Christmas & Hew Year We take this opportunity to thank our friends for the very libera patronage ex tended us during the past year and to wish each the very best for the new year. It is the policy of the Bisanar Store to always render the best of service, the best goods and at reasonable prices. We hope to have a continuation of your patronage aim cwauiu ,yuu ui uur uusl eirorts to merit 1. it. Geo. E. Bisaeair Jeweler and Optometrist mm yyw RS. BARK LEY HOSTESS 9 W. II. Uarklty was the de fiil hcwt to the Needlocraft vcoti-rduy afternoon at her e on Ninth avenue. Mne mem- we Present witn .urs. . iv. vv. uV' M-rsr. Donald Applegate, ileal n J Mi? 3 Emma Suttic-u-i pucsts. In an interesting ,.t Vr. (-has. IlunsucKer proved p the iK'kv winner. iurs. uaru- awisti'il l' nor nine, I (klicioi;. refreshments in two Mr. II. L. Penland week in Asheville. o- is spending a mi The Hows era Beautiful, l tiio '.iivjy is Murvebu t Jill; Hi iii'i .. i MS i V'f'lr i i.i'i II1 ' ,:il Ho Qualify' of th fcift u fclui tcunu. 1 1 ' 1 i :: -.'It: i nil iii i inn i ' L Mil 4 . J I JM ! II 11 n ib i 1 1 : ' mil i I I i HI t U mtenKHl I 1 i M I M I IMfl i m 1 1 1 1 I III f . : J ! ' 1 1 1 J I I M i' uiiiiiiiHii;:!! ii iiiJi1::- Messrs. Z. B. Buchanan and Ronda Puchanan were expected homo today from a business trip to New York. o Mr. Claud Deal of Charlotte is spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Deal. o Mis. W. W. Keith and two sons returned to their heme in Eaton, Ga., this morning after spending w-.'VMvai weeks with her mother, Mrs. T. E. Field. WOLVES KILL RAMS ' FGRSGHOOLS OF SYNOD Just ii n ecew ed A Shipm And ent of Suits Overcoats For m .... 1 II. to CAUDiEX. il l "Golden eagles and wolves arc taking heavy toll from the sheep herds of the upper White River in Alaska and the Yukon," says the cur rent issue of the Hunter-Trader-Trapper, published in Columbus, Ohio. "The eagles prey chiefly on the lambs, and wolves this fall were kill ing rams. John C. Augsbury of Cali fornia, with his guide, Tom Dixon, of Kluane, saw in one day on the St. Clair River, where wolves had killed five rams. ( They saw wolves in the act of cutting out single rams from a bunch and Augsbury succeeded in killintr one of the wolves engaged in such a foray. The ewes and lambs kept to a higher ground of rocks and were not molested." UTZ "On the Corner" Phones 17 and 317 FURNITURE DOWN STAIRS The Tipton Furniture Company has moved the furnjture department to the first floor and the undertaking establishment to the first, a change that will be appreciated by customers of the comipany. The arrangement ii better all around. i ) To Fortify the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza take GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC. It Puri fies and Enriches the Blood. It Builds up and Strengthens the Whole. System. It fortifies the System AfiainatColdi, Grip and Influenza. Price 60c. to Pastme MONDAY, JANUARY 19th PEARL WHITE IN X "THE BLACK SECRET" n "om Robert W. Chambers 'Novel, The i-atne Serial of a Thousand Sensations. ne nst am.ini i,r Tr; iuru;. 'nn't miss hA fWW JLVW. I,st en soHft. " '' OUR TIN SHOP ls complete and will quickly take care of aiV repair or manufacturing work I)iip THE MACHINE SHOP 1 Wnu-nt repairs, rebuilds and makes anything you may be in need of HOME CANNER MFG. CO. (BY MAMIE BAYS) Emphasizing the nation-wide need of education, and of Christian educa tion, Robert E. Speer said recently: 'The war has revealed to us the mag nitude and gravity of our whole prob lem of education. A democracy is not safe with such a mass of illiterates as the war has uncovered- But the problem is not solved simply by in creasing the percentage of literates to the total population. We need not simply education, but Christian educa tion training that issues in relig ious convictions and Christian person alities. Our strength lies in the intelligent religious convictions of our people. In the more com prehensive sense of the term, the whole problem of the church is now more clearlv seen to be one of educa tion. We have to bring every avail able resource to bear to make the pul pit, the Sunday school, the day school, the university, the theological semi nary, all our educational factors, effi cient in carrying out the real task of the church of training men and women in Christian character." It is probable that never before in North Carolina has the cause of Christian education, and the need for the same, received such united and such forceful and effective emphasis as it is receiving pow, during the progress of the million . dollar cam paign for Presbyterian schools and controlled by the synod of North Carolina. This campaign will close on March 1, and its success will mean increased equipment and en dowment for the ten schools of the synod located in its territory and also for Union Theological Seminary, lor cated at Richmond, Va., and owned and controlled, jointly, by the synods of North Carolina and Virginia. Sunday, January 11, this campaign will receive special emphasis in Win stonSalem and following the pre sentation of the cause of Christian education from the Presbyterian pul pits on Sunday morning a canvass of the Presbyterians of the Twin City will be conducted by the general as sembly's team of Christian education and the Presbyterians of that city will be requested to pledge $50,000 to en rlnw a chair at Davidson colleere, and it is expected that this quota will be pledged with a creditable margin. From the offices of the Million Dol lar Campaign Committee, located at Greensboro, it is announced that the uledges to the millin dollar fund have reached almost $700,000 leavng more than $300,000 to be recured between now and the closing day of the cam paign. BASKET BALL TONIGHT Young Men Moretz- Whit enet Church Directory First Presbyterian Rev. E. M. Craig, D. D., pastor. 13th street and 13th avenue. 9:45 Sunday school for all ages. 11 a. m. Communion service. 3 p. m. Household service. No night service. Tha public is invited to attend all these services. Every member is expected. First Baptist Rev. W. R. Bradshaw pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. T. P. Pruitt ssuperintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor. Subject: "Be Not Weary, in Well Doing." Subject cf 7,30 p. m. ser mon: "The Axe Did Swim." Senior and junior B. Y. P. U. at G:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. Carolina Supply Co Hickory, N. C. LAP ROBES GLOVES LAP ROBES Only a few more left ! Big stock tires, both first and seconds. All guaranteed. Hassler Shock Absorber put on your car on ten days trial. Automobile accessories of all kinds, also .Bumpers. Carolina Supply Co Holy Trinity Lutheran 13th Ave. & 15fch street. Rev. C. 11. W. Kegley, pastor. At 11 a. m. services, subject: Christ Jesus at 12 years in the Tern-! pie or the boy problem solved. At 7 p. m. services, subject: "Christ's First Disciple in time and in Importance." At 3 p. m. the Junior League and at 6 p. m. the Senior League. The Bible-catechism class Wednes day at G:30 p. m. and services at 7:30 with committee meeting at 8:20' p. m. Special music and a hearty welcome. in all of our church services. HICKORY INSURANCE & REALTY CO General Insurance and Bonds Service Our Motto By a score of 32 to 23, the Hickory boys defeated the Asheville high school team at the armory last night in the presence of a fairly large .crowd. The Asheville lads will meet the Lenoir College1 quint tonight in the armory. R. Corinth Reformed Walter W Rowe, pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. W Weaver, suprintendent. Offering for our missionary. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Holy communion. 3 p. m. Services at Brookford. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7 :00 p. m. Evening worship. Sub ject of sermon by pastor: "The First Creation." This isxthe beginning of a series on the book of Genesis. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The subject is "The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus." The public is most cordially invit ed to all services. Travelling: men and strangers are especially invited. 1030 14th Street Phone 292 L BETTER DEAD Life i9 a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL The ministerium of Hickory will hold its monthly meeting in the study of Rev. Mr. Bradshaw at the Baptist church Monday morning at 10 oclock. All ministers are cordially invited to be present. ANNOUNCEMENT A limited number of high class residen tial lots, fronting on 12th Street, will be placed on- the market by the J. H. Aiken Estate. These lots are close in and in one of the most desirable residential locations in the city. For prices and particulars ap ply to , - J. H. AIKEN, Jr., Administrator CHARLES RAY AT PASTIME TODAY The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; -it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. took for tba name Cold Modal on over? box ad accept bo imitation Wonderful studv in courage is af forded in "The Sheriff's Son." the new Paramount picture starring Charles Ray, which will be shown at the Pastime today. The hero is a young man who has inherited a great fear from his mother, who witnessed an attack upon his father before the boy's birth. He grows up with the sense of fear hanging over him, but the story is constructive throughout and shows how he battles splendidly to overcome his weakness and how he succeeds, winning the" eirl he loves in the bargain. Mr. Ray is splendidlv supported in this nictui-e, his leading woman being beautiful Seena Owen, i When Going to Ride Call or See Jitney Service Co. God cars and careful drivers. Special rates to traveling men. Best of care to passengers. Calls answered day or night. 192 - ... - PHONES - - - 393 HICKORY, N. C.