KECOMB 4Smm '(O mamaa. m -A, WU . V. NO- 62 HICKORY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 JOTEL BELL BOY STEALS Til Ifi CLEAR MEXICO 1 . v trv ra vrv, iNrt mmm maU , v iim Mn.ts.Mt. . - i TRUNK VALUtU Al $ 5,000 UP iViYb ! ElIT J5 1 j Trmau n I UUAT PRICE FIVE CENTS IRED-U. OPERATORS SAY WILSON BALLED UP SETTLEME Ihmo Employe -ft Yarborough at Raleigh As-i 3ist.s in Carrij Off Valuable Diamonds and Olhcr iclea Negro Who Has Trunk Came West Last Night lis the Associated biuu.nton. N. J., county authorities Press. Nov. 22 - A.tian- noli i i 1 . 1 1 C I v. John Cook, other negroes :i i -oimccl idti with iiik from tiic lohhy . iinU'I CilUV ITj.KIY .in bur jewelry ost'mat ml to V-7. '.()( H). but I lie i i i discovered. -r, to his lather la:-.' ;; to the nolice, thai .. trunk from the ho , ic I I y a negro chaw.' , ;c 'i it), to carry if l r mile., cast of Haleigh, ! ui m il over to anoth- re looking lor ;t Mt ru-r' ..itcil in he impli- EXPECTED Weill to the si UK b... sa.l ho left t ho IheY found no rV.i i, ai been opened. i u i he m ice believes left 'laleigh yester r -1 1 a wi-yt hound train iekot for a city in th? of tlie slate and all i !i advised to ie oil was brought here hy a wall known traVel- i represents a number a it v.vlrv estahhsh- . V.irk. coii-dsts of articles of iMiei'ds, Wat dies and If PESiS .CUSESOM imimrpT TO i . i 1 1 -, uitcd Press. a, Nov. 22..-- Additional sluit i r i -i L t -i i ial (plant.:; mainly in the v. - -1 i oia Were in prospect lii cannons rani miners began .ii!h week of idleness and the u. e at Washington seemed no ;ia acretaiiritt. um:i. tag n ports were received V'i.' 'u ;;-inia, Colorado and the "I' Wa.-hingion. hut no other ! r:,,,r t e! :( li ity. Something 'li'i.e rpik-kly to add to the ii .-ii. all quant i i y of fuel now 1 1, t ollt. MUTE POLICE HELD WOT GUILTY i :T:f !, I I t i; 'ociaiciT Tress. X. ('., Nov. i th" Charlotte th the murder of fiv. riot a the Southern ompany Auivui't -v. as 22. The policemen men Pub- car barn dismissed by ifi . i... , ' ' 1 ! I 1 lilt 1 11.11 Ivi O r i.oiviV.!,t. .'ill ' i . I . i. M i.t " . . i i ei 1 a ii for atinourifct Sloan, murder Mlii-i.t 1 ie 'I.i nMeri'tl POlit.'C he Attoi-ney New the proseeut :on, that in their were not R'U:1 dlsimissed. I.-.,,, I lie II- h,., 0 GOLD5 were workinc teday io clear up the nrvstei'v sur roundiny; the death of ' t hree-yeav-: ld "JJilly' Dansey. wlioso nude 'botv w'as foan.d yc-stevdav a,t the ede of a swamp two miles from hero "by a hufiter. Tlie lad had been missing -mce Ocloher S when he disappeared . .newspapers say fioni his home at Hamoutoii. ! .he penitentiary, l.orijLr exposure matle idontificat'on No reply to or Ttic oocy Jin possible, but the.. ( fdki's fathev iden.Lifcd the clothma: which wa foura.l scattered over a' .'itiius of r,U feet as- that worn hy '' he little fellow on the day he dis- pert rod. : i'ainnvnd (laskill, dr.. prosecu- 1 '-.or of Atlantic county. Coroner Can- 3y the Associated Press. Wash in ?;t oil, Nov. 22. T! Nent h the American trovernmeat. lo the Mex'.'.can government Wednesday 'kmandinji: the immediate i-clease' of "William O. .Jenkhis. American con--;ular a?;ent at Puohla was delivered to the Mexican foreign ollice the same evenin"-. The Mexico C:f.c Jenkins is still in Secretary of Labor Charged With Widening Breach Between Mines and Operators Small Hope of Agreement Between Two Factions in Coal Strike : rm-m-m-i ie American note :een received here and there has ne J en K:ns v. ;atidits for t nc vised I tns ( ft'r for number of candidates the Con for t w ni v iloses our tirst of tive dollars based, on the suhseriiit ions turned in by :. The offer is made- by olitlated Trust Co. and is vearlies. Ims means ! a nshani aiu! other expressed the ; hand I that: the child v;is iured to : I the swamp and - attacked by a de generate. After examination the : oir.tifci' said he had found no bones! 'Token, though indirar'.ons were that fa lad had been choked. i 'irtuai!y, t he entire deeective. force of the county w'as put, ro vojk on : he case expected. Mexican today and an anest va teen no indication when one will 1 leeoived. Officials reiterated today that the department received no infor mation thai would sustain the Pu ebla state authorities wlw ciaimed in coliitsiun with the i r.-uisoni of $lo0.000. ( torei'-n otu lias ad- the stale denaitmeni. that ii taking action, in ibo case of La jrnie Lae-k, an Ajacrican citizon., v.lio was shot at Mc:xicali on ' Novem 1 cr M and who died later at El Ceun-o,. Cat. The ?vIc"ic;:iTi note said the n roY or authorities had boon no--tTiod of ihe vliootine; with a view to f-rcsoeuton of tlie ji'tiiliy panics. DEMOCRATS VOTE ONCANDIDATE nAQNDAY thr.e ycavlies each day and five tor I Saturday. Kvory candidate o.n the ! list is expected to brio;,- in at least i this nmoum and receive the j'od of- j fer and also the bonus in votes. Candidates whatever you do do no!. ! allow onyone to discourage you at j this stau'e of the jraiiH', for let us ! COnOW SEED MILL SHE ALLOWED C assure you that as yet no sin.u;!e can didate lias done anything remarkable and no candidate can feci that vie Lory is his. Tlu re is a ,u.rcat deal .f open tor littiry not yet touched. The cam paic'n mina.e'!' went: oat to see. for himself the other cvenine; and ri.uht lure within the city limits he found that out of thirty houses, ten on three different streets, taken in suc cession, only four of the thirty had been canvassed.. This certainly does tad speak well for those canvass-iiU-;. JTirther, the Campaign afer is in a position to knov That nut one s msle R. V. 1). has been thoroughly canvassed. l.'.-i us eive you a tip. In the ev fiiiue; ai'ier tl;e even in. meal ixvi one of your friends wdu has a car, if you haven"! one. to take you out on the K.utes. Vou wiil find the men of the family at home and you will fet better results than any other portion of tin day. The same applies to the rit. The men of the family are the ones to see ami the only sure time Lo see them are after working --Special au seed crush j.;'ivea tod" By the Associated Tresx. Wa-.diiugton. Nov. 22. ,.or:ty to supply cotton .u:4 mills v.vih coal was to the Atlanta regional committee hy the fuel administration. Each application for coai will be sandled on its jnerits. and to obtain 'oal the manvd'acturers musv show :hat. uiicrushed seed v'ill be a :hem. hSfli " iTftlfi If! ( ; ir i. mm -w a m mr m i . . . . 1 iLinrn Ma vm w tmv kit- i I tlx th( loss to Ht I HS HE MITWI FROM BOL Associated Press. Vv'ashinuton. Nov. 22. Seerctai-y Tumulty issued a st.atenwivt tdday ernphasidnft- the fact that no break had occurred between President Wil- rm and Senator, llitchcoek. He the datter's charaeterietl in the peace as masterly -.itisfaetory in every respect. leadership cl 1 1 '.I C.VilJARGOKS KLOl'Ii (JO ON WHEAT AND OFF DKCEMHEK 15 pae C -Lettish (. Continued on London, Nov. 22.- v est onlay captured Mitau. capital of 'ourland, to tlie Lettish fd vices here. New York, forces : 011 wheat ar" Nov. 22. Km bar e; o e. s ! wheat Hour will be luted Decern tor la, it was announc ed bv the United States erain cor poration hoie late yesterday. hours. L'ts o affrr If you want the Ford hundred dollars in cash., in--- to have to put more a ni. or tie. ; -in ar; elfort you are now jiuttine- u. are .u'oiu' to have to .uet scrintions. Some of the have reported will work, your part. script ion. improper I POET AFTER DALMATIAN jOAST ' SIX v:c -than it. Ymi more sub-candidates that subscribers ate .. i . .. i .... i- ... i i : ... i K ; v COmpjaminu aooui not j;e . 1 1 : i.Mn. - papers regularly, vell we arc io k in after these errors and ar do-inj;- all we can to strai.uh;n ihere out. A new system is hcine; put into effect and we are in hopes, that it Put also vou must, uo A "feat many .culi- have Pern ;n v;iui addre.r-.os cn ineai, natnr- lie we -armor hnd a mnn i. tue an- i not correct, and a.eai.u smin1 are turned in with no t.ver on them. When you man's subscription be certain to see to it that you have his eo erect ad dress. This will help e, really. The New Ivlisoii which we are oderine; you. is our second premium and is beautiful in desij.n :vid is worth your (-very etVorf. Wh not call oil the Piedmont Phonograph Co. and let them show you what a New E.lison is. The Tipton Furni ture Company is offer'me; in addition to the Detroit Red Star Vapor Ttanefe a premium themselves. Look for their announcement. We are also offering you a account with T 0 if IF T I EIT? n & n n n 1 1 n u e 1 Is I! ?i b 1 cl S I HE i II Sill Wmff If I. fill ' UH V n 0!i Lifting of eni.haroes on both ex-' poits and imports followed the act-; ion of President Wilson in vV.iishin.u--; ton yesterday in sijrn'n?-!: a )roc-la- nialion completely terminating; the ' i inha ro coatrtd which has been in; etfect for more than two years. ! Control over emiiarcoes first was j xeteised by the. war trade board to protect the supplies of wheat and ; wheat Hour foi the allies. Later control was taken over Vy Julius wheat director, unuer uarantee bill. Democrats of the ninth congress ional district will .qo to the. "polls Moody to cast their ballote in a pri mary to determine whether Assist ant District Attorney Clyde 11. Ifoey of Shelby or Johnson ' I). Mc Call of Charlotte shall be the nominee of their party in the spec ial election on December 1G for eress. Hie iCenuhhcans in convent ion have named John 1L Morehead of Charlotte. Wrhen the executive committee of the ninth district here last week, a primary and convention were order ed, on the assumption that there would be more than two candidates in. the race, 'but by last Sunday Judso Council I had announced his vithdrawa! and the elimination pro cess in Meeklen.hur- had left Mr. MeCall a.s the only candidate from that county. The race was left for him and Mr. Hoey to run. Local Democrats concede, that Mr floey will of the ten is expected to run stroritz; m auv; and Cast: n .;ud. m psr' s. of Catawba. From Burke-westward the Shelby candidate will be strong. The result will depend largely on the in terest taken m the primary. A small vote will assure the nominat ion of Mr. Hoey, but if Mecklen burg casts a lat'tfe vote, Mr. Me Call .will be able to overcome the strength of his opponent in 4tber counties of the district. ..The contest has been friendly thiouehout. Some newspaper ad vertising has been done and the vot ers have the last word on the candidates. Py the Associated Pre??. Washington, -Nov. 22. Bitummvus coal operators in the central Com- netitive field declare today that Secretary Wilson's proposal to the ' joint waae scale cominiittee yest?r- day h:ui served only to widen : tbe breach between the operators- " and :- miners. "There are only a Tew - "more. words to say and they wilF be . said very soon,' declared Thomas? ? BreVr- , ster. chairman of the scale corojt- tee of the operators; j It was understood, that Secretary Wilson had proposed to the. mitiers and operators an increase .of 27.12 a ton for coal diggers ' and" $1.153''foT day laborers. Some anthoritieg' sM' tht? was wholly unsatLsfetry, c;; A statement of the.-Operators .jSc sTion was expected after the ixweirt inp of the scale committee aad be fore the negotiations with the;xn?n ( evs were resumed late in the cfeay. John L. Lewis, acting president i of the unite! mine workers of "Aioler. ica, would not discuss 'Mr. Wftaajfs eon-' pioposal, say in ft; it was' agreed "tiat happenings at tlie conference ifts which Mr. Wilson's offer was' made were to be treated in confidence. DEADLOCK FORECAST IN - - : CON FERENCE TODAY By the Associated Press. . Washington, Nov. 22.A d?loc!i between the bituaninoua. .r&. f&t" ors and miners in the iite,'. com petitive lield was forecast by TWi C. Brewster, eliairniaJi of ' tbe -operators who met . to discuss L'rei i wafe proposals niadu -yetedayrl3y ;et more votes in seven ! Seeietary Wilson. Mr. BiewHtr counties in the district 1 h nrmsfll . fnv fin inor: cAl.Vflb. an his opponent, but Mr. MeCall V2 cents a ton for dierfsIajid.$V ; expected to run strone in Meek -' ..uv fM- Anv t'iKr.-w tsta .er-Al . u.iaii.jf. Ui y to the. opei'aCoi.! f r operators said the incre'asa idtuS amount to 40 per .cent for .ytftfibato'fejfc:.! miners, or the same, as proposea the miners yesterday.'- ' i.s- A definite statement thtH Mr.W?'-' . .i,'s 'ures will notibevucccpt;j a correct' basts for , f arther fHjtCj&tiai ions was expected . today, from t-t? operators. '-. . r "There are only a few.-tnofe'rords' to say," said Brewster, -and . they will be said very soon." " ' . .' IDRICyiMliUS FINED FOB CUTTI BEER SOLO FREELY IN ST. Kill j, wheat ; the ! "y further or I he Associated Press. Washiiui'ton, Nov. 22. -Whether compromise el torts are ! what take a ISKE SODITI tO : ONTO ILCHUFIC made to ratify tlie peace treaty the whole controversy thrown in to the 1020 campaign for settle ment was a (luestion which was bo- iny. discussed tcdav. Ix was agreed everywhere that trie , statement issued last mpr'ht by Sen-; ator Lod.ux', iiepuidican, declaring; Fundations are hein;- laid at the that the time for compromise had . Episcopal church for ?iii addition to passed and that it was his desire; the church, which will consist of a that the majority reservation pro-! w-inc-. facinir Tenth avenu? and which will contain an oran and choir room. A new Holder orcan has been ordcr- yram be earned jto the camiam'ii had advanced materially the move- dollar saving titty the l.'iW National Bank, and a solid leath er lined hand bag- purchased from Morctz-Whitcner Clothing; Co. There are to be other premiums and you are in line for the best the fist provided . you yourself w best. mon to leave the peace treaty to the American people. The first expressions of ad mini s It rat ion senators regard in ft? the state ! ment were defiant in tone thougn they still tiredicted that before the campaign, the Republicans would come into a compromise agreement i that would make 'ratification poss ible. Senator 'Hitchcock declared that while the Democrats wove loath to j rmike the treaty a political' issue, j they would accept it if the Repub I Means insisted with entire cinfidenec. ed for some time and it is hoped that . it will be. instated soon. The congregation has recently made : additions and improvements in the Sunday school department of the church and have installed a floating plant at the rectory. Newton, Nov. 22. Clarence ile.d rick and Loy Mingus plead guilty to assault with deadly weapons in coun ty court yesterday and were fined .$125 each and the costs. Both are young men, residing near Conover. These young men were at a corn shucking early in the fall and while under the influence- oi liquor seriously cut C Ictus Wagoner and a young man no mod ' Bowman 'with knives. ' At the time of the cutting neither j young men was expected to recover, , but now they seem to be perfectly i well, and are beyond all danger. By ' agreement of counsel for the state ! and the defendants the court gave the j $2o0 to the two young men in lieu of the line. The injured young men each plead guilty, one to simple assault and the other to a By the Associated Press. St. Louis, Nov. 22. Beer of 2.75 alcoholic content was -gold freely .ra St. Louis today, followiwr VthViiaii ion of Judge Pollard ye-sterday en forcing the Volstead proUibi'tiao-tit. Twelve brewers were ready to rft ! sumo manufacture of tlie beverage .s soon as council 'had taotified ; them that Judge Pollard had; ssgft ' ed the order. - IN ADVERTISING IUT&S Columbia, S. C.i Nov 22.l& ing in Columbia publishers of , -lv and semi-weekly newspaptersv, 2ft South Carolina pasised; resdlutiOs recommending that all riewspap4jfcfc used hy these publications be jijr cliased through one buying agettt. that advi stising rates . be increased and consumption of paper decrfc(3iei. The meeting was conducted' bjp A. B. Jordan, president of ..the :honw technical assault ! Carolina Press Association." on ant: IW YORK GOTT t he EW LflBOfPM As..-.oeiated Press. Nov. 22. The situation 'h-iat!c as a result of Ca '''Amumzio's campaign iias :i crisis'. lViv;it :idviee.-; " doubt that he is determin ,!' ;,"rex Dalmatia and attack The Jugo-Slavs are liave roncentrated troops :ll't the IimIO,., hi.) It i . ' -i i itpori savs a repuoiican ';' ri"'"-'d directed ngainst the i'l'-narchv exists among : '" it . itaiowers. ' -taled in advices that, fur 'Vncssjons by .D'Annunzio's s " -ei lainlv precipitate hos- U'illllsf I ie Jiiif'i slrn'e win! a.-iil II ti.i t. f i iL i i , . ... i SPLIT 01 PLATFORM ' Bv the Associated iVess. New York, Nov. 22. The cotton market showed a steadier tone during today's early trading. Offerings were light after the recent heavy liquidation and there wascovering for over the week-end, spot buying for the trade in the south and increased large cx- oorts. The opening was one pomi iin irur niiBiniT .III 1 Ii BIS I I if ill I 1 1 I mumty DLtlUL wm nFNWFR with a deadly weapon. As he had : injured no one. these two were dis-; charged upon payment of the costs, j The way the case was adjusted met j the anproval of all living in the com- j . ' , . . . it . i wnere. tne trouoie occurreu. , HUM HITS TRUCK AT STREET CROSSING CASHIER STEALS Hfinmru i nnifl IVIUIlltl,tUuV) By the Associated. Press. Denver. Col.. Nov. 22. That Bad A motor truck driven by Mr. K. W. j Hink was struck by Southern west bound passenger train No. 11 on the I Sixth street crossing about 11::J0 this' 'morning- ami the machine badly splin tered. Mr.. 1 ink. who was hauling a Bv the Associated Press. "Chicago, Nov. 22.- The IUha&is State Bank of Crete, Ills., today fail-- open and it was announced a charging embezzlement1 aigainit' Cwiif icv r.iis Kracke. in connectiou w1& W It-i ; rrce: , , n . 2: points' higher, with active months Py the Associated I ress fu n 40 to 54 points nef higher. C .liicago, ;nov. delegates, including labor leaders, Co-, , operat ve sponsors, representatives J December of farmers and the lea- January gnc were here today to attena a larch -- - -conference of the national labor- jirny 1, !. fv eal W a nrmarv to noininu, T . . a candidate for president of the - United States. Many .of the new- WEATHER FORECAST party men went to the mating at- Carolina: Fair in west, tor an nll-iught session, causeu, 1 . . . ., . noio, by a eonfliet between rac ucm , - ... . 4:,. ,.n-.rv'w-.r.t. which 'da genue coriisei viii i i- i mw..... - . , . . , jmay result in a third party, r - 4 1,111 Carlisle, nanuit, was m :1 . . . , - t. 'U.w aUntA f &Mmin . . .. . . a 1 1 " A I , . t i Mi ll III V IJIIII. Ill liril 1 I Will LL UVlk .llUl LUL.V lllLUbVU r V - - - rtWlr on January, but eenerally 15 to 'was the belief ot local ponco tow v ; -J i, . ' , ' r: Open ,15.85 :U.25 32.45 31.40 and escaned iniurv. ! be issued. Mr. Rink had expected to make the When the bank eiamiaers wsnt t dressed to the chief of police, believe i crossing at fcixtn street wnen nc iook- ; rete yesieraay -.-4f- ! C'ivHcj'p Slav- i on (town tne trac-K anu ooserveu siuuuwi ivracue, acvvmia -w thev heard 1 i neavmg in signt. ite snui ou : aminers, receivm mciu .uvVA the gas, stopned his machine and 1 over his books and Keys an uni.K.u ; uue 11 icy smu to letwui -rj Denver newsoaners and postcards ad- - - - 11 Close ::'6.25 i to have been ine' that the. next time from him ne would oe in iexas. 31.87 H0.75 to moderate 00 n 4 :.t.t - " , ' ,. , , , , fr1. . i . , ii ; Union racilic minerals at uneyenne ; augnieu nurneuii. tne uuov -asked that the letters be sent to them ; ed down grade to the railroad track ; "I'm going across the street a inm J'That is an old Carlisle trick," they 'and stopped almost in the center, it i ute just make yourselves at home, was 'said. r -' he told the examiners.' What the locomotive did for the ; An hour later the examiners found truck and wood is difficult 'to describe, i they wrere locked in the buildiitg-attd The locomotive's pilot was also darn- that Kracke had fled in his automo- Sun- shifting said. Posses were still looking for Car lisle in the "Ilole-in-the-Wall" section where many criminals have taken ref- "Sl aged, it being bent considerably. 4 4 bile.

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