4 VOL V. NO. 121 RDS SOLO i,n, Feb, "-.At lie intor ,i jidulii-y show recently hold !i.t.!i Squat o Garden, New v,,i- mi xhUIt made ly the, ,t i iI ina buys and girls club;-. ul ten single ccmb Rhode I Kni cockerels, exhibited by 1 I l... !t,... !....!. v.-. ii.'.i-1'1 1 1', mil ji.wl'it, owner of the Giralda ;u!'i v,iil head her flock of 200 vujtlt s. -VI t... Dodge is the ; r U'Jliani Rockefeller, and : , f .h-ha D. Rockefeller. ? n.;. c innb llho.de Island Reds .. by Mi Dcrothy Votint. -. Koutc No. 1, I.incojn eoun i, t; show the quality of Mr. Oliver selected-to represent. .. . I 'd girls club work, and e !.: i . I i....: .IT MM: , ", i 1 1 ' I I TP- CI '.ii riis uii'.v iii i; juuuucuij; , in.',', ruction. nvle comb red cockerel that ,'u in the upon das;; was pur- . ! hi' Girn'dn Farms. This ,i vv . : raised ly Ralph J ,utz of . s. Milton Wh lienor, a gradual.: ( ,ii,(V.).; College of the class of h.. i been appointed, assistant . di he foi viaid movement' , i. '( to inac ?.j nod M Whale . . . v . .1 . I'd tit iumv ui :u :ivvna county. , b.Mi preaching' in Virjrii'da. manner of voars. There wrtl ' classic at Salisbury t'iii.i". tn plan for the forward rnove- It Ml f ipa:;',n. tne wno:e cnv.rcn , ,, , : ., raisj! SIO'J UO'.'.OOO payable ,., Vc.c s, for education, missions, (i:u;cii e.aen.sif.n and mii'dscrial rcdief. (;., p.it t.. be received by Catawba MI y is .i 00,00(1. Pledges will i3 : n in . pi il. ('. Sai'rit, a student of Cataw 1,; ( ', li'yv, who was recently cperat- kI i.m ii! aqendiciti.t at Salisbury, icnoiuil as ueiLiny, iiionj;- iucei. Hi! ,V 1 SOOll I C i'llll! Ul ICIUIU will soon be able to to ,i.'" work ai the college. Miss Fstello llituhav leaves to luiv ft i" t Iii' uoithern market to pur-rh:.-e ?;i"d;; for the P. O. Carpenter .st oi e. -.. ( II Ahl.E.NCK FROM THE WEST (Jri-pnshorii News."' ' " i Ikfore the editorial suffffestion of ! ... :....u..i:, ftr. ; ti'-entatiu's of Marion, Morganlon fid Hickory in session at Hickory ht.d decided upon a general meeting at (ircciisboro of (Central highway m, pie -but net a Central high wav Dtnpose, either primarily or ex clusively). It is true that people ! 'lor; this route perceive that their i i'. (iutv ai.d epportunity have to du v.-it h the Central road, but they als- rcdizo that the entrance upon a uheme of highway buih ;r:d broad, for the. state ing, larg.1 of Nor i, i Carolina, is now in order, and that t;;i Central highway should simply he lilted into that Fcheme in in prooc:- place. The point that is bt- tn'4" I'inpiiasiy.ed in thij movement h v;tv . and means. n c" fat ion c a 1ur.il that will be svdficient for the ti't.-icni meeds of th whole stat'. A dispt :ch lrm Hickory rays that it F ex.:.i'ted towns and civics east i.t (ircffi-bc ro will begia to take no tice of v.hai i: beimr done in the vvc.'i Tlu. warrrr. Inl'nal? in hold ' -fDH" more '.ui gab or hood mec-tings including rne at States ville and one at Salisbuiy. working up from the western end to a climax in the mect i'ir i.t Greensboro; and the hint is !a!.') ri' l (.IfiMiint ' tn the eastern "ceiiiron- meet us at Greensboro t'i'l let us comnare forces ana cn- NORTH tliUMusmv." This should be like a; British combatant troops in" Italy who Hark to tender, in Lenoir, for in- j cooperated in the final defeat of the MiiUfi... where there is interest and I Austrian army at Viltorio-Veneto, Mlhu.da?m to spaie. It will be , capturing 30,000 prisoners, and that Urania if it does not evoke a re- jn the eastern theatres of war, Pales f pfne from Craven. Indeed, with j in0 and Mesopotamia, wiiere about I "v.- evecntions, there is rather mora 100,000 British troops on an average bi)g.d!)lc evidence of purpose to buih! , throughout .1018 were fighting, the 'touis in any of the counties to the j complete defeat and destruction of (i'--'t than in those to the west. "We the Turkish army was effected by 'lia!l he hearing from the people : tic Uritish alone, and a total of 85, 'lown that way, cn this proposition . jo prisoners taken. ' tliat conn s from the foot of the w following figures show the n.eimtamiv Pirect invitation for an exnression ; 1 views is comprised in a coin muni- i ('i"n from the Hickory chamber of, ''iinnerce, winch we are printing cioSSG- Australia, 410,809; New iHicwith. Salifdnry,' the railway v0..'a,u, 220.0D0; South Africa, P'u;, JU!!ction neint is r.r "a v-t.M-a i,uia 1,401,350; other colonies, people th . i-imir- cf t1 -s!em i:. The t-rand total was 8,654,- "uriq; liioy for affairs' cut Ulllll'I tU'.V IU IMl JV we of Salisbury, r-i.i 'hey ask us. of what h to tiv.m the '"''mote eart, to bestir oursel.es in Vrepu-uti.,n and put forth a pep ,( match theirs. It ii n challenge JPit should be responded to (u'.ck- Secretary Joy. of the Hickory ('ijamhor, remirds, the extra session "I t! t'PU'cneral asemblv mav convene i i,,, 1 1M ,JUy,- and we should p venatriated are not m- mv. ur plans matured before that! i fxj&w ' It may meet earlier thnn icIudoi' ,n thc forc80",fc' 'I'l.v; and indeed the governor has' . nZTt.x-tnn C Mirch rcr ,l,iiiniteiy r ,i? cai-' ' iGsf 'u Si ' special highway session, although s Alll0T1 lCt-nt n ,.. 'n10 fl t America HiU POINT CLOSES UP ' thp Associated Press "Wi Point, Feb. rj.-City csuncil h f!,," 11 tolay l,llH-ed (uarantine on (. j 'l VUZ11 iml closed up schools, I vmOUJi Ui 1.11C UW , - SC If.l'Cl, T PLATO ERE TO FUL .-cromed as a unit of the national! awn ii mo United States. the iIicKory platoon of Troop A, cavalry,! has been authorized to recruit up to j u;u i.rcngth and enlistments be received at, the armory ever meeting night, Lieut. Wade.V. Bow i : commanding tne local unit. ncunced today. No drill will be held; fnyJi nor will' t lie platoon meet un intlucnzii situation improves, meantime a requisition has til the the n con put . :n for P expected to I equipment am j on hand in wents or more. Sprinkled in the membership the platoon are a number of form er soldiers who will add much to its value and discipline! Hcmer J. Bowles is first top sergeant othe, : orgeants being Robt. P. Benl'ield Wil liam F. Buff. Herbert C, Childers and Kai'l F. RoiPol. The corporal ate Lewis C, Deitz, George A. Mo st!" and Hubert P. Snttlemyre. Er- in M'. Pa! k? is h.or?eshoer and Roy iC. Travis is bmk-r. i;;i;-t class 'privates are William 1). Wilfuift-, Harvey (J. VViifon, Will- ! in m 1" I .ail. Floyd Tlu m is 1j. " iehila. O.iv ii. Alexander. (!. Ineanmm an i The priv tjiioe.'t . it es are T ' 1 1 C' I- lew, Albert () Pcard, Charlc P.arkcr, Euci'er.e H. I Ji. iJe-niieio. icav Boleh. Clyde (). J Pu t on, Oscar Puff Guy C. Bum.uarner, Robert C. i'urns, Robert H. Rum;:, Paul 'M. C!a. "Charhv 11. CI inc. Thomas M. t m : ... i,-,.u... i) a r (ook, John Tb Day, Donald D. Drum, Walter P. Hamrick, Earl II. ilay, (Gilford 1. Isenhtur. Gee.rL.ve O. Lack- ev. Oscnv T. Pitts, O'yde .1 ert O. Richie, R:dei-h F. Pope Rob Re in ha nit, Orin L. Rink, Clarence T.:. Stutlemyre, (koro E. Talb-rt. "2 j Ry the Associated Press ndon, Jan. - States made the third lai United est con tribution in f i' htir;c- forces during thc war, making, approximately 2, 000,000 men, accordint? to figures rinih'd by l.ritish statistician Fr.-nie headed the list, while Great Britain cani" second with, a grand , i it.tal of f?,r,r,-l,-ifi7. The ration strength-of the Amer- j icr-n av:ny in France on Armistice Day, that is, the total number of men who were being fed from army stocks, is placed at - 1 .!2 1,000 while Great Britain's ration strength in til's theater on the same date 'was 1,731,573. This does not take into account nrisoners of war or the ne gro labor employed by England. r, ro-'vic comor.tam strength in France on Armistice Day is set (town !i. 1.P50.000 and Great Britain s ac 1.1(14.700. The combatant strength inciuiies an - iroims wnose iuncnoi are, in the first place, fighting. The captures of prisoners and guns I I 11 1- . J ,.J-i..r. n ranee during the victorious ot- fonsive acraint the German army oe- 'tween July 18 nnd November 11, at(i given as j OiIO vv.-i . British armies, 200 000 and 2.54C respectively: Freneli armies, 135,70 and l,SS0; American armies, 43,"CQ and 1.421; Belgian armies, 14,G00 and 474. It is pointed out that in addi tion to the above there wore 80,000 ' number of troops contributed by-the .,,.c. m.rt of the British em n ire cjurjn the war: Uritish Isles. 5,7040,410; Canada. Tho casualties of the troops of the Britisti empire are stated as follows: British Isles, killed 632,083; in issmg or prisoners, 140,312 wounded, 1,- Losses of troops from India, Can- ada, Australia and other parts oi tne empire brought the total to, killed, 1ir, ml'.L.inw nurl nvisOHOt'S 142.- - . . r i i S'ii,lA ' 1 oflf a 6 on tne western Aiunt, ihn wpstorn Iront. in ration strength, when the armistice was signed. The French he said had 550,000 men, the United States, 1,- 050,0000 and the British, including the Portuguese who were - serving with them, 1,718,000. General arch ; am f t.o tho pnmnarativc figures i Inf it, a nntir.-ml armies showing their I tllU IlWirf iBir, . . . . TRO ILLIEOillESBl BIG WESTERN Fli . . . HICKORY, N. C.JHURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY iS20 - fjj l . THE TRUCE THAT FAILED" !;WlLS0fJ DID NOT .Held at p.u, minutt: ri'i.'ht yiiicn 1 sougnji i r. rv . . the at the last tabic left t , Dr. Anton by di?ap,TeGr.ient amon.c the nro Military and political ' reprf Est'honia Mi!i ?U-v of Fo-reitni i lf.il; I'ilP sentir.'v the Bolsheviki. the Uumblia, By tlie Associated Press Paris, Feb, o. Relations between the allied powers and Germany seem to have arrived at n crisist as a re sult of the refusal of Baron Kurt y Ltvsner, hoa-d of the - Gerriian . gation to forward to Berlin tne names ai' (Jermans whose extradition has been demanded by the allie mis attitude seems to linn an echo m the ,1-. BerliiT cabi: it, wnicn lu'.s expr Loncion (iis- patches say !S;sc(i seeming ikiron Kurt Berlin last defiance of the allies'. von Lersner left for night. The list of Gc rmans accused of violations of th; iaw war whose arraignment is contemplated by the allies will be sent to Berlin direct by the council of ambassadors. It is pointed cut here that meas ures, to compel Germany to carry out the extradition clauses of the Ver sailles treaty will be adopted. DEATH OF MISS FINGER 71 T p.' ; Ann Fimrpr nasscd awav mid.inght at the heme of her nepnew, Mr. Charles EL Finger, after a week's illness. Mis Ann, knovn as Aunt Annie" to friends and relatives had been five or j aunt of a semi -in valid for th? last IX VT'v years. he was tiie s. J. A. Lentz and Miss Gertrude Finger. The 'funeral services and inteimen will bo held at Grtica church Fri av morning at o'clock and wi oe L. conducted by her paster, Fesperman. Rev. Markets COTTON By the Associated Press New York, Feb. 5. There was a reViewal of liquidation in the cotton market this morning and opening unchanged tc 40 points lower, active months soon sold 60 to 65 points be- jow iast night's closing figures, with IMarch selling at oJ.PU and July at -0.70. There was some trade buying on the decline, however, and the market rallied after the sharp open ing break, with July selling about 40 points from the lowest on covering. " PRODUCE Effge per dozen i Hens and roasters per lb. 24c Old Roosters, per lb. 12c Country butter, per lb. . 40c Creamery butter, per lb. '. 08c Pork (125 to 275), per lb. 18c Pork (under 125 and over 275) per lb 17c GRAIN (Corrected daily by Horseford Milling Company) Wheat i ' $2.75 Corn per bu. $1.S0 Oats, per bu. .... $1.00 Kye, per ou. ' ' i -n i $4.aC j Ccmpeas . i - Weattier : For Ncrth 'Carolina Partly! cloudy tonight and .Friday, not much! Cliaiigu Hi iCiiipticiLUiie' uiiuniisiiizig i i .i - ' mm IknnIki AN S k Kh M V Mhl- OVER - GhRMAN . IFDtMANlJ- BE RESUMlD - . i . ' ! i ' end tlu botvvo eleat: s-?ntatr rJardin .aairs, Litiv noff's secret'a s?ra-. Internation- d 'brotherhood' 1' officers of the unit Di mamenaucc 'railway iaooreri mcc: here "'tin- afternoon tc conside-r the decision of the railroad administration in regard to increased wages. Before the meeting Allen A. Bar kc .", grand president of the brother nocd, said that if a satisfactory ad justment of wages was not decided upon by the railroad administration an immediate cessation. of work by the organisation's 300,000 men will be ordered. NO AGREEMENT REACHED By the Associated Press Washington, Feb. 5'. There was no indication today of an agreement between Director General limes and. the railroad brotherhoods in regard to increased wages. . -at g--0.i cue .-vssociacea rres. r?ianl):cr. Ky.5 Feb. 5.- romnt decision Morrow by Govt and the rJdwin ccomess of SheTrY averted r.nmmr rr r1 h'rn'rur! cnnnhr .serious trouble last night I state reformatory guards, I sheriffs and policornen and betveen deputy "several manured farmers who came here bent cn the lynching cf Will ' Locket t, con fessed murderer of little Geneva Hartman ( south Elkhorn school girl; Following an appeal of the sher iff and a warning that they wera go ing into a "death trap," the mob dis persed" after midnight. Notified that a mob had been form ed at Lexington to come here for I.oclctt, who wras b i 1'U.H ii 1 to tne rer came iformatory, Governor Morrow : here and took cliarge. By the Associated Press i Washington, P'eb. 5. Increased use cf toSaacco among women during 1010 was ''app'aling" according to the board of temperance, prohibition and morals tof the Mtthodist 'Episcopal church. " , . In a statement made here today the board called attention to the ne cessity of making an earnest appeal in . -iT.m.Vrravi tn "r..-i-fv;)!Tl -frrm rifi nc:f c to?acco i" t he name of national -welfare, no. matter what the natural rights of the wroinen might be. xiji HO . Misses Mamie Sue and Effie John son, who accompanied the remains of their mother to Hickory for buriai, have returned to New Orleans,. A'ic.y hl.c gucjia i"i;. - a . . .- to ; L-y the Associated Press prain smir nnurnssnn ' r I h h i -L - mzm ivmpucdcI : UHLU W L U L Oi IT I ! ! , ;! iWOMEN TOBACCO . : ' U fiS NCRFJSt! Sovivet Russia, the trn'f.nU. ' frontier protetion. Sedated at ana lieprresentative from Lithuania, Livinoff ropre- By of Lac iissociatea rress Washington, Feb. 5', Limitation senate debate on the neace troat.V tl:. i ugh cloture rules which the sea ate committee .. had before, - ft - todav ad small chance of being enforced, cecrdinp- to seriate leaders. From prc-seu treaty 'indication-: tney believe thi will land in the senate Mon- ay -ivifh the bars down and the do- i Pi t s ' " i restrained. ome senators ratified eeheve the treaty will be within ten days. a i . Douglas T T . 1 Ariz., Feb. 5. 5. Lieut. G. W-olfe, army .u. osiiei and L. M. aviators who made a forced landing across the border last Monday, wore still neiu - oy Mexican today -an, new pressur. i i 1 t i n r- o facials early ! was brought bear by American officials along tin irdcr to obtain their :lease. The i Gijicero are being tre ted well, ac- cording to reports, and tion is only technical. their deten- MMf unnt By the Associated Press' lNorioiK va, reo, o. uamage es-j timated at more than $500,000 was j cicne toaay oy wind and the unpre cedented tide accompanying the storm at Ocean View and Wifloughby. More thn a score of families are maroon ed, water rising from two to four feet under their homes and others are moving frcm the flood district. Ey the Associated Press Copenhagen, Feb. S. ?e"m?rk;j Norway, Sweden, Finland and Holland have agreed they will not resume trade with soviet Russia before Russia's debt to nationals of these counries has teen met or guaranteed, it was indi cated today. An invitation to a conference to be held scon at- Geneva to governments of all P being issued European coun- tries and the Unite, States to di cuss the Russian situation. WATER RISING IN PORTSMOUTH CITY Ey the Associated Press ; Portsmouth- Va., Feb 5. Water was sthll rising early today in some sections oi Portsmouth m the Eliza- keth river district, the stream being j far out of banks. " I i Dinwiddie street from North street i to the river is . a torrent. i i I 1 f I i life 10 FREE AMERICAN OFFICERS MOT. n a its nr S Noll UMiVIAbt t i i i mhu mm pav i jlSiifllliU ilKSWii i ill . .-4 . ' TIN mt TRADE; 1 ' i I PRICE FIVE CENTS By the Associated Press Washington, Feb. 5. Various in-t-'mations and reports that President Wile-on might have known in ad vance of the contents of Viscount Grey's recent letter on the status of the peace treaty were met by admin istration leaders today that while thev ciid nct fiire.to assume the position of denying them, there was no truth in the intimations. indications that the government here rather -was- inclined to feel that the" president would have been advised of Viscount ray's ex-' pressions in advance of the letter. Viscount Grey, writing as a private citizen expressed approval of the Ledge' resolutions and reminded the iiciMi puoiic mat memtxrsiup in the leagu3 of nations was a mi tie tie-" pai-Uire for the United States and that its participation was desirable on spy basis;' Soretary Lansing said that pub llshe! reports that th? president had sent a letter of protest to Hie Brit ish government were absolutely , un true. iS F0LL0WE1 bk mm SKIES Only a little more than an inch and a half of rain fell in this sec tion, Tuesday land Wednesday, de spite Hie fact that it seemed w that ti.o suortage for six months was made up in two daySj. The skies became cloudy on Sunday and clouds scanned about lively on Monday, j ground heg day, to be followed Tues day by a regular downpour. The I precipitation ,cn .Tuesdjay was 1.37 I inches and on Wprlnp'srlav 9.. innhva. making a total rainfall for the two days of 1.C0 inches. The mercury registered io degrees this morning and there was no ice anywhere dur ing the night. The clearing weather, however, seemed destined for a short period, as the south soon Was streaked with .fcicuds. A few days of warm sunshine would do much to improve the flu situa tion here and it is to be hoped that Jupiter.. Pluvius will desist for at least two weeks. mmmm Ey the Associated Press York, Feb. 4. The cotton JNCW market was demoralized today by heavy general selling, which followed the serious weakness in foreign ex change and the report that England had declared an embargo on cotton. Prices broke sharply 180 points or $0 a bale under last night's closing, May declining to 31.50 and July to IRIN8IN0 SOLDIERS BACK FROM SIBERIA By the Associated Press Washington, Feb. 4. Half of the 8j,0Gt0 American soldiers (in Siberia have been withdrawn. The war de partment announced today that on January 27 there remained 271 offi cers,, 4,910 enlisted men and 500 ci- j vilian welfare workers. ; NOTICE OF QUARANTINE At a special meeting called by the Board of Alderman of the town cf Brookford, it was passed that it ; will be unlawful for any child to go to the store, or any public place; Lia shall be unlawful for any one j excepting nurses, to go where there is a case of influenza. In violation of this law, a line of SiO. shall be placed, churches, fheatres and from S3, to All schools, other publie j gathering places shall be closed, j beginning at 12 o'clock February 5th. i No child under fourteen (14) years cf age shall be allowed . on the J streets. This ruling of the council I is for an indefinite pencd. (Signed), ED MITCHELL, Mayor P. L. WARREN, E. L. ZIMMERMAN, E. L. TAEBUSHT MUCH DE M'C OTTON MARKET i i - v,. i J3ay ii or in winus i K'c,

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