HICKORY DAILY RECORD SATURDAY EVENING, Car Load Gold Medal Flour Selling 3 to 4Dollars Under the Market. Buy a Barrel. Best Flour Made. MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIE? WE HAVE TODAY Fancy head Lettuce, new Florida to- NUTS A new stock of fine HUYLER'S Big line, fresh today. ' Fresh every GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .Better get in on this car. The high est grade flour at a price cheaper than can buy. A car load. This flour will be higher. Buy. today. Our barrel price 16,00-. 1-4 barrel, $4.25. This flour is now worth $20. barrel. DROMEDARY DATES Stuffed. A package for Sundiv The nicest confection. STONE'S CAKE Fresh today Marble Gold q;i, Raisin. ' hu'r- nuts. The Just received a shipment A.-sovted finest walnuts, like advertised in the ' hour mixture, Chocolate Covered Cher Chocolates, Assorted Chocolates Hon Hons, Assorted Hon Bens, sorted Nut Chocolates. Take home a package. and matccs, California Celery, Florida i ries, Ye Old' Fashioned Chocolate Creams, Jordan Almonds. magazines. Paper Shell Almonds. As Knap Beans, extra tine Malaga Grapes, Ccorgia PaFer Shell Pecans, finest ev- freoh Cccoanuts, extra fine Cranber-1 er, Brazil Nuts, salted Peanuts in lj Try a box of Huyler's Assorted Fresh Oysters today. Have the m for bunday. In pint and quart tins. lb. tin. Always crisp and fresh. j Bon Bons. No Chocolate, fresh and fine. nes. Blue Ribbon Peeled Peaches, 2 and 5 pound packages at 30c lb. WHITENER & MARTIN Pan-a-ea-a, Guaranteed to Make Hens Lay THEY BRING RESULTS PHONE PAGE TWO f. . ,'i N l'HONL 167 WE HAVE THE FOLLOW ING, Used cars for sale One Model K Ilup- mobile, One Stutlc-birher four, Oakh.nd d '' touring enr, One ono una Chevrolet Touring Car . A11 the above cars arc equipped with start er and electric lighL;, ;;l.sor,onc Ford tourir.g car. Hickory -Garage Co., Tihone 225. , ,72 If i WANTKD TO Ri -NT 5 OR rooms close in. l'horie 150-L. 12 V tf ryt : G VULCANIZING AND '"TIRE- SER vire. Hickory Vuli?.tzir.g , and Stinnlv Co. SJ wnwwvvenu a a phono .Vs7 tf LOGS WANTED - CORD paid for pine, trunvr "WaRrand all other lou'S'tvand . feW -.lvng, 8 inches and over in diameter. Ivey Mfu- Co. 108 WANTED We buy all kinds of scrap iron, rags, clean, eottcn or dirty, old sacks good or rotten, old brass, copper and ull kinds of junk. Uring it to 1000 Tenth Avenue or phone oS-i-.T and I will come after it any time. V. Win ter. 107 LAI ) I ES W E V A N T YOU TO "Know" about N. R. G. and eav ivstly request that you ask your grocer for one package N. U. G. and try it. Then you "Will" be "Convinced" of its merits. 103 WE "KNOW" N. II. G. "WILL" and does make washing easy. Try one package, price 15 cents and ycu . will also "Know" it. 10.i FOR KCRURUSNG FLOORS, CLEAN- ing water sinks, bath tubs and .cooking utensile, nothing equals N. R. G. 10.1 1- JLL H ! I ------- - RES 1 1 STOCK OF CELERY, LET tuce, Cranberries, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Malaga grapes,, fresh Oysters today. Whitener A .Mi.rtin. STO ( K II O I . D E US' N OT ICE A mcetisg-H-f Coo stockholders of Un consolidated Trust Company will be. held on Thursday night, January S, at 7 o'clock in Hie director's room. AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR RE- pairing, J C. DtiRhodes, 1222, 'Jth Ave., Hickory, N. C. l)3tf j CRACK EI)" EGGS 40c PER HYZ l'N, ALL' RORK SAUSAGE ST 1 J V V E I ) 3 Of RER V O UN D. CA TAWBA CREAMERY CO. COW I EAS AND CORN WANTED Highest market prices paid in cash. Try us. ' Hickory Seed Co. lf5 cod HAVE YOU A HOUSE FOR RENT or sale? Address "M. Y." of lire oiid. 102 E(J(jS HAVE ADVANCED ACAIN. Pan-a-on-a guaranteed to make your hdns lay or money back. Wml-ener cc iiviarwn. 103 DR. jHESS HOC WORM POWDER, guaranteed to make your hog eat in"; three? day or money back. Whitc niir & Martin. .102 e and Loan Arnouneoli? opening; of the 30th Series and invites one and all to take stock in this Series. . ' Mutual Association W. H. LITTLE, Sec.-Treas. (Office near the postoffice) WASHDAY IS NO LONGER ONE of worry, to those who u:se N. R. (i. Because N. R. G. makes . wash- ir eas: 103 N. R. (i. WILL NOT INJURE THE hands or most delicate fabrics. Help reduce the cost of living by using; N. K. G. and stop rubbing- and be convinced. 103 WANTED cotton rat; s. AT ONCE CLEAN Clay Printing Co. 6t SANITARY CLOSETS I WILL EX- cavatc your pit privy and do every thing there is to do about it, ac cording to the state board of health. Call or see me at 1321 8th Ave., James Hooper, Col ' , ; r00AC 11 K ' FA Km"$9,OOo7"nE A R statiin, and smaller farms. Easy terms C. Witmer, Nottoway, Vir ginia. ' 17 3t cod NOTICE , The annual inciting of the share holders of the First National Bank of Hickory .will be held at the -banking house on Tiusday, January 13th at 2:30 o'clock for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. ' Respectfully, K. C. MENZIES, Cashier. LOST M LID CHAIN OFF CAR IJE- tween Hilderbran and Hickory. Finder '.return to Abernethy Hard ware Company and receive re ward. 3t. 101. LOST CHILD'S DROWN KID glove for left hand. Lost cn Main street. 'Reward for return to Recr ord office. 1 8 2t FOR RENT 5 ROOM COTTAGE, close in, light and water. WV L. Payne. lOOtf - FOR RENT SAFETY DEPOSIT IJoxes. Consolidated Trust Co. Rent a box for your securities and valuable papers. 105 FOR RENT NEW 'BUNGALOW. F. J. Flagler, phone 202-J it. 101. VCENTS WANTFjI) SELL NEW apparatus for heating and cooking. No wood or coal used. A red hot seller. Howard Walker, general delivery, Salisbury, N. C, 1 10 4t NOTICE The annual meeting of the share holders cf the First Security Trust Co. of Hickory will .be held at the banking house on Tuesday, January 13, 1020 at 3 oclock for the pur pose of electing directors for the ensuing year and for the trans action of such other business as may come before the meeting.5 Respectfully, 1 2t E. N. CARR, Treasurer. lTJliaBB)lfm'IBIliBMLflMM Building Associ anon Loan and FOR SALE ONE LARGE RED cedar chest for storage purposes at a bargain price. Rocky Glen Furniture store. 04 Ol, 102 I .NERVOUS .-WRECK " Firoaa TLrte Years' Suffering. Says Cardui Macia Her Well. Texas City, Tex. In an interesting itatenicnf, Mrs. G- K. Schill, of this town, says: "For three years I suffered untold agony with my head. ! was unable to do any of my work. ' I just wanted to sleep all the time, foi giatvras the only ease 1 could get, when I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck just from the awful suffering with my isead, ! was so nervous that the least nol3C would make me jump out cf my bed. 1 had no energy, and was unable to do. anything. My son, h young boy, had to 3o all my household duties. I was not able to do anything untH 1 took Cardui. I took three hollies in a!!, and it surely cured me of those awful headaches. That has been three years ego, and 1 know the cure is permanent, lor I have never had any headache since 'aking Cardui. Nothing relieved me until I took Cardui II did wonders for me." Try Cardui for your troubles mndf 'rcm medicinal ingredients recommended (n msdical t;ooks as being o! benefit in .'emals troubles, aud 40 years cf use has proven that the boclcs arc right, Begis ujl-injT Cardi.i today, KC-.B CRITICAL SHORTAGE OF SCHOOL TEACHERS Educatrrs from eastern states met in New York this week and formu lated a program for relieving "a criti cal shortage in school teachers. "The public schools of the nation are facing a critical situation" says, tho program. 'In the states of the Atlantic seaboard hundreds of schools are closed because teachers are net available for them. V "There are being employed , as teachers large numbers of persons vb' do not nossess the qualifications that have hitherto been required. A loss of students in the state normal j period he earned his living by chop-! schools amounting to 25, SO and in ! pins: wood, ringine the college bell j seme states, - 50 per cone, indicates j cleaning up the recitation rooms and; that youne; persons are turning their I making Tip beds, cJosed witn Mr. Irat- attention to other occupations than ton at the head of the class of 1876. i teaching. Commercial and indus-i Hard work and ihigh . .scholarship trial opportunities are not only at- i had secured recognition for him by itractir.g teachers from the schools, ; this time and he was offered good po 'but thev are drawing away from su-1 sitions la the section in which he had nervisorv positions in education thnso ! educated himself but he turned his j upon whom reliance for leadership should be placed. , j "The pressing problems cf the pros- j ent time, the settlement of the new issues of the immediate future, de-i Kiand f rein the people that public 1 education be not permitted to suffer ,lai;:e, Its a paramount ciuty Z i V LU:-ULUL! , U.-U1: Maie ; an academy on a little ridge near his and of the nation, each m its ap-ihome in the shadow of nawkbill, propriate way, to prepare forthwith Tpble psrk and Grandfather moun to meet- the necessities of a most tains. With this school firmly estab urgent situation.' he riQyt founded the" Globe 103 v.mm vino mil oyw nim 9) Give Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey a shaaics to help you i"1" TS ingrcrlients are sure to promote speedy and comforting relief from inflammation, phlegm congestion, hoar:;cnef.3, grippy cough, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness. While Nature d octroys the infectious Dr. Bell's Pine -Tar-II one v. hr.-.ls pnrl comforts. And what widespread, ever-increasing popularity it enjoys! Safe an tisopt'.c, parents give it to their children as freely as th?y themselves use it. It is nonsensical and dangerous to neglect a cough or cold. Using Dr. Boil's Fine-Tar-Honey is showing good, judgment. 30c, 60c, $1.20. -Is Your Child's Liver Inactive? e That means constipation, dullness, listless ness. Correct it with Po-Do-Lax. It cleanses t'r.e system geditly but positively. Help nature do her duty. Good for young and old. All cir":i:,i3. c.; r. r nottie. Trvit tn-n ffhf-. 1 ii 11 3 U tyi i m tkji w ' ' n ii i tm T- T 11 If my IKimS SJ Ml P mm Rev. W. R. Bradshaw has return ed from P.Iorgnnton, which he assist ed in the funeral services over Rev. Robert Logan Patton, educator and preacher, whose death iccurred Wed nesday night and whose body was laid to rest yesterday afternoon in the presence of a congregation of friends that attested to his worth. Ma Fatten is survived by his widow and six children Joseph C. Patton, cf the Charlotte Observer; Mrs. W. F. Powell of Asheville, Robert Patton of Morganton, Mrs. Maud Anthony of Morganton, Miss Mabel Patton of Morganton and Mrs. C. H. Ellis of WinEtcn-Salem. Thousands of former students gathered at Morganton last year for a reunion and to tell their old teacher of thsir love for him and of what he had meant to them. The pages if history are full of the names of poor boys who left home, worked for an- education and made good, but those who after hav ing won recognition abroad returned to the home community throwing aside comparative ease and distinc tion to enter upon a life of hard work and poorly paid service are compar atively few. In North Carolina's list cf unselfish educators the name of Robert Logan Patton, of Burke coun ty, id written large. Not many men have left their impression so forcibly upon the life of the section in which thir work is done. Mr. Patton's life is a story of the surmounting cf seemingly insur mountable difficulties by steadfastly honest endeavor. He Was barn' in 1848 on a little mountain farm near Tablp Rock. At the age of 17 he de termined to leave home to secure an education and become a teacher. One morning in October, 1866, he was sent by ins father two hours be fore davHq'ht for a "turn" of wood with which to build the morning fire. His desire for the education over came him and he left home taking a very few- personal effects in a pillow case and 15 cents in money. Wihtout even sayinor good-bye he turned west ward, walking across the Blue Ridge mountains through Tennessee and Kentucky, a distance cf 1,000 miles and coining to Hilisboro, 111., entered the academy there, working his way for three years. From there he went to Phillips Exeter, studying two years under Wentwcrth, the great mathe matician. Thoroughly prepared for college he entered Amherst in 1872 still wholly on his own resources and having: no funds. The four years ; struggling at Amherst, during which! I back on these to return to Burke . :oumv sna . lT-e len" m" among his own people Ten y?avrs ?r(imf t5 me he leff he lk' cd ,bf nt? hS 5 "t lorgetting , take t5,1e ad of wood whlcn he Ilad Desent altei,. 1 , . O fagt but he went to work and built ! Academy in Caldwell county. At Mo ravian Falls, North Catawba, Boone ville and Morganton other academies were established all of which, though some have been rebuilt, stand yet as monuments to a man who sacrificed a life of comparative ease to spend his days in an effort to unbuild the cit izenship of his own section. All of his teaching" Mr. Patton grounded on that of Christ, frequent ly preaching: on Sundays and never opeine; schcel without religious exer cises. Conscious at all times of the way his own education was won, Mr. Patton gave the poor boys such a chance that poverty was slight ex cuse for the failure cf the youth of his community, failing to get thor ough drilling in the rudiments. Prac tical education was his idea and his metnods of teachine was unusual and inspirational. Discipline was enforc ed, for at a Patton academy there Was scant time for frivolity or' devil ment.. Infractions of minor regula ; m-ani a spell of choppiug wood or dioreinsr stumps, flagrant and wil ful disobedience, expulsion. The boys in addition to being; well grounded in Uio ttovntials ot a practical edu cation were developed as debaters. In all things was the, effort made to fit them for public strvice. JOINING THE CAVALRY Young men desiring to enlist in the cavalry platoon will appear at' the armory this afternoon and tonight. It is expected to send the roster to Raleigh next week, have a state of ficer come here and accept the unit and recommend its acceptance by the war department. This will take time but the platoon is assured. If you have Advertise it Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINT- MENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleed- t., Jr ... ing or Protruding Piles. Stops Irritation; Soothes and Heals. You can get restful Sleep after the first application. Price 60c. RAILROAD SCHEDULE The arrival and departure ol paienger traina Hickory. The following schedule figures aie pubuished as information and not guaranteed. SOUDHERN RAILROAD LINES Arrives from 12:02 A. M. 8:05 a. m, 9:15 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 5:50 p. m. 5:05 p. m. 7:55 p. m. New YorkSalisbury New York-Salisbury Asheville Richmond-Salisbury Asheville Asheville Goldszoro Asheville C. 4 N. W. RAILROAD 11:54 a. m. Chester 10:25 a. m. Edgemont-Lenoir UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION OFFICE. TELEPHONE NO. 67 Professional Cards DR. J. B. LITTLE DENTIST Office Phone 396 Over D. P. Bowman's Store CYRUS C. BABB CIVIL ENGINEER, Granite Falls, N. C. Water Power, Waterworks and Sewerage, Suburban Subdivision, Land Surveys, Highways, Draf t ind and Blue Printing. Dr. E. J. McCoy VETERINARY SURGEON Office Aberncthy's Stable 257-L 228-K J. W. SHUFORD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND Licensed Embalnier HICKORY, N. C. Day P.bone 99 Night 43 J R. H. ROWE, M. D. HICKORY, N. C. (Office Over Lutz Drug Store) 'Residence Phone 369-M PHONE 387-L ' THE CURE FOR THE WANT IS WANT AD. The regular columns for merchants and big business, the Want Page for every body. Do you need a cook, have you rooms for rent, second-hand furniture for sale, are you seeking a position, have you real estate for sale, is it a case of needing a used car, or a buyer for one? All these and a thousand other things can be promptly secured at a small ex pense through Record Want Ads. Learn to use them. The cost is small, the results are large. RECORD WANT ADS BRING RESULTS anything to sell in The Record The Strong Withstand The Winter , Co,d Better Tha" The Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled ,. j through the cold weafher Ly taking CR0 TASTELESS chill TONIC, which is simply iron ! and QUININE suspended in syrup. So pleasant j rengthening. Invigorating Effect. Piice 60c. Depart! foi 9:1 5 a. m. 6:15 p. m 12:02 a. m 4:49 p. m. 5:10 p. m 11:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m 5:05 a. m 2:21 p. m. 11:54 a. m. DEl'Or TICKET DR. W. B. RAMSAY DENTIST Office over Hayes-Long Drag Co. HICKORY, N. C. Dr. Oma H. Hester DENTIST Office Over Yoder Grocery Co., Sec ond Floor. Masonic Temple Building Geo. E. Bisanar DOCTOR OF OPTICS Error of Refraction and all Opti cal defects corrected with properly fitted glasses. Office and examination room in con nection with Jewelry Store. Hickory Harness Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLE. SADDLES AND STRAP WORK Repairing a Specialty HICKORY, N. C. Electric Shoe Shop F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106. - Work Delivered 1032 14th Street, Hickory, N. C. i 1 -