TUESDAr EVENUjg PAGE TWO HICKORY DAILY RECORD J j HICKORY DAILY RECORD TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Exctpt Sunday PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please stale In their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 1G7 regarding complaints. SUHSCK1PT10N HATES One year - $5.00 (By mail. $4.00: G months, $2.00) Six months 2.50 Three Months 1.25 Oq Month - 45 Onft Week 10 Entered as second-class matter Sep tembcr 11. 1915. at the postollice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 8, 1879. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Tress is exclusively intitled to the use for republication it all news credited to it or not cred ited in this paper and also the local news published herein. TUESDAY JUNE 3. 1919 ANARCHISTS BUSY A (JAIN The country was again shocked to day to read that anarchists had at tempted the life of Attorney (Jeneral Palmer and other public official. A bomb deposited in the doorway of the Palmer residence in Washington exploded and killed one person probably the fellow who put it there and wrecked the home, but harmed nobody else. In several other cities bomb outrages were re ported. The country is not safe from its enemies, and it will not be safe un til all the agencies of the federal government, all the police officers of the country and all the citizens bend their efforts towards apprehending anarchists and expel them from the United States. That is what we should do. In this country are thousands of men who think as Lenine and Trotzky. They would destroy the farms and factories and turn the country into a desert. They believe that it is WTong for money to be worth any thing, for a man to make a profit, anil consequently they keep the printing presses busy turning out paper that is valueless. What congress should do is to pass a series of laws that will catch the anarchists and enable the immi gration officials to deport them if nothing worse. Governor Shaw last night declared that he said in July, 1914, that it was our war, and made many speech es emphasizing this fact. He was a happy man when the United States took her stand on the side of the al lies. A great many public men realized from the day that Austria invaded Belgium that it was a con flict between autocracy and democ racy and it was inevitable that the greatest republic in the world should throw its tremendous power into the conflict on the side of right. Everybody is for a merchant ma rine now, but the time was when farmers and other business men gave the question little attention. The Record has favored a big merchant fleet from the day it was founded and the editor has urged the con struction and operation of ships for many years. A country to bo great must be like a good farmer make about everything needed. PERSONALITIES OF TREES There Are Soldier Trees and Servant Trees and Many Others St. Nicholas. It was a beautiful thing about th old Greeks that for them everything in the world was full of life as in deed it is for 'everyone who has open eyes. They believed that every tree was possessed of a peculiar spirit. And they were not far wrong in the matter, either. trees are just as Undividual as you and I are in a way If you have not found that- out, then you have missed a whole book of most charming stories, says a writer in St. Nicholas. There are all sorts of trees, just as there are all sorts of folks; the soldier trees and the strong man trees, and the lady trees, and the hero trees, to say nothing of the lover trees and the robber trees and the rest. Surely you must have seen soldier trees if you have ever been abroad in the wild the straight young trees of the forest, strong and confident, with heads erect and arms at atten tion and shoulder touching shoulder, for -all thu world like soldiers in battle array. And the strong man trees they are the oaks unci beeches and hick orius. that give strength to the world and furnish the sinews for its toil. Then there are the lady trees I always think of the acacias and mag nolia's and tulip trees as gracious twomen, filling thu world with gentle ness and sweet retinement. ueiiring by nature, a becomes fair women, they nevertheless bedeck themselves in season with ornaments of silver and gold and await their wooers. Next to come are the modest serv ant trees. I came on a group of them only yesterday as I was roam ing over' the hills in that same an cient land of the Greeks a group of gmft'lud olive trees, all knotted and bent with age. They stood in a shel tered cove leaning toward one an other for all the world like a group of ancient retainers from some great house who had gathered here in the quiet nook for a bit of gossip. How many years the old trees had been serving there. No fins lady trees they to grace lawn or drive with their presence; but only plain serv ants standing at their humble tasks often neglected and sometimes even abused. Yet they had served faith fully through wind and weather, oh so long, gathering in rich harvests pi fruit and oil for the stores of the great house. FUNERAL OF MRS. SHU FORD The funeral of Mrs. Susan Shuford. whose death occurred Saturday after noon at the home of her son, Mr. W. E. Shuford, was conducted Sunday morning at 10 o'clock by I Jew W. O. Goode and the remains carried to Asheville for burial Sunday after noon. Mrs. Shuford was 82 years of age and is survived bv two sons Mr. W. E. Shuford of Hickory and Mr. Joe Shuford of Asheville. She was a member of the Methodist church and was a splendid Christian woman. RUTH ROLAND In 'The Tiger's Trail' 1st EPISODE IN 3 REELS Also CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "SHOULDER ARMS" IN 3 REELS Hub Theatre Saturday June 7 DEATH OF MRS. CLINE Mrs. Perry Cline, one of the best known women of Cline's township, died yesterday afternoon at the age of about 50 years and the funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from Sit. Zion Lutheran church, of which she was a consist ent member, by Rev. J. E. Barb. She was a daughter of the late Allen Bumgarner. Mrs. Cline is survived by her husband and four sons Messrs. Orin, Marshall, Cletus and Osborne ('line. TO INCOME TAXPAYERS Statesville, June 3. Collector Watts said today that beginning Mon day, June 9 and ending Monday nieht. June 1(5. an income tax officer will be at Hickory for the purpose I of assisting income taxpayers with I their final returns, which must be ' made and at least one half of the tax clue paid on or before June 16. All corporations, partnerships, fi duciaries, witholding agents and in dividuals, who have not yet tiled their final returns and who desire assist ance should see this officer at the place mentioned above. Mrs. R. A. Grimes and Bobby Grimes left this morning for Moores ville to attend the Rankin-Johnson wedding. nrr. wueTPifM PATHE SERIAL STARTS AT HUB SATURDAY "The Tiger's Trail" a big Pfth western serial featuring Ruth Roland starts at the Hub Theatre Saturday June 7th. The first episode will be in three reels. Don't fail to see this thrilling chapter of the biggest and best western serial ever made. In T. . . -. -11 .1 yl17ll this episode you win see riding, death defying scenes, cow boys, and bandits that will make your hair stand straight up. You cant ... . .i : A Icrk attorcl to miss mis epiuuc. Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms" in three reels, one of the mil lion dollar" comedies will also be shown. Some show boys, don't miss this whatever you do. MANY PERSONS FAIL TO LIST THEIR TAXES Probably 100 persons in Hickory township have failed to list their taxes, Mr. Click said today. He has not closed up the books yet and will hold them open until the end of the week, and persons who wish to attend to this important matter may see him at the Times-Mercury office this week. Today the United States is the larg est manufacturer of natural dyes in the world having been almost neg ligible as a producer prior to the war. TERRIFYING DISCOMFORTS FROM SKIN DISEASE Itching and Burning Eruptions Torture Victims. If your skin seems ablaze with the fiery burning and itching of Eczema, real and lasting relief can only come from treatment that goes below the surface that reaches clown tc the very source of the trouble. Skin-diseases come from a disordered condition of the blood, and search far and near. you cannot find a blood remedy that approaches S. S. S. for real efficiency. S. S. S. has been on the market for fifty years, during which time it has been giving uni form satisfaction for all manner of blood disorders. If you want prompt and lasting relief, you can rely upon S. S. S. For expert ad vice as to the treatment of your own individual case, write to-day to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co.. Dept. 4-f, Atlanta, Ga. R. A. GRIMES Company When hot and thirsty remember our re freshing department. Our products are pure and wholesome and our service will please you. Send or phone us your orders for cream which will have careful attention. The reputation and quality of our cream is appreciated by the most discriminating. The R. A. Grimes Company R. A. CRIMES, Manager. Cleanliness and Sanitation Marks our Service. 1 n SPECIAL AT PASTIME TODAY Bryant Washburn IN "THE GYPSY TRAIL" A Paramount Picture by Robert Housum Full of comedy, too good to miss. Admis sion 10 & 15 cents war tax included. ALSO I'ATIIE NEWS TODAY TOMORROW GEORGE WALSH IN "LUCK & PLUCK" A William Fox Victory Picture While Col. Yoder makes J. A. Dti ker of Los Angeles place the Baker fortune at $700,000,000, there prob ably is an error in the transcription. The amount must have been $700,000, which is enough, goodnes knows. ASHEVILLE MINISTERS WILL HOYCOTT THE SUNDAY PAPER Asheville, June 3. Following a dis cussion by in em bars of the Asheville Ministers' Association, representing practically all the Protestant minis ters of the city, they adopted resolu tions in which they state they will refuse to take Sunday newspapers and will insist on all their church members doing the same. The reso lution was introduced by Rev. J. O. Erwin pastor of a small Methodist church he,re, and it also stated that the association would insist that lo cal newspapers print their church no tices Saturday instead of Sunday. This matter has been agitated by Rev. Dr. R. F. Campbell, pastor of the First Baptist church here, for noma time. STRIKE IN PROTEST AGAINST TJIE PALITINATE REPUBLIC Berlin, June 3. The inhabitants of Mayonce and Wiesbaden began yesterday morning a 24-hour strike in protest against the attempted coup in proclaiming an independent pal itinate republic. It is also reported pro-German palatinatists at Mannheim declared a general strike, and that the inhabi tants of the palatinate notwithstand ing threats of the French of court martial, everywhere are tearing down the posters proclaiming the republic. DEATH OF VETERAN Mr. Daniel Winebarger, a farmer of Hickory township, died yesterday after a long illness. He was n Con- zeuerate veteran and a good citizen. Miss Julia Rust of Bridgewater, Miss Georgia Riddle of Morganton and Mr. and Mrs. James Gantt of Statesville and Mrs. Graham Delim iter of Shelby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hewitt for commence ment and chautauqua. Zoom Over Your Troubles With a GL PEPSI-COLA! See the flyer zom over that soft fresh cloud high u,j in the heavens "he's cW and happy. Are you ? Or are you hot and stic ky, men tally lagged ami sluggi-.li ? Try an exhilarating zonm over your troubles with a bubbling, sparkling bjaker of Pepsi-Col i. It makes you simply srinlUlut,-.' To catch the incipient headache to give Old Man Humidity the merry ha-ha! Drink Ptpifying - Simulating -Rejave:taf.,g PEPSI-COLA OOM ! Professional Cards Dr. J. B. LITTLE DENTIST Office Phone 39G Over D. P. Bowman's Store. Dr. W. B. RAMSAY DENTIST Office over Shuford 's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. E. E. ROGERS Chiropractice removes the cause of Constipation and Kindred evils. Rheumatism, Bladder trouble, Gal Stone or most any other abnormal condition of the body. Hickory: Mon., Wed., Friday. Morganton: Tues., Thur., Sat. Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. C. Special attention given to PILES, Fistulas, Fissures, Li cers, Pruritus Cured. No cut ting, no confinement. J W. Shuford FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND Licensed Embalmer Hickory, N. C. Day Phone 99 Night 4 3-J Dr. E. J. M'COY VETERINARIAN Office at Abernethy's Stable Residence Phone 306-M ieo. E. Bi isanar DOCTOR OF OPTICS Error of Refraction and all Optical defects corrected with properly fitted glasses. Office and examination room in connection with Jewelry Store. IF YOU WANT YOUR TIME PIECES AND EYES DOCTORED RIGHT SEE E. E. HIGHT Expert Watchmaker and Registered Optometrist Experience Vs. Inexperience J. Arthur Webb 538 Eighth Ave. HICKORY, N. C. Interior Finishes, Wall Painting, Wall Papering and Mural Dec orating a specialty. Highest class work. Estimates furnish ed. Efficient service. Painter, Paper-hanger and Decorator Build now with BRICK Buffalo Clay Co. Statesville, N. C. Fraternal Directory Catawba Lodge No. 54 K. of P. Meets every Thursday night. filing ureinren invited. B. B. BLACKWELDER, C C B. D. GADDY, K. R. S Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr. O.U.A.M. afIe8etnnEvery Monday Evening at 8:00 p. m. All visitin? brothers cordially invited Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. RePiaur- communication First and Third Monday nights SS2S" Crdial,y hlVited to 1 D. L. MILLER, Master W. B. SOUTHEmXnd, Sec. BANK SERVI sir SERVICE: Prompt, Efficient ai teous, is the watchword of The I tional Bank. It is the aim of this institution die the business intrusted to it with painstaking attention 10 me imeres? customers. Every detail is Uvi, strictly confidential. The needs of our patrons are : looked after, and ample accom, furnished wherever necessary t ; their success. We welcome the count, and give it the same care . sideration devoted to the lare.--.. If you have business of any ; which a Bank can be of service y dially invited to come m ana s Money to lend at all times. First National Bank Hickory, N. C. Money To Loan At All Times Nation eon- 1 ''- cor- Iff Work U!.erty - Institu- inir the Released From War With the closing of the Victory Loan campaign, the officers of thi tion are now able to devote their t to the upbuilding of personal sj patrons. To each and all we extend thanks for hearty cooperation clu strain of the past two years. In returning to normal conditi-s inci dent to peace, one policy of war-times v;e will not change. For mutual suec e and community progress we shall eniinue t.. encourage the practice of thrift a war time necessity a peace-time virtue. Consolidated Trust Co. L. F. Abernethy, Cashier RAILROAD SCHEDULE The arrival and departure of pasaenger trains Hick ry. The following schedule figures are pubuished as infJrm.::. guaranteed. SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES Arrives from New York -Salisbury New York-Salisbury Asheville Richmond-Salisbury Asheville 12:02 A. M 7:55 a. m. 9:00 ajn. 11:20 a. m. 11:35 a. m. 4:45 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 6:15 p. m. o;io p. z. 12:U- 8. 11:50 a. m 2:32 d. m UNITED . STATES OFFICE. Asheville Goldsbaro Asheville C 4 N. W. RAILROAD Ches ter Edgemont-Lenoir RAILROAn AHMivictp tTTnv TELEPHONE NO. 67 11:35 a. z 7:53 a. s L! :S5 p. it. depot" ticket WANTED ! Your old cast oft Furni ture. Will also repair high class work. Mail postal to Drawer 531 and I will call to see you and paj the highest prices E. W. Reynolds Shop under Stevenson's STORE. ;ONE 224-L LOYD A. Transfers and Livery Motor Trucks THE HICKORY HARNESS CO Manufacturers of all kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLES. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK Repairing a Specialty HICKORY, N. C. We are equippe : : of hauLng, heavy :i ing a specialty. A long distance movi; , or any class of mo'i-r t Phone 43-L THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Ihone 10G. Work Delivered 1032 Mth Street, Hickory, N C Next to First Building & la Office Jitney Service Jitney Schedule Effectively h ! Lenoir-Hickorv Jitney Schedule Leave Lenoir ::') V-m-Leave Hickory ;00 P m. 0 Arrive for No. 1 1- C. E. ROBBINS NEW- 8:20 a. m. 1 f -iu:u a. ni. HICKORY CONOVER AND TON. rn Schedule Leave Hirk,v T . v i y 1 .ea vi w Leave HiVWT, .30 p. m Leave Hickory :JJ P- m- Leave Newton Z:?0 P- m- Leave Newton, q on a m" Leave Newton ?-2 ' m' Leave Newton IV i ! p m- Leave Newton P- m- Newton to Conover" '3 P" Newton to Hickory -Jnc Hickory to Conove? Hickory to Newton fC Our Motto :-Good sf--"-""40 All Business Men Keenly realize the ' 1 1" fectly pressed clot! ;. ur method of pr'- " modern that we :h'. . Vn the natural body sha; clothes, give you lat : . ' 'v:'" and a uniform lims'; Satisfaction (aur.'''"1 Williams and Pearson 9th Ave Plnin. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 15 A 3 T O R ? A R. W. CLINE