DAILY RECORD VOL. V. NO. 119 HICKORY, N. C., FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 30, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS F COMMERCE i S ARE ELECTEE) CATAWBA rAKMlKS PLAN WM IS GISE1 GOVERNMENT CHAMBER 0 liKfcA fcK rABK N t4 All. fiWrM!K nUK CJIVC A07IfI?B , - nOSIL TOLL Li. H h UAt-LiAt uLnJJ mockolders in Annual Meeting Elect Director awl Arrange for Finer Lot of Exhibits H. L, A nidi:, Well Known Farmer, New Pres ident Other Officers T!J Mill' Hi (!) Ill nil t hi; '"' t,t", i ;: I ,;; ".'i in.-'. 1 j; i-'t'iT :-,!:! .'IK- il.il i; ,in'u;;il stockholder.! meeting ".i l .i w ! ;i County Fair Associa- rr.i iv afternoon was full :,i iii.iK'-.ilua aroused interest of the farmers. They , very much to heart the , ;t' c-Jiibits in the field and ( -.,'.. a; the hist fair, but! i Viiioiu-trator Hendricks ns- !,i lint it was lav above exhibit at county fairs , lb-.' state. Uovvvver, Ca ui'ity farmers realise it was :. : ' i ' i c t st'.nahud, and are ..v- to it that the 1920 fair : : licit liking. 1 1 j w e , sup'ji'intc n ctcut was prevent, and u'.add bo;? in immediately alton ot an oduoacicnal -.-1 niii t ho rural schools that arv : rhooV.. i 8 2 a R fi'TPn P" ffa b p i I of iiisHRB r i irittsnaBSis1- nun i o mmm i ! trrpt . . . . ki I ran n . n n a m T j 1 A . - oyine Associated Freaa. By the Associated Press. Ossming N. 1 Jan. SO.-The body! Washington, Jan. 30.-Europe in so WJ- vwi.in i aviiut iiujiiuy, notorious iiar as t ip mfm xtafnc ,,-, nient is concerned must rplv eiec- own resources in Miuim-iL'i um: oanrnt who was troeuteu in Sing Sine: prison late last I her 1 j j 1 ' nurnt, xor Tfi.e murder ef two nftirinic i .-mr-ml inK,-;,:,,, -.. , V.1JUU1U11U111. of a Brooklyn savings bank late in j This is the interpretation here December, 1918, was prepared f or erenerallv cf the !olt.Pr Ro,rntnTO u-idba oi tne treasurv has ?.pnf tr of com- which government expression on conference of interna- up i. ., V. i .a;,' '.!!'. 1 '( hi' 'r: i'):U 'I tl 1 1 .e t ho c il v schoo's vA !ii:t!CL". ( r..iclv.; told tf the nura- .. tnK'jn Jiy the Caiav-ha li.irs at tho Itaiei-'h r year, and stressed the havinv; a C'ntawba coun- dci.r;:! at the next state :i 1. By the Associated Tress Asheville, N. C, Jan. 30. "I liope he will keep on talking. No cham pion of th.o liquor traffic can talk long without inv.ulting the conscience and fer.se of decency cf the country," said William i in own a copy hv burial today No one claimed the body and the I committee of the char-ibp mystery surrounding his parentage, i merce of the United States ieu urisojvea. An autonsv diseios- the nvnnnfvl ed that the brain of the murderer was j tional financi normal" and fully deyeloped. Hamby maintained his composure to the last, smiling as he was strapp ed to the chair and making a brief oral statement to those in the death chamber. As he left the death house he call ed out to Ids companions: uood-bye, fellows, I always liked upon retrieving m- J. D. Elliott-Again Heads Organization as Rfes ident and Other Officers Chosen Good Bus iness Year Indicated by Members Legion Community Building Endorsed rs to discuss rerrin- r.cruction in Europe. In his letter Mr. Glass said: "The American government has done all that is believed advisable and practicable to aid Europe." The conference, he added, would cause confusion and revive hopes doomed to disappointment of further gov ernment loan:-. to try everything once." The treasury department does not I he murderer gave three letters to j offer objection. Mr. Glass sa'd if the the warden to be sent to addresses chamber of commerce of the United wnich he asked to be kept secret. States, which has charge of the de . tails of tho .conference, wishes to ..v u.c iiowuuu iio ; luiuiv ueiegates to an miormai con- Ossining, N Y. Jan. CO. Gordon fcrence, "provided the scone and char tawcett Hani by the bandit who last ! acter and limitations of such a con-n:g-.t expiated his crimes in the death i ferencc, as well as the impossibility of ciiciir, was anesLeu in xacoma, united states troverr.ment notion nro ! nriiBTT yflllli I l. Press -Mobiliza- Oil of 1 Da; d ! thc:-'e of four :f wer nicin- di rector;-; had u.ral member f oiiews: rceiccttl. were ad- r- ' I L..f O J. Bryan today when! of a statement issued W-ash.. last June under the name-of ! clearly understood " !T 7 All -.Si. i.iii; ! ml wiijoi l j v a i a.j last nifitii ic- , , -, , , cT ,r j there m a revolver fignt. He was :;g to x-.-r. Bryan. j later identified as one of the two! '"The move Governor Edwards j robbers who, on December ;ii'i,-iK, ie :im ..v asnameo (. haiinmn which as new con-itviUv to "'his tvmdid.-:. MuVm.-vo Democrats wil! have other engage ments when invited to his meeting's," continued Mr. Bryan. V: 1918, 1 bavmgs S.iii-jt;., II. L. Shuford, B. M. S.nir'tvcu:, W. J. Shuford. !:hhhar. IS. L. Arndfc. J. Y. St ' ir V. 'dourer, L. M. Bol W. Clark, H. P. Lutz. J. . hv W'. Robinson and J. ' the adjournment of the m iMeitin;: tho board cf di "vi ncd for organization, Ar-idt and J. W. Robinson 'Y-'n-(!! .r ini'.'t' 1 inc. r: , - : 1 V! .Ka ly chosen as nre.i-'.- iresident for lOi'O. In "Governor Edwards' candidacy v.: an offense against the Democratie party and the sooner he finds ou; that he is going up against a stone wall and settles down to champion ship of those who used to be in the criminal business the sooner the party will be aole to turn its atten tion to the Srinortant work before it." GovV-rnc. Edwards, said rdr. Bry an, wanted to establish the "har- a s fin a a saws w siiil. NillUbMi!Llib eld up the iii.ast BrooKlvn Bank and, after killing two of its crnuloyes, escaped in an automobile with $13,000. i Extradited to New York and tried I for this crime Hamby stood reveal-; ed as a self -confessed participant! n the robbery of thirteen banks and j ry he Associated Pre?s two trains and many killings. He j "New Bern, N. C., Jan". 30. Marv steadily refused to tell anything i Laud, pretty, T6 years old of Savan about his family. He said he ; pre- nah, Ga., who tried to end her life a f erred to be known as "Allan- andifew (iays ago after she had struggled max ne was worn isjo in Aioerta, ; f .v xx-rr-U. tr, Ey the Associated Vvashington, Jan. 3C tion of an organized field army of 2,- 000,000 men would be possible Avithin five years after passage of the neviate reorganization bill, Chairman Wads worth of the senate military commUtee reported today in bringing up the army reorganisation bill. The cost would not exceed $500,037,000 annualb' Directors cf the Chamber of Com merce reelected officers last night and discussed various matters look ing to the upbuilding of Hickory and this section. New business enterprises were broached and it de velepode that at least four new com cerns will be started here during the present yeaif. The directors went on record by unanimous vote in favor of the community building planned by Hickory post of the American Legion and this iMans that moral and financial suppSfe;,-will be given. jn tne meuon or j. A. :iartin and second by L. F. Abernethy, the new president of the chamber is J. D. Elliott, reelected.. T. ueitner was reelected first vi. - hi;; and Dr. W. B. Ramse., was again put in as second i-pieHioent. both by -acclamation. Secretary A" K. Joy vas rocketed with in increase of 825 a month in salary, to the satisfac tion of all concerned:. The minimum membership fee wiil be $1 a quarter or $4 a year, and will be admitt- ministcrs r tt: . i. OI lllClV' ,1 he said. M. V . ine hnanciai statement of the avy ?,h--v.-ed ;i balance of about $500 at th. of the year. There are 125 mtnu-ers of the organization and many irrospecta. Elliott 4- standing ! seer citizens' ar is proposed, ompuisory mold-Youth in.- fi-r. M'l f! redi'ie the traniiaclion cf j executive committca was assume charge of all af ce mm it tee to report to !)..:'V,i on imttortnnf. nvit. consists of!nicrov-'J Irm wnien wouia do piceu men: cf death" in the Democratic party, and r'vancisco if he had his way the San convention wouid oe the HI )''!!. J. ;.r,! . J c ninntttce L A 1 i .r:niv, A. Martin, uftn'd. Vice President Rob M. Bollinger I ! 'irs "tuit't vn ' i i i :ni:ir 'if lir TVn- vember ''nal'onal funeral." Canada. . lie declared his parents j j were desjd and that he had two bro-! 1,,. 1 ? -K ., i ..iisjis vvywuu iiuu nut. suuu xm 11 v j years. He said he a college I graduate and had spcciafMzed in psy- chology. After Hamby's conviction here, ; his attorney, against the prisoner's! wishes, appealed his case. He cb-! tamed the appointment of a commis- ve on the wage paid her oy a local mercliant, today was dis charged from the hospital as cured. high cost of living was more than she could stand. Women wdio have interested themselves in her case will see that she obtains good wages. DK. CRAWFORD WILL Rev. ip uDn i'PTH -1 mm of FfHHi nS! itp nrnnn mv W1 llllfl YFftB i S O jLuU:vu Urn I ! j j PREACH HERE SUNDAY V. Crawford of Greens- he was also found to be ! bore, supeimtendent of the Home He freely admitted his I mission work of the synod cf North i rimes :m)1 pair hn w:u wanicd in i Carolina, win spend tne week end vjiii ins rviusiiicii;,, jj'i and will h.ion to determine tlu bandit's anity verdict and "normal." Including the pernian army of 209,000 and the my and national guard, the measure through it: training plan the army would lize next year 1,800,000 men. trained would be passed into the citi zen's reserve army and in 1920 the nation's available military strength would be 3,345;200 officers and men, while the cost per man would be re duced from $500 in 1921 to $176 in 1026. Presid dirt: be: s ca lied knew f 1 "1 r upon every or (resent to e-ive the mem- th" benefit of any progress he about for the current year. F. Ivcv said he had prospects for the best business in the history of the organized personnel ; t it "With shown in 1026." the report said, would be possible after nioviding f ' r the foreign garrison and tne coast de fenses to mobilize an organized iiekl army of 2,000,000 men -with a surplus strength to supply replacements. This pan be done even after allowing a liberal allowance for exemption industrial requirements." othc tvv'ei: W. and Chicago, San places. After Francisco and other the Brooklyn roiibery, conduct the E. M. Craig, services Sun- New A- ii'.n t UliCoIr'' ; -:':at'-d Pre:.; a. x. c, .far. r:o. "i:ag: :-.:.dt i:istitut"d ' ;"r.!in: t . 1 A LV f lie A Waidng sociatcd Press on, Jan. 30.- bv ir (ducticn next year -Decreased and a con- iiamDV saia ne met a sziri in x York and that they went succes sively to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Chicago, California and Tacoma. "I was surprised the California police did not get me," he clfi tnen 1 ? 1 T- J I 4" J"i 1 "N rn pr hpinr nrniinr .'ist.. i iuuiuun "Then in Tacoma I got in that poli tical roy with 'Bob' Davis and killed him. 'Bob' was a game fellow and living :-a:i: '!!l:u;;;- 'fii'iil'i : i'-r.t ,!,iV f. '"lth ('ill! ;';s Mi:'- '..Hi iin:e pvojuier.; ; as a result of b( -; o a ik;bi '.: apolog;, ; ... I t ' X . . . 1 ! in:;"'i iia'v o; .-'"i Juhy, v?:a h"gun In J.--'i' iii i court yotevday. 'iiic v.a-; conaurK'd in t.'ie Fclezt .''ir.v a.fid henrinrr cvidorco 'r ,!:f' i.iiniiir. A strnnr? arr.iv f Lilian Hoev of tl.o r:d.h --', - - 'im dii'tt ict for the defense. I'm sorry I shot him but I was afraid he was going to get me. After that l!If: UISKI. CASE OX TRIAL AT LLCOLNTO. I.incf.ln v fro.(;.;,;; " 'In tin. ''untv : ''"iniricnt Lincolntcn men in a suit on trial in ''"'i'r court as a result cf ;ir' I'l.argcs against I r d German svmnathiz- iii- vaiS and thy Lincoln sum ,f : Ti-,(. ,.,:, H'J'fd p, Ln '"'li.' fc int ; . t t!. 'Hiams. iU;''in.s,n Mar " "l.'lM r 1 also defendant in x 100.000 for printing the lb; action of the dciend- ra.rm ..qur.it ' inei..:'as'j in the cost cf living due to tir.' dio-satisf action of-farmers . n-:,.f, ,.f.Mirv,;n iml.iv hv .Tame-, U was ah ready to beat it to bhangnai. i. IHakclcjS, fourth assistant 11,'iste frencral. More than n-vcrs to Ux'.i.'UU questionaires 1 ce i i i v o i post-1 China, and now here I am.' i 1 , T t , i ,r r s r. r 40,000 day. When Dr. Craig's father, Lieutenant R;. S. Craig, in Early's brigade, was captured in 1864 he was taken to Camp Chase, Ohic. A few days aiter his arrival he wrote his cousin, Margaret Urawiord, in Louisville, Ky., ci his and needs. Dr. Craig has in his possession now that letter and was given the Bible which was among other things sent at that time. The sons of these two i lit i i i worthy parents will be together on j ty tne same puipit piatiorm ounaay for the first time. i to farmers, :e said, indicate a to mat ion quieting and pt-rocem- lo i or disastrous v.-- consequences. nflrviPHH rs GCk't i . HU Fill IE! S LA u afl jug us-n mm w BSD irv o am n ililU 'JOilOUO MiVil j the Brooklyn 'job,' he confided, Ipwas greatly disappointed at little we did get. This .was because! my partner did not carry cut my in-J j structions. I had ordered him to I jjumP over the rail the minute we I entered the place but he was an j ! amateur and wasted too much time, j ! It took him abGUt four minutes to j what money we did get ! ana i Hickory Chapter JNo. the i Arch aMsons, will meet 60, Royal tonight in special session tor work. All mem bers are urged to be at the temple at 7:30. By the Associated Press. Honolulu, '"dan. 03. Admiral Koi chat is reported to have escapcu from the bolsheviki and to be in hid ing in Manchuria, according to a Tckio dispatch to a Japanese news paper here. The social revolution which occurred at Irkutsk and which! ousted Kolchak, transferred the gov ernmental powers to the bolsheviki paper added- 1 j PICK up Markets iifor i i iilhl m ss imn ill K when it should not have taken more than a minute." "Who was your partner in the Brooklyn' robbery?" he was asked. L don't care to say. I , don't r . 1 1 acKs , derju 1 m ents Sixty-four fes ".mfl against nmelico City lrou'.i-ht i.cdinton. who are a - i.tr,., . imn .m active part By the Associated Press WiishinHton. Jan. !0 incidents of lvr.ni-mt.ir.f of trains in Mexico 1 lear are classified as serious in re ports recefved herb today. The incidents reported were chiefiy ?n tho northern part of the country land on the Mexican line between Mex "'lico City and Vera Cruz and on th "I want to implicate him. ried and I think by th left the country. I met COTTON By the Associated Press New York, Jan. 30. -The cotton He is mar-; market was unsettled during today's s time has i earlv tradine. The cables from Liv- hini first ! crpool were not so good and there 1M early OjOUU m money was pari j;OUt to farmers in this trade terri jjtory yesterday foj eggs by the Cif- tawha creamery company. Ah the fruit was not left in the nests in one day, of course, but represented one day's business. There were 4, 500 dozen eggs handled by the creamery yesterday. Hickory is one in Norfolk, Va., a short time belore ; was considerable selling on th.3 the Brooklyn 'job.' weakness of foreign exchange. Old Hamby said he had never had anvjcrop months rallied several points women accomplices in any of his vjo-ht after the call, but after selling :ie 1 1 " ho tl--. and A 1. 1,. l:. ')' gy 1 '' ' d'acr.;; t i i t.; cu' :a "h n. Th: !-: 'I'T it !..d k f n'lant-i biirig I) :. Aiftnethy, TI. fohn'son, mnr.ufaet- A. Cr-.-Arli ur.d .'. 11. iM.-:r:d ! LAM it is I C1 i n m rmt n MM mm a vm a n m nn sin i lb -oco t,l,,., hi,- 11 i!P'H"ir . 1 1 P. hi cum. an, msur- 1 i i::S01, ti'KiiiH, editor of gavag2 tiie robberies "oecause they talk too j at -47 or wjthin five points of much." The day he was brought to J yesterday's closing quotations, May Ping Sing the prisoner ..was ; asiced , eased otf 19 points lower, while Oc what "interest" he had in life. Hejtober reacted about six points below lighted a cigarette and watched the j vesterd; ,vs closi ng quotation, match burn itself down and out be- j 1 - fore he replied: PRODUCE 'The only interest a have is to see , , r that I spend the time from now until j Ege J- I go to the electric chair in smoking, Hens and roasters per ID 4c readin" and making myself comfort- Old Roosters, per lb 12c abki i know there is no possible I Country butter, per lb. 40c clnnce of acquittal. I am guilty Creamery butter, per lb. 68c and that is all there is to it." At! Pork (125 to 275), per lb 18c anotiter time le said of the largest United States. egg markets in the 1 H YORK i Ui B Vim id FORCED TO EE Belief that the influenza situation Catawba, county nas snowu ma- was ex iresssu in titi case. I, tr, i) 1. '')iri Adam.-, of Carthago isiin '. i it,., .i... ........ .-.l i 4 n'n I iivrrnvfTYl en u v .HtUI ' .IV 111 LlL.L.l ilUM. v . 1 - 1 . - oiiirv ri,n I t., nif htr V. IiCO. VV tJiiiMM' (Hk. . .T - , 111. superintendent or neau t. 4'ni.tli.iK t.:nrr.'id Oi the IJU 1UU1IV.1 - . r.t Long Island and Monbo and tne neeu mere i 5 1- t-nl-n rnrtf OT arge enoun ij patients. No deaths nave ,;ia bar-: At ,vi-,c. ri.,r. amV0A nnwdioro in the county. - tT - 1 1 - 1 tr nnv Influenza has not spiwu j Du-hii,i i ." i'1'0--01'1-! I'Y Attorneys A- Si-ir ,(,MHr.'-vl0 of Castcnia;" W; Iiiuii,:-! l.'t'Kovy. and Waverlv n!c. 1',. . , ' 'Jt-ifndantH are reprc-J principal Qii.i ;.!;s;:'''icyrf K. Childs, A.f corps lai of il, , A-.Jcr,a, R. J, JMaus- tho patl lheire is disease tt "l. IH . f I . . . l.lrif... lOlim 1 .1 . ..".-rc:,,,.,,. .,."- 'J- """I . ri I. D ."lU iV. 1). (j C. and Hofv of 4 1.. 11 1 . vn "Jtain .j i f" U'V' I:iuer nving n tl,' ihtl m.'c hy was elected h'' (,tin 1. ,",tllft representative. r'!(,ttii ,1 ,v. wus consumed in Seof H;IU7.a,Vl hearing the ithf' v;l'HU: :,'J,uintiff. The balance bh the trial 11 bo rc(iuired to fin- f olcpwbere in the ccunty. There are no new develop ments in Hickory, where four or live cases have been reported and there are about 18 cases m Nekton. The warm weather which permits people lo get out of doors has done much to check the disease,. Dr. Shipp said. ever bothers me at all. The sooner the end comes the better, ltfe im material to me. I'd sooner have it all over with than this fuss place is nice. Everything here is very nice. There' isn't anything I want thatl haven't-got here)." Judge Fawcett of Brooklyn, who sentenced Hamby, said he -was the 'worst" criminal of G.00G wdio had come befcre him in his entire career on the bench. Hamby's "philosphy of life" was embodied in the follow ing statement he made just before beting sentenced to'die: "It is nothing for me to die be cause I am coming back. It may take a few years or it may take several thousand year's, of course, but time does not count. Being brought into this world is like being placed in a class of small children, with each trying to compete with the other. Some' of us are success- ' lb. 17c GRAIN This j (Corrected daily by Horseford Milling Company) Wheat per bu $2.70 Corn per bu. . $1.90 Oats, per bu. $1.00 Rye, per. bu. $1.90 Cowpeas, per bu " $4.00 Weather By the Associated Press n Worcester, Mass., Jan. 30. Sergt. Alvin C. York, the world war's greatest individual hero, who is tour ing the United States in behalf of the Alvin C. York- 'foundation to found and maintain a school in the mountain sections of the south, was today forced to cancel his tour in definitely owing 'to an attack of appendicitis. He was stricken after his lecture in Boston Tuesday night, but spoke at the Rotary club lunch eon here yesterday. For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Saturday, no decided temperature change; gentle to moderate winds mostly north. fui and some are not. self I have 'flunked." As for my- FUNERAL OF MRS. JOHNSON The funeral, over the remains of Mrs. J. T. Johnson, whose death oc curred in )New Orleansi. was held from the First Methodist church I this morning in the presence of a .'large congregation of friends. Rev. P. W. Tucker, pastor of the First Methodist church of Newton, conduct ed the service, assisted by Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, pastor of the First Baptist church. Rev. W. O. Goode, pastor of the Methodist church here, was too ill to attend the funeral. There were many beautiful floral offerings. L ; :-. plants. . A. Martin told of a probable enterprise with a payroll cf be-ri-30 and $200 a day and an- enterprise that would spend be n ?50 '0 a d $75,000. j. rdi-aford discussed v. plants then brought up the or-osed I motor truck Jine to Boone, a ... umit j tee to consider which will be appoint j ed b:r the president. 1 T "IT- T" 1 1 11 1 I or I j . vv. i-iiaek welder discussed taxes l and insurance, saying he thought ail the automobile taxes should not go to Raleigh. T, A. Setzer said wdth a little as sistance a good jobbing house could be established here, as two or three men well qualified were desirous of going into this business. Mr. Set ter also said that a concern with a machinery plant sought to locate here. L. F. Abernethy told of an inquiry j he had received from a company that I O i IT 1 i I 4 manutacturea laundry maenmery mat wanted, to come to this section be cause of accessible lumber. Geo. E. Bisanar thought good reads:, hard surface roads, one of the greatest needs of the township and county at this time, John W. Robinson said he was in correspondence wdth the expectation of buying a carload of sheep to be distributed in the county and also brought up the question of a meat and milk inspector for the protection ef Hickory pecplc. The city can make requirements and enforce them, he said, and these would re sult in an improvement in the dairy herds throughout the county and section. Dr. W. B. Ramsay urged the nec essity of a belt line on which manu facturing plants could be built. This would avoid the necessity for plants tc go so far cast and west for location-. Ju L. Riddle thought a packing plant in connection wdth the truck line to Boone would be a good thing. K. C. Menzies said he would take stock in three new enterprises for Hickcrv this year and all would be good tilings. He urged everybody to pull together for the community. President Elliott endorsed the community building being planned by 1he Hickory post and on motion ef K. C. Menzies tho ' association pledged its moral and financial sup port. The directors present last night in cluded J. D. Elliott, Geo. F. Ivey, 4 N. W. Clark, W J. Shuford, J. W. Blackwelder, Geo. E. Bisanar, John W. Robinson, J. I). Riddle, S. L. Whitener. K. C. Menzies, P. A. Set zer, Dr. Vvl. B. Ramsey, J). A. Martin, L. F. Abernethy, C. IL Geitner President Elliott announced the following committees: Mcmbpshin and finance J. A. Mar tin, K. C. Menzies. L. Abernethy. Roads G. H. Geitner, Kj. C. Men zies, J. L. Riddle, S. L. Whitener, N. W. Clarli. New Industries 'Geo. F. Ivey, J. W. Blackwelder, P. A. Setzer. . Agriculture Jl. W. Robinson, W. E. Ramsev, J. W. Blackwelder. Legislation B. Bt Blaskwelder, Eubsrt Lyerly, A. K. Joy. Housing Problem C. H. Geitner, A. Alex. Shuford, W. J. Shuford. Transportation G. E. Bisanar, J. J. Willard, J A. Lentz. c m RAILROAD MAN DEAD Ev the Associated Press Denver, Col., Jan. SO. H. U. Madge former general manager of the Atchi son, Topekia and Santa Fe Railroad, and one of the best known rail road men in this country, died here today.