1 ) HICKORY, U. C., TUESDAY EV! O-f f y ! s F " .i.L riVL Ci,. ; -VMTlSimTCCICTTCI nd "1 I pfl - A V " p iii fill l fiPT wTfi HI! rLLy ii bars, bll sal LnLHlJL h US! Lfid! , t !r- y '' T:. V, J?l i- P P " v i 2 Li ill! Li US! 1:1 w ninriiwii MwMWBrMiwMiiifrw.iJ)iwf3wui'i ' ' " ' r ocw.T-J, x w t -cn--ckrT-tt, t yvTcoflAK! --f n----i-- -rMTT ;i.um i Kuiwiiii iiwmh n i mini w 1 1 1 nj i iniii i.n hum .i hiiuiwi mi iimifmtmwtmwmmmnn-r-'mmmm'mmmmmmmmmmm'' ; I. t. t- dt r 3 I I . J t ,1 I s :-'iirn'ir-n Lane His Views en Big Point ;.'"-isc.::c;on by Conference Came Af- A tJjour2!r:;enl a.5id May Not Be ' iC r 1 , r r ; i,' H lit K n 9 s 4 ft 'V 4. V pi Pi pur S:-, J. f. Anti-Bolshevik Forces Continue to Advance Say Some Reports Others Tell of Sti Zoning Re sistance in Fetrograd Sburbs--Biletins From Various Sources i-'.i! i 1 j 1 sk. It A. c J ! ! " '" '"y tlK' Asso'.-iuU".! 1'vofs. ! 11 h:u'c:if, X. C, Oct. 21. Voters " ' ;1 --f t'havh.-ttc avc ro pivir.j: the pres- 1 ,k'tt;'r ' " t city cc r.i r.i?i!ior.o's two to ont- : .' t;;i.. n;;:jei !ty up U llio noon hour ' ' : ' ii.--'- tlii i'iii'f4 caiuHdatos on a s cc all t:c;;i t oliiiminK to represent ::' ; ' : i " r. , :'i;:-.:u';:i.-.I !.;lcr. It is prcilicteil t-iai 1 1 Ic'.ua -;10 hr.tst vote c.'.r recorded w'.ll ' ''.! u !u .1 ' , !.rc.u.rht out. r: :; l.i aa Tin- riaa'i caa!;a.iu'i Ftariea " ' ;-- '-I aaaa d':;i 'a after riots on Au.;u.m 2."; vaa-n five !;.( iuocr-! of ;; n:oI thai : ' :Ma''kia t i i . car luiru du'-:!'lV ti,. ! ' ' ''' ):' (;! . t ;.: Wire i. I i i t ( i Jilid O 'a 'Hi' a :a, ... injur. -d. S-.-vi-i-al m' tii ' ' ' ''' 1' .- !'.! c:r::'.i;:::i rn.; ,o viaci; ii,a ' c.cifi r i:c au a !a .. r.u- iartaatly ararted a ra- : a. . '.a ':.- y all ca!arai va and aitterac- s d-- ' '.i'.vuu. . v'opo'l. d'ia' ca- a la'or lici-.clhas - ..utuaa .-f tar ia ; n , ei;i t'!y In t!u- lu.iids of Friink I- 1 a-dd. .'....,. -:,.., ciaar f :a . la b.,r paa. r aaaa of l a . -a! td la-iaa - '"'' ' a.i'ta.- .-j . tj)0 Associate : Press. -!! '" S" '',';''" ('!" rdu a . (.'.. n-t. 21. A t-. a ' ! .:.!! r i- ' a a, aft("''aali: af r cant :; ' '" I''1" :-ti'da: in t i idly ani! oa ieulaily t lie ' '' ia ad; vi' tiic .iota at tin- earhani '' c.f tiu S;,utiiern Public Utilities "caivcd l-.y the Conipaay Au.trusl 25, in which live ; aa.;a ia vo idl e-! ana a dozen in- riaiit itd-i). The arrival of ( i aOi'V1-1 Vv aiai a aai :i Prince a;a! aaaar VERY MUCH 10 HICKORY (k'fcnac.T in id Unc-ra! Yud i n't- "a ahdu ti:c Ciiv acco!"' - d tnc ' aie l)t' tiicir last captu-c! -a'- a OUKJ. K' !' ( X tho A-ociat.-Londran. Oct. 2 ! . taken bv the ia t.,,,, con re- .a,d i bulletin I-.JV.' J ta ; a : " - f 3 c I ; ot the d: Ci'(aa r:a :; ; ' tt v.dio also ;.ts of Cer- outside of irelcss dis-vu-t govern- f - j - P S ? i 2 .T"''- U H B a 4 S hv i.caaj Vt sett, tort n somsi ot tnc ocna- ; rai .Mamonofi s as a wed-cra'a vced iiHtitution would Vorcnech. accordia rin;.; to Hickory, 'i iiere arc cultur- patch sent out by 1 aaa maa. ;ai, etany peaKinK, , itm at aioscuw. at a point not unt)iia:ued in the; aca.i;.nt production of aw:umcnts is STILL HOLD KIJONSTADT hat in. a lew years ail the col. cues : By the Associated Press. al ji.icmvit'cs in the s-late wdl be London, Oct. 21. 'Idic fortress of they wal nave ivronstadt was .still ia )) 'v. -via nf J'iven this year some the bolsheviki, accord: ac- in A the ia.stit utioivs have bn forced patch from a point in Finland, from la turn away s.tudents. Had Leu- which nlace the red daa uaw ill visi S I it c-..d'!e a.oiie-e oeei! prepared to open.o.e irom the masthead of i Russian door.s on the same basis as these ' wavshio sunk hv iht HvitUn i 3 it v tat A .sociatt"? V- . .. Oct. i, J d : V g .. ' ne ' . n-.' k w iu ' : w i iJ aired, is lio;nr held here today. Yot.imv i.- v:( cdinedv iica'y arid tlie b-elief is cxare.-aad liiat il will bo the lr.-avic.--t ever taiai'.ado.I. The rccali caiaiidatiS arc l.adiac: in live of the 'wen wards, all of which iie on the out skirts of the city and in which, the nonulaiion is made up chiefly- of mill vvarkar;' forces. The adiiiinistiatioii iin ;i v. as i ea v sum : ;ai 'ad e.kaaaaid aas .;0 ahip:- t-cd "i.nt :d !a'."d (a a lii-a-.n , : . "a t i'arau'a.ds roj)e have la an h Army off ucapa iiti a ; a;'e to ia- a ai ra;. a aa at prraaa -li, "-v.. ia d a!a!iaa'd a; "i aa sliaa cd out of . (' s at city cd to one ; i i a .- -' J. i . ' T . up in too io w. ''! c ai !i-f.5;ayy;:- Jd Press, "a 'II. ir..,.; .iili forces contend that they will carry , ' l th" clcci:"u 5v a ma.ionfv of 2.('0 in 5 :;ninian-v t-av !'ir ii a . l a 'nan. . "iae; ai (rcr-i'atifd-.it ion of the a! ted. ay with Fer iki"i' affor riatauv when fcr'"'",' ai'l'- Ua- -u a (i.0',,0 vola aa- ot t i "Iav. ilU IV; Hi till POINT FOUNDATION ,.r : 1:1 ,! 1 u,u- b-'iterprise y J g g -?; j jj j; !4 !-; J i; r.f u.,, , ,'r ' 'rent ion ef I he Jli.vdi Point iauin- I U 'H'i'u f'& r f t i 'i i un ri i r: f : I ! a . i a ( : a I a ,n I ; vYachovia i: 1 J iji,j patrol men '1,is'- courpany, :va outlincii in the I w;t!i nau'e than l-'deiaiia'sa today, oujfht to till a atenv and navv eommunity need; it cf.ht to be wei tr.Ur" eomeil by every man who lias af- fi ction for his home c'dy, and who wishes to insure its moral and phys- j ki i v. u it aaals naze-' d :av.a '.;a ' and at idd-vpcit Xt a d sr.lv ly a.' wciaaea . ,;v s;,:;,;,:.,: ! i (:, a, yv a rd a Mov ver. ar ,!' ol !! p . 's. I., t.l bacau-? laey iojoc :.f t ho caaciiiatavs v.-. r tland a mass meeiiir; a !ao I'.;:- taaar.- a a:,aa t'e.a : a-v Wiisa.a adn;d i-ves stated that :da. dttnd. n II 'i vi:.:. ' ; 2 1 ii ; i i JiXi ''- vvi djlyS' .jw v,:-n-- a. nw a- aiOH .:(.s, it would have bOO - stu-: A dispatch to the Mail states thnt. ciaada today. If it is dealt witn : factories at Krcntodt were working handsimiely, it will have 400 stu-; Sunday and that seaplanes which dents in the next few years, and it . bombed th- for'. rose :n that day w ran be mr.de as strong as nion& i Irrd u-n by anti-airr-raf- cum a T1 c an i I'rauio can maKO an institut- f reported raising of the wliir flag c c;!- vundey is not exiilained. ihc- fo'lowiiug excerpts arc re-pto- ucca irom the bulletin: Ai College Town '"'I've heard of Hickory; it's a; ersi.p " 1 n wo ' fs.- .iv manv stvftn d no sieins this i vvher. you auction Hickory.; ,7.Amstr' r!cy . missiry i.'ov. J .uth-er i ox, v. i)., a natiye ot , wie uMi.-v,,, .vern- , , : nat viaw ovnfos-.ov ,-it : ment representative ni Pitroarrad. bUotin id-; ii.a)lc.i..v, C dice, savs that a cas-1 has withdrawn from that city, taking ; v.ai eaaveieaticn w til hu'f a dozen I with him all men of vi iiary age, t-jwn wii! reveal' '--co ruing i-o rue Uuiasn w:re.c;s a. .dad ) Piess. an, Oct. 21. The pre : a.aa.'a'e i u o,i .' fc sleevj so weil prostatic condition ANOTHER REPORT Iy. the APSOc:a'ed Prr-s t?"ia'i ' .:; protitut.r. canu:t a'a.a'c Cherdcal aa load shows the Idd ar r aim ally. Th? ,t sleep so well last in fairly good con- : -tizem ' a n i y 5 i van '- ( a mdu ae .a at' la rsaaa aaiatad Frees. a (--.a.. 21, rink kcot informed as i oi an; or !'--- : :-' a- '-..' mere ia a certain refining ! 'i'he cnieial document and ca ly : : exerted by a cade;-e uoon 1 5s declared, have been tat. en to Mes ial community, tbaayh often not ! cow. ecoyaired at home, is felt by oth-i ; s, and is worth mo.e than any! un otint of monev. i A colieye advertises its town fa- ; By the Assocdated Press ! vera lily. Lenoir's campaign of fid-! Helsingfors, Oct. 21. General I vertddnn for students each year ad - j Yudenditch has en-eouivr- ::ay resident :- vevtises Flickory. The scries of fuil 1 opposition at Pultova, about seven lasre and half na-ro advertisements i miles south of Petroerad. He haa HAFT" III F id o strike of bituminous treaty situation in ; 0 now running in the papers as a part ' therefore halted his forces t' e-.-)- cf tli is campaign advertises Hick-; centra te them against the s vief . Wherever Lenoir's students I mv, and to await the arriva' ?mtional industrial . f.'u, they advertise ilicKory. Lenoir's Ferv. t r. . alio to ,-as anaormced fooav u ;e tii at imrove- .suited in al : information. una. ays aii: oaiyi Hickory. w our-ds. alter this ru -,dr.-1 'rr.n- re ,..aiao.y advert.se 1 ivy tt iralle place in which to Irive. It! R EDS A RK 1 E F E A TED the advantage of an educat-; By the Associated Presp ; a a witiiouv i iie necessity oi seou-1 J Kasinirioi"" . - C J 1 aaag- xouas away ironi , torc.s "mean O,- F-i'srr-. i. Fa--'. 8".'' '"1 " I f jTJ " Sj"" n p : i ' rna and the 'parental care. The Piefus, whir t i.-- da most Btu ? ,i r " ' ' i r ei ieeiii.e.5, concerts, debates, and en-! pendous threat ' h v.ar of Oener- f , , 'r j i ) , I ttrtamntents are sources of pleas- j al Yudenditch, have in en defeated ' , i 3 ya.ro and prof it to many people. i This removes the menace of tha nrmy or mm lea! ilevc., dipaicat thiouyh : " ' ifiL H !J tc i V.'e li.he tr, !(Jok upon cities and i' 3 f 1 J L' h bl H il i !,;v',;s v. hicii liave a soul, a feeling, j " Fa i ot'iana; and uilaliig. We li'ae p ' T'i l" F" """i? T I 6"" 5i I' look upon the citd'aais of those bi mm 3 I i i..J r i I... I I ? 1 3... U v I I U ;'J ' d t ". a: n ir" -i f if ft i; r 4 tj ? i HlV eitii s and tv..wns as intaeral units cf: that soul, vvh cli, working together, ' PrU;t's U Ln' !;U I'll) '.' v v J 1 ; i ' " 1 ri'C.ute tae unfinished product. The opeiaddai ox Fie foundation i, serial-. Mr. A., who lias bve i v;'( all hi.' bfe, iaa, cdhe'ed Ida I'.'a'" of v.ui idly goads, kiio.vs his day i's hut a minute. V';e ma. live the Associated T're?iS. ,d '..' Hi'!: (a!. Vi. la a.' n l tile .1 leans !, to "'ai": .. ; ! a' ina an . :;('!;.' : :- ai a buying, a. adc ti" aa nl rauis in th - v.o. iin'n Ik i. ' Mi'. y' i . .' y :j i ,-: ' I . ' S i ti 'J vv d J A aaecd.it -d Press, a. Oct. 2 1 . A mass meeting a a lit i- irmy I I ho presence of a. college, tnere- advance against th" communications fore, brings desirable citizens toj0f the anti-bolshevik farces now be I town. The college professors and fore Petrograd, which War Minister I iheir Families become citizens of i Trotzky declared recently would i the. town, help pay its taxes, and , decide "the fate of Pua-sia rather than ! make taeir contribution to the bet-; Moscow. i torment ot trio community m many i ; ways. A trreat many substantial : i families seek homes in a college! 1 town in order to educate their chil-i i Pren. Ask. the real estate man if' : the college does not create a de- ir.ar.d for real estate in Ilickorv. V''V lVv "n(F()ne cf the first questions asked by i ::. j". L-d. '' ' j" F,,1,,, : nrospr ciivc buyers is, not about the c''a?n s. ' mj-iiuf-eetni ing enterprises, but about ' '': V!::.': :d',,!" : the d a . . :.nd fchooka Ill .... " ::r-",,('s n:!" '' V -'" ' d. . v.j 1- ':', 'i of th.1"" FueU,, - full, filled with the joy of living, sponsion-. ine pm.es taagi . if, T. but cur stay is only a 'tarry for a 90 0 ,v"' J es.teiak.y ' " V few minutes. Behind Mr. A. wishes m lne (-foi'c '"- !. 21.- rederal con- ,0 cave something' which he know- va- c:-;p was opposed. Viil go on working for his city. ; H Sfi ; ," lii"1-" arnculture looking about for an instrument, he . n . Mvreckles. i .a r . a a i a i a r ,i : in. i in- . ' '. i 'ai i,n ..'. '-socia t ion. ( iovernot IVa! aaee .ie i : - op: i C v.t'i f'iamed the his d a ' chances upon the foundation, and in JflO 2 !!SU llyyiidii a for Id e shortage isposition of his money or J iiHi 1 a 1 J it s s ! i ; j? .. - i. i,e firm a iay to i weather i'Fcacit, Feasaieni. vv anna aias.er th assoea:aon and otners were : r so eaiu re. i-' I i.'vpeel. In move to jhckor.y ll.'ivl ctpn lnnv in nv;lni I r. i 1 i i here are no better citLiins than ISSUE NEW CROP REPORT NEXT FRIU1 t ut lad vi ods, a certain portion is designat-1 I idv Oi id pi sn'n i 5 is - NN5 ? ! a if w i 5 w a t:' s i j 4,' ye, r,e said, a-- el to the founuation. is "f! iscidated." The foundat ion, e-nvernod hv loo V l.s (,f the DID eron nit. n li.inlinr) hv- liOv'.-.l-i- nffliMot- i '; ! e f ' i e- January 1, trust company, grows just as much, as he city's citizens desire it to. IF sain lie would not ob- is invested upon the principal, and is . -a at centred if it would used as the citizen has designated. '-v t'1- Associated rrcs. ' the consumer. If Mavbe it is a ward in a local hos-! Pdtsburgn, Oct. 2i. Rioting broKc is l.'dt ! l i:,u- i.f I'd'tn! ' v.-h,.ro the rlereliets mav op ! out, in the steel iiF.i! :iad, it wnald Ovtebei Feeember .iar.uary ililCal Open :; :-: :-d.7d 'j: 4 HI ?1 Ilfe ct y community. .'' k s nJd i J a 'Kjt y lit s s U 3 wu3 si WW j Brings Money " (f Here is where you TJ r T? 3 HiT fT?3 I 21 !lhink- Thr; 1i"'-'sence of Lenoir Coi-' SlUi Hd m- H f?! Jt''c-ge increases the wealth of Hickory Hi 4 1 U lii l i A lr!'a! b' more than 95,000 annually. j figure it cut: An average ot one (- e 2, -FN, a :;4.oy By the Associated Press. district at noon. ri he. f "' r i. riilfi ! tiljil 01 OilliLH n n-et edven treatment, or maybe it is a : I'VattoocK snouiy alter school room,' a park, a playground, : Pplife went cO tu; vicrutv a a public square, no matter what. PUlnt and .:ght:ng was x a the fi.undaticn sees to it that the I clock. will of Mr. A. is carried out. One state trooper was seriously We believe the foundation in High ; hurt h!'c'--nt to a hospital ncr-e. t'n.nt wlir.v. nnhlie sidrited men A troop ot state police was tuhr ' nave contributed so liberally to the ! to ,the scene irom Kenien, near by, moral and physical welfare of the i at 1 .o'clock there mucii , c:tv, will become a distinct instilu- i f hgufiug, vt was said. , those that has children and want 'By the Associated Fre?s to educate them. The students al- vvasnmgton, 'a,, -a. 4.v.v clition to the cotton croo rejiort will be issued by the agricultural iiejiartment, Assist- Here is where you will stop to ant Secretary iraaaon iiui...w Thr ",c'nr.r, r.f r ,. o..i T .: ,'',-v,-,. i,f Sriiit.li I jr. ' ov.j vt v.,j. ui IJUII VUi- A.t'J'l I'SC'I J Lflt 1 V . l-. olina today. Under the legislation the dapart- undred sixty boarding students. ! ment was directed to issue the re- : each spending .$ika0, means $56,000 ; Vtnrf nof n,,,.,. ,iK,n Sunday, No vember 1 is a l-.oliday on the New members that it be a year. An average of seventy- five local students means 300 at A! M-y - - - dd.s., 2Fa2, riasiimgton, 0:t .1. diplomatic ; past fcr each student, or a total of : 0rleans exchange, several aao official V ashington today ; ?22,500kept in Hickory, which i of congress had asked th; mTrTrrrrrrr? i 5 ;r! cdi n,.;10:; ,11-vnt tt ! ,d( rcfsari!y. elscwher if;;ued on that wli r: w r.. :l i if 1 H-v'.-v-.a1 :J : , p.; . ; n: .J y,. to college. ; y-.i- f i h ' r:;;:::;;. s 1,1th occurred-vnesf;,are conse.rvatir jh. ai-.margaret no.: wootten l'qVr K i-yji 1 lit,;- ::r' L he was about to ! L.ihlS.u5a hS:,Peeil .con-! DIED THIS MORNING h! , I!,'' h v;J'I-S,! .wng e.ipaomatic custom the United ear in mitld that this is quite dif-' r ,f1Mr- and iir.r p5 i j i 1 States wdl assign a batttesmp to ferent from the manufacturing or ?ed th,s h trl ! !! 1 !, Wfl :cary thc bc'dV h0n!!l mercantile enterprise which doe! an! Df"- tli 1 ii fill III , T- equal amount of business. In that : ln 1,lnes?, of ,c id, t.on, an over increasing power lor! the development of High Point and eivic pride. THE NAKED TRUTH t'd I'ress. I WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM ' ' 21. Will, the city ''' Fs.d.ni-s. the North airand Rapids Press Peace jubilee; We have faith that within a ""' 11 vay to continue vej, i- or two some Luther Burbauk. Los Angeles Times I If the women of Los Angeles ever ! adopt .the .fashion of Jgokng bare- : legged on the streets of the eiry we shall feel justified in calling, them legs instaad of limbs. j 1 L hFi MV' , ;;;:Sate last mgnt as he was aoout to . Ieted the amounts will become ,T , fi rf - r vear oM daueh- ' p-e.. yr;c:rat.on here. rol-! much ,: after year. And I J1&iget v r fto R Wooto lowng O.ipiomatic custom the United M,car in m5tld that this is quite dif-' ,;,Mr- and vrillo at tS ' ! States, win assign a batttesmp to ferent from the manufacturing or died thls In!IF ,a .."i.i, S i nonie on riiieaai iunu"ui6 mercantile enterprise which does an an of a week. Yesterday and S"e oH-0 abou? SrTfrh of isSndk 'Ihc little end, who was born nl'ti,1 ?iift. T?Lfi November 12, Idle, appeared to be "".r ",,-vui-'Ffrettimr better and vesterUay tne iam- : while the test goes away to pav for h 1 , ; ! ilf.r rerovprv - nerson,-. !,,,., i,. ,-a,i ,.,...!, . r.j u. Vr?o i ily was hopeful t'i.t liti lecovery F rvi-f? i.'tt i rr TV wwck i W c.j 1 i a ,u x r aai i i . w v- x i! :Ey ihc- A isoc.ia leu Yoi'k, Oct, 21. i- o: were killed and several when a northbound elevated train ! r;ht ' in Hickory in -hired 1 , 1 1- d " n d ' would he ramd and complete. n er d, ;y., ",v- " mnfiifm, ..n worse durincr tfts anotlier here todav. TERAUCHI DEAD I Tua vjorTnVin" ' -- ... ;morninp- ;ind death claimed her. Mar -mis .juv,wu eiuownient iuna Will ; " .. ,irl linonnllv nwwt be invested largely in Hickory Se- et. RosM pd a T her naslfng curities, thus permanently increasing Fan.d Moveable ch id and her Passing u owifi sDrme-s sorrow into a iwu For N'orth Carolina: Probably By the A.ssoeiated Press. Oovernor Pickett wit li shrewd nve In the P-onera! 'Tin ny address at 1 demand, will he 'growing a 'cluster1 'Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fuilev of s'n0vv ers tonighi an;l Woihiesday, not ! Tokio, Monday, O-et. 20. Field " ' "'-" '" , f craiiea roid a o-iid rake on tli- ' ?i:iVe rn:n nefi norm; an or ,,,1,011 i,.,ia-'e ;,i tamprvauire. mo.i, r M arena 1 Fount Sella l ormiehi, lor- And the whole of the income from was Hearlv loved. The arrangements for the funeral will not be made until word is receiv ed from Mr. W. P. Wootten, a stu- ..liiii; bi'iis.d,. .1 ve.ii to lie; auiny !lr . (j, id. P. 1., .' a:!-!- I'"-' 1 jp-1" d tod; jde'at ii iho L n! ;-i i.iiy. 1 ueruFv af Ja (Continued on page )