MECORB Era- a n V0L. V. NO. 121 HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY L-920 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESIDENT WILL DECIDE AS TO RAILROAD i t t I t I i STRIKEj t I Last Members of A.E.F. Reach Home I 1 ' Disposition of Wage Demands Put Up to Him by Both Parties and in Meantime Brother- i hoods Plan for Strike of Over Two i Million Men. A !',"'". 1 1 1 i .I'.'V lit' i )ci;i I ed I' CP .01 aa;on lit (;i! . Ill' I'lOSS 12. Disposition mds of more thai: rail ,vav li.-inds VI 111 employe.- uu 11 big forth the view; .ItCKOIvY KEPIJESEX TiTii AT WOMAN'S CONFERENCE returned i. sdrs. Vv'. H. Ramsay lia , ii--... i.- i. .. I Will ,. .4: . ..II!- 11)1 . I. I, ll' -.rp ho went to attend tin woman's con -! forenco held February 7-9, in the in- i In Mi IOC t I ,-orid move- 'A i in tho controversy - erest cf the interchuroh world reasons way the un- ;uc:it. The impark; nee of this con ;n iniinediat? increase ! volition v:is .limu.iiJvnfi f-i explaining j that two hundred women from ilc could United States at large gathered in i i I, . Hi ivi'.; and tin- (it Ik hjnuitt' General Mines r,f .a sucii increase on inc i v asningion to discuss the cause rep-; i turning b :-..: of tho rail- j .resented ly the interc-hurch move- -i . i i it i r o.vnors were in course merit. , ..,.:! i a this inornin,ir and will' -The Southern PresyterLan church j , -, I he fore the president. j vns represented by (ive women, name-! ,-i.n. lo lav the mat'..'r before 'V)"-:- VV- r- w insboi ought, of St .... I . ii... t ir t.- .. ai.,1 i ma ( ale vender-: '""" 1 '' - jiucc ui i!;uiiini;i, i WILSON TO CA i T LL GREAT INCREASE TAX VALUES SHOWN iy the - Associated Press Washington, Feb. 12. Tig meeting cf the cabinet Mi J. T. Ram?eiir. rhnirmnn vf the Catawha county beard of tax appraisers) i. in H icl-v fU i.,r.n will be called and presided over bv i w-l--:,-,,,. n . taxation and attending lo other work next nrcbabi v President Wilson. Secretary Laiisin: who has been issuing lie mceings for several calk said 01 or :0 ooard. It will be three mecings tor several months said to- four weeks before all the real prop aay - he had written cabinet ohieers : erty in this city and township is would be no more mec-t-: :1?I'C r' 't will be about May 1T ' , , x- . 1. , . i i present. This is taken : "tl,utc .U1- tcun,:- uoav is ready to fh.:f m.i?s for tli to mean that the president will cad the cabinet together himself. Throughout the president's illness I uS ineludnir it!tiil ;r- For they were anions jac n.'i.t : i m Mr. Mines and represerUu c auployees had failed te i.t.i (.1" v, h Me i:u'hit Ui'reennMit. tared for .prerentation t house the statements di-i the separate rrievances .fo! he: liootl of maintenance Mr. Mines did not dis feature, eak in the '-wajre ne'-voti'1 1 1,,!;;, whivli (-.trail here Keruary . ,.,.in y. .'terday after Director (Jen -!:;! Mine; iia.d reiterr.ted his iew. id U'ai.'v nei'.'a.-e should ie in-: Ii- l.y the fj:o'en:ment just as it j; to end operation. Th? em- iin1. i s tiiat I In- iii Mis. Price of Virginia; Irs. ilowjand of Augusta, (la.; aiid -Mrs. j W. H. Hamsay of Hickory. These women were chosen delegates to it; conference, and while' the state o Xorth Carolina is grateful for r' pi of havin.u- such an able rc prescntativc a:-. ?.Irs. lianisay. w-h some tune heen at the nea V r.rr ( i it in1! it n ,r I en American soil Th rear A. E. F. li-hiers t : --:-c':- .-'art- and o arrive back Pert Walt- aas toi Hickory is ep( Iv honored as be the home of this lady. 'Ik Coin num. ty Courage ( 'harlotte Oltserver. In these times when tho people o' some communities are excited o.oi tot.u the position that since influenza possibilities and the peo i. I,.-,,! boon li. I! in nhrv-'plo in a II eo m m u n i t le s aie more 07 .. . . ...... ... - - ... K 1 1 ri-1. 1 1 I ! i lu it Ik 3 K & Bl W. iPt f fnutt f 1 fl e Mk ! i - s e b 1 r. ii s a a er: m n ss&e b ii&ss?; ILirt UrUNbULNiflftU LflKlit ruiMui 1 to nrnni-r I ' nor .' u rr r r mr before th. : TiiakO )'-.S rePC rt te. tll,' I'm-nnfiiriiiii ! commission. On . the basis of UI'. property v.ti- !otn real and personal ' the cabinet has met regularly and - jl'opert-v tncr- will be an increase I when the coal strike situation l iik(; -450 e cent; .ic ! . appeals, and 11 w.ll be-, safe m j came acute the meetings were in-; predicting that instead cf ia total ; creased to two weekly. There was valuation of about $1 0.000.000, Ca no rncetins; yesterdays. For som--' .ta vba eonuty will have between ! time the president has been improv- ! ;000 .0,000,000. . , 0 , rr ,. i:!1 increase, it now aopears, wl I Yal-b.V and Secretary 1 unmhy fa oil Vt.ry fow arsons those j said he had never seen him looking whoso '.property has Vjcrne nothing i better. ! iike its fair proportion of taxes. ! 'Vacant lots in towns and r-ih"c u-ill iic raise d many tim s. ef course, but : under the new tax rate many pieces ; ot property, the great majt i it v in 101 PMKE WAS 1 Will V ;s taxes. The aver age taxpayer will be benefited. SERIOUS IN 0FFER!s1?IHESi 1 TU IT.,.n 10 T- ,.,J. ; I'.-'-H.V Oil . . ' I ti' g ? OT 1'eiiaDle quarters that years ot tho cost cf r "valuation and he is hopeful that some system will tu.uurated to keepjhis unlisted m r redcricl Will.' 1111 was r crmer serious in making his offer to surrender him relf in place, of -accused Germans and it is beli?ved here the allies wnl j accept his offer. a 1 i 1 ri-i ine nooK?, 111c percen- tau.j or ur.nsLe.i nrcnertv is-not as real in this o:untv in others. I but-, there is a good de.d. of it. ! T'ersenal perty. it has been I: lie An, is heiivr listed at nearly its !"tiue value ir I!! d many millions cf dol- soivent credits, which form- ..hal of hi It kaiser oisap noves ;:i:rr viiiee .July ' by tlu ui tin- ground that vmiil he ahated. they were jujstiliv in picking their demands, hvs'hlent Wilson will hav? a per : 1 " ; miiiil j 1 . . . , 1 1 it. 11 1 .-, 1 living eosi nervous oer )tobab!e deyeloj past mie-i't. I e well to ovei records of the infleenza epi- : cai people were By the Associated Press Washington, h'eb,. j.",. The tci a'tvsi; the ( :ed 1 domic ami contra '--t it with the r rd of tho existing epidemic. The j mortality reports than to the reports! t0 t(-Ut seJt m acvotion to ecua-1 auditorial dir?tc testimony. Higf i C .-..-.iv !m,i nv't ;, i'kps Tlier.- ic f try and to f uniiatiienta! nati(;r.;.'i ; ; -..h-. 4'.,... .i cratary to find tf Abraham Lincoln the in tlie i 1 i c inspirati-.-n I-, s ;..l:-C'v ivrocccdini: u I'ress j - Kapnts, .Michu reb. V.d. t . . of Benton Harbor started ! m tne rsewoci'ry el act ion 4 .,1 : ... . v iiiisi wis Jii.ji n;i IT -.j-1-1 the former 1 son's plan. The report that the gvand dure I !' .lsse and his son and likewise vca erman en the- extradition list we escanof into Holland and are aiscredited at the Dutch foreign ofa- s learned herei '.rly escaped elite red on a! ill taxati.n, is being lart;s of tl;e stale. The Catawba ( unty beard is striv ing for uniformity in realty value:-'; in the hope that the' taxation bur et n s will bo c-'iuai. I v l.'enive'ir -.'titl Horn hii 1-eii Uam cetnoa.rr 1 j revaluation. ly !U coiV::-)Iaint over and much tf th: 3 com- coiifc. coce tomorrow with three-jt f new and, existing cases. Mill' n-iivs''i;l,.t'.ve of tho railroad brr.t-i-! doubt in the world that the grip ! principles of liberty ar-a . rlmod., to dix'iiss wage domanns enjtr ihliuetK'.a is now as wiuo-spreari . .... .t- r.--. .. nvn .111 t a .win .) I ,1 11 I 11. I. I nitvil l.tnwi 'lll.v -1 It It l.- '-.VJ .Vlili-- tl-r ini, nil. lwi 1 he'to railroad employees wnu-:. i" to he referred to him today b birci'tor (icneral Mines. j The hrel iierhootls will see the pres-j Lit. lit on t ho south portico of t hi j while ho'j't", where th.' president .hcihIs a part of each morning. Ic- ' p. re cevng the men, Mr. Wilson wsii . stiitlv the information furnished ' the nalienai justice. 'The memory of Lincob;'' . secretary ot state, 1 . fall. no was clerk of the grand jury recalled the testimony of J. te. That office said it ebd not ssdoa it oossihi? lov-t-ncraen named 10 have crossed the frontier. plaint is due to agitation. con- ,1 "(! him ,e ttntion will not be denied that the tieath rate is vastly d iff '.'rent in that I bio origin, of his to tlu 1! is so very much smaller,. It varies j highest honor in the gift c f hi ra w. as i t varied in 10 IS- heavy in ; ccunt ,.ymc.lf of hi, l:nsmpa.vCa sor. oiiM" j(c;.iiii ics aoo u;iit 111 otiin n 1 . . .. no locality in the United ! v oiu rom Siites lias renoif come of conditio! at any way cr m parable to tliose t v--'ting whvn inf:uena held the na il on in its gtasp in the great e-f)i- f 1P1S. The first visit atton to his people and of his ttnsur passed devotion to duty slv. old a; - I peal to Americans at this time. H' 'idrtli ii. Haskins be fere- itt He said II as kin?, met Hannibal at Lansing and tcok emjdoyinent for $45 a week. Iiigsbt-: said tho Haskins told him the appropriation was $KG0G0, but A PLAN FOR Hi'lICH IIEIIGIM Sprin c 0 li me I' ll en: ic ( of infliu-nza was in September, Oc- tii; general alarm. same mem as in It wa-i dtirin; the director g. rieral was in come. - top(0r .lluj November. 1 i)17, when ( nee witli Mr. Tumulty this moi ning . cath rate was not so iarg.' as 1,, 1 (i nn tut 11 .-tin 1 in Pi 4 dlle to com- i au -e iii-i iiii 1 1 1 in hi 11 .I.-- , ... - . 1 . .. 11... c niemoraiioum en' me . I I . . I . . I . . . I . . I I A at win oe aswe.i 10 u.i.wi- v- ,;, ,.,,1111 rv a niost into a Dnriiig the three months of that 1 ,In commemorating j Abraham Lincoln, wj 1 'iic A mericau spirit i haucr whicii to is was in Mas! ; a w ai: das;; v. ni-is. ic: 'ns lea 1 ; Hi scd later. was transferred later t $1,000 in ca? on Flovd' rer of 22 ;eern? o time- Flovd was settlim Uie pcrmif ication. I I ! I ' I I ' .tt'ii:. V. .1 '"i 1 Kl I ae.-t ion. iht u.Mhin nir.'U'i ' in is; tnav the .J '.'" 'deaths develope,! en a scale to throw ! hold and the proper care I 11:1 the country almost into a panic. ; -'"'I" lf n , he is taken to a pilal. It home condition I'lnii'AiiK van STitEK i-: ,' tll' A Di troit, ' 1 a 1 1 1 :,,a: ; e vy. od:".- hv Pro lilllV. il ,, fi fit :-i 1 it" Ill' (lll'C'K'l While plans aici'ited Pro.s-s. Micih, I'eli. r ( re opened 12. in 15 e nr. : L i. fherhood maint mnrce el lane r- 1, !OS- are sat- ; lyear, th?re were 12,S2i deaths in , lstactory our reiiresenfatives nnu ; i Phila.iebdiia whieli ciiy scored the j out whether M12 iamily has a private : i h.vgo-t pe-ventage to v-Ptdation physician, and if not a physician f j The ri were o.VlH? deaths in tt-U-1 he Hoard of Health lakes charge of. Itimore which established a death! the case. j rat" cf 0.2 to th? 1,000 people. .There '-Now." says Doctor Copied.' lucre S..SC5 deaths in Chicago, ana ; ' how niuch better it has been Lo have rthe rate was Tiio total num-i those children under th2 comaan; M MM PAYNE : field Republi?an. Tiro ;lan - before the church fereace at Philadelphia for a evan gel ical den 0111 i n t ion s to give ):omise of deiinite and sun nam lai progress -coward cnurcn unity. Tho plan is promising from the very fact tiiat it waives the ouosiion ol unicy, ac least Tor inoi time being. What is sought is roc- J ognition by formal ackncvicdge:iu-nt j and organization of the fact long ago j AMEREHN TROOPS LEAVE VLADIVOSTOCK fly the Associated Press. London, Feb. 12. A wreless dis patch from Moscow today says: "The American troops guarding the Siberian railway are being wiih ira.n from. Vladivostok. ( s- - )ted that the denominations virn i Ot i i OOjlS i jin progress tor several w?oks. s: 1 1;; ii'.ovees am 1 shiih the natioa-whY ailed for February 17 ,1 .r the strike ' hav " been in'iije, ui:i(.n officials here do I;.m only an agreement betweor. 1 ' pi'o-viiiatiees 'in Wi.r-.h i ngton 0 ' I'd Silent Wilson can avert the alk ' 1 it . If such an agreement is made ii n.ii.d come before Saturday night "i' h will he too late to call off the III!,!'. :.or of deaths ir. iOd. but the rate New York was waf-' only .'5,i. which ii)nn to close the s-ohools. 20,- observation of '.(ualiiied 1 2 1 son:-: I.!- H-.:. ton, Feb. 12. John liar ton laiuot ci reunenem, 1 a .. .T . 1 TT-. I i a ihi;li t i. yj 1 tut- j .1 Til 1 X" vas the smauesi lierceiuage oi r f the Ir.rg-U- cities. The- deaths in 'i v i children run the streets and assorohh ,vhcn and wh.-re thev would and if eluded both cas2sj ol inf luenza ana j hcv get innuen.a to let- the m -ct it pneumoJiia, the fatality of the for- Upder conditions of which the Health mc-r appeared to bo about 00 per department had no knowledge ami in tent over thai or trie lauer. iuov.lir:' i it va not rtreoared irom t , I he Associated Pros? Wash in iyi;2 of Illinois has been selected Prosidcct Wilson to be secretary the interior to succeed Fsanklh. Lane. Mr. Payne is 110 ;v chairman the United States shipping board. all their points of distinction, 'members, cue of another;" that ihosv "purpose is essentially the srme. Tl'ie plan presented to the confer ence Wednesday hv Bishop - Orders for the withdrawal of th? American soldiers from Siberia were given last month and the movement from Vladivostok has been a rep;''1-Episcopal the report THE HiJ P w'.th u I S. Be mo situation in our se- vear the ratio is ri-versed. I start to d:a The tig eves were obtained from 1 the best way. To other words, tiio census bureau of the depsrt- iCOntrol of the children in sehco nu-nt of cfmineree and tliey are be-; cured them a degree ing us:-d hy the national association ', 'Would not have been possible if tlic-y i of motion pictures industry, as a j pa( b?en allowed loose on the streets. propaganda !.mi moreover, the schools gave us rry .Houston asked tnc state tnat it was she an church, was embodied in of a committee cf 50 appointed i n December, 1118, to represent various j denominations on the invitation of the : Presbyterian ehuich. Associated un- : dc r tho name of the "United church- j es of Christ in America," it is prcpos- etl that the clergy and tho laity shall -had! each retain it? individual form I of government but shall delegate dm- j portrait legislative aim executive now JOHNSON IN RACE IN NORTH DAKOTA By the Associated Press Bbmarck, N. D, I eb. 12. -Petitions who had instituted 1 ers to a- general council which shall teiv mat 1 ji.tideotv j !! : orce 1 )rcceedmgs . Mr. Belmont REFUGEES ON BOARD matter of course as -o-ii'iht tho clc-aing up system va opportunity to educate both the Ovl nrou 1 r on account ci iet e. ery two years. It is Tir,:'cf-m nrvp.t- : e that he clergv and t,ne. taay snaa on a warrant sworn be eoually represented, m the council ny ght noi or for 1 1 J 1 T. - Tif.n.e.iiiitifivt and i nr.i tnat me numoer 01 The cose ; trom each denomination shart 1 1 councilor;" i trial. be in g Hiram Johnson, Republi can senator of Claifornia., ;on the preference primary March 17 for president w ?re hied here today. Petit lions circulated at Devils Lake and thev' places fcr General Wood have, lot been filed. :ho SHIP WHICH SANK It must bo remembered that D- I proceedings begun, it!:2 meantime of ; urn adoption all over the country, tne ; children and their parents L iiuiiU being made that in New 1 ork, j aemanTis of h?alth." the only large city in wmcn orve move theaters wer hvu open, lo. Onnoinn, m.nko5 nrlm'i.m tbs-t 1 settlement ot their case hy mortality was likhtestt The report j ofhcv' COnrmunities which put on It is understood that he of Doctor Copela-nd health eommis- ; , . t elosino-.n cmai .mtine miod-t I s:ek divorce. 1 ork, 13 largOjV : , Uri(, ina Ui,!, ,1- lnl rnndi. i -S--C 1 1 1 r i vMiAnz-viA r innhrM r -7 ire "ri'i 1 . as eivopped, it seems, aim onoree i'n'i toi ..v. t..,-. v.x QjT-vnjFI?' W'l) VTTTFIi the husbaiu m . m-urne ants'. it is a sort or. leueiaij - rv, k-t iv 1 system, but apparently with no poo- r t: I I C l 111 i v. v. J s-, I I I t i 1 I ! agreeing to )ay her ivi one y m o n t h i y p 0 n ('in g also will ENLIST IN MARINES vision tor a f the principle cf denominational 1 W .Ues-Barr-v Pij, . Fdj. if -Joe the l-y the A snoi te I ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 J ; t ihoi)!. "aiii receive io.'s that llie ress e, ! h. 12 --a fivini 'arn' lusvieu liner rue appear to justify the cor 1. r ctfi' the iivid which rue1'. a h'nno did was lost recently had TOO Bus i:oi rcfitive.'s (h boor I frora O.hssji ef them weie saved. ic.idtine in suppression among the public as ;one of :t)on -st factors in spreading .a.. : i. : a a. 0'ii'a. cr anv omer comt-Muv; 1f " ' .. . , . ' 11 Ii .. TV. , .suits eae lor that maiter. it wiis wui- tor Co))eland who stooo out aaiut , m to ue V, !': the picture t aows on ai fn dpei.-le. but. the noir.t. udvd""'il' s"ale, but he admitted! , ' , - . ... I. I-,..,. i.nn oi'f o how iniiqP.S i n:t- vu--,--! ' "'"" l r- voincr of Aew 1 oi'K, 13 nil g-J i.,,,,, ;,-c-e,fwi,l lol nniAi. I . - - ( , , utiVt ut t -i .UJi;iit.u i..v t,utitn- drawn upon in promulgation ci tiio ti It was his familiarity with v t -T . 4.1 X 1 iNOW 1 on: ceinaiii ion 3 tnat cuu.; .-(iij birn to take the stand lie did in fore--; 11- ; ...u: . Ifiivumnc. .-,-.-..1 .... ! ! SLaillML! IJilOltlvv ii.t 1 u. 1 1 1 1 1 c , ciliii it - ,,,dUf Wlio-imv tbi lfk -vi 1 ten-r - summer anei r rancis 1 a hick vvh.- t' '.lim-.flO'A fVm cvi-islW rlnnftminn- i enlisteil on the same flay in the joining rem a ire; to bo The degree of acuteness of irse 1 -T... -Vr..l-. A-fl-nn ..11 Ir 1' pursue'll 111 m'U xtiir.. nuci cm, ii matter tor local gov- Markets a lions from seen the issue,- if it should prove to be ar. issue would doubtless be determin ed somewhat by how much- 'auto nornv was left to them. It is pro- 1 . .1. i : x i a.. . 1 nnseo tcr eo aneaa wun tne o:ua United. States marine corps here. Summer and Winter present a striking contrast. Summer is only five feet four the minimuf -height for a marine, and Winter is six feet-two, the maximum height. Summer wants to be an itthletic COTTON !- i IT . i I . . r - : provided the convention approves, as instructor, e inter o.ans 10 uecuiue soon as six denominations formally u "sea-goin marine. W ... slinuhl 1.0 the in all cities, '": T , tiO 0V ",f lUnttert, per (tiUHIIt-o 01 n' ; . mmilnnnc ' tin i n 1 nr I "t; C 1 o ! .,io nnnrso tho cosine- ot . i'i't.- -i' il'lJMtl ill. " ' ' I ' 'v.. . ---- " of existing ' accept it ' PRODUCE P The11 growth of the pirit of Chris Hens and roasters oer lb. . 24c tia" fellowship manifested in the . . - 1 rt -1 1 lb. 12c i l-T.adedphia conterence has neon 40c ; : furthered by- the recognition of solemn material facts. Ac Country butter, per lb. av uiicia riiNc; OUCPd! IN IIICKOUY Mr. mate ICopelund also opposed, the closing oi'' lg th- unnecearv alarm cf ! amery butter, per lb (J8e i seme sciemn matenai lacoi,, ,ec- le public schools, having gone so ; " "H. J11, in t-or i Pork (125 to 275), per lb 18c I cording to testimony appearing at f-r -U to av that "if every school the peopic.. iaipui-icness m ci .j.. i . nmlor or, 'i ,,.pr 97ra .npr session of the conference, r- ch u- n V ie c V were taken ill I ; should be always guarded against ; 1 ork (under l.o and Ovcr-o) per denomininational rivalry which the i lh .e entertainers to keep th.-nd the town which m botn normal jib. - 1'C gor plan aims at removing has nublic Lf W"" Detailing the i and abnormal times maintains a con-,. I resulted in the erection of more than I . uth'r" - aken on .school .rootles of cleanliness under an affec- ; .f AIN ! 1 00,000 superfluous churches in the 'ml var l Dofctor Copeland says in U ive health control, will always, find ; (Corrected daily by Horseford Milling ; thc United States. Eighty-six per j and y'h locuii euci !in abundant room for hesitation on i Company) Uf ,f tho PmiP.tpnf fhnrr-lu of, , - I v t "e tcache; If she the important matter of sab ioctnur wheat , -....$2.75 3 United States, it was said have fas un i in' noi red eves, a ! -ts People to the excitement and m-jCorn per bu a seating capacity of 53.000.000 or cu 3, or t sv ims cf coM criivenienc of a wholesale closing 0ats per bu $1.00 . three times as great as the num- C.liy:.',.01 M. "id i Pnt. to a 'of churcnes and public places of ,? bu $1.90 i 1,pv of noonle attending services in pos I-. Ferris, boatswain's '-. now on recruiting duty at ' harlotte, was in Hickory yesterday b-r the purpose of placing posters 111 the- itderest of the navy, securing n-i'Mf-s of probable recruits and ar-''-"wiiiir for literature to be publish the Record. The navy, which ls f verituble school in the arts and 1!l,',lM,ll,"'l trades, is offering un- . . "'dilccir.fiUs to voiifo-.' oir.7 wlviMM f nor mirsps or doctors deter l I j I . ifl ' Vtlk. - "'," o see sf 1 1. 1 . 1 1 11 1 .u me sanu eives t.r homo. SOLDIERS ORDERED HOME WITH WIVES f - ohundred . lipvino'. tn the disruntion of 100m dv nunscu to u.wt -: .y , ,r 1 ,. r....T:: i ,W4a r., Un thnmiKf llv examined. It he CmiC COiu u uiis emu tut; (iisiuiuanio ha 1 th C n te pernturo or is found toi of the minds, of .the inhabitants. In j ' vo influen7a he is sent home in! the face of an impending epidemic j he cure of th board of health, and j of any kind an mte bgent apnlica-1 Weather S4.o0' these churches. there has been a i marked tendency in the last few I years in many rural and urban com irounities toward meeting this situa- Bv the Associated Press . Coblentz. Feb. 12. Tw and fifty soldiers of the American forces in Germany who have married European girls have been instructed to start ysoon for America wit'" their wives, in accordance with an order recently issued. About 200 soldiers have married German girls since the American unething of the world I mines at once whether his home no time ociuii) them-L-nndition?. are such that he can oe; usetul ccupations at COIHIIlIOJlri iiit autn - , -i 1 n 1 1 i, ,,M,r JJ5n1-iti.)ii to Dro-i business loss which was needlessly Uct the other members, of the house- jir.vited. finn lnpjillv bv- mpre'ers. unions and tion of courage might operate to l ! working plans and this, fact gives soldiers reached the Krone, the oin the protestion of a community f rom j For North Carolina: Probably rain! strong ground for believing that the--- crg included having married pri much worry, social disruption and Hate tonight or on Friday, not much i plan - sunder 1 consideration at Phila- . T, , " ;.c, "" or on riiucii, iittt uiucii ; pj-an - .'.onuer eyrisKierauoi'. at -j-inia- 1 T, , fr:ri change in temperature gentle vari- j delphia. is, generally sneaking, in ac-;!31111 J'lvncn c'1,cn cr fcUiS able winds. ! cordance with the trend of the- times. ! Belgium and Luxumburg. ; i r. -v s it 7 0

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