MECORB V0L, V. NO. 121 HICKORY, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS r MUCH INlfcKtdl MiUWN N HARD SURFACE ROADS Cities on Western end of Central Highway Endorse $50,000,000 State Bond Issue for Road Improvement--To Hold Series of Meetings Soon DEATH RAT E FQRIHINES TO 1 191 8 HIGHEST 1 ANSWER TO I RECORD ! MEN KE LODGE TO CALL TREATY UP 1 SENATE MONDAY )', ions from and the ,,!' mmerce 1 1 good roads I I i, knl'V I IKinUKM the Marion Board Moiganton Chum hold a conference committee of of Commerce By the Associated Washington, Feb. rate in trie United was the highest on Press 2. The .death! States fcr 3 918 j record, according By the Associated Press I Washington, Feb. 2. An answer to the wage demands of the 2.000, 000 railway emnlcvcs made last Jn- ,ti i i 1 l n 1 1. 1 tutors' room of the First Umk this morning and out-: s for pu-.diing the pro- i -"0 000.000 state bond issue! sard r'urfat'o roads. The meet-! i. i . , it-present ing the 1 M-ilios of three counties, unani v endorsed the project:,, and ; v t i 1 1 v agreed to hold asscin-' the vjiuou:'. towns and Vim al highway in enthusiasm for good tli cities older rv.vds. . .1. i). Elliott, president of the v ( 'handier fo Commerce, pro u r the meeting here, and M .-. Sp.dni.uir ; :i" A3oi antou an:! I.. .3. I. Culler of Marion ;he prinicpnl siiokisiiit'ti front ( it i.'s. Both Marion -jud Mm -, ,.r. e'. ;cd the proposed I (.) h) l.e.nd issue rnd each, , pecified herd-? urfaco roads. proposed only to hoid . at ail tb i.niicrtant Liwm. l !: ( eiitral highway, but b : g. :.e..d meeting at (ireons a later date, to which all SEVERE EARTHQUAKE REORDED TODAY Ly the Associated Press Washington, Feb. 2. A very severe earthquake lasting more than two hours and centered be tween :,:?Q0 and o,S0C miles from Washington Was recorded early today at Georgetown university. The shocks began at fi:42 a. m., reached the maximum at about 8 o'clock and ceased about 9 o'clock. to the census bureau's mortality statistics made public today, which show 1,471, 3G7 deaths for "the year, representing a rate cf 18 ner 1,000 I pcpolat ion. I Of the total deaths 47,4G7 or over 1 32 per cent were due to influenza or i nnecincnia, .',80,900 having occurred I in the last of the year when the in I fluenza epidemic was most serious. ! The rate for influenza and pneu jmonia.was 583.2 per 100,000. I n jfiusnza caured 244,681 deaths and ; rneumonia 232,786, showing- rat as of ;2S; and 284.3 per iy. the highest i pea red for these ly will by Di officers confer- 100.000 respective tes which ever ap-causes. be given tomorrow j rector General Hines, .said ! of the brotherhoods here in ( nee today. There is no intimation as to wha ; sne government's attitude would ; unt it was said today that the ans j wer would be "definite and final." ; This action probably will be the last j under government control, which ; e.iulc March 1. The delay has. been j due to the government's efforts to j work out the high cost cf living. I 1 It' was not stated whether Mr. ! Hines would fail to negotiate furth i or whether the government would !,if fuse to grant the increase. Anticipates Action of Democratic Leaders to Bring it Into Open Tuesday of Next Week t Means Long Period of Wrangling Move Not Expected by Democrats ! w, 8 H II III I... 6" 5. Il!3 I II IM I IIS im I UIinilULU MB unuiiBLi ARE KQW IN EFFECT I" l j HOUSER AT LIXCOLNTON IS AWARDED VERDICT OF $2,000 'nv: ted. p 'opie in the state The o'viv-ct r.-iw is intere.-d in nr'-'-iding io .r .-o.dem of ve;il highways, (ntinties east of (Jrcen.sboro t o 1 . Lincolnton. Feb. 2. Following an ! all night session the jury which heard j the damage suit of S. O. Housei- vs j nine prominent business men of Lin-! icointcn returned a verdict at 8 o'clock I Sunday morning awarding S2.000 to I the plaintiff. Houser was suing for $100,000. During the war he alleg ed he was made to salute the flag and I read , a public apology in the Lincoln- ton public square. o bOW EST DT Til a i 0 TO; ! i i By fhe Associated Press Washington, Feb. 2. Cabinet changeswere the order of the day here today. Carter Glass secretary of the treasury, relinquished his post to succeed the late Senator By The Associated Press 'Washington, Heb. 2. Countering: the Democratic move to take up the neace treaty again in the senate. Republican leaders today announced that they would formally ask to bring the treaty up for debate next Monday, one day earlier than plann ed by the Democrats. The development was regarded as practically another dong period debate in the senate. In giving the notice in the senate, Senator Lodge, the Rpuublican lead er, said he would first ask unani mous consent for consideration. 'I trust," he added, ''that unani mous consent certainly will be given. In case it is net. I shall makp'- I n. in tin arc Hi! le funds nhans i t : : 'i i; i'.' is . :. , ;u! t .- iov inter, Li m I i'iid it is belieo'ed that i v- ci' uii-ity in in Mor head City to.tthe 'lM ',"" e line will he on hand when th.. islatui e n.etts with a strong at n il urging the io:m issue. ! ne t.".e nieetirg toiiay sluwen e.-.thuiastic. The , n . i a . Iv.'inS ,.i llil'i iCrUOll ol itv staie v.'il' a;.':reo on a suitable time for a :rih.- ol' nieetine,s and delegates will .(lend from oach town or city. New !(.;:. MnrganLc; n, Marion and oilier ci. ;.', ;ce 'jH';:ti'd to st ml delegates to liii'Lory for the meeting to be held lu'iv and attend similar meetings ;it Statewide and Salisbury. Marion was represented at the tirie: today ny itayor sutler, an. 1.7 I. Lu'usford, secretary r.f tin- lloat I .f Trade. Fi( m Morgantoii die re were ires-nt Mm J. F. Spain Inin. Mr. A. C. Chaffee, president of tl.e ( hainber tf Commeice, and Mr. I. S. Colrjrn, secretary. The Hicic . ry Ci::iiii be of Commerce road t'om mi; to. present were President Eliiott, h' h ;. (;o. F. lve'. (k H. (ieitner. .1. W. Ii!:,ekweldcr. S.. L. Wldlener, K. ill .!r W. Clark. J. L. Riddle. 1 K. C. Menziei- and Secretin .Serr.fV, .by. The campaign to raise iiie relief of Armenian : gins today. Catawba tvun.ty , been allotted forty-two orphans, the basis of support is $60.00 crplun. Sixty dollars simply plies food for one child for cne year i,ri our American orphanages in the Near East. The total amount ask ed from Catawba county is S:Jr20. Mr. George II. Bellamy, state chairman f r the NorthCarclina di vision of the Near East Relief, has asked Mr. J. I). Elliott to serve as chairman for Catawba county, and he. in turn, makes a public piea for this wo-thy cause. In order that the general rmblic may b informed about the disposi 4 r-i d' t'n funds t b ? raised, Mr. Elliott asks and answers some ques-.')- t hat wiil give the desired in fo? ir.a i i' n : 1. Due;; money contributed reach. A 'mcnia - ai the present time" Si ate facts concerning method o ti ansportal irn. Answer: Relief readies the Near East at present by two methods: (a) By the shipment cf cargoes of supplies directly from America to Cor.! .'.'.iPino'de, Batoum and I for P' EJlCUFiiD I FIMBE W T)er , , I sup-1 ' j , i i Ev the L'aris, Associated Press Feib. 2. The list , i By the Associated Tress Paris, Feb. 2. Lieutenant Far,1-:, ( an Austrian who during the war wai. employed in a bank hero and report ed to the Germans points at which' shells of their lonf.1; range gun fell, was executed today. A Gorman spy was aiso to have been executed, but at the last moment ' made revejaiioi-s to the authorities" and hi.-; death was stayed 48 hours. ft of Ger- to be demanded by the allies am: P'aee.l on trial charged with violation?, of the laws of war will probably be givevn to the Germans here tcday, according to a local newspaper. It is expected Germany will resist this demand, the news paper says, and that the peace con ference will probably be forced ' to consider .'future wiction and at 'the .same time examine different condi tions of the armistice and peace treaty. JFDGE HARDING ABSENT, NO COURT AT Martin ofVirginia. David Franklin Houston, who has I necessary motion The announcement apparently took the Democrats by surprise and the Republican leader was asked to re peat it. Senator Ashurst, Demo crat of Arizona, asked: mini.1 U i tveas been secretary of agriculture, since the beginning of the Wilson ad ministration moved over to the isury building, and Edwin T. Meredith of Des Moines, Iowa, be came head of the department of agriculture!. Mr. Meredith, the new agricultural department head is the editor of "Successful Farming" and president "Why withhold rot move to take 'T have given the matter rration," replied Senator it so long? Why it up tomorrow or was appointed succeed William ai! cf Associated Advertising Clubs of; "Many senators are absent the World. Secretary Glass about a year ago to G, Me A doc. 0 IJt-i desire to v. In view of v ie. if sly by th H5 DIES IN NE WYORK . R. M. Isaacson of New York,! formerly Miss Blanche Beck, daugh-: ter cf Mr. J. D. Beck of Hickory, died last night in New York after' an illness of double penumonia. The ; debate would facilitate agreement on funeral will take place in New York i article ten and the Monroe doctrine, after the arrival of relatives from': hewevcr, was regarded by many sena hcrcj. Mrs. 1" siaacscsi visited in ' tors as remote. consid Lcdge. and I until they rturn." the notice given pre Democrats that thov would move to take the treaty up Tues day of next week, it was predictede thr.t little opposition would develop anvwherc. . Democratic and Republican sena tors are preparing to consider reser vations. The possibility that own Newton, Feb. .2 Some uneasiness y. as expressed here-, this afternoon when Judge W. F. Harding cf Char lotte, wh'o is to preside over this term of court, had not appealed. Hickory a year or had many friends ..pent her girlhood, by her husband, Mr and : more ago nere wnere sne She is survived . II. M. Isaacson Th. jjde.o ia--a. prompt,, individual, t h FUNERAL OF MR. PERRY HELD SATURDAY AFTERNOON The funeral, of,. Mr. Clegg i v. . wliose death occurred Friday nij ? ; was neui Saturday V ; o'clock from Mount i dist church, Burke afternoon at Kurmeny Meth: county, in large number of so Ti s: ia, and usually is cn hand early7: Mondey morning. Sheriff Isonhow-1 er will iihone to Charlctte this ac-j $ ).'iicon to learn whether Judge Harding is sick. The general opin ii n is that the pjresent term of court ! should he postiioned. of New York, her father and step mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beck of this city, brothers, Mr. Daniel F. Beck if England, Mr.- Grady Beck of - New York, J. D. Beck, Jr., of Hickory and two sisters, Misses Ce. ri te la and Areola Beck cf Hickory. ' Misses Xaptola and -Areola Beck will leave this afternoon for New York to attend iho funeral. now under quarantine. 8 fi USE 1 rowing menus ana relatives. i ne deceased was 39 years old, was edu cated at Rutherford College and had Beirut jbeen a school teacher in Burke, Bun - By the transmission cf funds i combo and Catawba counties tor more o'n-i cf casii- appropriations ithan a dozen years. lie was one ox made dh ecllv to out-managing dircc-jtne finest .young men m this section ifa in tbo T?iis:-.i.?i Cnncasiis. Con- and his death caused much distress Newton tiit n (".ugh t;ie imiuenjia is i c-d as serious. The rmblic have closed and the churches not regara- sci tools did not TRIED open yesterday. IT 4 I :ie LSI U! UHLL fnhuti' i I -!-'rt.i-"-.rJ, Beirut 'and Persia, the! among a large number ot Inencss. ! Nrw ' York Executive Committee re- Sir. Perry is survived by his par" ! . ... , . ., -' . 1 i i. t i tf t nr r. jAir:... in -,' audited reports ot me ms- crus, inr. ami ivirs. j. m. x-errv oj. m- n of re'ief fi-em cah of eur , ston-Salem, by his wife and three e!f rating centers. !.childrcn, and also by two brother.. 2. Can any particular orphan oc rd opted? Arswer: The committee sent a representative to the Near A I !' I :e il.ottretivi telephone rail.?, an i-- ' id ::,0)0 wVt-i' Frid:iy were .rred by 'i e,(, n' i. i.'ii5 i v, 1 1 r 1 1 1 n-O 1 . i i iva.-'on assigned was tne l -at inn as a result of th 11 t . .. nuii'iiav, ii was enucuneen Tin- fKeiai Robert 1 l . J JT ami i wo sisters ivir Perry of Hickory, Mrs. R. C. Perr Winston-Salem, Mrs. H. C, Berry Burke county, a twin sister, and Fleta Perry of Winston-Salem. Rev. Mr. Clegg ot-Rutherford M. of 01 Y-v.vX to consider the iiossibdity ot X: i.yning a particular orphan to a te local exchange . particular contnouumi. nanjruiu i iw ar,d iev. w. .R. Bratlshaw tosiav.! renditions an t the continuous intlux i Hickory conducted tne service. ext-rajof new orphans make this at present j -m1'oo1 , imnrac! icable. l . tt i ! h,.!v;,..' ti,.-, i'5iw ihiv had. V!hy is the werK in tne in ear .i., -. -.ii. ' i Fast not carried on bv the R "Id. .1 I , I1' V, till it j Thi i'.crea'.,e in calls swamped thej dlSS Col- YOUNG TEACHER IS BURNED TO DEATH Bv the Associated Press Tlcekv Mount. N. C, Feb. 2. Miss Alice McCoy, 19 years old, of Bur g;;w. N. C, a teacher of the Bunn school of Nash county, suffered burns at an early hour this morning from which she died six hours later. Ac cording to reports, she had gotten un to take some medicine, and was stand ing by a fire in an open grate when the garments she wore caught lire. She ran out into the yard before help could racb. her. Miss McCoy was a daughter of Frank McCoy, a prominent Pender county farmer. j FUNERAL OF COMRADE ECKARD I ode, ,i L wvvi ..f.'iiri" lange and ma many connections, it it. :n little unnecessary in oi-lcr that ucccjwaiy ; exc for quick tl.M.-. ! ,t !-. .... m1- i f A-r .). VV.Il.V IS Illl' ttl,ll ILL ll,v; Fast not carried on by the Cross? : Answer: Our ccpimittec has al- j OUSiiies.i nouhv. I--' i,, , . i . u xv.:.-i lif'A v.icss ixr.n t vii tnv in iuu j i-r t !io o-reatest activity of the Red j Cross th I fnr.tinue i because of tne work which it had ai ! ready dene, the fact that the per i son n el were already on the field that: it was a distinctive type of work ivhirh mieht require ccntinuance. ie it i in - , IS Ulgon talkiiu:: calls may be Markets er;' id to rromnt v. r i The llieitcry electric lias ordered i'w cquipmc'iit and it will be install ''I in tiie new exchange as soon as the ''iiMing to be erected is completed. It requires eight months to recsive ; - enjer of equipment, it is said, and 'luring thn war not an additional .'hour could be installed unless by M".'ial permit. In consequence of 'If ui tailinent of service, exchanges j"- 'I'vwimo are run down move or and a l aic i; yiag to d ij.rove at cliee. Winn the nr'.v "ikr" ! -nl..i,'?'l 'ii' Hickory compenv - i'.! be in po.d tlJ'i to take on' d ff i'"W Mitn.ns. In the meantime sub iher.s are urged to bo as c'nider 'te as pomsiMo ' ln one- ators. COTTON New York. Feh. 2. Tlie cotton committee was urged to j market opened steady at an advance its work in the Near East I - 45 to 50 ucints in response to re latively steady cables and covering by some of -Saturday's sellers, who were probably influenced by the streng market and a more favorable view of neace treaty nrosoects. Consequently the Red Cross ad-j March gold up to - 36.10 and July to ministered its funds largely through j 31.9G -cn. the-call, but there was a re thc Near East Relief. The present 1 .;cticn inspired by a general Vv-eak- 1 1 A large congregation attended the j 'funeral Sunday morning- at 11 o'clock 1 ! over the remains of Mr. Wesley D. IjEekard, who died Saturday morning at jhis home in Hickory township at the age of 75 - years. St. Stephens Lu theran "church, where the service was conducted by Rev. E. J. Sox, was crowded with relatives and friends. Mr. Eckard was a w?ell known farm er, a veteran of the ,war between the states and a good citizen. IJe is sur vived by his widow7 and several children. FOUND ABANDON S MILITARY PLANS By the l.otHli.M, ;Wtes at lain Associated Tress. Feb. 2. Tlie bolshevik del Dorpiat declare that Po ms abandoned hcv m1ifirv nfrn- ion,-, i:gairist Russia, which were e followed iiy a simultaneous at ' , k ' :i oscovv and Kiev, according 0 !l (Hitral News dispatch from Re-'-'"day. Poland has taken thi3 "uisc. 1, ,..,,!., t.'..l :.. 1 ...Ml- v i,,ii,r,,:, : u vv , l i i n 1 1 T . 1 . . . . 1 . . a . T?ro"Tam 01 Ine ieq ia-ss itwuLta its war budget to a peace time basis and consequently eliminates an en-.r-vc,i program which would make i: 'pe.'.sible for them to handle such ( iidiLicns as at present exist in the Near East. .. , ' . ' How long will it be necessary to hc!n the people in the Near East? Answer: Providing the political ! conditions become settled. Near East ' Tf Hcf will cease its emergency work r.f ter the harvest of 1920. However, ;i will be compelled to continue the maintenance cf the hospitals and the orphanages after this date. m tt : n. Koaia fry rhp sim- .). now is . . port of orphans determined? Answer The amount asked for bv Near East Relief for the support of an orphan is based upon the actual cost as reported by our various relief stations. It is possible to Minniv food at $5 per month: food. .1 ,:.- nnd shelter at, iu per nionthf food, clothing, shelter education at $15 per month. and FLU SITUATION Influenza made rapid headway in Hickory and vicinity, yesterday about" 50 new cases being reported !,.,, honti ordered etuaran- l Iut oiler to place her arms and faincd and the officers were Dusy piac "aiUOl1 at nl Ir,1ol Alan, at Reval at Poland's disposal, ing signs. 1 1 ncsr ci ioreign exchange and gener-; al business conditions. March and July broke with active old month crop positions selling 15 to 25 points below Saturday's close. PRODUCE Egge per dozen Hens and roasters per lb. 24c Old Roosters, per lb. 12c Country butter, per lb. 40c Creamery butter, ner lb. 68c Pork (125 to 275)7per lb 18c Pork (under 125 and over 275) per lb. 17c MUST PROP SULTAN : FOR SHOUT TIE 1 RALPH. H MERCHANTS ARE TO BE By the Associated Press Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 2. The cases against the seven Raleigh merchants under indictment for alleged profit eering in the sale of sugar will be j called for trial in federal court to- j Connor's charge to the '-rand iury ! ,V e tcday, it was announced by District Attorney Aydlett. . .ay-" By Hip Associated Press Washington, Feb. 2. A renewal of senate debate on the peace treaty next week was regarded as virtually assur ed today when Republican leaders de cided to join with the Democrats in the movement to bring the treaty back into the open senate. Senator Lodge, the Republican lead er, planned to give native today that he would move next Monday to suspend the rules and proceed with the treaty. The Democrats already had announc ed their intention to bring tiie treaty up Tuesday of next week. In the fcrm proposed by Senator e, t motion will reciuire a two- thirds majority, but the general pre diction is that more than that ber would support it. Not HICKORY TELEPHONE CO. IS CHARTERED By the Associatetl Press Raleigh, N, Cl, Feb. 2. Charter-, granted bv the secretary of state to day include: . Southern Cigar and Tobacco Com-! pany, Hi'h Point, wholesale and job-j him business in tobacco. Authoriz-j ed capital stock $100,000, with $1,100 subscribed. Hickory Telephone Company, Hickory to operate a telephone sys tem for Hickory and Catawba county. Authorized capital $300,000 wich $1,500. subscribed by k- A. Martin, Geo. N. Hutfc.n and K. C. Men zies, all cf Hickory. TO TRY KOLCHAA' WCUid SC. ITU1 h on n uni on ly these who favor the treaty in form vote for it, but some of i c-cor.cilables would vote to put the f loo;-. Should Senator Lodge's motion fait, however, the moiicn of the Dem ocratic leaders the1 fed lowing day would need only a majority to pass j ii, nariy leader s say. The Dem ! ocrats contend that no suspension of j the rules would :be necessary to be j upheld by Vice-President Marshall. 1 Upcn appeal from his decision a I majority only wiil be needed to su:j- him. a Born to Mr. daughter. and Mrs. Edgar Lytle, Bv the Associated Press London, Fe'o. 2 Formation of a tribunal at Irkusk to try Admiral Kolchak, the former head of the all Russian government:, says a dis patch from a town in Manchuria. QLKR GI'T LOUP Ml j Syracuse., N. Y., Fe'.i 2 Sher i man J. Lowell, master of the ra ! Lional grane-e, in a statement given MEETJNGC CALLED OFF j out here today declared that it was Owine- to the influenza situation. I the belief of the farmers of the 1 I 1 -. -TT-l !. J '1.J.J1 By the Associated Press London, Feb. 2. Temporrary . au therity is essential to the sultan of Turkey and he should be allowed to remain in Constantinople as caliph of the fatithful, according to Enter Ali, Indian privy councillor, who for ail the meetings scheduled- at Trinity church this week have called off, it was announced by C. R. W. Kegley today. a h Hole? i Cf.untry that the been Rev. years has Bengal. held army offices in DECLARE PEACE GRAIN (Corrected daily by Horseford Milling Company) Wheat per bu .S2.70' . Corn per bu. $1.90 I By the Associated Press. nefc pv hn ci no I London. Feb. 2. Peace was defi- Rye per bu. : $1.90 ihiteiy concluded this morning between Cowpeas ptr bu $1.00 i stnonia anu tne Russian soviet gov- Weather ernment, is i less dispatch from this afternoon. Moscow received For North Carolina: Cloudy to night and Tuesday, not much change in temperature; fresh north to north east winds on the coast. LOST SUIT CASE CONTAINING Ladies wearing apparel between M. H. Moose's residence, 11 avenue and Frank Moose's at Henry River. Finder" retuin to Record office or Frank Moose and receive reward, 2 2 3 Marriage This Afternoon A marriage cf interest to their many friends will take, place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Epis copal church when Miss Neva Ed misten becomes the bride of Mr. Robert L, Smith. Rev. S. B. Stroup will officiate in the pjresence of a few close relatives and friends. INSURANCE MAN DEAD By the Associated Press. Summet, N. Ji., Feb. 2. Frederick IF Shipman, treasurer of the New York Life Insurance Company, died here today. cmv tne cost o living was to be willing to do amount cf work and hour week would not United States. way to reduce for every one a reasonable that the 44 even feed the or the Associated Press dand, Ohio, Feb. GERMAN .MERCHANTS LAND Bv the Associated Press New York, Feb. 2. Several German ; old, were among the merchants who ar-1 Paterson, N !-y Clevevland, Ohio, Feb. 2. Police tcday were seeking a man in a United States navy uniform as the of Fi-ances Altman, 22 years 1 1 M T-V " -t t 1 1 a Mioru3 girl 01 rnuaaeipnia or J., the - fifth murder 1 slayer rived here today on a liner from Co-! victim here in four clays. The vo penhagen and Shristiana. The shin! man was also known as Mrs. Frances encontered unusually severe weather, j Altman Stockwell. .Her body was T ' 1 found yesterday afternoon in the By the Associated Press ! snow in a vacant lot and lay un Lcndon, Feb. 2. A bolshevik up-1 identified in the county morgue until rising is repci-ted to have occurred i this morning-. She had been with a at Tif lis and Ukais. Both cities are ! burlesque opera company, declared to be in the hands of the She was last seen alive Saturday reds. . night. .-,...'; .t. , - -i

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