Daily hL. V. NO. 81 HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING ! DECEMBER 15, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS UnrriMi; hdauiditiam iQ poiiporcc noprnfosniL it p d uritc r AruFQQlfil i liiir. riiinini i mni 1,1 i nnnr.1.1 nir n i h . 'wiiuiiLajwiinij UPHELD BY HIGRT: TO PROTECT ! flEPRIHEl , IN DISTRICT ,... p.prjjp j nn-v I I HE L.SIU UUULLS I I , . ' I will vi vmm far Powers of Congress Still in Order, Declares J-liVhest Judicial Body in Dismissing Appeals of Liquor DealersCountry Remains Dry Now It." irt. in! i ,V V.I h. i orinh : I i ) 1 1 , lit lull : . ni;l ,1 Press Dee. 15. act was hv I ho The war- lld COI1- supromo h llll (Icd'COS proceedings in Now York h rough t by Xiilin iv v ompany iw nun- t . ; ; ; icenu. tniu nun 'tni- x,i against sale of whiskey i n -i raining the question tlio su ilso dissolved injunct- ovenuo officials from whiskey in bond in P-: --"! K V . 1 1 ih. ' the armistice did war powers of con- in road- i i.i.ti.'f brandcis san (; mini!. ' I'.rantleis said the govorn ji mil appropriate the liquor fvi:uiii. iis domestic sale, as the I UV' I' ll open for exporting liq- Jl.e I'M-1 i nil '. !!' I:. tit ii.n amondm. nt is bind ledcial government as tale go ei nmonts, the court bigs brought to enable the com pany to withdraw a small quant jtv of distilled spirits from bond. The Ruppert case was slightly different from tlio others in that it involved also the right of congress to prohibit the continued manufac ture of 2.7.") per cent 'peer, which it was claimed is non-hit oxicating. In junctior.s to restrain internal rev enue ofljpals from ,inteirering with the Ruppert concern in producing such beer were akr.ed on the "-rounds that the wartime prohibition act as well as the first section of the Vol slea law limiting u'coholic content of beverages to a minimum of one (.or cent of alcohol, were unconsti tutional. Federal dJsti'iCt Judge Ihmd however, dismissed the petit ions, holding the acts to come clearly Within the scope of congress under its war powers. The Kentucky case was decided bv the lower court on October 27 and the New York cases on Novem- Bv the Associated Press Washington, Dec. 15. Between 2r 500 and 3,000 newspapers face suspen sion, if not existnee, unless tru nevvs i print situation is soon remedied, Rep i rosentativo Anthony, Republican of ' Kansas, told the postoiTieo commit tee today in urji.in.ii,- action on his bill ; to limit to 1 pages papers and mag ; azines enjoying second class postal ; privileges. The present acufe paper shortage, 1k said, is duo .to the larger size of ; the big city dailies and some maga ; dues. The larger papers, he added, ; could eliminate 50 pags of feature, comics and such stuff without loss to the public. The advertisements can he cut down, he said. j Jason Rogers, publisher' of the ; Now York Globe, speaking in favor i of the bill, declared that some nevvs ' papers wore profiteering at the ex- pense of the others by publishing large editions and carrying great quantities of advertising. Small city and coun- i try newspapers, he said, ''simply ean ; not get mvsprint, and the big fellows ; must begin to look out for the little fellow's." Cy the Associated Press. j Raleigh, Dec. .15". Governor I i Biekett late last night granted a hci)rieve to January 15 to Churc-j I hill Go.lley, who was sentenced to j I die in the electric chair here this! morning upon being convicted of a; Iciimina! asKault on a little white; ! girl near Smithfield last June. The; governor refused to grant a eommuta-; ' turn , bit strong representatives ; . have heen made" that the negro is not : rc sponsible. ! After making a hard, and faithful ; I tight to save lier husband's life, the ; j negro's wife is said to have aband-; rned ;hopc of executive clemency ; land left that evening for Washington i to be with the man's aged mother. , ! The woman has contended that her husband was innocent. Democrats and Republicans in Big Contest to El ect Candidates to Succeed Judge Webb -Both Sides Make Claims Mecklenbisr Unknown Quantity This Time intivnoff Democrats t iJU'JiH.liJS ill nintli cengi-esiwMa 1 d-st rh-t gv,il!fd up ti'ieii- Iojits toi:-.y for (h,. titaiiTic battle ;f i:;i!iuis i Oi:;!;i 1'OAV to dtti'T' c.uid idat e, 1 1 I n 't:.. .'. jtr u. Jit ill Ivy 111- v.;r . I ! 1 1 ! ." I I u andeis also called atlen ... ci..':! inued control of the ii-1 as:-unipt.i(jn of powers . i i.iiieul relative to sugar :,;!, regardless of the sing- aiinistice. '),; I.; of the court in the .1 .New ork cases was Justice Brandeis said . basis for the statement, nt W'i'se.n's message vetoing .lion act, that the war had :n end was a pr:,elama.tir.n mill r , 1 1 ; the conclusion or me war. h its i iurion the court- iieiu rigidly hi' qut'stion of li(juor, not discuss liic l.cer cases before it. it. cciii'i will render opinions next .ihiv at which time ihe hcov cas- will lie decided, after which iiiuri will recess until January 5. History ui' Cases mst :l ufn.ua.' it v of the vyirtimo .... I . 1 I.'l 'I'' iili.iidii anu ine pronnu.i :ou eu i .ii.i.i . . j i . . . unci;! laws was auacKen m iiie- hchic (Mini in iliroo (lillorent ap- One came from Kentucky re the lotnier siaiuvo was nuiu (i. Two c'li'iic from New 'ork . .i . ... l i Br.' iM'iii acis w'ro susiaiueo. I : i ill . Bes il - tic- iuii;,.oiis oi dollars ui- It.'l i;i l.rcwerv and distilling l!,e deciaioii affects approxi- it e I v 'Va iiou.uoo gallons .ol wins- valut-t at between $100,000,000 s:;;iii,iii:n.ih)( cconiing to internal p'.i'' "i'lcials estimates. 'I:.' c.i -es of the Kentucky dis t'Di it's :hmI wai'ehouse com pan v of Iffisvillc. Ky., and Dryfoos, Blum ' 'c.M.any of New. York were vir . 111. i'!(-:t:cal and resulted from forts j.. compel the government to e . Iiskev Grom bond. The ter 14 and all were immediately ap reaied. Aboia eiuh.teon months weuld have been rear.ir(d for them to make their wav through the. su premo court docket for argument had not the court upon the motion of both s; !os agreed to expedite their consideration owing to the bort inv: elapsing before nation al constitutlouaai lirohibition becom es effective in January. y rim Shelby. IK-moerun John M. iUerehrad of Chariot. to, iW D'.ii; iean candidate, shall succeed. Judge Yates Webb in tlio national si.r:t:-tives. special election wiil l ne most stringent. : waged in this i'oiu-e of rep Tomorrow's dominate (!!; o uwlitieal i'ie'hts c rt: Bv the AssocLnted Press. New York, Dec. 10. Now York's extraordinary grand jury, which em paneled last September began inves tigations enshrouded in mystery, learned today that Governor Smith has selected another lawyer for its counsel as it had requested. The demand for legal assistance was based on the allegation that it had une'arthed evidence of an overshadow ing crime. The nature of this crime j has not been disclosed. More than ! customary secrecy has surrounded the ;:iy vhc?ii neither pa r oimty caruiiojitcs district e. ty had the I IT 1 . . 1 I . to nraw i.ne voters i:o tne iiolis a;'id speculation is rife as to the result.. There was not any doubt anions Democrats as to the election of Mr. lioev, though t nov eoruene laai t!ie. loey.thor.gh tney eoitd; hard light waged by throughout the V: str i.-t !-ii I.' .'tl'illl i i I I a factor I y 1 fir i in s i U PIS GRli 1 lil! f Bv tlio Associated Press Fiumc, Sunday, Dec. 14. Prepara tions are undar way for an evacua tion of Fiume by Gabriele D'Annun zio, the soldier poet, and the occupa tion of the town by Italian regular forces. Italy is to have complete sover eignty over Fiume and all the pro visions of the treaty of London are to be carried out under the terms of the compact signed by Premier Nitti, ac cording to D'Annunzio. France, Great Britain and Italy are in agreement that Italy shall occupy the town. orehead ST KV W A R l)S ORG ANIZ E j By ihe Associated Press W ;!. h i in H on l)ir 1f .Vld wrn! h- ;er was general throughout the ef.im- , K;iiieranons ot tins jurj. ! try today except on the eastern slope Called originally fftr the purjiose of !of the Rookies, Southern Florida and investigating radicals, apparently it : lower California. . Freezing tempera-: has wandered far afield, including 'tures pievailed as far south as Flor- j in its scope the office of the district ! ida. ; attorney, the police department and Below zero temperatures were roc-1 other agencies. : orded in the extreme northern por- : The only concrete matter tliat is ac tion of the middle western states. fually known publicly as under in i The weather will W.- colder tonight 1 vestigation is John T. Dooling, an as- i and Tuesday in l lorila. Low tern- sistant in the prosecution of Afo-s. : '-'.M:!n('' , 1 i npvntnvM will In. o-nto-'i! Wwh - ous- Msnifl TCin. This oeenvred in ir!7 at 'ite f n re.ghe. ui i of the Mississinrii for the next ."'.0 ; Concord. i. (,.. and Means was ac ! hours. quitted. Means charged he was pros- . ;-g:nsi. the Dorr' ecutedby Swann in allowing Dooling uepuoncan pr riy to use the machinery of New York in 0i congres:, ;w v the Means case. ; "',('';!- rri. . .1 i l..... ; l i ''--' a gen. .':.; j. ne grand jury nas issoei saj) tiiat could nei u.j gaua'et until af ter the ballots are counted. Thev expect HoevV. Maioritv to rar.eo from o,000 to 4,500. The Republicans are hopeful of carrying the district. They con id net hope to claiti it bv a big major ity. Thev ' have not; the advanlase . ; i i ' . -H I a s a can i:t l'ju. wiien Hi'.. gei'n;' to tile pt,d -John miotic:." b sore at. the wav 1 ;e( U '. o;, it date. The eiie e! .ford tiie lep.ubii or tins unrest possessed .'lien. 1. iuai ec;.U:?e Oiiu ! ':: ";- a r i I ! .; '.. count rv iii'lh disi ! iei. .n ; lor V were cni: had ic candi can af 'asoiialxh' has I a: , i . Whet h- al of Jacoly Rui)- :.i am of New York, mvol under the acts to m- containing 2.75 ier I cie, an ft, ;i liiev.ei f ;.!i! i;(ii ;t V iiictiirc hi alculio. i inriiaig the cases before the !rei,:. court on November 20 and 1 '''. . Khhu Root and others ap i'n;1.': iii opposition to the prohi ion arts contended that war-time Saturday night, Dceimber V closed ihe most interesting period of the cam paign. The result was startling in asmuch as eandiilates all ran so close ly. There was very libido differ ence in the amounts tinned in by the four leading candidates. Three candidates have not been heard from as yet. Miss Jennie Reitzel of New ton", R-l. Mr. Clarence Boggs of Ca tawba, Miss Ira Setzer of Claremont. Mrs. Vernon Lackey, Miss Lula Five, Mr IT. II. Lowry, Mr. W. N. Shcrrill all stand about on tven chances for the grand prize. Each of the above candidates gave fro best he 'had to treir campaign ihe best lie had to their campaign serving the recognition of friends during' the coming week, which will he a continuous light from Monday morning until Saturday night. Candidates, do you intend to win that first prize? If you do, set the words afire, give yourself an allotted amount to accomplish each day and bring them in. Five hundred dol lars is not an amount too high but that it (ean bo reached. This has been done in previous campaigns and you can do it. Remember you are after success to ain success von will have to The missionaiw and stewardship I com iiiittee m Loruun Jtetormed ehureh met at the church yesterday afternoon and organized. Mr. C. 11. (.!( itner is chairman; L. II. Wariick, secretary; L. F. Abemethy, treasurer; The others members of the committee are W. J. Shuford and B. B. Blaclcvvelder. Plans were-, out limd to provide for the salary of the missionary supported bv this con- i i EXPORTS It LfiRGE t j '.33 express itself era; ic party or the. which i ; in charge; K'niaii's t ) be proposition, if inay lilt" Itlilvl JUi V liiX iilietl Li I ' " : j, l 1 j i 4 Y' t ii poenas in this matter entitled, "J'he L . V'd , j'''e.r:V-('rat. ,v'1'1 ou; i t i i . ,. i i i tor trio ! .'e:i!e.-sa. . !e eari;!:ii..i" and people vs. John Dooling and Alexander .... ; , . ,. , u , .-. '. J . , ' ; in at Jiep beans wil v.le or the. . '.ii bfMe '! he 1 hough rr. i X By the Associated Presa. Washington, Dec. Kb Exports of otton were extremely heavy during November amounting to 924,751 bales, according to the census bureau's monthly report, today, which also showed that domestic consump tion was larger than a year ago. Exports for the month were larger i i;,.ii..l. i Ulfll U II. .,.,,; ; I 'The. latter is a Chicago fawyer i op- f-ouVit loi I resenting interests a 1 We led by Mrs. Carol has. "King's estate. lie is said to have i ;.; .:; ,;r ! furnished the funds for t he proseen-. faiih i : -e nf -. n,..i:. i :i i :. . lion oi ivjeaii:., jooiing aunii 1 1 iiiy; re- : Wedded is". f Mr I ceiving sums aggregating .$5,000' for , their ballots ir. j expenses in the Means prorecution. cr -,-,-? p-frtici-iT. x wo oi iitc ponce ueaoai uiieiu, oe- . rJ i-o ) m ''! ' tectives attached to the district at-; tiVi sfvv.x ' 4 1- V ' rorney s omco aceom)aniod jjoormg i,o Conciird. .! V'.U n a h'.-eu o:; 1 es l n 1 A . . , .1....,.. a port or baa .11 !-!!! ty to surprise i.a p.ti'i'; d'VUH orougnt to k. rs of thv iaiv" heard than the aggregate of he last three , at chy cases The only indictments . returned by , ,mV;; i;;,;, ' ,:',imsi:,SI1!' if 1h.v' he jury have been 111 criminal an- ;,avo ,i )t ,,in,j0 (.onV(M i-s i lickoev :een near the cenie this po- Domestic consumption showed an increase of 35,000 bales over Novem ber a year ago. More than six per cent of the increase was in cotton glowing states, where mills were extremely active. M u MH or in f ... , 1 !'.n was unconstiluUionai uo- mi fiii-'i-c-v; lr:,l iu Dower to pro- , 1 1 a . , 1 xi'':iiii " (tl Mil U.Mt llll,.-, IllllU . . 1 XI , . . work lust a line naruer 111:111 you i'e except under its war power ,vulft- J ...,.. , .h had ,,,,.,! lhat the act ,OI1. ; have ever wor.,ei. .eio!e. i. 1 i Surnnso vourselt with your aceoni- " u.iii ine nun coosiiiluioiuh i ,.. 1 . : . . k-n.lm.'iii prohibit infk the taking of ; pbshments tins wook. it" prepcuy witltout just com-! ,m ir!,ni'i!Viitv cjcimni tiei, and that the war had ter-i 10 11111 SUND.W SCHOOL Dili t eif ni'i oh.' il, not. iihso ete ; . it-odi'l. li"'wa.. also contended! At the close 01 the Sunday school the Vulslead law (tiie prohibit- session yestelay morning at ,the' nf.-. 17. mi.ht noi he tWinv one Reformed church Elder C. C. liost if of .,. ..,- ... th,. ninvi. ! arose and referred to the importance iiiii :;i!, .ntit ,,f .-.w.twj in tiovcr- ; m" Simdav school work and also con- 5's. cd:.IJ,-h(.d n ipw tnndavd for i trratulated the prim-ary department Bv the Associated Press Washington, Dec. 15. Under an agreement reached by the railroad brotherhoods and the director general time and a half for over time in slow freight service will become effective as of December 1. Former allow ances applicable as between terminals applicable as between terminals will he eliminated, but snecial arrange ments at the initial terminal will bo preserved. ''Allowances for switching and de lays at the final terminals are prior to the overtime," the announcement said. "These allowances have been agreed o in the past, for relieving men of work which hav o not been considered a part of their regular duties." iSKiiinrn to as i am!1" U3E1BBIIN ft) n & n K P ! UKU 10 "LULU j 1 . 1 iihODhu iv iitical actiiM. Tiie Republicans, on the other hand, have contented themselves bv working i lieii busy nixy tor f .u'entiy. They have ; month, particularly .:eks, and have never ; to win converts or b:g propped up. On- I; ihe .Associated. Press 'i'ami, Fla., Dec. . 1 Wireless . been del ivorea i M( c !: ! tf urg : !. now a fact or i i "ha rial i;e t ,' ' i ,:av i:-e.!-' ' lli'U Bv the Associated Press t j messages received from Nassau, Ba- i ham a Island, early today announcing ; -c-iiai v, h j its safe arrival there apparently ';u 1 cleaved ali doubt as to the safety of; jj.,. ,,( i ,. the yacht Gray Duck with its oomplo- ; run W I : ' ' I ' t i . 0:1 i i ment of .'55 persons, for which search : i .in.-, j.-, .,,. .1 Paris, j)ec. 15. the berman dele- ,as been made. Matter for gat ion this morning handed the Ger-j This yacht which had aboard among ' 1 r. man reply to the allied note to Paul; others 'David W. Griffith and a party.- Democrats Dusta, secretary of the iieace con- ( 0f motion picture actors was biovvn de men have : here. is the hip cr.rAo-A, with V. it- is; gea Atecki.'r.burK'r. -A. CSevf-iaiid give fiooy a Ist'jiiUrv, .uai ; x peei e.i I i V,! iii a eleuiCe lfl.lt -on .-euni.ies mav do N.-ey th:;i they have (iaiawi:a count i--.pefu! of carrvin.e; ference. tat', eoi'iiav from its course last Wednesday, ac- . ovi n break, cording to the advices, and was three 1 . 1 . .1 - j 1 1 -I nays overoue wuen it reaenen tin Bahamas S u n el a y . k'n::.t gelt in nc. an 0.ir:iii!si "U. I'm A .ilwj.v pAnfmu - unnn tho PTPilt WOi'K UVll TIlO die I that Hie constitutional prohibit-1 doing. As an appreciation ol; tins ft aniei.lim'rit allowed 1'iduor deal-j work he iircsentcd to the Sunday I a "ve.,r of ea-nce" to ena!)le ' school a $100 bond to be used for fc'.i - i-'ae'fi-? tlvor n'fairs to ! iviivnoso of nroviding better facilities :i--s b-vf d vi-to ; f0r the work of the Sunday school. ).!.! id. ! i h he r usd; Steps will very likely be taken at once ' a ; n' a -t between to enlarge the Sunday school apart- at . , the liquor ; mel,ts ami make other necessary changes. The gift of Mr. Bost is gratly apiireciated by the Sunday school. Bv the Associated Press Fkurlo Pass. Texas. Dee. 15 Ft L. Hugo of El Paso, manager of ihe J. M. Dobies ranch near Muzcjuiz, Mexico, has been released by the Vil listas, who kidnapped him last week and held him for $10,000, according to advices reaching here today. No ransom was paid. ! P. re 1 ill CO '. !!!' t ' 11 ttf.i i-ltio!l in :uv t.v P was i' w; K' w In 1 tantlv f-.'kl- ; 1 v prohibit -.n- : assess :.f-'-;n ; to aivai:ce : f'' tntional prohibition. :i!n!t'n:s wore' rrenerally Se'e-.te General King ! st'u L. Fc'ersen, assistant ger.ei'id a-eJ arirrr on the VC-flUrM'J)l.'s heleilf -vvtc-. !,.nf- the that the prohibition act is llll f.if.'f. r-Mi. ir iho 'h'lay in ratifying the peace - thai a state of war techni- 0:1st 3. that, national nrobibit- iiecessary for the winning of and the thlilislnnent. Inter 1 normal peace conditions and silch 1( ''ishit.inn - fnm within ar powers of congress, 'h'rlarine- the wnvt.hnp nrobi- laiconstitutional. Federal Dis- .'l'iyo Walter Evans m Louis- intn m i CT tWIPM U LL I I UHLIUH UFWIS'CFT ILUULLU UL E com now 411 IDIQU MCaDIIDC i Dili I I lilR Mi I Iff SB II IE It 18 tu unun muuuL j AT THIS SESSIQS WRBTER WHtAl CRUP 1 . : i I rCC TUMI lluu ! asms s "SHEPHERD OF TIIE HILLS APPEALS TO BOOK LOVERS LHil m I'll ritin amendment - -..llVill, Ml III ..... I Jl'Vci ISC nre- J !. . , - . . LiH hen nr. rv icti pries . -a- ... , . i avjiericau ijuub. .Mvey top beverage purposes ware nouses. The act how was upheld in the Drvfoos V the fi.it.vni a::..4- Ev the Associated Press . 'vcSr.'u;.tr, npc 15. Restrictions I gainst -pplyins fuel coal o fo,-e, ships were reiaxea um.i.v by road administration to permit the de- i. timrlyoiis nf foreign OW11- cd vessels which have been tied up American ports. .i A,i.if.fnn was exDected Dy railroad administration officials to , o r.f normal reports oe ou lent v.j. - . showing that miners were returning 'lo -cpfm OUio and Kansa, Beginning Thursday December 18 the Hub theatre wall present a pic turization of Harold Bell Wright's widely read novel, "The Shepherd of the Hills" for a limited engagement of two elays. This particular motion picture has a distinct appeal to those who have read the book, inasmuch as it is a reincarnation on the silversheet of ' the lovable characters that the fam ous author created in his literary gem. "Preachin' Bill," that rpiaint old mountaineer philosopher; "Sam my Lane," the laely love of the en tire community; , Wash Gibbs, the moonshine viliian, Ollie Stewart, the weakling herir; Uncle Ike, the vil lage postmaster; Young Matt, the Herculean lover of Sammy Lane; Howard, the artist, the wayward son of the city minister; the Shep- ! herd, who wishes to atone for the sins of his boy; the Girl at the Spring, the object of the city man's evil these and all other characters cf the book, including ''Little Pete" Jim Lane, Old Matt, Aunt Molly are brought to life in this cinema reviv al of the - world's most popular nov el, , .1 . t -; By the Associated Press London, Dec. 15. Premier Lloyd I George announced in the house of i 'commons this afternoon that no Irish ! By the Associated Press. I bill would be introduced at this ses-, Washington, Dec. 15. Winter wheat sion of parliament. He promised a acreage this fall shows a heavy j statement on Monday of next week . decrease compared with that planted i in regard to the matter. a year- ago, the eiepartment of agri culture in its first estimate of the year showing 38,770,000 acres, which is 11,719,000 acres or 23.2 per cent 1 r ski, mutt UlU nc oriqfif ytpr 1 CHILD'S PURSE FOUND NEW IK C nTTfln I was in your town a few minutes j less than 1918 showing. Last year's yesterday afternoon and about the acreage was a record one in response first thing I did was to pick up on j to government requests and because I pavement, in front erf Reynolds; of the guaranteed price for wheat, j Furniture store what is apparently j This year's acreage, however, is the I a child's purse containing :32 cents, : fourth largest ever planted, j three nickels, one dime and seven, I pennies. The purse is gray buck- j ! skin not much larger than a silver ! I .lrllov T C ton ii'.w.TW.. 11", t inT1 : iliui.ai. iicti iviiu iih- twi lllLaflll ailUH I 111 t B Si siderably because I am afraid some! I U i y I 1 Iii it IsSil I Ml ttrllio V,no l-t V.;0 m. V.ov nil i-nt! I I L- B B I UJlIS WU B I UI vVJV.VA- JIUk.? IJlOl V 1- f - l ' , w , on the eve of Christmas. If you can find the owner it will probably Bv thc$ Associated Press ' give me more pleasure to" return ; New York, Dec. 15. the cotton morning s sun is up about his duties, the lost coin" than the' loser to re- I market was unsettled at the opening There is nc thing in the aligment ceive it. G. F. Harper. today, with first prices 40 points cf the planets on one side of the sun. Lenoir, Dec. 12. lower on April and 10 pcnts higher as has been explained, because that " to eight points lower on other months, is a condition that lias happened be WEATHER FORECAST Open 2:40 cal.-t'Ore and will happen again. Nature .- i December 36.50 35.30 , has a wav following out the Divine xFor North Carolina Fair tonight j January 35.G0 and Tuesday continued cold freez- March . 33.40 ing temperature, fresh west and! May 31.95 northwest winds. jJuly 30.40 The colde:! weather of the- winter straei: iiictiury lasi night and sent the mercury down to id degrees a hove zero. Per. -.oris who ve.ke up thi; Piorning found a nip in the .air and a tu.-k o i tiieir wbi-tkers that they will not soon forget. The weather wa cild last week, when i i Thursday morning the tltermoniet er was undecided as between 22 and 23 degrees below zero, but it was mild compared to early this morning. It is indicated that tomorrow wit! be even voider. Wednesday is ' fhe day when an excitable scientist in explaining the juxtposition of six oi the eight planets on one side of ihe sun, contrary to form, to an excitable world, declared that a calamity would occur. This terrible promise has been denied by other scientists, but in thousands of homes there will be more or less uneasiness until the sun goes down or until Thursday 35.32 ; order, and there is no occasion for oti.o i . worry . 31.77 But it was surely cold this mom 30.40 ' ing, and this af tenoon. 1

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