson who has been indisposed since Sunday is improving. Mr. W. II. Bjyl left tills morning for AshevUle to visit r natives Mr. Johnson Sull.ernyre is ill at l is home on E'ghth ave'-ue with flu. Mr. E. L. Shuford is spending to day in Lenoir. Mrs. B. M. Williams and baby left on the noon train today for Lenoir to v her parents. Rev. W. T. Walker of the Barium Springs Orphanage is spending today vis the city. ' Mr. and Mrs. A'beri Abernethy, Mi's. Geo. Lyerly and Mrs. Ferguson li.o . : ed to Charlotte yesterday. i Mrs. J. H. Dyer of Roanoke, Va., : am J.;d m jll ekory itoitay to visit her sister, Mrs. J. H. Patrick. ,Miss Lora Boyd of Maiden is the guest of her cousin, Miss Pearl P.oyd at her home on Tenth avenue. Miss Precyous Jones of Granite Falls was a Hickory visitor yester day. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gardner and litt e son, Ransom, arrived in the city this morning from Petersburg, va. Misses Frank and Rose Martin re turned to Raleigh this morning to re and hi3 iittle son, David, Jr., wno have been visiting Mr- Sigmon's brother, Mr. P. A. S'gmon left this morning for Claremont to visit rela "tives. The stockholders of the Catawoa Fir Associat'on are scheduled to ' meet at the Chamber of Commerce this afternoon. r 1-! r i ' Chief Lentz and Mr. Geo. R. WoQt ten motored to Drexel last evening, but their machine 'broke down and they were unable to proceed. From what thev learned, they were con- hdent that the young iaay wouiu oe returned safely to her mother - PRIVATE RAY TONES WRITES SOME FRENCH With the armistice signed, and. the, 30th division near port preparing to sail for. home, there was not much for an engineer to do on January 3, cording to Private Roy Jones, a son it ' Conover RT. wv j r i learning to speak some of the lan- guage. He would no,t recommend ' f himself as aft itructor in this lan- Washington Pot, j nowTh?"e in prohibition" guage, hut he can tell 'em bon soir, Amerieans who are afr3it that this ,.,-8 in echoed Bi I Bott'e "voir, cWeMvwa; Uvlala in contribute more than it., top "I've got to believe in it. At mademoiselle and wnte a few bon . t feeding the starving people ! uQ r:n progresss. The vounw. soldier says he is hav- no- a e-ood time and he does not mind , France at all, 'but he does mind the i r-ain, which has fallen in that sectjoRl i every day for six weeks, with pos-, CAREFUL OF HER DIGEST: W ' sibly a week of fair weather in ail. j Private Jones is ready, to return Ohio State JournaL home the minute he can board a Another evidenee of the broad Ir u iUnnrf onH v,p writes as if- the tour., manit ywith which we as a nation st business will be dead if H has to depend upon him to support it. In other words, he wants the XJ. S. lo. wiuffl is In letters to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colon M. Yoder under dates of - ' December 18 and 25, Private Fred R ,, I j. icua jx n' uuaci vacuus in ine , American army. They have reived several verv lottova fwJ it .h rcn Tnrnn rn I .oii anir 1171th ' thelr son, . who, having studied both i ---j "t; ..v-i ii.i. German and French, is abie to con verse in both tongues. His letter of Decem'ber 18 was written from a little town in western Germany not far from the Moselle river, some GO miies from Coblenz, which the American army of occupa S v Vidi"g TVi1 ?Cale is signed.-is men, but personally supervised Mr. Yoder noted that the Germans ii,. , rf i , , , ,- , have a kindly feeling for the Amer.-j w . of hls Jjatta'-'on through cans since the close of the war andjLi0Se M'm al,(l fateful days, regard Yankee soldiers and Presi-; The 105th engineers part of the dent Wilson as their best friends, j time fought with the infantry and They have no love at all for the they were in action during some of Prussians, who have dominated the the most severe fighting. The 30th empire for so many years, division smashed the Hindeiiburg line, clare openly that the military leaders j A citation of an officer in a gen brought on the word disaster. Ural order is very seldom made, and The company was guarding a high for this reason "the distinction that railroad bridge and Mr. Yoder noted; Major Lver.'v has won will 1p -a ih with relish that two wild deer had 'more appreciated by his friends. The been brought in by members. He Record has received an interesting spoke also of his pleasure in having letter fro this ofi'leer, who promises the president attend the peace con.; to write aI1(, m n b ub fereiice, as he felt that Mr. W ilson ; i;j;ed tomorrow had a more thorough understanding 'Tbe order siJned bv Maior Geii of the whole European situation than ,iU, LeiV;s (.o;-lin,nder of the divis any other al.ied statesman at least or)t fVlows- he could take a more detached posi-j vi ie. A T)()TT A 1tvi?q hhi, mviomv Lion, itiia not uc guvenieu int-ieiy national aspirations". In his second letter, Mr. Yod:r tens oi Linristmas aay in rnrang, Germany., with a light mantle ot snow, The foowinur citations for ads of on the ground ami a Christmas tree: ,meiitorious conduct described are in nearly every home. Ihe Amen-; pui,ishtd to the command. can soldiers were warmly welcomed; MAJOR GEORGE L. LYERLY. by the populace, a of whom, so fariond Battalion. 105th Engineers. as Mr. oder could, learn, w'ere sick, THs officev renderPlJ exceptionally and t red of nu itansm and the Ber-; mer;to,.;ol!S servi(.t duri tw .in crowd that brought on so mujn, lltg from 29th ' Septemhe woe. They were talking of a repub- 1Q1o t, -9n)1, n.a-a.o,. ioib ti .t. lie. GOOD HALL III USE UT SHUFORD MILL There has been very little mention of Highland but she deserves serf notice. The managers of the Shu ford mill have been doing some splendid work for the welfare of their employes. They have erected a splendid community hall in whic they have moving picture shows dur ing the week, Xiib.e classes and preaching on Sunday. Rev. W. W. Rowe gave a sp endid sermon Sun- day which was enjoyed by every one present. The hall is equipped with barber shop and several other things useful to the community. The employes are well sat sued and the health of the commuity could not be better 10-19-14 DOROTIIIY DALTON AT PASTIME TODAY The program at the Pastime to day will be Dorothy Dalton in "The Mat'ug of Marcel. a," a Paramount picture. Story by Joseph Frank. ir. Poland. A powerful story. In this picture Miss Dalton is a mod iste's modei, the daughter of a mu sician whose prolonged illness caus- l 1. -.4.., TV. 1 es her mucn anx f l.v. i uuwi" money to pay physicians' bills, she consents to impersonate the frivol ous wife of a rich man for six months in order that the latter may establish a egai residence in Nevada and ob tain a divorce to many a "Count." She meets her husband who fa Is tli Iipv nn.'l t.liroiicrh tie' revenge of a discarded admirer of the wife when she was a showgirl they are free to act when this man, disaruised as a chauffeur, drives his automobile into a lake and drowns J tne wile, ner new sweeu.ean, anu, D Gaddy keeper of records and seal; himself. The story is filled with si.-, B c McFee, master of arms; A L. uations that thrill and that tney will, npi nins.tni. f firanw: w P VVii- i j.i Mrs. .tiaicner. auhussiuu u a-u cents, war tax lnciuueu. THE CASUAL COOK Philadelphia Ledger. One of the women who look we.l to i! .Ll: i 0v,nu lmn I ed the brevity of tenure of her cook to F P Dunne "Mr. Dooley." . The Chicago humorist answered: - "That's nothing. The . other day , , i ' ' u our cook :eit Detween liic raiu- hu eggs. THOUSANDS TO THE GOOD Boston Transcript- !Had my fortune told today, dear. ,,.1 wtiaTP M rnanev." said Iter husband Not t al j ave t)ie .WOman 50 ac-'cents and she told me I would'in- hent 50 00o. Wasn't that a bar., 9" RUGIHTEOUS FEELING reiiei ngu'es. Ameiiuai's maue nearly as much out of Belgium as thev ted. contemplate the duty of feeding Ger many is our entire lack of any popu- iai' uisuwsiHou lo ovenoau nei stom - ftch, exert a wide heart appeal goes w.t'i-, liamS; mastfer of exchequer; R. C. Buc out saying. Special music tonight byh n jn guard; L. A. Whitener, Major Gee. L. Lyerly 0f Hickory, commander of the second battalion, I " unjaiun, Jiab iif-fn pirm in ....i i t - commanding oflL-or for exceptionally . . ."-cFuuudii) monfr.1.1,,1,.. : i :.. ., ...v. (.ilh nig cnt en gagements" from September 29 to Oc tober 20, 1918, mid friends here have received copies of the order. Major Lyerly, it slnHiid be known, was suffering- from influenza during, these terrible days, but he decimal in anerican hxpueitionary Forces, France. January 10th, 1919. cvkwai iirippo v.. o liufl'c ring from illness and at times unable to leave hs cot, he detained to be evacuated, but personally super vised the work of the battalion. It j Is due to his foresight and initiative I that the important work assigned to this batte.lion was successfully carried out. BY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENER AL LEWIS: John K. Ilerr, Chief of Staff. Cl 'FTCIAL: ! DREW J. WHITE, ut. Colonel inf., U. S. A., Adjutant. THE NEED FOR ECONOMY Ed Howe's Weekly. The newspapers might easily sug ge: and it wou d be no more than the truth, that taxes are becoming too h'gh; that public expenditures I might be reduced. In the aeroplane investigation it was demonstrated that mi lions "were squadrered unnec essarily and foolishly. That money had t0 be earned by the people; its wanton waste was an injustice to them. And it was w.isted because of the constant boasts of editors that we an' the richest nation ;n the world, al though, with a good many of us, money comes hard. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS INSTALL NEW OFFICERS Catawba lodge No. VA, Knights of Pythias, has elected and installer olli cers for the coming term and maue plans to continue its healthy growth during the current year. The offi cers installed recently are: Bascom B. B ackwelder, chancellor commander; Geo. Yoder, vicei-chan- D VV. B. Speas, master of work; V,. outer guard. CUMMINS SEES THE LIGHT New York World. When Senator Cummins proclaimed i- tir 1 Ttr: 1 ins conviction uiat VVOUUIUW YYliauil fs "the most practical politician of th s or other a'' he announced great discovery which exp la ms why Republican leaders nearly ad of them slow to recosrnize the truth, have been - :,ii ' ueaLiiig Lilt: ixn aniiicaaijr i"i sin years past. THE DEAR CHILD "Have vou eot a verv nice room . innuired the little arirl of her su- burban visitor. "Wdiy do you ask, dear?" "Because papa said your room is better than your company. 'ea-- son's Weekly. FORCED TO BELIEVE IT Wl I , V IIIV.7V - null iT '' M'ss Mary Abernethy returned yesterday from Dr. Long's -sanato-r'i:m. Statesville, where she recently eieliivrit an operation for appenii- -; (.63- HARD TO BELIEVE Mrs. Blinker I was outspoken In m v sentiments at the elnh tn j 'Mr. Blinker -I can't believe it. Wi Who outspoke you?