ory Daily ECORD VOL. IV. NO. 126 HICttORY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS HICK LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLAN WILSON'S PARTY IS OUTLINED I COVENANT IS READY TO Provides For Arbitration of Aall Matters of Dis pute and Three Months Grace Before Mak ing War League Members Must be Free States Other Points LEAVE By the Associated Press. tParl, (Feb. 1 .Preparations have. EVIDENCE IS TAKEN WINSTON AS Win.s,toii-(Sa:,em, Feb, JL4 Taking oi evidence in tne cases of several Winston-Salem men under indictment for participatisg in the riot in this city on the afternoon and evening of November 17, began soon after the opening of Surry superior court at Dobson. j Nothing new was brought out in tne examination of any of the wit HOME TROUBLES CAUSE WORRY IN ENGLAND been completed for the homeward nesses in addition to what was re voyage of the presidential party which ' P.rted.tat the Preliminary hearing in win Ipwp Pari. nn;h Q I tils. , cllty !ev?al. weeks ago. . Many ..... .& " -wioi tne detendants were identified nam a"u san irom isrest tomorrow for America. ( This time the party will be reduc ed, the large party of state depart ment employes and experts being left in Paris. The party will comprise President and Mrs. Wilson, "David R. Francis. J ambassador to Russia, white house employes, secret service, 300 soldiers! who have formed the guard around the Murat residence, Congressman George White of Ohio and P. D. Nor ton of North Dakota, and representa tives of the three news associations. It will number 319 persons. DISEASES OF CHICKS as the ones who took part in the effort to enter the prison cell, some of taem making threatas as to what they pro posed to wvn Jtnepnsoner,Kus sell High, colored. Night sessions of the court will be helld beginning last night. Judge Long is anxious to finish the case this week if possible, though the law yers and others connected with the case think good progress will have been made if all of the exidence is in by Saturday night. DELEGATES CHOSEN Y. FOR CONFERENC E fly the Associated Press. Paris, Feb. 14 The executive vouiicil v the proposed lea'gue of iwit.ons as outlined in the covenant road by President Wilson today will consist of represenatives of the t'mmt States, Great Britain, France,1 lta'y and Japaui, together with the rcprvsonatives t fur other states. Ttu council shall meet as often as riissary, but at least once a year, at stme phve to be designated. Any matter within the sphere of ;.vUo i me league or aaecuug i"c H:ice of the world will be dealt By the Associated Press. u:th, I iLondon, Feb. 14j Industrial ques- The President of the United States tions in Great Britain for the first cha'.l summon the delegates at a con- time making the peace question and fVri'tieo to be called by him. related interests minor incidents. The league wui nave a ecreiary m ttBuiauua ot te miners anai i white dlarnhea is a disease of utukr the direction of a secretary- railway men, with the high cost of baby chicks. Birds are seldom at- "on ral who shall appoint the other food and other problems of recon- tacked after they are a few days old " ' j i. .x. .lt... and never after thev are twn or three members. ..... !l "" weks od Diarrhea that develop Ministerial Association as delegates The Irejfresenatives of the high from the newspapers and the fetter- in older chicks are due to other from Catawba county to attend the 0'nt racing part es and the official ing labor leaders, William Brace causes, such as chilling, contamina-1 Y- M. C A. conference at B.ue Ridge , f the league shall have diplomatic and J. II. Thomas, told the house ted feed, impure water and insuffi-!from March 5 to 15. The conference Pr:v;-,S,S nd immunity. of commons last :Bht that the cou,.- P T "JCSS"' a",, The building occupied by the try is confronted by the most serious In young chicks the symptons of dated at one time. The delegates V.t- jt' and its officials shall enjoy crisis in recent history if these prob-, white diarrhea are droonv winrs. wi De instructed by Y. M. C. A iini riviWes onr? hena. lems are not immeHJaWv ruffled feathers and a sleenv annear. secretaries who have had work I anCe. The chicks huddle together the camps and will be better able ' l. . . .x.x . -s ' i.oTTceitxr w,wxr , they have no appetite; a whitish or to return and carry on the work at The aomission oi swe not vWOi)w ua I whitislvbrown, frothy discharge tneir hmes wfcen tne soldiers get to the covenant snal De '" w xuux . c0mes from the bowel, which dis- ,r)acK- Jvir- itansom ot uamp Greene of not less than ... . " charge adheres to the vent fluff. a oa'IIea tne meeting today. .r0T,at,v.a of New Xork e.D-. 14. The largest ' condition known as "pasting-". The v- contribution which has t&us far reach-! ch'cks "Deed desPairimflv most of the the members nor unless it is a free ed the office of the Koosevelt perma-! time and y. vernment. net memorial national committee at Victims of) white diarrhea when v state shall be admitted unless . 1 Madison avenue New York, is from opened after death, show the ab- a man wuo was uuni in irussia anu CONGRESS BERNSTORFF NO! BRYANT EDUCATION BILL DELEGATE TO GIVEN STRONG SUPPORT I i - 1 - Only One Slight Change Made In Brooks-Joyner Measure Local Bills Take Up Most Time of Assembly Which Will Work Over time From Now to the Close. iRev. Wl. O. Goode, pastor of the First Methodist church, and Mr. A. L. Moser were named todav bv the J. 1 A j.! . J . By the Associated Press. Weimar, Thursday, Feb. 13. nCount V,on Bernstorff will not go to the peace conference as a German dele gate; Germany plans for the time be ing a people's army on the basis of genera-l conscription. Germany will announce within a few days her in tention to carry out complete disarm ament, arod a committee is now dis cussing details of the new govern ment program. These points were made by Freid- nch Lbert, the president of Germany, in an informal talk with newspapers today. These were made after he had read a formal inocuous statement which virtually followed the lines of his address on Wednesday in which he emphasized Germany's intention to rehabilitate herself. LIME ON THE GARDEN EBERT PROGRAM FOR GERMANY OUTLINED -The pro- By the Associated rress. Copenhagen;, Feb. 14- gram of the newt German government which has just been published in Berlin includes improvements in the educational system, conscription 6f a people's army, rationing of food, and North Carolina, tiat-ory -,v ith e consent TO PREACH AT HUDSON ,t ir.ves enecLve Kur"ic. a3 for years been publisher of fen'o -.nternational, obligations nor German language newspaper. unless It shall decide to conform to was a check for one hundred dollars nnrm of t.hft 1fa(nie. and the donor is Julius Holz, pub v;.u " . Usher of the "New Yorker Heroid." ine mgu it wa3 the straight American.sm and ieitaking to respect and protect the unf aiteriti e patriotism of Mr. Holz's ttrr toria' integrity anj political in- German language newspaper during dependence of all state members of the war which first drew Col. Ro0se- the league against external aggres- 1S attention to its publisher. Holz ' s . became an intimate friend of Mr. s'.nn. in case oi any sucn aggres- Roosevelt's thereafter and was one of s oti or threat or danger of such ag- the few visitors frequently admitted lesion the executive council shall to his bedside during his last period a-'-Ue upon the means by which the at Roosevelt Hospital. "bl:gationa of the members shall be! fulfil, ed. The high contracting parties re serve the right to take any action V) safeguard the nations in the case of war or threats of war. In case ny question arises which may re sult In war without submitting to b tration or until three months af t'T f-!.trat!on by )the arbitrators or the executive council. The executive council shall make FRANCE OFFERS SHE FOR SOLDIER STATUE By the Associated PreBS Washington, Feb. 14. France has offered to Present to the United States a site on French soil for Am- plans for the formation of an inter- ericana wno died on the "field of national court, fionoernincr the armaments the covenant says that the maintenance q AUCTION SALE : Htace will require the reduct.on PUKBRREI) HOGS HERE Rev. F. L. Conrad of Thomasville, N. C, formerly student of Lenoir dominal yolk only partly absorbed. College and also a student for the a ' The intestines are more or less full past three years in the Lutheran Theo At Thel liver is usually pale, both oth- logical Seminary at Columbia, S. C, er parts appear normal. A bac- will ho d services Sunday in the Lu teriolog cal examination reveals theran church at Hudson. Rev. Mr. germs in the liver, spleen heart, Conrad as well known in and about blood and kidneys, because the Hickory as an ab:e and intelligent germs lie and multiply in the blood speaker and many of his friends ai of the chick. expecting to journey ito Hudson Sun- Hens with infected ovaries are day to hear him deliver his first .re- likelv to have these orerans so bad- I'.gious address. ly diseased that many of the hens IMr. Conrad has received a call from onlyf lay a few eggs. These eggs this congregation and hiis acceptance is are la:d in the spring, hence such , under consideration at present eggs are in greater number at this j time, and the disease is most preva-1 lent. 1 In purchasing eggs or birds, be careful to note that the flocks are free from white diarrhea. Toe punch or mark all . chicks which de velop the disease and later dispose of them for food pusposes, keeping only males and pullets which go unscathed, whicQi means that they are practically free from germ carriers. Many of the state experiment sta- honor.' 0 national armaments to the low- GOOD ROADS MEET AT NEWTON MONDAY m A public meeting will be held the court house at Newton Monday, February 17 at 11 a. m. for general rpolnt consistent with national1 Farmers and others interested in. t'.st safety and the enforcement of na tional obligations by (concerted ac ton, the fffographical location of the state to govern in each case. The executive council shall fix the extf-iit of armaments and these shall nt t b" exceeded without the permis sion of the council. It is agreed that th'J private manufacturer of Tiiunitions and implements of war ("'.'il ls itself to grave objections." The executive council is directed to f ve advice on the abatement of this objection. Th" contracting parties undertake rot to conceal their ability to pro 'iuc" munitions and armaments and a wree on a'l interchange of informa tion as to military, and naval pro :f imH. Article XVI provides that if any party breaks or disregards its r"vfn:.nt under article XII which pro. vhtal fr arbitration or inquiry by th- executive council it shall be deem ed to liave committed an act of war exchange of ideas in regard to pub 'T'r1'. ."'I: rt roads in Catawba county their oi bucks oi pouiry to um, . improvement and upkeep. The coun presence of white ' diawhea ; thus all, tcomission rod commissioners mfected hens can be removed and the of Hickory and Newton townships, premises thoroughly sprayed and dis- the supervis0rs of the ,several ' For the first 72 hours after theSfe e lr?tfat chicks are hatched do not feed them. bod interestea in better ;oads As soon as the chicks break tthe,. J shell and dry off, remove them from 4 occasion, the nest or incubator. On the third : , r i, i i Dance Last Evening A most delightful dance was given be ,rl'hrpr? w will he here on Wed- J?ve them all the fresh butter- ilk thev can drink, and keep it be- public auction of registered Poland fore tnem at aCl times "5 a" last evening in the Chero-Cola build Chinas under the auspices ot tne vo-"" .r: J r It food till the tihird day and then only be three) light meals, bringing them to fal' o' its of both sexes. Full details will be made in 'the Record later. land China Record Association 1 .1 tU CnTa t.rill is exuiauieu tn-i nc n. vm --- .,,-. m made with no expectation of profit, iui ieeamg ine nun Iy the object being to introduce more and you will find that the chicks will pure bred animal in this section. The be stronger Buttermilk or sour E is approved, by the extension milk is the best and cheapest method service of the state atad will include 30 of combatting white diarrhea. Milk bred sows, five young boars and 15. also promotes rapid jtrojrth the quarters should be thoroughly s-prayed with some reliah.e disinfect- I - A. . . i i anr,. the .league shall have general super-! ThTg ony remedy that we have vision of arms and ammunititon in. effective in the treatment of white -..ntvi'.o -..rVio-ro eiirh traffic wou! be Hinrrhea is a comDOund of equal parts aealnst the common interest. sulphocarbolate of 'calcium , sulphor-; . i rarhO ate OT SOO um ana suiuiwcm uu- Territories and colonies removed f, TMs compound can be from the s.tates are not able to purchased from manufacturing chem govern themselves shall be under sts in 30-grain tabletsv One tablet the tute'age of the league. ' should be dissolved in each quart of tne tuie.a,e oi t c i s drinkins water, and in the water for The tutelage shauld be exercised JJlSh feed.-iSprlngfield by the advanced nations as manda- epublican. Whalf o the league. The, nf the mandates will dif- Mr. L- M. Thomas of Hickory route fer ing. Music was lurnisnea by tne Hickory orchestra, and quite a few out of town visitors were present. After a day and night of rain, the weather broke fair this morning and a stiff wind made it seem colder than it wasi. At 8 o'clock the mercury registered 4q degrees. COTTON CONSUMED tC illUMWVU " , , , . , 1 ! i .- . i i 1 AfMK..M TrfCt .1 U 11(1 LUG IVtwi- I according to Tue cin.o Hickorv this morning. t ( ) A O r n:a:nt all the other members wno, of the people. vi 1 take economic measup-s against it and financial . . .i An I Tne contipicxmg parues win en deavor to secure and maintain fair Tim. meanrr rvfr Knth to ami humane conditions for men, members and to non-members. i women and children and agree to es-j In such a case it will be the duty.tablish as part of the organization ff the executive council to recom- of the league a permanent bureau w"nd the amount of military and na- of labor. The members agTee to, , val forces that each member of the aintaain freedom of transit and table treatment for the commerce, oy COAST ARTILLERY IS EN ROUTE TO STATES !'U'Uf shall contribute to enforce its demands. The members of the league agree mutunlly to support one another finan cially and economically in the mat tf,r and alo to afford passage through their count r rf Kina.i amao equit 14The 64th in- IN JANUARY 559.721 By the Associated Press. iWlashington, Feb. 14 Cotton con sumed during January aggregated 556,721 running bales of line and 7,139 bales of linters, the census bu reau announced today. Much has been saw about t.h lime as a field treatment, but for the small garden little attention has hepii given to the lime needs. The warden is more intensively cropped than the field atad its sour soil troubles should be looked after as well as those of the larger areas. Garden crops as a whole are in. i;nQ a u . jured by soils which are sour, orf f Z "y "J wuson short in their lime supply. This is bu refuses a Peace f violence; for especially true of the legumes, such 1 e repatriation of German prisoners as beans and peas, of the vegetable of war, for a league of nations in crops such as lettuce spinach and order that war may be made impos celery, and of the cabbage and root o;K a impos- (BY W. T. BOST) Raleigh, Feb. 14 The Bryant, al ias the Brooks-Joyner education com mittee bill has received the unani mous report of the house committee on education. In only one particu lar is the measure amended; the Coon request for a statement from the corporation commission that a county asking for equalizing funds has its lands equitably assessed for taction was put in. Both branches of the legislature today concerned themselves largely with local legislation. Brown in the senate and "WSnborne in the house introduced health de partment bills aimed at the checking and control of venerai diseases in caring for families of soldiers kill ed during the war, and considerable additions to income taxes. In the realm of foreign affairs the program declares for peace along FROM SERGEANT BRADLEY kohlrabi, carrots and turnips. Soils deficient in lime fail to supply this needed plant food fast enough for J? f , ps wulcn rowr raP- TO L. P. Smith received a letter uiiy aim maxe neavy aemauus on tne' yesterday frnm Pr Kv,0 o soil. The addition of lime to the SffenVT tl2i0tSeTSf r.sdpn satisfies thp nlant'c norl -F ",q "lJia"lc ui UT;o lQ " i T-5;rxr t... 11(yzn maenme gun battaliion. Kiser, StiQls Republican repre sentative, lost a local bond bill by 75 to 28. New bills in the house indicate the usual end of the session rush with morning, afternoon and night ses sions. Clayton of Hyde has .taken his pic ture preparatory to running for con gress against John H. Small. For some frarden crons lime is not , . Wl1" e wou:a write any more needed, and may even cause harm fcrs fT-om trance but in this letter This is the case with the strawberry JtT know when he would sail, and the watermelon which do better S??? ?ere. were reports out that on slightly sour soils, and the pota- ..J division with two other di to which becomes scabby on freshly visi0ns had been designated for ear iimed soils. Outside of a few crops ly, nZyhm?- , $mce the ceasing to long tor nome and civilan clothes ANOTHER GOOD PROGRAM RENDERED AT. JIUB IThe Hawaiian Musicians and In strumentalists closed a two-night en gagement at the Hub last nJo-hf A : 4-1 , " Thf- aw"lcr usicai program that pleased t "i a ood Slzed audience. There were . many oresent last nia-h ri uary. a Prvios letter Ser-1 ed the night before attra Sn r.ldl7! by the swgeet mSesM S cians. ine program last night did not this element and indirect hastens letter was bitten Vrnder drn-P iZZ a. Aooa Slzed. aience. There were tne aecay oi tne manure and btner . 0 T 7 7 7 " i many present last soi! materials to make them available for the groVing vegetables linuing the garden can do n0 harm and more often it is beneficial. (Where very heavy applications of manure are made the needs for lime tend to be offset, foj- though the lime in the soil is low the manure starts the plants off rapidly and they wiitnstand the injury caused by the sourness of the soil. Wth plenty of manure a sour soil ma'y make a good garden, but the use of lime will improve it and cut down the manure needed. Lime can be applied on the plowed garden in the Avinter and worked into the soil in the spring. Crushed lime- stone and airslaked Tme are pre ferable forms. Twenty pounds Per square rod is sufficient for most gar den soils. Missouri College Of Agriculture. TASK OF AMERICANIZATION NEW YORK COTTON t k 1o. .p t. t. under the' regiment coast artillery, which league international bureaus formed eludes a large number of southern points IIIC", HlJf - d By the Associated Press. New York, Feb. 14-HUnexpected-ly large domestic consumption figur es by the cansus bureau were follow ed by an opening advamce of 49 points in the cotto nmarket this morning. The market opened firm, making- net advances of 40 to 52 New York Globe In this state are nearly 600,000 persons who are unable to speak English, more than half a million of whom above the age of 21. Of these, 350,000 are unable to read or write any language. IMo wonder Gov. Smith should receive with favor the suggestion for a comprehensive cam paign against this illiteracy. There is no more important ques tion than the one of Americaniza tion, and it is time this state took it up seriously. One stumbling block in the past has been the foreign-language newspaper. Many foreigners Kviho otherwise would have learned our languages have not felt the necessity of doing so on account of the ease with which they have been a-ble (to obtain a newspa per printed in their native tongue. They are willing to adopt this coun try as their own but not to accept its customs or its language. The foreigni-language newspapers could be made an important factor in the scheme of Americanization by com pelling them for instance, to print essons in English and to pubnsn part of their contents in the verna cular. AmericanizaJtion of foreign ers in this Icountry never will be completed as long as we foster the existence of national groups. GERMANY IS PLANNING TO DISBAND FORCES By the Associated Press. Weimar, Feb. 14 Friedfich Eb ert, the president of Germany, has announced to newspaper men that the government is arranging to dis arm and demobilize the German army. WHOM THE GODS LOVE WON T BE READY FOR ADOPTION SOON Ah, not because Life is so fair And Death so gray Do we lament you over there. Dead yesterday! Until the end your world was whole! No vacant place Tormented ' you and haunted you, No well-loved face Appeared to you in ghostly dream Harassed by pain, Exposed on some grim battlefield, To wind and rain. . . . . I see you smiling as you a march, Your bright head Mtrh. Along a flag-emblazoned street Beneath blue sky. I see your beardless, boyish mouth. Determined, sweet, I feel the breeze, soft from the south , And hear the beat Of drums that throbbingly mark time; The Avenue Repeats the echo like a rhyme iBut not for yon! I ceased to pray that you might stay Or here or there: I came to see that life is gray And Death most fair! You went while living still was sweet (Without a stain, Nor ever learned that Youth is fleet. That Love is Pain! E'izabeth Newport Hepburn in the Designer. Marriage of Interest A marriage of much interest was so'emnized in Raleigh at noon yester day when Miss Fannie Uzzelle of La Grange was united to Mr. A. Clyde Lutz, the ceremony being performed inclulle the Domilar Air a (ronstaruut the nigfit before and thus did not appeal to the average music lover so much, but it was a decided treat to musical lovers. One part the audience enjoyed was the evident relish of the musicians in their work. Like accom plished artists, they enjoyed every number. 'Manager Miller is to be congrat ulated on securing this good attract ion for Hickory and the Record is sure it voices the feeling of the commu nity in hoping that others like it may be put on. SoutherJand-Cogdell Announcement of the marriage February 11 of Miss Mary Cogdell to Mr. Lawrence Southerland were received by relatives and friends of Miss Cogdell this morning. Miss Cogdell is the niece of Mrs. R. F. Foster and spent two years with her several years ago, attending the graded school and Claremont Col lege, j , Mr. Southerland is a rising young business man of Kenansville. and his bride is very attractive and bright. She has been employed as domestic science teacher in the Kenansville school for the past three years. ENTERTAINS CHOIR (Mrs. Ia Wood delightfully enter tained the members of the First Baptist churcv, choir and a few invit ed guests yesterday afternoon. Mu sical selections and readings were greatly enjoyed. liuefeincr con- testa were another feature of the afternoon. The hostess served a de licious salad course during the even ing. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Messrs. Jack Davis and Homor Hawn were Granite Falls visitors to day. Sheriff Tsenhower will have the ory townsh p tax books at the City managers ojnee Saturday from 9 m. to 4 p. m- Sheriff Isenhower will have the ory townsh'p tax books at the Citv manager's office Saturday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. James Long, the 13-days-oId infant of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Christopher of Longview. d ed just before last mid night and the funeral will be held at LHouck's chapel this afternoon. "jViZZ internaUona, T tered into hereafter by lwu Dttlueouil,s w"'v" "7" A oc"-v- witn many omcers aim i,uw men. Open 2:40 call eagements en In disputes between a member of, a member of the league shall be reg. tho league and states not a member istered with the secretary general and r bctwor.n states not members of the shall not be binding until registration.' fcairup, the contracting states shall bel The contracting parties agree that invited to lav Twrtro'tk .nvonant abroeate3 all engage 'igue. 1 ments Birthday Party Mis Grace Seaboch entertained 22 trio . . j jx vP Vior -fri'pnla at. her home on Ninth among tnemseives inconit- "v- v " - 'v, .n nt ff H . I ... .., t-u. 4. T o,, aVtUUB wtfUiiCSUV B". .ww.. ..bvu auuw v. ...v.- - - ner .sev"tccun uu l"uojf Music on u'H'mh to review their disputes rc- member or new member shall have piano and various games furnish any action of the state will be' entered into engagements inconsist- ed amusement for the occasion and . ..... ......... n honn.. 1TTI0 in Orpnoml. IVl TS. Nf- " an act pf war against any ent with the covenant it sna.i be tne " mcmter of the league. i duty of sucn powers to secure m r- s;sted by Misses contracting parties agree thatjleage from such obligation March 22.45 23.35 May 21.85 21.50 July 21.20 21.02 October 19.70 19-55 December - 19-56 19-32 Hickory cotton, 22c. WEATHER FORECAST For North Carolina: Fa"r tonight and Saturday except probably rain or snow in the extreme west portion. n. cfcoM a happy time in general. Mrs. Sea- Somewhat colder tonight m tne in covenant it sha.l be the f ..fMO),Mnk oa. fr rr Rnt.nrav. fresh to uocn serveu u"tj' iwira"un,..., " ' - - Katharine -ana strong soutnwest to west wmus uu tne I Frances Seaboch. . coast. By the Associated Press. iPiarial, Feb. 14. The plan which provides for the creation of a league of nations which President Wilson . by Rev. Mr. Morgan, pastor of the . . ... . . I -r" - v t . i i- rri.. t.j iva..e;su ijutiiera" vuurcu. xne uiue is a young teacher, pretty and accom plished, and the groom is an experi enced dairyman, lately having been with the R. J. Reynolds dairy at i will carry home with him will not be ready for adoption by congress be fore the peace treaty is signed. NURSES P4.SS THROUGH Winston-Salem. They arrived in the (Miss Ethel Morris, a trained nurse of Granite Falls, who came down yesterday n n-irse Mr. W. H. Boyd, returned to her home today, Mr Boyd hav'n pn'ered a hospital for treatment. Mr. Jo' " "".o'ick came in from Richmond :ast night to spend sever al days wit hhome folks. Mr. Bo lick will return to Richmond to re sume the position he left to enter the army. A special train carrying 38 sick cixy xoaay ana wui mane tneir nome nn.v ,nri tu-io cars of wounded with the groom's parents, Mr. and soldiers passed through Hickory this i Mrs. Henry P. Lutz at the Dutch morning enroute to the hospital at Dairy Farm, where they will be wel- Azalea. The canteen was on tne cumea Dy xneir many inenas. job as usual and served the entire crowd with lunches. The nurses were very bright and atatractive and were full of life. The soldiers were mostly tubercular cases. iMisr! T.ouise Jones left this af ternoon for Charlotte to spend the week end. ! WM. S. HART AT JPASTIME SATURDAY The program at the Pastime to morrow will be Wlm. S- Hart, Enid Markey and Chas. Ray in "The Lone- ermift Trail " n. Viirr nrPaforn foonro Too good to miss. Mr. W. H. Boyd was carried to Statesville today to undergo treat ment in Dr. Long's Sanatorium. He has been seriously ill for several days but it is hoped the treatment in the hospital! will result in his rapid re- covery. Miss Mattie Sherrill and brother, Mr. Dorman Sherriil, left this morn injr for Florida to spend ten days. Wtifle away they will visit Jackson ville, Key West and Miami, coming home by way of Fort Meyer and Columbia. te ' '- k V: m jv - ft. J

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