HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO BE TELEPHONE 167 Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Subscriber desiring the address of Billy Borne nails the profiteer ru mor in Asheville with a cartoon.! With a swatter labeled "The Truth, an indignant citizen is laying on "Scandal Mongers" buzzing around town. Several Asheville stores have been damaged by a senseless rumos. Well, the rumor was mighty slow in getting to Asheville. ' The brotherhoods having pointed them to recognize that if they are J operation and harmony; there will paying pastors less than a living , be hatred where there should be salary, tney are roDDing uoa ana man alike A religion that will make- the la boring man, who by threats or by actual violence against the non-union, man) strives to keei3 out of employ ment, realize that he is at heart a murdered and is murdering the indi viduality, and the liberty, of his fellow-man, an is displaying hatred which, if it has the proper opportun ity, will commit physical murder- A religion tnat win mane tne pon- SUDScnoers uwru v ' - the wav. it is hoDed that their good JRfihd examme will be followed. What thl tician who yields principle for the """""r f sake of party, who worships at tne icuiuiny i.CCu an ,!feet of any class and sells his soul wt rt wnrh ins at. thf NEW addresses. j country neeas is an opportunity tu U;!,.. w aella his To insure efficient delivery, settle down to something like normal j for political preferment know that piaiuia imwuiu w ----- conditions. winen Dusmess mm ie js not only a coward and a poi i.rint.irn Department promptly, wty . , . . , , . ,, i wbscribers should call 167 regarding trade are moving rignt aga r., u , , tne question 01 emurcing uciuuuus "ifor more pay will be more in oi'der. complaints. SUBSUUl'liui ijust now production is the thing, fine year (Bv mail. $4.00: 6 months, $2.00) - ; - Six months , 2.50 The school bond election undoubt- Three Months "J" 1-25 ' adly was carried today, those people One Month 4j registering of course being for it. One Week - '.One-third of the voters of Hickory, Entered as second-class matter Sep- however, went to the trouble of en, tember 11, 1915, at the postoffice at rolling for the election. That show;. Hickory, N. C, under the act oij indifference on the part of a largv March 8, 1879. number of citizens. We ought to MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS 'vote on every proposition The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to the use for republica tion of all news credited to it or not credited in thi3 paper and also -the local news published herein. MONDAY, SEPT 1, 1919 THE COOPER MURDER The murder of Robin J. Cooper, whose pistol killed Senator Edin W. Carmack in the most ' sensational murder ever known in Tennessee, was himself murdered last week and his body thrown into a stream near his home at Nashville, Tenn. Wheth er the murder was prompted by a desire to rob him of some money he was supposed to have had on his per son or whether it was to avenge the killing of Carmack nobody can say. If the murder was the result of a desire for vengeance, the slayer or slayers doubtless would have rifled his pockets and clothes, to make the case as complicated as possible. One does not know. The Carmack murder shocked the country. Carmack, a brilliant man and a prohibitionist, attacked Patterson and Cooper in a Nashville paper. They deserved what he said about them ot course, as events proved, and he was murdered because he stood for prohib ition. The Cooper murder will be dif ficult to clear up, but the public will display much interest in it. Western cattle and hog raisers will now raise a howl over the drop in meat prices. Somebody must bear the loss, but everybody hopes it will be the other fellow. Professional Cards troon, and unworthy of the respect of any decent man, but which will also make him see that he is neipmg to murder human liberty, as great a" crime as murdering the individual man In short, we need a revival which will make every man and woman strive in every act of life to do that which, on the great Judgement Day, they will wish they had done, as with soul uncovered they stand be fore the Judgment Seat of v the Eternal. Until the people of this nation ac cept and live this religion there will be strife where there should; be peace, there win De iockouis ana murder where there should be co so to them." friendship and love In the Golden Rule, followed in the fullness of the spirit of this kind of religion, there would be found a solution for every' business trouble, there would be created friendship between employer and employe; cap ital and labor work in harn.ny and with efficiency, efficiency for the capital and; efficiency for the labor, with profit to both. Rplie-ion of this kind is not meas ured by the hope of a Heaven here after, but by the full fruition now of "Peace on earth to men good will.'" It is not merely the chanting oi hymns here or in the world to come, but it is in the recognition ana iun application by rich and poor, by learned and unlearned, that each one is indeed his brother's keeper, and that we can bring this country and the world back to safety. A nation-wide acceptance of this, the only true religion in action, would bring business peace and world peace where there is now tur moil, and men would then cease to seek to gain their aims by lawless acts of immlorality, but would in spirit and in deed follow the Divine command, "All things whatsoever ye would that men do to you, do ye even Dr. W. B. RAMSAY DENTIST Office over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Dr. J. B. LITTLE DENTIST Office Phone SD6 Over D. P. Eowman's Store. BinBSBBBESEBBEHEBBEBBSEBHBEIBUDSSSSSSsgg, ow Mucli Cas E3 m m m m n m m m m AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER? Gen. Louis Botha, the South Afri can Boer whose military genius made it necessary for the British govern ment to send overwhelming forces in to that country 20 years ago, has just died at an advanced age. He looms as large as General Smuts, though the latter was more promi nent in the news dispatches during the great war. Botha conquered Ger man Southwest Africa, while Smuts sat at the conference board of the al lies. The world owes much to Bo tha and Smuts, two rebels who ac cepted the turn of fortune's wheel in good faith and who did their part in saving the allies from defeat. No finer tribute could be paid to Brit ish statesmanship than their dearings with the defeated Boers, who shoul dered guns 20 years after they had been defeated and won another empire. Mnniifactnrprs Record Above all else this country needs n ration-wide revival of the old-fash- I fi icned prayer meeting religion A religion that makes men realize that if there is a Heaven, there must also of necessity be a Hell A religion that makes a man real ize that every act is recorded on his own conscience, and that though that may slumber, it can never die A religion that makes the employ er understand that if he is unfair to his employes and pays them less than fair wages, measured by his Eibility and their efficiency and zeal he is a robber i A religion that makes an employe known that if he does not give full and efficient service, he too is a robber A religion that makes the farmer, who packs bad fruit at the bottom and deceives the buyer by the good fruit on the top, realize that he is a thief just as much as the one who robs a hen roost at n;ght A religion that makes a man who robs a railroad of its fare, or its freight bill, know that he robs him self of all right to feel that he is an i honest man A religion that makes a man real ize that by driving too hard a bar gain with his servant, his employe, or his merchant, he can be just as much a profiteer as the seller or producer who swindles by false weight, false packing or false charges A religion that will teach church members who fail to contribute to the extent of their ability to the sup port of religion, and that compels 1 id :n J A I DU1M tk And Let Us Furnish The Material Various and sundry Irishmen have appeared before a congressional com mittee and with impassioned rhetor ic urged the defeat of the peace treaty because, in their opinion, it would bind Ireland to England foi all time. Chief objection to the treaty is that it would prevent an other nation Germany, for example from going to the aid of Irelnd. If that is the principal objection, then the treaty should be ratified at once. Irishmen who would plunge the world into war deserve no considera tion. The Record tries not to be anti-anything, but the Sinn Feiners, led by their Catholic priests, have just about caused most Americans to avocate anything they are against. A Massachusetts man, Oliver D. Hovey, died the other day at the age of 80 years and left buried treasure estimated at between $25,000 and $50, 000. He was known to have pur chased bonds amounting to $23,000, but nobody knows where they were hidden. A chart indicating the spot on a farm where the treasure was hidden was left by the man and per sons in his neighborhood will have a feverish time deciphering it and digging for bonds and gold. It re minds one of the tales of Captain Kidd or the stories of Edgar Allen Poe. The Record home guard corre pondent had the pleasure of run ning across several old friends in Charlotte last week. Or;e of them was Frank Spruill of Lexington, who toted a rifle much of th time, and another was Dorma.i Thompson of Statesville, who must have re duced his weight during the few days he pounded the pavement. These two are as fine men as can be found in the state. Schools are opening in all parts of the state and next Monday the schools here will start. Children Bhould be ready to start on the first day. Lime, Cement Laths, Plaster, Rex Strip Shingles, Galvanized Roofing, Cedar Shingles, Rubber Roofing, .Nails and EVERYTHING in HARDWARE you need for the New Home or Repairing the old one, come in and get our prices before you build. Shuford Hdw, Co. .ZHJ T I . 9.,3K 1 I I , wm w r fcs- u Y i 1 mm' factum of Mll 1 , kMm mm. Mm Wwl ' in i & 4? i fij i Iii.ui.1 PHIMIIlin 1 A safe : "buy" The standing tliat the name Certain-teed has the world over simply represents the i summed-up opinions of the thousands-who have tested Certain-ieed quality. takes the largest roofing mills in the world to produce enough Certain-ieed to supply the demand. Certain-teed has so thoroughly proved its roofing superiority from every point of service and economy that it is novr used everywhere for every type of building. It makes a clean, firm, protective, permanent covering that no element can affect weather-proof, sp?.rk-prcof and rust-proof. Certavi-tsfd h rr-cle !n rolls, both smooth and rough surfaced (red or green) also in handsome red or green asphalt ehmgles for residences. Certain-teed is extra quality--the name means certainty of quality and satisfaction guarantee. It will pay you to get Certain-teed most dealers 6ell U. Ask for Certain-teed and be sure to get it. Certain-teed Products Corporation Offices and Warehouses ia Principal Cities Certain-tec Paints and Varnishes are the highest dual ity. They will give the best paint satisfaction. Wware Co. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST Office Over Yoder Grocery Co., Sec ond Floor, Masonic Temple Building Dr. O. L. Hollar HICKORY, N. G. Special attention given to PILES, Fistulas, Fissures, Li cers, Pruritus Cured. No cut ting, no confinement. M n m ri n n m m m n ii si si m m n m m m RS! Have you paid out in the last six months? How much of it do you hold receipts for? As you know, currency payments leave behind no record-they invite loss and dis pute. Much better to have a checking ac count here and use the reliable pay-by-check plan. Begin now and have the bene fits, for the balance of the year. We want you to feel that the equipment of this Bank and the personal service of our officers are for your financial interests. Small sums deposited regularly with the hp.ln of compound interest will build a modest fortune for you. Follow this pi it's the one sure way to succeed financi ally. First National Bank Four Per Cent Interest on Saving Accounts 1 Capital $200,000.00 a f.ri l3 S3 n n u Ml u u u n n y u n u n m n u u & ra m J W. Shuford FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND Licensed Embalmer Hickory, N. C. Day Phone 99 Night 43-J Dr. E. J. M'COY VETERINARIAN Office at Abernethy's Stable Phone 104-K 15th St. Graded School RAILROAD SCHEDULE The arrival and departure of passenger trains Hickory. The following schedule figures are pubuished as information and not guaranteed. SOUTlHlaKJN KA1LKUAD L.liNJi Arrives from 12:02 A. M. 7:55 a. m. 9:00 fljn. 11:20 a. m. 11:35 a. m. 4:45 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 6:15 p. m. 11:54 a. m. 10:25 a. m. UNITED STATES RAILROAD A OFFICE. TELEPHONE NO. 67 Departs for New York -Salisbury 9:00 a. m. New York-Salisbury 6:15 p. m Asheville 12:02 a. n: Richmond-Salisbury 4:45 p. m. Asheville 4:45 p. ci. Asheville 11:20 a. m Goldakno 11:85 a. it. AsheVille 7:55 a. m C. N. W. RAILROAD Chester 2:21 p. m. Edgemont-Lenoir 11:51 a. m DEPOT TKKi S Geo. E. Bisanar DOCTOR OF OPTICS Error of Refraction and all Optical defects corrected with properly fitted glasses. Office and examination room in connection with Jewelry Store. ate. BETTER STILL Us Gro vjiyw vv vviin Owing to an inci-ease in both ny watch repairing and optical rasiness I am compelled to dis .ontinue the repairing of nid:el locks and jewelry, both consume luch time. E E. MIGHT Expert Watchmaker and Registered Optometrist Experience Vs. Inexperience J. Arthur Webb HICKORY, N. C. 538 Eighth Ave. Interior Finishes, Wall Painting, Wall Papering and Mural Dec orating a specialty. Highest class work. Estimates furnish ed. ' Efficient service. Painter, Paper-hanger and Decorator The remarkable increase in the volume of our business during the last six months is not phenomenal; it is the natural result of our policy of extending every possible courtesy and accommodation at our com mand to the growing list of our patrons. ' W e invite you to ask thenrhow they like to do business with us. f! if you earn little, save some; if you earn much, save some. In either case let us take care of your savings and we will PAY YOU 4 P. C. INTEREST, COM POUNDED QUARTERLY If you need accommodations in your business, talk it over with us and let us help you. Our aim is PERSONAL SERVICE. Consolidated Trust Co. . L. F. Abernethy, Cashier Write or Phone Buffalo Clay Co. Statesville, N. C. 4 J Fraternal Directory flfik- Catawba -HLodgeNo. 54 Meets every Thursday night. Visiting brethererv invited. B T. Gaddy, K. R. S. GEO. BAILEY, C. C. Hickoiy Ldge No. 143 .w.P. & A. M. Reguiiww Hnmunication First and TfcOT ilonday nights. Brethriwi r.rdially invited to be present, D. E- fe f'LLER, Master. D, A fAYLOR, Sec. Si a 'V, r-::.-.;.'v . ; m m 03 m m m m m m m m m m m a SS3 -vS A funeral service conducted by us is noted for its simple, dig nified grandeur. The talents of our well directed organization make each funeral ceremony a decidedly artistic achievement. To benefit by our experience, talk over your problem with us. N UNDERTAKING TfPTO el K 3 0 li Hickory, X. u n m STATE LICENSED MORTUARY First Floor, 1208 10th Avenue Phones 389 301-L I' DiiMOKDS ND SE'MI-PRtCIOUS STONES ' S7f 6010 UNO S1VER CffliAMENTS N CHOICE LINE OF 6ifT THINGS " V 1 Piedm ont Council No. 43, Jr. O.U.A.M. Meets Every Monday Evening at 8:00 p. m. All visiting i brothers c ordially invited. H. G. T FILLER, Councillor. a. j. tut jajuA, Kec. Sec. e ii n. I I Watch repairing neatly, quickly and properly done. M'- -W. Bellinger who has spent several years at the bench is now v. i !i me and with his help I will be able to give you first class s. i ii ' and handle it more quickly. Remember we guarantee all work. Come, bring us your repairing; Get quick service and reasonable prices. A J. ESSEX Jeweler and Registered Optorrernst 8 I B ft 1 I I ff f ft U D u u I 5- "'v' t w .-'

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