HlCjpRY DAILY MECOIRD V. NO. 109 f Cciini vc (nil..1.'' ' niunifi'.'!1' clur-v!: w fait l i : i mod IumI M ,tl s ' ' ' 4 f Ci mud congregational meeting , i; formed church 'was held i i 1 1 i i i i jv at 1 1 o'clock. J'he , u.is gcod and the spirit d ;;(, I he meet irij? was fine. .:,.! ;dl organizations of the ,( i, id and ail revealed the ii;,' congregation is in a t.ndition. T. II. Cititncf and W. R. j ii:i.-i'a'd the Sunday school the congregation and also t . . Ttr r en i c i) , .ucssrs. vv . i. onu Shuford and J. W. War- unon tlr.: financial bud- V0 L HfilH UHUHbH rKJUbtHb If, HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 19, 1290 PRICE FIVE CENTS THE EMPRE; EMPEROR NAPOLEON III OF :'(' : .! By the Associated Press ! New York, Jan. 10. The armv transport Powhatan, in distress about; 70G' miles east of New York, reported j by wireless hero at. 4 a. m. today that ! although she was leaking and her boil er room, flooded, he was in no imme diate danger. The COO passengers are ! comfortable. i When the sea becomes calmer ih'j j passengers will be transferred to the White Star liner Ccdric, wheh is! standi)'? by. The transport will keep j afloat tor several days, Captain Ran- j dall wirelessed. j The United States shinning beard 'irk t"C. !' c:v!t thi'ic i .r.odr of tlv: i'1" ' i i ii ... rvi. ilhe ::r-r-. if.it- vn 5 vpnivf Riinrt-iv -if. it unar.imiusly adopted u " OJcall. 1 k !;; i1.' ' v.di h a rising vote. I njo tmnm " it ;;i i, . J, ; Krv and ('. M. Skuford t Z, Ml s- Smi aiOARD , . i. o i ! 1 .Ov thr A r-sociated Press ' V'HV I' 'l it ' I I'll , Wt lKIHl.'' I. 1 . iUf- 1 1 , t T i. -1 VI! t ! Ir ; !-! '.; (. Ann 10 I unit in in ii i im..j..,.v!-. , 1 vvi'hr.in h. Sk'.T))) of Raleigh is an of- II. 1. -I Mill, rv v. fiu. i sv.io i , , - , i'i uij u unspuiC i owiuitiui re- Pi i I ii 'i i i ' ,.n(;,vp(V!iTiriM Us hmbvct"for 1920 ' steamer Vcstein Comet, which is j n. ...i j? union" the vr-ssp la np-iv h- v,-t nti an 1ncrease m me suiary ci i - - V. r " tt i- ..i . j- L' .in i t oniric to tow tno Pnwh.it-.nn t n Tfnli. .:i(,r mi xne ainoum ui uuu. i f . . . i'vr: in the budget was that a fax' tne neai"e3t point, aitcr the pas !, .;,, .or apart for the use ! s'-"!f lst"r trans ferred. J in wav of travelling e:c-1 n ? , ' ''.diatan left New ork last j i 5... i.:..- ; i i. i ' ri: lav frr Ar.twerr.. h wit vtv:i of I w. t jh iir- rnn i ri ' r'i ' - " : i;'ii:y a'" elec'ei Cfi HTRFMRF APPFII UU1HI SiSUL III 1 BEGJNS ITS SESSION Ey the Associated Press Washington, Jan. 19. Marked by the presence of. the leading financiers and, business men of 21 republicas of the eastern hemisphere, the second annual canference of the Pan-American financial conference opened here today to consider financial problems arising out of the war. President Wilscn sent a message declaring Pan-Amrica sought no self ish purpose in doing its part to re store world peace. Guided by a pur pose to serve cne another and the world to the utmost, the president said in his message, read at the open ing session, real Americans will re gard as a privilege the fulfilment of those obligations imposed by the great advantages enjoyed by Pan American nations which have given to the world no small achievement is eliminating the idea of conquest as a national thought. '!. 'V. II. 1;. PdackwoMbr was i 11 out the unexpired term ihiticl Ti '.!' - also ui;r ' ' .u be V l!i id who has moved to! in ustrcss about 700 miles east 'The c c nicer s will be or-; ut - cr'V lieutenant com- 'nn '-).v morn'iw j mandcr s mother, tors. Margaret Bus- ;f riaremont Cuikge-rei Shi:-I' k"'w" bhc stcry . tht terms of three hav-1 w-tcov, was a passenger on the ves 1 1. ,..! v. ! set. New bowed by her more than eighty-tare vv laii, i - &ce;ie3 ox jier icrmer triu Primoli and a Lady of her suite. nits. years, arriving in Par.'s to is accompanied by ount r tone . i . i i i .. i ,. i. :!;t' ( !'.(.' Tluiiv. liiut iK'etiH iu uu ciiii na,'.l,it (i i;i the whole meeting of yes if, Jay the line spirit raid cnthusi- . .1.?..!, t, i"'nmif i V tiicl' !u.) h a J! i ft 1'IiE-EiMINENCE OF THE KARKIT M cf things for the year 1020. The U'.v;.'X' display advertisement in ill" Rmml was c; lamented upon and r!:ihirat hy mar.y members of the LIQUOR i!i BEING TIMED TO COAST A few vcifs ago a rabbi4" ccu'd almost be had for the asking. Although j with the sweet potato, molasses, wo:' ' socks and the like, nobody had either heart or nerve to put a fancy pri-o lebel on this nroduct tf the biijr-patch but like all the.ro and a host of other eommon-piace v:nieti?s both of focd and raiment, 1h:- aibbit has soared until its incut bclorgs to the class of the elect. The hunting season, now drawing to its close, has tmphaszed the fact that the catching of rabbits is profitable unto the catcher thereof. Wor'd-wars and the contagion of price irlevfiti.-n bns n'l.de swift end to the ;!mv when ten c nN wnu'd buy a vho i bam. LvJ.hlt si-ln j-iTir1 nil. Kn;l if one sliould ! Belief ! choc ec to sit dewn 'n a restaurant DUTijIi M I 8 Its i OEilPllO n sv trr-v t-xs -t- w ti ;: h s i t-. a 0 h hSw9afiy iUIIVl. y T! M 5;&1 H 'Hi rl I S 1.1 rl ifWfC b a y i? $ ? ii ? i: EtiHlS Cy the Associated Press LVussels. Jan. 19.' Deep ticn has been caused in Holland -by the nuicci govemnicnts clemand ior tne cmo- Hv Or Associated Pres3 ,.'MW " : ";; "11";7e Motr M - '-' a?k for a meal made up clneiiy nirni'iiitli, dibbled oti Cape ilay, .4 , , . i.,,,,,,..!,, .h- nndii. .1., danng a storm, was bein?4f towe:l L.. (;f f,,nst ut)0n tll0 hindmost leg extradition of - former Emperor Wii-3&r expressed at the Hague t tlv. aken with view to inducing him voluntarily l' (oast :UlJr(, cuttcr accor(: : somelhing like 10 or 50 cents would be I to wireless reports. 1 he cratt . i( so.nt,.(1 jut whv this is no one j By the Associated Press ft this port aSturday -for Havana, vin ;imcrtake to explain in detail. Of i Paris, Jan. 19.Hollr.nd is told in lto Dtlaware breakwater today by the coast truard cuttcr Itasca, accord mi. lift wnli ii vdviro of liouor valued at J-'.OOO.fioO. Of British rtgutry, tlu vessel b owned by negroes. j "KXE.MI'MFICATION OV I'APiai-FIHT" f s-n'd rahbit, a bill amounting to mac measures wiil ne urrender to the allies, TEXT MADB PUBLIC it to course it does cost a little more to j the hoot a rab'rit than it aid a lew years NEWS- ord. v:r,o w,. l;v.: : i , ' which V v". : 'ii'tti;:':!.; ; w. that t!ic iJ: asl; t'.i'.'.u.-.-'iv. . u. l-'aralx-e of the Hickory Hoc- ; mado the ? abject of a . d bv cne .j. h. .g- for shells and guns have both ad vanced in price, but the faithful old hound dog still perfoims at the same oM figiur. He has not raised the ri"p ov the iletcnatio?! cf Ids bark 'ind his fcjl run just as swiftly in j public today. hn wavs of the cotton-tails, but oth- liuv.t ncie (icir.ananig tne extra- eror Willi:; m. fi:iii!!ing her inlo; she wall net b that icnal duty entente ccramitted war. The text of the note was made By The Associated Press Washinftcn. Jan. 19. Complete in vest iga Lien of Kear Admiral S.'ms' against the navy's conduct By the Associated Press Malta, Friday, Jan. 10. Orders were received Thursday night from a number cf naval yessels to leave Mal ta, apparently for the Black sea. Vice Admiral Robeck sailed on the battle ship Iron Duke, accompanied by two destroyers. Every ship available is preparing to leave on Sunday tilled to its capacity with stores. FUNERAL OF MRS. BONN! WELL navy's oi the war wi;l be made by the sen ate f io-ccmmittce, it was announced oaay iais decision was made today by the full senate naval committee. A by rao- ijenator Pittman, Democrat ka, to have a sonar a to com- tee appointed to make an immedi investigaticn was defeated. The of Nebras m. !):ution . ne if she will net join with the. j powers m ciiastismg crimes Germany during the make -be invest aticn bv (4J.:,"-se( ?r tl have gc .i i i.-a: ungs c'uciing :iito tne tiui.ujai.juii up. rev instance, iit: brought into t l-n,.),,!),. n'w 'svvpr n )!).''i( "olhrv thin's was :'.ated that the 'most j the dofen-c of a man who was offering mmt I ..;;or.v)ria:e ouc-stiou i tne xar price emxuji..&frjviivi ut ui.c.lu ,; ';os of th : ninth can I boro a abbht the othc day fenirn s and ccusider" would boro a rabbit the other day for hity Farabee of thu Iliikpry ! cents. "Why, you know' said the pr'ce commissioner to tne. woum-uj it I seller of the rabbit "that nicy ccnt k. is Uc; .. Hvpublican?" handles the !;ia::i'if.i! ! m ! r? hnin.'r than lar;,'.' i.i'.'.abcr cf his contemporaries 1 i3 tio much for a raobit; it doss t ..cot i Cy the Associated Press. 'v-'.u'(l. For our narc. we are net en-, anv more to trap a rabbit now than it j Stockholm. Jan. - 19 i miK rrBi n 2 rje m xom si a w ji n u n ri j i ii 5 $n i e miu urn mnuilbim j - vv a'.Sf j-Jcaioerat of ?uo-committee was mado by r.Ion- urman not Hal LS I'M W i! S I! t'", '- :-,... (!,., tvmi11 r'o.n ?i!k'v i .i;,i i,,c.i- or ten vears ago does it t!,: uv, ,.. i ntitr fvnlni-iotinn to u ; "'n 1 rpfkon not." said the man witn r, ...1 i . ii. u.tfK.mno nun w no wrote anotn?ir uuwa i i'X'i'Vtuia r.n-rppt hare, "but we have to pay the extent of our party ; mCre for a pair of shoes to walk to Sam rather painstakingly j the rabbit gum than we did then, and the fair price commissirmei, course, had no more offensiveChar lotte Observer. loyalty: but plains what his fair-minded read- rs aliciiiiy know. Tin- Hickory editor recalls that he !intioii!ii.- .i on his entrance .into that f,(,l'l his personal all'diation ; witli the I't'inocna ir party ami his paper's in ,l(,sciii!'!K'e of p'artisan basis. Speuk ii''crtly and frankly to Mr. Ran- Vliifh will not, wo suspect, be en t,(!i' si. 'i-, fact cry to Mr. Ramsey;' but '.'t unkrs absolutely no difference, "la Ui-cord's subscribers will accept lts flitu'H Q. K. 1). as final. members of Forty-nine the crew cf the Ameri can steamer Maccna, which struck a rock off- Nidi gen bank and founder ed were lost, the only survivor being the second mate cf the ship, n-.vsi oecora -ft; .1 ib cn? n " -:. :g't'. rges could no the c -mm it tee -stig.-t n ;n ten vd.r.ir- bo taken uo The funeral over the remains of Mrs. Mary Bonniwell, Avhose' death occurred Friday night at the age of KG years, was held from the First Baptist church at 10:30 this morning and was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Vv. R. Bradshaw. Interment was in- Oak wood cemetery. Many friends were present to pay their respect to the last remains of a good woman and the numerous floral olferings attested her popularity. The pallbearers were Messrs; J. G. Carrier. J. R. Hoslev, W. L. Boatright, C. W. Ellington, J. D. Elliott and J A. Martin. DEATH OF CHILD le.-s i' ;,n of . that time. a i mis before The naval inquiry into naval awards "was made after the full committee had adjourned. Admiral S called to resume his testir; was begun Friday. in wa mv, which Edward R. Crouch, lGry car-old son cf Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Crouch, died at their home on Fifteenth avenue at 9:H0 this morning following an illness that afflicted him for ten years and that made him invalid for more than a year. He was a sweet child and those who knew him as a small boy like to thik of him before his afflic tion. Edward is survived by his parents and three brothers Carlisle, Ernest and Trey. The funeral will be conducted,, from the home tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, probably by Rev. W. O. Goode, the parents' pastor r,5 I f; Ii ENFORGE Asserting that liqoor is "the Hun within America," Rev. W. O. Goode made a strong appeal at the First Methodist church yesterday morning fcr law enforcement. He pleaded for a wholesome sentiment and declared that the American flag, with intoxi cating liquors outlawed, had the last stain removed from it and urged his congregation to lend their efforts in the gcod cause of prohibition. During the course of his sermon he remarked that even the Russians, who have trampled everything that is -sacred underfoot, do not want Enlma Goldman and Alexander Bcrknian to return to that country. These anar chists have spit upon the American flag, but they arc so vile that old asso ciates do not care for them in their native land. Mr. Goode told of the slow growth of prohibition sentiment in North Car olina. He recalled the efforts of the late Captain Hoyle in Cleveland coun ty to have stills removed from near schools. A few men and women and children heard, but the men generally had no sympathy with his "efforts. It was the same way everywhere and "good" church people w'ere against prohibition. They simnly saw the question m the wrong light. Then he reviewed the actions of the various states in voting dry until the whole country was ready for prohibi tion. We have ccme upon a better day in the nation and .be called upon ail church people to "assist the officers in enforcing the law. There will be men wdio will make liquor and men. who will sell it, Mr. Goode said, and it is our duty to create a strong senti ment against it. Bootleggers Infest this city and on Friday night and Sat urday they are worse. The officers ced the manhood of this community to stand with them in detecting these gentry. If wTe will do our part, we. can put John Barleycorn absolutely out of business. IS CHARGED WITH MURDER OF WIFE SOUNDED LIKE IT r Markets COTTON 1 I t ' 1 1 i ". : i t i h:;an;;u: in if.'CCK'.yn TO CUM PESCE WiTSi BOLSHEII DTTifP a ? $ ft I s 1 a n 3 & p -.j a ti s nit - 2 a e s ill s i I Si SiifssHis Jh-w V'.-rk, Jan. 10.-Fc.nv.a1 r.i-."Mni- i -ntion if n post cf t!u- Anrriwun le- ; In Ihcokh n tvm; o: od cn .ire-y of n:m-A .f the Masonic f ratrrnity, j :itin utico'l vc-tcrdav. The post 'if ri lod levator;: itv 01 that Ccn. I.c(,;va;d Weal is an 1 or.' M' .-iik'nt i.nd that ho will spcal:-n Ukrainian government at y '.'up Anicricuii.m" at the irTsTaiiaaon of clliccrs on January 27. Another !eak'r will be (Jen. Robert L. i3ul commander of the department 7 t-art, also an honcray presi-l-'nt. 'I'll'-' post was organized by Maj. Radford butler, judge advocate of the Rainbow division, who is a 33rd degree Mason. I; v Hie Associated Press Warsaw, Jan. 19. Terms for ccn clr.'d ie- peace with the bolshcviki, h;,ve been fixed by the Ukraine gov ernment, according to Lemberg, pa pt They include recogrTition of the independence of the Ukraine people, nlete withdrawal of all Russian forces and recognition of the 10 fflilNi HUuU'U&ilflu By the Associated Press. New York. Jan. 19. The cotton market showed renewed steadiness ear ly today in response to higher Liver pool cables and the continued strength of the goods situation. There was some southern selling and realizing and after opening unchanged to 15 points higher, prices worked off after the call. Spot house brokers were buyers, however, while the strong de mand of the stock market brought prices up again seven to 28 points net higher. j There was a commotion in the rear : of the theare, and the usher was ! seen ejecting a man. The man was spluttering angrily when the manager of the theatre came into the lobby. "Whv did you eject this man?" asked the manager. "He was hissing the performance," "Why did you hiss the perfor- Lud- s elf -sty led I A in nvrhnntrc. the communist pari will enjoy full exercise of its right in Ukraine with the provision that it w'lll not interfere with the local gov ernment. l, AL INVOLUTION ARIES u.Vi; (;or ADMIRAL KOLCHAK v'-i'ldn)ie, Udinsk, Trans-Baikal, (,nhi.v. .January, D. Admiral Kol ( ,ak- head of the all-Russian ffov f v,,('l'Jtioernmcnt, is being held here thy social revolutionaries who 'av'c f oi mud a new government and ;;1V(' demanded the written retire 1,(nl cf Kolchak. The" allied re ptntutivcft have requested Gen. !M ,lanin' commander of the '(, to safeguard his person. BIS PHI8I1I1 I Bv the Associated rress Washington, Jan. 19. After wig C. A. K.' Martens, Russian soviet ambassador to the United States, had given a brief his tory of 'himself , and his life in Russia, the senate committee investigating radical "' propaganda suddenly ad journed today. Chairman Moses announced that the committee would meet at his call, probably Wednesday, and in the mean time Martens . could consider himself in the custody of the committee. Oft raanci x vi-u-uiun t tered the man asked the manager. PRODUCE RALEIGH WOMAN KILLS SELF BY A SHOT IN THE HEART TO DIRECT TEST Bv The Associated Press "Washington, Jan. 19. Validity of the federal prohibition constitutional amendment is to be determined by the supreme court which today grant ed the state of Rhode Island permis sion to institute original proceedings to prevent enforcement in that state. Carried daily by Catawba Cream evy Company. Eggs, per dozen 50c Hens and roasters per lb. 24c Old Roosters, per lb. 12c Country butter, per lb. 40c Creamery butter, per lb. 68c Pork (125 to 275), per lb. 18c Pork (under 125 and over 275) per lb. 17c h-h-h-hiss." slut 'I m-m-m-merelv s-s-s-said t-t-t-to m-m-my f-f-friend beside me: ''S-S-S-Sammy, is -s-s-n't the s-s-s-singing s-s-s-s-s-uperb!" Cincinnati Enquirer. HICKORY POST WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT GRAIN Raleigh.-Jan. 19. Mrs, Lloyd Hall, 30 years, old, committed suicide here last aftei'noon by shooting herself through the heart with a pistol. (Corrected daily by Horseford Milling Company) Wheat, per bu. ' - $2.60 Corn per bu. . $1.90 ! Oats, per bu $1.00 Rye, per bu. -- 5l.90 Cowpeas, per bu. $3.75 TWO AILLED IN FIRE Bv the Associated Press Baltimore, Jan. 19. Two men lost their lives and four others were in jured, one probably fatally, in a fire destroyed a barracks at Aberdeen, Md., yesterday morning. Weather For North Carolina: Cloudy and warmer tonight. Tuesday probably fair and colder in the west portion, moderate to fresh south and south west winds. The local post of the Ajmerican Le gion will meet Thursday night, Janu ary 22, in the Knights of Pythias hall. All members are requested to be pres ent. At this meeting a permanent name will be selected and any person desiring to suggest name will mail his selection to the secretary. This will "be a meeting of great im portance, so a fine attendance is ex pected. The executive committee will meet promptly at 7 :30 p. m. The general meeting will be at 8 o'clock. 1IK HALTED AT CHARLESTON YARD Dunn, N. C, Jan. J 9. Nash Bryant, prominent farmer of Harnett county, was jailed on a warrant charging him with the killing of his wife last Monday night. Th- bedv of Mrs. Pryant will be exhumed Monday for examination. Mrs. Bryant was killed by a pistol shot, which the coroner's jury said after the diooting, was' fired accident ally by her husband. The latter claimed he asked his wife for his pistol and that as he grasped it from her hand, the barrel toward her, the gun was - discharged. Members of Mrs. Bryant's family, dissaisfied with the result of the cor oner's jury, undertook an independent investigation und the result of Bryant's arrest today followed. DIlLl! x. C0ME9 -Unles the By the Associated Press Washington, Jan. 19. A report calling for the suspension of w&rk in connection with the construction of a new dry dock and the dredging of a deeper channel in the Charleston na vy yard pending a report on the ne cessity for the work has been agreed upon by the Helms committee. 8y the Associated. Presa. Washington, Jan. 19. senate investigation of Rear Admiral ... Sims' charges cf failure of the navy' department to cooperate fully with the allies is made to the "entire satisfact ion of the American people," an in quiry will be made by a naval board, Secretary Daniels said today. He added that no organization in the history of the world ever did a bet- ter job than the American navy. While refusing to discuss Admiral Sims' let ter, the secretary indicated that the admiral frequently clashed with the department through his "insistence that more destroyers be withdrawn frcm troop convoys to augment the anti-submarine forces in European waters." "The paramount duty of the Amer ican navy," Mr. Daniels declared, "was to protect the passage of American troops to Europe and the safe-guarding of merchant ships, as important as that was, was secondary." Secretary Daniels emphasized that, contrary to a popular impression, Ad miral Sims wras subordinate to Ad miral May, commander of the Atlan tic fleet. He indicated that on th question of the dis'tributicn cf naval forces Admiral Mayo disagreed with Admiral Sims and was sustained by the secretary of the navy. Every naval order, every document bearing on the navy's war activities," Mr. Daniels continued, "is open, to, the. light cf day and the more thoroughly the record 'is laid before the people of this country the greater pride they can have in the achievement of , the navy."