HicfpQRY Daily " Record . . I O . 1 1 , VOL. V. wu- HIUKORY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31, 1920 FRfCE FIVE CENTS BY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT DEMOCRATS ARE READY W Bf . 7 iMiilRlTv miflnnrn uM inAnhrh Senator Walsh to Introduce Motion for Com premise on Senator Hitchcock's Return from Nebraska Mild Reservation Republi- , cans Expect to Aid in Ratification related Tress Jan I ;i II . '. 1 . ''rt S'.l I. If'o'l ins ., c ;i a 'i ) cf tic hi-partian coa '. W;u :-cconip!isit5:;.r ves'.iUa M-op-.ri' (I Democrat i leaders in ' - . f . : . .. w ;;vnmi; jut reaciung a eom !. n tin- pence ticaty. ! Walsh, Democrat of Mon- !'' tu servo notice on the y tl at tha motim; will bo . s 'Ma! .or tiara- ndnrn '(::!, February 10 io t;i:e , Arrangement are -lie 'iftwe:! l)i Hifrra! . ;,nd ails of lite lv.ti:! v:.'crv;i .:! !') (Iran up plans of prc- t'Vt V.'f: c.pe. U':i : Kit ;r Hitch-en;-' lit for (h. i:;!::, r; be ! :i. how- or orsn i ill uLflU i i i " i Newton, Jan. 31. Deputy Sheriffs J, O. Gilbert and II. II. Sigmon and Mr. Tom Gilbert captured a good cepper still outfit last Sunday morn ing near the Bunker Hill place in Clines township. They also poured out several hundred gallons of beer which showed that it was about ready to be maqe up into juice. On Thursday night of 'this, week Sheriff Jchn A. Isenhower and his deputies, J. O. Gilbert, H. H. Sigmon and. Encch Sigmcn, located and cap tured one of the largest blockade stills that was ever found in Cataw Pa county;. It was located on the Elliott farm just across the Little Mountain in Mountain Creek town ship. The still was at least of a By the Associated Press . Chicago, Jan. 31. Indictments against 37 members of the I. W. W. were returned this morning by the special federal jury investigating rad ical activities. Chief among those indicated were William D. (Big Bill) Haywood, now under sentence to the federal peniten tiary. The indictments complete the work of the "red" grand jury. Last week the grand jury indicted 35 members of the communist party and 38 members cf the labor commu nist party. . The charges in all cases were for attempting to overthrow the govei ; .merit. The indictments of the leading Ag in the three radical organizations Schools, Churches, Amusement Places and Pub lic Gatherings Banned Until Emergency Passes Quarantine Will Remain in Force Until Council Repeals Ordinance made cf- pure copper The officer are the outgrowth of the sensational say that thev found ! "ew yeat's evc round UP in which and poured 'into the creek about 3,-ljf-C!!! Attorney Hoen anticipating uuu gallons of pure corn meal beer J-euerai autnorrues arrested more than It.. ifUt I''.,' By the Associated Press. that would have been made into the o-be-joyful" within the next fe us were g'Vvn as to the Y.! ui e program. Ji, v.aw. :eodvd bore ' h it Senator ... ...... ln...f .. i.,.,.l,i; 1...M .... "l Pari?, Jan. 31. Women relatives ! ttays and wouldl have brought sev- cf American soh'.iers who fell in ! cral thousand dollars in cash at the r.'.it hesitate to coins to j prices some people claim the juice ranee need. i tn;s count-y ;-con under plans per- ill' !; i'iue to .ivn.de i": waicn out u;v avecnt- i itcieti m i';'s city oaay. ignorance l-'rcnch language will be no .! ,i tliv- uium- 11 he known as the i woman :. clui. I 4 . . . i .. .1 ..... Ki..i i 4 .. i... i iii---.i:r:K. n, a ... , :.. 5 vv.ivr.. whie.i ' :m i csuj ie;i in i : . ., , .c n r,., -uivi i ne c:u win gei in loucn wnn soi- - iH- --:. ES IX STA'!"E (ucr v: i : I'c'al've Provide them wi-h i:n tt:i?ir arrivali com fcrtabie ruar- z-:-y.;h. Jaa. a t-.t-.i 0f :)ir itt?' ! ': I lavaa was repo;t?d to the fate Im;::'.1 r iralih l'viday, cove J -in:: ''iiar. d iv's deve'errnenti-;, aad rh:nvit:-.,- nr. increase of i!2 caaea over .I ! U) if. 's ( as;': .i) 'iau; .;t!ay previous day for " he largest in- va-s in tlie city ,.f A h'Vilit with a rt-f.cit of 2J2 new X'i; (' viiheut e.xci pticn reports n 'fiv:-' : fde tliat the caxos are of a ni'M wnbout complications, with Iittk put uin'ni;i and few deaths. In view t t. lies' reports, and the total if ci;se.; given as developing ;hc ,.wif;us day, Dr. W. S. Rankin, "fate liea.'rh ol'licer, again emphasised :!:'- f;u i. that theie ii no cause for Paris, help tevs in the ccat: them with 1. i ; :::...''... and passports, arrange visits !v ti'c prsfectura of relics and provide means by which hey may identify the graves. C1HI EXPECTS TO HOLD HIS JOB -Presi- i v.v. ar..l no reason to believe i1, ;;'ate ia to experience an- tir. v (.;!. leinie such as took a grear. ves d.uring the winter Ly the Associated Press San Antonio, Texan. .Isn. 31. dent Carvan'a has declared he will not transfci the governrent of oMxico to the pj-o'iiden'.ial cardiJate who will be "Vet rrl peat .T;.-lv. according to a cf 1 5T"v!f:-i r.n.'-v.age new.iiaper publish ed hc.e. h'S decl.-'re.l 14 states i li ,' 1 I t !-;;':. ; ;t-i rave new casca as follows, Ca r .". ur i :: Alamance, -1; Ale.:-can- whor.0 g- ?"5u:rs have joined in a cuit v. ''; i'i i tie, i(;; Carteret, 1; Catnw-- f".- a ( !twai i- n to agree upon a civ . 'h;Ml:am, 11; Chowan, D; i "Ur candidate f:'r the preajdency to be ...l A i? now bringing. it was- the largest and most com plete outfit the officers, have ever been able to locate. The officers tracked the wagons which had been going to and frcm the still house place to a certain party's home and found leaded on this wagon, one 60 .gallon keg, two 15 gallon kegs, one 10 gallon keg and three five gallon kegs which were all empty but shewed signs that they were being kept ready to be filled up just as soon as the beer was ready to be distilkd. The officers called at the house for the 'owner of the home but was old by the weman that he had gone .ut possum hunintg and had net re turned whereupon the officers said, "We will have to come in and look round. " At that time the man who was supposed to be out hunting jumped cut of the window in his night clothe-:, and made a direct shcot for the creek or branch which was close by and made his escape after being chased by the officers for at least a mile. . .The party is well known by the officers and" will i be captm-e-d in the near future un j less he still keeps up the pace he I was. going at the . time the officers saw him. 300 persons suspected of attacks up on the government. LLMJL Id 1 ML Ey the Associated Press Paris, Jan. 31. Included in the list of Germans whose surrender by the German government will be demanded the Echo de Paris says wil be former Crown Prince Rupprecht cf Bavaria Field arshal Duke Albercht, Field Marshal von Kluck, Field arshal von Buelow, Field Marshal Mackensen, Baron von Der Lancken, former civil governor of Brussels; Admiral ven Capelle, former minister of marine; find Field Marshal von Sanders, who commanded the Turkish armies- dur ing the WHY. By the Associated Press Dublin, Jan. 31. Manv Sinn Foir. i leaders were arrested in a big round jup early today. They were taken to I an. unrevealed destination. Seven of the newly-elected members of the municipal council were among those arrested. The military alone carried out the raid. The wife of one of them arrested was informed that the warrant for the arrest would be read when the prison er was taken to the barrcks. Cumberland, 2:i; For- . IV; i'ranklin Craavd'o, 4S, ''"!. 1: Halifax, 21 Gvanvhie. CudC.rd 1; Halifax, 7; ll.v,w.;,,d. Iredell, 5; Johnston, It; Lee, L), I.noe 1: Mitchell, SO; Nr w ilan ovir. l'; Northampton, 3 ; Pit1., Rob- liowan, 47; Kutheiiercl, 5 -yivania, M; Vash- V" h 'on it itutianal regime,' l.e d'apa'cii aaaa Iff QUI ei nnfr mmr n ti a m um ij tL w a n 3 1. UVL : ssi By l!s "if i wry, 'i Tran ,i. -.I, i. ;'.v Ashcvilie, '2'' 2; Winston. ' '''"'i'..d.'.ro, 3.7; iiigii Point, vi.'it'i . lit- 5 Is) LiUL'jyy Ey the Associated Press London, Jan. 31. The Moscow7 wireless service today transmitted ;,:, 2. I SF i CLEGS PI? nrin iri inninnu Pv the A:--aociatcd Press 'New York, Jan. 3.1. A plea that he;' husband's weeiheart. Miss Eme i;ne Knowk'S, a young English girl ami her t hve-menthr.-old baby, lie pormittetl l. land in this country has been made vo the immigration bu- n a u m n i y ji isLi!i i an extract of an article from shevik newspaper stating: "Only a few days ago Ruler Kolchak was hcisted on soldiers' bayonets." . cit. .3w -- i x bol- Supreme i t t I ULWLIB I LBIUUHSU OIL . ! I Seizing the bull Tempus by the forelocks or horns, city council last night ordered 'influenza cases in Hickory ajiarantined and closed up all amusement places, schools, churches and Sunday schools and places cf public gathering until such time as the physicians of Hickorjf shall deem it safe to lift the ban. The action was taken after Dr. H. C. Menzies, ciiy physician, and ether doctors had expressed the opinicn that by closing now the epi demic probably would be halted or at least prevented from doing major damage. Quarantine goes on at 6 o'clock tonight. Mayor Elliott called council to gether in special session on request of the physicians, and they were given the fiocr. Drs. Menzies, C. L. flunsucker, T. F. Stevenson, T. C. Blackburn K'. A. Price and J. II. Shuford all agreed that' prompt put ting on the lid now might prevent much sickness and several deaths. It was brought cut that not more than 25 cases cf the disease have ap peared in Hickory thus far and most of theije are in the suburbs. None are virulent. The ordinance govern ing the quarantine appears as an advertisement elsewhere in today's Record. Called upen to express his views. Dr. Menzies said that if it is the de sire of the city tc keep down an epi demic, action after it is actually up on us is useless, in which case he would advise keeping everything wide open. We may now be able to prevent it from reaching an epidemic stage, he said, as there had been only 20 or 1:5 cases reported within the week. Without restrictions the number may be 100 or more in an other week and then the flu would He did not be lli s i l In Washington by Mrs. Cora , - . Spikcr of Baltimore. f Aphevillp i Airs. Sri kor declared that she and . y , y . ; , . . ' ; . v Rnii-nr. wish ceased, also is J ?..r husband. "Percy K. Spiker, wish to adopt the child and also oiler Mrs Mr. W. S. Perry and son, Fred, of Winston-Salem arrived in the city yesterday, having been called here by the seriour illness of her brother-in-law, Mr. Clegg Perry, whose here. Mr. C. R Per- an uncle cf the de ceased, also is here. Cv the Associated Press Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. 31. Seven per sons are known to have bene burned to death early today when fire fann ed by a high wind, destroyed 15 tem porary residences occupied by employ es cf the Carnegie steel plani at Clareton, 15 miles from Pulsbarg. Two omce buildings also were burned. The Tiro, believed to hae. started in a building used as a kitchen, en tirely dest1-'..- ed the 15 structures m ;5 minutes. More thsr leO persons escaped frcm :-e burning building. LENOIR TAKES STEPS TO PREVENT SPREDA OF FLU By the Associated Press Burlington, Vtt., Jan. 31. More than a Deorc of persons were in- i v orl TirTnrm -f - v n crl nonnric? r C i li it .tvviwVA till V i V J V I O VJJ Llie, -I TJna-in.l wr'ro AwoA -f i S Preaa CVd'y Wll CI'C. - . i i t. V- "-lilt r - A. Vi,JL t.ti'A-U &A,, 1.11 J OrT m d , . : . . i i , : -. ?iv . . . (.raw i it.'.-.'- iiiw-j in'J iivur ov xc;l belov. 1 l .1 " . . -. . , ii ... ..I . . L i .,..r.nT.tih.A 4. tllA disease. If we do anything, he said, we should net wait. -r- -r i t .- I l ' V, T fill. I' I I ' I I -1 and island iiero drawbrutge, oU - , ' . -V , r-V "w vw iles north of here, at daybreak to- ! u'.: l. llmJ ay.- One sleewr went through the1wmt1 01 i J,io' tnouK in r,ew 10 k 1 u on: x iHCie cases r.avc ucveiopca in uie aihe length cf time. One who has 1 had the influenza is not immune, but immersed suddenly in the icy water, most of them clad in their night clothes, with the mercurv ero. Many were severely frost fore they were dragged out. accident w as- caused by said have to a split rail. ,, , )-gip--j. Blum hUmliu belovv be- TIvj been EU flflmiirin 1 u m 11 f Timrno 5 1 irn l 3 S3. v net 1 1 ? i Lcncir, Jan.. 31. Less than 15 cases of "flu" have developed here By The Associated Press Washington, Jan. 31. Enumeration of the nation's industries, including manulacturmg plants, oil wens, gas 1 wells and forests, will start March 1, 1 it vn Heartily endorsing what Dr. Men zies had said. Dr. T1 . - cker said that in the last thr-i'-.,ur days he I had had one to two cases; from 4 to o'clock ytsti.-.iay be had six new nes. The "lisease is scattered and he had several cases at Oxford Ford, at Brookford and other places. With nr restrictions, the flu would have a gi eater chance for spreading. Dr. Blackburn -aid he had noted six marked, case and he thought up close the best thing to do is to everything now. Dr. Steve; - . reeted a question as to the so of the disease here, whether it was local or brought to Hickory by outsiders. Dr. Menzies replied that the hrst cases came from out of town and the next case For the purpose of this census the country has been divided into 589 dis- vill be Mr. M. Clcgg Perry, one of the best Know-jo's a hon c now,, citienn of the eastern sec- 'h? a'iVv;' "n of Durke county, died in the ' tkh t Jil1'"'"" iKer Lospoial ao 7 o'elocr..ted an amdax th.it Ik wisnea 1.. ,:i,;; '; :. ' uti attack of ery- 'yl- 'l"-"0 rjjfi fi- . r-.triv-r-nr (i -t-lii'-H irnr raa'a''.enai wniea v. ere j'.'li' ,ir. sc.-ue time ago bv an in- !'il i:, .ii-J gangrene, which were '.v. An operation was performed , l7; h,M)e of saving his life, hue cr v f . . .... : 1 u.. i- WftMAN PREACH Eli WEST HICKORY CHURCH ''cm. ! t'aliif Miss Lottie Charlrs of Baltimore, mfnnf?oiist.. is in West Hickory, so ill that his case 1 .1 ..i.r' hn dolivorod a ser- frcm tae '".set.- j tho church of God before a f?'W Jnvci rani Vinn.-i C1,o ..r'.il . 1 1 ...... ....... . , 1 .ii 1 k.'. . . 1 . v 1 1 j . 1 i f 1 ior Cf.lil,! mi. r crwnf v. . , , Mr. v, : . , Those who have attenaea uie in"-; Miss ('hnrles is an eio- ournt and forceful preacher of the for his "ih.v it was seen 'e cover r. a son 01 iur. ana WHO !:r; Markets J announced today by Sam L. V, Tf.,.,,.,..i. ' Rogers, director of the census bureau. V' " many children bad it. Dr. Steven son expressed the belief that the dis . :e cannot be controlled thoroughly vi'.hr;t losing stores also, though the d:s.ase can be minimized by i CU t. - 4 U. ,.Un 1:. ..UllWfl .O- rf"! f 1 since Tuesday, according to reports rf nlivsifians- tn ihr town authorities. Thirty cases were reported on Tues-ricts and 1,200 enumerators day. Up until last night the total i cmpioyeu. number cf cases reported since the ,r . rutbreak on Saturday numbered 67. COMRADE ECKARD PASSES Most of tho eases are verv mild. ! Another Confederate answered t Thursday evening a joint meeting! st roll call when Mr. Wesley. U. j t t Rlueh cut cf the quarantine of the town commissioners and theickard, a prominent farmer o, iiiek-; k,frrc fcdt that was due to C- ;,ro sehool beard was held. Closing the ! ory -township, ' died at his home last j t, 'ess the se had made. Lv-rv ?n r;ICt: preach tonight and twice tomorrow .n taat ne Jlhct ubiic is invited to hear ncr ,p. Mi', Uuu- rt "lm.T l", ; . (, v,v( errv or VV Kiston-Samm it the h"ra? r f nr.olher .IV ry, rf Il'ckoi y. gas'H: a Two urviv I'.V hi : i-I'Mh Iru le r;.?' j) -c-..ir: was ,3'; yearf; of 1.". am! :.!r-? .'ai'dr ar.d tvva J i ,,; DEATH OF MR. HEFNER m.. enivin S. Hefner, one of i,,,f oijwnns of Clines township, COTTON Br the Associated Press New York, Jan. 3'i. The cotton market was comparatively quiet dur ing today's early trading, but prices showed a declinin gtendency on scat tered liquidation over the week-end, and there also seemed to bo some southern selling. Active months sold 10 to 18 points net lower -during the first few minutes. Open March 36.41 May 34.50 July - 32.43 Octotfer , 2D.75 he iDecember ; Close 36.00 34.02 31.85 jcho:l was not discusod, but plans to prevent the spread cf the disease night at the age cf 76 years, five months and 21 days. He was a good were taken up oy tne pnysicums j iarmer aim sLe-i-jnig euien, a vu:i The rssult of the meeting was the j ant soldier in the civil war, and had appointment of each physician in 'hosts of friends in this section. Mr. the town as assistant municipal j kckard was married three times ana nuarantine officers to work with Dr. Wilson, quarantine officer, in trying is survived bv a widow and several children. The funeral will be held to keep any suspected exposed cases i tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock from quarantine. ' St. Stephens Lutheran church and Town authorities have put the lid j will be conducted by Rev. E. J. Sox. on bay rum and alcholic extracts - . that have been sold as whiskey sub- j ALLOWED MORE TIME stitutes. An ordinance prohibiting j Ey the Associated Press the rale in anv one day to any one! Paris, Jan. 31. Hungary has been person of more than two ounces of; allowed additional time to consider physicians there i Day rum, lemon, vannia ana otner : tne peace uuaty suunuueu uj ll f virulent cases, then tne way Zo extracts has been adopted. Anyjtied powers. the Hungarian dele-: fp tu c:r,read i- to stop congregat - gation was informed today that thcj;n jle favored ciosivr as many place closed, Dr. Stevenson agreed, would shut off a few cases, and wculd be that much of an rid. Dr. Price, in saying that he did not- believe the occass-ion was seri ous encugh to take alarm, neverthe less urged restrictions. He did not believe this was comparable with the former epidemic in violence. Dr. Shuford said he was not ac quainted with the situation well enough to ei: press an opinion, but went cn to give the results of con gregating on the spread of the dis- ease, it in tne opinion 01 me is sufficient number 2,l,Ir.nJd o'l" onvly this morning at the age of T 'm1 years; He was a Rood farmer Pore M.i' ,Jcah . ,. .;., had manv d had many Hickory. ever be from of l:uth,rfrd C(,!ltl M iMount Zion Lutheran church, 2! ;"f.t in Buncombe Catawba which" hcs il ( !'-zen e counties for mere than V; 1 vt Tf. i lejicli..,. I1U was a trosu jF --"d a splendid man. Dur-ir.e- , 1 7r''niv' engaged in farm llo ri! mc vas a happy one. monv "il I'-'or cf Mount Har countv f 'U,0,,,st church, Burke h? c ui, ?n vhith th funeral will Mr this afternoon by Ref. a-sist Hi " KlltVsrford. College, Hick. PORTUGAL TO TAKE 6EM1 PROPERTY PRODUCE Egge per dozen 55c Hens and roasters per lb. 2 4c adopted. Any ; lied powers. The Hungarian . ..j 1 : ..... i r.r..n. in ti r. t-n-Vrwn- rr 4r,AntT thnf rilfi Oft "O CeiliUIl XOUtlU UU11LV Ol VlUItil.iJ.ij4 U'.J.i KaWUll V U.-i miuiiucu Luuaji i. ih.il hk, ..ryrr ogco ! ordinance and convicted before the j time given it to make observations re-: public places as possible. ' ' " j mayor "shall" be fined $50. jgarding the. peace terms had been ex-: Dn Menzies, referring U ! Bay rum, extracts and some pa-: tended to I'eoruary lz. tent medicines have been used here j 0 , quite freely to bring on the desired; PAY TRAVELING EXPENSES feeling. The use of it has grown so j By the Associated Press Old Roosters, per lb. 12c , , vi pr!siVplv thaf. th town commis-1 "Wfishintrton. Jan. 31. Former ser ... jn.. ' ' 'I . . - a - - ' . . . . Country cutter, per id. uc Creamery butter, per lb. 68c Pork (125 to 275), per lb 18c Pork (under 125 and over 275) per lb rdoners are making an effort to break up the traffic. Mr. Harrison Winkler is confined 17c i to his home with the- influenza. airy. By the A ,,K.in HEHT Riven Z ' un- Official figures l1 (M,t ,Jilay.,sll0w that the nation 00,000 pou11 J lfJ20, was 7,481,- Bv the Associated Press. Whin,non. Jan. Sl.-Koservat, n. on tne treaty jx vv-ow .; Portugal would have the right to take German, property m this coun try for looses during the war were in cluded in the terms laid down by the foreign minister. GRAIN (Corrected daily by Horseford Millin uompanyi Wheat per bu $2.70 Corn per bu. $1.90 r no $1 on VytlLS, M- t - t e-4 tr Rye, per du. $.yu Cowpeas, per bu $4.00 Weather ! ; I ... . ! . . . i ni in.rnrtrtnrtnTT-niir.nl- in Bl3sKl 4BI8BI BiCIS 1ISHC1 I 1311 kFU 1 iiiqiiisiii1 dhh m a m a m n h 1. a d s .1 t yjff ur W KB yaf B H h mum umm ; j . ' - ' " -- ! it nnni mi e Tnna fl H I Hi l 8 I BfiinW f tt UUUW HILL IUU.1. I 1 i vice men undergoing vocational train ing will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in traveling under a decision announced today by the war department. iLIEII 1! T For North Carolina: Cloudy to night and Sunday, northwest winds fresh to strong on the coast. 1 I i By the Associated Press Chester, S. C, Jan. 31. Fire cf un- I determined origin caused damage es timated at $50,000 to cotton the ware house of the Arcade Mills at Rock. Hill, S. C. early today. points brought out by the other doctors. said the disease becomes milder and as warm weather approaches dies out. He thought every day the disease was delayed was so much gained and declared that if we had 200 or 300 cases, there would be no use of quarantine. The pneumonia period is worse in January. February and March', and he thought there wculd be little danger in March if the disease were checked now. He suggested that the quarantine not b made definite, but that council ex tend it or life it in the discretion oX the beard. Sanitary .drinking cups at foun tains were urged by the physician. r.V.ildvrn are urcred to keep of j the streets and people generally are S requested not to congregate in DIRECTOR OF FAIR tBy the Associated Press. Vienna, Wednesday, Jan. 2b. JJis- j patches from Bucharest state that the j bolsheviki are waiting at the frontier , to offer peace terms to Rumania. If j In the list of directors of the Ca the terms are refused, the advices say, j tawba Fair Association, the name of the soviet troops will advance. Mr. E. L. Moose was omitted.